Santa Barbara MAR. 2-9, 2023
Also inside
Los Romeros at the Lobero • Winter Storms Bring Snow • Stearns Wharf Murder Suspects Enter Pleas • Orchid Show Returns in Full Bloom
President of the American Psychological Association
Dr. Thema Bryant
Homecoming: Overcome Fear and Trauma to Reclaim Your Whole, Authentic Self
Fri, Mar 3 / 7:30 PM / UCSB Campbell Hall
FREE (Registration recommended)
Entr’acte, Evergreen ,
and additional compositions for string quartet
“Dr. Thema Bryant is teaching people how to come back to themselves and handle challenges along the way of self-discovery.”
– Nedra Glover Tawwab, New York Times bestselling author of Set Boundaries, Find Peace
Co-presented with Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara
Siddhartha Mukherjee
The Song of the Cell : An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human
Wed, Mar 8 / 7:30 PM / Granada Theatre
“Mukherjee has a storyteller’s flair and a gift for translating complex medical concepts into simple language.” The Wall Street Journal
“If you are not already in awe of biology, The Song of the Cell might get you there. It is a masterclass.” The Guardian
2023 Grammy Award-winners
Santa Barbara Debut
Attacca Quartet
Amy Schroeder, Domenic Salerni, Nathan Schram, Andrew Yee
Sun, Mar 5 / 4 PM / Hahn Hall, Music Academy
Tickets start at $10
Caroline Shaw: Entr’acte, Evergreen , and additional compositions for string quartet
“Classical music observers say we’re living in a golden age of string quartets. It’s hard to disagree when you hear the vibrant young players in New York’s Attacca Quartet.” NPR
Presented in Association with Ojai Music Festival
Alisa Weilerstein, cello FRAGMENTS
Fri, Mar 10 / 7 PM / UCSB Campbell Hall
Tickets start at $20
“A multimedia Bach show.” The New York Times
“Weilerstein’s Bach was a true model of the meaning of mastery. Her command of the cello, of its sound and of Bach, was consummate.” – Mark Swed, LA Times
Enjoy Bach as you never have before in this wholly original and immersive audience experience from Alisa Weilerstein. FRAGMENTS weaves music old and new in a dramatic journey that elevates the senses to provide an opportunity to go deeper into the music. An Arts & Lectures Co-commission
West Coast Premiere Ballet Hispánico
Doña Perón
Eduardo Vilaro, Artistic Director
Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, Choreographer
Sat, Mar 11 / 8 PM / Granada Theatre
“In Lopez Ochoa’s high-varnish, athletic style of contemporary ballet, gorgeously danced… you see not just a riveting story but a company having reached a new horizon.” The New York Times
This empowering portrait by acclaimed choreographer Annabelle
Lopez Ochoa looks at the divergent legacies of Eva Perón, one of the most iconic women in South American history.
Event Sponsor: John and Jody Arnhold
Dance Series Sponsors: Margo Cohen-Feinberg & Bob Feinberg, Ellen & Peter O. Johnson, Barbara Stupay, and Sheila Wald
U.S. Premiere
(805) 893-3535 | Granada event tickets can also be purchased at: (805) 899-2222 |
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Bring On Burger Week! Fifteen Restaurants, $10 Burgers, Seven Days by Indy Staff
We are excited to have M.Special Brewing Company as the Official Beer of Burger Week. We sat down with Chris Miller from M.Special to get the inside scoop on their beer line up.
We’re thrilled to have M.Special as the Official Beer of Burger Week! Which of your beers do you think pairs best with a burger? I think the two beers that pair great with burgers would be our Original American Lager, or our Greatland IPA. They are different beers, but they are both so smooth and clean. American Lager is light and crisp and very clean, and if you can find an ice-cold one of those and pair it with a burger, you’ll be happy. And if you’re an IPA fan, our Greatland IPA is a clean and tasty West Coast IPA. It’s not filling, and it’s not overly, aggressively
hopped out to the point that you no longer have taste buds.
Beers and burgers are a match made in heaven. Do you have any personal favorite beer pairings that may be more unconventional? For a more unconventional match, I’d go with our Dozer Brown Ale. This beer is full of robust flavors such as brown sugar and caramel and malt. It’s very good and would go down great before the burger and with the burger, especially for dinner.
M.Special has really grown to be a favorite brewery among locals over the years. What have been some highlights of owning a brewery in Santa Barbara? We all love being here and being part of this community and feel very fortunate to live here. It’s such an amazing and supportive community of local businesses. We’ve met and become friends with so many people owning and operating a business in Goleta and now Santa Barbara, and the relationships are for sure our favorite part.
Inspired by the artistic collaboration of Ed Kienholz and Nancy Reddin Kienholz and the SBMA exhibition Scenes from a Marriage: Ed & Nancy Kienholz , this series explores what happens in fiction and life when artist couples work together or in parallel, and sometimes within competitive creative spaces.
Contemporary artist Cassandra C. Jones, whose work has shown in venues throughout the US and Europe, is joined by her husband, Mikael Jorgensen, the Grammy Award-winning keyboardist for Wilco. The two reflect on marriage and being a creative couple in an audio-visual presentation and guided conversation with James Glisson, SBMA Curator of Contemporary Art.
taff email addresses can be found
TABLE of CONTENTS volume 37 #894, Mar. 2-9, 2023
ON THE COVER: Illustration by Ben Ciccati. Design by Xavier Pereyra.
NEWS 7 OPINIONS..................... 14 Angry Poodle Barbecue 14 Letters 15 In Memoriam 21 OBITUARIES................... 16 THE WEEK 31 LIVING......................... 34 FOOD & DRINK 36 Restaurant Guy 39 ARTS LIFE 40 ASTROLOGY 42 CLASSIFIEDS 43 COURTESY
Chris Miller from M.Special
Mary Craig Auditorium | $5 SBMA Members | $10 Non-Members
Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Snow Attracts Visitors to Forbidden Forest
Los Padres National Forest Closed Through March 14, but Hundreds Still Head for Hills in Pursuit of Powder
by Jean Yamamura
The storms since last Thursday dropped between 12 and two inches of rain in the mountains and plains of Santa Barbara County prompting flash-flood warnings and causing Lake Cachuma to fill past capacity. More surprisingly, more than a foot of snow also fell, attracting hundreds of visitors to the region’s freshly frosted mountains and creating a public safety nightmare for the U.S. Forest Service.
“The forest is closed,” said Daryl Hodges, who heads the Santa Barbara Ranger District for Los Padres National Forest, which includes the tall and snow-covered San Rafael Mountains in the county’s interior. “I get it. People want to play in the snow; they want to make snowmen; they want to snowboard; they want to get that experience.” But they can’t for a number of reasons, all having to do with the January rains and the ruined roads, trails, and bridges in Los Padres where the Forest Service is busily assessing and getting repairs underway. Hodges asked for patience with the 60-day closure, which includes his district, as well as Monterey, Santa Lucia, and Ojai.
A crew of five to six foresters from Plumas National Forest and their excavators, loader, and backhoe are helping Los Padres employees clean up after rockslides and tree limbs from January 9’s unrelenting blasts of rain. Two more crews will arrive when the group from Plumas leaves for Big Sur, which has its own daunting issues of roads washed out and slides from the winter storms.
In Santa Barbara’s backcountry, the crews are working down along Paradise Road, where the river crossings are washed out, up along Figueroa Mountain Road, and on most of the trails and forest roads in between. “This was the most precipitation we’d had since the 1969 storm,” Hodges said, “and
Four Plead Not Guilty in Stearns Wharf Murder Case
After a whirlwind of attorney swaps and continuances for the four Santa Barbara men charged in connection to the murder of 52-year-old Camarillo resident Richard Dion Gutierrez near Stearns Wharf last December, all four appeared in Santa Barbara Superior Court for arraignment on Monday morning, where each pleaded not guilty and set a date to return for preliminary trial setting with Judge Pauline Maxwell on April 6.
The four men Ricardo Tomas JaureguiMoreno, Jiram Tenorio Ramon, Christopher Dave Miranda, and James Lee Rosborough are alleged to be involved in a gang fight with a group of juveniles from Ventura (who are being held in Santa Maria Juvenile Hall pending charges for their involvement) in which one of the men pulled a gun and fired several rounds, ultimately hitting Gutierrez, an innocent bystander, who was pronounced dead from his injuries 11 days later. All four have been held without bail since their January 19 arrest.
Tenorio Ramon, the alleged shooter, faces the most serious charges of murder with the special circumstance of committing the murder to benefit a criminal street gang and a special allegation of “personal use of a firearm causing death.” Jauregui-Moreno
City and county firefighters responded on 2/27 to rescue two people, one adult and one minor, trapped in a storm drain near Earl Warren Showgrounds. City firefighters used the Jaws of Life to spread open a metal grate and free the pair. The two males entered the storm drain from a downstream location and told firefighters they had been “exploring,” according to County Fire spokesperson Scott Safechuck. Once they realized they were stuck, they called 9-1-1. Luckily, the morning’s rain showers subsided and water levels in the drain remained low, Safechuck said.
and Miranda both face the same murder and gang charges but with the special allegation that they were involved in the altercation that led to the shooting of the innocent bystander but did not fire the weapon themselves. Rosborough faces charges of “accessory after the fact,” and all four face the same charges of conspiracy to commit murder and criminal street gang conspiracy, with Deputy District Attorney Tate McCallister alleging the crime was committed to benefit a Westside Santa Barbara gang.
On Monday, the defendants appeared two at a time in Judge Denise de Bellefeuille’s courtroom. In recent appearances, the group has appeared separately for what the court called “security reasons.”
Tenorio Ramon and Jauregui-Moreno appeared first, both sitting behind glass in the gallery on one side of the courtroom. Tenorio Ramon is the only of the four to be represented by the public defender’s office, and he pleaded not guilty to all charges.
Jauregui-Moreno’s defense attorney, Andrea Keith, entered a plea of not guilty and asked that the court change its decision to hold her client without bail, saying that there was “no evidence of conspiracy” in the more than 430 pages of discovery she has reviewed and that there were “problems with identifi-
cation” in the prosecution’s case. Keith asked Jauregui-Moreno’s family to stand and said if the court reached a reasonable bail that he would have a “huge support system” of more than 20 family members and friends. She said she was worried that her client was being held without bail with “no facts other than that it is a murder case.”
McCallister fired back, saying that there was “more than enough justification” for no bail and that Jauregui-Moreno was a “member of a street gang” that represents a “supreme risk” to the community, adding that his family has been “unable to this point to stop him.”
Judge de Bellefeuille said that “having no bail is unusual,” and offered Keith a choice: to reserve the decision on bail for Judge Maxwell when Jauregui-Moreno returned for preliminary trial setting or to accept a bail of $6.3 million based on the state’s scale. Keith chose to hold off until the April court date.
Montecito Fire Station 92 caught fire on 2/25 after flames from its first-floor fireplace made their way into the walls and up to the second floor and attic, filling the station with light smoke. After calling in a first-alarm structure fire shortly after 7:20 p.m., the resident crew and about 40 firefighters from Santa Barbara city and county and Carpinteria–Summerland brought it under control. Damage from cutting the walls open to extinguish the fire included the dayroom, an upstairs bedroom and bathroom, the attic, and the chimney. A mobile home was brought in temporarily so that the station house would remain in full operation while under reconstruction.
Isla Vista man Justin Obinna Asinobi, 22 who was arrested last year for allegedly planting hidden cameras in other people’s homes and bathrooms has pleaded not guilty to 26 misdemeanor counts of unlawful electronic peeping. The DA’s Office had dropped the charges in the initial case in August 2022 to pursue a larger investigation. Asinobi’s bail is set at $200,000, and he has been ordered to stay out of Isla Vista, be subject to GPS monitoring, and not have any contact with the victims, 12 of whom have been identified. His case has been assigned for a settlement conference on 3/8. n
Ryan P.
Miranda and Rosborough were brought into the court next, represented by defense attorneys Meghan Behrens and Neil Levinson. Both defendants also pleaded not guilty to their charges and denied all special allegations. Rosborough, who appeared with a cast on his right arm, set an additional bail review hearing for April 16.
For the latest news and longer versions of many of these stories, visit
SNOW PACKED: Cars clog East Camino Cielo Road on Saturday.
Rally Marks One Year of War in Ukraine
Overcast skies set the mood Saturday outside the County Courthouse, where more than 50 people huddled in the cold rain to stand in support of Ukraine following the oneyear anniversary of Russia’s invasion of the country. The rally was organized by Ukrainians now living in Santa Barbara and World Dance for Humanity, a nonprofit that’s raised more than $225,000 in aid for war-impacted Ukrainians.
In the past year, millions of Ukrainians have lost their homes and tens of thousands their lives. During Saturday’s rally, community members and regional and state representatives spoke to the horrors of the war, the resilience and bravery of Ukraine and its people, and the shared desire and fight for peace.
“We are gathering today to stand with Ukraine, with freedom, with democracy,” said Tatyana Taruta, one of the many Ukrainians in attendance. “It was a year that took a lot from us. For me, personally, Russia took away my hometown of Mariupol. They took away some of my family members and friends.”
Representatives who spoke at the rally included Supervisor Das Williams, who acted as emcee, as well as State Sena-
we had a lot of damage to campsites, day-use areas, trails, and roads. We have a lot of work to do, and we want to do it safely. We have a lot of heavy equipment out there, and we’re working as hard and fast as we can.”
Ice on the Cold Spring Bridge is blamed for three separate crashes on the 154 Sunday morning, that involved a big rig and eight vehicles and sent an elderly man and two pregnant women to the hospital. An estimated 300 cars cruised across East Camino Cielo past the closed signs and barricades. By dusk, the traffic on the mountain-top road was so thick that a line of red taillights could be seen from Isla Vista. At Figueroa Mountain in the San Rafaels, the same strictures apply, and $150 tickets were handed out when people moved barricades aside and drove on through.
Not only that, but road-rage incidents broke out around the traffic jams, cars bumped into each other on the icy roads, and many had to be towed after getting stuck in the mud and snow. The roadblocks some
tor Monique Limón, Congressmember Salud Carbajal’s rep Erica Reyes, DA John Savrnoch, Assemblymember Gregg Hart, and Congressmember Adam Schiff, who’s running for Dianne Feinstein’s U.S. Senate seat and was in town for a campaign event.
“People keep asking, ‘How do we bring this war to an end?’ ” Schiff said. “And sadly, the only way to bring this war to a swift conclusion is by making sure Ukraine has every resource it needs to defend itself … and we will be by your side.”
Although a somber air hung over the crowd in the beginning, the rally ended with dancing. With joined hands, attendees moved in unison to a Ukrainian song followed by World Dance–led routines that brought cheer to an otherwise melancholy, cloudy afternoon. Callie Fausey
people moved had been put there for safety reasons, the Sheriff’s Office stated.
On the city and county front-country trails that lead up to the forest, the slick, muddy paths go for about a quarter to a half mile before “closed” signs are posted. As in Los Padres, serious washouts and rock falls occlude nearly all of them. A nifty Open Trails map put together by Los Padres ForestWatch updates the current open and closed status of trails in the area, and Los Padres lists trail status at recmain/lpnf/recreation
STANDING WITH UKRAINE: A crowd gathered at the Santa Barbara Courthouse over the weekend to show continued support of Ukraine.
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SEASIDE SKIING: A skier hiked up Rattlesnake Trail over the weekend to take advantage of the rare snow atop La Cumbre Peak north of Santa Barbara. While the trail remains open to the forest boundary, the entirety of Los Padres National Forest is closed through March 14.
Asian Gun-Violence Victims Remembered
Just one month ago, 11 people were shot and killed in Monterey Park during a Lunar New Year dance, and seven people were shot and killed in Half Moon Bay two days later. Nearly all were of Asian descent. To remember them and to urge a continued fight for greater gun safety laws, their 18 names were read by Terease Chin and Helen Wong at Speaker’s Corner in Santa Barbara on Sunday, bracketed by a haunting melody played on a Japanese flute by Bob Sedivy and the ritual burning of incense.
Organized by the Asian AmericanPacific Islander Solidarity Network, Moms Demand Action, Michel Lynch, and several others, the group stood in the same spot two years ago, recalled one organizer, Juliet Betita, to mourn the eight people killed in spas in Georgia, nearly all of them women of Asian descent. “This is not a political issue,” Betita said of the rally’s call for an end to gun violence. “This is a public safety issue and a public health issue.”
The gun violence statistics are astounding, and “heart-wrenching,” as Supervisor Das Williams described it. In the two short
months of 2023 gone by, 90 mass shootings have taken place and 2,835 people have died, according to the Gun Violence Archive. Despite the political paralysis, Williams observed there was hope in the first gun violence law passed by Congress in decades, though it’s being challenged in the Ninth Circuit and is likely to end up at the Supreme Court.
As passersbys walked through the small vigil of about 50 people, Williams said the issue wasn’t just among Asian Americans, but people of Jewish descent and in other communities. Van Do-Reynoso, who saw Santa Barbara County through the pandemic as the former director of Public Health, agreed that violence was not new to the Asian and other communities. But the rally and ebbing-and-flowing crowd were encouraging. “There’s power in numbers,” Do-Reynoso said, encouraging actions like working toward culturally appropriate mental and health services. “Notice other people, especially those who might be struggling. Compassion can make change happen.”
Jean Yamamura
New DA Gets $500,000 for Racial Disparity Analytics
Not only did new District Attorney John Savrnoch get the $500,000 he was asking from the county supervisors, but he was also all but kissed on both cheeks for what they described as his refreshingly open and collaborative approach. The money is to hire a data analytics consultant to determine whether county prosecutors were filing stiffer charges and securing tougher sentences against people of color.
Several supervisors not to mention Public Defender Tracy Macuga expressed doubt about the consultant to be hired. George D’Angelo of Sicuro Data Analytics earned a PhD in economics from UCSB and frequently testifies as an expert witness on behalf of law enforcement. Public Defender Macuga testified it was “a pleasure” to be able to endorse Savrnoch’s request, although she still expressed misgivings about D’Angelo. By contrast, Macuga lead the fight against the funding and D’Angelo when Savrnoch’s predecessor, Joyce Dudley, brought the matter before the board early last December,
DA John Savrnoch
causing the matter to be postponed. Dudley and Macuga famously did not see eye to eye. This Tuesday’s optics offered a stark contrast and a promise of smoother working relations. Read a longer version of this story online at Nick Welsh
IN MEMORY: Incense is burned in remembrance of lives lost in the recent Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay mass shootings.
Tickets starting at $40! “an eco-thriller, bristling with chills and suspense” THE NEW YORK TIMES
Gallery Hours: every day 9a-4p 1351 Holiday Hill Road, Goleta 805.565.2529 OPENING RECEPTION March 8th 4 - 9 pm THEN, NOW, HERE March 8 - May 31, 2023 Women Makers
Lucy Kirkwood
Jenny Sullivan
Five Dancing Figures, Porcelain, 1965, Stefani Gruenberg
New Hotel Replaces Old Scientology Building
Last week, Santa Barbara Mayor Randy Rowse and enough members of the City Council to constitute a Brown Act violation assembled on the 500 block of State Street to celebrate the grand opening of a new boutique hotel Drift located in the hollowed-out and rebuilt remnants of what for nearly 40 years was Santa Barbara’s Scientology headquarters. Because Scientology is legally a religion, the headquarters enjoyed all the property tax exemptions allowed to any religious organization, which probably explained the enthusiasm shown by the emissaries of City Hall. The new Drift, which offers rooms for $325 a night at the off-season rate, will be generating both property taxes and bed taxes. Eons before, the newly reincarnated building was home to the Barbara Worth hotel where guests shared a down-the-hall bathroom. City staff, developer Jason Jaeger said, were a big help in getting the hotel through the design review process. He declined to
divulge how much he and his investors paid, but acknowledged they spent far more on the remodel. The Drift keyless, of course exudes a quasi-hipster edge befitting its location in the city’s loud and raucous party zone. Downstairs on State Street, it sports a coffee shop named Dawn and a bar named Dusk. Other hotels have managed to coexist happily in the neighborhood, Jaeger noted; with the proper soundproofing, guests are assured of getting a good night’s sleep. From start to finish, Jaeger said, it took three years to launch the new project. The Drift is the first of many boutique and artisanal hotels to hit downtown. Jaeger said he looked into building housing but it didn’t pencil out.
Nick Welsh
State Street Parkway Designated Historic
The State Street Parkway, which spans the center median of downtown Santa Barbara’s main street from Mission Street to Constance Avenue, was designated as a historic landmark in a unanimous decision by the City Council on Tuesday.
The parkway, including its hardy landscaping and iconic stout-trunk pindo palm trees, was nominated by the Upper East Association last year and received support from neighbors and community organizations due to its connection to the early-20thcentury urban-planning era known as the “City Beautiful” movement.
“The philosophy was very simple: that urban landscape was essential to public welfare,” Architectural Historian Nicole Hernandez said.
She gave a brief history, beginning with an image showing the area in 1898, when the surrounding properties were almost all agricultural and State Street was “just a little street running through the orchards.”
A few years later the strip had been subdivided into residential areas, with the first two houses being built in 1915 and Flying A Studios taking up a large lot near the corner of State and Mission streets around the same time.
Across the nation, urban planner Charles Mulford Robinson encouraged local governments to “purposefully beautify the urban environment,” Hernandez said, and in 1917, civic leaders began designing the parkway as a way to implement the City Beautiful movement here.
The master landscape architect Ralph Tallant Stevens and noted horticulturist Edward Owen Orpet contributed to the parkway’s historic pindo palm trees, which were recommended in 1924.
The trees, which originated from Paraguay, are also known as “jelly palms” for their smaller stature and blueish-green leaves. Two grow on each section of the parkway, with four on each block, except for one area that has been missing two for the past five years. Those will be replaced.
Ryan P Cruz
Mayor Randy Rowse at Thursday’s ribbon-cutting for the Drift Hotel
RYAN P. CRUZ bread daily from Rosa Bakery PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS THROUGH NOVEMBER 2ND BANANAS 49 ROMATOMATOES lb. 89 ¢ FUJIAPPLES 89 ¢ MEDIUMYAMS 59 HEADLETTUCE 79 ¢ PINEAPPLES ea. $ 1 99 ElPato7oz. HOTTOMATO SAUCE 59 ¢ Folgers8oz. INSTANTCOFFEE $5 89 Springfield15oz. PEAS&CARROTS 89 ¢ WHIPTOPPING 1 49 MinuteMaid59oz. ORANGEJUICE $3 Now featuring fresh bread daily from La Bella Rosa Bakery LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND • PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS FROM OCTOBER 27TH THROUGH NOVEMBER 2ND 69 ¢ lb. PORKBUTT RANCHERA $1 98 lb. PORKCHOPS ROMATOMATOES lb. 89 ¢ FUJIAPPLES 89 ¢ lb. MEDIUMYAMS HEADLETTUCE ea. 79 ¢ ea. $ 1 99 ElPato7oz. HOTTOMATO SAUCE 59 ¢ Folgers8oz. INSTANTCOFFEE $5 89 Springfield15oz. PEAS&CARROTS 89 ¢ MinuteMaid59oz. ORANGEJUICE $3 89 SANTA BARBARA 324 W. Montecito St GOLETA 5757 Hollister Ave Mahatma 2# LONG GRAIN RICE BANANAS 49 By the bag BEEF TRI TIP SANTA BARBARA 324 W. Montecito St GOLETA 5757 Hollister Ave Mahatma 2# LONG GRAIN RICE BANANAS By the bag GOLETA 5757 Hollister Ave SANTA BARBARA 324 W. Montecito St LIMITED STOCK ON HAND • PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS FROM MARCH 2 THROUGH MARCH 8 FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM AND LIKE US ON FACEBOOK NO SALES TO DEALERS GOLETA 5757 Hollister Ave Mahatma 2# LONG GRAIN RICE $ 1 99 BANANAS 49 ¢ lb. PINEAPPLES $ 1 99 7# MESQUITE CHARCOAL $ 2 89 SANTA BARBARA 324 W. Montecito St GOLETA 5757 Hollister Ave Mahatma 2# LONG GRAIN RICE $ 1 99 BANANAS 49 ¢ lb. By the bag BEEF TRI TIP $ 2 59 lb. Chicken LEG QUARTERS 69 ¢ PINEAPPLES $ 1 99 7# MESQUITE CHARCOAL $ 2 89 featuring fresh bread daily from La Bella Rosa Bakery TO STOCK ON HAND • PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS FROM OCTOBER 27TH THROUGH NOVEMBER 2ND BARBARA Montecito St GOLETA 5757 Hollister Av e Mahatma 2# LONG GRAIN RICE $ 1 99 BANANAS 49 ¢ lb. TIP QUARTERS BUTT RANCHERA CHORIZO CHOPS ROMA TOMATOES lb. 89 ¢ FUJI APPLES 89 ¢ lb. MEDIUM YAMS 59 ¢ lb. PINEAPPLES ea. $ 1 99 7# MESQUITE CHARCOAL $ 2 89 El Pato 7 oz. HOT TOMATO SAUCE 59 ¢ Folgers 8 oz. INSTANT COFFEE $ 5 89 Springfield 15 oz. PEAS & CARROTS 89 ¢ Springfield 8 oz. WHIP TOPPING $ 1 49 Minute Maid 59 oz. ORANGE JUICE $ 3 89 Locally Owned and Operated Support local people working at locally owned businesses! Chicken LEG QUARTERS 69¢ lb. CANTALOUPE 89¢ lb. HASS AVOCADOS 69¢ ea. Santa Barbara 2018 Best of winner BEST Santa Barbara WINNER� � Santa barbara bestof of Winner WINNER SANTA BARBARABEST 20 20 BEST of santa barbara 2022 W I N N E R THANK YOU FOR VOTING US BEST CORNER STORE! CUCUMBERS 5 for $2 ITALIAN & MEXICAN SQUASH 69¢ lb. ROMA TOMATOES 89¢ lb. TILAPIA FILLETS $2.98 lb. PAPAYA 69¢ lb. PORK CHOPS $1.98 lb. Boneless MARINATED CHICKEN $2.98 lb. PORK SPARE RIBS $1.98 lb. FILET MIGNON $9.98 lb.
SIX-BLOCK LANDMARK: The State Street Parkway, built in 1917, stretches across the center medians from Mission Street to Constance Avenue.
Adam Schiff Stops in S.B.
U.S. Senate Candidate Blasts Fox News, Speaker McCarthy
by Callie Fausey
U.S. House Representative Adam Schiff made a stop in Santa Barbara on Saturday in his campaign trail for the U.S Senate, hoping to fill the shoes of retiring California senator Dianne Feinstein. The Santa Barbara Public Library’s Faulkner Gallery was packed with people from Santa Barbara and Ventura County for a meetand-greet with the congressmember, who spoke about everything from the “dangers to our democracy” to the issue of poverty in the U.S. and the threats to our environment.
But out of everything the Massachusettsborn democrat spoke on, a seemingly popular interest among many in the crowd was the January 6 Capitol riot and Schiff’s work on the January 6 committee.
The first question posed to the congressmember was whether there is anything that can be done about “some of the dangerous personalities on Fox News.”
In response, Schiff brought attention to the role of social media in “this kind of dangerous pattern of funneling people into more and more extreme conduct later.” He said that while the January 6 committee didn’t “really get into the impact of Fox News,” one thing that became “very clear” through his time on the committee was that “Fox was a big propagator of the Big Lie,” referring to the baseless claim that Donald Trump had won the 2020 election, which fueled the insurrection on January 6.
After Schiff’s visit, it was revealed that Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch admitted under oath that Fox News hosts “endorsed” the election lies despite knowing they were false. The news comes out of voting-tech company Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation suit against the conservative news channel and its parent company, Fox Corp.
On Saturday, Schiff alluded to a conversation he had with “someone who served on a board” with Murdoch last year, around the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He said that while American companies were pulling out of Russia, Fox News host Tucker Carlson
was broadcasting that the U.S. should be on the side of Russia, and that “Ukraine is not a real country.”
“And I could not for the life of me understand how Murdoch would really allow such treacherous conduct, while companies are pulling out of Russia,” Schiff said. “And I asked this guy that served on the board and I said, ‘Is it just about the money?’ And he said, ‘I served with him, I know him, I was on the board with him, and I can tell you, it’s just about the money.’”
Schiff continued to say that the only way to “attack Fox” is to “attack the money” and boycott Fox “if they continue putting these demagogues on who are tearing the country apart.”
Schiff used the prompt to then address House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s decision to authorize Tucker Carlson’s staff to view the January 6 Capitol surveillance footage.
He said that he was not sure at the time whether McCarthy had actually authorized giving the Capitol video to Carlson but expressed concern that Carlson having access to the footage would compromise the Capitol Police and the safety of members of Congress and their staff, before adding that the House administration is “looking into it.”
“And it is such a flagrant and terrible illustration of how Mr. McCarthy sold his soul to get that position, to get that investment,” Schiff said, “Now that this is what he’s doing, as a part of his what appears to be a commitment he made to the Matt Gaetzes of the world.”
Later, when asked what could be done to secure the January 6 footage, and if McCarthy has unilateral authority to release it, he said, “The speakership does have a lot of unilateral authority, which has not been a problem because usually we would have responsible people.
“But we don’t anymore. And the things we see from McCarthy are demonstrating not the strength of the speakership, but the weakness of it, that he has adhered to these most extreme elements.”
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SEEKING SENATE SEAT: The Santa Barbara Public Library’s Faulkner Gallery was packed for Saturday's meetand-greet with U.S. Senate candidate and congressmember Adam Schiff.
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network celebrates its third annual Eco Hero Award honoring John & Nancy Jack Todd, Ecological Design Pioneers. Joining us to receive the award, John & Nancy Todd will share their amazing partnership journey over five decades committed to the emerging field of ecological design, that uses human ingenuity to design a future in balance with nature, while healing broken ecosystems.
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Youthful founders of the New Alchemy Institute; later embarking on the ambitious Ark for Prince Edward Island, today operating Ocean Arks International with projects around the globe, including participating with engineers & scientists on the revolutionary Greening of the Sinai project. Reception follows in the Lobero Courtyard.
It Takes a Santa Maria Village to Have Hope
The county supervisors happily signed paperwork to launch a new community of 94 transitional prefabricated “cabins” for people now living on the streets of Santa Maria. Dubbed Hope Village, the land is being provided by Santa Barbara County for five years plus $1 million to cover the management costs of the Good Samaritan Shelter. DignityMoves, a philanthropically minded collection of youthful entrepreneurs looking to create a nationally exportable model quick and relatively cheap for creating transitional housing for unhoused people is raising $3.4 million, and Dignity Health is kicking in $2 million. In exchange, 30 of the 94 beds will be set aside for homeless people released from Marian Hospital, another 10 will be set aside for former foster kids between the ages of 18 and 24, and the other 54 will be for people from the streets of Santa Maria. DignityMoves has also generated the 34-cabin cluster in downtown Santa Barbara. Both are managed by Good Samaritan. Supervisor Steve Lavagnino took
pains, however, to credit soon-to-be-retired County Administrator Terri Maus-Nisich for making both deals happen. “Without Terri, none of this ever happens,” Lavagnino stated. The goal is to build 400 units of these prefabricated cabins throughout the county. Occupants will be given a private room with a door that can be locked. Pets and partners will be allowed, storage will be provided, and there will be mental health professionals and drug and alcohol counselors. Curfews will be enforced. Supervisors Lavagnino and Bob Nelson have been meeting with nearby businesses, residents, and workers to gage their concerns. There will be problems, Lavagnino acknowledged, but with Good Samaritan at the helm, he expressed confidence they will be addressed swiftly. “Even if we had 95 graduates from Harvard here, there would be issues,” he said. Lavagnino took exception to those who worry that “‘if you build it, they will come.’” To them, he stated, “We haven’t built it, and they came anyway.”
Nick Welsh
Capps Raises Issue of Pay-to-Play Politics
Less than a month into her first term on the county Board of Supervisors, Laura Capps raised the indelicate question of play-topay politics and how a new state law barring elected officials from voting on items in which even low-level campaign donors have a stake will be regulated and enforced in Santa Barbara County.
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Capps broached the matter while the board was deliberating a controversial flood control project slated for Los Alamos. She noted that a new bill Senate Bill 1489 bars elected officials from voting on any item in which a donor gave $250 or more. That law went into effect just this year and could have massive ramifications for how politics plays out at all levels of government throughout Santa Barbara County not to mention the entire state.
aged to swerve in from left field. In response, County Executive Officer Mona Miyasato swooped in, announcing that she’d schedule the issue for discussion at a future board meeting.
Capps pointed out that she’d immersed herself in such issues since her days on Capitol Hill in the 1990s, working behind the scenes on the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform measure subsequently invalidated by the Supreme Court. By contrast, she didn’t mention her pointed attacks on fellow supervisor Das Williams when she ran against him three years ago for 1st District Supervisor. In that race, Capps blasted Williams for taking large campaign donations from those in the cannabis industry.
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(805) 293-6363
(805) 293-6363
“Here we are,” she declared, “a new day.” How will the county regulate and enforce the new law, she asked, “when donations are made and permits are required?”
While none of the other supervisors addressed the issue head-on, it did spark them albeit awkwardly to disclose private (ex parte) discussions they’d had with advocates from either side of the heated debate about the Los Alamos flood control project. That item sailed through on a 5-0 vote although some boardmembers expressed reservations about a project that had already been approved many years ago. Supervisor Joan Hartmann suggested the supervisors might need to adopt a policy on disclosing ex parte communications prior to deliberating and deciding certain issues.
(805) 293-6363
The question was not on the supervisors’ agenda but at Capps's instigation, it man-
Nick Welsh
Supervisor Laura Capps
Goleta Calls Out County over Housing Plans
City Council Officially Requests County Remove Plan to Build on Farmland
by Jean Yamamura
AMontecito landowner is interested in building employee housing, which is a step in the right direction in the regional housing crisis. But for the City of Goleta, it won’t solve the problem of nearly 300 acres of agricultural land that the County of Santa Barbara plans to rezone for housing right along the city’s borders. On Monday, Goleta’s City Council voted to send a letter outlining the city’s concerns and requesting the removal of the farmland and Glen Annie Golf Club from the list.
Like all the cities, the county must zone for a certain amount of housing to be built in the next eight years, a difficult task, especially as the state is giving the Housing Element document more scrutiny and the numbers are steep: 4,142 units in the unincorporated South County, 8,001 in Santa Barbara, 901 in Carpinteria, and 1,837 in Goleta. North County and its cities must find the real estate for nearly 10,000 homes.
Any jurisdiction that fails to certify a Housing Element faces a serious loss of funding from the state and the possibility of developments with no discretionary safeguards. Moreover, it’s likely more of its residents will go without the housing they need near where they work.
The numbers reflect where the jobs are. Goleta holds a good number of light industry and retail, and UC Santa Barbara sits right on its border. The irony is not lost on Goleta that the state is mandating housing in the city, yet UCSB, a state institution, is failing to provide agreed-upon housing for students and faculty, Mayor Paula Perotte reflected on Monday.
The city has done its part, building about 1,400 units in recent years, said Councilmember James Kyriaco, and was likely to approve another 332 units on March 7 at Heritage Ridge, a housing development that includes 104 low- and very-low-income apartments, which is just the sort of affordable housing the new state laws target.
What income-level homes are built where is very much a part the problem. Though semi-urban Montecito and Hope Ranch are in the county, the employee housing above is the only one identified in either location. Instead, the county plans to rezone farmland on South Patterson for 4,270 potential units in Old Town. That’s an environmental justice problem, Goleta’s letter states: “Should
rezones be required, new sites in more affluent, white, and larger-lot/underutilized sites in Montecito and Hope Ranch, for example, will expand housing equity opportunities AND protect the disadvantaged community located in Old Town.”
According to Lisa Plowman, who heads County Planning, the state’s scrutiny looks for plans in process and land with leases that prevent housing; the state isn’t likely to accept rezoning for low-income housing in areas where homes cost $4 million and up. “The state has been very clear that they want each jurisdiction to demonstrate that the identified developed sites will develop or redevelop within the eight-year Housing Element cycle,” Plowman said.
Goleta disagreed, and its planners stated that developer interest was only one of many factors for nonvacant sites. But another bone of contention was public outreach. In the letter, the city states the county’s draft document should be discussed in a workshop, at the Planning Commission, and revised. “Accommodating this request will best position the County to have Goleta’s support, not opposition, during the State’s review of the draft,” the letter states.
To that shot across the bow, Plowman opined that Goleta might be overly optimistic about its own Housing Element, which she thought was not very different from the draft that was rejected. As for outreach, the county’s plan holds four pages of it, which includes a dozen meetings with individuals and groups, but is largely a list of posts and circulars. The influential Citizens Planning Association (CPA) met with the county, but even CPA supports Goleta’s assertion that farmland should be developed only as a last resort.
In November 2022, public workshops took place and displayed the draft map that alarmed Goletans over ag-lands. Many spoke and wrote in support of the council on Monday, including Janet Wolf, who was a county supervisor in 2009 when the Local Agency Formation Commission voted down a previous council’s request to annex the same South Patterson farmlands; the county feared the city would build on them. Wolf said she had always appreciated the cooperation between the county and the city and said she was “hopeful the county will take the issues you raise seriously.”
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FIGHT FOR FARMLAND: The farm fields between Ward Memorial Highway and South Patterson could turn into housing, which the neighboring City of Goleta is fighting in favor of infill housing within the county.
Every Dog Has Its Day Opinions
HERE WE GO AGAIN: Once, we were all about kicking dogs while they were down But here in Santa Barbara County, we like dogs in fact, we take them out to dinner with us. So instead, we have settled on flagellating something called Greka Oil and Gas. Greka has operated so pathologically outside the pale of corporate conduct for so long that it was downright mythological. Even its owners finally felt compelled to change its name. It’s now HVI Cat Canyon, which in 2019 declared bankruptcy.
As an oil patch operator, Greka operated 11 facilities up in the Santa Maria and Cat Canyon areas with an outlaw abandon that seemed premeditated in the first degree Based on its track record, Greka aggressively courted environmental catastrophe
It became the patron saint of perpetual oil spills, pipeline leaks, and corroded containment ponds. Not only was groundwater contaminated on Greka’s watch, but so too were nearby creeks that drain into the Pacific Ocean. This kept Greka constantly in the crosshairs of the Environmental Protection Agency, which is charged with enforcing the Clean Water Act.
I mention all this because late last week on February 25 a 61-year-old federal judge from Los Angeles named Fernando M. Olguin issued a 65-page ruling holding HVI Cat Canyon liable for $65 million in sanctions for violating the
Clean Water Act as well as lesser state environmental infractions. That’s $1 million in fines for every page of the judge’s opinion.
At some time in history, $65 million would have seemed like a very big deal. But today, that with the $5 bill you just found in the crack of your couch might be able to buy you a small latte from the Dune coffee shop on State and Figueroa.
Given that HVI Cat Canyon declared bankruptcy four years ago and sold off most of its Santa Maria assets which now sit dormant it’s hard to believe much, if any, of that $65 million will ever get paid. And not to second-guess the judge who, by the way, also ruled in another case that the grown man who was once the naked baby on the Nirvana album cover had no case to sue the band but if you’re not going to get paid, why not go whole hog? The maximum penalty he could have imposed was $184 million.
Why equivocate over imaginary money?
Wading through the ruling was enough to induce dyslexia. But from what I gleaned, the case against HVI Cat Canyon involved just 12 oil spills that took place between 2005 and 2010. I say “just” because Olguin referenced 181 oil spills from 2006 to the present. Along the way 26,585 barrels of crude oil and produced water spilled into navigable waterways of the United States of America.
To be fair, only a small percent of that is
actual crude oil, but the produced “water” is contaminated with scores of cancercausing, birth-deforming chemicals. Its salt content is usually about 20 times greater than what ambient vegetation can tolerate and still live. Olguin clocked HVI as being in violation of one particular environmental regulation 86,842 days . The judge dismissed outright as “not credible” testimony by company officials that they genuinely tried to comply with the law. Instead the judge found the company displayed gross negligence and “reckless disregard.” Far more credible, Olguin found, was the expert witness who testified the company cut corners as part of its business plan, saving $6.3 million by not complying with protocol that would have drastically reduced the chances of such spills or minimized their impact if they did.
Still, $65 million is $65 million. Sure, it’s theoretical, but it’s not nothing. One might also wonder why it took so long. Greka, after all, was an openly oozing wound hiding in plain sight since forever. But perhaps Olguin’s ruling will serve some cautionary function, a bloody shirt waving in the wind. As outlandish an outlier Greka undeniably was, its conduct should serve as yet another wake-up call. (Given the more current mess still unfolding with Exxon and Plains Pipeline Company up the coast, I’d say we don’t need any more wakeup calls.)
HVI, it should be noted, walked away from its oil fields in Santa Maria, leaving 210 orphan oil wells behind. The California Department of Conservation, Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) has been forced to assume control of the clean-up operations. But all of us as taxpayers will wind up paying the clean-up costs that Greka hasn’t and won’t Orphan wells are not just an unfortunate byproduct of some bygone day when boys could still be boys and oil companies could still get away with antiquated industry standards because no one allegedly knew better. You don’t get more contemporary and 21st century and premediated, knowing, and malicious than the mess Greka just up and left us with.
Industry apologists are forever arguing that oil development needs to take place right here in Santa Barbara because we have the world’s strictest environmental regulations. We can do it safely and responsibly, they insist. Not like the thirdworld despots who control much of the world’s oil supply.
It’s a nice line. For all I know, they may even believe it.
Next time you hear it, just get the speaker to buy you a latte with their proceeds of the $65 million Greka will never pay. And make it a large latte. With wholefat milk
—Nick Welsh
Peripheral neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves often causing weakness, pain, numbness, tingling, and the most debilitating bal- ance problems.
This damage is commonly caused by a lack of blood flow to the nerves in the hands and feet which will cause the nerves to begin to slowly degenerate due to lack of nutrient flow.
As you can see in Figure 1, as the blood vessels that surround the nerves become diseased they shrivel up which causes the nerves to not receive the nutrients to continue to survive.
When these nerves begin to “die” they cause you to have balance problems, pain, numb- ness, tingling, burning, and many additional symptoms.
There is a facility right here in Santa Barbara that offers you hope without taking those endless drugs with serious side effects. (see the special neuropathy severity examination at the end of this article)
In order to effectively treat your neuropathy three factors must be determined:
· What’s the underlying cause?
· How Much Nerve Damage Has Been Sustained
· How much treatment will your condition require
The treatment that is provided at SB Regenerative Health has three main goals:
1. Increase blood flow
2. Stimulate small fiber nerves
3. Decrease brain-based pain
The amount of treatment needed to allow the nerves to fully recover varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation.
We can objectively measure the severity of deficit in both small and large nerve fibers prior to start of care.
Charles Sciutto Lac along with NP Kristen Nelson at Santa Barbara Regenerative Health Clinic, will do a neuropathy severity consultation to review peripheral neuropathy history, symptoms and discuss plan of treatment. This consultation will be free of charge and will help determine if our therapy protocol may be a good fit for your needs.
Santa Barbara Regenerative Health Clinic will be offering this neuropathy severity consultation free of charge from now until February 28, 2023.
14 THE INDEPENDENT MARCH 2, 2023 INDEPENDENT.COM angry poodle barbecue
Figure 1: Notice the very small blood vessels surrounding each nerve.
Figure 2: When these very small blood vessels become diseased they begin to shrivel up and the nerves begin to degenerate.
Figure 3: The blood vessels will grow back around the nerves much like a plant’s roots grow when watered.
Act Now! PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY W ING! Call 805-450-2891 to make an appointment with our team. Medicare and many PPO insurance coverage is available for the treatments offered for peripheral neuropathy at our clinic Santa Barbara Regenerative Health Clinic 1919 State Street, Suite 302 Santa Barbara CA. Our office treatment program is covered by Medicare or other insurance coverage. It will be determined as free of charge, have co-payment, or not be covered prior to start of care.
Don’t Hesitate to
Roger Arlen Phillips 1934 - 2023
The firm now practices under the name of 19six Architects to honor the founding year of the firm, one of the oldest and most established firms in California.
Roger Arlen Phillips, 88, beloved and devoted husband, father, and friend, passed away quietly surrounded by love in his home in Montecito on January 19, 2023.
Roger was born in 1934 to Paul Edward and Lela Belle Phillips of Bakersfield, California. As a young boy his family vacationed in Santa Barbara where he fell in love with the architecture, theaters, culture, and landscape. At 17, his architectural drawing instructor and author of Santa Barbara Adobes, Clarence Cullimore, submitted – unbeknownst to Roger at the time – an architectural drawing and model project to the 1952 Ford Motor Company Industrial Arts Awards contest and won a five-day all-expenses-paid trip to Detroit and Dearborn for Roger and Clarence. His entry “was judged superior to any of the several hundred other entries from the 48 states, Alaska, and the Hawaiian Islands.”
Roger obtained his degree in architecture from UC Berkeley in 1958 and soon after began work with Howell Arendt Mosher Grant Architects on Sola Street in Santa Barbara until returning to Bakersfield, meeting his wife who had come from Connecticut to teach in the Fall of 1959, and beginning his family. In 1964 Roger and his new family moved to Santa Barbara where he returned to the same firm with the updated name of Arendt Mosher Grant Architects on Micheltorena Street. Roger became a partner in 1975, with a further update of the firm name to Grant Pedersen Phillips in 1982. The firm name continued to evolve with new principals and Roger retired from architecture in 2007.
Over the course of a long and distinguished career, Roger designed and was involved with numerous projects which have served and enriched our community here in Santa Barbara and the South-Central Coast including, the City and County of Santa Barbara, UCSB, Santa Barbara City College, Westmont College, Metropolitan Theatres, and the Music Academy of the West. Two of his most cherished projects were the Vista de las Cruces Elementary School in Buellton and the renovation of the Granada Theater. The small, beautiful school and grand historic theater are completely different in scale and use, yet both required the ultimate expressions of his expertise, drive, sensitivity, character and force as a man and architect.
Roger was a vital and present member of the community. He was a member of The American Institute of Architects as well as a Rotarian, where he served as president in 1987. He served on the Montecito Board of Architectural Review and other architectural review boards throughout the years.
Roger also served on the board of CAMA, The Community Arts Music Association, for a number of years and passionately enjoyed their concerts throughout his lifetime. He was a great lover of music, acoustics, and instruments in both practice and appreciation. During his involvement with the restoration of the Arlington Theater in the 70’s and 80’s he promoted the inclusion of a rare Wonder Morton theater organ. He played piano rags by Scott Joplin and jazz on the ukulele, of which he had an impressive collection. The last concert he attended was at the Granada Theatre where Jake Shimabukuro performed in December 2022.
Roger was unequaled in
spirit and mind. He possessed a rare combination of knowledge, creativity, and vision, coupled with grace, charm, wit, and diplomacy. He was eloquent, positive, and constructive. He was a man of great faith and awed by the magnificence of our planet. He was grounded and grateful for his life. He was devoted to his family whom he considered his greatest treasure.
He is survived by Diana, his adored wife of 62 years, his sister Suzi Specht, daughter Kimberly Hayes, son Marc Phillips and their respective families. A memorial service will be held at El Montecito Presbyterian Church on Saturday, March 11 at 1:30 P.M. In lieu of flowers please remember CAMA.
a dental hygienist until she retired in 2001, serving in San Francisco and returning to Santa Barbara in 1970 to work for Drs. Don Truex and Jim Subject for over thirty years.
Margie was love in action. Her faith, her friendships, her career, her hobbies, her interest in the world and everything in it were defined by her love. She smiled readily and was always the first to laugh. Margie was a consummate playdate organizer, encouraging those she loved to join her for a good time, whether it be camping, the theater, or trips to Disneyland, Cambria, and San Francisco. Margie was an experienced traveler, making friends all over the world. She was a global ambassador of kindness wherever she put her feet.
Margie Bonazzola
5/25/1940 - 1/22/2023
Miyoko Tabata
Memorial Service for Miyoko
Tabata at the Santa Barbara Buddhist Church on April 8, 2023.
12:00. 1015 E. Montecito Street.
John Fiacco
6/10/1946 - 2/19/2023
Margie Bonazzola died peacefully at home in Solvang, CA, while watching her church service online on January 22, 2023. She was born May 25, 1940, at St. Francis Hospital in Santa Barbara, CA, to Elvira and Bill Bonazzola. Margie attended Lincoln Elementary School and Santa Barbara Junior High, and graduated from Santa Barbara High School in 1958. She was active in 4H for almost a decade of her life, and played clarinet with the marching band in junior high and high school. She attended UCSB for three years, then transferred to UCSF and completed her studies as a dental hygienist. Margie was employed as
Margie was supportive of the Santa Barbara Zoo, UCSB Arts and Lectures, and the Santa Barbara Symphony; she was a passionate Lady Gauchos basketball fan. She was well read and renowned for her ability to converse in depth on just about any subject, putting patients and friends at ease. Margie’s life was guided by generosity of spirit. She answered the call of community service, volunteering at the Solvang library and her church, and was available to serve wherever there was a need.
Margie was preceded in death by her parents and her sister Verna Isaac. She is survived by her sister Cherie Bonazzola; her nieces Stephanie Isaac, Renee Mendonsa, Stacey Isaac, and her nephew Scott Isaac; many beloved great-nieces and -nephews; her lifelong friends of 75 years, CC Cavaletto Villines and Margaret Murphy; and a world of friends who carry on her legacy.
Memorial services will be held Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 11 a.m. at Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, 1825 Alamo Pintado Road in Solvang. Memorial donations may be made to Direct Relief International or the Wounded Warrior Project. The family would like to thank Home Assisted Care/Hospice Nurses.
John Francis Fiacco (Johnny), 76, of Santa Barbara, CA, passed away on February 19th in Santa Barbara. John was born in New York, NY to Carmella (Millie) and Joseph Fiacco on June 10th, 1946. He grew up with three older brothers, Vincent, Charlie, and Joe. John earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Riverside, and a master’s degree from Loma Linda. He was a big believer in education and has helped many students with financial aid and scholarships to complete their degrees. He had an interest in books and Santa Barbara history.
In his free time, he thoroughly enjoyed sampling the local fare in Santa Barbara with family and friends.
He is survived by his Wife Carol, his son Stephen and daughter-in-law Kathy Fiacco, and grandchildren Jack and Braden.
Family and friends joined for visiting hours on Friday evening February 24, 2023 from 6 to 8pm in the JOSEPH P. REARDON FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICE, 757 E. Main Street, Ventura, where a Most Holy Rosary was recited at 7pm. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at 1pm on Saturday, February 25, 2023 in Our Lady of the Assumption Roman Catholic Church, 3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura. A reception followed.
16 THE INDEPENDENT MARCH 2, 2023 INDEPENDENT.COM To submit obituaries for publication, please call (805) 965-5205 or email obituaries
M.A. Rasmussen
Please join me, M.A.’s daughter Tere, in celebrating the life of this remarkable woman – a creative soul who was as adept at writing poems, sailing windsurfers, and cooking delicious goodies, as she was at playing recorders, growing magnificent succulents, and delighting friends with her wicked sense of humor. We will gather Friday March 3, from 1-4 at Shoreline Park Picnic area ( ample parking, Shoreline Drive and Santa Rosa Place). You’re encouraged to bring stories, poems, pictures of M.A. Please RSVP
Robert G. Rinker
1929 - 2023
fornia Institute of Technology. During his master’s program, he was recruited to serve in the Army Corp of Engineers as an officer in the Korean War where he served for about a year. After his service he completed his PhD in 1959 in Chemical Engineering and went on to become an assistant professor at Caltech. During this time he met and married his wife Lorraine. In 1965, Bob founded the chemical engineering department at UCSB where he was a professor until he retired in 1992. He continued on as an Professor Emeritus and Associate Dean of College of Engineering until 2005. Bob impacted many student’s lives and was awarded the professor of the year in the Chemical Engineering Department countless times for his dedication in teaching both undergraduate and graduate students. He was a champion of the MESA program that encouraged diverse students to pursue a degree in science and engineering. Bob is memorialized in the Chemical Engineering Department with a Robert G. Rinker Chair in ChemE and with the Robert G. Rinker ChemE Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory.
Contributions by check should be written to the “UC Regents” with the words “Office of Education Partnerships” in the memo line of your check. Checks can be sent to our address: Office of Education Partnerships University of California, Santa Barbara
1501 South Hall Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3011
Harvey Leon Turner 6/9/1938 - 2/19/2023
ebrating Christmas with all of his grandchildren around. He was known for his quick wit, always the life of the party and charmed everyone he met. Harvey will be deeply missed by his family, friends, and all who knew him.
A ceremony to celebrate Harvey’s life will be held at the chapel of McDermott-Crockett Mortuary on Friday, March 10th at 2:00 pm.
Karen “Kay” Ann Weninger
1/31/1940 - 2/18/2023
Memories and condolences may be shared with the family at
Florence “Fifi” Otis Russell
7/24/1922 - 1/14/2023
Robert (Bob) G. Rinker, PhD, peacefully passed away at home in Santa Barbara on February 12, 2023. He is survived by his wife Lorraine Dayle Rinker and his three children: Nancy Moore, Edward Rinker, and Andrew Rinker. He is also survived by his five grandchildren: Zachary Moore, Jessica Moore, Nicholas Moore, Ethan Rinker, and Avery Rinker. Bob was a devoted husband, father, professor, and was known for his humility and integrity.
Bob was born in Vincennes, Indiana. He graduated from Rose Holman Institute of Technology in 1951. He enrolled in the master’s program at Cali-
He will be greatly missed by his family, the community of UCSB, and his many students.
Friends and family are invited to attend a memorial for Bob at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church: 4575 Auhay
Dr. in Santa Barbara at 1pm on March 11th with a reception following at Creekside Restaurant and Bar: 4444 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the MESA program at UCSB.
How To Donate: MAKE AN ONLINE GIFT TODAY (https://oep.ucsb. edu/give/donate)
Let us know in the “Comments” box on the “Personal Information” page by including “Dr. Robert Rinker – MESA.”
Or make a donation by
Harvey Turner, loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandpa, passed away at the age of 84.
Harvey was born on June 9, 1938 in Salinas, CA to Beulah and Jack Turner. He grew up in Bakersfield, CA, and met the love of his life Liz on a blind date while attending college. On July 12, 1958 he married Elizabeth Clara Meleo. They had 3 children, Janet, Pamela and Tony; Sons in law, Mark and Steve, 7 beloved grandchildren and 2 greatgrandchildren. He earned his degree at University of Redlands and had a 40 year career as a program manager for Litton and Santa Barbara Research Center (Raytheon).
Harvey (Harv) had a passion for art and jewelry making. Creating ceramics at his mom’s shop as a child and creating art for his families’ home, and in later years as a fine jeweler creating beautiful gem-stone and precious metal jewelry, a passion he shared with Pam. He was also an avid golfer, which he took up after many years of playing tennis, a passion he shared with Janet. He loved to travel, taking many trips with his family over the years, and cel-
Karen “Kay” Ann Schlundt
Weninger, 83, of Wilmington, NC died on February 18, 2023. She was born in St. Paul, MN on January 31, 1940 to Clarence and Ann Schlundt.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her son Steve, sister Cathy Schneider and brother Wally Schlundt.
Kay was a well-respected nurse. She worked for many years in convalescent care, her patients and their families loved and adored her. She was adored by her peers and the nursing students she instructed. Kay enjoyed playing Rummy Cube, card games, and board games. She also loved to be out in her garden, and doing arts and crafts.
She is survived by her children John, Lori, Michelle, and Daniel, grandchildren, Natasha, Savannah, Jason, Jake, Chelsea, Aiden, and Lyla, brother Bob and many nieces and nephews.
There was a celebration of life on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 from 12pm – 3pm at Wilmington Funeral & Cremation Chapel.
In lieu of flowers the family ask that you make a donation in Kay’s name to a charity of your choice.
Florence “Fifi” Otis Russell, a prolific water-color artist, world traveler, and pioneering arts educator in Southern California museums and schools, passed away peacefully in her home on January 14, 2023, surrounded by her local family, and amazing and dedicated caregivers. She was 100. Fifi was born July 24, 1922, in New York, the oldest child of Dr. Ernest F. Russell and Elizabeth O. Buckingham. As a child, she and her family moved to Santa Barbara. After graduating from Scripps College, she worked assisting WWII refugees, under the auspices of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation, in their Washington D.C. headquarters. She later had an esteemed 30-year teaching career in the Norwalk-La Mirada School District. On her return to Santa Barbara after retiring, she became a fixture in the local arts community for decades. Fifi was preceded in death by her two younger brothers, Scott and David (and his wife Nancy), and is survived by her nieces, nephews, cousins, and their families, and is fondly remembered by a community of friends, locally, nationally and internationally. Her favorite saying, “Isn’t it Wonderful?”, exemplified her love and curiosity of life, and she will be truly missed. A private funeral was held on February 17. Donations in her memory can be made to The Goleta Valley Art Association or The Santa Barbara Art Association.
INDEPENDENT.COM MARCH 2, 2023 THE INDEPENDENT 17 To submit obituaries for publication, please call (805) 965-5205 or email obituaries Continued on p.18
Nan Fletcher Djordjevic
- 2/2/2023
Nan Fletcher Djordjevic passed away peacefully in Santa Barbara on February 2, 2023 after a valiant struggle with cancer. She had been a Santa Barbara resident for more than 60 years. Born in Berkeley, California, Nan was the youngest daughter of Ann Elizabeth Sloan and Maurice Carroll Fletcher (of Fletcher Aviation). Nan’s parents met each other while students at Santa Barbara High School. Her grandfather, James Esler Sloan, was a former Mayor of Santa Barbara.
Nan grew up in Altadena, California, also spending time at a second family home on Balboa Island. She had a happy childhood, raised by loving parents and surrounded by pet dogs and cats. After she graduated from Pasadena’s John Muir High School in 1955, Nan followed in her mother’s footsteps, attending the University of California at Berkeley as an English major. She joined the Delta Gamma sorority, and spent a memorable year in Italy with her college friends.
At Cal, she met fellow student Francis Sarguis, whom she married after they both graduated in 1959. The couple eventually settled in Santa Barbara, where Frank started his legal career and where they raised their three children, Taylor, Tod and Nina. By the early 1970s, Nan was devoting her time to local political causes. She also served as president of the Santa Barbara United Nations Association. Her passion for justice and the common good
continued throughout her life.
In 1978, newly single, Nan took on the challenge of reentering the workforce. After a stint at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, she worked as a library assistant at the UC Santa Barbara Library for several years. Following retirement, she volunteered as a docent at the Santa Barbara Historical Society.
In 1981, Nan married Dimitrije “Mita” Djordjevic, a UCSB professor and renowned scholar and author of Balkan history. Nan enjoyed traveling the world with Mita, and immersing herself in different cultures and cuisines. Nan and Mita frequently had visitors and lively parties, often including Mita’s dear brother Micha, and their extended family and friends. They always appreciated Santa Barbara’s beauty, enjoying the views, sunsets, and walks on the beach, usually accompanied by Buba, their beloved blue heeler. After Mita tragically contracted Alzheimer’s disease, Nan provided him great comfort and support until he passed away in 2009.
Nan was devoted to her children, extended family, and many friends, and loved staying in touch with everyone. She was thrilled to attend multiple high school and college class reunions. Nan was tireless when it came to sending out cards, letters, and gifts, and remembering birthdays. Christmas was an especially big event for her. She always memorialized gettogethers with photos, and likely took thousands of them over the years.
Nan supported charities throughout her life, particularly those committed to animals and children. She was a voracious reader, frequently enjoying mysteries, biographies and poetry. She had a lifelong love of theater and musicals (during childhood trips with her parents, she saw productions with origi-
nal casts on Broadway and in London). Nan also enjoyed listening to classical music, and watching classic movies and TV sitcoms. She never lost her focus on politics and world events, but maintained a wonderful sense of humor through everything; laughter was common in her home. She will be missed by many.
When Nan was diagnosed with cancer 10 years ago, she showed tremendous resilience while undergoing periodic, difficult treatments. Although she valued her independence, in her final years she needed more regular in-home help. Thankfully, her daughter Nina dedicated herself to the task, moving from Sacramento to become her primary caregiver, and allowing Nan to continue living at home as long as possible, as she always wished.
Nan was preceded in death by her beloved husband Mita and sister Nina Hixson. She is survived by her sons F. Taylor Sarguis (Claudine) and Tod F. Sarguis; her daughter Nina S. Walker (Matthew); her stepdaughter Jelena Markovic; her step-grandchildren Vladimir Markovic (Natasha) and Danielja Markovic; her stepgreat-granddaughter Tara Markovic; her nephews Rob Hixson (Gina) and Ron Hixson (John); her cousins Linda Lawrence and Roz Arbel (Nir); her beloved rescue dog Mindy; and numerous friends and extended family.
The family wishes to thank the doctors, nurses and staff at Ridley-Tree Cancer Center and Serenity House – VNA Health for their compassionate care. The family is also grateful for the devoted work and support provided by Malena Reyes and Griselda Ochoa in recent years. A private family celebration of life will be held at a later time. Inurnment will be at Santa Barbara Cemetery. Friends may donate in Nan’s honor to the charity of their choice if desired.
Eric Anthony Jacobson
1/23/1959 - 8/12/2022
Haskells Beach with the kids and the surfboards, dogs and extended family.
He was a master at his trade, HVAC, and copper work, and so generous with his time. He was always ready and willing to share his knowledge with others .
Our Dear Eric passed away on August 12, 2022 after a long hard battle with cancer, in his home at Naples, Goleta, with family at his side.
Eric was born in Albuquerque , New Mexico on January 23, 1959 to Mary Angeline and Eric Nathaniel Jacobson. Eric was the eldest of 5 children.
His siblings Mike (Vicky), Craig, Pauly (Jamie), Monique (Ted) were his best friends, his constant buddies. His Mother Angie was his greatest champion. They spent hours on the phone together, year after year. Eric’s Father and Brother Craig, preceded him in death.
Eric met his future wife and lifetime partner, Jan, in Painted Cave, Santa Barbara, in 1987. They wed in 1989 and with Jan came her two young children, Ryan and Melissa Haggerty. Eric loved them so. Soon they added another Daughter to the family, Julia Jacobson, and their family was complete.
Eric’s children , Ryan (Andrea), Melissa ( Michael), Julia (Lucas) and his 10 grandchildren, Sean, Sieanna, Jaden, David, Mia, Camila, Kat, Aubri, Milo and Levi were his pride and joy. His constant amazement and his reason to keep pushing on.
He also leaves many beloved nieces and nephews and other family members including his Richardson Family and so many friends.
Too many to name.
Eric was so very generous and kind. Always funny, never complaining. So humble.
Many days were spent at
We love you Eric. We miss you. Husband, Father, Poppa, Brother, Son, Uncle, friend. We know you are with God and we will all be together someday.
In memory of Eric please pay it forward with kindness and love to others.
Pauline (Mommy) Molina
4/18/1943 - 1/31/2023
On January 31, 2023, our beloved Pauline Molina also known as “Mommy” to her family and friends passed on to our creator’s loving grace at the age of 79. Pauline was born a fraternal twin on April 18, 1943. Pauline was a 1962 graduate of Santa Barbara High School. ‘Once a Don, always a Don’. Rosary Service will be held at 9:30 a.m., followed by A Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 11 at St. Raphael Catholic Church, 5444 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara. Graveside service following the Mass.
18 THE INDEPENDENT MARCH 2, 2023 INDEPENDENT.COM To submit obituaries for publication, please call (805) 965-5205 or email
Daniel R. Diaz
2023, at Welch-Ryce-Haider.
Funeral mass on March 9, 2023, 10:00 a.m. at Our Lady of Sorrows church. After the burial, friends and family are invited to Moose Lodge for a reception.
of California, Santa Barbara. He taught at UCSB for over forty years. He had many accomplishments over the years while teaching, however, he was most proud of being named Professor of The Year in the Chem E. Department.
Mary D. McNally 9/10/1932 - 2/9/2023
Daniel passed away peacefully on February 17, 2023, a day after his 86th birthday. He was born in Telixtlahuaca, Oaxaca, Mexico to Tomasa Ramos and Luis Diaz. He immigrated to the United States in 1963 and settled in Santa Barbara, CA. In 1970, Daniel began working at Hope Gardens and eventually became the gardener at Monterey Pines apartments, where he was known by everyone as Danny. He had a great work ethic and took pride in keeping the grounds of Monterey Pines looking beautiful. He retired in 2007.
Daniel is survived by his wife of 54 years, Ana Maria, and his three children, Elizabeth, Eduardo, and Thomas. He is also survived by his grandchildren, Heijh, Daniel, Thomas, Khali, Nicholas, Mathew, Julissa, and his first great-grandson, Santiago.
Daniel worked hard and made sacrifices to give his children a better life than he had. He was proud of each one. He loved and looked forward to spending time with all his grandchildren, especially birthdays, holidays and the grandchildren’s sporting events.
Daniel loved music, he would often sit outside on the patio, overlooking his garden, and listen to Los Panchos. He would say listening to his music reminded him of his younger years.
We love you and will miss you Pops!
Services information:
Viewing (4 -7 p.m.) and Rosary (7 p.m.) on March 8,
It was at UCSB where he met his wife, Patricia Sullivan. They had four children, Erin, Shannon, Brendan, and Colleen. They were married for 49 years before he passed away.
Joe will also be remembered as a member of Saint Barbara Parish, where he served in several ministries there. His devotion to his faith led him to volunteer his time to many organizations in the Santa Barbara community. He also spent time volunteering as a Chaplin at the County Jail in Santa Barbara.
Mary D. McNally, 90, passed away peacefully at 11:30 pm on February 9 at home surrounded by her family.
Mary was born on September 10, 1932 in Buffalo, New York, to the late James E. and Ellen D. Durkin.
On December 3, 1971, she married James McNally in Watts, CA. They enjoyed 51 wonderful years together. She was a loving wife, mother and nana.
tive spiritual life as a 52 year sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous. Mary guided and supported many women to achieve and maintain sobriety. The legacy of her amazing work ethic, compassion, love and support of her family and friends will always be remembered. Her contagious laugh and beautiful smile will live on in all of our hearts. Mary will be deeply missed by her family, friends and all who knew her. Mary will be interred at Santa Barbara Cemetery in a private family ceremony.
Orville Cecil Sandall, or
as he was affectionally called by friends and family, was born in Cupar, Saskatchewan, Canada. He was the son of William and Emma Maude Sandall. During his younger years, growing up in rural Canada, Orville was a standout athlete. He played many sports including hockey, baseball, curling, and boxing. He also participated in track and field events.
When he wasn’t participating in sports, Joe was focusing on his studies. He attended the University of Alberta where he received his BS and MS degrees. After attending the University of Alberta, he emigrated to the United States to attend the University of California, Berkeley. It was at Cal where he received his PhD in Chemical Engineering and decided to pursue a career as a Professor. Upon graduating, he was immediately hired as one of the first Professors of the newly created Chemical Engineering Department at the University
Most of all, Joe will be remembered as an avid story teller and public speaker. He looked forward to, and loved sharing his many stories with friends and family. His stories will be missed tremendously by all those who loved him.
Joe is survived by his wife, Patrica, his four children Erin (Jose), Shannon (Max), Brendan (Kellye), Colleen (Mathew), his three grandchildren, Luna, Joaquin, Luke, and his two Rottweilers Decker and Minna.
A funeral Mass will be held at the Old Mission Santa Barbara on March 11, 2023 at 11:00 AM.
She is survived by her husband James and three children, Douglas Richards (Nancy), Ellen Johnston (Tom), and Mary McNally (Steve). She has six grandchildren; Lisa, Christie, Matthew, Thomas, Timothy, and Benjamin and five great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her brothers John and James Durkin and her sister Elizabeth Lefevre.
Mary graduated from D’Youville College in Buffalo with a BS in Nursing. After graduation, Mary moved to California and started her career at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Los Angeles. She served for years as a registered nurse for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. For 18 years, she worked as a psychiatric nurse in the emergency room at Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara helping alcoholics, addicts and mentally challenged patients. At age 58, she received her Masters Degree in Psychology from the University of San Francisco. In 2000, Mary retired from nursing to spend time helping people, traveling and enjoying her family.
Mary had a deep and effec-
Naomi K. Carroll passed away suddenly on September 29, 2022 at 96 years old. She was a long time resident of Carpinteria, CA. Naomi was born in San Bernardino, CA on October 19 1925 to Helen Berry Fitch and Harry Fitch. An only child, growing up, she was surrounded by aunts, uncles, and cousins. In 1945, she married Melvin L. Carroll, starting a family,they had 2 sons, Rodney and Steven. Naomi’s husband and sons predeceased her. After Melvin’s death, Naomi enrolled at UCSB and graduated obtaining her B.A. degree in English and was on the Dean’s List. After graduation, she applied at the County of Santa Barbara and was immediately employed with the County Probation Department as supervisor of the Word Processing Unit. After retirement in 1994, she commenced writing short stories and enjoyed other hobbies. Naomi was interred near her husband and sons in Carpinteria Cemetery.
INDEPENDENT.COM MARCH 2, 2023 THE INDEPENDENT 19 To submit obituaries for publication, please call (805) 965-5205 or email obituaries
2/16/1937 - 2/17/2023
Orville Cecil Sandall (“Joe”) 7/4/1939 - 2/20/2023
Naomi K. Carroll 10/19/1925 - 9/29/2022
Arlett | Goleta
Baby Girls
Camila Maya, 1/6/2023
Rebeka Elena Aldaz-Arzate, 1/9/2023
Macy Raylynn Good, 1/25/2023
Ginna Diaz, 1/31/2023
Santa Barbara
Tatum Debra Henderson, 1/16/2023
Charlotte Elizabeth Wildman, 1/20/2023
Gael Alonzo Acosta, 1/22/2023
Chloe Lynne Smidt, 1/22/2023
Darya Ashrafian, 1/28/2023
Elliott Rose Schneiderman, 1/21/2023
Baby Boys
Jonathan Isidro Méndez-Juarez, 1/1/2023
Melvin Timo Verrinder, 1/15/2023
Samuel Riker Randolph, 2/5/2023
Los Olivos
Silas Nathaniel Olivera-Seeley, 1/20/2023
Santa Barbara
William John Cherney, 1/13/2023
Takoda Ryan Sanchez, 1/17/2023
Dominic Leonel Silva Trujillo, 1/21/2023
Lukas Elian Guevara Villafaña, 1/25/2023
Last year, four-year-old Arlett began experiencing headaches, nausea and eye pain. A team of physicians at Cottage diagnosed her with third nerve palsy, which caused a droopy eyelid and double vision. Further tests confirmed Arlett had vascular malformation and required surgery. Within days after her procedure, Arlett’s droopy eyelid and double vision were gone. Now, Arlett is back to her happy, healthy self, singing along to her favorite movies and making her mom smile.
Lyam Kaleb Guevara Villafaña, 1/25/2023
Kade Helling, 1/26/2023
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20 THE INDEPENDENT MARCH 2, 2023 INDEPENDENT.COM Volunteer With Us! (805) 692-2226 At Cottage Children’s Medical Center we care for more than 12,000 children a year in our Acute Pediatrics Unit, Haselton Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Emergency Department, Pediatric Trauma Center and 11 specialized outpatient clinics. Learn more at welcome
“ I’m so thankful for the care Arlett received at Cottage.”
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Dianne Tuttle 1937-2022
Queen Tut
In the wee hours of November 28, 2022, Dianne Tuttle, Tuttle, Queen Tut, Mrs. T, Louie stepped out of this life and moved on to another adventure, hopefully joining her recently passed cat, Eli Thunderfoot. She wanted no service, nor an obituary. Tough beans, Ma. She started at the Goleta Union School District in the late 1970s in Mountain View School’s workroom. She found herself working as a library media specialist (at every school in the district). She found her niche. She worked nearly 50 years with the district. Mrs. Tuttle spent the last 10 years at Brandon School. Over her career, she retired three times and finally called it quits at the age of 80. Even in her retirement, she still dreamt of the library and guiding children to find their path.
If you were a student of Mrs. Tuttle’s, you didn’t forget it. She crafted her libraries into full experiences for her students, keeping all manner of models, skeletons, dioramas, puzzles, games, and creatures including tarantulas, turtles, snakes, toads, and geckos. She looked forward to the annual Breakfast with the Authors and Battle of the Books, making sure it was the absolute best experience for every student involved. If you had an interest, she would go to the ends of the earth to find books and resources just for you. Her passion was curiosity, and she delighted in guiding anyone on how to find answers. She championed every child and strove extra to help guide those that were having challenges within the system.
Mrs. T had students, and then the children of those students as students. She spent her last years at doctor appointments and grocery stores looking for them. When I moved back to Santa Barbara in 2000, we couldn’t go anywhere without someone running up to her “Mrs. Tuttle! Remember me, from Hollister? I want you to meet my fiancé!” The airport baggage guy, cashiers, and randomly in parking lots. She remembered each one and kept in contact with many of them as they became young adults and roamed across the world.
By nature, she was reserved and reclusive. However, if you put her around children, she lit up and was an entertainer. She looked to find the light in any child she came across and to spark a flame for any interest they might have. She mentored children, teachers, and librarians with equal passion. If you were a friend, she made you feel like you were the only person in the room. She was the ultimate listener and confidant. She was by nature a storyteller and could spin even the most mundane thing into something out of this world.
Dianne was incredibly dedicated to her family and her many communities, whether the Mountain, the school, or Goleta. She always made sure her contributions remained anonymous, and without fanfare. She was the true embodiment of Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree
Even in her day-to-day life outside of school, she had long-standing, deep connections within the community. Robert DiMauro, her mechanic for more than 40 years, who made sure that her beloved car was road worthy for her many road trips. Jeff Cobb, the proprietor where she held her post-office box for almost 30 years. Russel Reed at the grocery store who she loved to share stories with. Her dental hygienist, Bonnie she had your retirement day marked on her calendar! There are so many more that I can’t name or am probably not
aware of. She knew everyone’s names and was truly interested in everyone as a fellow human being. To her, they were family.
She was a force of nature, a class act, and will be truly missed.
She is survived by her brother Brian, children Tony (Danielle) and Jessica (Nic), grandchildren Captain and Chloe, nieces Elisa and Alyson, and her dear friend Norma. She was a second mother and “twin” sister to so many more.
In honor of her, read a book, follow your dreams, be curious, and be the best you that you can be.
To the staff of Brandon School and others who reached out to help place this in the Independent, those funds will now go to the new lending library in her name on campus. A huge thank-you to you all.
For those who wish to share a story, please visit her page at
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MRS. T: Revered and loved, far and wide, Dianne Tuttle, and one of her favorite childhood photos
Burger Week
Presented by M.Special “Official Beer of Burger Week”
Snap a photo. Share on Instagram using # SBINDYBURGERWEEK and include which prompt the photo fulfills. Get 5 in a row for a chance to win a growler + $25 gift card to M.Special
*Look for the icon next to the burger listings to find out which restaurants serve M.Special TAGUSONINSTAGRAM@SBINDEPENDENT
Tnow than ever, from fast food’s strip-mall saturation to the gussied up and gourmet versions served at top-tier establishments. And in this era of openness to all appetites, “burger” no longer just means ground beef, which is welcoming even more people to the patty party.
While we can’t exactly claim that the modern zeitgeist began with the Santa Barbara Independent’s inaugural Burger Week in 2017, we can certainly say that our annual promotion didn’t hurt the humble meal’s rise to recent stardom.
We proudly continue the tradition for the sixth time this week (2020 didn’t happen…) and present these 16 distinct burgers from 15 establishments as Santa Barbara Burger Week 2023.
This year, as we’ve upped the price to $10 to handle inflating costs, the offerings are increasingly complex and diverse. While 12 of the burgers are beef-focused (with a few veggie alternatives available), three are not, and one is even dessert.
For the first time ever, we’re happy to present M. Special Brewing Company as the “Official Beer of Burger Week,” and we encourage you to pair one of their brews with your burger, where possible. We’re also launching “Burger Week Bingo” as an interactive way to play along throughout the week. Check out the bingo card on page 22 and online at for how to participate and win prizes.
To help you understand what’s on the menu, we sent out our hungry staffers to sample each burger and report back on their findings, which are listed below. Keep in mind that there are stipulations for some of the orders, which have been listed with each of the descriptions. If nothing special is noted, that means the burger is available for both dine-in and to-go during normal hours.
Remember to post your patty pictures to social media by tagging @sbindependent and #SBIndyBurgerWeek, and use burgerweek2023 as your digital headquarters for this week of indulgence.
—Matt Kettmann
KEY Plant-Based Option M.Special Beer Available
Kathleen Sharp is an awardwinning investigative journalist and narrative non-fiction writer. She wrote the Oprah Book Pick, Blood Medicine: The Man Who Blew the Whistle On One of the Deadliest Prescription Drugs Ever, which was a #1 Amazon seller. She also wrote the classic Mr. & Mrs. Hollywood: Edie and Lew Wasserman and Their Entertainment Empire, now in development as a limited series. Kathleen also writes for major newspapers and magazines.
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Advertising Deadline ➤ Monday, March 13 at noon
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If Willy Wonka made pastries instead of gobstoppers, and maybe if he teamed up with the Mad Hatter for a nothing-is-what-it-seems tea party treat, they’d invent something like the Dessert Burger. Lucky for us, when it comes to kitchen creativity, Charlotte Andersen owner of Andersen’s Danish Bakery & Restaurant possesses just as much fun and whimsy as those two (but without all the psychosis) and developed this showpiece herself.
Let’s start with the “buns”: a flaky fastelavnsboller pastry with sesame seeds and cardamom. The patty, complete with dark-chocolate grill marks, is a protein-enriched chocolate mousse. Glazed peaches stand in for cheese while fresh, juicy strawberries act as tomatoes. Rounding out the smile-inducing effect is green marzipan for the lettuce and custard-whipped-cream mousse for the mayo.
In short, it works, and it works amazingly well. The softness of the mousse patty is fortified by the crunch of the fruit and the marzipan’s chew. The very slight savoriness of the fastelavnsboller tempers all the sugar in between. And most satisfyingly, you can use the piece of tinfoil the Dessert Burger sits on to grab the whole thing and take a big ol’ bite. Just remember to bring your sweet tooth you’re gonna need it.
—Tyler Hayden
Sitting a stone’s throw from lower State Street, Stearns Wharf, and Santa Barbara’s typically sun-soaked beaches, Bluewater Grill and its signature lighthousethemed building on Cabrillo Boulevard serve as a beacon to patty purists seeking a back-to-basics burger that simply delivers without rocking the boat. The restaurant’s Bar Burger is a classic cheeseburger consisting of a melted-cheese-topped Angus patty served on a toasted brioche bun with lettuce, tomato, and mayo.
For its second year as a Burger Week participant, Bluewater is also offering up a brand-new veggie burger option, a subtly spiced vegetarian twist on its Bar Burger that features a tender, Southwestern-seasoned black-bean-and-corn veggie patty served on a brioche bun with lettuce, tomato, and red onion but sans the mayo and cheese of its beefy brethren.
Accompanied by a side of fries and a pickle spear, both burgers are simple, nofrills affairs that let each ingredient shine without distracting from the well-situated restaurant’s seaside views and vibes.
—Jackson Friedman
MARCH 2, 2023
info and to register go to
Free for AWC Members
Wed, Mar 8th at 5:30 p.m.
Paseo Nuevo, Floor 2
award-winning PEN Journalist
Five Secrets of Literary Journalism with
Kathleen Sharp
Foxtail’s Fala Burger has the appeal of a traditional stuffed-and-stacked burger, but without the beef. The vegan sandwich comes with the classics lettuce, tomato, pickles, avocado, a side of fries but its fluffy falafel patty and other Mediterranean-inspired touches set it apart.
The amount of stuff between the two thyme-sprinkled brioche buns makes every bite a mouthful, but the ingredients are well-balanced. The flavorful tahini spread gives the sandwich a nice hint of spice (which can be swapped for a different sauce if preferred), and the Jordanian pickles give a tang and a crunch to every bite of the otherwise soft and fluffy burger. Everything works in harmony, right down to the seasoned fries made with spices that owner Falah Maayah gets from back home, which pair nicely with the tzatziki dipping sauce on the side.
Visitors can enjoy their burgers against the backdrop of the charming, candlelit atmosphere of the restaurant, grab a cocktail at the bar, and even play a game of chess or Connect 4 at their table. And on April 12, Foxtail will celebrate six years of serving Santa Barbara.
—Callie Fausey
DINE-IN ONLY; TUE-SUN., 5-11 P.M. 14 E. COTA ST.; (805) 845-6226; FOXTAILKITCHEN.COM
It would not be accurate to say the Home Plate’s Spicy Cajun Burger is the hottest thing I’ve ever eaten, but extra napkins were definitely needed to stem the flow emanating from my tear ducts and nostrils. On the Richter scale of heat, the Cajun Burger topped with spicy sausage, grilled habaneros, red onions, lettuce, tomato, habanero jelly, special sauce, and Pepper Jack cheese qualifies as maybe a three-honker.
Owner Ken Johnson, who has created a genuine home away from home for outer Goleta regulars in the parking lot behind the 7-Eleven on outer Calle Real, warned me in advance what I may be getting into or, in this case, the other way around. Adding dimension and complexity to this package was the not-sosubliminal sweetness, caused either by that habanero jelly or Johnson’s secret sauce. Or maybe both.
For the less adventurous, Home Plate located right next door to the storied sports bar, Rounding Third offers a more traditional Wagyu Bacon Cheeseburger. This has everything on top: bacon, lettuce, tomato, red onions, American cheese, and, yes, that secret sauce again. What’s missing is the once-ubiquitous fried egg embellishment, which is harder to come by in this egg-shortage era.
Of the two burgers, I thought the underlying meat used for the Cajun Burger had the better flavor and texture. The buns are brioche, of course everything is now. Either way, you can’t go wrong.
Home Plate transformed its backyard parking lot into an unpretentious and inviting living room/watering hole long before parklets were ever invented or the world had heard a peep about COVID. As such, it’s one of the lesser-known reasons why the Goodland’s still good.
—Nick Welsh
FALAH MAAYAH HOME PLATE GRILL HOOK'D BAR & GRILL Cachuma Lake Lakeside dining with stunning views of the Santa Barbara backcountry American Traditional Food • Oak BBQ Local Beer on Draft • Local Wine Craft Cocktails Live music weekends check our website for upcoming shows Come try our Cachuma Burger for only $10 during Burger Week! Thurs. March 2 through Wed. March 8, 2023 Open Mon - Thurs. 11 am - 4 pm Fri. 11 am - 6:30 pm Sat. 8 am - 6:30 pm Sun. 8 am - 6 pm 116 Lakeview Dr. Santa Barbara, off Hwy 154 (805) 350-8351 • M. SPECIAL The Official Beer of Burger Week! GOLETA TAPROOM 6860 Cortona Dr. Suite C GOLETA: Spare Parts | 6-8p STATE STREET: Ace Gonzalez & The Surfrider Sound | 8-10p STATE STREET TAPROOM 634 State St. MSPECIALBREWCO.COM Live Music Friday, 3/3
ANNUAL AWARDS Breakfast 2023
The Hook’d team can’t really include “nostalgia” on the ingredient list for their Cachuma Burger. But heartwarming feelings of lakeside summer days from long ago burst forth from each bite of this classic rendition even when the mountains surrounding Lake Cachuma are coated in snow.
The burger is familiar in all the right ways: a soft sesame-seed bun, third-pound patty, grilled onions, cold lettuce, tomato, pickles, American cheese, and Thousand Island dressing. Yet it’s the peppercorn aioli that weaves each com ponent together into a hearty bite. The same occurs on the vegetarian version, whose Impossible patty is expertly charred, truly challenging the beef experience. Add in shatter-crispy onion rings or crunchy fries, plus a freshly drafted ale to wash it down.
—Matt Kettmann
Hook’d opened on the shore of Cachuma back in the fall of 2019. The pandemic didn’t pan out as horrible for the young establishment, given that so many took to camping and the great outdoors to escape. The casual walk-up eatery and fully stocked bar is quite the scene on sunny days, which is why Burger Week (or just weekend, in this case) makes a perfect excuse to take the half-hour drive up to check it out, when the crowds are light. Plus, the county park day-use fees are waived for two hours when eating at the restaurant, so hike, bike, or cast some lines to work off those patties.
Chicken is the most popular protein source in the country, and when grilled and paired with smoked bacon and crushed avocado, it’s easy to taste why it might be edging out the beef burger, even during our tummy-satisfying Burger Week. At Kyle’s Kitchen, they also add roasted garlic aioli, tomatoes, and a layer of crunchy lettuce to their delicious California Club, made with all-fresh ingredients, right down to the baked-thatday whole-wheat bun. We sampled the sandwich which comes solo; fries or salad is a few bucks more while sitting with Joe Bresler, who runs the operation and filled us in on the backstory behind Kyle’s Kitchen.
“You know how a lot of businesspeople become philanthropists later in life?” Bresler said of founders Jay and Deena Ferro’s initiative to start Kyle’s Kitchen, which is named for their son who was born with special needs. “Well, Kyle’s decided to be part of the community along the way.”
Since opening in 2015, the small restaurant chain has donated more than $250,000 to support special-needs families and groups, including feeding those in need during the pandemic years. They also work with PathPoint to place people with disabilities on the Kyle’s team, which expands their life experience and adds to their résumé.
As the kitchen crew says, “Giving back is our favorite ingredient,” and the yummy California Club is a very tasty reason they’re so successful.
—Jean Yamamura
Like everything that comes out of Hook & Press’s kitchen, their Burger Week offering is something familiar and beloved with a clever twist or, ahem, “hook” that elevates it into gourmet comfort food of the highest order.
In this case, their Pretzel Pub Breakfast Burger is a riff on the popular smash burger, with their house-made patty topped with a variety of toppings and textures: perfectly sliced pickled red onions; a thick, juicy, heritage-style tomato slice; arugula; tangy beer-cheddar sauce; a little grain mustard; and an oey gooey fried egg all on a soft, chewy, salty pretzel bun!
DATE OF THIS NOTICE: February 24, 2023
APPLICANT: Pacific Pipeline Company
CASE NAME: Change of Ownership, Guarantor, and Temporary Operator of the AAPL 901/903 Pipeline System
APPLICATION FILED: November 15, 2022
SUBJECT: Pacific Pipeline Company (PPC) is requesting approval of: 1) A Change of Ownership of the All American Pipeline L.P. (AAPL) 901 and 903 Pipeline System from Plains Pipeline L.P. (Plains) to PPC; 2) Substitution of a Temporary Operator from Plains to ExxonMobil Pipeline Company (EMPCo); and 3) Change of Guarantor from Plains to ExxonMobil Corporation. PPC requests that EMPCo be recognized as the temporary operator while EMPCo prepares its application for permanent operatorship. EMPCo would operate the pipeline system on behalf of PPC. Both PPC and EMPCo are ExxonMobil Corporation companies. The 901 and 903 pipeline system is an existing 122 linear mile crude oil pipeline that runs from the Gaviota Coast in Santa Barbara County to the Pentland Delivery Station in Kern County. These pipelines are covered by Santa Barbara County Final Development Plan Permits 88-DPF-033 (RV01)cz, 88-CP-60 (RV01), and 88-DPF-25cz (85-DP-66cz; 83-DP-25cz). The pipeline system was purged in 2015 and remains idle to date. PPC purchased Lines 901 and 903 from Plains on October 13, 2022. The pipelines are now registered with the California Office of the State Fire Marshal as the Las Flores Pipeline System. Ownership, operatorship, and guarantor changes require Planning and Development Director Approval pursuant to Section 25B of the Santa Barbara County Code. This letter is to notify you that the Director’s action on the applications will take place on Monday, March 13, 2023.
—Leslie Dinaberg
This is a burger that’s impossible to eat in an elegant way. Plus, if you cut it in half like I did, you’ll want to sop up all that yolky eggy goodness that explodes on your plate (the pretzel roll works nicely for this). No matter your approach, I recommend extra napkins. I actually ended up using a knife and fork at the end, so I could capture every last bite.
PUBLIC COMMENT: A public hearing will not be held on this matter. Anyone interested is invited to submit written support or opposition regarding the proposal to the Planning and Development Department. All correspondence should be addressed to the Project Planner, ATTN: Jacquelynn Ybarra for Director Lisa Plowman, and mailed to Planning and Development at 123 E. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, or emailed to the Project Planner at Public comments should be received by March 12, 2023.
In the signature of Chef Tommy Mingori’s emails is a quote by the 18th-century English writer Samuel Johnson. It reads: “He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.”
I’m not ashamed to say I went full beast mode on Mingori’s Surf & Turf II at Mesa Burger, chewing too loudly and letting my hands drip, devouring the whole thing quickly and entirely. (It was cold out, and I was alone on the patio.) And just as Johnson promised, I lost all sense of pain. What was left was a beautiful, burgery bliss.
The Surf & Turf II is a twist on Mesa Burger’s 2022 installment with the same super-stacked effect. The small chain’s custom-blended beef patty makes up the base, and on top of that are thick slices of bacon alongside plump shrimp sautéed with Old Bay seasoning. Melted Monterey Jack cheese holds these main elements together with butter lettuce and fresh tomato rounding out a classic effect.
MATERIAL REVIEW: Staff analysis of the proposal may be reviewed online at:, or at the Planning and Development offices located at 123 E. Anapamu Street in Santa Barbara on, or before March 6, 2023 (a week prior to the Action date).
APPEALS AND CHALLENGES: The Director’s decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 10 days of the action date. The appeal shall be in writing with an accompanying fee. If you challenge the decision in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised in written correspondence to the Planning and Development Department. More information on the appeal process can be found at:
CONTACT: For further information, please contact the Project Planner, Jacquelynn Ybarra at
But what really made the burger special was the homemade chimichurri slathered on its top bun and a sun-dried-tomato romesco spread on the bottom. Romesco, Mingori explained, was created some centuries ago by Catalonian fishermen. They would cook their catch right on the boat and dip it liberally in the thick red pepper sauce. I bet they felt no pain either.
—Tyler Hayden
We are here for you! You are not alone! Need support?
Of all the participants in this year’s Burger Week, the Get Smashed Burger at Padaro Beach Grill hands-down wins the best “burger with a view.” Just a few exits south on the 101 on Santa Claus Lane, Padaro’s outdoor patio is just steps away from the beach.
Owner Will Ransone’s deep menu features a range of burger options throughout the year: the Prime Burger, with caramelized bourbon onions; the California Burger, with roasted peppers and avocado; the Padaro Burger, with BBQ sauce and an onion ring; and the Maui Burger, with grilled pineapple and teriyaki sauce, just to name a few.
This year, Ransone decided to do a classic take on the popular smash burger, but bigger, with its Get Smashed Burger. General manager Javier Orta describes it as a “double” style, with two half-pound prime-beef patties smashed on the grill, each with a slice of melty American cheese, stacked high on a toasted brioche bun with mayo, fresh tomato, green leaf lettuce, slices of red onion, and a pair of thick crinkle-cut pickle chips.
When I grab my burger, I take my spot at one of the pic-
Santa Barbara Food Connection is not messing around with this lofty burger, which features a pressed-to-order beef patty topped with melted cheddar cheese, grilled onions, crispy bacon, sliced tomato, fresh guacamole, crispy lettuce, chile aioli, and a whole grilled jalapeño. The entire creation sits between a soft brioche bun that understands the assignment.
This is a messy burger but in the best way possible: Once you pick it up, you aren’t putting it back down. Let the juices run down your fingers. Let that guac sit on your face. And whatever you do, don’t let the jalapeño scare you. The seeds offer up just the right amount of spice which, when paired with the sweet grilled flesh of the pepper and the cool guac, strikes the perfect balance.
nic tables spread throughout the grassy courtyard among palm trees and umbrellas. I opt for a spot out in the sun, where I can catch a few minutes of sunshine and enjoy the ocean breeze while I scarf down my burger. The classic burger is delicious, accentuated by the ocean vibes and the view of the Channel Islands. If you’re looking for a burger by the beach, Padaro is the place to go.
—Ryan Cruz
Jonathan “Yona” Estrada immediately amassed a loyal follow ing for his signature birria quesotacos by opening Yona Redz on State Street in November 2020. He won’t divulge the secrets to this beloved family recipe, so I was only able to deduce that the birria, or beef stew, is simmered to perfection with chiles and served with a steamy, dreamy, flavorful consommé, or broth, on the side.
“We specialize in it every day,” Estrada said proudly. For Burger Week, he’s loading that perfectly cooked birria into a toasty, cheesy bun, and topping the meat with more melted cheese, cilantro, red onion, and a drizzle of a creamy chimichurri. One bite of this comforting creation hit all the right notes, but a dip into that steamy consommé served on the side took things to another level of harmonious flavor. Don’t forget to grab a cool, creamy house-made horchata to elevate the experience.
—Rebecca Horrigan
—Emily Lee
As if the burger isn’t enough, there’s a side of hot fries sprinkled with onion salt and served with the dipping sauce of your choice. I went with their house-made ranch, which did not disappoint. Santa Barbara Food Connection is run by a husbandand-wife team, Joe and Liz Silva, who opened in August 2022. Though I live nearby, this was my first time at their spot, and I’ll definitely be back.
Like me, you may be asking yourself, “What the [insert expletive of choice] is yuba?” The TL;DR on yuba: It’s dried tofu skin. Great! We’re all up to speed.
Now fry that tofu skin and throw some shaved cabbage, Fresno chilis, and pickles coated in yuzu ranch dressing on top, stick it all between two brioche buns, and prepare to sink your teeth into my New. Favorite. Sandwich. Errr, Burger? Either way, the Fried Yuba Sandwich at the Funk Zone’s recently re-launched Tyger Tyger is absolutely not to be missed.
Did I like Tyger² before the pandemic shuttered it for a hot minute? Yes. Do I love the reboot? Abso-damn-lutely, and the attraction is a no-brainer. With a revamped, vegan/vegetarian-focused menu (including gluten-free options for those who partake), and an inimitably darling atmosphere (paper lanterns, hexagonally tiled backsplashes, artsy restroom wallpaper worth taking a selfie in front of … which I did), Tyger
Tyger has roared back to life, better than ever. For proof, look/taste no further than your first bite into the aforementioned Fried Yuba Sandwich. The spice of chilis and sweetness of pickles are amplified by the aromatic tang of the yuzu, all atop the satisfying crunch of the eponymous yuba.
Perhaps the most intriguing selection on this year’s Burger Week menu is Bob’s Burger, a peanut-butter-and-jelly special from The Nugget. I couldn’t resist trying it, and from the very first bite, the experience was extraordinary.
The hamburger is grilled perfectly, juicy and flavorful. Skippy’s crunchy peanut butter the very best, in my opinion is spread in just the right amount over a toasted brioche bun. The grape jelly blends nicely, adding an oozy delicacy. Kaila Cattaneo, the manager of The Nugget’s Goleta branch, told me that the staff tried a number of different jellies, but grape was the winner. I think they made the right choice.
I have tried all kinds of combinations on my burgers over the years, but this was truthfully one of the most delicious burgers I’ve ever eaten. The whole creation is topped with loads of crispy onions and bacon, adding just the right textural touch. A dish of pickles is served on the side.
The Nugget’s long-time owner Bob Montgomery has wanted to offer this burger for years and decided Burger Week was the right moment, explained Cattaneo, who is also Montgomery’s granddaughter. I only hope that Montgomery keeps such a delicious wonder on the menu.
What does fried yuba taste like? Imagine the taste and texture of a more-savory churro … then get down to Tyger Tyger and find out for yourself. You’ll be excitedly licking the chilimaple glaze from your fingertips after every bite … oops, did I forget to mention the chili-maple glaze?? —Don
121 E. YANONALI ST.; (805) 880-4227; TYGER TYGERSB.COM
Bob’s Burger will be offered in both the Goleta and Summerland locations, two restaurants already famous for their down-home ambience and friendly staff. Now they have the peanut-butter-and-jelly special too. Get it while you can.
—Marianne Partridge
There are plenty of chef-y tricks layered into this double-smashburger, like the bacon, onion, and jalapeño that add texture to the three-ounce patties, the dueling American-Swiss cheese slices, and the sweet-and-spicy combination of house-made BBQ sauce and chipotle aioli, all squeezed between a soft brioche bun. But the star of the show remains the beef itself, so juicy and savory and meaty that the accouterments simply serve as a harmonious choir in support of a delicious diva.
Thank the Wagyu beef. “It’s the best we’re able to find, and you can taste that,” said Kaity Dean, who owns the kitchen component of Validation Ale with her partner, Chef Matt Marsit. (They are also offering a plant-based option in the form of a grilled Impossible patty with lettuce, tomato, cheddar, spicy barbecue sauce, and poblano aioli.)
Much like the brewery’s unique format in which two types of each style of beer are served simultaneously, with customers constantly voting with their wallets on which should stay put the kitchen makes two types of each sandwich. The other Validated Burger is the “Classic,” in which all six ounces of meat are made into one thicker patty, and topped with cheese, lettuce, and tomato. But they really wanted to highlight the “Smashed,” said Dean, explaining, “This is our favorite.”
So if you’re seeking an authentic experience that’s super-satisfying and comes with potato chips and pickles Validated is now vetted. I enjoyed mine with the Convalida, a refreshing Italian pilsner that’s giving a German lager, the longtime leader of the brewery’s “Light” style, a serious run for its money. —Matt Kettmann
As I walked into Yellow Belly on a brisk Wednesday evening, the bright chatter within enveloped me with the warmth of a quintessential locals’ joint. Regular patrons at the bar and friendly staff confirmed that first impression and set a welcome tone for my experience ahead.
Le French Onion Burger features a third of a pound of grass-fed, California-raised Angus beef cooked to order and smothered in savory caramelized onion, smoked gouda cheese, and baby arugula, which provides a peppery touch. This mélange is nestled on a brioche bun that is made fresh daily, graced with a house-made garlic aioli spread. Chef Andrew Holmes joined me at the bar to share the delicious details of his culinary creation, like the combination of beer and beef stock that caramelize the onions and the house-made dill pickles that come with.
Dine In ONLY, no take out or delivery
Mon to Fri 4-6p
(available in the downstairs bar only)
Tues 4 to 9, Wed/Thurs 12 to 9
Friday - Sunday 11 to 9
State Street and Cabrillo Blvd across from the Beach and Stearns Wharf
For your own dining pleasure, choose a seat on the front deck, back patio, or in the cozy dining room, and pair your burger with one of the many rotating regional beers on tap. If you have enough room, enjoy their crispy brussels sprouts or chicken wings. Or just save those for your next trip — you’re likely to become a Yellow Belly local, too.
—Sarah Sinclair
MAR 10
Next Week!
“Charles Lloyd is an international treasure.”
Charles Lloyd 85th Birthday Celebration
with Jason Moran, Larry Grenadier, and Brian Blade
The iconic jazz legend remains one of America’s most influential, experimental, and spiritual musicians.
MARCH 18 at 6:52 PM
Lobero Theatre Chamber Music Project
Quipster Hale Milgrim (former President/CEO of Capitol Records) and music lover Richard Salzberg (aka Music Maniac) are crafting a very special program. Live and rare concert clips will be showcased from a wide variety of iconic musicians, all of whom have played on the Lobero stage at some point in their careers from the 60s to present.
MAR 19
Two Shows 2 & 6:30 PM
On sale now! Buy the series and save.
“A must for magic buffs of all ages.” – The Los Angeles Times Master Magician Lance Burton’s astonishing new show, with amazing guest stars, is a thrilling mix of illusions, sleight of hand, and audience participation. A family-friendly extravaganza!
Artistic and Music Director Heiichiro Ohyama Musical Advisor
Eight classical music luminaries from around the world perform best-regarded chamber works for strings and piano – masterpieces by Dvořák, Bruckner, Debussy, Ravel, Fauré, Mozart and Mendelssohn. Artfully curated by renowned music director/violist Heiichiro Ohyama and internationally celebrated violinist Benjamin Beilman, the chamber ensemble also includes classical music stars Lucille Chung (piano), Erin Keefe (violin), Masumi Per Rostad (viola), Robert deMaine (cello), Mayuko Ishigami (violin) and Christine J. Lee (cello).
and Panda Man present
– Carlos Santana
FRI/SAT MAY 5/6 Lobero
SUN MAY 7 Museum
Benjamin Beilman
Lucille Chung
Erin Keefe
Masumi Per Rostad
Heiichiro Ohyama
Christine J. Lee
Robert deMaine
Mayuko Ishigami
Benjamin Beilman
As always, find the complete listings online at Submit virtual and in-person events at
Venues request that patrons consult their individual websites for the most up-to-date protocols and mask requirements for vaccinated and unvaccinated status before attending an event.
3/2: Art Matters Lecture: Ingres’s Creoles (Secrets) with Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby Distinguished Professor in the Arts and Humanities Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby, PhD, will talk about the encounter between two Creoles, 16-yearold painter Théodore Chassériau and the celebrated Black model Joseph, who were brought together by the painter Ingres in 1836. 5:30-6:30pm. Mary Craig Auditorium, S.B. Museum of Art, 1130 State St. Free$15. Call (805) 963-4364.
3/2-3/5: Launch Pad Production: She Wolf, Margaret of Anjou Celebrating 15 years and led by Artistic Director Risa Brainin, Launch Pad, a creative laboratory for professional playwrights, UCSB theater students and faculty, and guest artists, presents a cheeky, ambitious, remarkably current retelling of the story Margaret of Anjou who marries King Henry VI in an alliance meant to broker peace. Thu.-Fri.: 7:30pm; Sat.: 2 and 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. UCSB Performing Arts Theater. Pre-sale: $13-$17; GA: $15-$19. Call (805) 893-2064.
3/2-3/5: The Theatre Group at S.B. City College Presents Ken Ludwig’s A Comedy of Tenors This 2010 Tony Award–winning comedy follows four tenors, one hotel suite, two wives, three girlfriends in 1930s Paris with mistaken identities, bedroom hijinks, and madcap delight. The play previews March 2 and will show through March 18. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. Garvin Theatre, SBCC West Campus, 721 Cliff Dr. $10-$18. Call (805) 965-5935 or email
3/3: UCSB Arts & Lectures Presents
Dr. Thema Bryant Clinical psychologist, ordained minister, President of the American Psychological Association, and author of Homecoming: Overcome Fear and Trauma to Reclaim Your Whole, Authentic Self Dr. Thema Bryant will discuss the trauma of racism and how to reconnect with your authentic self and reclaim your time, your voice, and your life. 7:30pm. Campbell Hall, UCSB. Free. Call (805) 893-3535 or email
3/3: Block Printing Workshop Art
Coordinator Rachel Palmer will teach adults how to block print, carve original designs on rubber blocks, then create single-color prints without a press. All the materials will be included to use your block print on cards, notebooks, and more. 6-8pm. Art From Scrap, 302 E Cota St. $30. Call (805) 884-0459 or email
3/3-3/4, 3/7: Night Night, Roger Roger
This comedic and imaginative play is a plea for every person to stop growing up so fast and take your moment with the universe and enjoy it. Nanas, kids with tin cans, literary-obsessed vampires, clumsy security guards, kids without tin cans, and quirky game-show hosts will show you what happens after the sun goes down. The play shows through March 12. Fri., Tue.-Wed.: 7:30pm; Sat.: 2 and 7:30pm. Studio Theater, UCSB. Pre-sale: $13-$17; GA: $15-$19. Call (805) 893-2064. theaterdance
3/4-3/8: Second Fridays
Art @ SBTC: Nip It in the Bud Enter a metaphorically scented garden of floral perspectives at this annual juried competition that will tickle the senses by presenting work in multiple media from more than 30 artists. The exhibit will show through April 12. 9am-7pm.
S.B. Tennis Club, 2375 Foothill Rd. Free
Carpinteria: 800 block of Linden Ave., 3-6:30pm
Montecito: 1100 and 1200 blocks of Coast Village Rd., 8-11:15am
SATURDAY Downtown S.B.: Corner of Santa Barbara and Cota sts., 8am-1pm
SUNDAY Goleta: Camino Real Marketplace, 10am-2pm
TUESDAY Old Town S.B.: 500-600 blocks of State St., 3-7pm
WEDNESDAY Solvang: Copenhagen Dr.
and 1st St., 2:30-6:30pm
(805) 962-5354
Rain or shine, meet local fishermen on the Harbor’s commercial pier, and buy fresh fish (filleted or whole), live crab, abalone, sea urchins, and more. 117 Harbor Wy., 6-11am. Call (805) 259-7476.
3/4: Dos Pueblos Instrumental Music Program Presents 53rd Annual Jazz in Paradise Talented jazz bands from schools and colleges around the Central and South Coast will participate in a competition and receive instruction throughout the day with an evening concert at 7pm with featured guest Alex Iles accompanied by the Dos Pueblos High School Jazz Band and SBCC’s Lunchbreak Band. 8:30am. Elings Performing Arts Center, Dos Pueblos High School, 7266 Alameda Ave., Goleta. $20-$25. Email
3/4: Ash Grove Alumni in Concert
Legendary folk and blues club in L.A. the Ash Grove (1958-1973) showcased a variety of regional and ethnic music such as gospel, jazz, Latino, and blues. The Alumni Joe Chambers and Wendy Waldman will bring this influential folk music scene to S.B. backed some of the best musicians in L.A. 3pm. Logan House, Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts, 8585 OjaiSanta Paula Rd., Ojai. $30. Call (805) 646-3381.
3/4: Pastel Society of the Gold Coast (PSGC) Artist Reception: The H₂0 Art Show Meet the artists and support PSGC at the silent auction reception that will feature pieces of water in its contemporary format, including its beauty, power, scarcity, conservation, and hope for more. The exhibit will show through March 29. 5-8pm. The Ojai Art Center, 113 S. Montgomery St., Ojai. Free
Lola watts &
Shows on Tap Shows on Tap
3/2, 3/4: Eos Lounge Thu.: Darius, 9 pm. Ages 21+. Sat.: Danny Daze, 9pm. $12.36 500 Anacapa St. Call (805) 5642410.
3/2-3/8: Lost Chord Guitars Thu.: Dana Cooper CD Release Show, 7:309:30pm. $20. Fri.: Alan Satchwell Jazz Quartet, 8-11:30pm. $10 suggested donation. Sat.: Noah Vonne, 8-11:30pm. $15. Sun.: Terry Lawless (of U2), 8-10:30pm. $5 suggested donation. Wed.: Lisa Richards Waiting to Fly Tour, 7:30-9:30pm, $10 suggested donation. 1576 Copenhagen Dr., Solvang. Ages 21+. Call (805) 331-4363.
3/2: Samsara Wine Co. Will Breman, 5:30-7:30pm. 6485 Calle Real, Ste. E. Free Call (805) 845-8001. events
3/2-3/7: SOhO Restaurant & Music Club Thu.: Marella With Mindfunk, 7pm. $10. Ages 21+. Fri.: Zaaang Productions Presents: Banda Landia, 9pm. $20-30. Ages 21+. Sat.: ME Sabor Presents: Martín Caché y La Obsesion, 10pm, $18. Ages 21+. Mon.: SBCC Monday Madness Jazz Band, 7pm. $15 (cash at door) Tue.: Singer Songwriter Showcase: Fort Vine, Darren Levene, CHAPS, 7pm. $10 (cash at the door). 1221 State St. Call (805) 962-7776.
3/3: M.Special Brewing Co. (Goleta) Fri.: Spare Parts, 6-8pm 6860 Cortona Dr., Ste. C, Goleta. Free Call (805) 968-6500. mspecialbrewco .com
3/2, 3/7: Maverick Saloon Fri.: LiveWire, 9pm-midnight. Sat.: Sam Mitchell, 1-4pm. Country Nation, 8:30pm11:30pm. Sun.: Jimmy Rankin & Tina Dabby, Noon-4pm. 3687 Sagunto St., Santa Ynez. Free Call (805) 686-4785.
3/3: Carr Winery Do No Harm, 6-8pm. 414 Salsipuedes St. Free. Ages 21+. Call (805) 965-7985.
3/3, 3/7: Uptown Lounge Fri.: The Trio, 5-7pm. 3126 State St. Free Call (805) 845-8800. events
3/4, 3/5: Cold Spring Tavern Sat.: The Reserve, 1:30-4:30pm. Low Down Dudes, 5-8pm. Sun.: Tom Ball and Kenny Sultan, 1:30-4:30pm. 5995 Stagecoach Rd. Free. Call (805) 967-0066.
3/4, 3/5: Hook’d Bar and Grill Sat.: T Bone Ramblers, 2-5 pm. Sun.: Nate Latta, Noon-3pm 116 Lakeview Dr. Call. Free Call (805) 350-8351. music-on-the-water
3/4: S.B. Wine Collective Sat.: Shay Moulder, 1-4pm. 131 Anacapa St., Ste. C. Free Call (805) 456-2700. santa
3/4:Alpha Resource Center’s Second Annual Plane Pull
Create a team of 10 and raise $1,000 to compete in a tug of war with an Alaska Airlines E175 airplane weighing nearly 100,000 pounds. Pull the airplane 20 feet and the fastest time in each division will be crowned division champion! Prizes will also be awarded to the team and individual who raises the most money. Funds raised will go toward the Alpha Resource Center for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout S.B. County. 9am2pm. S.B. Airport, 1503 Cook Pl. Free. Email
contact the venue to confirm the event. Volunteer Opportunity Fundraiser
Shay Moulder
Waiting for Bouquet Collage by Veronica Walmsley
¡Entrada Gratuita! / Free
Presented by UCSB Arts & Lectures
Las puertas se abrirán a las 6:30 pm. Habrá recepción después del espectáculo.
Doors open 6:30 pm. Reception follows the performance.
Las puertas se abrirán a las 6:30 pm Habrá recepción después del espectáculo
Doors open 6:30 pm. Reception follows the performance. /vivaelartesb
32 THE INDEPENDENT MARCH 2, 2023 INDEPENDENT.COM Educate to Fight Hate The Portraits of Survival Holocaust education program provides powerful first-hand accounts from survivors for schools and groups. Help us educate to fight hate against Jews and other marginalized groups. For more information, visit March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month If you are at average risk, start colorectal cancer screening at age 45. To learn more about your screening options and risk, talk to your doctor. For more cancer prevention information, visit 45 is the new 50! DOMINGO, 19 DE MARZO / SUNDAY, MARCH 19th 7 PM | MARJORIE LUKE THEATRE | 712 E. COTA STREET Las puertas se abrirán a las 6:30 pm Habrá recepción después del espectáculo Doors open 6:30 pm Reception follows the performance /vivaelartesb Co-presen ed by The Ma jor e Luke Thea re the Guada upe-N pomo Dunes Cen er and UCSB Ar s and Lectures n pa tnersh p w th he s a V sta Schoo A ter School Grant espectáculo Doors open 6:30 pm Reception follows the performance /vivaelartesb ¡Entrada Gratuita! / Free Co-presented by The Mar or e Luke Theatre the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center and UCSB Arts and Lectures in partnership w th the sla Vista School After Schoo Grant
3/4: State Street Ballet in A Midsummer Night’s Dream
William Shakespeare’s comedic tale of mortals and fairies in mischief, magic, and romance will come to life onstage to the heavenly music of Felix Mendelssohn and inventive, playful, and concise choreography. Two opening works will showcase the contemporary diversity and cutting-edge style of the State Street Ballet. 7:30pm. Granada Theatre, 1214 State St. $26-$106. Call (805) 899-2222.
3/4: Chumash Casino Resort: George Clinton Rock and Roll Hall of Fame singer/songwriter, band leader, and innovator of funk music George Clinton will bring his Parliament-Funkadelic sound to the Valley with songs like, “Give Up the Funk,”“Flash Light,” “One Nation Under a Groove,” and more. 8pm. Chumash Casino Resort, 3400 E. Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez. $49-$69. Ages 21+.
3/5: UCSB Arts & Lectures Presents Attacca Quartet
Immerse yourself in the music of the 18th and 21st centuries from the Grammy Award–winning Attacca Quartet featuring Amy Schroeder and Domenic Salerni on violin, Nathan Schram on viola, and Andrew Yee on cello. 4pm. Hahn Hall, Music Academy of the West, 1070 Fairway Rd. Students: $10; GA: $20-$35. Call (805) 893-3535 or email
3/6: Grounding Ethics in Clinical Practice: What Matters to Patients, Families, and Health Providers Renowned clinical ethicist Dr. Stuart Finder will discuss the meaning of ethics in actual healthcare contexts in relation to what matters to patients, families, and healthcare professionals in real-world clinical settings using concrete examples from end-of-life choices to reproductive decisions. 5-6:30pm. McCune Conference Rm., HSSB 6020, UCSB. Free
3/6: Purim Family Party Come celebrate Purim with the Federation and Community Shul. There will be storytelling, music, and a fun interpretation of the Purim spiel by Community Shul students. Pizza, hamantaschen, and drinks will be provided. RSVP to 5-6:30pm. Jewish Federation of Greater S.B., 524 Chapala St. Free
3/7: Regeneration: Spotlight on Dorothy Dandridge In conjunction with the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures’ exhibition Regeneration: Black Cinema, 1898-1971, you are invited to an evening of screenings, 1942’s Cow-Cow Boogie and 1954’s Carmen Jones followed by a post-screening discussion focused on the work of actor Dorothy Dandridge. 7-9:45pm. Pollock Theater, UCSB. Free. Call (805) 893-4637.
3/7: DIY Mini Bookcases Teens in junior high and high schools are invited to create their own mini 3D-printed bookshelf. Print out covers of popular books and your favorites to add to your shelf. 1-2:30pm. Martin Luther King Jr. Wing, Eastside Library, 1102 E. Montecito St. Free. Call (805) 963-3727 or email info@sbplibrary
3/7: Group Reiki Session Missy Olson will lead this 45-minute session that is perfect for anyone who would like to experience energy healing and mindfulness in a budget-conscious way. Bring a yoga mat, blanket, or towel to sit/lie down on. 12:15-1pm. Workzones S.B., 351 Paseo Nuevo, Fl. 2. $25.
3/7: Film Screening: Four Winters: A Story of Jewish Partisan Resistance and Bravery in WW2 This 2022 documentary film is about the resistance during WW2 by men and women ages 17-21. Shattering the myth of Jewish passivity in WW2, these last surviving Partisans tell their stories of resistance against the Nazis and their collaborators revealing a stunning narrative of heroism and resilience. A Q&A will follow the screening. 7pm. Metropolitan Paseo Nuevo 4 Cinemas, 8 W. De la Guerra St. Free. Email info@ Read more on pg. 40.
3/8: UCSB Arts & Lectures Presents Siddhartha Mukherjee Pulitzer Prize–winning author, cancer physician, and researcher Siddhartha Mukherjee will discuss his new book, The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human, an exploration of medicine and our radical new ability to manipulate cells. 7:30pm. The Granada Theatre, 1214 State St. Students/youth: $11; GA: $31-$46. Call (805) 893-3535.
3/8: Opening Reception: Women Makers: THEN, NOW, HERE Enjoy complimentary wine and small bites as you look at work from Judy Chicago, Dora De Larios, Beatrice Wood, Vivika Heino, and more. The exhibition will show through May 31 from 9am-5pm every day of the week. 4-9pm. Clay Studio, 1351 Holiday Hill Rd., Goleta. Free. Call (805) 565-2529 or email info@claystudio .org Read more on pg. 41.
3/2, 3/7:Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)/ El Programa de Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) The VITA program will offer free tax help to local residents with IRS-certified volunteers to provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals. Visit the website for more information. Assistance available through April 18. El programa VITA ofrecerá ayuda tributaria gratuita a los residentes locales con voluntarios certificados por el IRS para brindar preparación gratuita de declaraciones de impuestos básicas con presentación electrónica a personas calificadas Visite el sitio web para más información.Asistencia disponible hasta el 18 de abril. 3-7pm. Martin Luther King Jr. Wing, Eastside Library, 1102 E. Montecito St. Free/Libre. Call (805) 9627653 or email
3/3, 3/7-3/8: AARP
Foundation Tax-Aide: Free Tax Assistance There is no age, income, or AARP Membership requirement to have your taxes prepared by a Tax-Aide volunteer who is trained and IRS-certified. Visit the website for a list of required documents you will need to provide. The last check-in time at each location is 3:30pm. Assistance will be available through April 14. Tue.: 1-4pm. United Way of S.B. County, 320 E. Gutierrez St.; Wed-Thu.: 9am-noon; 1-4pm.
Nostalgic Arcade in the Heart of Solvang
Santa Barbara International Orchid Show Returns in Full Bloom
There’s no need for a DeLorean to time-travel back and play your favorite video games at an actual arcade again or for the very first time. A new family-friendly entertainment space in Solvang features more than 15 lovingly selected vintage pinball and video games. Nostalgic gamers can enjoy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pinball, a two-player, seated Fast and the Furious car racing game, an air hockey “arena,” NBA JAM, Mortal Kombat, and alltime classics like Galaga and Pac-Man
Family-Friendly Space Serves Up Gaming Fun for All Ages
by Anna Maria Giambanco DiPietro
This new nostalgia is brought to life by Chef Michael Cherney and his wife/partner, Sarah Cherney. No strangers to taking chances in the realm of hospitality, the Cherney’s new arcade is an addition to peasants DELI & MARKET. The third business concept for the dynamic duo, it adjoins the existing deli space on Atterdag Road, across the street from their MICHELIN Bib Gourmand Award–winning restaurant, peasants FEAST. It’s worth noting that they’re the only new Bib Gourmand recipients added to the Guide along California’s Central Coast.
A favorite eatery for locals and tourists alike, FEAST opened its doors in April 2020, two weeks after the original pandemic shutdowns. The Cherneys then added peasants DELI & MARKET to their offerings in January 2022. Chef Cherney shared, “We wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for the love and support we’ve received from the community. This arcade, a new family-friendly activity space, is just one little way that we can reciprocate that show of support.”
A clever, speakeasy-style entrance to the arcade is tucked away in the deli, accessible through a doorway that’s a bit concealed by market shelves. A hidden gem among the throngs of gift shops and bakeries, this spot is all about good old-fashioned fun. Reminiscing about his own childhood outings with his dad, Chef Cherney shared, “We’re hoping that we can
create a space for other families to make their own similar memories.”
Sarah Cherney added, “Solvang attracts so many families, both local and visiting, but there’s not a ton of kid-friendly activities within town. We really feel like this is what our little village needs: a social center for teens and for ‘kids’ of all ages much like the ones that we experienced when we were growing up. We want a spot that our video game–fanatic son can be proud of, somewhere he’d bring all of his friends.”
Additional games will be added to keep things fresh, and the deli menu offering provisions like olive oil and fig balsamic vinegar, made locally by Global Gardens; jars of “peasants PICKLES”; handmade, fresh pasta; their proprietary Italian dressing; private-label Regiis Ova caviar and trout roes; Sunrise Organic Farms Bulgarian carrot pepper hot sauce; and their caviar cones, which are made of paper-thin Jamón Ibérico, Regiis Ova caviar, Manchego cheese espuma, and chervil, in a hand-held, feuille de brick pastry cone will be updated with new small bites and to-go items.
Now, patrons can pause for a bit of whimsical game time while they wait for their takeout orders or swing through for one of the many grab-and-go items, including cheeses, antipastos, and salads.
The arcade is located in peasants DELI & MARKET (473 Atterdag Rd., Solvang). Call (805) 691-9649 or visit peasantsdeli .com.
Orchids, one of Earth’s most beloved flowering plants, make a stunning reappearance at the Earl Warren Showgrounds in this year’s 75th annual Santa Barbara International Orchid Show. This spectacular showcase of flowers, a long-running tradition in Santa Barbara, was put on hold during the pandemic restrictions of large gatherings and is finally back in all of its beautiful glory after three years.
Flower Lovers’ Favorite Finally Back in Action
by Maggie Yates
With the theme “Orchids The Adventure Returns,” this year’s exhibits will be in full bloom March 10-12 at Earl Warren Showgrounds. The show offers gorgeous art installations, a wide variety of vendors and exhibitors, and numerous opportunities to learn more about these extraordinary plants. “The exhibit hall is just awesome,” says Lauris Rose, the Santa Barbara International Orchid Society president (who also co-owns Cal-Orchid, Inc. here in town). “The vendors are very diverse; they come from around the world they’re not weekend warriors.” The benefit here being that show-goers can have questions about orchid cultivation answered by knowledgeable professionals.
Losing several years to COVID was an enormous setback for the Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, which normally attracts 8,000-10,000 visitors, according to the organizers, a nonprofit organization with a board of directors who are primarily commercial orchid growers.
“[It] was a monumental belly punch for a nonprofit in the truest sense of the word,” says Rose. “We’re not gassing up our jet with this; we do it because we love it…. We make enough money to put on this show every year, and then we begin again.”
Rose urges orchid lovers and horticulturists (or anyone who appreciates what Rose calls “nature’s art”) to donate to the cause via the orchid show’s webpage. “All donations great and small are welcome so we can get back up on track,” says Rose. Get a one-day pass to the show for $20, or a three-day pass for $30, and experience the splendor of the exquisite orchid and the passion of their devoted growers.
takes place from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., March 10-12, at Earl Warren Showgrounds (3400 Calle Real). See
Family Entertainment
Horticulture living
Santa Barbara
Orchid Show
Ambriz Kingdom of Plants display was all set to go for the 2020 Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, which was abruptly canceled due to pandemic restrictions that year. The show is finally back in action March 10-12 at Earl Warren Showgrounds.
Above, peasants FEAST and peasant’s DELI & MARKET owners Sarah and Michael Cherney at their new arcade. Below, the wonder of video games is alive and well for the next generation.
Catching (Light) Waves on the Oxnard Shores
Santa Barbara is no slouch when it comes to sunsets. But the Oxnard Shores may sport the best end-of-day views in California, which puts this sandy stretch of coastline in the running for best in the world.
While our gaze upon the Channel Islands is illuminated by sideways rays, those from these Southern Ventura County beaches catch the star slipping just behind the archipelago. That angle turns the low-lying end of Anacapa into the snout of an alligator, lurking just at the surface, ready to snatch a sparkly oil rig treat. The tiny island’s taller western peaks form the head, with the ridges of Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa finishing its serpentine back. The color scheme is rainbowotic: deep purples and bright fuchsias, of course, but then topaz and periwinkle and orange sherbet, all swirling into ever-shifting Impressionistic chaos.
Eye-Opening Enjoyment at Mandalay Beach
by Matt Kettmann
I observed as much at the end of 2022, perched on my balcony at the recently rejuvenated Zachari Dunes on Mandalay Beach, which was an Embassy Suites from 1986 until last October. Now the 250-room, nine-acre spread is part of the Curio by Hilton collection, which puts a lifestylized, Kimpton-esque spin on design and offerings, emphasizing culinary, wellness, and outdoor adventures.
“Every day, it’s different some days, it’s more purple; today it was more pink,” agreed Ben Ly, the Boston-raised, UCSB-educated general manager of the resort, who started his career at what was then the Fess Parker Hilton on Cabrillo Boulevard. “That’s one of the most amazing things about this place: the sunset.” After riding the Hilton train through properties in Los Angeles and South San Francisco, Ly came back south with his family in September 2022 to
spend a year reenvisioning this property, which included embracing sunlight in the towering, formerly dark lobby.
Upon check-in there, I was informed that the $30 daily resort fee includes a two-hour per-day allowance of rentals from Henry’s Gear bicycles, skateboards, hoverboards, surf gear, exercise equipment, video games, even record players and given the restaurant rundown. Right now, that’s primarily Ox & Ocean, but there’s more on the way, including the Dive game room bar (open only on weekends ’til summer, with pinball, basketball arcade, darts, shuffleboard, and board games) and Sugar Beats, where an Airstream will soon be dropped to serve coffee, breakfast, and seafood shack fare in the resort’s gardenesque environs.
“This is a big part of who we are as Curio,” said Ly of the epicurean experience. “The theme is fresh agriculture from Oxnard.” That’s boosted by the farming displays near the Ox & Ocean entrance and the name itself: “Zachari” is Greek for “sugar,” which is what the city’s founder Henry T. Oxnard originally wanted to name the area as a nod to its sugar beet industry.
Ly showed me the firepit where guests can roast s’mores, three new cabana lounges by the pool, the basketball and tennis courts (pickleball soon!), the Peloton-stocked gym, and the sea-breezed, grassy knoll where they host free yoga in the mornings. “We are one of the few truly beachfront properties in California,” he explained. “We wanted to create things that you couldn’t do anywhere else.”
After a surrey ride with my kids along the dunes and past families playing with dogs, RC cars, and rockets at the adjacent park, we refreshed with an avocado margarita, mocktails, and guacamole. Then we settled into our two-full-bath suite (they’re all like that!), enjoyed those sunset views, and dressed for dinner.
I was happily surprised to learn that Ox & Ocean is helmed by Chef Damien Giliberti, who we know from his time at the former Kimpton Goodland Hotel’s Outpost in Goleta. He went from there to here, having his first child in
July, buying a home in Santa Paula in September, and opening the restaurant in October. “This felt right in line with the social dining I was doing at the Goodland,” he explained.
We moved from an aji amarillo-fueled ahi crudo to both oxtail and king trumpet mushroom bao to beets crunchy with puffed amaranth and crispy potatoes slathered in house-cultured butter. After the red curry/coconut broth mussels, I couldn’t allow us to order the steak, halibut, or highly recommended pork chop, though I granted the O&O Burger, a melting heap that we quickly consumed.
Drinks, as advised by food and beverage director Ricardo Cubias, included a fluted spritz, a smoked old fashioned, an espresso martini, and then, for the kids, a fire-roasted milkshake. I can’t exactly detail how we devoured the fried strawberry handcake, but I do recall a flaky sense of joy.
Gluttony continued soon after sunrise also distinct from Santa Barbara’s, though we have the edge there. After a long walk on the sand and back through the neighborhood, we endured lemon mascarpone pancakes, breakfast burritos, chilaquiles, and Giliberti’s spin on eggs Benedict, with jalapeño-corn fritters, housemade pork belly, and chipotle hollandaise. We worked it off exploring the Channel Islands Harbor, finding a colony of sea lions attracting TV news attention at the top of Silver Strand. My wife and daughter braved the afternoon storm in our room while my son and I toured downtown Oxnard, ending with a stop for chicharrón tacos plus a michelada and horchata from Tacos El Diablo.
The evening’s agenda was a cocktail class with Cubias in Dive, where he prepared a mezcal paloma refreshing with a smoky kick and a pisco sour involving strawberry brandy by Ventura Spirits. Then we did some R&D on a beachy drink with vanilla vodka, falernum, lychee syrup, lemon juice, and ginger. It was a tad sweet; I suggested adding club soda, and offered the potential name “Fresa Impresa.”
Impressed would also be my takeaway from our twonight stay. Oxnard doesn’t get much respect from us northerly neighbors, but Zachari Dunes burst that bubble for me. Even our dog got to choose from the pet menu on the morning we left Pellegrino in a bowl, as you do, with a hearty serving of eggs and rice. He never saw it coming.
Zachari Dunes, 2101 Mandalay Beach Rd., Oxnard; (805) 984-2500;
Ricardo Cubias crafts a pisco sour at Zachari Dunes.
Sparkling wine pairs with sunsets at Zachari Dunes on Mandalay Beach.
Take Your Next Dining Date to Ventura
While Santa Barbara’s dining options are tried and treasured, it’s fun to expand your palate beyond our beloved haunts. Whether it’s taking your partner out for a new experience or just looking for a little me-time with a solo meal, Ventura is the perfect destination to enjoy a delicious date, whatever that means to you. So take a jaunt down the sunset-soaked 101 and dive into one of these lovely little spots in the “City of Good Fortune.”
Looking for a low-pressure yet beautiful spot? The easybreezy Frontside Café gracefully checks that box, with scents of Beacon coffee and a bright inte rior putting you in a state of uplifted ease. “It’s the kind of food that we wanted to eat,” said Charne Huff, an Australian who opened this dreamy outpost with her husband, Joel, in 2020, inspired by the fresh, healthy delicacies they ate while living abroad. What better place for a date than one created from a love story?
The stunning avocado toast dotted with pink pickled vegetables on house-made seeded dukkah satisfies the desire for elevated classics, while the Aussie meat pie full of braised short rib and vegetables takes the coffee shop game to a new level, pairing up with a smart selection of wine, beer, and spritzes. Monthly pop-up dinners let Joel flaunt his years of executive cheffing alongside such notables as José Andrés.
“I hope that people can spend their time in a nice relaxing space and enjoy the interior and enjoy the food,” Huff said.
1070 E. Front St., Ventura; (805) 628-9566;
Not quite ready to travel abroad together but craving the thrill of a European excursion?
Immigrant Son Caffé is just the ticket for a fraction of the price.
Alessandro Tromba’s decadent brunches, lunches, and pastas whisk you away to Italy from
Five Restaurants to Check Out in This Seaside City to Our South
by Rebecca Horrigan
the comfort of Main Street, where you’ll appreciate the homey ambiance and high ceilings. The colorful walls are decorated by photographs and paintings from his personal collection, which he said make “for fun conversation pieces.”
Celebrating his father’s Molise roots, Tromba infuses the menu with such family recipes as Cousin Michael’s Pasta Carbonara. “People don’t really think of pasta for breakfast, but that’s a recipe from our little town in Italy,” he said. “We use a really good pancetta that we import from Italy.”
I was blown away by the breakfast lasagna, filled with prosciutto cotto and bacon, steeped in flavorful marinara sauce, and topped with a perfectly fried egg. For dessert, Tromba offers freshly made pizzelle, thin Italian waffle cookies hot off the press. If that’s not amore, I don’t know what is.
543 E. Main St., Ventura; (805) 667-9084;
For a wide variety of drink options and dietary preferences, Fluid State is an ideal choice. “The concept of Fluid State is open to interpretation,” said Aaron Duncan, who co-owns the beer garden with his partner, Jen Schwertman. “We didn’t design it to be any one thing, but rather adaptable to whatever our customers want it to be.”
The vibrant bar features a rotating cast of two dozen craft beers plus wines and cocktails such as the seasonal coffee nog handcrafted with Humboldt Distillery organic spiced rum, heavy cream, farm egg, cane sugar, and Bonito Coffee Roaster Cold Brew. I didn’t even know I liked nog until I had a sip of theirs a perk of remaining “fluid,” I suppose.
The star of the kitchen is pizza. “In my 30-plus years of pizza experience, I have made every style: from Neapolitan to thin-crust East Coast to American Pizza Parlor,” Duncan explained. “The pizza program at Fluid State is essentially a blend of all of those.”
The key is Duncan’s house sourdough starter, which he made while harvesting wine grapes with vintner Drake Whitcraft. “The yeast and bacteria on the skin of that fruit was the foundation of our starter and our pizza program,” Duncan said. Brimming with thoughtful delicacies and convivial conversations, Fluid State is a fantastic spot to create your own story.
692 E. Main St., Ventura; (805) 628-3107;
head south
Fine wine and cheese, handmade comfort food, cozy yet upscale vibe Paradise Pantry has the right ingredients for a dreamy date. Owned by Chef Kelly Briglio and wine curator Tina Thayer, the restaurant serves lunch, dinner, and weekend brunch while the attached artisan market offers a dizzying assortment of gourmet eats. After surveying their treasure trove of a menu, from cheese plates to salmon to pasta, I ordered the roasted turkey panini filled with aged white cheddar and homemade basil pesto, but I’ll be back for the Italian Truffle Mac.
“When I met Chef Kelly, I fell completely in love with her food her tastes, textures, ingredients,” said Thayer. “So choosing a favorite is nearly impossible unless I choose one for today and one for tomorrow and every day of the year.” Daily returns sound like a fabulous plan to me. 222 E. Main St., Ventura; (805) 641-9440;
Now open through Apr 30, 2023
Influenced by the pictorialist movement of the early twentieth century, Edward S. Curtis set out to create a photo and ethnographic record of Indigenous peoples living in Western regions from the Mexican border to Alaskan shores. 100 years later, Indigenous people still contend with “Indian” stereotypes that are consequences of Edward Curtis’s vision. This exhibit endeavors to present his breathtaking photogravures within the context of American colonialism.
Pamela Solomon believes the ambiance of this Central American gastropub which is tucked into a cobblestone nook just off Main Street with a glowing fireplace, candlelit tables, and sprawling patio is what makes a perfect backdrop for date night. But I’d argue the food in the foreground is just as enticing.
“Couples will love to share bites and sips with each other because everything has such unique and balanced flavors, you’ll want your date to experience what you’re having,” said Solomon, who owns the restaurant with her husband, Jon. “It adds intimacy to the experience.”
Start with an inventive cocktail, taste your way through conch fritters and beef garnachas, and then order the Creole Sea Bass, which is swims in cherry tomatoes, cilantro, garlic, onions, sweet peppers, and plantains atop a bed of coconut rice and draped in lobster coconut pan sauce. Shareability extends across the entire menu, from cochinita pibil or pork belly tacos and chorizo flatbread to ceviches and “our mussels in an addicting garlic mustard broth,” said Solomon. And the staff is so kind that you’ll be sure to feel the love even if you don’t bring a date.
Palm St., Ventura; (805) 667-9288;
Join the Santa Barbar a Independent's Meet in the Indy HQ parking lot at 1715 State St. Stroll will head down State Street. Rain or shine! St. Patrick's Day Stroll Irish for a day, Independent
Friday, March 17 5pm Meetup | 5:30pm Stroll Native People through the Lens of Edward S. Curtis Storytelling
for life!
“Painting a Hat – Nakoaktok,” 1914, Edward S. Curtis
2559 Puesta del Sol Santa Barbara,
CA 93105
Sponsored by Jerry and Elaine Gibson, Knight Real Estate Group of Village Properties, First Republic Bank, Kathleen Kalp and Jim Balsitis, Kelly and Tory Milazzo
38 THE INDEPENDENT MARCH 2, 2023 INDEPENDENT.COM Welcome to Freedom Management reserves the right to change or cancel promotions and events at any time without notice. Must be 21 or older. Gambling problem? Call 1.800.GAMBLER. LOS HURACANES DEL NORTE APRIL 7 | FRIDAY | 8PM MARIACHI REYNA MAY 6 | SATURDAY | 8PM MARISELA MAY 5 | FRIDAY | 8PM RAMON AYALA MAY 12 | FRIDAY | 8PM ON SALE MARCH 3 ALWAYS AMA ZI NG . NEVER ROUT IN E .
Pascucci Turns 30
Pascucci at 509 State Street is celebrating its 30-year anniversary, and as a special thank-you to their loyal customers, they are having a “30×30” promotion, offering their 30 top-selling items for 30 percent off of lunch and dinner, every day, all day, for two weeks, March 2-16, 2023.
“We want to thank Santa Barbara for supporting our establishment for three decades as a treasured local Italian restaurant, serving quality, regionally sourced food items, with friendly service at a fair price,” says the popular downtown eatery. “Our customers have enjoyed Pascucci’s fresh house-made sauces, dressings, and desserts, and extensive local wine list and full bar for 30 years. We do not accept reservations but can accommodate guests swiftly and look forward to celebrating with you.”
ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS CONTINUE AT HOLDREN’S: Clay Holdren, namesake owner of Holdren’s Steaks & Seafood at 512 State Street, sent me a message to share with you: “The 20th anniversary menu at Holdren’s went so well, I have decided to extend it through the month of March,” says Holdren. “Every Tuesday and Wednesday night in March, we will be offering our $20 menu which includes the crusted pork chop, an eight-ounce prime sirloin, linguini with prawns, herb-crusted chicken, and a few others. All entrées include soup or salad and a side dish. It’s a great deal, and I hope to see you all.” Reservations are recommended. Call (805) 965-3363.
STELLA MARE’S LEASE WOES: This just in from Philippe Rousseau, owner of Stella Mare’s Bistro at 50 Los Patos Way in Montecito: “Dear friends and family of Stella Mare’s Bistro, you may have heard rumors about Los Patos. The Stella Mare’s building is now part of a purchase by an L.A. developer. We just found out last week that our lease, once expired, will not be renewed. Stella Mare’s is not part of the new Los Patos development project. We are not closing yet as our lease expires at the end of 2023. It will be business as usual until then. We are looking forward to a very busy 2023.We have been in business for 28 years and were absolutely NOT planning on closing anytime soon. This comes as a shock to us, and we are devastated with the outcome. At this point, we are considering all options, including relocating to a new home. We appreciate the community’s continued support. We will keep you updated.”
“TERRA” COMING TO GOLETA: The Steward, a Tribute Portfolio Marriott Hotel, will debut this spring in Goleta at 5490 Hollister Avenue, formerly known as Pacific Suites, and bring with it a new restaurant named “Terra.”
The hotel’s signature restaurant will incorporate locally sourced ingredients that showcase and highlight our area’s agricultural roots. The seasonally driven menus will offer Californian and Mediterranean fare. While bringing The Steward to life, the team discovered a journal on-property from the 1930s that features one of the first recorded recipes for avocado toast. The journal is still on the property today and guests will be able to try the original recipe. The menu includes herbs from the property’s own gardens, a botanical blooming tea service, and organic mocktails.
John Dickson’s
reporting can be found every day online at SantaBarbara .com. Send tips to
Episode 70: SBIFF Red Carpet Recap Chatting with Jamie Lee Curtis and ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Crew Hosted by: Alexandra Goldberg Listen Now Listen at or wherever you listen to podcasts! Make a reservation to visit at (805) 962-5339 • Just o Cabrillo Blvd. at East Beach • Est 1963 Celebrate the world’s many frogs and other amphibians with frog-inspired crafts and more! All costumed princesses and pirates (or anyone you want to be for the day!) are welcome. Princess
THIRTY CANDLES: Pascucci turns 30 this month, and to celebrate, they are offering discounts all month long.
and Pirate
Timed with the Lobero Theatre’s remarkable milestone of hitting its official 150th anniversary mark this spring, certain local luminaries have been folded into the celebration. Last week, the list included global pop sensation and Santa Barbaran/Hawaiian Jack Johnson (in a uniquely resourceful concert performed “unplugged,” after the wind knocked out the power on the block). On the following night, locally raised and based David Crosby would have hit the Lobero stage, but he sadly died in January.
And then there is the classical guitar phenomena known as Los Romeros, whose connection to the Lobero is a deep one, going back to an origin story in 1958. The Romero name became more broadly legendary through the careers of the Romero Guitar Quartet and individual guitarists Angel and Pepe Romero making international names for themselves, with sons in tow.
On Saturday, March 4, a presenting consort of CAMA’s Masterseries and the Lobero Theatre Foundation will host Los Romeros, at a time when the eldest brother, Celin, is still going strong at 86. The concert is doubly special as a rare performance after a long COVID-mandated hiatus. Call the show an auspicious homecoming.
In another milestone Romeros-at-theLobero night, the family musical dynasty offered up a memorable and moving concert in the venue a decade ago. The year 2013 represented the 100th birthday of the family patriarch, Celedonio (who died in 1996).
In an interview last week, Pepe Romero expressed his fond recollections of the 2013 evening. “It was a family affair, including the Romeros ‘Quintet’ Celin, myself, Angel, Lito, and Celino Romero, and also a special encore with our grandchildren performing with us the famous ‘Noche en Málaga’ by Celedonio Romero. These were wonderful times, and now those grandchildren are grown up, married, and each of them is contributing to making the world a better place.”
Your return concert in Santa Barbara synchronizes with the Lobero’s 150th anniversary. There is a kind of serendipitous link between Lobero and the Romeros. Can you explain that history?
We left Spain in 1957 with the help of our hosts Farrington and Evelyn Stoddard, who were living in Santa Barbara. They provided everything for us upon our arrival, including a house, clothes, and Green Cards for everyone, as we had to flee Spain, leaving everything behind.
Our father, Celedonio, performed his first guitar recital in the U.S. at the Lobero Theatre on June 13, 1958. The following year,
1959, our father, Celedonio; my brother Celin; and I performed a joint recital as “Celedonio Romero and His Sons, Celin and Jose Romero.” At this concert, my brother Angel made his first appearance also, thus making the Lobero Theatre the first concert hall where Los Romeros appeared together on stage.
Does the specific ambience of the Lobero, which also played host to Andrés Segovia and Santa Barbara herself play a strong nostalgic role in the saga of the family and its musical fiber?
Yes, it definitely does, and I particularly remember the many wonderful opera performances by the Music Academy that my family and I attended at the Lobero. One week after arriving in the United States, I performed during Santa Barbara’s Fiesta at the entrance of the Mission in an outdoor concert — the music, the atmosphere of Santa Barbara seemed like a perfect fit for us.
Was it always obvious within the family that classical guitar would be the center of cultural life within the Romero dynasty, and are there next-generation players coming along? We
have been celebrating our 60th anniversary for the past two years, and there was never a doubt in our minds about our role with the guitar and music. The original and current members of the Romeros have always been dedicated to this life. The fourth generation — well, my son, Pepe Romero Jr. (third generation), is a world-renowned luthier, as is my grandson, Bernardo Romero. This fourth generation also includes an extraordinary opera tenor, a fantastic ballerina, a beautiful competitive dancer, a promising pop singer, a young songwriter/singer, and the list goes on.
They all play the guitar, and this connection is forever.
Although the inhumane horrors of the WWII Holocaust have been chronicled many times on film including such high-profile projects as Night and Fog, Shoah, Schindler’s List, and Life Is Beautiful little cinematic attention has been paid to the history of Jewish resistance and freedom fighters during the Nazis’ siege. Into that unfortunate void comes an illuminating new documentary, Four Winters, which engagingly lays out the courageous tale of Polish Jews using guerilla tactics to fight back as partisans.
As one surviving partisan explains early in the film, Jews are not often given credit for fighting back against the Nazi assaults. But there’s more to the story, and here is a compelling piece of it.
Drawing on an impressive cache of archival footage and stills (some taken from within the partisan ranks in the Polish woods), director Julia Mintz skillfully weaves the narrative, with the lived-in veracity of several survivors’ detailed and sometimes emotion-wracked testimonies.
As Jews were being oppressed, displaced, summarily murdered, sent to mass graves, and shipped to Treblinka and other concentration camps in the early '40s, some found escape routes and the will to fight back by whatever means available. One survivor describes literally prying open a window on a train bound for Treblinka and leaping out from the fast-moving train to oblivion.
Bands of partisans organized in the woods, scrounging for food and weaponry, and sometimes strong-arming those resources from nearby villages. They enacted various combative missions against the Germans, in addition to strategic sabotage, destroying bridges and trains. While this film chronicles a small group of fighters in a region now part of Ukraine, in excess of 25,000 Jews were involved in the larger partisan effort.
What makes Mintz’s film more than just a dry historical count is its delicate balancing act of intimate details, historical truths, and underlying angst, conveyed through both contemporary interviews and vivid black-and-white archival visuals. As one survivor speculates, “I survived. Why me?” After a long pause, she adds, “To tell the story, maybe.”
—Josef Woodard
Are there any special projects Los Romeros will take on in the near future? We are enjoying the wonderful gift of performing together as a family, especially after being shut down during COVID, and there is always something cooking in our plans.
For tickets and more information, see lobero .org. For a longer version of this interview, see
Four Winters, followed by a Q&A discussion, will screen on Tuesday, March 7, at 7 p.m. at Paseo Nuevo Theatre (RSVP: and again on Wednesday, March 8 at 7 p.m. the Pollock Theater at UCSB (RSVP: Both screenings are free, but RSVPs are requested.
Los Romeros performing at the Vatican, above, and at the White House for President Jimmy Carter, below.
Young Gertrude Boyarski from the film Four Winters
It’s hip to be small, once again. The Small Images show at Santa Barbara City College’s Atkinson Gallery has deep roots. Now in its 38th iteration, the exhibition returns to the Atkinson, after having been kiboshed during the pandemic. It’s an inspiring case of reengagement with an important forum for artists from the Tri-Counties and a survey of artists both familiar and new.
This year’s roster is more selective and spare than years past. The beholding eye can breathe and focus on what’s in the room. Lum Art Magazine provided the jurying duty, paring down 205 entries by 99 artists to a doable load of 59 artists, working in various media and with diverse goals and artistic voices.
A good place to start is Seyburn Zorthian’s “Espana 10,” (the show’s first place/runner-up) which packs a fiery abstract energy into the smallest piece in the room. In
the Grand Prize slot (nabbing a $1,000 prize) was Kevin Clancy’s winkingly clever, infooverload-questioning pile-up of screens, in the hands of a baby. Welcome to the wired/ wireless world, wee one. Other notable entries in the painting category include Maria Rendon’s “The Last Sunset,” with a foreboding “X” above and below ground hinting at ominous fates, and Mark Lozano’s tranquil, ambience-capturing “Still Life by Window.”
Joyce Wilson’s “The Bough Bends” is a woodsy scene of muted palette and introspective reflection, drawing our attentions inward, while Marita Redondo’s “Aunt Suzy” is a simple, affecting family figure portrait, with faceting brushwork distinguishing it from standard-practice painting formula. Corinne Trujillo’s “Extinct” is a soft-spoken, melancholic vision of a bygone bovine.
Three-dimensional art is carefully dispersed on the gallery floor, creating a happy slalom effect for visitors. As we enter the gallery, an eye-grabbing greeter appears in animal form. Elizabeth (Betsy) Gallery (yes, she must be tired of confirming, that is her real family name) shows off both her expert mosaic skills and a certain animalistic charm with her cuddly sculpture “Souvenir: Day of the Dead Bear.”
Another well-known purveyor of sculpture created from unlikely materials is Inga Guzyte, whose unique panache in working with repurposed skateboard decks and repurposed skate-culture iconography comes through in the footwear-riffing “100% Sk8 Shoe-PEACE.” On the opposite side of the same post, Cynthia Martin’s “HERE’S A GREAT OFFER FOR YOU” combines her way with a wavy, sea-minded abstract painting tucked into a sturdy metal frame equipped with anchor imagery and the title in etched letters.
The coy title of Pausha Foly’s “Red Poppies” isolates the bed of flowers serving as a plush ground for the real subject, a mutant mix of woman and rabbit, in a work at once surreal and sensuous. Similarly, sensuality takes a strange turn or two in Sol Hill’s “Light Vessels Luminous Void,” a mixed-media piece in which a mystical nude figure appears to be cosmically irradiated from within.
Some artists are already pre-calibrated to work well in scaled-down dimensions. Take, for an ideal example, assemblage artist Michael Long. Without screaming out for attention in a room of louder visuals, his “Abandoned Dwelling” pulls us into its spot in the gallery corner. On close inspection, the work might evoke a dilapidated, funked-up stage set for a Beckett play, fastidiously rendered with the artist’s miniaturist aplomb in check.
As we’ve learned from this exhibition’s long-standing tradition and example, small art can speak volumes.
—Josef Woodard
Small Images: 38th Anniversary Exhibition is on view at SBCC’s Atkinson Gallery through March 30. See
Women have been shaping the course of ceramic art for generations, and this work takes the spotlight in a new exhibition, Women Makers: THEN, NOW, HERE, opening March 8 at Clay Studio in Goleta.
This celebration of women ceramicists (makers) is presented in honor of Women’s History Month and includes selected work by notable artists, including Judy Chicago, Beatrice Wood, Lucy Lewis, Mary Law, Adelaide Robineau, Vivika Heino, the Saturday Evening Girls, Toshiko Takaezu, Karen Karnes, Grace Hewell, Polia Pillin, Dora De Larios, Lucie Rie, Rebecca Youngbird, Frances Simches, Nancy Selvin, Margaret Keelan, Stefani Gruenberg, Ayumi Horie, Hitomi Shibata, Barbara Loebman, Genie Thompson, Lauren Hanson, Victoria Littlejohn, Linda Haggerty, and Lynda Weinman.
Also on exhibit is the work of the late Marge Dunlap, a regional artist noted for her public installations in Santa Barbara County, whose works include “It’s Raining,” an engaging fountain of faces at the Las Aves office complex on Los Patos Way near the Bird Refuge.
The show which includes almost 50 artists’ work, cour-
tesy of both private and public collections from across the U.S. began to come together in August, said Marsha Bailey, retired Executive Director of Women’s Economic Ventures, who is one of the organizers. “Jean Feigenbaum Range and James Haggerty proposed putting together a women’s show for the Clay Studio Gallery during Women’s History Month, and we were excited by the prospect. As a young organization, we didn’t yet have a formal gallery committee, and this provided the impetus to start one.”
She continued, “Because we only had six months to put the show together, we approached local ceramic art collectors to ask if they would be willing to lend pieces for the exhibit. The response was universally enthusiastic. Women have long been accomplished ceramic artists, but as in other fields, their work has often been overlooked and undervalued. In this show, we’ve tried to represent the diversity of women in ceramics, both historically and in the present. Contemporary work includes juried pieces made by both emerging and established women artists working at Clay Studio today. Accomplished women ceramicists who have been teach-
ing and working locally for many years were also invited to exhibit their work.”
Asked about notable pieces, Bailey said, “We have many notable and impressive pieces from important women artists throughout the country, but one of my personal favorites is a humble cup and saucer by the Saturday Evening Girls. I love the piece because of what it represents: The Saturday Evening Girls was a club for young immigrant women that started out as a reading group in 1899 in Boston. From 1908–1942, they operated the Paul Revere Pottery, where they taught young women skills and provided employment in good working conditions where they were paid a living wage. The piece is on loan to the gallery from James Haggerty’s personal collection.”
That piece and the others can be viewed at Women Makers: THEN, NOW, HERE at Clay Studio (1351 Holiday Hill Rd., Goleta) from March 8 to May 31. The public is invited to attend an opening reception on Wednesday, March 8, from 4-9 p.m. Leslie Dinaberg
Kevin Clancy’s Grand Prize–winning piece
“Souvenir: Day of the Dead Bear” by Elizabeth (Betsy) Gallery
“Five Dancing Figures” by Stefani Gruenberg
Figure by Margaret Keelan Blue square pot by Jean Feigenbaum Range Bird by Marsha Bailey
The Arlington Theatre
(Mar. 21-Apr. 19): In 1993, I began work on my memoirish novel The Televisionary Oracle. It took me seven years to finish. The early part of the process was tough. I generated a lot of material I didn’t like. Then one day, I discovered an approach that liberated me: I wrote about aspects of my character and behavior that needed improvement. Suddenly everything clicked, and my fruitless adventure transformed into a fluidic joy. Soon I was writing about other themes and experiences. But dealing with self-correction was a key catalyst. Are there any such qualities in yourself you might benefit from tackling, Aries? If so, I recommend you try my approach.
The Arlington Theatre Academy Awards Watch Party
Sunday, March 12
Red Carpet Pre-Show Reception* at Arlington Courtyard: 3:30pm OSCARS on the Big Sceen: 5pm! *Fee
Schedule subject to change. Please visit for theater updates. Thank you. Features and Showtimes for Mar 3 - 9, 2023
* = Subject to Restrictions on “SILVER MVP PASSES; and No Passes”
SANTA BARBARA 805-965-7684 LP = Laser Projection
(Apr. 20-May 20): Two Taurus readers complained that my horoscopes contain too much poetry and flair to be useful. In response, I’m offering you a prosaic message. It’s all true, though in a way that’s more like a typical horoscope. (I wonder if this approach will spur your emotional intelligence and your soul’s lust for life, which are crucial areas of growth for you these days.) Anyway, here’s the oracle: Take a risk and extend feelers to interesting people outside your usual sphere. But don’t let your social adventures distract you from your ambitions, which also need your wise attention. Your complex task: Mix work and play; synergize business and pleasure.
(May 21-June 20): Astrologer Jessica Shepherd advises us to sidle up to the Infinite Source of Life and say, “Show me what you’ve got.” When we do, we often get lucky. That’s because the Infinite Source of Life delights in bringing us captivating paradoxes. Yes and no may both be true in enchanting ways. Independence and interdependence can interweave to provide us with brisk teachings. If we dare to experiment with organized wildness and aggressive receptivity, our awareness will expand, and our heart will open. What about it, Gemini? Are you interested in the charming power that comes from engaging with cosmic contradictions? Now’s a favorable time to do so. Go ahead and say, “Show me what you’ve got” to the Infinite Source of Life.
be a good time to get the hang of incorporating its spirit into your life.
(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): If you are not working to forge a gritty solution, you may be reinforcing a cozy predicament. If you’re not expanding your imagination to conjure up fresh perspectives, you could be contributing to some ignorance or repression. If you’re not pushing to expose dodgy secrets and secret agendas, you might be supporting the whitewash. Know what I’m saying, Libra? Here’s a further twist. If you’re not peeved about the times you have wielded your anger unproductively, you may not use it brilliantly in the near future. And I really hope you will use it brilliantly.
(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Storyteller Martin Shaw believes that logic and factual information are not enough to sustain us. To nourish our depths, we need the mysterious stories provided by myths and fairy tales. He also says that conventional hero sagas starring big, strong, violent men are outmoded. Going forward, we require wily, lyrical tales imbued with the spirit of the Greek word metis, meaning “divine cunning in service to wisdom.” That’s what I wish for you now, Scorpio. I hope you will tap into it abundantly. As you do, your creative struggles will lead to personal liberations. For inspiration, read myths and fairy tales.
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Many astrologers don’t give enough encouragement to you Sagittarians on the subject of home. I will compensate for that. I believe it’s a perfect time to prioritize your feelings of belonging and your sense of security. I urge you to focus energy on creating serenity and stability for yourself. Honor the buildings and lands you rely on. Give extra appreciation to the people you regard as your family and tribe. Offer blessings to the community that supports you.
7040 MARKETPLACE DR GOLETA 805-688-4140
371 South Hitchcock Way SANTA BARBARA 805-682-6512
(June 21-July 22): “Only a lunatic would dance when sober,” declared the ancient Roman philosopher Cicero. As a musician who loves to dance, I reject that limiting idea especially for you. In the upcoming weeks, I hope you will do a lot of dancing-while-sober. Singing-whilesober, too. Maybe some crying-for-joy-while-sober, as well as freewheeling-your-way-through-unpredictableconversations-while-sober and cavorting-and-revelingwhile-sober. My point is that there is no need for you to be intoxicated as you engage in revelry. Even further: It will be better for your soul’s long-term health if you are lucid and clearheaded as you celebrate this liberating phase of extra joy and pleasure.
(July 23-Aug. 22): Poet Mary Oliver wondered whether the soul is solid and unbreakable, like an iron bar. Or is it tender and fragile, like a moth in an owl’s beak? She fantasized that maybe it’s shaped like an iceberg or a hummingbird’s eye. I am poetically inclined to imagine the soul as a silver diadem bedecked with emeralds, roses, and live butterflies. What about you, Leo? How do you experience your soul? The coming weeks will be a ripe time to home in on this treasured part of you. Feel it, consult with it, feed it. Ask it to surprise you!
(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): According to the color consultant company Pantone, Viva Magenta is 2023’s color of the year. According to me, Viva Magenta is the lucky hue and power pigment for you Virgos during the next 10 months. Designer Amber Guyton says that Viva Magenta “is a rich shade of red that is both daring and warm.” She adds that its “purple undertone gives it a warmth that sets it apart from mere red and makes it more versatile.” For your purposes, Virgo, Viva Magenta is earthy and exciting; nurturing and inspiring; soothing yet arousing. The coming weeks will
(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): If you are like 95 percent of the population, you weren’t given all the love and care you needed as a child. You may have made adaptations to partly compensate for this lack, but you are still running a deficit. That’s the bad news, Capricorn. The good news is that the coming weeks will be a favorable time to overcome at least some of the hurt and sadness caused by your original deprivation. Life will offer you experiences that make you feel more at home in the world and at peace with your destiny and in love with your body. Please help life help you! Make yourself receptive to kindness and charity and generosity.
(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The philosopher Aldous Huxley was ambitious and driven. Author of almost 50 books, he was a passionate pacifist and explorer of consciousness. He was a visionary who expressed both dystopian and utopian perspectives. Later in his life, though, his views softened. “Do not burn yourselves out,” he advised readers. “Be as I am: a part-time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it.” Now I’m offering you Huxley’s counsel, Aquarius. As much as I love your zealous idealism and majestic quests, I hope that in the coming weeks, you will recharge yourself with creature comforts.
(Feb. 19-Mar. 20): Piscean author and activist WEB Du Bois advised us to always be willing to give up what we are. Why? Because that’s how we transform into a deeper and stronger version of ourselves. I think you would benefit from using his strategy. My reading of the astrological omens tells me that you are primed to add through subtraction, to gain power by shedding what has become outworn and irrelevant. Suggested step one: Identify dispiriting self-images you can jettison. Step two: Visualize a familiar burden you could live without. Step three: Drop an activity that bores you. Step four: Stop doing something that wastes your time.
Homework: What’s something you’d be wise to let go of? What’s something to hold on to tighter? Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700. 225 N FAIRVIEW AVE GOLETA 805-683-3800 FAIRVIEW METRO 4 618 STATE STREET
Advance Previews: 3/9 65
for reception. Free on the big screen. SCREAM VI
III Eveything Everywhere... (PG13): Fri-Thur: 4:20, 7:30. Marlowe (R): Fri, Mon-Thur: 4:40. Sat/Sun: 1:30, 4:40. Emily (R): Fri, Mon-Thur: 7:20. Sat/Sun: 1:40, 7:20. Creed III* (PG13): Fri-Sun: 12:05, 1:20, 3:00, 4:15, 5:45,7:00, 8:30, 9:45. Mon-Wed:1:20, 3:00, 4:15, 5:45, 7:00, 8:30. Thur: 1:20, 3:00, 4:15, 7:00, 9:45. Operation Fortune* (R): Fri-Sun: 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00. Mon-Thur: 2:15, 5:00, 7:45. Ant-Man & The Wasp (PG13): Fri-Sun: 12:45, 3:45, 6:40, 9:35. Mon-Thur: 2:00, 4:55, 8:00. Jesus Revolution (PG13): Fri-Wed: 1:30, 4:40, 7:40. Thur: 1:30. Cocaine Bear (R): Fri-Sun: 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:30, 9:55. Mon-Thur: 2:45, 5:30, 8:20. 65* (PG13): Thur: 4:20, 6:45, 9:15. Champions* (PG13): Thur: 5:40, 8:30, 10:30. Operation Fortune* (R): Fri, Mon, Wed: 2:45, 5:30,6:45, 8:15. Sat/Sun: 1:00, 2:45, 5:30, 6:45, 8:15. Tue, Thur: 2:45, 5:30, 8:15. A Man Called Otto (PG13): Fri-Thur: 3:45. 80 For Brady (PG13): Fri-Wed: 2:15, 4:45, 7:15. Thur: 2:15, 4:45. Magic Mike’s Last Dance (R): Fri-Wed: 2:30, 5:15, 8:00. Thur: 2:30, 8:00. 65* (PG13): Thur: 5:15, 7:45. Champions* (PG13): Thur: 7:30. CREED III* (PG13): Fri-Wed: 1:45, 4:30, 7:15. Demon Slayer* (NR): Fri/Mon/Tue/Thur: 2:55/S, 5:35/S, 8:15/S. Sat/Sun: 12:15/S, 2:55/D, 5:35/S, 8:15/S. Wed: 2:55/S, 5:35/S, 8:15/D. Jesus Revolution (PG13): Fri-Thur: 1:45, 4:40, 7:30. Ant-Man & The Wasp: Fri, Mon-Wed: 3:30, 6:30. Sat/Sun: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30. Thur: 3:30. Puss in Boots (PG): Fri-Wed: 1:30, 4:15, 6:45. Thur: 1:30. Scream VI* (R): Thur: 5:30, 6:30, 8:20, 9:20. Creed III* (PG13): Fri: 2:45, 3:45, 5:30, 6:30, 8:15, 9:15.Sat: 12:00, 1:00, 2:45, 3:45, 5:30, 6:30, 8:15, 9:15.Sun: 12:00, 1:00, 2:45, 3:45, 5:30, 6:30, 8:15. Mon-Thur: 2:45, 3:45, 5:30, 6:30, 8:15. Cocaine Bear (R): Fri: 2:05, 4:30, 7:00, 9:25.Sat: 11:40, 2:05, 4:30, 7:00, 9:25. Sun: 11:40, 2:30, 5:20, 8:00. Mon-Thur: 2:30, 5:20, 8:00. Avatar Way of Water (PG13): Fri-Thur: 3:30/3D, 7:30/3D. Sat/Sun: 11:30/3D, 3:30/3D, 7:30/3D. Demon Slayer* (NR): Fri, Mon/Tue, Thur: 8:00/S. Sat: 4:50/S, 8:00/S. Sun: 4:50/D, 8:00/S. Wed: 8:00/D. Emily (R): Fri, Mon-Thur: 4:30. Sat/Sun: 1:00. Magic Mike’s Last Dance (R): Fri-Thur: 7:30. Puss in Boots (PG): Fri, Mon-Thur: 4:45. Sat/Sun: 2:20, 4:45. Avatar Way of Water (PG13): Fri, Mon-Wed: 4:00, 7:15/3D. Sat/Sun: 12:45/3D, 4:00, 7:153/D.Thur: 4:00. Champions* (PG13): Thur: 7:15. CHAMPIONS DEMON SLAYER
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all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
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Reqs: POST Dispatcher Certificate.
Bachelor’s Degree in a related area and/ or equivalent experience/training. 4‑6 years experience performing the duties of a Police Dispatcher or higher‑level position in a Police Dispatch Center.
1‑3 years of working knowledge of Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD). 1‑3 years experience with E911 Systems, and phones, including Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf (TDD). 1‑3 years of detailed current (within the last 2 years) knowledge of relevant federal and state systems, and departmental laws, rules, guidelines, practices, and terminology regarding police dispatching. 1‑3 years experience documenting information and maintaining records.Basic knowledge of the English language, math, and other analytical skills as evidenced by possession of a high school degree, GED, or equivalent. Manage and accomplish multiple priorities and responsibilities with a high level of accuracy. Successfully supervise, motivate, correct, train, and evaluate assigned staff. Notes: Ability to use vehicles, computer systems, and other technologies and tools utilized by police agencies. Mandated reporting requirements of Child Abuse. Mandated reporting req of Dependent Adult Abuse. Satisfactory criminal history background check. Ability to work in a confined work environment until relieved. Successful completion of a pre‑employment psychological evaluation. Ability to work rotating shifts on days, nights, weekends, and holidays. Must maintain valid CA DL, a clean DMV record and enrollment in DMV Pull‑Notice Program. Successful completion of the POST Dispatcher test.
$62,300 ‑ $117,500/yr. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer, and
a complex and multifaceted University‑wide program in coordination with Central Development’s Prospect Management, Development Research, Donor Relations and Foundation Relations units. Provides leadership for all analytical functions that support the strategic goals, initiatives and projects that secure philanthropic support from individuals, foundations and organizations to the University Library. Under the general direction of the Director of Development, University Library, establishes, develops and maintains comprehensive systems
within the unit in coordination with central Development Office; supports leadership in short‑ and long‑term strategic planning and project management for program development and implementation which is focused on achieving operational and fundraising goals for the University Library. Proactively plans, organizes, and attends strategy meetings and coordinates follow up for $25,000+ prospects; prepares materials and reports that analyze the activities, progress, and goals of the Development Team; ensures the
Performs a wide variety of competitive bidding, contract administration, project management, business advisement, performance and closeout services for the Design & Construction Services Department, Facilities Maintenance Department and the Housing, Dining & Auxiliary Services Department in the execution of agreements by providing the appropriate business, policy and legal review, inclusive of the following: Procurement of all contracts including major and minor capital projects including contract and consultant prequalification; project closeout procedures, including filing NOCs, termination of insurance coverages; advice and counsel regarding project disputes; etc. Responsible for interpreting current policy and legal requirements and applying it to a wide variety of contract and public bidding issues faced by the client and developing solutions that are communicated in both written and verbal formats; independently manages the contract procurement process with limited oversight; acts as business advisor to campus officials, D&CS staff and outside contractors and design professionals; maintain legally required documents; conduct mandatory job walks; receive, open, and process bids; advise Contracts Director on bid irregularities; ensure compliance with all current UCOP, UCSB, and legal requirements. Reqs: Experience reading and analyzing complex technical documents including, but not limited to, construction contracts and consultant agreements and specifications, and demonstrable experience analyzing, compiling and interpreting project data. Notes: Maintain a valid CA driver’s license, a clean DMV record and enrollment in the DMV Employee Pull‑Notice Program. Satisfactory conviction history background check. Hiring/Budgeted Salary Range: $57,800 ‑ $75,000/yr. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Application review begins 3/16/2023 Apply online at Job # 49507.
Under general supervision, serves as the analyst for the University Library Development Team, supporting
consistency, timeliness and accuracy of information disseminated to donors, prospects, and internal constituents. Reviews and analyzes data as it relates to fundraising strategies and prospect identification and management and associated trends. Coordinates communication and works closely with the Development Research and Donor Relations & Stewardship units on collaborative projects and related prospect issues. Identifies, manages and completes special projects for
Continued on p. 44
The Santa Barbara Independent has an opportunity in our Digital Department.
This full-time position will publish all editorial content on as part of a team of two web content managers. Looking for motivated individuals, who have great attention to detail and are ready to collaborate.
Web content managers handle all digital formats including website, newsletters, and social media. HTML/CSS knowledge a plus. Will train the right candidate.
Full-time positions include health, dental, and vision insurance; Section 125 cafeteria plan; 401(k); and vacation program.
EOE F/M/D/V. No phone calls, please.
Please send résumé along with cover letter to
other Library fundraising goals as needed. Reqs: Must be able to work under pressure of frequently shifting priorities and deadlines. Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships within the division of Institutional Advancement, the Library Development Team and the broader campus community. High level of initiative, creativity and energy. Ability to work independently. The Analyst will be privy to sensitive materials, information and planning; therefore, the position requires the utmost degree of confidentiality. Maintains in‑depth knowledge of University policies and procedures and state and federal regulations related to fund raising and accepted business practices; uses exceptional analytical skills, excellent composition, grammar and editing skills, and various database and software tools necessary to accomplish assigned tasks. Notes: May be called upon to work occasional evenings and weekends at various Development Office, Institutional Advancement or campus‑wide events. Satisfactory completion of criminal history background check. Budgeted hourly range: $26.39 ‑ $28/hr. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Application review begins 3/14/23. Apply online at https:// Job #49506
the construction, fabrication, assembly, and testing of equipment. Experience machining in a student or professional shop environment. Notes: Satisfactory conviction history background check. This is a dual‑level recruitment either for a Research & Development Engineer 1 or Research & Development Engineer
The Extramural Funds Accounting unit oversees the financial management of all external funding received by UCSB, including federal, state, local and other government, private contracts and grants, endowments, and gifts. The unit advises on matters of financial compliance and proper cost accounting. Responsible for financial reporting, cash management, accounts receivable, gift processing, effort reporting, review high risk expense transfers for compliance, cost share monitoring, and support to departments in managing Extramural funds. This position is needed to support for EMF staff participating in a large project to transform UCSB’s financial management capabilities by implementing enhanced budgeting, accounting and financial reporting throughout campus using Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC) platform. This is a multi‑year project with representation from across the campus. The EMF Manager is the co‑lead for two of the project workstreams and his participation on the project is critical.
Reqs: Bachelor’s Degree in related area and / or 4‑6 years equivalent experience / training. Ability to independently gather, organize, and perform accounting‑related analysis to complete projects of moderate to semi‑complex scope. Thorough knowledge of financial transactions and systems, as well as related policy, accounting, and regulatory compliance requirements. Proven ability to effectively present information verbally and in writing. 1‑3 years Experience frequently using spreadsheets, database, and other applications.
Note: Satisfactory conviction history background check. $26.39 to $44.78/ hr. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Open until filled. Apply online at Job # 46762
Responsible for providing the full range of administrative management functions and services for the Departments of French and Italian, Germanic and Slavic Studies, Spanish and Portuguese, Programs in Comparative Literature and Latin American and Iberian Studies, as well as a number of centers and labs. PASC financial team manages a budget with annual expenditures of over $12 million. The management team consists of a director and two managers. Oversees all academic personnel transactions for ladder and temporary faculty recruitments, appointments, reviews, and leaves, using in‑depth knowledge of academic personnel policies to guide faculty and support staff. Financial responsibilities include overseeing all accounts within PASC, ensuring monthly review and reconciliation of ledgers, providing timely reporting, coordinating corrective actions, and ensuring compliance with University, Federal, and State accounting policies and procedures on all transactions. Establishes best‑practices for procurement, payroll, and accounts payable functions. Funds managed include a variety of state operating funds, gifts, endowments, fellowships, and grants. Supervises four support staff, and serves as back‑up to each of them as needed. Develops and implements operating policies and procedures as they relate to the overall departmental goals and objectives, interprets policy for the chairs of the departments supported by PASC, and serves as departmental liaison to other campus academic and administrative units. Reqs: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience and / or training. Understanding of accounting principles. Experience supervising employees responsible for financial reporting. Budgeted/Hiring Pay rate/ range $62,300 ‑ $75,000/yr. Full Title Code Pay Range $62,300 ‑ $117,500/ yr. Note: Satisfactory conviction history background check. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Open until filled. Apply online at https://jobs. Job # 44341
Provides entry‑level (or journeyman level) engineering and machining work for the development of experimental equipment. Directly involved from concept to fabrication of customized equipment and apparatus for scientific research. Applies basic professional (or journeyman level) engineering concepts, consults with professors, researchers, and graduate students regarding appropriate designs, materials and methods for construction of research equipment. A basic (or experienced) level of technical expertise and a broad knowledge of scientific theory and practice in a variety of areas is used to successfully perform these duties. At the R&D Engineer 1 level, expected to acquire more advanced skills and knowledge over an 18 month period to achieve the R&D Engineer 2 level of skill. Reqs: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent training and/or experience. Experience participating in
2. If hired at the 1‑level, the incumbent will be a trainee learning to perform the duties and responsibilities of the job description, with the expectation that they will move to the 2‑level within 18 months upon the accomplishment of the goals detailed on an Individual Development Plan. The classification level will be determined by management at the time of hire based on the skills, knowledge, and experience of the final candidate. The budgeted salary range the University reasonably expects to pay for this position depending on experience:
R&D Eng 1: $27.68 ‑ $34.00/hr., R&D Eng 2: $71,000 ‑ $90,000/yr. The full salary range for this position is $27.68 to $50.57/hr. (or $68,700 to $132,500/ yr.) The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Application review begins 3/13/23. Apply online at https:// Job # 49728
Reporting to and working closely with the Vice Chancellor for External Relations (VC‑ER), the Manager (Manager) of Internal Communications helps strategically evaluate, manage, and improve UC Santa Barbara’s internal communications directed primarily, but not limited to, staff and faculty audiences. The Manager serves as a key member of the communications team and will help to create and develop an overarching framework and communication plan that effectively and creatively conveys the UC Santa Barbara brand and leadership objectives to internal audiences. Reqs: 7‑9 years relevant experience in communications, including internal communications; 4‑6 years advanced knowledge and understanding of all aspects of communications, including strategic planning;
4‑6 years advanced skills to create, develop, and implement long and short‑term strategic communication plans; 4‑6 years excellent written, verbal, interpersonal communications, active listening and political acumen skills; 4‑6 years excellent analytical, critical thinking, project management, and problem recognition, avoidance, and resolution skills. Preferred: 7‑9 years experience in higher education and/or the public sector, and/or in a highly decentralized organization; 4‑6 years advanced skills to advise and consult management on all aspects of communications, ranging from developing effective communication strategies to appropriately responding to inquiries regarding sensitive or complex issues or information; 4‑6 years awareness and understanding of digital communication channels, along with related business and consumer trends; 4‑6 years ability to synthesize results and identify and action plan to optimize future communications. Budgeted/Hiring Pay Rate/Range: $83,100‑$100,000/yr.
Note: Satisfactory conviction history background check. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Application review begins 3/15/23.
Apply online at
Job #49564.
Come join UCSB Student Health’s dynamic team! Our MAs prepare patients for their visit by checking vital signs, assisting with procedures, completing insurance referrals, scheduling patients, answering patient questions, and ensuring the clinic is properly stocked. We provide a comprehensive orientation to clinic routines and the electronic medical record. You will work hand‑in‑hand with Physicians, PAs, NPs, RNs, & LVNs in caring for the student population at UCSB. Reqs: High School diploma or equivalent. Licenses/Certifications: Certification with one of the following agencies*: American Association of Medical Assistants (AMA), American Medical Technologists (AMT), California Certifying Board of Medical Assistants (CMAA) *Note: Applicants without a proper certification will not be considered. Current CPR certification/ Basic Life Support (BLS) certification. 1‑3 years experience as a Medical Assistant in a high volume, fast paced medical practice preferred. Notes: This is a 12‑month per year career position. Days/hours are Monday‑Friday, 7:45am‑4:30pm (may require Thursday evenings until 7:00pm). Credentials verification and approval before date of hire. Mandated reporting requirements of Child Abuse. Mandated reporting requirements of Dependent Adult Abuse. UCSB Campus Security Authority under Clery Act. Satisfactory conviction history background check before date of hire. To comply with Santa Barbara County Public Health Department Health Officer Order, this position must provide evidence of annual influenza vaccination, or wear a surgical mask while working in patient care areas during the influenza season. Any HIPAA or FERPA violation may be subject to disciplinary action. Student Health is closed between the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays. Budgeted Pay Rate: $25.44 ‑ $29.79/hr. Full Range: $23.97 ‑ $29.79/hr. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Application review begins 2/10/23 Apply online at https:// Job # 48475
yr. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Open until filled. Apply online at
Job # 48375
Uses a computerized scheduling system and a virtual calling system to schedule medical appointments both by telephone and in person. Accurately determines patient’s medical needs with regards to urgency and appropriateness of patient’s appointment request. Assists patients by providing information on general Student Health services and programs. Utilizes substantial customer service experience and demonstrated abilities to clearly explain appointment procedures and uses sound judgment to handle non‑routine appointment requests. Performs a variety of clerical tasks as assigned. Prepares and scans all incoming paper medical records into the electronic medical record appropriate categories. Reqs: High School Diploma or equivalent. Work experience in a customer service environment. Notes: Mandated reporting requirements of Child & Dependent Adult Abuse. Satisfactory criminal history background check. To comply with Santa Barbara County Health Department Health Office Order, this position must provide evidence of annual influenza vaccination, or wear a surgical mask while working in patient care areas during the influenza season. Any HIPAA or FERPA violation is subject to disciplinary action. $23.59/hr. ‑ $27.97/hr. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Open until filled. Apply online at
Job #49164
of pesticides. Works independently in a responsible manner and cooperatively in a group setting. Must possess a valid California DPR Qualified Applicator’s License or Certificate Category A, or a California Structural Branch 2 license. Must also maintain licenses through the accumulation of the required CEU’s, respective to each license. Must be available to respond to emergencies, work on‑call, rotating swing shift and holidays. Notes: May work shifts other than Monday thru Friday in order to meet the operational needs of the department.Maintain a valid CA driver’s license, a clean DMV record and enrollment in the DMV Employee Pull‑Notice Program.
Budgeted Hourly Range: $22.73 ‑ $26.11/hr. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Open until filled Apply online at
Job #48751
The Senior Custodian maintains various areas in the University Center, AS Building, Multi‑Cultural Center, front of University Center, Lagoon Plaza and the University Center patio areas. Performs unskilled and semi‑skilled duties as directed. Operates vacuum cleaners, buffers, shampoo machines, wet/ dry vacuums, waxers, floor scrubbing machines during stripping, washing, buffing and/or other related cleaning operations. Maintains security for one or more assigned areas; may load/ unload large trash receptacles. May assist with training student personnel.
Reqs: 1‑3 years custodial experience. Working knowledge and experience in utilizing the following equipment: vacuums, conventional and high‑speed buffers, extractors and related custodial equipment desirable. Will train on all equipment and chemicals used. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with others as a team. Must have effective communication skills.Ability to interact as a team member with sensitivity towards a multi‑cultural work environment. Notes: My be required to work other schedules other than Tues‑Sat to meet the operational needs of the department. Maintain a valid CA driver’s license, a clean DMV record and enrollment in the DMV Employee Pull‑Notice Program. Satisfactory conviction history background check.
We are seeking an experienced professional with responsibility for the outside cable plant infrastructure, including pathway, man‑holes, vaults, hand‑holes, multi‑pair copper cable and fiber optic cabling on the UCSB campus. Primary responsibility for the planning, design, engineering, estimating, installation, repairs and project management services for campus outside plant communications infrastructure, working with Engineering Manager, Design, Facilities and Security Services, Architect and Engineering groups to ensure the campus outside plant infrastructure can support current projects and is maintainable over the useful life of the infrastructure. Reqs: 10+ years ‑ experienced professional who applies theory and puts it into practice, with in‑depth understanding of the professional field of Communications Infrastructure. Notes: Satisfactory conviction history background check Must maintain valid CA DL, a clean DMV record and enrollment in DMV Pull‑Notice Program. May be required to work overtime, alternative work schedules and weekends. Budgeted Salary Range: $75,800 to $ 112,700/
Using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques, the technician provides safe, effective, and efficient services to multiple locations. Services include the treatment of nuisance animals, insects, and weeds. These locations include, but not limited to the following: student and family housing, child care facilities, museums, research facilities, libraries, Intercollegiate Athletics, Recreational Sports and other auxiliaries. Reqs:
1‑3 years experience performing Integrative Pest Management for a licensed business or public institution. Must have the skills, knowledge, and ability to use the practices of Integrated Pest Management to provide safe, effective, and efficient pest management to various campus entities.Expert knowledge of the latest pest management techniques, including pest biology and identification, sanitation, exclusion, education,habitat modification, pest prevention building design, wildlife management, pesticide safety, and least toxic pesticides. Knowledgeable in techniques to solve pest problems in sensitive campus environments, including research laboratories, animal facilities,museums, and rare book collections, without affecting data or collections.Knowledgeable of county, state, and federal regulations regarding application, storage, and use
devices for users in offices, research and instructional labs, and multi‑use facilities. Provides network support and development. Reqs: Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent training and/ or experience. Experience with proactive defense, incident response and analysis. Minimum of 3 years of systems administration experience. Demonstrated skills associated with adapting equipment and technology to serve a variety of user needs.
Understanding of and experience troubleshooting client, server and peripherals‑related issues and actions that can be taken to improve or correct performance. Note: Satisfactory conviction history background check. Hiring/Budgeted Salary Range that the University reasonably expects to pay for this position $75,800‑$80,000/yr.
Full Salary Range $75,800 ‑ $149,600. Salary offers are determined based on final candidate qualifications and experience; the budget for the position; and the application of fair, equitable, and consistent pay practices at the University. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Open until filled. Apply online at https://jobs. Job # 49187
Budgeted Hourly Range: $21.36 ‑ $23.11/hr. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Open until filled Apply online at
Job #48792
Works with minimal guidance performing tasks that provide a high level of computing functionality for instructional, research, computational, and network systems in Earth Science (ES) and other departments served by the Life Sciences Computing Group(LSCG). Recommends, installs and integrates computing equipment in keeping with LSCG, ES, UCSB and UCOP policies. Researches, troubleshoots and resolves hardware, software and networking issues on Windows and Macintosh computers and other equipment such as printers, phones, tablets and NAS
The Wellness Coordinator coordinates aspects of and assists with HDAE’s Wellness Program and Safety, Health and Environmental Programs. Duties with respect to these programs include: training, scheduling, program promotion, conducting safety audits and safety awareness, program evaluation, data analysis and entry, and other related tasks Professional Expectation/Attitude Standards/ Customer Service: Promotes Customer Service programs in all service units to residents/clients. Responsible for completing job duties in a manner that demonstrates support for HDAE. Initiates communication directly with co‑workers and or supervisors to improve and clarify working relationships, identify problems and concerns, and seek resolution to work‑related conflicts. Participates in staff training and development workshops, retreats and meetings as determined by supervisor. Reqs: High school diploma or equivalent experience. 1‑3 years customer service experience. 1‑3 years related experience in the field of Wellness and/or Safety Programs. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Demonstrated customer service experience. Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite. License or certification required from at least one of the following organizations: APTA (Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant); ACE (certified); ACSM (CPT or HFS); NASM (CPT); NSCA (CSCS). Must have sufficient strength and agility to lift up to 50 pounds without assistance and over 50 pounds with assistance of mechanical devices or other personnel, as well as lead numerous exercise programs daily. Notes: Maintain a valid CA driver’s license, a clean DMV record and enrollment in the DMV Employee Pull‑Notice Program. Satisfactory conviction history background check. Budgeted Hourly Range: $26.09 ‑ $31.35/hr. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Open until filled. Apply online at Job #48511
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Tide Guide
STUDIOS $1440, Studios with patio $1500, 1BDs $1560, 1BDs with patio $1620, in beautiful garden setting! Pool, lndry & off‑street parking at Michelle Apartments. 340 Rutherford St. NP. Call Erin 805‑967‑6614
Running or not. We are local to S.B. Foreign/Domestic. Porsche, Mercedes, Ford, Chevy etc. We come to you.
1. Job safety gp.
5. Open a smidge
9. Tiny flying pests
14. “Modern Family” dad
15. In ___ parentis
16. “Grey’s Anatomy” extra
17. Bridge charge
18. Shrinking of a bookstore section?
20. Crash sites
22. Body of belief
23. Uffizi display
24. Dividing word
26. Award-winning 2015 movie whose title means “hitman”
28. Breakfast sandwich layer, usually
30. Sch. that both Dido and Shakira attended (even for a little bit)
33. Former presidential candidate ___ Perot
34. How electricity is conducted through a baguette?
38. Scorch
39. Friends in France
40. “That ain’t good”
44. Extra-strength bones, like the ones used to play a skeleton like a xylophone?
47. Jeremy of “Entourage”
50. Bengaluru attire
51. Martini base
52. Stuffs with food
55. MacFarlane or Green of “Family Guy”
Matt Jones
57. Designer monogram that’s surprisingly late in the alphabet (as monograms go)
58. On guard
61. Town known for its mustard
64. Instruction after a power outage?
67. Remote button
68. “Taskmaster” assistant Alex
69. It may follow someone or something
70. Some lifesavers, for short
71. Spirited horse
72. Film spool
73. Place to park
1. Chooses
2. “Be off with you!”
3. Designer Tommy
4. Poe’s middle name
5. ‘80s TV alien
6. ___ de vivre
7. Bank offering, for short
8. Some IRAs
9. Potato dumplings
10. Sister in an order
11. Hall of Fame jockey Eddie
12. Trouble, in Yiddish slang
13. Ruckuses
19. “Creed ___” (2023 boxing movie sequel)
21. Tuxedo shirt button
25. Creator of a philosophical “razor”
27. Pianist Rubenstein
28. Retreating tide
29. “Despicable Me”
31. Like cooked spaghetti
32. April sign
35. Built up the pot
36. Michael of “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World”
37. People logged in
41. Track and field event
42. Sendai sash
43. Competitor of QVC
45. Planning to marry
46. “Divorced, beheaded, ___” (refrain in the musical “Six”)
47. Gives a pep talk, with “up”
48. Summertime complaint
49. Song with Italian lyrics that won the first Grammy for Song of the Year (1958)
53. Woolly parent
54. Further from harm
56. Multiplying word
59. One in a board game sheet
60. Nero’s “to be”
62. ___ Octavius (“Spider-Man” villain)
63. Hatchling’s refuge 65. 180 degrees from SSW 66. Unagi, at a sushi bar
“A Pair of Shorts” they follow the pattern.
Crosswords ( For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle #1124 Day High Low High Low High Thu 2 12:21 am 2.7 6:16 am 4.9 1:44 pm -0.2 8:31 pm 3.7 Fri 3 1:02 am 2.4 6:59 am 5.2 2:14 pm -0.3 8:50 pm 3.8 Sat 4 1:36 am 2.2 7:36 am 5.4 2:41 pm -0.4 9:07 pm 3.9 Sun 5 2:06 am 1.8 8:08 am 5.5 3:05 pm -0.3 9:25 pm 4.0 Mon 6 2:37 am 1.6 8:39 am 5.4 3:27 pm -0.2 9:45 pm 4.2 Tue 7 3:10 am 1.3 9:11 am 5.3 3:48 pm -0.1 10:05 pm 4.4 Wed 8 3:45 am 1.1 9:43 am 4.9 4:09 pm 0.2 10:26 pm 4.6 Thu 9 4:22 am 0.9 10:19 am 4.6 4:29 pm 0.6 10:48 pm 4.7 Sunrise 6:21 Sunset 5:58
source: tides net 7 D 14 21 D 28 H 23 D 29 H 6 D 14
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The following person(s) is/are doing business as: 805 POOL
TABLE SERVICES, 6426 La Patera Place, Goleta, CA 93117; Rollin M Gartzke (same address).
This business is conducted by an individual. SIGNED BY ROLLIN M GARTZKE, OWNER. Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 2, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL).
FBN Number: 2023‑0000295, E40.
Published: February 9, 16, 23 & March 2, 2023
The following person(s) is/are doing business as: MESA
PROPERTIES at 222 Meigs Rd. #18 Santa Barbara, CA 93109 Donald R Barthelmess (same address).
This business is conducted by an individual. SIGNED BY DONALD R BARTHELMESS Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 1, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL).
FBN Number: 2023‑0000267, E30.
Published: February 9, 16, 23 & March 2, 2023
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: ONYX MONDE
BEAUTE, 27 West Anapamu St. #496, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; Zaida Catarino Gallardo (same address) This business is conducted by an Individual
GALLARDO, OWNER. Filed in the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on 02/03/2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL).
FBN Number: 2023‑0000303. E40.
Published: February 16, 23, Mar 2, 9, 2023.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ZIA’S COSMETICS 2043 Mountain Ave Santa Barbara, CA 93101; Zia J Shiras (same address). This business is conducted by an individual. Signed By ZIA SHIRAS, OWNER. Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on January 27, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000214, E30.
Published: February 16, 23 & March 2, 9, 2023
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person (s) is/are doing business as: MOBILE NOTARY SANTA BARBARA, 333 Old Mill Road, #92, Santa Barbara, CA 93110; Kathleen Sheffield (same address) This business is conducted by an Individual. SIGNED BY KATHLEEN SHEFFIELD, OWNER. Filed in the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on 02/07/2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL).
FBN Number: 2023‑0000329. E47.
Published: February 16, 23, Mar 2, 9, 2023.
STATEMENT The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ELWOODY WOODCRAFT, 125 Harbor Way, Suite 22, Santa Barbara, CA 93109; Frederick E Hershman (same address).
This business is conducted by an individual. SIGNED BY FREDERICK E HERSHMAN JR, OWNER. Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 8, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000347, E30.
Published: February 23 & March 2, 9, 16 2023
The following person (s) is/are doing business as: GREEN GARDENS LANDSCAPE AND MAINTENANCES 126 N K St, Lompoc, CA 93436; Jose R Zacapa (same address); Green Gardens Maintenance; Green Gardens Landscape; Green Gardens. This business is conducted by an individual. SIGNED BY JOSE ZACAPA, OWNER. Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 8, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000342 E47.
Published: February 23 & March 2, 9, 16, 2023
The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ELIZABETH GORDON GALLERY 15 W Gutierrez St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; Shades International Inc., 122 Powers Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93103; E.G.G.; Elizabeth Gil Gallery. This business is conducted by a corporation. SIGNED BY ELIZABETH ROBISON, PRESIDENT.
Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 7, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000333 E30.
Published: February 23 & March 2, 9, 16, 2023
The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SERVICEMASTER ANYTIME
N. Calle Cesar Chavez, Suite 11, Santa Barbara, CA 93103; Smanytime, Inc (same address). This business is conducted by a corporation. SIGNED BY ANDI LESEC, CONTROLLER. Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 10, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000382 E30.
Published: February 23 & March 2, 9, 16, 2023
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) is/are doing business as: BIJOU LIMON 2819 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93105; Paradise Hotels, Inc, 7000 S Pecos RD, Las Vegas, NV 89120. This business is conducted by a corporation.
Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 10, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000377 E30.
Published: February 23 & March 2, 9, 16, 2023
The following person(s) is/are doing business as: GABRIELE ANNEGRET 118 W Victoria Street, #7, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; Gabriele A Barysch‑Crosbie (same address). This business is conducted by an individual. SIGNED BY GABRIELE BARYSCH‑CROSBIE, OWNER.
Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on January 31, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000242 E54.
Published: February 9, 16, 23 & March 2, 2023
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) is/are doing business as: TEECCINO BREWING CORPORATION, 130 Lombard Street, Oxnard, CA 93030; Teeccino Cafe, Inc. (same address). This business is conducted by a corporation. SIGNED BY CAROLINE MACDOUGALL, CEO.
Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 2, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000288, E40.
Published: February 9, 16, 23 & March 2, 2023
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person (s) is/are doing business as: THREE MONKEYS, 38 W Victoria St., Ste 115, Santa Barbara, CA 93101;
Napalee LLC (same address). This business is conducted by a limited liability company. SIGNED BY EMRE BALLI, CO‑OWNER.
Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on January 30, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000231 E30.
Published: February 9, 16, 23 & March 2, 2023
The following person(s) is/are doing business as: BELLA BEEF CO. 1489 W HWY 154, Santa Ynez, CA 93460. Healey Enterprises, LLC (same address). This business is conducted by a limited liability company. SIGNED BY PETE HEALEY, OWNER/MANAGER.
Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on January 30, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000238 E30.
Published: February 9, 16, 23 & March 2, 2023
the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000292. E30.
Published: February 16, 23, Mar 2, 9, 2023.
STATEMENT The following person (s) is/are doing business as: PLANT GALLERY, 1505 E. Valley Road, Ste D, Montecito, CA 93108; Wishing Well Gardens, LLC (same address).
This business is conducted by a limited liability company. SIGNED BY STEVEN J. DOMINES, MANAGING MEMBER.
Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 10, 2023.
This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000378 E30.
Published: February 16, 23 & March 2, 9, 2023
The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 10/ NINTHS ESTATE, 2075 Vineyard View LN, Lompoc, CA 93436; R Winery Operation (same address).
shall be published in the Santa Barbara Independent, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county, at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. FILED 02/03/2023 in Superior Court of California County of Santa Barbara, Darrel E. Parker, Executive Officer by Chavez, Terri, Deputy Clerk. 02/03/23 BY COLLEEN K. STERNE, JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 16, 23, MAR 02, 09, 2023.
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: A petition has been filed by the above named Petitioner(s) in Santa Barbara Superior Court proposing a change of name(s)
The following person(s) is/are doing business as: BOWLERO SANTA BARBARA, 5925 Calle Real, Goleta, CA 93117; Bowlero Santa Barbara, LLC; 222 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036. This business is conducted by a limited liability company.
SIGNED BY BRETT I. PARKER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER. Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on January 31, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000257, E30.
Published: February 9, 16, 23 & March 2, 2023
STATEMENT The following person(s) is/are doing business as: PRO MOTION PHYSICAL THERAPY 1117 State Street, #74, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; Pro Motion Physical Therapy P.C. (same address). This business is conducted by a corporation. SIGNED BY PAUL O’BRIEN, PRESIDENT. Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 10, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL).
FBN Number: 2023‑0000387 E49.
Published: March 2, 9, 16, 23 2023
STATEMENT The following person(s) is/ are doing business as:QUILT PROJECT GOLD COAST 1615 Calle Canon, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; Quilt Project Gold Coast (same address). This business is conducted by a corporation. SIGNED BY NEIL COFFMAN‑GREY, SECRETARY/ TREASURE. Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 02, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN
Number: 2023‑0000280 E4.
Published: March 2, 9, 16, 23 2023
The following person (s) is/are doing business as: THE CRUMBERIE, 2855 Foothill Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. The Crumberie LLC (same address).
This business is conducted by a limited liability company. SIGNED BY MELINDA LEWIS, MANAGER.
Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 7, 2023.
This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000336 E49.
Published: February 16, 23 & March 2, 9, 2023
STATEMENT The following person(s) is/are doing business as: RANCHO INC. 233 Santa Ynez Court, Santa Barbara CA 93103; Rancho Del Mar Productions, Inc. (same address); Rancho Consulting. This business is conducted by a corporation.
Filed in the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on 02/02/2023. This statement expires five years from
This business is conducted by a limited liability company. SIGNED BY MICHAEL MENTE, MANAGING MEMBER. Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 10, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000381 E30.
Published: February 16, 23 & March 2, 9, 2023
STATEMENT The following person (s) is/are doing business as: AKRYLIK HOUSE LLC 113 W Mission, Suite F, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; Akrylik House LLC (same address). This business is conducted by a limited liability company. Signed By CASSANDRA ONTIVEROS, SOLE MEMBER
Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 7, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000337, E30.
Published: February 16, 23 & March 2, 9, 2023
The following person (s) is/are doing business as: FEDERAL DRUG COMPANY 3327 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93105; Federal Drug Employees Corporation (same address). This business is conducted by a corporation. SIGNED BY ROBERT CROCKER, GENERAL MANAGER/ CEO. Filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 2, 2023. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN Number: 2023‑0000297, E30.
Published: February 16, 23 & March 2, 9, 2023
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: A petition has been filed by the above named Petitioner(s) in Santa Barbara Superior Court proposing a change of name(s)
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
5, SANTA BARBARA SUPERIOR COURT HOUSE 1100 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101, Anacapa Division.
A copy of this Order to Show Cause
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
MARCH 20, 2023, 10:00 AM, DEPT:
HOUSE 1100 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101, Anacapa Division.
A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published in the Santa Barbara Independent, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county, at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. FILED 02/01/2023 in Superior Court of California County of Santa Barbara, Darrel E. Parker, Executive Officer by Chavez, Terri, Deputy Clerk. 02/01/23 BY COLLEEN K. STERNE, JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 16, 23, MAR 02, 09, 2023.
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: A petition has been filed by the above named Petitioner(s) in Santa Barbara Superior Court proposing a change of name(s)
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
APRIL 3, 2023, 10:00 AM, DEPT: 5, SANTA BARBARA SUPERIOR COURT HOUSE 1100 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101, Anacapa Division.
A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published in the Santa Barbara Independent, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county, at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. FILED 02/17/2023 in Superior Court of California County of Santa Barbara, Darrel E. Parker, Executive Officer by Baksh, Narzralli, Deputy Clerk.
PUBLISHED MAR 2, 09, 16, 23, 2023.
WELL BEING Continued on p. 49
Chapter 10.01 of Title 10 of the Goleta Municipal Code is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:
10.01.010 Establishment Authorized by Resolution.
The City may, by resolution:
A. Designate any highway under its jurisdiction as a through highway and may erect or cause to be erected stop signs at specified entrances thereto;
B. Designate any highway intersection under its jurisdiction as a stop intersection and erect or cause to be erected stop signs at one or more entrances thereto;
C. Require that all vehicles stop before entering or crossing the tracks at any highway railroad grade crossing, when signs are in place giving notice thereof;
D. Regulate traffic at any highway intersection under its jurisdiction by means of semaphores or traffic control lights or signals or any other traffic control signaling devices;
E. Regulate or prohibit processions or assemblages on the highways under its jurisdiction;
F. Designate particular highways under its jurisdiction as one-way highways and require that all vehicles thereon be moved in one specified direction;
G. Close any highway under its jurisdiction to vehicular traffic when in its opinion such highway is no longer needed for vehicular traffic;
H. Prohibit the use of particular highways under its jurisdiction by certain vehicles, except as otherwise provided by the Public Utilities Commission pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 5 of Part 1 of Division 1 of the State Public Utilities Code. (Ord. 02-01
10.01.020 Signs to Be Posted.
No resolution or regulation adopted by the City under this chapter shall be effective until signs giving notice of such regulation are posted at all entrances to the highway or part thereof affected. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.030 Stop Streets, Through Highways, One-Way Streets, Traffic Lights, etc.—Obedience to Signs.
The driver of any vehicle upon approaching any entrance onto a through highway, intersection, or highway railroad grade crossing, signposted with a stop sign pursuant to a duly adopted resolution of the City shall stop:
A. Before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then at a limit line when marked; otherwise before entering such highway or intersection.
B. Not less than 10 nor more than 50 feet from the nearest rail of any track or tracks of any railroad before traversing such highway railroad grade crossing. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.040 Obedience to Signals.
The driver of a vehicle approaching any intersection where traffic is regulated by any traffic control lights or signals, or any other traffic control signal devices, shall proceed in obedience to such traffic control devices and shall stop when required by such traffic control devices before entering the intersection or before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or limit line, if either a crosswalk or limit line is marked at such intersection. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.050 Obedience to One-Way Signs and Street Closed Signs.
If any street is designated a one-way street or is closed to vehicular traffic, or is closed to certain types of vehicles, or is otherwise regulated as provided in this chapter, the driver of any vehicle and any other person shall enter upon such street only in compliance with such regulation. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.060 Authorized by Resolution.
The City may, by resolution regulate vehicular and pedestrian traffic in or upon bridges, viaducts or tunnels by:
A. Establishing speed limits in or upon such bridges, viaducts or tunnels; or
B. Requiring that all vehicles stop before entering in or upon any such bridges, viaducts or tunnels, when signs are in place giving notice thereof. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.070 Obedience to Stop Sign.
The driver of any vehicle upon approaching any bridge, viaduct or tunnel signposted with a stop sign pursuant to a duly adopted resolution of the City, shall stop before proceeding beyond such stop sign. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.080 Obedience to Speed Sign.
The driver of any vehicle, upon approaching any bridge, viaduct or tunnel signposted with a speed limit sign pursuant to a duly adopted resolution of the City, shall proceed in compliance with such sign and at a speed not to exceed the posted speed limit. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.090 Authorized.
The City, in accordance with the provisions of Division 15 of Chapter 5 of the California Vehicle Code, may prohibit the use of a street or highway by any commercial vehicle or by any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit; may reduce the permissible weight of vehicles and loads upon highways or bridges; and may establish and fix the permissible weight of such vehicles and loads on highways or bridges. Upon adoption of such limitations or restrictions, the City shall cause signs indicating the weight so fixed or the limitations so established to be erected upon such highways or at the entrance to such bridges in conformity with the action taken by the City. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.100 Weight Restrictions on Bridges and Highways—Obedience to Signs.
When any highway or bridge has been posted with signs indicating a restriction on use or a maximum permissible weight, no person shall drive or operate or bring any restricted vehicle or vehicle or load or conveyance of any kind with a gross weight in excess of the posted weight limit upon such highway or bridge. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.110 Zones Authorized by Resolution.
The City may by resolution:
A. Designate portions of any highway under its jurisdiction as a “No Parking Zone” or as a “No Parking Zone—Tow Away Zone.”
B. Designate portions of any highway under its jurisdiction as “Loading Zone.”
C. Designate portions of any highway under its jurisdiction as “Fifteen, Twenty or Thirty Minute Zone.”
D. Designate portions of any highway under its jurisdiction as “One Hour Zone.”
E. Designate portions of any highway under its jurisdiction as “Ninety Minute Zone.”
F. Designate portions of any highway under its jurisdiction as “Angle Parking Zone,” except on state highways.
G. Establish crosswalks for pedestrian traffic at locations other than street intersections.
H. Designate portions of any highways under its jurisdiction as “Temporary No Parking Zones.”
I. Cause white lines designating parking spaces to be marked on the pavement, pursuant to Section 22508(b) of the State Vehicle Code.
J. Designate portions of any highway under its jurisdiction as being areas in which parking is prohibited between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
K. Designate portions of any one-way roadways of divided highways under its jurisdiction as “Left-Hand Parking Zones.”
L. Designate portions of any highway or parking facility under its jurisdiction as Accessible Parking Zones.” (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.120 Curb Markings to Indicate Limited Parking.
The City by resolution may designate limited parking zones and no parking zones and may designate loading zones and passenger loading zones and bus zones and in such resolution may authorize the Public Works Department to place appropriate markings or signs for such zones. The Department is hereby authorized, subject to the provisions and limitations of this chapter, to place, and when required herein shall place, the following curb markings to indicate parking or standing regulations, and such curb markings shall have the meanings as herein set forth:
A. “Red” shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time except as permitted by the Vehicle Code and except that a bus may stop in a red zone marked or signed as a bus zone.
B. “Yellow” shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or materials; provided, that the loading or unloading of passengers shall not consume more than three minutes nor the loading or unloading of materials more than 20 minutes.
C. “Green” shall mean no stopping, standing or parking for a period of time longer than 15, 20, or 30 minutes, as delineated, any time between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on any day except Sundays and holidays.
D. “White” shall mean no stopping, standing or parking for any purpose other than loading or unloading passengers, or for the purpose of depositing mail in an adjacent mailbox, which shall not exceed three minutes and such restrictions shall apply between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays and except as follows:
a. When such zone is in front of a hotel or in front of a mailbox, the restrictions shall apply at all times; and
b. When such zone is in front of a theater the restrictions shall apply at all times except when the theater is closed.
E. When the Public Works Department as authorized under this section has caused curb markings to be placed, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle adjacent to any such legal curb marking in violation of any of the provisions of this section. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.130 Authorized Signs and Curb Markings.
When authorized signs or curb markings have been approved by resolution and are in place giving notice thereof, no operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle during such hours as designated by the Public Works Department and as set forth on the signs or markings. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.140 Loading Zones.
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any yellow loading zone for any purpose other than loading or unloading passengers or material, for such time as is permitted in this chapter. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.150 Passenger Loading Zones.
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any passenger loading zone for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers for such time as is specified in this chapter. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.160 Parking of Certain Large Commercial Vehicles Prohibited.
Pursuant to the provisions of Vehicle Code Section 22507.5, the parking or standing on any street or portion thereof, in any residential district of any commercial vehicle having a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more, is prohibited at any time, except for emergency parking of disabled vehicles. Provided, further, that this section shall not apply to any commercial vehicle making pick ups or deliveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or structure located on such streets, nor to any commercial vehicle delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling or construction of any such building or structure for which a building permit has previously been obtained, nor to utility vehicles performing work operations, or other commercial vehicles exempted by law from parking restrictions. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.170 Accessible Parking Zones.
Blue curb marking shall mean that no person shall park or stand any vehicle adjacent to such curb unless the vehicle bears a special license plate or displays a special placard issued under the provisions of Section 9105 or 22511.5 of the California Vehicle Code. When authorized signs or curb markings have been determined by the Public Works Department to be necessary and are in place giving notice thereof, no operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking or sign in violation thereof, and no person may park in any accessible parking zone unless the person issued the special license plate or placard is physically present at such time the vehicle stops, stands, or parks in the zone. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.180 Entering Plea of “Not Guilty” by Mail.
A. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 40519(b), any person who receives a notice of a parking violation may enter a plea of not guilty in writing in-lieu of appearing in person. The written plea shall be directed to the court or City agency named in the parking citation or notice and, if mailed, shall be sent by registered or certified mail postmarked not later than five days prior to the date specified in the citation for payment or appearance. The written plea shall be accompanied by a deposit consisting of the amount of bail specified in the citation or notice.
B. Upon receipt of the plea and deposit, the case shall be set for arraignment and trial on the same date. Thereafter, the case shall be conducted in the same manner as if the defendant had appeared in person, made his or her plea in open court, and deposited bail. The court or the Clerk of the Court shall notify the accused of the time and place of trial by first-class mail postmarked at least 10 days prior to the time set for trial.
C. Any person using the procedure set forth hereinabove shall be deemed to have given a written promise to appear at the time designated by the court for trial, and failure to appear shall constitute a misdemeanor. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.190 Bus Zones.
A. Authorization. The Public Works Department is hereby authorized to establish and remove “No Parking” zones for buses (bus zones) along roads for the purpose of loading and unloading buses upon request by the transit or school bus service provider.
B. Definition. The term “bus” as used in this section shall be limited to include “transit buses” and “school buses” in accordance with the California Vehicle Code.
C. Markings. “No Parking” zones (bus zones) shall be appropriately marked to indicate that they have been designated. The City may allow the transit provider to paint adjacent curbs red, install bus signs and to maintain and remove such zones or facilities.
D. School Bus Zones. Notwithstanding the other provisions in this section, the City may designate certain “No Parking” zones as “School Bus Zones” and further designate certain hours of the day when school is in session during which no person shall stop, stand, or park any vehicle except a school bus in these zones. These restrictions shall be posted on a sign in a manner visible to motorists. At all other times, persons may stop, stand, or park any vehicle in the zone. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.200 Signs to Be Posted, etc.
A. No resolution or regulation adopted by the City under this chapter shall be effective until signs giving notice of such regulation are posted on curbs or streets or crosswalks painted in a proper manner so indicating the specific regulation.
B. No person shall park his or her vehicle in more than one parking space where white lines designating parking spaces are marked pursuant to this chapter, or in such a manner that it extends over the white lines into the adjoining parking space. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.210 Loitering on Overpasses, etc., Prohibited—Exceptions as to Authorized Personnel. No person shall stop or loiter on or about any overhead crossings or overstructures over highways, railroads or roads; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to officers, agents and employees of the City, the state or the United States, while in the performance of an official duty, nor to such persons as may be specifically delegated by such officers to aid in the performance of their official duty. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.220 Firebreaks Next to Railroad Rights-of-Way Required.
A. Within all railroad rights-of-way, there shall be maintained for a distance of not less than 12 feet from the property line on each side of the railroad tracks an effective firebreak made by removing and clearing away within such zone all brush, flammable vegetation or combustible growth, or other effective fire protection or fire control measures as may be required by the Fire Chief, when found that because of extra-hazardous conditions a firebreak of only 12 feet from each property line is not sufficient to provide reasonable fire safety.
B. Every railroad locomotive, engine or boiler operated in areas designated by the City as extra-hazardous fire areas, shall be equipped with an effective device or spark arrester as a part of the exhaust system which will prevent the escape of fire or sparks therefrom. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.220 Parking Restrictions During Road Repairs.
Officers, agents and employees of the Public Works Department are authorized to place signs, markings and other notices as may be useful to restrict stopping, parking or standing of vehicles within or near areas where vehicles would interfere with the cleaning, repair or construction of a roadway or highway, or with the installation of underground utilities of any sort. Upon the placement of such sign, marking or other notice, no one shall stop, park or stand any vehicle or permit any vehicle to stand or remain, within or adjacent to any City highway within 50 feet of such sign, marking or other notice. Parking shall not be prohibited by the provisions of this section where such parking is accomplished in compliance with all such signs, markings and notices. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.230 Authority for City Employees to Enforce Parking Laws and Regulations.
Any regularly employed and salaried employee of the City who is engaged in directing traffic or the enforcement of parking laws or regulations, within the scope of his or her duties, is hereby authorized to remove, or cause to be removed, or issue citations to, any vehicle found to be in violation of parking laws or regulations, including Sections 22658, 21113 and 22651 of the Vehicle Code and any other parking provisions set forth in the City Code. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.240 Parking of Vehicles for Overhaul, Maintenance or Repair.
No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle upon a public street, road or right-ofway for the purpose of overhaul, maintenance or repair of such vehicle except for emergency repairs requiring less than two hours to complete. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.250 Parking of Detached Trailers, Fifth Wheels and Equipment for 24 or More Consecutive Hours—Prohibited.
No person shall park any trailer, fifth wheel or equipment that is transported by truck or trailer which has been detached from the tow vehicle upon any public street, highway or rightof-way within the City for a period of 24 or more consecutive hours. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.260 Speed Limits.
The speed limits on City roadways may be established by City resolution or ordinance in conformance with the California Vehicle Code. (Ord. 02-01 § 1)
10.01.270 Reparking of Vehicles in Restricted Parking Areas
No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle upon the street in any one block for a period of time in excess of any restriction or limitation on such stopping or standing or parking posted on said block by the Public Works Department under 10.01.110 and 10.01.120. Compliance requires that vehicles be removed from the block in which parked at the end of the allotted time so designated.
10.01.280 Definitions.
For the purposes of this article the following words or phrases shall be defined as follows:
“Commercial areas” mean those areas of the City identified in the Goleta Municipal Code as commercial or industrial zoning districts.
“Commuter vehicles” mean buses and vans which serve as a means of mass transportation. A commuter vehicle shall be considered to serve as a means of mass transportation if the vehicle provides transportation for more than 10 persons and is either:
1. Maintained and used primarily for the work-related transportation of adults; or
2. Maintained and used for the school-related transportation of students, including the transportation of youth or team sports.
3. Maintained and used for the transportation of transient visitors to the City.
“Large vehicle” means any vehicle, as that word is defined in Section 670 of the California Vehicle Code, or a combination of connected vehicles and/or trailers, as defined in this section, that exceeds 25 feet in length or 80 inches in width or 82 inches in height, exclusive of such projecting lights or devices as are expressly allowed under the California Vehicle Code. Large vehicle shall not mean or include pickup trucks or sport utility vehicles, which are less than 25 feet in length and 82 inches in height.
“Residential areas” mean those areas of the City identified in the Goleta Municipal Code as residential zoning districts.
“Street” means any public street, road, or highway, as those words are defined in Sections 360, 527, and 590 of the California Vehicle Code.
“Trailer” means any trailer, semitrailer, camp trailer (including tent trailers), unmounted camper, trailer coach, or fifth-wheel travel trailer as defined in Sections 242, 243, 324, 550, 630, 635, and 636 of the California Vehicle Code. (Ord. 12-01 § 2)
10.01.290 Large Vehicle and Trailer Parking Restrictions.
Except as provided in Sections 10.01.300, 10.01.310 and 10.01.320 of this code, no person may park or leave standing any large vehicle upon any street within a residential area or a commercial area of the City between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. There restrictions shall not apply on City recognized holidays. (Ord. 12-01 § 2)
10.01.300 Exceptions.
The prohibitions in Section 10.01.290 shall not apply to:
A. Any person who has been issued and is in possession of a current valid oversized vehicle parking permit pursuant to Section 10.01.310;
B. Any person while actually engaged in the current cleaning, preparing for departing or storage, loading or unloading of a large vehicle;
C. Any person while actually engaged in using a large vehicle between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in providing services to a residential or commercial building including, but not limited to, cleaning services, repair services, construction services, and pool care or maintenance services; or
D. Any properly authorized and licensed towing vehicles in the course of providing automobile towing or maintenance services;
E. Any person while actually engaged in making temporary or emergency repairs to a large vehicle which preclude removal to a permitted parking area;
F. Any person parking a large vehicle properly displaying a valid handicapped parking permit;
G. Any public agency emergency response vehicle;
H. Any person parking a commuter vehicle. (Ord. 12-01 § 2)
10.01.310 Oversized Vehicle Parking Permit.
An oversized vehicle parking permit shall be considered valid subject to the requirements and limitations set forth in this section.
A. Purpose. The purpose of authorizing the issuance of oversized vehicle parking permits is to allow owners of large vehicles additional time to park their large vehicles on a public street adjacent to their residences or businesses for the purpose of loading or unloading such large vehicles and to allow an out-of-town visitor to park on a street adjacent to the residence that the out-of-town visitor is visiting for a limited time period.
B. Application. The applicant shall file with the City a completed City application form providing all information requested. The application must include the following information:
1. The license plate number of the large vehicle or trailer;
2. The Goleta address of the business or residence where the large vehicle or trailer will be parked or left;
3. Contact information, including permanent address and phone number of resident or business owner where the large vehicle or trailer will be parked or left;
4. The applicant’s contact information, including permanent address and phone number;
5. The dates for which the permit is sought to be valid.
The applicant and owner of the business or residence at which the large vehicle will be parked shall attest to the accuracy of the information contained in the permit under penalty of perjury.
C. Issuance. Oversized vehicle parking permits shall be issued on a form approved by the City. The permit shall be issued and valid only for the specified parking use indicated on the permit. The permit must include the following:
1. The license plate number of the large vehicle or trailer;
2. The applicant’s name;
3. The address or location adjacent to where the large vehicle is approved to park;
4. The date the permit was issued;
5. The date the permit expires; and
6. The dates the permit is valid.
D. Display. All permits shall be placed in the lower driver’s side of the windshield of the large vehicle in a manner that is clearly visible from the exterior. If the large vehicle does not have a windshield, the permit must be properly affixed to the outside of the large vehicle or trailer on the left side of the front of the vehicle. Failure to properly display the permit shall constitute a violation of this section.
E. Permitted Parking Location. A vehicle with a current and valid oversized vehicle parking permit shall park on the public street adjacent to the address noted on the issued permit and may not park adjacent to any address not indicated on the issued permit.
F. Overnight Accommodations. A valid oversized vehicle parking permit shall not at any time permit the applicant to use the subject vehicle or trailer for overnight accommodation or sleeping purposes.
G. Duration—Expiration. An applicant may apply for an oversized vehicle parking permit, shall be valid for two specified periods not to exceed three consecutive calendar weekdays each and shall expire at 11:59 p.m. on the expiration date indicated on the permit. After expiration, the oversized vehicle parking permit shall be invalid. A resident may receive a maximum of 12 permits per calendar year.
H. Destruction of Property. Upon demonstration to the satisfaction of the Police Chief that a primary residence has become uninhabitable due to an act outside the control of the resident, an oversized vehicle parking permit may be issued which would allow a recreational vehicle to be parked on a public street for a period not longer than six months or until the residence becomes habitable, whichever is shorter. (Ord. 12-01 § 2)
10.01.320 Enforcement.
Enforcement actions may be taken as follows:
A. Parking Violations. Any person who violates any provision of this article is guilty of an infraction and shall be subject to citation, pursuant to Section 40202 of the California Vehicle Code, and fees as established by a schedule of fees adopted by resolution of the City Council. If a large vehicle is left illegally parked or standing on a City street for 72 consecutive hours in violation of this article, the large vehicle is subject to removal pursuant to Section 22651, subsection (k) of the California Vehicle Code.
B. Hearings. Any person who is issued notice of a parking violation pursuant to this article may request review of that notice under Section 40215 et seq., of the California Vehicle Code.
C. Forged, Altered, or Counterfeit Permits. Any person who forges, alters, or counterfeits an oversized vehicle parking permit, or displays a forged, altered, or counterfeit oversized vehicle parking permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 12-01 § 2)
10.01.330 Signs.
Signs giving reasonable notice of the prohibitions contained in this article shall be posted at all entrances to the City as required by California Vehicle Code Section 22507. (Ord. 12-01 § 2)
SECTION 2: Severability. Should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences or words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 3: Continued Effectiveness. Repeal of any provision of the Goleta Municipal Code will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before, this Ordinance’s effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance.
SECTION 4: Environmental Assessment. The Ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations) because the activity is not a “project” as defined in Section 15378(b)(5) as an organizational or administrative activity by government that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. The Ordinance is also exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because the activity is covered by the general rule which exempts activities that can be seen with certainty to have no possibility for causing a significant effect on the environment. If the Ordinance is a project, it is categorically exempted under CEQA Guidelines 15301 because it involves the operations of existing facilities and the Ordinance, which imposes parking restrictions, do not expand the use of the streets.
SECTION 5: Certification. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of Goleta’s book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law.
INTRODUCED ON the 20th day of December, 2022.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 21st day of February 2023.
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: A petition has been filed by the above named Petitioner(s) in Santa Barbara Superior Court proposing a change of name(s)
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
APRIL 5, 2023 10 A.M. DEPT 3 SANTA
1100 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101, Anacapa Division.
A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published in the Santa Barbara Independent, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county, at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. FILED 02/17/2023 in Superior Court of California County of Santa Barbara, Darrel E. Parker, Executive Officer; BY Baksh, Narzalli, Deputy Clerk.
PUBLISHED MARCH 2, 9, 16, 23 2023
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: A petition has been filed by the above named Petitioner(s) in Santa Barbara Superior Court proposing a change of name(s)
TUFVESSON. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
NOTICE OF HEARING: MARCH 24, 2023, 10:00 AM, DEPT: 4, SANTA BARBARA SUPERIOR COURT HOUSE 1100 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101, Anacapa Division.
A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published in the Santa Barbara Independent, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county, at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. FILED 02/07/2023 in Superior Court of California County of Santa Barbara.
Darrel E. Parker, Executive Officer by Chavez, Terri, Deputy Clerk. 02/07/23 BY DONNA D. GECK, JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT.
PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 16, 23, MAR 02, 09, 2023.
Notice of Proposed Rule:
Proposal to list two distinct population segments (DPS) of the California spotted owl. On February 23, 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), under the authority of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, proposed to list the Coastal‑Southern California DPS of California spotted owl as endangered and the Sierra Nevada DPS of California spotted owl as threatened; and published the proposal in the Federal Register FWS‑R8‑ES‑2022‑0166. The Service is seeking comments from the public on this proposed listing rule. Copies of the proposed rule and other information about this issue are available by contacting the Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office at 916‑414‑6600, or by accessing the internet at
Comments and materials from all interested persons or organizations must be postmarked or received by April 24, 2023. All comments must be submitted either to the Federal Rulemaking portal at: http://www.regulations. gov by following the instructions for submitting comments or by U.S. mail to: Public Comments Processing, Attn: FWS‑R8‑ES‑2022‑0166, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS: PRB/3W, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041‑3803. We will not accept e‑mail or faxes.
We will post all comments on http:/ /
JUDGMENT ‑ Proposed
J’Aimee L. Oxton, Esq.
SBN 275968
Law Office of J/Aimee L. Oxton, APLC
12201/2 State Street, 2nd Floor, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Attorney for Antonio Huerta
Apply to be on the City of Goleta’s Public Engagement Commission
City is looking to fill one vacancy – Apply by March 17
The Public Engagement Commission is charged with looking for opportunities and ways to increase public engagement in City government. The Public Engagement Commission has provided recommendations to City Council on moving to evening-only meetings, directly electing the Mayor, and district elections. The Commission will continue to advise Council on ways to improve public outreach and increase public engagement. Members are compensated at the rate of $50 per meeting. To be eligible to apply, candidates must reside within Goleta City limits. There is one vacancy, which would fill an unexpired portion of a term ending November 2023.
For more information and to apply, please visit https://www.cityofgoleta. org/boardscommissions Additional information can be provided by emailing Deadline for application submittal is Friday, March 17, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
Publish, Santa Barbara Independent, Thursday, March 2, 2023
/s/ Paula Perotte_________ PAULA PEROTTE MAYOR
I, DEBORAH S. LOPEZ, City Clerk, of the City of Goleta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 23-01 was introduced on December 20, 2022, and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Goleta, California, held on the 21st day of February 2023, by the following roll-call vote, to wit:
Superior Court of California, County of Santa Barbara
1100 Anacapa Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Anacapa Division
Case number: 17FL00477
Petitioner: Antonio Huerta
Respondent: Jazmine Arrington Ramirez
JUDGMENT ‑ proposed
This matter will be proceeding as follows:
Date: 2/24/23. Dept: SB4 at 1:30 p.m.
Judicial Officer:
Honorable Donna D. Geck
Petitioner : The petitioner signed Advisement and Waiver of Rights Re: Determination of Parental Relationship (for FL‑235)
Petitioner: The petitioner signed a voluntary declaration of parentage or paternity. There is a prior judgment of parentage in a family support, juvenile or adoption court case.
Respondent: There is prior judgment of parentage in a family support, juvenile or adoption case.
At the February 24, 2023 Hearing, Petitioner requests the Court issue the following Orders:
(1) Antonio Huerta, and Jazmine Arrington Ramirez are the parents of the following children: child’s name: Aliya Marie Huerta (Also Known as Aliya Arrington), Date of birth 5/29/2015;
(2) That the Court enter Custody and Visitation orders as set forth in Petitioner’s Proposed Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment (for FL‑341) and FL‑341(A);
(3) and that the Court Further order the last names of the children are changed to FULL NAME CHANGED TO: Aliya Marie Huerta.; (4) and that the birth certificate be amended to conform to this court order by adding the following parent’s name: Antonio Huerta;
(5) the last name of the child be changed to Huerta; (6) That the minor child’s name be changed on the birth certificate to Aliya Marie Huerta be granted; (7) and that Father’s request to move to Las Vegas, Nevada, with the minor child be granted, with custody and visitation modified as set forth in the attached proposed FL‑341 AND FL‑341(a) forms.
Date: 1/19/2023 Donna D. Geck
Judicial Officer
Filed Superior Court of California County of Santa Barbara, 1/19/23
Darrel E. Parker, Executive Officer by
Barnard, Nicolette, Deputy Clerk
Respectfully, Giselle Cruz
Assistant to J’Aimèe L. Oxton, Esq.
Law Office of J’Aimèe L. Oxton, APLC 1220 ½ State Street, 2nd Floor|Santa
Request for Proposals
Diversity, Equity, ad Inclusion Plan NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that proposals are invited by the City of Goleta, California for the completion of a in accordance with the requirements listed in the Request for Proposal (RFP). The City is seeking the services of a qualified professional Consultant with proven expertise and hands on experience in developing and implementing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs for local government. The scope of work includes performing a DEI assessment of the organization, establishing key priorities with internal staff and stakeholders, creating an action plan to guide the work, and setting measurable outcomes of the program to determine its effectiveness. The Consultant will evaluate the current landscape to develop a city-specific DEI plan and prepare a report of findings with recommendations that clearly identify opportunities to strengthen DEI competencies of all City staff, polices, procedures, and programs.
Proposal forms and requirements are available on the City’s web site at https:// All proposals must be received by electronic mail by the City no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 17, 2023. Proposals are to be submitted to Shannon Kirn, at Any questions regarding this solicitation shall be submitted via email to prior to March 31, 2023, and answers will be communicated to all known interested contractors prior to April 7, 2023.
The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals received.
Contact Information: Shannon Kirn, Management Analyst
DISCLAIMER: The City does not assume any liability of responsibility for errors/ omissions in any document transmitted electronically.
Deborah S. Lopez, City Clerk
Design Review Board
Hybrid Public Hearing – In Person and via Zoom Goleta City Hall – Council Chambers 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B Goleta, CA 93117 Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 3:00 P.M.
ATTENTION: The meeting will be held in person and via the Zoom platform. The public may also view the meeting on Goleta Channel 19 and/or online at https://
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board (DRB) of the City of Goleta will conduct a public hearing for the projects listed, with the date, time, and location of the DRB public hearing set forth below. The agenda for the hearing will also be posted on the City website (
Conceptual/Preliminary/Final Review
Fuel Depot Signage and California Environmental Quality Act Notice of Exemption
370 Storke Rd. (APN 073-100-008)
Case No. 23-0004-ZC/23-0006-DRB
University Village Plaza Overall Sign Plan Amendment and California Environmental Quality Act Notice of Exemption
7127 Hollister Ave (APN 073-440-012)
Case No. 23-0003-DRB/22-0002-OSP
Conceptual/Preliminary Review
Google Architectural Upgrades and Generators and California Environmental Quality Act Notice of Exemption
301 Mentor Ave (APN 071-140-074)
Case No. 23-0001-SCD/23-0007-DRB/23-0007-ZC
PUBLIC COMMENT: Interested persons are encouraged to provide public comments during the public hearing in person or virtually through the Zoom webinar, by following the instructions listed on the DRB meeting agenda. Written comments may be submitted prior to the hearing by e-mailing the DRB Secretary, Mary Chang at Written comments will be distributed to DRB members and published on the City’s Meeting and Agenda page.
FOR PROJECT INFORMATION: For further information on the project, contact Mary Chang, at (805) 961-7567 or For inquiries in Spanish, please contact Marcos Martinez at (805) 562-5500 or mmartinez@ Staff reports and documents will be posted approximately 72 hours before the hearing on the City’s website at
In accordance with Gov. Code Section 65103.5, only non-copyrighted plans or plans that the designer has given permission have been published on the City’s website. The full set of plans is available for review at the Planning Counter during counter hours or by contacting the staff member listed for the item 805-9617543.
Note: If you challenge the nature of the above action in court, you may be limited to only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City on or before the date of the hearing (Government Code Section 65009(b)(2)).
Note: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in the hearing, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (805) 9617505 or Notification at least 48 hours prior to the hearing will enable City staff to make reasonable arrangements.
Publish: Santa Barbara Independent, March 2, 2023
805.966.6880 | Fax: 805.963.1019 www.OxtonLawFirm. com|www. facebook. com/ LawOfficeOfJAimeeOxton
Barbara, CA 93101 Tel:
9, 16, 23,