Audi Smells like Burning Rubber Here's What It Could Mean

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Audi Smells like Burning Rubber? Here's What It Could Mean

Isthestenchofburntrubber comingfromyourcar?

Determiningtheroot causeofthistypeof odorcanbealittletricky —especiallyifyoudon't knowwheretolook.
But,noneedtopanic.We willhelpyouinthisregard.

Gothroughthis presentationfor detailedinformation.

CarEmittinga BurningOdor?

Here’sThe Explanation


No.1-Engine overheating

195to2200Fisthe rangewithinwhichthe engine’stemperature shouldstay.
The smell of burnt rubber will come from your car's engine if the temperature exceeds that threshold.

Potential Cause

No.2- Motor oil leak

Ifmotoroil splashesontothe hotengine surfaces,aburnt smellwillresult.
Findoutthesourceoftheoil leakandhaveitfixedASAP.
Because,ifyoudo nothingaboutthe leak,thingswillget worsereallyfast.
Theclutchisthepartthat linksordelinkstheengine withtherestofthedrivetrain.
Ifsomethingisoffwith thispart,aburning odorwillemerge.
You need to find the culprit and get it fixed ASAP.


Cause No.4Coolant leak

Coolant,ifcomesincontact withhotenginesurfaces,an oddodorwillemerge.
Fixtheleakageifyoudon't wanttheenginetooverheat.

PotentialCause No.5-Serpentine belt,it’sslipping

Theserpentinebelt,if slipping,canalsogiveoff arubber-burningodor.
IfyourAudiis givingoffarubberburningodor,don't ignoreit.
Beforethingsgetout ofhand,findoutwhat's causingthesmell.
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