Alejandra’s Journey of Resilience

I did not give up. I kept fighting.
I was left jobless and homeless and very scared because of all the talk about COVID.
When I finished the project with the FRC, I learned LEAP was hiring teaching aides for their Children’s Center. I decided to apply and got the job! I am very happy and I really love being with the children.
I didn’t know what would happen in the future. But I did not give up. I kept fighting.
When I finished the project with the FRC, I learned LEAP was hiring teaching aides for their Children’s Center. I decided to apply and got the job! I am very happy and I really love being with the children.
what I went through. It’s why I like working at LEAP. It allows me to help my community. When I have helped families and I see that smile and that gratitude, I feel happy.
with the children.
gratitude, I feel happy. Thank you LEAP for all the opportunities you have given me.
LEAP: Learn • Engage • Advocate • Partner mitigates the e ects of poverty, racism, and trauma by providing high-quality, trauma-informed child care, comprehensive, culturally sensitive family support, and visionary community leadership.
PERSONAL STORY BY ALEJANDRA GARCIA, TEACHER ASSISTANTThank you LEAP for all the opportunities you have given me.
Thank you LEAP for all the opportunities you have given me.

LEAP has also given me the opportunity to further
LEAP was hiring teaching aides for their Children’s Center. I decided to apply and got the job! I am very happy and I really love being with the children.
When I finished the project with the FRC, I learned
I did not give up. I kept fighting.
I didn’t know what would happen in the future. But
I was left jobless and homeless and very scared because of all the talk about COVID.
of help to families in terms of food, counseling and classes for parents. The pandemic was a very difficult period for me.
In 2023, Isla Vista Youth Projects became LEAP: Learn • Engage • Advocate • Partner. Over the years, our work has expanded from Isla Vista to serve children and families across Santa Barbara County. But, our purpose remains the same. With our new name, we open the possibility of sharing our expertise, our deep commitment to children and family well-being, wherever it is most needed.
community. I always like to be able to give them a hand in whatever I can because LEAP offers a lot
daughter Valeria was a student at the Children’s Center at the time.
I FIRST MET LE A P as a parent. I took the parenting classes through LEAP’s Family Resource Center (FRC)—this was many years ago. My daughter Valeria was a student at the Children’s Center at the time.
LEAP’s Family Resource Center (FRC)—this was many years ago. My
We are honored to be trusted with caring for the next generation at our Children’s Center. Our students play, dance, learn to regulate their emotions, and hone their language skills. We provide a joyful, nurturing environment for babies and toddlers so they will succeed in kindergarten and beyond.
as a parent. I took the parenting classes through
Later during the COVID pandemic I worked with the FRC as a health ambassador to help the community. I always like to be able to give them a hand in whatever I can because LEAP offers a lot of help to families in terms of food, counseling and classes for parents.
The pandemic was a very difficult period for me. I was left jobless and homeless and very scared because of all the talk about COVID.
I didn’t know what would happen in the future. But I did not give up. I kept fighting.
When I finished the project with the FRC, I learned LEAP was hiring teaching aides for their Children’s Center. I decided to apply and got the job! I am very happy and I really love being with the children.

I really love being with the children.
what I went through. It’s why I like working at LEAP. It allows me to help my community. When I have helped families and I see that smile and that gratitude, I feel happy.
Thank you LEAP for all the opportunities you have given me.
At LEAP, we work closely with families in order to break the cycle of poverty. We do so by helping them meet basic needs—like access to nutritious food and diapers for their children. Our clientcentered and joyful approach ensures parents and children have the resources they need to thrive.
Alejandra’s Journey of Resilience
PERSONAL STORY BY ALEJANDRA GARCIA, TEACHER ASSISTANTThank you LEAP for all the opportunities you have given me.
I have helped families and I see that smile and that gratitude, I feel happy.
SINCE 2020:
I really love being with the children.
I don’t like when a family goes through what I went through. It’s why I like working at LEAP. It allows me to help my community. When
51,597 services to our community
6,113 clients served
2,300 families received groceries
LEAP has also given me the opportunity to further my education. They gave me a scholarship so I could take Early Childhood classes. I graduated in May with my first 12 units as an infant teacher.
When I finished the project with the FRC, I learned LEAP was hiring teaching aides for their Children’s Center. I decided to apply and got the job! I am very happy and I really love being with the children.
I did not give up. I kept fighting.
I didn’t know what would happen in the future. But
rI was left jobless and homeless and very scared because of all the talk about COVID.

of help to families in terms of food, counseling and classes for parents. The pandemic was a very difficult period for me.
Later during the COVID pandemic I worked with the FRC as a health ambassador to help the community. I always like to be able to give them a hand in whatever I can because LEAP offers a lot
Alejandra first met LEAP as a parent while her daughter attended the Children’s Center. So years later when life got hard, she knew where to turn for help.
daughter Valeria was a student at the Children’s Center at the time.
I FIRST MET LE A P as a parent. I took the parenting classes through LEAP’s Family Resource Center (FRC)—this was many years ago. My daughter Valeria was a student at the Children’s Center at the time.
180,977 diapers helped keep babies dry and healthy
I FIRST MET LE A P as a parent. I took the parenting classes through LEAP’s Family Resource Center (FRC)—this was many years ago. My
201 caregivers attended our free parenting workshops
· Childcare
· Diaper Bank
Later during the COVID pandemic I worked with the FRC as a health ambassador to help the community. I always like to be able to give them a hand in whatever I can because LEAP offers a lot of help to families in terms of food, counseling and classes for parents.
· Emergency Food Pantry
· Monthly Nutritious Food Distribution
· CalFresh and Medi-Cal enrollment
· Immigration Support
· IEP Support
· School Advocacy
· Resume Building
The pandemic was a very difficult period for me. I was left jobless and homeless and very scared because of all the talk about COVID.
· Unemployment Support
· Vaccination Support …and more!
I didn’t know what would happen in the future. But I did not give up. I kept fighting.
· Crianza con Carino Parenting Workshops
· Know Your Rights Immigration Webinars
When I finished the project with the FRC, I learned LEAP was hiring teaching aides for their Children’s Center. I decided to apply and got the job! I am very happy and I really love being with the children.
· Financial Literacy Classes
…and more!
“The pandemic was a very di icult period for me. I was le jobless and homeless and very scared because of all the talk about COVID. I didn’t know what would happen in the future. But I did not give up,” said Alejandra.
LEAP ensured she had food for her children and the support she needed to get back on her feet. Alejandra joined LEAP as a health ambassador to help the other families facing similar challenges during the pandemic.
“LEAP has also given me the opportunity to further my education. They gave me a scholarship so I could take Early Childhood classes,” Alejandra shared.
I really love being with the children.
LEAP has also given me the opportunity to further my education. They gave me a scholarship so I could take Early Childhood classes. I graduated in May with my first 12 units as an infant teacher. I don’t like when a family goes through what I went through. It’s why I like working at LEAP. It allows me to help my community. When I have helped families and I see that smile and that gratitude, I feel happy.
Today, Alejandra is a dedicated Teacher at LEAP’s Children’s Center, providing caring support for children and their families.
Thank you LEAP for all the opportunities you have given me.
PERSONAL STORY BY ALEJANDRA GARCIA, TEACHER ASSISTANT“When I have helped families and see them smile, I feel happy.”

Alejandra’s Journey of Resilience
ALEJANDRA GARCIA, TEACHER ASSISTANTThank you LEAP for all the opportunities you have given me.
PERSONAL STORY BYWhen I finished the project with the FRC, I learned LEAP was hiring teaching aides for their Children’s Center. I decided to apply and got the job! I am very happy and I really love being with the children.
Thank you LEAP for all the opportunities you have given me.
I really love being with the children.
I don’t like when a family goes through what I went through. It’s why I like working at LEAP. It allows me to help my community. When I have helped families and I see that smile and that gratitude, I feel happy.
I really love being with the children.
I don’t like when a family goes through what I went through. It’s why I like working at LEAP. It allows me to help my community. When I have helped families and I see that smile and that gratitude, I feel happy.
LEAP has also given me the opportunity to further my education. They gave me a scholarship so I could take Early Childhood classes. I graduated in May with my first 12 units as an infant teacher.
LEAP has also given me the opportunity to further my education. They gave me a scholarship so I could take Early Childhood classes. I graduated in May with my first 12 units as an infant teacher.
I didn’t know what would happen in the future. But I did not give up. I kept fighting.
When I finished the project with the FRC, I learned LEAP was hiring teaching aides for their Children’s Center. I decided to apply and got the job! I am very happy and I really love being with the children.
I was left jobless and homeless and very scared because of all the talk about COVID.
I didn’t know what would happen in the future. But I did not give up. I kept fighting.
To give today, visit:
I was left jobless and homeless and very scared because of all the talk about COVID.
diapers or food
Later during the COVID pandemic I worked with the FRC as a health ambassador to help the community. I always like to be able to give them a hand in whatever I can because LEAP offers a lot of help to families in terms of food, counseling and classes for parents. The pandemic was a very difficult period for me.
I FIRST MET LE A P as a parent. I took the parenting classes through LEAP’s Family Resource Center (FRC)—this was many years ago. My daughter Valeria was a student at the Children’s Center at the time.
Later during the COVID pandemic I worked with the FRC as a health ambassador to help the community. I always like to be able to give them a hand in whatever I can because LEAP offers a lot of help to families in terms of food, counseling and classes for parents. The pandemic was a very difficult period for me.
as a parent. I took the parenting classes through LEAP’s Family Resource Center (FRC)—this was many years ago. My daughter Valeria was a student at the Children’s Center at the time.
I FIRST MET LE A P as a parent. I took the parenting classes through LEAP’s Family Resource Center (FRC)—this was many years ago. My daughter Valeria was a student at the Children’s Center at the time.
Later during the COVID pandemic I worked with the FRC as a health ambassador to help the community. I always like to be able to give them a hand in whatever I can because LEAP offers a lot of help to families in terms of food, counseling and classes for parents.
The pandemic was a very difficult period for me. I was left jobless and homeless and very scared because of all the talk about COVID.
I didn’t know what would happen in the future. But I did not give up. I kept fighting.
When I finished the project with the FRC, I learned LEAP was hiring teaching aides for their Children’s Center. I decided to apply and got the job! I am very happy and I really love being with the children.

LEAP has also given me the opportunity to further my education. They gave me a scholarship so I could take Early Childhood classes. I graduated in May with my first 12 units as an infant teacher.
I don’t like when a family goes through what I went through. It’s why I like working at LEAP. It allows me to help my community. When I have helped families and I see that smile and that gratitude, I feel happy.
I really love being with the children.

Thank you LEAP for all the opportunities you have