November 2 - December 31, 2017
I n t r o d u c i n g
a new program
for Year-End
“The mosT common way people give up Their power is by Thinking They don’T have any.” – Alice WAlker As our county’s hub for the progressive community for the past 37 years, the Fund for Santa Barbara has always risen to meet new challenges head on. We uplift and empower community voices to speak out against injustice and work for meaningful social change. We do this through these three programs: GrantmakinG
CapaCity BuildinG
youth makinG ChanGe
• The Fund’s grant making truly sets us apart. We rely on our 18-person activist-led Grant-Making Committee (GMC) to distribute funds according to the needs of the community.
• Serves as an activist network and convenes organizations and activist leaders to address threats to social, economic and environmental justice as they emerge
• Embarking on its 10th year, YMC is the only youth-led grantmaking program in Santa Barbara County, giving youth the opportunity to engage in philanthropy and develop as leaders. Since 2008, 307 youth have participated as YMC members.
• In 2016, the FUND awarded grants to over 60 organizations, including but not limited to: CAUSE, Environmental Defense Center, Just Communities, Pacific Pride Foundation, Santa Barbara County Action Network and many other organizations featured in this guide. • Since 1980, the FUND has awarded over $5 million to over 1,000 grassroots projects advancing social, economic, political, and environmental change in Santa Barbara County.
• Provides over 1000 hours of direct consulting and advice to more than 350 groups each year. • Hosts more than a dozen educational workshops annually with national recognized trainers serving over 175 different organizations.
Now more than ever, our role is essential, and we look forward to working with you to meet the challenges ahead. – The Fund Board of Directors, Staff, Grant-Making Committee and Youth Making Change Committees
November 2, 2017
Santa barbara gives! 2017
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• Has awarded $215,490 to 116 organizations since 2008. • Grants $30,000 per year to youth-led projects that address challenges affecting local youth.
to our readers: We at the Santa Barbara Independent are proud to be part of this great community. a vital piece holding our community together is the network of nonprofits that work so tirelessly to improve the lives of us all. but they need our continued support. today we are launching a new project, santa barbara gives!, in partnership with the Fund for santa barbara, which will offer all our readers an opportunity to help some of these nonprofits. in the following pages, you will discover an amazing variety of groups that are hoping to find the financial support they need to accomplish specific goals. We are asking you to read about the 44 organizations in this year’s give guide and decide which ones you would like to support. You can donate as much as you like, even as little as $10. the nonprofits selected this year provide direct services for everyone from those seeking mental-health assistance to young girls wanting to learn how to play an instrument. the categories range from arts & Culture and Health & Wellness to social Justice and Youth & education. We hope their stories and their big ideas inspire you to give. For more than 30 years, the Independent has supported the nonprofit community through our annual Calendar of Fundraisers, by sponsoring many of their events, and through our in-depth editorial coverage. but this pilot project offers everyone an opportunity to support our nonprofit community. santa barbara gives! has been modeled after successful campaigns around the country, and, with your support, we look forward to expanding the program each year to include other organizations who make santa barbara a great place to call home. the launch of any new endeavor entails myriad behind-the-scenes efforts. the Independent is deeply appreciative of our partnerships with the Fund for santa barbara, the Hutton Parker Foundation, Cox Communication, and the santa barbara Foundation. their participation and that of the 44 organizations have made this project possible. it is the goal of santa barbara gives! to provide an easy platform with which we can all donate to the great groups described here. visit for even more information than you will find in this guide. We hope this inspires you to give and thank you for being an Independent reader.
Dear Santa Barbara Independent reader, the Fund for santa barbara is honored to be partnering with the Santa Barbara Independent on this exciting new project to help raise critical funds for some of our region’s most important community-based organizations. it’s not often that a media outlet is willing to leverage their platform to cultivate much needed resources to solve community problems. We applaud the Santa Barbara Independent for stepping up to help our community in this way. While santa barbara County is fortunate to be a region of tremendous prosperity and natural beauty, our region also faces many of the same problems that challenge our society as a whole: poverty, environmental degradation, homelessness, racial and ethnic prejudices, violence against women, homophobia, and many other social, economic and environmental problems. in this guide you will find social change and cultural organizations selected by the FUnD’s grant-Making Committee, who are working to address some of those problems here, where we live and work. Most of these groups are working for change by focusing on the root causes of societal problems, by providing long-term solutions, while operating in a manner that advances democracy here at home, and being responsive to and directed by the people they serve. We encourage you to take a good look at this guide and consider supporting any number of the organizations featured. and then please share this guide with a friend, or better yet, visit and share it with your social media networks.
With much gratitude,
-marcos vargas, ph.d. executive director
-brandi rivera publisher
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saNta barbara gives! 2017
November 2, 2017
Because this is the inaugural year for the program, it was decided to keep the list of organizations to a manageable size. This means the first year was by invitation only. The Fund for Santa Barbara’s Grant-Making Committee was chartered with choosing local nonprofits from a list of over 150. If this program is successful, 2018 will include an open request for proposals with stated criteria for organizations to apply by a specific deadline. To be eligible for next year’s campaign an organization should look for the announcements in the Santa Barbara Independent (late spring) and follow the application instructions.
CAN I MAKE A DONATION ON SOMEONE ELSE’S BEHALF? Yes. On the checkout page, you will have the option to select a dedication option: “This is an honorary or memorial gift.” You will then be prompted for more information, including the person you wish to acknowledge, and the option to send an email to someone to let them know about your gift. Please note that if you are donating to multiple organizations at one time, each organization will receive notification of your honor/memory gift.
November 2, 2017
Santa barbara gives! 2017
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Can I Donate Through the Mail? Yes. Donors who do not wish to donate online may mail donations to:
Fund for Santa Barbara Attn: SB Gives! 26 West Anapamu St Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Make checks payable to The Fund for Santa Barbara, and indicate on the memo line that it is for SB Gives! See page 27 for paper form.
ARE DONATIONS TAX DEDUCTIBLE? Yes. Donors will receive an email receipt immediately after making an online donation. In addition, you will receive an acknowledgement letter from the Fund for Santa Barbara (Tax ID #77-0070742) for donations of $250 or above.
MATCHING FUNDS Grants were provided by Santa Barbara Foundation, Cox Communication, and Hutton Parker Foundation for a total of $10,000. These funds will be divided among the participating nonprofits based on a pro rata basis of the % each organization raises of the total raised by all participating nonprofits.
CHALLENGE GIFTS Each organization was asked to secure challenge gifts from major donors or business partners. Donors and amounts are listed in the individual nonprofit profiles.
TabLe oF
gary cLarK Director of Capacity Building The Fund for Santa Barbara
doNor educatioN ........................................................................................................................6
marianne Kuga production manager Santa Barbara Independent
letter from the INDEPENDENT & the fuNd ........................................................................ 3
emiLy coSenTino Marketing & Promotions Manager Santa Barbara Independent
arts & culture ................................................................................................................................9
branDi rivera Publisher Santa Barbara Independent
lgbtQ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Special Thanks to: Santa Barbara Independent staff
health & WellNess.......................................................................................................................12
eNviroNmeNt ................................................................................................................................ 15
The Fund’s Grant-Making Committee The Fund for Santa Barbara Board of Directors and staff TMD Creative
For more information contact youth & educatioN ................................................................................................................... 19
social Justice ...............................................................................................................................23
mail-iN doNatioN form ........................................................................................................... 27
thaNK you to our partNers:
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saNta barbara gives! 2017
November 2, 2017
72 % 15 % 8 % 5
% individuals
In 2016, individual donors across the country drove the rise in philanthropic giving and for only the sixth time in 40 years, all nine major philanthropic subsections realized giving increases.
billion Where did the generosity come from?*
The single largest contributor to the growth in total giving was an increase of $ 10.53 billion in giving from individuals — offsetting declines from bequest giving.
Giving by
281.86 billion
3.9% increase from 2015
Giving by
foundations 59.28 billion
3.5% increase from 2015
Giving by
59.28 billion
9% decrease from 2015
Giving by
corporations 18.55 billion
3.5% increase from 2015
Statistics provided by: Giving Guide USA, The Giving Institute, IUPUI Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, *All figures in this infographic are reported in current dollars unless otherwise noted.
G i v i n g b y th e N u m b e r s
23.9% 7,041,413 of residents volunteer
million hours of service worth $21.5 billion
45.5% of residents donate
Source: Corporation for National and Community Service,, 2015
November 2, 2017
Santa barbara gives! 2017
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f o ll o w t h e
money and see where it goes
32 Religion
15 Education
122.94 billion
10 foundations
12 human
services $
46.80 billion
8 public-societ y
8 Health In 2016 ... ... each charitable subsection grew except for giving to individuals. The growth rate ranged from approximately 3 to 7%. ... giving to international affairs comprised a larger percentage of total charitable giving, increasing from 4% to 6%. ... giving to environment and animals increased 7.2%, the largest gain of any subset, outpacing growth in overall giving for the last two years.
46.80 billion
6 Arts, Culture %
& Humanities $
3 Environmental
& Animals $
5 I nternational Affairs $
22.03 billion
2 individuals
11.05 billion
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29.89 billion
18.21 billion
46.80 billion
59.77 billion
Santa barbara gives! 2017
7.12 billion
November 2, 2017
A community that works together thrives together. At Cox Communications, we cheer on nonprofit organizations who have cultivated a strong community. We are proud to support SB Gives. Find out more at Š2017 Cox Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
November 2, 2017
Santa barbara gives! 2017
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SLingSHoT aLpHa arT Forum wHaT we Do:
arTS & cuLTure
slingshot is a project of alpha resource Center of santa barbara. it is an art studio and gallery for artists with intellectual disabilities who want to create and sell art. each artist is recognized for their unique talent and artistic vision. the open studio environment is designed to encourage creative expression and the on-site gallery offers an exhibition space that fosters acceptance of the slingshot artists in the santa barbara art community.
big iDea:
SLingSHoT arT STuDio & gaLLery
slingshot is a progressive art studio for more than 40 artists who want to create and sell their art. at slingshot, all artists are recognized for their unique talent, inspired storytelling, and artistic vision. together we foster social change by connecting with the community in a deeply personal and meaningful way. slingshot gallery exhibitions demonstrate our commitment to enhancing the visibility, acceptance, and marketability of the artists’ work. We remove the label of disability in contemporary art. cHaLLenge giFT:
george & shari isaac, Dede & bill Pitruzzelli, Judith Porter, sue & stan sucher, elizabeth robbins, in honor of Judy Porter, sue Dumm, bernie & ruth schaeffer, Carol Kallman & Don barthelmess, Jan & Jim ross, Mia, tyler, ty and Mylie Willson, simpson Family, Megan ross
carpinTeria vaLLey arTS counciL wHaT we Do:
the mission of the Carpinteria arts Center is to foster diverse community involvement, to nurture the creative process and its appreciation, to provide educational opportunities, to establish a center for the arts, and to enhance and enrich the quality of life in the Carpinteria valley.
big iDea:
buiLDing a Home For THe arTS
year fouNded: 2013 paid staff: 6 voluNteers: 16
CaC is purchasing and renovating a building and outdoor space in the middle of downtown Carpinteria to more than double the size of our facilities and expand our program offerings to the whole community. We offer visual arts exhibitions and education, music, poetry, film, theater, children’s art experiences, murals and public art, and other events and activities for the community. cHaLLenge giFT:
lynda Fairly
year fouNded: 2002 paid staff: 3 part-time voluNteers: 90
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saNta barbara gives! 2017
November 2, 2017
iSLa viSTa communiTy DeveLopmenT corporaTion
everyboDy Dance now! wHaT we Do:
everybody Dance now! (eDn!) utilizes dance culture to empower youth in underserved communities.
wHaT we Do:
the isla vista Community Development Corp. aims to raise the economic, social, and educational status of the community of isla vista. We support the development of self-governance, local business, affordable housing, community facilities, arts & culture, and poverty elimination programs in isla vista. to those ends, we serve as a fiscal agent and solicitor for grants and funds to be used for the benefit of our community. We believe isla vista needs and deserves a vibrant Community Center to act as a focal point for community events, arts, social services, and organizing.
big iDea:
communiTy growTH, DiverSiTy in Dance eDucaTion & reacHing juveniLe DeTenTion cenTerS & breaKing menTorSHipS
eDn! is on a mission to make dance accessible — culturally, financially, and physically — by providing 25-30 weekly onsite youth hip-hop dance classes across santa barbara County. With your support, eDn! santa barbara can continue to dance with an average of 850 students per year through our weekly programming at various juvenile halls, breaking mentorships, after-school programs, transition homes, low-income housing complexes, and community events.
cHaLLenge giFT: anonymous
year fouNded: 2005 paid staff: 20 voluNteers: 20
FrienDS oF carpinTeria Library wHaT we Do:
the mission of the Friends of Carpinteria library is to support our library in meeting the needs of our community. now in our 50th year, the Friends are proud of our many library projects, but especially in the last ten years we have seen our after-school homework program grow into a model for the county, and recently it has expanded to include a once-a-month weekend program called artesania para la Familia: Family arts and Crafts
cHaLLenge giFT: Frank thompson, Housing Consultants
big iDea:
cHaLLenge giFT:
la Centra-sumerlin Foundation year fouNded: 1967 paid staff: 0 voluNteers: 85
November 2, 2017
We want to make the isla vista Community Center, when it opens next year, the hub of local arts and culture. by investing in a portable stage and audio-visual equipment, we can serve our diverse community by being the only community-controlled venue for things like family cultural events, student (K-college) band practices, theater acts, performances by popular artists, and more.
arTeSania para La FamiLia/ FamiLy arTS anD craFTS
artesania para la Familia: where underserved families learn, create, and share cultural history and experiences through art and literature, as active participants in their community library. this monthly weekend Family arts and Crafts program provides a fun and engaging environment designed to encourage and increase a family’s involvement with their children’s academics, to increase literacy through art, and to attract new library users. With added funds, we see artesania para la Familia becoming mobile — visiting schools, Peoples’ selfHelp Housing, and other apartment complexes to accommodate those children and families who are afraid to leave their homes now.
big iDea:
bring arTS & cuLTure To THe iSLa viSTa communiTy cenTer
saNta barbara gives! 2017
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year fouNded: 1976 paid staff: 0 voluNteers: 30
wHaT we Do:
Poetic Justice Project advances social justice by engaging formerly incarcerated people in original theater that examines crime, punishment, and redemption.
big iDea:
poeTic juSTice projecT
in January, Poetic Justice Project, the first theater company of formerly incarcerated actors in California, enters its 10th year. to celebrate (and educate), we want to create a 12-minute documentary film about the actors and production process. the company has engaged nearly 100 actors in 17 productions, performs regularly in s.b., santa Maria, and s.l.o., and has also performed on alcatraz island, a 10-city Prison town tour, and at the international steinbeck Festival. the actors have unlocked more than 7,000 Californians’ hearts and minds. in 2018, Poetic Justice Project wants to reach 3,000 more people, bringing the 10-year total to more than 10,000! cHaLLenge giFT:
poeTic juSTice projecT
paciFic priDe FounDaTion, inc. wHaT we Do:
Pacific Pride Foundation’s advocacy and education efforts meet the ongoing and emerging needs of a diverse population in order to create a thriving and visible lgbtQ community and prevent the transmission of Hiv/aiDs.
big iDea:
our communiTy | our cenTer | our priDe
santa barbara County’s lgbtQ+ Center is moving to new offices for the first time in 30 years! Help us create a safe, welcoming home for equality in downtown santa barbara at 608 anacapa street. it will be vital for our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and allied communities to be visible, active, and engaged in 2018. Your dollars will help furnish, paint, secure, and open our Pacific Pride Center!
cHaLLenge giFT:
Hutton Parker Foundation
year fouNded: 1976 paid staff: 8 voluNteers: 100
year fouNded: 2009 paid staff: 2 part-time voluNteers: 27
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saNta barbara gives! 2017
November 2, 2017
pFLag SanTa barbara wHaT we Do:
big iDea:
move equaLiTy ForwarD
We need support for our PFlag meetings, where we work toward Proud People, loving Families, and safe Communities. We create a safe space for people who are gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. We work to generate family support, knowing how critical it is to the well-being of the lgbtQ person. We are working to make sure that people who are lgbtQ and their families are safe and secure, no matter where they live, work, study, pray, or play. We want to make sure that our community provides this type of security and has the resources needed to feel valued and thrive. cHaLLenge giFT:
PFlag board Members: georgia noble, nancy edmundson, abe Peck, susan Krutzsch, suzanne Peck, Mac Mcneel, Mary Ziegler
year fouNded: 2014 paid staff: 0 voluNteers: 20
SanTa barbara TranSgenDer aDvocacy neTworK wHaT we Do:
the santa barbara transgender advocacy network educates individuals and organizations on best practices for transgender & gender expansive clients, patients, students, congregants, and families; and creates and develops spaces, actions, and policies that advance the welfare of transgender and diverse gender non-conforming individuals, their families, and allies in California’s Central Coast communities.
big iDea:
TranSgenDer HeaLTH cenTer
sbtan’s youth programming started with three families three years ago and today includes over 50 families with transgender children. sbtan has advocated for these families and seen amazing impact in our school districts, including staff-wide training and a multi-stall gender-neutral restroom at Dos Pueblos High school. the next goal is the development of trans-confident health care providers. sbtan’s big idea is a transgender Health Center, which would provide primary care for children, young adults, and seniors identifying as transgender, non-binary, and agender. We look forward to working with our community partners and health care providers to create a welcoming space for all. cHaLLenge giFT: santa barbara neighborhood Clinics
year fouNded: 2015 paid staff: 0 voluNteers: 100
November 2, 2017
saNta barbara gives! 2017
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HeaLTH & weLLneSS
We envision a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. PFlag realizes its mission through: *support for families, allies, and people who are lgbtQ, *education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges facing people who are lgbtQ, *advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for people who are lgbtQ.
International Cesarean Awareness Network of Santa Barbara What We Do:
The International Cesarean Awareness Network is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve maternal-child health by reducing preventable cesareans through education, supporting cesarean recovery, and advocating for Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC).
Maternal Health Matters
Jodi House Brain Injury Support Center What We Do:
Jodi Wustman was only 19 years old when she suffered a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result of being struck by a drunk driver. After discovering minimal resources to assist their daughter, Jodi’s parents built this unique organization to provide support and rehabilitation services for brain injury survivors and their loved ones. As our mission states, Jodi House empowers brain injury survivors to not merely survive but thrive.
We are improving health outcomes for moms and babies in Santa Barbara County by advocating for the implementation of evidence-based practices in policies and procedures supported by Healthy People 2020, the World Health Organization, and the California Maternal Health Care Coalition. Included in these practices are the reduction of primary cesareans and the expansion of birth options for all families. The U.S. is currently the only developed nation with a rising maternal mortality and morbidity rate.
In 2018, we seek to create additional outreach and offer more support for one of the most vulnerable populations, adults with brain injuries who are also suffering from one or more of the following ailments: homelessness, substance abuse, major depressive disorder, and being at risk for suicide. This population lacks resilience and is at increased risk for additional brain injuries. Funds will go directly to increasing membership and expanding our programs in community outreach, social rehabilitation, vocational support, one-on-one case management, and supportive-living services. CHALLENGE GIFT:
What We Do:
As the most trusted provider of reproductive health care, we promote the ability of all individuals to lead fulfilled lives, build healthy families, and make informed decisions through high-quality health services, education, and advocacy.
Brain Injury Awareness Outreach and Education
Planned Parenthood California Central Coast
Fight Back Fund
Year Founded: 2015 Paid Staff: 0 Volunteers: 12
As a result of the election last November, we find ourselves in the fight of our lives for the millions of people who depend on Planned Parenthood for care. The new administration has pledged to discredit, defund, and destroy Planned Parenthood. If defunded, Planned Parenthood California Central Coast stands to lose 71 percent of our annual operating budget. This would affect 83 percent of our patients who rely on federally funded programs for their health care. Polls show that 75 percent of Americans do not want to see Planned Parenthood defunded. To fight back and keep our doors open, we are raising $3 million for a “Fight Back Fund.” CHALLENGE GIFT:
Jean Schuyler
Suzanne & Steve Weintraub, Andrew & Ri Chung, David Edelman, The Cass Family, Ernesto Paredes
Year Founded: 1964 Paid Staff: 129 Volunteers: 344
Year Founded: 1982 Paid Staff: 5 Volunteers: 10
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Santa barbara gives! 2017
November 2, 2017
SanTa barbara reSponSe neTworK
TranSiTionS-menTaL HeaLTH aSSociaTion (TmHa)
wHaT we Do:
wHaT we Do:
the santa barbara response network (sbrn) is a grassroots community volunteer organization dedicated to offering Psychological First aid (PFa) and support for resilient recovery from traumatic incidents, including suicide and violent injuries and death in santa barbara with a focus on underserved population and youth.
transitions-Mental Health association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating stigma and promoting recovery and wellness for people with mental illness through work, housing, community, and family support services.
big iDea:
HeLping HanDS oF Lompoc
big iDea:
compaSSionaTe reSponSe To communiTy-wiDe Trauma
traumas, both big and small, require support for recovery, especially for our underserved population and youth. We need to strengthen sbrn’s volunteer response during times of crisis. We propose that the sbrn phone be staffed by trained (english/spanish) volunteers 24/7, creating a trauma Crisis Hotline that anyone in the community can activate. “Compassion Centers” would be established, including trained volunteers who would walk the affected neighborhoods to deescalate fear and trauma reactions and offer crisis management and support. this type of immediate response fosters a sense of “compassionate community,” which can circumvent fears and trauma responses and long-term PtsD. cHaLLenge giFT:
insurance Professionals of santa barbara, J.s. bower Foundation, Dr. Heidi Zetzer & Dr. greg asby
year fouNded: 2009 paid staff: 0 voluNteers: 200
SaraH HouSe SanTa barbara wHaT we Do:
sarah House provides a beautiful home and end-of-life care for people of low income. it continues its original mission by providing for men and women with Hiv/aiDs. additionally it offers comfort and assistance to family and friends of its residents. it trusts that its work adds to the growing body of hospice wisdom. all of this is carried out with what is called “extraordinary kindness.”
big iDea:
a van For aLL reaSonS
We need to replace our much-needed, dilapidated van. Caregivers use the van to take residents to medical appointments, to the movies, for an ice cream cone, or to feel the sand under their feet one last time. We have used the van countless times to take people home after they have spent an entire day at the bedside of their loved ones. Food shopping is important, as we provide whatever meals the residents request any time of the day. We feed more than hunger; we feed one’s soul. the sarah House logo will be visible traveling community-wide to meet future residents. cHaLLenge giFT:
David Hill & Marcy burton. tori Moray & Kris bergstrom, sarah House board of Directors
year fouNded: 1989 paid staff: 21 voluNteers: 17
November 2, 2017
saNta barbara gives! 2017
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We are a 100 percent client-designed and clientled peer-oriented recovery center, a supportive, safe meeting place with activities to promote social interaction, independence, and mental health recovery. Members enjoy regular meals, medical education, support toward their goals, recreational activities, and connection with others. Many develop leadership skills and can earn stipends. in March, a program van was stolen and wrecked. the van is critical to our operations — we use it to pick up food from the Food bank and the growing grounds Farm each week so that meals and food bags are available to our members. We need new wheels! cHaLLenge giFT:
transitions-Mental Health association board of Directors; Mission Cars; lompoc High school Class of 1977, 40th reunion
year fouNded: 1979 paid staff: 108 voluNteers: 2,838
coaLiTion For SuSTainabLe TranSporTaTion wHaT we Do:
Coast provides advocacy, education, and outreach to improve transportation options in the santa barbara and ventura regions, promoting rail, bus, bike, and pedestrian access.
big iDea:
car-Free Zone on STaTe STreeT
Coast proposes making a stretch of state street a place for walking, biking, and meeting new people in a car-free promenade. People of all ages and abilities could move about freely. stores and restaurants could spread out. there would be musicians and artists’ booths, dance troupes, and exercise classes for participation. nonprofits could have tables. Car-free zones are successful the world over in all the places we love to visit. We now have a unique chance to create one here by bringing key stakeholders together through our advocacy work. cHaLLenge giFT:
stephen Murdoch
environmenTaL DeFenSe cenTer wHaT we Do:
the environmental Defense Center works to protect the local environment through education, advocacy, and legal action. Founded as a response to the 1969 santa barbara oil spill, eDC is currently celebrating its 40th anniversary, and serves as the only nonprofit public interest environmental law firm between los angeles and san Francisco.
big iDea:
reSiSTing Trump’S oFFSHore oiL ScHeme
year fouNded: 2001 paid staff: 7 voluNteers: 25
the environmental Defense Center (eDC) is focusing on using its legal expertise to push back against the trump administration’s continued efforts to roll back environmental protections, especially those focused on the santa barbara Channel. not only has the administration attempted (unsuccessfully) to dismiss eDC’s lawsuit that challenges federal approval of offshore fracking and acidizing without proper environmental review; they are also threatening to open more federal waters to offshore drilling through a fiveyear oil leasing plan (which could include the santa barbara Channel) and attempting to weaken the endangered species act, Marine Mammal Protection act, and Coastal Zone Management act. cHaLLenge giFT:
year fouNded: 1977 paid staff: 10 voluNteers: 150
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saNta barbara gives! 2017
November 2, 2017
SanTa barbara bicycLe coaLiTion
eXpLore ecoLogy wHaT we Do:
wHaT we Do:
explore ecology is an environmental education nonprofit. We work with over 30,000 youth annually, inspiring them to engage with the natural world, think critically, and become passionate about the environment. Programs include art From scrap, the Watershed resource Center, environmental education, and school gardens. We encourage creativity and connection between people and the environment and are committed to empowering the next generation of environmental stewards.
the santa barbara bicycle Coalition is a countywide resource and advocacy organization that promotes bicycling for safe transportation and recreation.
big iDea:
connecTing our communiTy THrougH bicycLing
big iDea:
wHo giveS a Scrap? - FooD Scrap anD waSTe reDucTion campaign
Who gives a scrap? We do! explore ecology’s team is dedicated to educating our community about waste reduction and environmental sustainability. We encourage you to re-think waste by composting your food scraps, joining our monthly beach cleanups, and practicing re-use at art From scrap. explore ecology partners with schools, foundations, nonprofits, and government agencies to educate our community about this important issue. let’s move toward a waste-free santa barbara County. together we can do it. Please give a scrap!
cHaLLenge giFT: boathouse at Hendry’s beach
year fouNded: 1990 paid staff: 27 voluNteers: 2000
gavioTa coaST conServancy wHaT we Do:
the gaviota Coast Conservancy is dedicated to enhancing the rural character and environmental integrity of the gaviota Coast for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.
big iDea:
eXperience anD HeLp Save THe gavioTa coaST!
the gaviota Coast needs you! visit and enjoy this incredible stretch of the California Coast in our backyard and join in our ongoing efforts to preserve it forever. our public outreach program conducts scheduled hikes and other adventures to inform and engage the community while we explore the gaviota Coast. our advocacy program engages in land-use issues and defends the integrity of the gaviota Coast. our long-range preservation program works to complete the Coastal trail and permanently protect endangered gaviota Coast lands through purchase and conservation easements. cHaLLenge giFT:
gaviota Coast Conservancy board and staff
year fouNded: 1996 paid staff: 1 voluNteers: 47
November 2, 2017
bicycling is our best tool for encouraging active lifestyles and reduced congestion and environmental impact. each year, sbbiKe’s growing countywide bicycle programs and policy work make this community a better place to ride, especially for those who most rely on their bicycles for transportation. We are building momentum, and together with your help, we are leaving a legacy for santa barbara County’s future.
saNta barbara gives! 2017
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year fouNded: 1991 paid staff: 18 voluNteers: 300
wHaT we Do:
sbCan is a countywide grassroots organization that works to promote social and economic justice, to preserve our environmental and agricultural resources, and to create sustainable communities.
big iDea:
proTecT norTHern SanTa barbara counTy’S waTer From oiL poLLuTion
in 2018, the County of santa barbara will consider approval of 750-plus new oil wells in Cat Canyon, which has been largely pumped out with conventional methods. the new wells will use high-pressure steam, and they will need to be drilled through the santa Maria valley groundwater basin. sbCan has maps and research to demonstrate the threat these new oil and wastewater disposal wells represent to an aquifer that serves 200,000 people and irrigates thousands of acres of farmland. sbCan will work with allied organizations to swing public opinion away from more drilling and toward greater production of renewable energy. cHaLLenge giFT: sb Can board of Directors & staff
year fouNded: 2002 paid staff: 2 voluNteers: 18
SanTa barbara counTy acTion neTworK
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FamiLieS acT! wHaT we Do:
Families aCt! is a grassroots organization of individuals and families affected by mental health disorders, substance use, and the revolving door of repeated incarcerations, hospitalizations, and periods of homelessness. We have worked to develop ourselves as leaders and to bolster our capacity to create a true continuum of care and to change the mental health and criminal justice systems in ways that will empower affected individuals and families to recover their health, self-worth, and dignity.
big iDea:
beDS noT ceLLS!
in 2018 and 2019, Families aCt! expects a decade of advocacy to bear fruit — and dozens of residential treatment beds for people with a variety of mental health conditions to be created across santa barbara County. this will offer effective and compassionate alternatives to the “revolving door.” one project, which we have nurtured for years, will provide 80-100 beds in a state-of-the-art residential treatment community co-located with housing units, job training, and volunteer opportunities for residents transitioning to independent living. We have helped to connect local housing experts, decision makers, and residential treatment providers who have stellar track records. cHaLLenge giFT:
year fouNded: 2007 paid staff: 1 voluNteers: 20
saNta barbara gives! 2017
November 2, 2017
inDepenDenT Living reSource cenTer, inc.
SanTa barbara STreeT meDicine
wHaT we Do:
wHaT we Do:
the mission of the independent living resource Center, inc. (ilrC) is to promote independent living and full access for individuals with disabilities through advocacy, education, and action in our communities.
Doctors Without Walls - santa barbara street Medicine (DWW-sbsM) is dedicated to providing free, volunteer medical care for the most vulnerable of santa barbara County, when and where they are in need, including in times of disaster, and to provide education and training for DWWsbsM volunteers and others, in order to promote the excellent practice of humanitarian medicine in our hometown and elsewhere.
big iDea:
pca power
being able to live at home as independently as possible is often contingent on Personal Care assistance (PCa) for people with disabilities, whether temporary or permanent. this fund will allow those who do not qualify for government programs but cannot afford PCa services to utilize them rather than be forced into a nursing facility.
cHaLLenge giFT: ilrC board, Dave and lissa anderson
big iDea:
a mobiLe meDicaL cLinic: by THe peopLe, For THe peopLe
norTHern SanTa barbara counTy uniTeD way wHaT we Do:
year fouNded: 1997 paid staff: 18 voluNteers: 0
We are the problem-solvers, the hand-raisers, and the game-changers. We go after our community’s toughest challenges. We develop solutions. and we work with people from all walks of life to turn those solutions into action. it’s not easy, but we don’t ever give up. We focus on more than just a single issue or community. We fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person, in every community. We are United Way.
a mobile clinic provides accessible health care wherever needed. lack of insurance and transportation are the primary reasons why injuries and infections are left untreated, which can result in long-term disabilities and complications. by providing services on demand and promoting earlier access to care, we limit the strain on local hospitals. Patients who avoid the emergency room drain less money and resources. We hope to acquire a second mobile clinic, a communityfunded vehicle that will help us expand our services countywide and schedule multiple missions at the same time — and increase our reach to the chronically unsheltered and working poor.
big iDea:
Home For gooD SanTa barbara counTy
Home For good santa barbara County is a community-driven action plan with a vision of ending homelessness in santa barbara County. We will engage the community in eliminating the negative impacts of homelessness on our homeless neighbors, on our businesses, and on our communities. cHaLLenge giFT:
year fouNded: 1959 paid staff: 12 voluNteers: 1,385
November 2, 2017
saNta barbara gives! 2017
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year fouNded: 2005 paid staff: 4 voluNteers: 332
wHaT we Do:
showers of blessing engages the compassion and volunteer spirit of both housed and houseless residents of south santa barbara County in the operation of a mobile shower trailer in order to promote health and wellness, build avenues to employment, and restore dignity to our most vulnerable neighbors. We are a project of the interfaith initiative of santa barbara County.
big iDea:
DigniTy For HouSeLeSS reSiDenTS oF SanTa barbara counTy THrougH SHowerS
Help us bring health and hygiene, employment, and dignity to local houseless people through free, hot, private showers. We provide clean towels, washcloths, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, razors and other toiletries, new cotton socks, new underwear, and lightly used clothing. Monetary gifts are given to houseless individuals who assist with the shower unit set-up and teardown. each week we bring our trailer to established sites in goleta, isla vista, Carpinteria, and Downtown santa barbara. We’ll provide over 5,000 showers this year, but this is not nearly enough. We urgently need to expand service in downtown santa barbara from our one weekly site, which has exceeded its capacity, to at least three sites in the coming year.
year fouNded: 2014 paid staff: 2 voluNteers: 33
youTH & eDucaTion
SHowerS oF bLeSSing
Donate at
aLTernaTiveS To vioLence projecT/SanTa barbara wHaT we Do:
to empower people to lead nonviolent lives through affirmation, respect for all, community building, cooperation and trust. Using real life experiences of prisoners and others, and building on a spiritual base, avP encourages every person’s innate power to positively transform themselves and the world. avP/sb offers experiential workshops in personal growth and creative conflict management for adults and youth in and around the county of santa barbara.
big iDea:
reDucing vioLence in our ScHooLS
too many young people in s.b. end up locked up, on Probation, transferred to alternative schools, or even disappearing on the streets. alternative to violence Project’s (avP) experiential traumainformed workshops introduce practical skills for dealing with violence. a three-year collaboration between avP/santa barbara, la Cumbre Junior High, and san Marcos High gives youth tools to reduce violence. and we are all keeping track of how well this works: “if only i had this workshop as a kid — before i ended up in prison…” is a commonly heard lament during every avP workshop offered by volunteers in 25 California prisons. cHaLLenge giFT:
bower Foundation, regina & rick roney, Pat Hardy & Jo ann bell, santa barbara Friends Meeting (Quakers), bill Dial, John & gloria McManus, Maureen Murdock, victoria riskin, bixler Family, Carol Keator, Joel & lynn altschul, M Dietrich Zemmrich, santa barbara Computer recycling, Mary Watkins
year fouNded: 1992 paid staff: 1 voluNteers: 49
saNta barbara gives! 2017
November 2, 2017
Four ingenieroS FounDaTion
menTaL weLLneSS cenTer wHaT we Do:
wHaT we Do:
to advance mental health in santa barbara County.
We believe in providing educational assistance towards underrepresented students who have the vision to obtain a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
big iDea:
youTH weLLneSS connecTion
our goal for 2018 and beyond is to create connections, promote wellness, and reduce stigma around mental health both in our schools and throughout our community by working directly with students. the Youth Wellness Connection (YWC) Council is a high school leadership program of the Mental Wellness Center that educates, empowers, and engages students. We are bringing together 24 students each year from four south County high schools to serve as officers and ambassadors in the Youth Wellness Connection Clubs on their campuses.
big iDea:
annuaL Four ingenieroS engineering compeTiTion
in 2017, the foundation had the privilege of organizing the Four ingenieros Foundation engineering Competition at santa barbara City College, which hosted students from sbCC and allan Hancock College for an all-day robotics engineering competition. each team was guided by a professional mentor who ultimately pushed them to successfully complete the competition. the foundation aims to organize the annual competition and include academic institutions in santa barbara County. this will increase the exposure of underrepresented steM students in our communities to a technical environment and help them increase their professional network and find opportunities that enhance their career development.
cHaLLenge giFT: armando & rosalinda veloz
cHaLLenge giFT:
girLS rocK Sb
big iDea:
girls rock santa barbara (grsb) empowers girls through music education, creative expression, and performance, promoting an environment that fosters self-confidence, creativity, and teamwork. We will provide a free music, art, and mentorship program to 150 low-income and at-risk youth over 13 weeks in the spring of 2018, culminating with a performance and art show at the Marjorie luke theatre. cHaLLenge giFT:
nancy Zink o’Connor
year fouNded: 2012 paid staff: 12 voluNteers: 60
November 2, 2017
anonymous, Mental Wellness Center board of Directors, anonymous, Kirby Family Foundation
wHaT we Do:
girls rock santa barbara empowers girls through music education, creative expression, and performance, promoting an environment that fosters self-confidence, creativity, and teamwork.
Free aFTer-ScHooL muSic, arT, anD menTorSHip
year fouNded: 2015 paid staff: 0 voluNteers: 30
saNta barbara gives! 2017
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year fouNded: 1947 paid staff: 45 voluNteers: 100
SanTa barbara rape criSiS cenTer wHaT we Do:
santa barbara rape Crisis Center empowers people through healing and social change to eliminate all forms of sexual violence. We are committed to transforming lives by providing services and education to meet the needs of our diverse community. to fulfill this mission, sbrCC provides: 1) crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy, and support in order to heal and empower sexual assault survivors, their family members, and friends; and 2) community education and prevention programs to increase the awareness, empathy, and understanding necessary to effect the attitudinal and behavioral changes which are essential to the elimination of sexual assault.
wHaT we Do:
big iDea:
noTeS For noTeS inc. wHaT we Do:
notes for notes™ is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing youth with completely Free access to music instruments, instruction, and recording studio environments so that music may become a profoundly positive experience in their lives.
big iDea:
empaTHy THrougH muSic
the empathy through Music project seeks to inspire social change through increased empathy, social awareness, compassion, and expression. through a deep study of musical history, which explores the root factors — including practices of oppression and classification — that impacted the evolution of music genres as well as today’s social climate, youth will develop an empathetic perspective culminating in a live performance.
guys4Change is an educational group dedicated to empowering high school young men to learn about rape prevention and to discover the role they can play in eliminating sexual assault in our community. this program inspires young men to move from being passive bystanders to activists. cHaLLenge giFT:
TruTH in recruiTmenT
susan bower, alan irwin
truth in recruitment is a student advocacy group based in santa barbara, California. We are students, families, veterans, youth groups, teachers, social justice activists, and members of faith communities. our goal is to help students ask the right questions about the stakes of a military career, provide non-military options for academic and professional success, inform parents of their privacy rights, and implement school policies regulating recruiter presence on campuses throughout santa barbara County.
big iDea:
TruTH in recruiTmenT
year fouNded: 1974 paid staff: 10 voluNteers: 80
our big idea is that as santa barbara County schools pursue their primary mission of educating our communities’ children, three concurrent and complementary goals must be vigorously pursued: 1) to inform families of their children’s privacy rights; 2) to help students understand the consequences of a military career and their alternative options for academic and professional success; and 3) to work with school boards and administrations to create policies regulating recruiter access to campuses throughout santa barbara County. cHaLLenge giFT:
anonymous, Joseph & Margaret Connell
year fouNded: 2016 paid staff: 3 voluNteers: 20
year fouNded: 2007 paid staff: 32 voluNteers: 123
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saNta barbara gives! 2017
November 2, 2017
wiLDerneSS youTH projecT
uniTeD boyS & girLS cLubS oF SanTa barbara counTy wHaT we Do:
wHaT we Do:
the mission of Wilderness Youth Project (WYP) is to foster confidence, health, and a life-long love of learning for young people and families through active outdoor experiences and mentoring. WYP envisions teaching the next generation of children to be peaceful, respectful, and confident stewards of our world.
the mission of UbgC is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
big iDea:
We are piloting a unique in-school recess program in partnership with santa barbara school districts where we provide structured physical fitness activities in place of Pe classes that are rapidly being cut. this program leads to the healthy development of our community’s youth and combats rising rates of childhood obesity.
big iDea:
receSS programming anD bueLLTon program eXpanSion
briDge To naTure
because nature makes children smarter, healthier, and happier, WYP is launching bridge to nature. Partnering with santa barbara elementary schools, we bring over 340 of our community’s students with the greatest needs into the natural world during classroom time. our time-tested experiential outdoor program links to next generation science standards and builds an experience bank which will foster a life-long love of learning. cHaLLenge giFT:
Cheryl tomchin
FuTure LeaDerS oF america wHaT we Do:
education is our nation’s greatest equalizer; lowincome youth who attend college have higher incomes and better health. through parent organizing, Fla will address the academic disparities in the santa barbara Unified school District. in 2018, Fla will seek to work with spanish-speaking parents, and youth, to conduct a needs assessment to address the academic achievement gap. a family leadership conference will teach the importance of education. Follow-up programming will allow parents to advocate for policy changes to increase academic outcomes among low-income latino youth. it’s time to change the narrative and shed light on social barriers. cHaLLenge giFT: J.s. bower Foundation
year fouNded: 1982 paid staff: 8 voluNteers: 75
November 2, 2017
Future leaders utilizes the Fla Way to provide a comprehensive youth empowerment program in our public schools and in the community yearround.
big iDea:
paDreS para juSTicia eDucaTiva
year fouNded: 1999 paid staff: 42 voluNteers: 100
cHaLLenge giFT:
saNta barbara gives! 2017
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year fouNded: 1952 paid staff: 90 voluNteers: 504
cenTraL coaST aLLiance uniTeD For a SuSTainabLe economy wHaT we Do:
CaUse’s mission is to build grassroots power to realize social, economic, and environmental justice through policy research, leadership development, individual and institutional organizing, and policy advocacy with a focus on the ventura and santa barbara counties region.
big iDea:
SociaL juSTice
juSTice For FarmworKerS
CaUse is organizing santa barbara County farmworkers to advocate for a clean bathroom and drinking-water inspection program in the fields, modeled after a successful program in Monterey County that reduced violations from 66 percent to 6 percent in just two years (after an e. coli outbreak). this will ensure clean, healthy, local food while protecting the dignity of farmworkers and their basic rights to decent, safe, and sanitary working conditions. cHaLLenge giFT:
CaUse board of Directors
juST communiTieS cenTraL coaST wHaT we Do:
Just Communities advances justice by building leadership, fostering change, and dismantling all forms of prejudice, discrimination, and oppression. Just Communities envisions an equitable and inclusive Central Coast where all people are connected, respected, and valued.
big iDea:
courageouS converSaTionS, courageouS acTion
year fouNded: 2001 paid staff: 14 voluNteers: 200
Perhaps at no time in recent history have our nation and our communities been more divided. Politically, racially, socioeconomically — the rifts are large, and they are many. Just Communities’ Courageous Conversations, Courageous action program creates opportunities for people to come together across lines of difference in order to build trust, find common ground, identify solutions, and take action to address our community’s most challenging problems, all through a social-justice lens that allows community members to talk about and take action to address racism, immigration issues, educational equity, police-community relations, and more. cHaLLenge giFT:
Mary becker
year fouNded: 2001 paid staff: 7 voluNteers: 50
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saNta barbara gives! 2017
November 2, 2017
Lompoc co-op DeveLopmenT projecT
La caSa De La raZa wHaT we Do:
since 1971, la Casa de la raza, the Cesar Chavez Center, has provided a community center on the eastside of santa barbara. our mission is to develop and empower the latino community by affirming and preserving the latino cultural heritage, providing an umbrella for services, and advocating for participation in the larger community. We provide both direct support and innovative programming. through a spectrum of need-based programming, la Casa works to empower community members of all ages with information and skills needed to overcome obstacles and achieve personal successes.
big iDea:
FamiLy reSource cenTer’S SabaDiTo SaLuDabLe/HeaLTHy SaTurDay engineering compeTiTion la Casa de la raza’s Family resource Center provides consumer rights and advocacy through referrals and assistance with issues such as health; housing; tenant, worker, and legal rights; and translation of legal documents. our clients are among the most isolated and undeserved in our community. our “big idea” is to hold “sabadito saludable/Healthy saturday” beginning January 2018. these bilingual workshops and support groups for adults and youth will focus on immigration/legal rights and responsibilities, mental and physical wellness, cultural arts, and self-care. this bimonthly workshop series will serve up to 200 families for free.
year fouNded: 1971 paid staff: 11 voluNteers: 200
wHaT we Do:
LegaL aiD FounDaTion oF SanTa barbara counTy wHaT we Do:
the mission of the legal aid Foundation of santa barbara County is to provide high-quality legal representation and advice to low-income people, seniors, and victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking in times of crisis in santa barbara County and to assist residents of the county with navigating the civil legal system. our work ensures meaningful access to the civil justice system for those with barriers to other sources.
big iDea:
enDing eLDer abuSe
elders are increasingly at risk for physical and financial abuse and exploitation. legal aid is committed to assisting all santa barbara County residents older than 60 who are victims of abuse. our attorneys help clients obtain legal protection against abusers and recover from financial fraud or exploitation. they also assist seniors in danger of losing their homes due to foreclosure or eviction. this year, legal aid is strengthening alliances with the District attorney’s office, adult Protective services, the veterans administration, the Family service agency, and other social service providers to make sure that all santa barbara seniors can live in peace.
year fouNded: 1959 paid staff: 15 voluNteers: 134
November 2, 2017
saNta barbara gives! 2017
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the mission of the lompoc Co-op Development Project is to create social and economic change in lompoc through the development of workerowned cooperative businesses that create sustainable jobs and promote life-changing opportunities for unemployed and under-employed residents in lompoc. Worker cooperatives are owned and democratically controlled by the workers. the worker cooperative is a well-established, proven business structure with examples across the United states, Canada, and the world. lCDP’s first worker owned cooperative, a green cleaning business, launched in 2012 with funding by McCune Foundation and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. it is currently grossing $19,000 per month and employing 5 individuals who are worker owners.
big iDea:
worKer owneD cooperaTiveS
During 2018, lCDP will explore the creation of worker-owned home care for children and/or the elderly. this process will start with a required 12hour training for individuals interested in learning the basics of cooperatives. the exploration stage will include pre-feasibility studies, a formal feasibility study, business plan drafting, and start-up fundraising support — all leading to the launch of the worker-owned business offering a service needed within the lompoc community and surrounding santa barbara County area. cHaLLenge giFT:
lCDP board of Directors: John & barbara Mcreynolds, Maria garcia-Cacique, alice sealund, elizabeth Hatcher, linda alexander, raquel Ceja-gonzález, Chuck arnold, Mary schaefer, Calah lópez
year fouNded: 2012 paid staff: 1 voluNteers: 12
Syv communiTy acTion aLLiance wHaT we Do:
sYv Community action alliance facilitates the convergence of neighbors and networks who stand against discrimination and take action to affirm and protect civil, political, and human rights for all.
naTionaL aSSociaTion For THe aDvancemenT oF coLoreD peopLe wHaT we Do:
the national association For the advancement of Colored People (naaCP) is the nation’s largest and oldest grassroots civil rights organization. our mission has been to ensure the social, political, educational and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. We have fought in the courts for decades to protect the guarantee of equal protection under the law. the naaCP has represented parties in landmark civil rights cases including brown vs. board of education of topeka, which outlawed segregation in public schools and has filed numerous amicus briefs in cases that significantly impact people of color including the Civil rights act of 1964, the voting rights act, and most recently a lawsuit against the trump administration and its immigration policies (Deferred action for Childhood arrivals).
big iDea:
one communiTy projecT
the one Community Project will provide venues and facilitated conversations between residents traditionally or recently divided by ideology, race, religion, age, gender/sexual preference, language, and socioeconomics — in order to engender understanding, empathy, and commonality and to identify and address needs in the community. this project may include community-based art projects, facilitated conversations around speaker forums, topical documentary films, social gatherings, and participation in or hosting of community fairs and festivals. santa Ynez valley residents will be encouraged to pitch project concepts falling within the sYvCaa mission and addressing the following topics: social and environmental justice, women’s rights, healthcare, and civic engagement. cHaLLenge giFT:
rebecca august, Judi stauffer, Joan Davidson & John schnittker, Mary Jane & ed edalatpour, Jim & elizabeth Farnum, anonymous
big iDea:
renounce, rejecT, HaTreD anD bigoTry projecT
through our renounce, reject, Hatred and bigotry as silenCe is Unacceptable Project, each month the naaCP will address issues relevant to hatred and bigotry with Unity rallies, Unity Marches, Healing Circles, increased tabling at different events with a social justice component, and dialogue featuring panelists and speakers. We will coordinate to have the same event in each city (santa Maria and lompoc). cHaLLenge giFT:
year fouNded: 2016 paid staff: 0 voluNteers: 150
youTH maKing cHange wHaT we Do:
Youth Making Change is a project of the Fund for santa barbara. the Fund for santa barbara provides resources to organizations and projects in santa barbara County involved in promoting progressive social change at the grassroots level, educating the community about social and economic conditions and organizing people to confront fundamental problems affecting their lives.
big iDea:
youTH maKing cHange
Youth Making Change (YMC) is a teen-led grantmaking program that provides young people with the opportunity to engage directly in organized philanthropy (grant giving). there are two YMC boards, one meets in santa Maria and the other in santa barbara, and both are led by teens, ages 13-19. each board gives out $15,000 in grants to youth led projects that impact young people in santa barbara County. they create and conduct an entire grant cycle and then share with their communities what they learned as grant-makers and philanthropists. since 2008, YMC has awarded $215,490 to 116 youth-led groups throughout santa barbara County. Youth Making Change is a program of the Fund for santa barbara and is inspired by the santa barbara Foundation’s Katherine Harvey Fellows Class of 2006-2007. cHaLLenge giFT:
Jean Kaplan
lawanda lyons-Pruitt
year fouNded: 1980 paid staff: 8 voluNteers: 130
year fouNded: 1909 paid staff: 0 voluNteers: 28
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November 2, 2017
44 nonProFits $225,000 h aV e secu r ed oV er
In cHaLLenge giFTS
the c a MPa Ign h a s r a Ised
in MatCHing
D o n at e to DaY at
to HelP re aCH oUr goal oF
noveMber 2 – DeCeMber 31, 2017
November 2, 2017
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MAIL-IN DONATION FORM This form is provided for your convenience if online giving is not your preference. But we love when you donate online at It’s where you’ll discover the most about this year’s nonprofits, and it keeps our costs low so we can pass along 100% of your donation to the groups you select. Thank you in advance for supporting Santa Barbara Gives! participating organizations! DONOR INFORMATION: *Name: *Mailing Address: *City:
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GIFT INFORMATION: On the lines to the left of each organization’s name, please indicate how much you would like to donate to that group. Add all donations together and fill in your total donation amount at the bottom of this section. Minimum donation to any one group is $10. ARTS & CULTURE
SlingShot Alpha Art Forum
Jodi House Brain Injury Support Center
Pacific Pride Foundation, INC
Alternatives to Violence Project/
Carpinteria Valley Arts Council
Independent Living Resource Center, Inc.
PFLAG Santa Barbara
Everybody Dance Now!
International Cesarean Awareness Network of
Santa Barbara Transgender Advocacy Network
Friends of the Carpinteria Library
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
Four Ingenieros Foundation
Future Leaders of America
Isla Vista Community Development Corporation
Planned Parenthood California Central Coast
Girls Rock SB
Santa Barbara Response Network
Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy
Mental Wellness Center
Sarah House Santa Barbara
Just Communities Central Coast
Notes for Notes Inc.
Transitions-Mental Health Association (TMHA)
La Casa de la Raza
Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center
Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County
Truth In Recruitment
Lompoc Cooperative Development Project
United Boys & Girls Clubs of
Poetic Justice Project
Coalition for Sustainable Transportation
Environmental Defense Center
Explore Ecology
Families ACT!
National Association For The Advancement of
Gaviota Coast Conservancy
Northern Santa Barbara County United Way
Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition
Santa Barbara Street Medicine
SYV Community Action Alliance
Santa Barbara County Action Network
Showers of Blessing
Youth Making Change
Colored People
Santa Barbara County
Wilderness Youth Project
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November 2, 2017
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November 2, 2017
Santa barbara gives! 2017
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