WIn thIs santa barbara dream home! For detaIls, see page 3
Santa barbara county SaleS area
buellton/solvang CaRPInteRIa
los olIvos santa baRbaRa
independent real estate
October 1, 2015
santa MaRIa
beRgen MICHael D tRustee
Jonsson MaRgaRet a
1477 KRonboRg DR
Pent JosePH b tRustee
Hu Kuang MeI
644 FloRal DR
soltIs JaMes e eu
anDReWs JonatHan eu
5437 sHeMaRa st
Duggan M Pat tRust
MansFIelD sYlvIa b tRust
5415 eIgHtH st
MansFIelD sYlvIa b tRust
Colasse lauRent
4816 saWYeR ave
FoRKusH susan tRust
PRatt DavID J
1258 CRavens ln 1
goRDon eugene C JR tRustee
lloYD MattHeW eu
877 n san MaRCos RD
DavIs elvIRa M tRustee
MoCK MeReDItH C JR tRustee
1192 CaMIno Meleno
KeRneR stePHen R ea
RegeeR beRt eu
1392 CaMIno RIo veRDe
KePleR-ZIRRetta baRbaRa v
uYeno steven I eu
7386 Calle Real 27
FRanCe ClInton C
CoRteZ saul eu
7712 Calle Real
CaRMICHael CHaRles C JR tRuste
ReYnosa FRanCIsCo J eu
227 s seventH st
bagWell lYnne M DeCeaseD
DegollaDo gabRIel l
1217 e Walnut ave
MatHIs FaMIlY tRust
sMItH RobYn l
1712 sHeFFIelD DR 1022 e Walnut ave
boRtugno FaMIlY tRust
MtI CaPItal InC
gaRCIa YulIana
726 n FIRst st
804 e noRtH ave
MoYa vInCent J
HaRRIngton eDna v
1536 W CHeRRY ave
West PoInte HoMes InC
RaMos blanCa
1427 PluM ave
gaRCIa Consuelo tRustee
gallegos aDalbeRto eu
204 n n st
WIntHeR DICK tRustee
nava eRubeY s
318 s K st
segeRstRoM steven H eu
oCeans aWaY llC
1936 JaMeson ln D
gRant MIMossa llC
levIne MelDon W tRustee
1512 MIMosa ln
MtI CaPItal InC
state RIveR FunDs llC
310 Calle elegante
gostovICH, JoHn b
MIlleR PHIlIP H tRustee
1066 toRo CanYon RD
stage stoP PlaZa llC
RanCHeRos vIstaDoRes
2971 gRanD ave
CItIbanK na
MtI CaPItal InC
2885 long CanYon RD
seConD baPtIst CHuRCH s baRbaR
21 oaKs llC
1032 e Mason st
RobIns RaYMonD b tRustee
PIPPIg MattHIas eu
8 asHleY ave
MugleR CHaRles
van WYK JoHn W eu
11 W IslaY st
aeRo CaMIno InDustRIal llC
319 W valeRIo st 3
sPeCHleR aaRon tRustee
FoRD JaMes eu
1311 MoRRIson ave
MaCneIl JuDItH M tRust
sIPRess JeFFReY eu
1306 alta vIsta RD 618 CastIllo st
Debout MaRtIn e ea
saRKoWsKY MaRK eu
anDRus Dan tRustee
WaRKentIn MaRK D eu
3202 bRaeMaR DR
eagle vIsta eQuItIes llC
MenDelson MICHael J tRustee
184 vIsta Del MaR DR
snYDeR HugH P tRustee
tHe MuRPH llC
845 CentInela ln
sHell M sCott
laMPeRt anIta e tRust
3340 MCCaW ave 102
banK oF neW YoRK Mellon
lu laRRY M eu
3663 san ReMo DR #3F
WIlson JaCK tRustee
RoHDe JeFFReY e eu
217 noRtHRIDge RD
HoloIen lee D tRustee
DuKes JonatHan eu
3810 Pueblo ave
ReeD DeboRaH H tRustee
gleeson stePHanIe F ea
3928 la ColIna RD
FIelDs PeteR a tRust
saFInYa CYRus R eu
4400 sHaDoW HIlls CIR K
PlantInga anDReW J eu
tRevIllIan JoYCe l tRust
4690 Puente PlZ
gonZales JeFFReY
CoMeau WIllIaM W JR
845 CoManCHe ave
baleKIan RaYMonD tRust
olIveR DavID a eu
1191 baRnette RD
WeYeR DennIs eu
natIonal ResIDentIal noMInee
5445 Del noRte WaY
natIonal ResIDentIal noMInee
gaRCIa JosePH M eu
5445 Del noRte WaY
bell DeRRICK eu
sHuRCHaY staCIe M eu
5279 sYCaMoRe CReeK Ct
Cole MaRK D tRustee
RaMIReZ teRRI D tRusteeg
755 a e unIon ave
MoRtHstaR MoRtgage llC
JoseMa llC
911 DaHlIa Pl
FeRn JaMes W & KaRen J tRust
DaRa InvestMent Co InC
2083 soRIa DR
MYeRs Ron tRustee
sHeeHY sallY C tRustee
2821 loRenCIta DR
bIelY JustIn eu
lIleIKIs DennIs e eu
381 ClubHouse DR
gReen JuDIe tRustee
ensoR steven eu
4422 RaDClIFF ln
CastIllo IsaaC t eu
PIneDa KaRIna eu
617 W taFt st
FIsta CHRIstIFeR R eu
anDeRson DavID J
1941 s YbaRRa ave
lue tsu Kong C
goMeZ MIguel tRustee
1333 W DuvalI DR
eagle vIsta eQuItIes llC
QuInteRo Jose l
915 W Menusa Ct
CPH HaRvest glen llC
HaRMon KeRRY g eu
942 sW ClaRenCe Ct
YbaRRa ana R
MaRtIneZ Juan eu
819 e aRMstRong ave
eagle vIsta eQuItIes llC
IRa ResouRCes InC
840 Castle ln
steWaRt DavID eu
CaRRanZa IRMa eu
506 W MaIn st
aguIlaR albeRto M eu
Rosas Jose R eu
832 W CaMIno ColegIo
CaRDona RICaRDo eu
830 W blanCHe Ct
WHolesale DIReCt MaRKetIng
DoseK MaRY F ea
704 e oRange st
This data is provided to The Santa Barbara Independent by an outside third-party source and represents a partial list of recorded residential sales in Santa Barbara County on the dates listed. While this information is public record, The Santa Barbara Independent cannot guarantee the accuracy nor the completeness of this list.
Make Myself at HoMe by Sarah Sinclair
Dream Home lives Up to Its Name
independent real estate OctOber 1, 2015
riving the winding route to the appointed address, my excitement grew as our elevation rose. A majestic view has always been high on my priority list when describing my dream home. Also on the list are a great outdoor living space, a sumptuous bathroom, a big and inviting kitchen, and an overall comfortable atmosphere. My dream home should be classy but not intimidating. I want to be able to relax and feel like, well, like I’m at home. A bit lower down the priority list are a few nice-to-haves, such as a library, a fireplace, and a walk-in closet. Oh, and did I mention the pool? My dream home has to have an awesome pool—and I wouldn’t mind a great BBQ area near that pool, either. Being invited to tour the dream home for the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara’s (MCASB) 2015 Dream Home Raffle conjured up all sorts of images. The website calls the house “a newly built California Resort style home,” which leaves a lot to the imagination. As we arrived at the designated location, we could tell the house was special as we approached the front door. The frontyard landscaping is new, drought-tolerant, and beautiful. The neighborhood is quiet and secluded but not remote. And that number one priority—the view—captivated us through the glass-fronted entryway before our host even opened the door. I’m no feng shui expert, but I love being able to look through a house into its backyard and the vista beyond. It makes the house itself feel like a meal promising a delicious dessert soon to come. The dream house teased us, pulling our attention through to the view and then back to our surroundings as we stepped in. One foot into the foyer and we were enchanted. The living room/dining room/kitchen combination typifies the concept of a great room. I wanted to hang around, breathe it all in, and just relax. It’s an inviting house with modern angles mixed with natural materials. It flows well and feels good. There are two bedrooms and two baths on the main level. All the rooms have a spacious, open feeling with lots of windows yet still lots of privacy, and there are plenty of special details throughout the house. The striking master bath has a gorgeous, white raised bathtub with a gravity-defying open shower, all tiled in marble. The kitchen has a separate wine bar, the master bedroom has a gorgeously appointed walk-in closet, and there is even a library with an honest-to-goodness rolling ladder. Downstairs there are two more bedrooms, two more bathrooms, and even another living room. The home’s outdoor space just might overshadow the interior. The master bedroom has French doors opening out onto a balcony that wraps around the house and leads to the huge outdoor living room, complete with a separate outdoor kitchen, all overlooking the pool. The yard itself has three separate levels, lending to the feel of distinct outdoor rooms. Although the neighbors are not far away, there’s an air of separation and seclusion. Yes, the home meets all of my dream criteria and then some: The hardwood floors are beautiful, natural wide planks. The
staircase leading downstairs has an amazing picture window. There’s a fireplace outside. The view encompasses the ocean and islands. And there’s a black-bottom pool. Did I mention the pool? The dream house is the grand prize in the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara’s Dream Home Raffle. The winner gets to choose between this amazing home and three million dollars. Other prizes include a trip around the world, a Tesla, a Mercedes-Benz, and a laundry list of exotic vacations, computers, audio equipment, other electronics, and more. Single tickets are $150, and the chances of winning a prize are one in 20. The proceeds go to fund and expand the efforts of the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara. The museum provides education and outreach programs, which are primarily free of charge. The Dream Home Raffle is their main annual fundraising activity. The grand-prize drawing will take place on December 6, but there are bonus early-bird drawings that start as soon as October 2. The earlier you buy your ticket, the more chances
Address: Undisclosed Status: Not on the market, but available to win. you have to win. Historically, the grand-prize winner has chosen cash rather than the dream home, but depending on your own priority list, it may be impossible to turn this home down. Whether you wish upon a star, blow out your birthday candles, or buy a raffle ticket, this dream home just may fulfill your heart’s desire and make all of your dreams come true. The MCASB Dream Home is not for sale, but raffle tickets are available by calling 1 (888) 402-9222. For more information and more photos of the dream home, visit
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2835 Gibraltar Rd $3,510,000 Kerry Mormann 805.689.3242 Incredible views from this 18 acre (assr) estate. Private & quiet, spacious 4BD/3BA Mediterranean home + guest house with custom details, an incredible covered patio with views, a salt water pool, spa & sauna.
2690 Gibraltar Rd $3,150,000 Kerry Mormann 805.689.3242 22 acres with beautiful ocean views. 3BR/2BA guest house + building site for dream home. All utilities & private wells in place.
814 Paseo Alicante $959,000 Schultheis/Van Pelt 805.729.2802/805.637.3684 Set above the iconic Santa Barbara Mission “Casa Riviera” is a highly-coveted private community. Take in the beautiful ambiance & views from this beautiful large 2BD/3BA plus large den property.
517 W Quinto St #1 $800,000 Brooke Ebner 805.453.7071 Cape Cod style, stand alone condo lives like a single family home. One of 3 units, 2BD/2½BA home boasts beautiful wood floors, open living space, attached garage, private yard w/Spa, 2 large bedrooms, both en suite.
Saturday Open Houses 3132 Calle Mariposa, Sat 1:30-4:00 Robert Johnson 49 Cedar Ln, Sat 2-4 Randy Glick 967 Cheltenham Rd, Sat 1-3 Randy Glick 222 Calle Granada, Sat 1-4 Joel Butera 20 Baker Ln, Sat 1-3 Freed/Roche 1835 Chapala Street, Sat 1-4 Dan Encell 1109 Olive St, Sat 12-2 Angela Moloney
$1,750,000 805.705.1606 $1,250,000 805.563.4066 $1,160,000 805.563.4066 $1,095,000 805.448.4831 $1,095,000 805.895.1799 $965,000 805.565.4896 $959,000 805.451.1553
5068 San Julio Ave, Sat 2-4 Timm Delaney 927 W Valerio, Sat 1-4 Angela Moloney 1502 Mountain Ave, Sat 1-4 Beth Goodman 2654 State St, #35, Sat 1-4 Kathy Strand Spieler 511 Meadow View Dr (Buellton), Sat 2-4 Sharon Currie 1138 Via Mavis (Santa Maria), Sat 12:30-2:30 Karin Aitken 1200 Jason Dr (Lompoc), Sat 1-3 Mary Bahnken
$899,900 805.895.1109 $789,000 805.451.1553 $699,000 805.455.1909 $650,000 805.895.6326 $609,000 805.448.2727 $353,000 805.252.1205 $329,900 805.722.8663
SANTA BARBARA 805.687.2666 | MONTECITO 805.969.5026 | SANTA YNEZ VALLEY 805.688.2969 3868 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 93105
1170 Coast Village Road Montecito, CA 93108
2933 San Marcos Avenue, Suite 102 Los Olivos, CA 93441
© 2015 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals. CalBRE# 01317331
102 ± Prime Farm Land in Ventura County El Jardin
Sherry Zolfahgari
El Jardin Kitchen
(805) 386-3748 | |
& Santa Barbara Counties Since 1990
Special thanks to the judges: Ellen Bildsten, Phoebe Brunner, Nancy Clare Caponi, Yvonne Chin, Nina Dunbar, Cass Ensberg, Karen Feeney, Val Froscher, Errol Jahnke, Ann Kale, Richard Kelty, Eric Lassen, Courtney Miller, Leon Olson, Charlene Pidgeon, Marcella Simmons, Tom Simmons, Deborah Waldron, and Denise Woolery. n See
WAter-SAving tip of the Week
* Architectural Feature: El Jardin, 819 Garden Street * Commercial Property: Plaza Montecito, 1255 Coast Village Road * Commercial Sign: The Santa Barbara Company, 214 East Victoria Street * Historic Revitalization: The New Vic Theatre, 33 West Victoria Street * Hugh Petersen Award for Art in Public Places: Anacapa Project Gates, Anacapa @ East Yanonali Street * Multi-Family Residence: 331 North Calle César Chávez * Public Open Space: Bath Street Pocket Park, 633 Bath Street * Single Family Estate: Hodges House, 2112 Santa Barbara Street * Single Family Home: 322 East Canon Perdido Street
Cal BRE: 01060866
The Santa Barbara Independent congratulates these award winners: * President’s Award: Sonos, Inc. * Griswold Award for Philanthropy: Jean Kellogg Schuyler * Playa de Santa Barbara Award for Environmental Stewardship: Gaviota Coast Conservancy * City of Santa Barbara Arts Advisory Committee’s Business in Art Award: Hotel Indigo Santa Barbara * Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Native Choice Award: Virginia L.T. Gardner
Representing Fine Properties Ventura
OctOber 1, 2015
ozens gathered at the Music Academy of the West this past Sunday under the auspices of Santa Barbara Beautiful (SBB) to recognize those people and places that make our region such a wondrous place to live. “This year’s Annual Awards Ceremony celebrates 50 years of recognizing those who go the extra mile to keep Santa Barbara Beautiful,” said Jo Ann Mermis and Ricardo Castellanos, who were cochairs of the annual awards gala, which featured food, wine, beer, live jazz, and redcarpet interviews. SBB President Jeanette Casillas added, “Santa Barbara Beautiful has been creating a legacy of community beautification since 1965, and as we celebrate our golden anniversary, we can look back and be proud of how far we have come and look forward to continuing our tradition of beautification and community collaboration for years to come.”
independent real estate
Santa Barbara Beautiful Awards
A Rare Opportunity! 5 parcels approximately totaling 102 acres of pristine and income producing agricultural land. Located in One of Ventura County’s Prime locations. Minutes to Camarillo, Moorpark, all major Schools, Shopping & Golf Courses. This rarely available location boasts approximately 84 acres of lemons, 13 acres of mandarin oranges and 2 + acres of avocados, with two secured water sources which includes 1000 shares of ZONE Water and Ventura County District water as a backup. A sensational opportunity to acquire a true gem nestled against beautiful Somis mountain ranges and blue skies. So many possibilities for this amazing location with 5 separate Assessor Parcel Numbers. Offered at $6,495,000
Check Your Aim M
ake sure sprinklers are only watering your garden and not the sidewalk or house. Check to see if you have the correct arc or if sprinklers have been twisted or broken. — Madeline Ward, City of Santa Barbara, Public Works
We invite readers and businesses to send us their water-saving strategies to share by emailing
OPEN HOUSES Carpinteria
independent real estate
OctOber 1, 2015
178 Serafin Street, 4BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $1,025,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Marie Larkin 805-680-2525
2525 State Street #25, 1BD/1.5BA, Sun 1-4, $599,000, Coastal Properties, Sylvia Miller 805448-8882
858 Cheltenham Road, 4BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $1,100,000, Coldwell Banker, Jeani HansenBurke 805-451-1429
1709 Overlook Lane, 5BD/4.5BA, Sun 1-4, $5,250,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Wilson Querre, Mark Lomas 805-945-2888
Eastside Santa Barbara
967 Cheltenham Road, 3BD/2BA, Sat 1-3 Sun 1-3, $1,160,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Madhu Khemani 805-252-0265 Hristo Hristov 805-284-8741
1907 San Leandro Lane, 3BD/3BA, Sat 2-4 Sun 2-4, $2,495,000, Coldwell Banker, Brad Merrit 805-450-6522
250 Toro Canyon Road, 4BD/4BA, Sun 1-3, $2,925,000, Village Properties, Mitch Morehart 805 689 7233
724 N Voluntario Street, Sun1-4, 3BD/2.5BA, $699,500, Goodwin & Thyne Properties, Anthony Bordin 805-729-0527
1012 Palmetto Way #B, 3BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $549,000, Village Properties, Toby Bradley 805570-3573
2731 Miradero Drive, 3BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $805,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Roberta Perissinotto 805-233-0509
1261 Franciscan Court 3, 2BD/2BA, Sun 1-3, $499,000, Pacific Coast Realty, JoAnn PomattoGomez 805-705-3798
1431 Tomol Street, 3BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $749,900, Coldwell Banker Scott Westlotorn 805403-4313
20 Baker Lane, 4BD/3BA, Sat 1-3 Sun 1-4, $1,095,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Isaac Garrett 805-729-1143 Eve Mitchell 805708-9972
3111 Padaro Lane, 5BD/4BA, Sun 2-4, $14,600,000, Village Properties, Ron Madden 805-284-4170
39 Dearborn Place #100, 2BD/1BA, Sat 12-3 Sun 12-3, $415,000, Keller Williams, Ruth Ann Bowe Real Estate Team 805-252-5229
3375 Foothill Road #1114 + 1113, 5BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $1,898,000, Coldwell Banker, Todd Bollinger 805-220-8808
216 Moreton Bay Lane Unit 5, 2BD/1.5BA, By Appt., $435,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Mike Pearl 805-637-6888 Gail Pearl 805637-9595
4413 Catlin Circle B, 3BD/2BA, Sat 1-4, $629,000, Keller Williams Realty, Adam Schuette & The Zia Group 805-901-2254 5407 Cameo Road, 4BD/3BA, Sun 1-3, $995,700, Assist-2-Sell Full Service R.E., Roger Jacobson 805-692-5060
Downtown Santa Barbara 18 West Victoria #308, 2BD/3BA, Sat 12-4 Sun 12-4, $2,600,000, Village Properties, Pippa Davis 805-886-0174
Saturday 10/3 & Sunday 10/4
835 Puente Drive, 5BD/3.5BA, Sun 1-4, $2,975,000, Village Properties, Brian King 805452-0471 1064 Via Regina, 5BD/4BA, Sun 1:30-4:30, $1,159,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Joe Stubbins 805-729-0778 4747 Camino Del Rey, 3BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $655,000, Coldwell Banker, Patty Colman 805689-6517
1502 Mission Canyon Road, 4BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $1,450,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Richard Davidson 805-452-3490 2911 Foothill Road, 2BD/2BA, Sun 1-3, $892,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Debby Rexford 805-886-8773
Montecito 17 Augusta Lane, 4BD/3BA, Sun 1:30-4:30, $1,635,000, Left Coast Realty, Jeanne L. O’Brien 805-696-8613
27 Butterfly Lane, 5BD/7BA, Sat 2-4 Sun 1-3:30, $13,900,000, Village Properties, Wayne Barker 805-637-2948 John Henderson 805-6891066 52 Olive Mill Road, 3BD/2.5BA, Sat 2-4 Sun 2-5, $1,495,000, Village Properties, Cecilia Hunt 805-895-3834 Christopher W Hunt 805-4533407 62 Olive Mill Road, 3BD/2.5BA, Sun 12-3, $1,439,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Jenny Easter 805-455-6294 120 Tiburon Bay Lane, 4BD/2BA, Sat 1-4, $2,249,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Jason Siemens 805-455-1165 185 Middle Road, 4BD/3.5BA, Sat 2-4 Sun 2-4, $4,899,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Dan Johnson 805-895-5150 Joanna Slott 805335-0158
18 West Victoria #206, 1BD/1.5BA, Sat 12-4 Sun 12-4, $1,330,500, Village Properties, Pippa Davis 805-886-0174
5068 San Julio Avenue, 3BD/2BA, Sat 2-4 Sun 1-3, $899,900, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Brett Buschbom 805-451-9108 Marguerite Taylor 805-705-0957
18 West Victoria #207, 1BD/1.5BA, Sat 12-4 Sun 12-4, $1,225,500, Village Properties, Pippa Davis 805-886-0174
7549 Sea Gull Drive, 4BD/2BA, Sat 12-3pm, Sun 12-3, $800,000, Keller Williams, Ruth Ann Bowe Real Estate Team, 805-698-0351
18 West Victoria #209, 1BD/1.5BA, Sat 12-4 Sun 12-4, $1,180,500, Village Properties, Pippa Davis 805-886-0174
7755 Jenna Drive, 4BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $849,900, Village Properties, Cimme Eordanidis 805-722-8480
218 Santa Barbara Street D, 2BD/2.5BA, Sun 2-4, $1,175,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, David M. Cohn 805-214-8244
Hope Ranch
405 Nicholas Lane, 3BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $1,695,000, Village Properties, Leanne Wood 805-284-7177
4261 Rancho Asoleado Drive, 4BD/2.5BA, Sun 1-4, $1,669,000, Village Properties, Louis & Susan Manzo 805-570-7274
549 Hot Springs Road, 7BD/6BA, Sun 2-4, $5,295,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Marilyn Groves 805-315-1555
4426 Via Alegre, 3BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $2,695,000, Coldwell Banker, David Goldstein 805-448-0468
760 Romero Canyon Road, 4BD/4BA, Sat 1-3, $3,500,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Taylor Toner 805-451-4801
4509 Auhay Drive A, 4BD/2.5BA,Sun 1-4, $1,097,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Bob Ratliffe 805-448-6642
843 Park Hill Lane, 5BD/6BA, Sun 2-5, $9,495,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Tim Dahl, 805-886-2211
7283 Bassano Drive, 4BD/3BA, Sun 2-4, $689,000, Century 21 Butler Realty, Julie Ouellette 805-895-1421
923 Buena Vista Drive, 6BD/6.5BA, By Appt., $5,495,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Frank Abatemarco 805-450-7477
7290 Bassano Drive, 4BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $829,000, Coast and Valley Properties, Robert P Ruccione 805-729-2004
1098 Golf Road, 5BD/4.5BA, Sun 1-3, $5,995,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Tara Toner 805-451-4999
The Mesa
1110 Oriole Road, 4BD/3BA, Sat 12-3 Sun 12-4, $3,250,000, Coldwell Banker, Eric Stockmann 805-895-0789
401 Chapala St #312, 1BD/2BA, Sun 11-4, $1,275,000, Village Properties, Calcagno & Hamilton 805-896-0876 401 Chapala St # 222, 1BD/1.5BA, Sun 11-4, $1,350,000, Village Properties, Calcagno & Hamilton, 805-896-0876 401 Chapala St # 302, 1BD/2BA, Sun 11-4, $1,495,000, Village Properties, Calcagno & Hamilton 805-896-0876 401 Chapala St #403, 2BD/2BA, Sun 11-4, $2,200,000, Village Properties, Calcagno & Hamilton 805-896-0876 401 Chapala St # 304, 2BD/2.5BA, Sun 11-4, $2,550,000,Village Properties, Calcagno & Hamilton 805-896-0876 426 Por La Mar Circle, 1BD/1BA, Sat 1-4 Sun 1-4, $545,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Gene Archambault 805-455-1190 618 Anacapa Street #7, 2BD/2.5BA, Sun 1-4, $1,669,000, Keller William, Bob Walsmith Jr. 805-720-5362 1109 Olive Street, 2BD/2BA, Sat 12-2 Sun 2-4, $959,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Paul Mueller 805-315-1515 1417 Olive Street Unit B, 3BD/2BA, Sat 1-4, Sun 1 – 3, $1,095,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Sandy Lipowski 805-403-3844 Larry Martin 805-895-6872 1815 Bath Street #2, 1BD/1.5BA, Sat 12-3, Sun 1-4, $500,000, Keller Williams, Ruth Ann Bowe Real Estate Team, 805-698-0351 1816 De La Vina Street #2, 3BD/2.5BA, Sun 2-4, $824,800, Coldwell Banker, Hayley N. Hernandez, 805-717-8868 1835 Chapala Street, 2BD/2BA, Sat 12-3 Sun 1-4, $965,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Kat Perello-Hitchcock 805-7054485 SiBelle Israel 805-896-4218 1929 Bath Street, 2BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $958,000, Keller Williams Realty, Daniel Zia & The Zia Group 805-637-7148
222 Meigs Road Unit 19, 4BD/2.5BA, Sun 2-4, $1,275,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Diane Waterhouse 805-886-2988
615 Sunrise Vista Way, 4BD/3.5BA, By Appt., $1,698,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Joe Boudre 805-319-5364 990 Miramonte Drive #5, 2BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $565,000, Village Properties, Christina Chackel 805-448-3081 1035 Miramonte Drive #5, 2BD/1.5BA, By Appt., $559,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Mike Pearl 805-637-6888 Gail Pearl 805-6379595 1211 Harbor Hills Drive, 4BD/3BA, Sun 2-4, $3,750,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Randy Freed & Kellie Roche 805-895-1799 1269 Mountain View, 4BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $1,249,000, Village Properties, Brian Campbell 805-294-2890
Mission Canyon 222 Calle Granada, 2BD/2BA, Sat 1-4, $1,095,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Eve Mitchell, 805-708-9972
408 Los Robles Lane, 3BD/2.5BA, Sat 2-4 Sun 1-4, $1,585,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Deb Archambault 805-455-2966
193 East Mountain Drive, 3BD/6BA, Sat 1-4, $3,275,000,Coldwell Banker, Dan Failla 805708-1276 309 Avila Way, 5BD/3BA, Sun 1-4, $2,895,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, John Comin 805-689-3078
1211 E Valley Road, 4BD/5BA, Sun 1-3, $2,595,000 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Jessica Stovall 805-698-9416 1220 Coast Village Road Unit 110, 3BD/2BA, Sun 1 – 4, $1,069,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Jenny Hall 805-705-7125
1525 Las Tunas Road, 5BD/6.5BA, Sun 1-3, $7,100,000, Coldwell Banker, S. Conger, B.Koutnik, 805-565.8838 2220 Bella Vista, 4BD/6BA, Sun 2-4, $7,985,000, Village Properties, Pippa David/ Susan Pate 805-886-0174 2225 Featherhill Road, 6BD/6.5BA, Sun 2-4, $6,995,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Kara Strickland 805-708-6969 3055 Hidden Valley Lane, 3BD/2.5BA, Sun 1-3, $2,095,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Paula Goodwin 805-451-5699
Noleta 139 Cameta Way, 3BD/2BA, Sat 1-3, $825,000, David Scott Broker, David A Scott 805-722-8827
Riviera 49 Cedar Lane, 3BD/2BA, Sat 2-4, $1,295,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Jarrod Shively 805-714-5114
112 Eucalyptus Hill Circle, 2BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $1,398,000, Tri-Star Realty, Carl Wuestehube 949-276-7325 116 Orizaba Road, 3BD/2.5BA, By Appt., $2,200,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Joe Boudre 805-319-5364 853 Jimeno Road, 3BD/3.5BA, Sun 2-5, $2,495,000, Village Properties, Tim Walsh 805259-8808 712 Arbolado Road, 3BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $2,170,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, The Olivers 805-680-6524 859 Jimeno Road, 3BD/3BA, Sun 1-4, $1,259,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Jeanne Palumbo 805-689-1968 1010 Roble Lane, 3BD/2.5BA, Sun 2-4, $2,350,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, The Olivers 805-680-6524 1006 E Canon Perdido Street, 3BD/1BA, Sun 2-4, $949,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Michele Madril 805-453-0927 1202 Las Alturas, 2BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $1,450,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Linda K. Borkowski 805-252-7305 1545 Knoll Circle Drive, 3BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $1,800,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Josalyn Burcham 805-335-0385 1889 Eucalyptus Hill Road, 3BD/2BA Sun 1-3, $1,465,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Justin Corrado 805-451-9969 1933 Mission Ridge, 3BD/4BA, Sun 2-4, $2,800,000, Village Properties, R.Wayne Barker 805-637-2948 2019 Plaza Bonita, 3BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $1,650,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Jan Banister 805-455-1194 2286 Las Tunas Road, 4BD/5BA, Sun 2-4 $3,795,000, Coldwell Banker, Patrice Serrani 805-637-5112
1373 School House Road, 5BD/4BA, Sun 2-4, $4,195,000, Village Properties, Sheela Hunt 805-565-8864
332 West Alamar Avenue B, 2BD/2.5BA, Sun 12-2, $859,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Ken Switzer 805-680-4622
1422 East Valley Road, 5BD/5.5BA, Sun 1-4, $5,100,000,Village Properties, Kim Hultgen 805895-2067
San Roque
1424 East Valley Road, 3BD/3BA, Sun 1-4, $3,200,000, Village Properties, Marilyn Moore 805-689-0507 1445 South Jameson Lane, 5BD/6.5BA, Sun 2 – 4, $4,495,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Maureen McDermut 805-570-5545 1522 East Mountain Drive, 3BD/3.5BA, Sun 1 – 4, $7,495,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Wade Hansen 805-689-9682 1526 East Valley Road, 2BD/2BA, Sun 1-3, $1,595,000, Village Properties, Thomas Johansen 805-886-1857
219 Toyon Drive, 2BD/2BA, Sun 2 – 5, $1,575,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Ted Quackenbush 805-637-1782
425 Foxen Drive, 3BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $1,095,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Brett Buschbom 805-451-9108 585 El Sueno Road, 4BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $1,149,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, David Mires 805-705-8986 616 Calle De Los Amigos, 3BD/3BA, Sun 1 – 4, $840,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Daniela Johnson 805-453-4555
Scan the code for a video
1211 Harbor Hills Drive, Santa Barbara
Offered at $3,750,000
Live the ultimate Santa Barbara lifestyle in this Mediterranean 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with panoramic ocean and island views from almost every room! Highly desirable Mesa location at the end of a cul-de-sac in the coveted Harbor Hills neighborhood, and in Washington School District! This gorgeous home is perfect for entertaining with expansive marble patios and a fresh-water pool and spa, complemented by the chic cabana and outdoor fireplace. The spacious master bedroom suite is on the main floor, separate from the other 3 bedrooms, and boasts a fireplace, room for an office/sitting room, a marble tiled bath, and a huge walk-in closet. Elegant living room with fireplace, vaulted ceilings, and 2 balconies. The impressive gourmet kitchen is complete with marble floors, granite counters, custom wood cabinets, top of the line appliances, and breakfast bar.
805-895-1799 | 805-705-5334 ∙
©2015 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals. CalBRE: 00624274, 01434616
Saturday 10/3 & Sunday 10/4 CONTiNUED
San Roque (CONTiNUED)
733 Grove Lane, 3BD/2BA, Sat 1-4 Sun 2-4, $1,039,000, Village Properties, Cimme Eordanidis 805-722-8480 Lynette Naour 805705-6539
2210 Calle Culebra, 3BD/3BA, Sun 1-4, $1,850,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Jason Siemens 805-455-1165
880 Veronica Springs Road, 3BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $1,199,750, Village Properties, Alyssa Overeiner 805-883-8009 1276 N. Ontare Road, 3BD/3BA, Sun 1-4, $2,138,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Gloria Easter 805-570-0403 1333 Santa Teresita Drive, 3BD/4BA, Sun 1-3, $3,095,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Frank Hotchkiss 805-403-0668
2631 Freesia Drive, 3BD/2.5BA, Sun 1-3, $2,250,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, David Mires 805-705-8986
Upper East Santa Barbara 611 East Sola Street, 2BD/2BD, Sun 1-3, $1,139,000, Keller Williams Realty, Jon Gilkeson & The Zia Group 805-335-4749
814 East Pedregosa, 5BD/4BA, Sun 1-3, $1,850,000, Village Properties, Dan Crawford, 805-886-5764
2654 State Street 35, 2BD/2BA, Sat 1-4 Sun 10-1, $650,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Bob Ratliffe 805-448-6642 Jarrod Shively 805-714-5114
1017 East Yanonali, 2BD/1BA, Sun 3-5, $775,000, Coldwell Banker, Sally Dewan 805895-7177
3132 Calle Mariposa, 3BD/2.5BA, Sat 1:304 Sun 1:30-4, $1,750,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Robert Johnson 805-705-1606
2025 Garden Street, 3BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $1,750,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Rachel Brown, 805-570-7160
3643 Torino Drive, 4BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $795,000, Coldwell Banker, Bill Coker & Don Haws 805-689-7415
2030 State St #4, 2BD/2BA, Sun 2-4, $649,500, Coldwell Banker, Jessie Sessions 805709-0904
3703 Dixon Street, 3BD/3BA, Sun 1-4, $1,150,000, Village Properties, Chris Salvetti 805-705-4040
2414 Santa Barbara Street, 3BD/3BA, Sun 1-4, $2,295,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Sue Irwin 805-705-6973
3955 Carol Avenue, 4BD/2BA, Sat 1-3:30, $935,000, Village Properties, Kevin Hall 805451-9998
Westside Santa Barbara
4004 Via Lucero #8, 2BD/2.5BA, Sun 2-4, $939,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Robert Heckes 805-637-0047 4437 Shadow Hills Blvd, 4BD/4.5BA, By Appt., $1,725,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Mary Layman 805-448-3890
619 West Ortega Street, 1BD/1BA, Sun 2-4, $585,000, Sun Coast Real Estate, Summer Knight 805-886-1261
880 Veronica Springs Road, 3BD/2BA, Sat 2-4, $1,199,750, Village Properties, Leanne Wood 805-284-7177 927 W Valerio Street, 2BD/2BA, Sat 1-4 Sun 2-4, $789,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Michelle Madril 805-453-0927 Kay Davis, 805-440-7254
1502 Mountain Avenue, 2BD/1BA, Sat 1-4 Sun 2-4, $699,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Beth Goodman, 805-455-1909
3360 Numancia Street, 3BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $699,000, Village Properties, Janine Michaud 805-245-8763
1123 Manitou Road, 4BD/3BA, Sun 1-4, $1,595,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Alex Rouffaer 805-451-0023
3345 Numancia Street, 3BD/2BA, Sun 12–2, $755,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Barbara Radom, 805-688-1101
1564 Portesuello Avenue, 3BD/2BA, Sun 1-3, $970,000, Coldwell Banker, Annie Sancedo 805-689-1091
3460 Willow Street, 3BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $759,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Glynnis Mullenary 805-705-5206
Santa Ynez Valley
3562 Pine Street, 2BD/2BA, Sun 1-4, $525,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Sharon Currie 805-448-2727
290 Perkins Street, 3BD/3BA, Sun 11-1, $559,000,Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Ken Sideris 805-455-3159
Ventura County
511 Meadow View Drive, 3BD/2BA, Sat 2-4 Sun 2-4, $609,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Rhoda Johnson 805-705-8707
135 Wormwood Street, 3BD/3BA, Sat 1-4, $815,000, Revive Real Estate Group, Mark R Tasch 818-264-9148
631 Lilliebakke Court, 3BD/2BA, Sun 1-3, $789,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Karin Aitken 805-252-1205
11570 Oakcrest Avenue, 4BD/3.5BA, Sat 1-4, $875,000, Revive Real Estate Group, Mark R Tasch 818-264-9148
831 Rancho Alisal, 3BD/3BA, Sat 1-4, $769,000, Central Coast Landmark Prop., Kris Johnston 805-689-4777
11575 Oakcrest Avenue, 4BD/3.5BA, Sat 1-4, $885,000, Revive Real Estate Group, Mark R Tasch 818-264-9148
1138 Via Mavis, 2BD/2BA, Sat 12:30-2:30, $353,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Karin Aitken 805-252-1205
3059 Seaview Avenue, 3BD/3BA, $2,840,000, Sun 1-4, Santa Barbara Estates, Christopher A Page 805-284-8422
1200 Jason Drive, 4BD/3BA, Sat 1-3, $329,900, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Mary Bahnken 805-722-8663 1915 Old Mission Drive, 3BD/2.5BA, Sat 12-3 Sun 12 – 3, $849,000, Sotheby’s International Realty, Linda Williams 805-680-7541 2785 Lewis Place, 5BD/3.5BA, Sun 12-3, $735,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Marlene Macbeth 805-689-2738 3115 Riley Road, 3BD/3BA, By Appt. $637,000, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Karin Aitken 805-252-1205
Submit your open house listings to Tuesday by 3pm to be included in this directory.