School absenteeism and developmental delay in chronically ill children

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Introduction, Justification and Objectives Introduction: Children are the greatest national resource of any country. So their education is very important to build a well equipped country. Sri Lanka recognized the right for education in year 1940 legally. Sri Lanka takes several measures to provide education for all since last two decades. In accordingly this signed in the “World conference on Education for All� held in Thailand and in Senegal in year 1990 and in year 2000 respectively. Sri Lanka has its own five year plane for education (FYPPE 2000-2004) which has its own objectives to gain some goal in education and to increase the completion rate of primary education among children. This takes the first place among the whole objectives.

Furthermore Sri Lanka is a country providing educational services satisfactorily for the children with special needs. There are special schools and centers all over the country and it is legislated to form a special unit under every provincial government since 1998. But the consideration given to the chronically ill children (CIC) is comparatively less. Specific data found on this group of children is inadequate and it can be a reason for the lack of concern.

Normally children with chronic illnesses have school absenteeism due to several reasons. The level of school absenteeism among these children varies and some times there can be school drop outs when there is minimum consideration given on these children. The common reasons for absenteeism among school children are familial factors, financial factors and personal factors. The personal factors include their chronic illness as a major factor.


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