The Dynamic Interplay between Relative Prices and the Real Exchange Rate: Structural Evidence Punnoose Jacob Ghent University First Draft: January 26, 2010
Abstract This paper employs an estimated small open economy DSGE model to decompose the in‡uence of relative prices on the Canada-US real exchange rate. We identify the relative price of internationally traded goods as the most important source of real exchange rate movements. While the real exchange rate mimics the dynamic behavior of the relative price of non-tradables in the case of a non-tradable sectorspeci…c disturbance, the tradable component dominates in the case of other shocks, irrespective of their structural origin. Variance decompositions reveal that uncovered interest parity and import price shocks are far more potent than internal tradable or non-tradable sector-speci…c disturbances in driving real exchange rate ‡uctuations. JEL classi…cation: C11, F41 Keywords: New Open Economy Macroeconomics, Non-Tradables, Real Exchange Rate, Bayesian Inference, DSGE Estimation.
Address: Department of Financial Economics, Ghent University, Woodrow Wilsonplein 5D, Ghent, Belgium B9000. Email: I thank Vivien Lewis, Gert Peersman and Ine Van Robays for helpful suggestions.