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Landscape Design
Location:Lagankhel, Nepal
Area: 336.8 sq.m.
Surroundings: Lagankhel bus park, Vegetable market, Tempo stop
A space catering to people from different age groups and backgrounds who can enjoy the park space. The core idea is to integrate learning area, playful area and relaxing area with natural elements. Respecting the history of site, wooden sculptures with stone inscriptions base depict the story of Rato Machhindranath. And the bridge connects the site to the surroundings and gives a place for people to view the chaos of the city and jatra during the festive time. The space under the bridge has swings for children to play and the pathway to it has half balls creating a playful area in the park. The curved bench is given in such a way that maximizes the sitting space where an incorporated tree gives shade. The amphitheater is given for informal sitting in a relaxing way. The green space of the park helps to purify air quality and reduce noise entering into the site from the surroundings. These interlace harmoniously with the components of the park. The hedges and shrubs create a boundary to the site and gives a clear entryway. Overall, it is a natural blend of the chaos and crowd of urban life.
Design Development
Spaces in park
In amid of a crowded and chaotic urban space, creating a place that respects the location for locals and people coming to the buspark. The site is situated near (south of) Lagankhel bus park and a mother tree of Rato Machhindranath where chariot circumambulates during procession of jatra, therefore, it has historical and cultural importance. Therefore the spaces are designed for all, from children to elderly, regular day to jatra day, locals to visitors that everyone could have a place.