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Beloved Friends Yet again, yet again, bits and pieces coming together from everywhere! It's nice to get some news from Byron. And I was even able to fit in a very last minute email from I'une (Letter to the Editor on page 14), Being faced with the reality of losing our Centre I feel even stronger about keeping the Osho Wings going in order to keep the communication open between us. If you have any events scheduled, remember to list them in the Wings so everybody can find out about them. Another good way of supporting the existence of Wings is to actually subscribe. It creates energy and makes it easier tn sell advertisement to new advertisers vvith an increased circulation, Keep sending wr i t ten material and ideas and see you again in 3 months...
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Ma Sh a nti Mandana Ma Prem Maneesha Ma Prem Sono
Osho Wings • PO Box 977• Fremantle WA 6959
Pf>/fax: (08l 93'I 9 3310 • mandanaOf>otlinks.net.au
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"I Photos reprinted by permission of Osf>o International Foundation. All rights reserved by Copyright Holder.
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th e grace c)f He/She who doesn' t
sexist (Mr God or Madame Goddess), p'..:
w e m a n a ged to create the space for Osho to be a presence at the May Conscious
presence about them. It. made me feel like we gnt a visit from the Master, The nther great thing about putting on these meditations was that it gave us all an opportunity
Livi n g Expo. Having been offered the
opportunity to set up the Meditation Programme, we got tn design an environment, place Osho's photo in strategic positions and introduce the idea of active meditatinn tn the thronging masses. to<% In our room upstairs, we did Nn Dimensions, Kundalini Meditation and Heart Dance. Downstairs in the very midst of the New Age marketplace, we offered even more„. that was an interesting exercise. Somehow, in the midst of a lot of nnise and passing traffic, there was a little Oasis of Silence. Although in the case of the "Healing Circle of Dancing Ma' s", that Maneesha got together, it was more like a shimmering laughing joygasm that infected, amazed and touched passersby. The interesting thing abnut being at the Expo for
2" ga
to get tngetherr organrse the space, be present for enquiries and generally juice up the meditations. Everyone ran really joyfully w ith n hat needed to be done. It felt good tn play together. With a bit of luck we will get invited tn dn the same again at the next Expo in November. Don't miss nut, it will be even better.
me was that all the meditations had a really deep
:,'QetrairtstructIng Leiela:-::
RG Nicholls & Co
At tnr trying to keep the Osho
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'Q'"®at .": ' ra
ela Centre going svith the help of an" interim committee" over the :.'Vb V 'a past few months, Susheela and Kaiyum now feel it is time to relinquish their work there. The Centre will still be available for meditations and nther activities until the landlord has another offer from a new organisatinn/ i n d i v i d ual who w ants tn lease out the space. Of course if any sannyasin would like to ';"'-':: 93%9 3510:,'.:; ~ take nver the !ease and responsibility for the Centre, ey can dn sn. Tn celebrate this change at the Centre — and we are still not sure if it is a death, a rebirth, or a e S e WRN KIIYION '-'-'.: gap, a transition! — Osho Leela is ,'available for $4 at:.' '-~,'"'-.','.d holding a ». Moon Rhythm Hearts 'n' Halos Party on S at July 3" • T pm ', ~hp~M»~~g.'- ' >«Healing Point <teelo (entre sa- >b 'NULL.o«RbKR for'510 thro'uvgh: OshoWmgs»'Po Pox 977 Free 6959 Ph/fox 9319 33111 Nrondona@hotlin4;net.au..„"„'.'.
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to celebrate. We are invited tn bring a plate (svith food on it!). Tarot readings and a raffle wiII be made available to help dissolve the debt that the Centre is left with. They' ll be lots of m u sic, with Chandra and Maneesha as DJS. Let's get together for what could be the last time at the Centre so that if it is "the end,n the spirit nf Leela — of play keeps dancing on.
Ma Jivan Pragita Saying yes for me is being true tn the truth of who I am.
Ma Prem Sono Yes to life means taking full responsibility in the moment for being who I am and nnt expecting anyone else tn do it for me.
Ma Prem Susheela A
t t h e C onscious Living Expo in May, 'Yes tn life' was chosen as the theme to present Osho's Vision tn the world Bt lBrge.
What does ~ gO
Oh, (laughter ...) having a good laugh first ... (mnre laughter)... I guess it really means saying yes to anything, whatever is happening, the ups and the downs. I guess that's what I see as my path nf total acceptance and saying yes (more laughter yet) ...
How is this reflected in your lob as the current Centre Organiser?
mean to you .
Ma Prem Nirmala 'Yes tn life' means accepting whatever happens. That the universe or Gnd knows better than you what you need. Saying yes means that. you accept that and somewhere let go of the idea that you control and organise your life in the larger sense. I suppose it's the same as going wit h the flow, allowing existence to take care nf it for you.
And has there been any time in your life where this had more meaning for you? There's been lots of times. Most recently, I discovered far from being the very healthy person that I assumed 1 was, that I have quite a few things wrong w it h my b o dy, This happened all Bt once after having dnne a lnt of tests. It was a big shock for me, because I' ve always assumed I was very healthy. I realized fairly quickly that I could choose whIch WBy I vvBs going to responcl tn t'hIs Bncl
part of me really wanted to go into "poor me", "it's not fair" and "o h no, old age has really started". But then I felt that there is never an end to that mad, ~ h ere as if I said, "that must be what's needed", I wo ul d feel much happier. And that's what's happening. I feel it's not B disaster, it's just a little wake up call.
The jnb came about because I did a group called 'Finding The Work You Lnve', so it's very much reflected in follnwing my passion and an expansion into what I love to do. Sn for me it is tntallv a reflection of ves to life.
Swami Pranava Having lonked at the options available, and having experienced the nn's to life and the yes's to life, my common sense opinion is that there is much much more fun in saying yes to life than , " .I w,': ',,",';,.;:.'~,', ~V~~'>j~~j • ' sBylng no. Tha t s the onlv wBy
This. *., s/nIpie '-e:wordg+t: yes i„-'contains all the'relig'Ion's "of'the ~'f Ma Antar Suchita g world;. A' contains.,:,: trusf,:,".;It:<)
(Bt St. John of God's Hospital where Shuchita has just undergone a hip g .',su'Nei'ider.'. lf".'confaIreI's"ajI, the"~j,"; replacement operation)
~;.'-;,'.prayers" that hav~'ev'er'.'Bee'n'g= I
What does yes to life mean to
j",::."".done "",ere being done',",'arId ' you in your present situation? ,'.!,'>wijI ever. be done,'-.>f y'ov carl ~~ ~,l It's saying ves to whatever is, to II.''aciy 'yes ' with. tfIe,'.'Iotajity '.of >Q whatever Is hBppenlng, <;:.'your.'%cart, yoII tIave:.said alj >, Acceptance of what is, whether it is physical pain or hunger. I'm 'j~-';,,that carI. be'>aid.. To'say yes. ta '= very much on a physical level at
this point. But it's on all levels ;"q.=WC'IIOr ' IS"'tObe irreligiOuS..":,:,,";„,-,i in life saying yes, embracing Bnd acceptIng Ivhatever Is ~~".Qsho '.:,The cook of Wisdom I' happening this moment. It is j4"."'","' .„.=" .."„'.".' ~..:. „„;;" ~:,,' "' also saying yes to risk, yes tn .'e;M ~ ' .; :%1:" M~'1.7W6 "'k I ~ 4 ' 4 % kA~ kt W - . 1:" Swami Dhyan Soham fear, yes to takIng leaps, the scary bits of life. Saying yes to celebration, yes to it Bll ... Basically it means the sky's the limit. You dn whatever living life tn the full! you want to do in this life. ~@ I;-,exlsterIce !$..ta 4$, re~qlous, +
What do you want to do in this life? Sit at the Dome and drink coffee, gn ride my mo torbike.
So that's yes to life for you? Yes, all the little yes's ... (laughing). I' ve become a lot better with saying yes to life since I' ve become a sannyasin. In the past I was always work ing, paying attention to what I was supposed tn do, rather than what I wanted to be doing. These days I do pretty much what I Ivant to dn and 1 think that's a yes.
During this processdid you feel really challenged with this? Yeah, absolutely. Especially when it involves extreme physical pain. But in a way in pain, that.'s is all there is. It might not be a conscious celebratory yes to life, but just that's what is and you have to be Ivith it, and that' s still yes to life for me. It kept coming tn me in the times of extreme pain, Osho talking about. welcoming the pain as a friend and that means a relaxatinn. The instinctual reaction of cnurse is to fight pain. At some point I was feeling extreme muscle pain and I had to take another level of yes to it - yes this is the pain I'm feeling. +
':. -';::;.:::,The.Univi.rie.'.-':"
Trager' @ Massage:~
s o n e of the three presenters - along with Sudhir and Yatri — of Osho's meditations at the May Conscious Living Expo, I was invited by both 100FM and RTR to talk about our programme. The RTR slot was just a fifteen-minute phone chat, but Diana Wilson of 100FM's "Friday Morning Collage" invited me to the studio on May 14th v ith the promise of a whole half hour to talk about meditation. She suggested I bring along some of my favourite music to play in the pauses. It divas a real blast 'to heal' The Universe Is SlngIng a Song Qn a11' among the others I'd selected. Diana loved it, snapping her fingers and literally danced in her chair before we settled down to our talk. Great, ton, to be able to present Osho's vision of the art of living and of dying, and to address misconceptions about meditation. Diana asked about Kundaiini, so that was an opening to explain the need for active methods. I talked about Osho Leela Meditation Centre providing regular meditations, and also mentioned the plans for a Meditation Camp that Milarepa and his band might be presenting the last weekend of November at the Cottesloe Life Saving Club. lf these radio invitations and the response we met with at the Fxpn are any indication, it is great to see that here in Perth the public's perception of Osho is clearly one of interest and appreciation.
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SUppl les,
While publicly presenting B low prof'ile nn the situation, the Australian federal government is advising politicians to begin stockpiling. ("A w o rld in w h ich there are onlv CI BS WC scam by the media or the cnd nf the worl politicians arc left? No thanks!" observed Yatri) Of Aow it'? Talk of t'hc Millennium Bug can evoke course it is understandable that the government does responses from both extremes ofthe scales Bnd all not want to create panic. On thc other hand the points in between. integrity of the national economy is at stake, so the I knew little about the Y2K (Year 2000) problem, as k Yuthlkc1 government is trying tn encourage businesses to wake it is also knrnvn, before my sister Kavita too up and get Y2K compliant. and Savita - visiting from Vunc — and mc tn a talk by England's prime minister Tony Blair has said that John Crnft two mon ths ago. Co-founder of tl ae Gaia 10% of all Britain's businesses will go bankrupt. Foundation, John also works for thc West A UstrBI lan Australia feels it is mnre prepared than the UK and government in cnmm u n ity development. Bntlclpates Bbou't 5 Io of Bll Stirred up by his talk, Yuthika and I the bUslncsscs gnIng ~anted to make the information available to bankrupt. But which 5'!0? sannyas community. So a fcv< weeks agn Joh The most. recent survey of accepted our invitation and spoke tn around n 150 <".,Whafe"ecr I<am"sracyIng~, if Is-my l small businesses within sannyasins and friends at the Oshn Leela Ce ntrc 'j:"'! absolutely dear v'ision that the",; AUStTB11B SUggCStS thcaf 47 one evening. :-.- worlld is, very dose „fa„ifs end,;-',,-' 48".'0 are nnt Y2K compliant. What wiII BII nf i.; Dan'f :g igg le. If, aWay.c: Dan,-'f ", What's it all about~ this do to unemployment ind,'-"rationalizations < ' they'-' '~ s ' " < figures? For those of ynu whn know l i t tle about the issue John's talk was full of a "'on'f h'elp. Th<e<i ' e i' c s A' a c firn< ' e i foe< 1, and/nr w ere unable tn attend the meeting: the lot of sobering — and millennium bug or Y2K problem cnmes from asfe' in:,,any:;: uricorisctous > sometimes downri<ght cnmputers being set with only 6 digits for the scary — sccnarins, But it date: 2 for the day, 2 f' or the month, 2 for the ansotafraps.„< AA„, ir<nmectfctte, 0 wasn't all bleak. year. Thiswas fine back in '58,'83 and '96. ransfcIr matIOA is . absolufely:-"' H nwever, when we hit the year 2000, th e 1:„:I, ' , . computer will read it as 00. Wherever the date is eeded< 1f ls an vl gency which-'I< The Good New s involved in the microchips imbedded in ,;: ,;,man has never faced before::.".;„.; „~ On the more cheerful side cnmputerizcd systems there will be problems unless the entire program is made "Y2K compliant" — worldwide, a massive undertaking. :.' uriforfunate ffiat" soori" ttiere, 5 sa f est place on the planet One source says 50"i«of r elated problems .;,-' " ' ' "'II' 'j" ' "''rf'-")"'„""" j" ~"'Ihs"„"';:,",< tn bc fnr the Y2K is the will start. happening wi t hin a few mon ths from south-west corner of Aow; only a small percentage on January 1st, 2000, and the remainder in the months
,;'-",way. yau are very'farfunat@,.4
A u s t r alia, specifically,
B n y w h ere from Geral ton down to Esperance. This "I don't own rI conrprster so I will be fine," one P8 haPs If ma y e P / O U< 8 B 1S b e c Bllsc it ls so 1solafccl. sannyasin commented. Unfortunately, it's nnt '"„- oaf'e up. -',<,.'"';,".,~." ",',~">'-' '.",.i Ctsho'""='p Al so A u s t r a lia was thc that stI'BightfnI'wBI'cl. Computers Anw tnUch second country, after the every aspect of our lives. For example, bank», US, to realize there v as a sewerage systems, oil drill ing platforms, problem; and thirdly, electricity, water and gas suppliers, Western Australia starte d ea rl i er th an a n y o t her state to communications, military defence, supcrmarkcts — alI work on the problem. use computerized systems. At anv one time 2'."«r>f goods in supermarkets are not on thc shelves; as we approach 2000 it is anticipated What to do~ that that could grow to 75%. When friod is nnt readily available people are likely to panic. What I got from the talk is that Ive need to think Or take banks: fortunately here in Australia banks community, not indiv i d ual action. John believes that were the first tn recognize and do something about the what I='IIBblcs Us tn cope with chBAgc 1s support issue. However, if people think there might still be networking" and that nur notions of being separate difficulty accessing their fund», if every Au stralian from each other are illusory. It.'s not going to work if wc try tn take care of only ourselves: we are decides to withdraw their money — maybe having three interdependent by nature and we depend rin a lot of times as much with them than usual over Xmas and the New Year — it will precipitate a bank rush. T o p r epare interacting to have a smnoth functinning life. We cannot for this possible scenario, the Reserve bank of Western exist in isolation. In a time of crisis this is true more Australia has stopped destroying old bank notes and is than ever. stocking up extra money so that it w il l have extra John discourages moving away from the cities tn BftCI'Weal'CIS.
Qjg" '"'f@
the country: by doing that we cut ourselves off from our community, he points out. He suggests forming ' management groups" to collect and pool information so that we can be more aware nf what is going on. He also talks of becoming more "response able," and of the need to face our fears, to understand that the Y2K is going to be an "emotional roller coaster," bringing up the whole range of feelings, predominantly fear. The Millennium Bug has a spiritual dimension to it, he added: we are all sleepwalkers and this is our wake-up call.
Waiting for the "M" ~ord Facing our fears and being more aware, embracing non-scparateness and the spiritual dimension of crises is not exactly revolutionary talk in our neck of the woods. And Osho has been talking of what we need to do as we near the new millennium for a long long time. What became obvious to me is that our outer reality is going lo change: maybe for just a short time and with just a few minor inconveniences, Maybe for months on end with major disruptions, Or maybe as some advocate, it really is going to be the end of the world as we know it. Whatever the scenario — and no one knows for sure v, hat it will be — when all is said and done we are left with ourselves and our reactions/responscs. With an outside world becoming increasingly unpredictable I have greater incentive to meditate. To keep in touch with that space inside me where — in spite of anything that might be happening in my outer world — I feel peace/ul, at one with everything, A space that I always emerge from feeling expanded, lighter, more relaxed and more trusting. I thought. John was going to mention meditation any moment. It seemed to me that his entire speech was leading up to it — but he kept stopping short of it. And I saw that this where our paths diverge. When it comes down to it, he is talking social change; Osho is talking indivi dual transformation. Though he said there is a spiritual dimension to the situation, I wonder if that is much more than an interesting concept to him. For me, it is the crux of Millennium crisis. Some people call Croft an alarmist. I hope he is. A s he points out, if we use this situation tn wake up and he is proved right in his assessment of how the Y2K affects us, we' ll be dw ell prepared. And if he is wrong we have lost only our sleepiness.
Contacts John Croft will be delivering his talk again soon: check the UWA Extension Winter School programme fol' t' he elate ancl tIIne. Visit the Website: http/ / s a n gersreview.corn for updates on the progress of the Y2K. Or to join a local group, send a blank email (from the account on which you seek to participate in the discussion) to perthy2kwa-subscribe@egroups.corn
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Osbo Publications I MMORTAL BOOK S l)istri b u t or s to fdetuif C usfom(;Is cfnd fh(, Boo~ Tf ad » ol
Osfto's tVorgs 6 Korgs about Osffo .'>Iucki»t» ul' all Ant llrupu»upi>ical 'I'itic», > Iythology, Child ren'» Ifuok», Adv c n ttftc , Parcntin<> an(l Teaching 13<>uk»
Same ve ry s p e c i a l d e a l s c)n p r i c e Shame VERF sp e c i a l d e a l s un s e r v i c e ! Catalogues from an d E n q u i r ies to: P.O. H(>x 20, > Iurivi l l u tn f):III, NS% 2 ' I h I Tcl/F;tx 02-66; 2 . 0<'>: • <)Iubile ()il 9 I ) C ) e~<)C> E-In a I I; I nl Ill o I l (I I I rl < > I'cx. cut I) . It Ll
Vi»acard ~ M ;I»tet( a fcl • H; I n k c ; Ir(l • A m E x
Beloved Osho How can people turn the human phenomenon of falling in love into a meditation?
t is the easiest way, ln human life, love is the closest
phenomenon to meditation. The moment you f'all in love with someone, what actually happens~ What transpires between those two who have fallen in love with each nther7 They drop their egos - at least for each other. They drop their hypocrisies, their masks. They want to be together, almost nne snul wi t hin tw n bodies. That's the desire of love. And this is a beautiful moment to change it into a meditation. Just nobody has ever tnld them. In fact, just the opposite has been told tn them: that love is against meditation, so pcoplc who are falling in love can never bccnme meditators.
The same people whn make celibacy spiritual make love unspiritual, something dirty, condemned. But to me things are totally different. Love helps ynu trI relax, which is part of meditation. Love helps vou to be joyous, v'hich is part of meditation. Love helps you, fnr a few moments at least, tn be silent, Ivhich is the essential part of meditation. And finaBy, making love, if you attain to an orgasmic experience, gives you a glimpse of what meditation is, but it is millions nf times morc than this. So to me, love is a basic experience which can help you to become meditators, The nld religions have been preventing it, and they have been preventing it for a certain reason, If people can transform their love into meditation, then the priests and thc churches and the synagogues are no mr)re needed, then people are totally free. Kio spiritual leadership is needed. And there are millions of priests around the world, like parasites on humanity, And naturally they w il l give ynu w r o ng ideas, against love, and they will give you ideas for meditation, but because you don't have the basIc experience....
Love is just like vvhen you enter into a swim m in g pool, step by step ynu are gning into deeper water. Then the floor of the swimm ing pool is divided in tw n p arts, one for those who cannot swim, sn the water is up to your neck, and then the second part for those whn can swim.
But those who want tn learn swim m ing have tn learn in the first part, which is not fnr s~ i m m e rs. They have to learn it there, Once they have learned, then slowly they will gather courage and enter into deeper water, because for a swimmer it does nnt matter how deep the water is; the swimmer is always on the surface. The Ivater may be a hundred feet deep, five hundred feet deep, or f'ive miles deep, it makes no dIfference tn the swlInIDCI. It makes a difference nIIly tn the nnn-swimmer. Beyond five feet, everything is death, But the swimm ing pool is one â&#x20AC;&#x201D; shallow, deep â&#x20AC;&#x201D; it is one. And the bnundary linc is only a line until ynu learn to swim . To me, love and meditahon are just like that. Love is the shallow space in a swimm ing pnnl, for those who cannot meditate. But that is thc placr. tn learn rnedItatInn. Ancl I't Is thc same pool, It' Is the saIIle water, it is the same kind of phcnnmennn. You are just unable tn gn deeper because you have been made afraid even tr) enter into it. The shallow part has been condemned, and you have been told tn jump into the d eeper part vvithout know ing how to sw i m . So they disturbed your love life by condemnation and they disturbed your meditative life by sheer strategy:
because you don't know sIvimm i ng, you rannnt go so deep. And you dnn't have any experience of' silence, peace, sheer joy, a little bit of ecstasy, something orgasmic — these will give you the hints how meditation is not. a myth. You have tasted it a little bit. It is the same energy field, just you have to gn deeper 1n'to 1t.
What actually happens when nne couple moves into the realm of orgasmic experience? What actually happens? Every point has to be understood. Time stops For a moment the pendulum does nnt move, and that single moment seems tn be almost eternity. The two persons are no more two — for a moment. They have melted into each other. There is nn thought in the mind, for a moment, It is all empty and silent, and these are the things which have tn be deepened in meditation. Arid once yoU hBVP tBstecl them, you vvill be surprised that it does not depend on the other person. Snmething happens v'ithin you. Something happens within the other person. But it is not dependent. If you can sit silently, if you can manage, by watching your thoughts, to
speak. They have never heard that celibacy is spiritual. Of cnUI'se they carlnot attain to ITIPclltBt1nn, bU't theV BI'e far better than those human beings whn could have attained meditative heights, but have lost. even the simple biological experience of orgasm.
hose are simply indications of your possibilities,
potentialities. And it is easier to experiment with something natural in the beginning and then tn try something which is supernatural, Ivhich belongs tn higher nature. And once ynu know how tn be silent, how to be thoughtless, how to be in B state of no time, no mind, vou experience such orgasmic joy, which has nothmg to dn with
Loyeii ".,a'fi'a,tUral,.::,',.„'.,"'.'" ":: Icff7daf: f,l18dlfatlof1';:;::,.
'„'::Ail d:medi tatian:is:.':.'-'::::."
sex, it has such purity and such innocence. A man whn has attalncd to that purity and innocence has no need of sex, it is no longer a
psyrholngical problem I'nr him. But there is nn prohibition
:,4.Q-:5UP8rfIaftUral, i :,"';:„''„::;:!
cliff'd,'af,Iv'e. j „,",.," ":: "''
bring a gap, a stop, you will suddenly see time has stnpped B gBln. And n otv I t Is ln y n U f
hands, not in the hands of biology. You can keep this time stopped as long as you want. And once ynu know the secret key ... The kcy is: no thoughts, no ego, nn time — you just. are. That's why I have never been against love. I have been much condemned for it, naturally, because I was cutting the very roots nf the business of all thc
very religion is against mc. Their profession depends on cnndemning love and praising meditatinn. They know you cannot attain to meditatinn, and they know
nnw your love is rondemned, it is a sin. Ynu will never experience any orgasmic phenomenon, sn meditatinn will remain just a philnsophy, and your life will remain loveless, angry, full of rage, ready to explode at any excuse. Because where wiII your energy gn? It could have become peace, silence, joy, blissfulness. You did not allow it tn become that. That repressed energy turns into poison. That's why everybody is irritable, annoyed, worried, tense. The simple reason is that they have lost the natural source nf relaxation, Nn animal looks irritated, annoyed, angry, berause they don't understand the language thc priests
either, Hc can enjoy sex too, and he will enjny it more than anybody else, because his orgasm will immediately become meditative,
Having experienced the meditative orgasm — such a greater phenomenon — his sexual orgasm will immediately trigger the bigger orgasm. He can play with sex. There is no harm in it. There is no need, but there is no prohibition either. It is up to him. The meditative orgasm absorbs your sexual energv, because you don't have any other energy. Your whole energy is sexual energy, and that vast explosion of jny simply absorbs all your energy. Hence, you need not become a pervert, you need not make an effort to remain celibate. It is just your rhnice. If you want tn play nld games once in a vvhil», it is perfectly gnod. In fact, perhaps it should be a part of every enlightened man's life tn have sex once in a while, because that will change the attitude nf the whole world about sex. Withnut that, it is very difficult to change. Then they can seP thBt PVPn an enlightened person can enlny sex. Ther» is nothing sin-like in it. And it w ill join the cnlightencd man and unenlightened man in a bridge. At least on one point, both experience the same thing..., Lnve is a natural kind of meditation. And meditation is a supernatural kind nf love.
Osho - The Last Testament Vol 2, Discourse 2
; jail d,Child "'>Th'8'elft'e'-'.i A
t the end of' last May, the Wild Child Theatre Performance group, after eight hilarious weeks nl' doing improvisational theatre, convincing themselves to make fools out of themselves and doing so at Club 7orba in a wild night of laughter, satirised the ins-and outs of love, The audience laughed themselves silly, the actors preened like primadonnas across the stage and everyone had a jolly good tjme Here's what ~ few had to say "The highlight was realising on the night of the performance that Dwari had gone against all rehearsal etiquette and almost dropped my pants onstage ... yee-haw!" Grab! "It was a wild and exhilarating experience which ranged from total bliss to total panic! I really fell in love with theatre." D w a r i
"I' ve learned a great deal from
. cliche ... wonderful! Playing for eight ertitiably crazy, highly creative, courageously exposing human beings lat least, 1 think so) was pure delight. 1 love it when 1'm
leading t'heatr'e groups and the players never make me lose sight of the absolute silliness of what I'm doing. Theatre tn me is returning the heart to the zaniness of childhood, opening the brain to the unknown, releasing the pandora's box of the unconscious and exposing the soul to others in trust ... and it happened! Most of the time we hadn' t. a clue what e e were doing and we did it bri l liantly. The next one we' re taking to Broadway, or thereabouts!"
Veeten, Director of Wild Child Theatre
%ALP"CNIIIjd>. 'vlf'-: jan@ : 8 w'eekPerto'imPttr'!N! N" &WE.A '
starting Tuesday='Xu'cIMsg+ .." An in-depth weekly theat%"kitrt'Iitg' climaxing in a mind-bagg'Il'ng;"".,' performance at, Cluk'.';Zarbqi~.:
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"Wunderbar! Rivetting! It brought out my exhibitionism Full-on! AII I' ve got to say is ... 'come on Ozzy, come on!!" Saguna
Great haircuts, foils, highlights etc. 10
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ast time I saw Ragini was in August '98 when we were discussing our spective plans to leave Pune. riginally from M elbourne, where she Blnecl Bs a chet (Bncl wBS cook Bt . ',,P PP!):: erry I'-acker's polo farm), Ragini ecided to try out Perth. A few months later, I am ~alking past the Apicius Restaurant in Wray Avenue, Fremantle, and out leaps an %4$IIt@,; „ aproned apparition: Ragini, instated there since December as part of the kitchen staff. Now she is chef manager and has totally revamped the place. "We want to create a place for locals, kids included, away from the zoo mentality of the 'strip'," she enthuses. I ate at Apicius ( it means "highest pinrlacle") a
APICIUS ON WRAY Open: 7.30am - 7.00pm • 7 days a week Friday 8 Saturday nights until late Homemade Vegetarian 8 N o n-Veg Cuisine
produced on the premises Specialised range of flavoured coffee and unique house blend! Fully licensed and BYO (wine only)
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couple of weeks ago. My dinner companions were crazy about. the crepes and swooned over the swordfish. The risotto al funghi was to die for. Chocolate mousse, sticky-date and orange-poppyseed cake, were our just and scrumptious — desserts. Now Ap i cius is open Friday and Saturday nights, and seven days a week from 7.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. t' or those who like an extended breakfast. All the food is made on the premises. Start your day with banana porridge, snack on a
date 'n chocolate muffin or croissant with pesto, tomato and cheese, There are six different coffee blends to choose from and the coffee's served HOT! There are also fresh soups, fritters and fabulous salads. The music is up tempo and the decor dominated by the cheerful paintings nf local artist Mike Brady. Be there: it's hot, it's cool. It's happening'.
Ij',:-;:<:-'-,',Ha:h%oves:in: Mysterious::.Ways'-"-:,.
few months ago, having just returned from Pune and adjusting to my life in the West, Osho sent me an unexpected message, ringing at my doorbell. As I opened the door in my dishevelled state, I was greeted by a real dinkum-dy A u ssie ocker middle aged male courier delivering a parcel. He was in the process of asking me to sign for the package when his eyes suddenly fixed on my chest. He yelled out, "Oh, that man, he saved my life last week!", pointing at my exposed mala. Shattering the peace of suburban Mt Law ley, he continued to exclaim, "That's the BhBgwBn you know', the old bloke with the Rolls Royces and diamond watches. I know him!" He kept pointing his finger at Osho and shouting aloud for some time about how he had been saved from death by Osho.
As I pulled myself off the floor, he proceeded to tell me of how he had become very depressed recently and was contemplating suicide using his shotgun, until he came across an Osho book in a local library. "Accept lllysel~lls I llm, that's the message the Bhagvvan gave me. Noone has ever said that to me before. I was at the bottom of the barrel with nowhere to go and when 1 read that, it changed my life." I Ie contlnuecl to t'Blk fol the next 10 lllinutes Bbout how Osho had shown him that he didn't need to be anvthing other than himself. After giving him a mud map how to get to the Leela Centre to find out more about Osho I closed the door, slightly stunned at these events, I couldn't help but laugh out loud at. the mysterious and unexpected lvays Osho touches people...
of which the crew put on a dazzling perfnrmance, which is complemented with a gourmet meal from the kitchen. Regular weekly features at the hall are dynamic every mnrning, white robe and community dinner every Thursday night, a live music satsang followed bv iuscrous brunch every Sunday and much mnrc. Rahasya, Frijnf Kraft, is dning a counsellor training in late july. Places are still available for this event.
Hello to all lovers of Osho in WA ! This is a big invitation from the Oshn Mevlana community in Byron Bay. Inserted into ynur Oshn Wings ynu M,'ill find nur brochure. We would like to take this opportunity to add a fev w o r ds, mainly about what is happening over here in the next 6 months.
On thegroup and workshop Our NLeditation &. Events H a l l , wi th attached»cssinn ronms and commercial kitchen, is nnw one vear old. We celebrated in good style last week — about 300 friends came for a day of mini sessions, market stalls, food, live
mcd i tati nns and disco. We are in the process of building 10 double rnnms so that we are able to accnmmodate visitors from different parts of the continent and the wor ld. Our vision is to share thi» haven with as many a» possible and there is plenty of room to grow. The Path of Love is again happening in N o v ember and with the guest rooms complete it should be even morc fantastic than last year. There is a huge interest from I-'oona residents to spend time w ith us around the Nev, Year, We' ll have a big party for the ncw millennium, the generator is booked, just in case the Y2K strikes. Booking phone numbers are on thc brochure and we are taking bookings as nf nnv"! The rooms will be simple, elegant double rooms with bathroom and verandah, Landscaping vvill probably be happening around that time, our vision is tn create a
can do all the promotion and. organisation for you. lf accommo d a t i on at Me vlana is lull it i» possible for us to help find alternative accommodation, both in private sannyas houses and in local tourist establishment». On the commu n i ty si de of things, we are looking for more juicy shareholders to become part of this experiment in living inspired by Osho. The brochure should answer any initial curiosity. We'd love to respond to your inquiry if ynu have further questions. Ma Pavitar takes care of the meditation hall and group facility, Hcr e-mail address is: mevlanaQ~om.com.au Ph 02 6684 3606 nr Fax 02 6684 4101. For information regarding arcommndation and shares in the community, vou can contact Sw Videha on the brochure numbers.
Garden of Eden. What follows is a short summary, by no means exhaustive of what is happening in our beautiful hall over the n ewt 6 m o n t h s : Currently there is an advanced acting course held by Alka and Prakash. This lasts for 3 weeks at the end •
S mut &
F re rram m t le
front we' ve booked
David Deida, who has written the book 'The Way ol' the Superior Man'. He will endeavour to inspire us into using and understanding relationship as a way tn individual freedom. In january Avikal p r esents the Satori group. Of course we are alvvays looking forward to booking new things and events so don't be shy wc
Looking fnrward very much tn hearing from you.
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L ooking for a way to work /play
with intuition and inner voice I booked myself into a tarot course with Anudhara. Travelling through the Major k M i n o r A r cana, discovering the archetypal fool's journey, delving into ancient mysteries and finding v«ays nf making the cards more relevant and meaningful within the context of our own frame of reference; OU w e d r an k t e a an d shared
AUITIcrology ancl thc ITIBlot' arcana) and IA pal'tlcula1' the yearly growth card. The yearly growth card shows energies, tasks, challenges, steps in development, ctc., prevalent in any particular year of your life. I listed ten major events in my life and worked out the according growth year catd. Taktng sannvas, a very Inalol' even't hBppenecl In ITiy ycBI' 6, w h tch ls the card for "the Lovers" — definitely my ultimate love affair. What about my friends, when did they t'Bke sannvas? I" ascinating !!!!!
Before I knew it I was asking everyone I met for their birth and sannyas year. Here are the results in order of frequency. A survey of 30 people was taken. As In tIrArlCleS. AA Q A S One su c h exercise, was tarot packs numbering systems vary, I chose tn follow thc traditional Rider Waitc numbering system as this is looking at our personal whBt I BITi stuclytng. cards (a system combining astrology,
10 3
appears when one is looking for guidance, perhaps a spiritual teaching the ultimate love affair transforming the beast / lust for Life the father principle / becoming our own authority the guide at the crossroads / important life changing communication be a light unto yourself surrendering parts of yourself time of decision / balanced thought ' " SannyCiSiS a IreImejldOu'Ss -", changes in life / going with the flow lvnlP IllfG reality, a mother principIe / nurturing, earthy, creative
Hierophant Lovers Strength Emperor Magician Hermit Hanged Man Justice Wheel of Fortune Empress
" 1 3A Point St".";:~'I'.-:,:.':,„,">:,;~-;;:;,.;.-, ' <, Frernantle ki'«' 7 i .„.i~;.r".,;. "„')'~";:
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,-„' esricaspe 'to "i'ecajify' fiorii:." To find your ': „' fhe uri'r'ea1'..": 'Osho",,".. ',I card f' or the yeBr You took sannyas OI anv other year you might be interested in, add the month and day of your birth, plus the year in question, for example: 28+ 8 + 1977= 2013, Ao~ add the digits of that sum 2+0+1+3 = 6. Card 6 is therefore your growth card for year 1977. If the sum is 22 or greater, add the digits of the sum once more, When you have found your growth card consult a tarot book or a friend.
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Osho Snmmeseti Distributing to you: Osho Books, Audio Discourses Music form the World of Osho Osho's Discourses 8c Meditations Osho Tarot Cards OSHO TIMES Sales 8c Subscriptions Booking Agent for Pune Groups
Shnhide PO Box 702 Mullumbimby NSW 2482 Ph/fax (02) 6684 5533 p/ease phone be'ore faxing
have just seen a copy of 'A n Un t o l d S t o r y ' i n y o u r Oct/N n v / D e c issue. I guess the reason this story has remained untold until now is that it did n' t really happen like that. I know, berause I was Osho's secretary and caretaker at the time. What follows is the real story, as documented at the time: Tamo-san >s a beaut>fuI old lady. Shc d>d come to Pune, and Osho did shower petals on her in Buddhahall. He gave her adocument ackno»vledging her enlightenment which added: "I know, and you mu st be knnwing, that there is one step more — going beyond enlightenment, and being nothing," 'I he next day, Tamo-san told me to tell Osho that there v'as nothing beyond enlightenment, She alsn said she didn't understand why hc should be up on the podium and shc was on the floor. Osho dictated to me this reply tn give hcr: "When you say, 'There is' ynu are left with thc positive. The posltlvc has a boundal); 1s fmlte. This ls a cnmplicatcd issue and was the basis of the dispute that Buddhism had with H i n d u ism and existentialism, Buddha was absolutely right, that the positive is finite and eventually existence bernmes one. Just the positive alone is not enough. Buddha used isness, suchness, amncss, thisness, to express this. The negative has no boundaries, it is infinite. That is why he called it Nirvana. First comes enlightenment; there is some clarity about things. But enlightenment is positive, it is an experience, and the experiencer is still there. Later comes the realization of nothingness, the infinite nothingness of existence." At the time, Osho explained to mc (this is from my notes): "She says 'there is nnthing beyond enlightenment'. The 'is' is the pnint — a support for the positive. And the duality remains. Enlightenment is an experience, just as love or anger are cxperienrcs. The one v:ho is enlightened is still there, 'I am enlightened.' Enlightenment and the one whn is enlightened arc two, the experience and the cxperienccr are two. Duality remains the problem. At some point it becomes clear that beyond enlightenment, beyond duality, only nothingness remains, no duality, no 'I/ n o expcriencer, no experienrc, no enlightenment — only the infinite eternal existence. When this happens vvhilc still in thc body it is called Nirv ana, nnthingncss. When it happens in death, when the body returns to its elements, it is called Mahaparanirvana, when the consciousness disappears into existence. " There never v'as any meeting in pr iv ate with Osho and Tamo-san, her daughter and his mother. And there was nn message from Osho to Tamo-san that "A f ter I leave my body I am going to enter into your body. I shall be living out your life and »vnrking together vvith ynu. Can you imagine, after all the difficulties He was experlencmg being m thc body, tl (at He wnulcl contemplate entering another, even older, body! It is true that He did send Tamo-san a message that she should do I-Iis work in Japan — just as He tells evervone. And she did rereivc a mala, from me, at hcr
request. The rest of thc 'Untold Story' is, I am sure, sincerelv intentioned, but I guess comes from a misunderstanding about the difference between being enlightened, »vhich I heard Osho say was the natural birthright of all of us, and being something which Oshn calls 'beyond enlightenment', ~ hich is something else
altogether. It in I'uture ynu get any more 'untold' stories abnut Osho, ynu are welcnmc to check them out with us here in Pune before publishing. I send you much love, much appreciation for your pu b lishing wo rk, and a laugh for all the misunderstandings wc all have around the issue nf the big E.
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