Roy's Two-Month Memo

Page 1


Tomorrow and Tomorrow – The future is now, the promised rocket cars are not in evidence, and qwerty rules the Age. Paging Mr. Carnival, P.6

Livin’ with Lloyd – Golden Age Jazz Ambassador Charles Lloyd talks music, peace, and the Lobero – his longtime SB living room, P.24



It’s been two months since 1st District County Supervisor Roy Lee took office… with several monumental votes already under his belt… how’s he doing? The MJ’s Gwyn Lurie asks for his own assessment (Story starts on page 5)

Giving a FUTURE to


Land Use Goes FAR

It’s all Floor Area Ratios, ADUs, and Setbacks at the latest Land Use Committee meeting, page 11

Well, Well, Well… A Groundwater Plan

MWD’s five-year study of Montecito’s Groundwater Basin, Sustainability Plan, and its well water registry, page 16

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a feast of Irish classics, featuring rich Guinness stew, premium Irish cockt ils, and festive live music feeling lucky? a

Soupin’ with Eddie – Jump into the healing gumbo of culture, somatic experience,
cerebral celebration with Eddie Ellner & Yoga Soup, P.37
Lompoc Youth, page 11

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5 Editorial – The MJ ’s Gwyn Lurie speaks with 1st District County Supervisor about his first two months

Beings and Doings – We live in the future. Did our childhood expectations get it right? 8 Montecito Miscellany – Maritime Museum’s Love Boat, Mar y Cel is sold, One805’s Rock for First Responders, and more miscellany

10 News Bytes – New outdoor light ordinances, SB County’s response to Grand Jury Reports, and the new Maker House board Crime in the ‘Cito Tide Guide

Meeting at MA – The Land Use Committee delves into Floor Area Ratios with a little help from MBAR’s John Watson The Giving List – FUTURE for Lompoc Youth lets students FLY with life skills and work force education

Society Invites – The art museum staff and supporters get gilded at the Rosewood, plus Laguna Blanca goes Miami Nights for upcoming gala

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16 The Water Column – The results are in! A closer look at the five-year study of the Montecito Groundwater Basin.

18 Brilliant Thoughts – A look back at government work, what is ”good enough” for it, and Ashleigh’s family experience with it

22 Elizabeth’s Appraisals – An old textile tells of charioteers, Hindu beliefs, and divine intervention

24 On Entertainment – Charles Lloyd talks life goals, Joshua Malina on parenting, and Glenn Phillips gives some Sweet Relief

30 Body Wise – When in a funk, strut it out –and Ann did just this when walking La Petite Ceinture in Paris

31 Foraging Thyme – Get a dose of sulforaphane and flavor with this simple sprout sandwich

32 Stories Matter – These entertaining titles are coming fresh from Leslie’s time at the San Miguel Writers’ Conference

34 Petite Wine Traveler – DAOU’s wines were flowing in full force at this year’s SBIFF event

Jeanine J. Burford Senior Vice President Financial Advisor 805-695-7109 jeanine.burford@


Your Westmont – The college’s nursing program grows, observatory opens for lunar eclipse, and baseball leads the PacWest

37 Spirituality Matters – Jump into the soup of movement, ecstatic music, and more with Yoga Soup’s Eddie Ellner

38 Robert’s Big Questions – What is the message Americans want to hear about governance right now?


FestForums – This year’s FestForums is a wrap and the event producers, industry talent, and exhibitors had a blast

A La Boheme Mardi Gras – A taste of the Big Easy came to the Alhecama Theatre for a night of revelry, masks, and music

44 Calendar of Events – A Creekside sing, It’s Magic! at the Lobero, Labyrinth at the Granada, and more


Classifieds – Our own “Craigslist” of classified ads

47 Mini Meta Crossword Puzzles

Local Business Directory

Photography : Spenser Bruce

The First Two Months with Roy Lee

In the annals of Cinderella stories, this was a good one. When Roy Lee decided to throw his hat in the ring against (former) First District County Supervisor Das Williams, naysayers abounded. He lacks the experience, the political savvy, and the familiarity with the Montecito community – were just some of the charges leveled his way. Well, just two months into Lee’s first term as 1st District County Supervisor, I’m going out on a limb to say that he’s exceeding the expectations of many.

As a Board of Supervisor newbie, the past two months have held real tests for Lee, so I sat down with him to examine the results of those tests; and to get his assessment on how he scored, what he’s thinking, how he’s feeling, and what he sees coming down the pike.

Lee is nothing if not eager to connect with his constituents in order to grow and deepen his ties to this community, as well as his understanding of its needs. To that end, he’s agreed to sit down for a monthly conversation with the Journal as one way to keep us all informed on County issues that most impact our lives. This is the first of those conversations:

Gwyn Lurie (GL). Supervisor Lee, you’ve been in office for two months. How’s it going? Roy Lee (RL). I love it. It has been a fantastic experience. There’s a learning curve, but I felt that with Wade and Daisy and Aida and Warren beside me, and having great support from other Supervisors and staff, it’s going very well. I love coming to the office every day, just being here and getting things done and listening to all the issues and helping find solutions. It’s so awesome.

GL. In the first two months, you’ve had some big tests for any politician. Let’s start with the most recent. The red flag warning issue for Hot Springs that you all voted on this week. The Hot Springs Trail has been an important and controversial issue for Montecito. And it’s one of those issues that revealed some of the easy assumptions that people make about Montecito that get conveniently reduced to a “privilege versus other people” kind of thing. But really there was a lot more to it, which I came to understand through my conversations with the Montecito Fire Chief and others in the community about the real dangers of having too many people, some not necessarily well-intentioned or reckless, up on the trail, particularly on high-fire or flood-risk-days. Can you tell us about this issue, why you voted the way you did, and how you feel about the outcome?

RL. When I came to the office and started relearning about this Hot Springs Trail issue, it wasn’t about the successful, hardworking, wealthy people versus everybody else, it was about fire safety and protection of the community. So, when working with Fire Chief Neels, he talked about people going up there and finding campfires and people staying overnight. Putting myself in the firefighter’s position, I’d feel scared and vulnerable, especially with what’s happening in Los Angeles and our disasters here. People have PTSD. They want to feel safe. So, when we took the steps to ensure that we can do many phases of protection with the Hot Springs Trail, starting with red flag warning days and enforcement of that, it made people happy. They felt that we were listening and taking actions to resolve that. And going forward, there’s more things happening.

GL. What has the community response been?

RL. People are saying, “Thank you so much for finally doing what needs to be done.” And people in that neighborhood, feel like, “Okay, the county is really listening to us now and they’re working with us to resolve these negative issues that have been plaguing us for so long.”

Editorial Page 354

Beings and Doings

Imagine Mr. Carnival

Oh ha ha

ha. If this is 2025, that makes this the distant future, and to be honest I never thought I’d make it here. As a kid I was lousy at math (no, I did not outgrow this lousiness), but I did glean a despairing sense of a universe statistically likely to do me in. Traffic, disease, foaming dogs, faulty kitchen appliances – the sheer blinding swirl of numerical happenstance convinced me that reaching 1997 was a crap shoot with someone else’s loaded dice. I had doubts about making it to the bubble-headed robots, jetpacks, and laser rifles we were promised in the wildly mistaken hit TV series Lost in Space

1997 was, after all, the thrillingly futuristic year the Space Family Robinson was said to have left Earth in their roomy flying saucer, the “Jupiter 2.” They sought a planet rumored to be circling Alpha Centauri.

In the mid-60s, 1997 sounded like a starry-eyed date in a far-flung, com-

pletely unimaginable future. Now the date “1997” conjures the cast of Friends gamboling playfully about in that fountain for the zillionth time; an image as dated and cornea-glazing as a postcard of Mount Rushmore. So, if 1997 wasn’t the future, where did the future go?

Brylcreem Avatar

Mr. Carnival was a portly man of few words, and my school’s lone typing teacher. He was one of those men whose unruly hair, beaten back and tamed with a hairbrush, would resolve into a single dromedary ridge on the top his head. His hair was a single cresting wave shellacked with Brylcreem.

He had thick black sideburns, black horn-rimmed glasses, and a light blue button-down short sleeved Van Heusen knockoff from JCPenney; one of those translucent blouses through which the undershirt is plainly visible. Even as a kid I felt indefinably bad for Mr. Carnival, who was not teaching History or Science or Home Economics. He taught typing. This largish, awkward gentleman was not given to conver-

sation, possibly because his daily tormented walk through the valley of sassy teen typists had stolen the language right out from under his unpleasantly bushy mustache. But I speculate.

I had a huge crush that year – the little blue Smith-Corona manual typewriter that awaited me every day in Mr. Carnival’s class. It was all I could do not to pick it up and hug it. I was dumbstruck by its wonders, mesmerized by its insectoid moving parts, intrigued by the lubricant scent that rose like a perfume from its fantastical housing.

I would dreamily spend 10-minute stretches tapping the spacebar just to hear the rounded little ‘bhumph’ of the spring-loaded carriage advancing to the left by degrees. This may date me. We had no typewriter at home, which vexed me for a time. When I found out my neighbor Cathy’s family owned a little-used typewriter, I pestered her with the tenacity of a campground gnat until she let me keep her family’s machine at my house. I would shut my bedroom door, slip a sheet of paper in and type. Sweet unbridled madness of youth!

Selectric Dreams

One day I walked in to find my classmates gathered around something at the back of the class, Kubrick apes around the Tycho Monolith. I pushed through the throng and saw on the desk a humming, low-slung gunmetal gray box of textured metal containing, I believed, our species’ collective destiny. It was enormous and machined and smelled faintly like an electric train. The IBM Selectric had arrived.

“Watch this!” a classmate yelled, and lightly touched a key on the qwerty. A ball of metal flicked up out of nowhere and angrily struck the page with a sound like gunfire. I grew dangerously dizzy. Later in the week I dropped by after

& Doings

Lost in Space: Our future would be silver lamé and jet packs. More or less. (photo by CBS Television via Public Domain)


Montecito Miscellany All Aboard the Love Boat

The Santa Barbara Maritime Museum throbbed to the Caribbean beat as 140 guests celebrated a Love Boat cruise gala with head honcho Greg Gorga in all white officer’s uniform.

Condor Express owner Hiroko Benko, who created a Santa Barbara Whale Heritage Area, and Sigrid Toye, a past board president and current board member, were presented with the prestigious Admiral’s Award.

The ubiquitous Andrew Firestone auctioned off an Aladdin’s Cave of items including a two-hour private charter for up to 127 guests on the Condor Express; a four-night Sun Valley, Idaho, getaway for six; a July 4th party on the museum’s

fourth floor, and an exclusive tour for four to the Reagan Ranch.

Among the romantic cruisers helping raise $125,000 were Jerome and Dinah Baumgartner, Brenda Blalock, Jim and Helen Buckley, Jack and Karen Byers, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Tom and Christine Frisina, Bob and Val Montgomery, Tony and Sabrina Papa, Mayor Randy Rowse, Peter Schuyler, Thomas Van Stein, and Bud, Fred and Sandy Toye

Mar y Cel Sold!

Santa Barbara residents Eric, former head of Google, and Wendy Schmidt’s family foundation has purchased the 350-acre parcel of land known as Mar y Cel, the largest contiguous undeveloped property in Montecito.

In keeping with their philanthropic focus on the environment and in recognition of the value of Mar y Cel to the community and to the region, the Schmidts’ plan to protect these historic and important lands as open space and will spend the coming months seeing how to best to do that.

The foundation, which launched in 2006, purchased the property from the estate of Dr. Keith Schofield and wife Kay Robinson Schofield, stewards of the property for the past 24 years.

Through their philanthropy, the dynamic duo are working toward a heathy, resilient, secure world for all.

Miscellany Page 264

Jean-Michel Cousteau, Hiroko Benko, Greg Gorga, and Sigrid Toye (photo by Priscilla)
The colorful crew of Maritime Museum supporters (photo by Priscilla)
Sigrid Toye and Hiroko Benko (photo by Priscilla)

News Bytes

County Adopts New Outdoor Lighting Ordinances

The County Board of Supervisors recently approved new outdoor lighting regulations to reduce light pollution, protect the nighttime sky, and enhance neighborhood safety. These ordinances set limits on outdoor lighting intensity, where a higher Kelvin value represents a cooler, more intense light color, and a lower Kelvin value indicates a warmer light color.

Outdoor security lighting: Maximum of 4,000 Kelvin

All other outdoor lighting: Maximum of 2,700 Kelvin

Additionally, the County did not grant an exception for Montecito, meaning unshielded string lights will not be allowed, and new uplighting is prohibited to maintain consistency across the region. These changes aim to balance energy efficiency, community aesthetics, and wildlife protection while ensuring welllit and safe outdoor spaces.

Santa Barbara County Agencies Respond to Grand Jury Reports

In this report, the 2024-25 Grand Jury summarizes the agency responses to the previous 2023-24 Grand Jury’s reports. In the nine reports issued in the 2023-24 term, local agencies agreed with nearly two-thirds (64.8%) of all findings and said that they have implemented or will implement over half (58.4%) of the Jury’s recommendations. When agencies disagree with the Grand Jury findings and recommendations, they must explain why.

The Santa Barbara County Grand Jury states that, “It serves as a watchdog over local government. Its reports seek to ensure effective functioning and to improve government efficiency. When a report is written about any department or agency in the County, they are legally obligated to formally reply to the Jury’s findings and indicate if they will or will not implement the Jury’s recommendations.”

See the 411 to submit a request for investigation and read the complete list of local government responses.


Maker House and Clay Studio’s 2025 New Board

Maker House – Clay Studio, founded by Lynda Weinman and Patrick Hall five years ago, is located in Goleta. Studio Director Erin Smith has announced its new Board for 2025 as follows: Yvonne DeGraw, President; Rachel Hammond, Vice President; Elizabeth Guffey, Secretary; and Melissa Cunningham, Treasurer.

DeGraw is a tech writer and small business owner. She is an Associate Fellow of

MCRIME IN THE ‘CITO Sheriff’s Blotter 93108 . . . .

Trespassing & Theft / Casa Dorinda 300 Hots Springs Road

Wednesday 26, at 22:56 hours

The subject was contacted for possible violation of trespassing and theft of firewood at Casa Dorinda. Upon deputy contact, the subject refused commands and continued to walk away. The subject fled, left items behind, and was last seen on Olive Mill and Coast Village. Deputies checked the area but were unable to locate the subject at that time.

Train Track Death / Lookout Park

Thursday 27, at 21:47 hours

A 67-year-old male was lying across the train tracks at Summerland’s Lookout Park. A train travelling west at approximately 50 miles per hour approached, and seeing the prone individual used its horn in an attempt to alert him. The train was unable to stop prior to striking the male. He was pronounced dead at approximately 21:57 hours.

the Society for Technical Communication (STC) and has served as founding president of the STC’s Santa Barbara chapter. Hammond is the head of sales and customer success for InPractice, a CASA (court appointed special advocate) and small business consultant. Guffey has been a historian, theorist, and critic of art, craft and design for more than 30 years, with written work in The New York Times and The Nation Cunningham works for Cycling Without Age Santa Barbara. She was previously the executive director at COAST and director of Strategic Initiatives at MOVE SB County. Bailey, former Clay Studio Board Chair, will act as special advisor to the board. She is the founder and CEO Emerita of Women’s Economic Ventures.

In her press statement Weinman writes, “It has been an honor to help establish this great organization. The incoming board of directors will focus on making ceramic arts more broadly accessible and responsive to the interests and aspirations of the emerging and established artists who make up our creative community.”

Maker House, noted regionally and nationally for its exhibitions, lectures

Montecito Tide Guide

Mar 20

Mar 21

and visiting artist residencies, provides services for over 500 students in wheel throwing, hand-building and other clay arts. It has partnerships with UCSB students, local elementary schools and regional organizations using clay as part of team building programs.


Executive Editor/CEO | Gwyn Lurie


President/COO | Timothy Lennon Buckley

Managing Editor | Zach Rosen,

MoJo Contributing Editor | Christopher Matteo Connor

Art/Production Director | Trent Watanabe

Graphic Design/Layout | Stevie Acuña

Administration | Jessikah Fechner

Administrative Assistant | Kassidy Craner VP, Sales & Marketing | Leanne Wood

Account Managers | Sue Brooks, Tanis Nelson, Elizabeth Scott, Jessica Sutherland, Joe DeMello

Contributing Editor | Kelly Mahan Herrick

Proofreading | Helen Buckley

Arts and Entertainment | Steven Libowitz

Contributors | Scott Craig, Ashleigh Brilliant, Chuck Graham, Mark Ashton Hunt, Dalina Michaels, Robert Bernstein, Christina Atchison, Leslie Zemeckis, Sigrid Toye, Elizabeth Stewart, Beatrice Tolan, Leana Orsua, Jeffrey Harding, Tiana Molony, Houghton Hyatt, Jeff Wing

Gossip | Richard Mineards

History | Hattie Beresford

Humor | Ernie Witham

Our Town/Society | Joanne A Calitri

Health/Wellness | Ann Brode, Deann Zampelli

Travel | Jerry Dunn, Leslie Westbrook

Food & Wine | Melissa Petitto, Gabe Saglie, Jamie Knee

Published by:

Montecito Journal Media Group, LLC

Montecito Journal is compiled, compounded, calibrated, cogitated over, and coughed up every Wednesday by an exacting agglomeration of excitable (and often exemplary) expert edifiers at 1206 Coast Village Circle, Suite G, Montecito, CA 93108.

How to reach us: (805) 565-1860; FAX: (805) 969-6654; Montecito Journal, 1206 Coast Village Circle, Suite G, Montecito, CA 93108; EMAIL:

2025 Maker House Board of Directors: Yvonne DeGraw, Rachel Hammond, Elizabeth Guffey, Melissa Cunningham (courtesy photo)

Meeting at MA Floor Area Ratio at Land Use Meeting

The Montecito Association

Land Use Committee (LUC)

March meeting was held at the Montecito Library community room and on Zoom. The meeting was called to order by LUC Chair, Dorinne Lee Johnson . Attendees were the LUC, Montecito Association Executive Director Houghton Hyatt, SBC Planning Commissioner Laura Bridley, and Aida Thau representing Roy Lee First District SBC Supervisor. Johnson introduced John Watson from the Montecito Board of Architectural Review (MBAR) to present on Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and Land Use Setbacks. Floor Area Ratio – a measure often used in city planning to ensure new builds are compatible with their surroundings –compares the size of a building to the size of the lot it’s built on. Watson moved to Montecito in 1992, while the Montecito Community Plan (MCP) was being worked on. He joined MBAR eight years ago and was originally on a FAR subcommittee via his architectural work. Watson

came with an eight-page handout. Some of the points he made were:

- The MCP’s Goal G-M-1 is to “Maintain and Preserve the residential low intensity semi-rural character of Montecito.” The FAR was the primary tool to address low intensity and a large contributor to the semi-rural provision according to Watson.

- The MCP Action LU-M-1.1.6 states, “The Architectural Guidelines and Development Standards shall establish clear and objective standards for review of both the applicant and the Board of Architectural Review by developing a residential Floor Area Ratio (FAR) in combination with height limitations, structural setbacks, and other standards related to the size, mass, scale, and bulk of residential units. In addition, specifications for limitations and exceptions to the residential FAR shall be included.” The FAR calculator was developed for this requirement.

- The shortcoming of FAR is its

MA Meeting Page 144

The Giving List FUTURE for Lompoc Youth

Chuck Madson knows a lot about the possible consequences of believing that your opportunities are limited. A Central Coast native, he spent more than a decade as an incarcerated convict, half of those before he turned 20, the result of both substance abuse and a challenging childhood.

But Madson turned his life around after he was released, becoming a certified addictions and medication treatment specialist, living in Lompoc and working for Santa Barbara County nonprofits such as Family Service Agency, Good Samaritan Services, the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and the county Department of Behavioral Wellness.

Then he had his aha moment.

“I noticed that youth right here in Lompoc were struggling with isolation and lacking social engagement even before COVID exacerbated those problems,” Madson said. “I wanted to do something to support our youth before they made those bad decisions that landed them in what I’d gone through.”

So in 2019 Madson co-founded FUTURE for Lompoc Youth, aka FLY, launching the nonprofit with De’Vika Stalling, who has more than 14 years of experience as a director at the Lompoc Boys & Girls Club, and Tim

Giving List Page 204

From its career readiness academy to its college and workplace tours, FLY is getting Lompoc’s youth ready for the future (courtesy photo)




P.O. BOX 20183 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93120


Society Invites

1st Annual Gilded Gala for the SB Museum of Art

In what will turn out to be setting the bar for galas in our town, the Santa Barbara Museum of Art’s 1st Annual Gilded Gala Fundraiser was held on Friday, February 28 at none other than the Rosewood Miramar Beach. The gala’s mission is to raise funds for the SBMA’s “…dawn of a new era, to support its vital education and engagement programs, for the care, study, and exhibition of its collections, and to bring art into the lives of all people.”

From A-Listed locals to Beverly Hills supporters of the museum and their friends, guests attended in their finest silk crepe de Chine and satin designer gowns and Manolo Blahnik heels. Men were more than equally fashion forward in tailored tuxedos with gold lamé threading by Ralph Lauren Purple Label and Hugo Boss. The most artful yet subtle use of the gilded theme was worn by SBMA Board Chair Michael C. Linn, who shared with me after I took his photograph, “Joanne, look at my tux buttons and cuffs, they are gold and black bumble bees!” – indeed! Also seen at the event were L.A. artist Elliott Hundley, SBMA curators James Glisson, Charlie Wylie, and Susan Tai, the SBMA Board of Trustees, and staff. The event commenced with a fullon reception held across the Chandelier Ballroom and outdoor lawn. It featured a unique, one-off “Buy It Now” option from the usual silent auction table. Items for sale included a Private Client experience at the House of Chanel NYC; a Baccarat Eye Vase from Coast 2 Coast; a fine carved silver, 22K gold and turquoise ring designed by Daniel Gibbings Jewelry Montecito; a half a case of

Society Page 284

Jacquelyn Klein-Brown, Beth Wood, Amada Cruz, Martha Townsend, Lynn Cunningham Brown, Carol Linn, and Christian McGrath (photo by Joanne A Calitri)
Paul Rusconi and Sarah Argyropoulos (photo by Joanne A Calitri)

administration by people with a selfinterest. MBAR wanted to limit the total growth build-out regardless of whether the build in question is a garage, an ADU, an artist studio, or a house. The planning department rejected this and parts of the community are thus more dense than others.

- There was not an objective, standard repeatable method to evaluate projects.

The City of SB came up with a Neighborhood Compatibility Study adopting the 20 closest properties, which did not work. Next, the group added percentiles to the method to achieve a uniform equal analysis to all projects.

- MBAR is comprised of architects and landscape architects. They have used this method for three to six months to approve projects with a FAR of 75%.

- Currently, the MBAR is approving any of the following instances:

1) A FAR of 110% or Less. “Earlier” MBARs started approving projects at 110% of the FAR well over a decade ago and so to be fair to new projects, the current Board has accepted this level of approval, OR 2) A FAR equal to or less than the HISTORICAL FAR for the property.

Some projects and areas in the community are in excess of the 110% FAR. These larger FAR properties might be from “long ago” before the establishment of the FAR, or from projects that got approved “years ago” by an “earlier” MBAR that was not as rigorous in their review as the current Board, OR 3) A FAR that the Neighborhood Study demonstrates is compatible with the neighborhood. Even though the Montecito Community Plan calls for “clear and objective standards,” the MBAR has not yet adopted a specific standard as to what the Maximum Allowable Percentile is for all projects.

- ADUs are required to follow the ADU Ordinance, but the FAR for Montecito is not in the Ordinance. Summerland and the City of SB have their FAR in their respective ordinances. Montecito could not get its FAR into its Ordinance.

- ADUs should be land use issues and not be done by architects that may have self-interested incentives. The stopping point is MBAR: should architects be subjectively reviewing ADUs for compliance, or should FAR be baked into the Ordinance?

- The order in which the ADU is constructed makes a difference. If you

build the ADU with the house you have to account for it; but that is not the case if you build it after, so it’s a problem the LUC may want to consider.

- Land Use Setbacks normally are: Front Yard – 50 feet from the center of the right-of-way, or 20 feet from the edge, whichever is greater; Rear Yard –25 feet normally; Side Yard - varies by the width, 10% never less than five feet, never more than 10 feet.

- Recreational things like basketball courts don’t require a land use permit but require a setback. The Ordinance is there to protect the community.

- If you permit buildings at 50% FAR, the neighborhood compatibility study would rule, if its 100% the community grows and 75% is a bit balanced. Lot studies do not include number of stories in a structure, FAR does.

- MBAR is not permitted to review ADUs since the State came in and required ADUs to meet affordability standards. Watson reported this requirement is not being leveraged to do what the State wants, some people basically qualifying a pool house or second office as an ADU.

- There are five Boards of Architectural Review in SB County. Of these, MBAR

is the only board of architectural review whose members are not paid. Everyone on MBAR is an architect or landscape architect appointed by the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors.

- Watson then acknowledged that MBAR would love Land Use to make comments about projects that come before them. “There is no requirement from this Land Use to MBAR. You can write a letter to MBAR about a project that is short and concise with objective points. We listen to everything. The MPC issues the permits after MBAR approves it at two levels. Montecito Land Use and Development Code details it. MBAR agendas are published online, and you can ask to receive them every two weeks in an email, and the LUC can look at it and make your comments to us. Everyone is allowed on site visits. LUC can make a statement to MBAR and we can put you on a discussion to address the MBAR on public comment for more than 3 minutes.

SBC Planning Commissioner Laura M. Bridley suggested that the LUC contact Roy Lee and all the Board of Supervisors to put pressure on getting the FAR into the Ordinance now, and the LUC to write a letter to MBAR to make their presence known.



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and Perils

Two Westmont computer science professors will offer a holistic understanding of artificial intelligence (AI), explore promising new developments, and expose lurking dangers in a Westmont Downtown Lecture.

Thursday, March 27 | 5:30 p.m.

Santa Barbara Community Arts Workshop (CAW) 631 Garden Street

The Water Column Groundwater Sustainability: An Approved Plan for Montecito

Groundwater is an important water source for many local property owners and all Montecito Water District customers. Wells are relied upon for local residential, commercial, and agricultural use, particularly during periods of drought. It’s the job of the Montecito Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Montecito GSA) to ensure that groundwater remains a viable water source for all.

Potential threats to groundwater basins include chronic lowering of groundwater levels, degradation of water quality, and – perhaps the greatest vulnerability in this coastal location – seawater intrusion. These and other risks are identified as “undesirable results” in the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) legislation which took effect in 2014. To comply with SGMA, Montecito GSA formed in 2018 and began development of a long-term plan to sustainably manage the community’s groundwater.

Little information about the Montecito Groundwater Basin (Basin) was available at that time. Concerns over drought were at an all-time high and estimates regarding the numbers of possible wells in the area were, quite literally, all over the map. Thus began an intensive five-year effort involving data collection, analysis, research, and modeling, supported by more than

two million dollars in grant funding successfully secured by the Montecito GSA. Projects implemented with this funding include voluntary well metering, monitoring coastal wells for seawater intrusion, streamflow monitoring, and development of an adaptive Basin model, all of which continue to supply relevant new data.

All of this work contributed to completing the State’s required Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP or Plan) which substantially increased understanding of the Basin and yielded a determination that the Basin is in good health and not currently experiencing undesirable results. The Plan was adopted by the Montecito GSA in May 2023, submitted to the State for review and received their approval on February 27, 2025.

“This is a Plan that our agency and the entire community can be proud of,” said Brian Goebel , current Director and past Board President of the Montecito GSA. “The approval validates the hard work of all involved and the Agency’s data-driven, collaborative methods as an effective approach for maintaining a healthy groundwater Basin far into the future.’’

The Plan serves as a long-term path forward for sustaining the groundwater Basin’s productivity, with a focus on vital data and increasing public education and participation. In addition to projects and criteria for ongoing basin

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Montecito GSA’s Board of Directors, shown here with staff and consultants, adopted the Groundwater Sustainability Plan in May 2023

Brilliant Thoughts Government Work

In the evolution of our language, “good enough for government work,” is an expression which has come to mean almost exactly the opposite of what it once did. It began as a way of describing work of high quality, but somehow came to refer to what was just barely adequate. It was probably American in origin, and, to some extent, demonstrating a disrespect for authority.

You may say that I have some personal involvement in this issue, because my father, Victor Brilliant, and one of his brothers, Mortimer Brilliant (my “Uncle Mort”) were lifelong employees of the British Government, working in that branch known as the “Civil Service.”

Historically, the Government had its main offices in that part of Central London called Whitehall, and that name was used by people in general to refer to the entire bureaucracy. When I was growing up, my family lived in a far suburb of NW London, and my father, like millions of others, commuted to his “downtown” office, mostly by subway (which in England was known as “The Tube,” or, more officially, as “The Underground”).

The Civil Service was recognized as a distinct professional class, but it was also the butt of many jokes, often centering around the idea that civil servants did nothing all day in their offices but sit around drinking tea. Conversation between my parents had little to do with any actual office work but seemed to relate mostly to my father’s colleagues. I knew that he had started out shortly after World War I (in which he had served, and even been sent to France, but never saw any action. I think he was released early because he was a chronic sufferer from asthma).

At first, he was in the branch known as the Colonial Office. This would have been far more important then, when the British Empire was at its widest extent. But he was never sent anywhere, and at some point in time was transferred to another desk – the Board of Trade, which regulated commerce. By virtue of his job, however, he and my mother were once invited to attend a “Garden Party” on the grounds of

Buckingham Palace, the Royal Residence. The King and Queen probably made an appearance, moving along a line of the visitors, shaking hands with the men, and being curtsied to by the women.

Somewhat ironically, my father’s government position turned out to be of crucial importance to our whole family when war came again. My mother was Canadian, and after their marriage she and my father settled in England. But in 1939, when I was just five and my sister three, she took us on what was supposed to be a vacation, to visit her family in Toronto. My father’s work kept him in England. But the War, which broke out in September of that year, caused a two-year separation.

In 1941 however, when the U.S. was not yet at war, my father was able to use his position to get transferred to the British Delegation in Washington, D.C. On his way across the Atlantic, his ship was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine, and he had a harrowing time getting off the ship and picked up by a lifeboat. In Washington, finally, our whole family was re-united, and we lived there for five years. I still never learned much about my father’s government work – but he did once take me downtown in Washington to visit his office – and I have a nice photograph of him sitting there at his desk and looking very official.

Unfortunately for us, when the war was finally over, my father’s job required him to go back to England, this time taking his whole family with him. And the England we had left seven years before was now a country partly in ruins from all the bombing. And unlike America, it was also – due to many Government regulations and restrictions – a land in the throes of what was called “Austerity,” which included rationing of food and many other items. Some other countries, including those which had been conquered and occupied, recovered relatively quickly (thanks partly to American aid). But miserable conditions in England persisted for years.

(And aid from the U.S. was skimpy, now that Britain had a Socialist government.)

The only benefit I can remember our family receiving from my father’s job was the stationery he brought home (perhaps illicitly). But that was probably considered good enough for Government work.

Ashleigh Brilliant born England 1933, came to California in 1955, to Santa Barbara in 1973, to the Montecito Journal in 2016.

Best-known for his illustrated epigrams, called “Pot-Shots,” now a series of 10,000. email: ashleigh@west. net. web: www.ash


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Harrington, a seasoned business consultant with strong community ties. Born from a passion to empower the next generation of Lompoc residents, FLY is dedicated to equipping local youth with the skills, resources and opportunities needed for success through fostering a supportive environment where young people can shape their futures.

The organization has an unusual modus operandi of listening to youth and tailoring its programming to their needs. FLY’s programming is shaped by the students themselves.

“The priority is that all of the ideas came from our youth,” said Madson, FUTURE for Lompoc Youth’s executive director. “Everything we do starts with their desires and needs that they share with us, not with what I think would be best for them. It’s my job to figure out a way to make it happen.”

When FLY began, a survey of local youth aged 14-21 revealed that their priorities included mentoring and other opportunities for career learning, communication skills, and better connection to local colleges. So the nonprofit put together weekly meetings to build skills, sharpen teamwork and hone trust, while interjecting the career development and civic engagement opportunities.

every level of employment and where they might be interested in pursuing a career. We want them to be able to find something rewarding right here at home.”

FLY’s has partnered with UCLA’s Chicano Studies Research Center to host the California Freedom Summer program where the students focus on voter registration, civic engagement, and data research. Many FLY students have even engaged in local politics, advocating for an important school bond measure.

“One of our groups worked on getting the local school bond measure approved – the first in 22 years and totaling nearly $200 million – because they want to give back,” Madson says.

“Last November, it passed.”

Through mock interviews with local professionals, the Career Readiness and Customer Service Academies equip students with essential employability skills, résumé-building guidance, and confidence in the job-acquiring process.

More tangible evidence of the effectiveness of FLY’s approach came via a recent survey on the social and emotional (SEL) benefits of its programs. More than 90% of the responding participants agreed that FLY improved their communication skills, increased their confidence in life skills, enhanced their adaptability and problem-solving abilities, and simply helped them grow as individuals. The academic benefits include an increase in motivation to graduate high school and pursue further studies. Programs include college visits, career tours and skill-building workshops.

One notable initiative was the introduction of Allan Hancock College’s career readiness academy at Lompoc High School, marking the school’s first offering of such a program. This initiative equips students with essential workforce skills, including interview techniques and résumé writing. Beyond classroom learning, FUTURE organizes visits to colleges and Vandenberg Space Force Base, as well as tours of three major employers in town: Lompoc City, Valley Medical Center, and the Unified School District admin offices.

“At each stop, they get a presentation of all the different careers available and do a Q&A session so they have full awareness of what opportunities are available there,” Madson said.

FLY also created a mentorship program where community members make a yearlong commitment to guide students, and the nonprofit also initiated “job shadowing” internships, with more in-depth exposure to possible local careers that can keep them in the community.

“It’s about more than just exposure,” Madson said. “It’s an opportunity for students to experience the whole environment of a business like Santa Barbara County Social Services, not just sit there and observe. They learn what happens on a day-to-day basis, what it takes for an individual in the community walking in to ask for services all the way through getting services and connecting to support within social services. They learn about all the positions that make that puzzle work,

The 2024 WestEd FLY Program Survey revealed that 93% of respondents agreed that the organization’s programs eased their transition from high school to college and/or helped them gain a better understanding of workplace expectations. Additionally, 86% said FLY helped them achieve academic and career/job goals while increasing their knowledge of job opportunities in Lompoc.

FLY is now in its fourth year providing its programming to Lompoc Unified Students, and has held six graduations and supported more than 250 students. And in a circular testament to the programs’ success just a few years in, many of the formerly disenchanted youth are already giving back directly with FLY, with several first-year members now serving as mentors for successive classes.

“It’s incredibly rewarding to see our youth take advantage of the opportunities we provide,” Stalling reflects. “It shows we are meeting our goal of making sure that each one of these students we work with has a plan after graduation. And it’s not just words on a piece of paper that don’t mean anything. It’s what they come up with and own. I see more hope and benefit to those that I’m serving than I ever have before in my career.”

Elizabeth’s Appraisals Hindu Shrine Cloth

IPmet me at Avalon Conservation Labs in Goleta where he had brought an antique piece of tapestry, about 42” square, framed inside a Lucite box. The family from whence it came was involved with a major museum, and IP thought it was worth preserving. Yet he knew nothing about it. As beautiful as he thought it was, it lived in a closet. He paid me to investigate. What interested me was the repeated images of the little chariots that line the edges, in which six holy men, or sages, ride. The center of the cloth features a line of paisley. The historically correct name of the motif is boteh: paisley is the modern European name – after a town in Scotland where the pattern was loomed on cloth as a design feature in the 19th century. The figure is of 16th century Persian origin, and symbolizes life, fertility, eternity and the spiritual East. The seed-like shape further represents newness and enlightenment. Let us put these sym-

bols together and see if we can ascertain the origin and function of this tapestry.

IP has a rare and almost perfect example of a Hindu shrine cloth, a cloth which covered an idol of a deity within his/her shrine in a place of worship. The cloth is late 18th, early 19th century, and bears a great deal of meaning. I discovered 18th and 19th century Indian paintings portraying a main character named Arjuna from the Mahabharata, who famously went to war in a chariot driven by the god Krishna (more about that later) which carried a similar theme as the tapestry.

Chariots “carry” a multiplicity of meanings because the Sanskrit word “Ratha” means a chariot or car – a “goer” –the vehicle in which one is transported. “Ratha” therefore also means our bodies and limbs, as well as spiritual elements that transport us, such as love and delight. Thus, the chariot in Hindu literature symbolizes the concept of the human body as a vehicle, with the mind and intellect as the charioteer, notably described as such in the Ratha Kalpana metaphor of the holy book called the Upanishads. There it is

used to explain the concept of self-control and the need to steer one’s mind and senses towards spiritual liberation.

Chariots feature prominently in the Vedas, the Puranas, and the great epics the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. A potent symbol dating to the Vedas over 3,500 years ago, the chariot is ideal for a cloth woven to safeguard a deity, and to remind a devotee of the spiritual path accompanied by the wisdom of the Rishis – the holy men/sages. In fact, huge chariots in Hindu holy festival parades often bring the idol of the deity to a shrine. These processional temple chariots have been used from antiquity. Myth holds that Hindu gods also ride in such conveyances, such as the deity Dawn (Usha) who rides with his messenger Agni, the god of fire and communication.

Are these woven chariots correctly depicted? No one knows exactly how the Vedic chariot was actually built, because the Vedas were composed between 1,500-1,200 BCE, with the oldest book of the four being the Rigveda (which features many such chariots). The Vedas (Wisdom) are amongst the oldest Hindu sacred texts, written in Sanskrit in the Punjab region of India.

My favorite chariot story is “The Chariot of Arjuna,” from the Mahabharata, which was begun in the 3rd century BCE. The tale involves a battle between two mighty warriors who are related to each other, Arjuna and Karna. The god Krishna is the mortal Arjuna’s charioteer. Karna, also a mortal, lacks divine protection but even so is a fierce and strong opponent. Krishna himself marvels to Arjuna over Karna’s power, but Arjuna receives scant praise from the god. After the battle is over, Ajuna prevailing, the god and the man dismount, and the chariot crumbles to soot and dust. Krisha explains to Arjuna that Karna had in fact set fire to Arjuna’s chariot miles back, and Krishna’s protection allowed Arjuna to stay mounted and fighting. Krishna says, “It was I who was protecting it; you have not achieved great heights on your own, so be humbled and grateful. When you achieve a decisive battle, it is because of divine intervention.”

I found it difficult to find any such remarkable temple shrine cloths outside of textile museums, such as the George Washinton University Textile Museum, particularly ones for sale – yet period paintings similar to this used as devotional images sell for $3,000-$4,000 when of this quality.

Elizabeth Stewart, PhD is a veteran appraiser of fine art, furniture, glass, and other collectibles, and a cert. member of the AAA and an accr. member of the ASA. Please send any objects to be appraised to Elizabethappraisals@

This Hindu shrine cloth features a mesmerizing chariot pattern

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Enter the private gates of this grand and wholly reimagined 6.2-acre ocean view coastal estate that is Montecito’s beloved and historic ‘’Ca di Sopra’’ (House Above the Clouds) first built in 1914 by famous architect Guy Lowell and completely redesigned in recent days. The owner spared no expense to fundamentally transform and elevate this 7-bedroom, 8-bathroom Italian Villa’s classical architecture to today’s most rigorous standards and top design. From the meticulous landscaping surrounding the prominent half-moon pool beset by Greek Ionic columns, to the temperature-controlled wine cellar/tasting room, multiple entertainment balconies overlooking the Pacific Ocean, home theater, two gracious family rooms, gourmet kitchen, formal dining room, large gym, and a truly impressive primary suite featuring an enviable indoor/outdoor bathroom, walk-in closet, and sweeping sitting areas opening to the stone terraces, there is no shortage of awe-inspiring venues throughout the property. Lending to the versatility and functionality of this compound is a modern two-bedroom guest house above the three-car garage and a carriage house with a bathroom that could be a perfect artist retreat. This rare opportunity is reserved for the most selective buyers.

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On Entertainment Lloyd’s Living Room

Two years ago, just before his previous concert at the Lobero Theatre, the great jazz saxophonist-composer Charles Lloyd was mourning the loss of his sax colleague Wayne Shorter, who had passed away the night before. When we spoke last weekend, the Montecito musician – the home he has long shared with his photographer wife Dorothy Darr is high up in the foothills – had just returned from the Bay Area, where Lloyd was part of the memorial concert for Zakir Hussain at the Grace Cathedral, where Lloyd and the tabla player had first performed together.

“Sometimes sadness can be profound,” he said. “You have to experience the depth of all (that happens). That’s why I’m here … I just know that I love being a music maker in this lifetime. It’s all I ever wanted to do.”

He’s been doing it a long time. Lloyd’s career dates to the 1950s, when as a teenager in Memphis he played jazz with the likes of George Coleman, and blues in bands fronted by Howlin’ Wolf and B.B. King. After years in L.A., Lloyd formed a quartet in New York with pianist Keith Jarrett, drummer Jack DeJohnette and bassist Cecil McBee. Their 1966 live album Forest Flower, recorded at the Monterey Jazz Festival, became one of the first jazz albums to sell a million, resulting in Lloyd being voted “Jazz Artist of the Year” by DownBeat magazine.

Fast-forward nearly half a century to find the sax man again being named the magazine’s Artist of the Year in 2023, while nearly weeks ago, Lloyd was honored with DownBeat Critics Poll quadruple crown: Artist, Album and Tenor Saxophonist of the Year as well as membership in its Hall of Fame.

None of that will be on his mind when Lloyd’s upcoming concert at the Lobero Theatre rolls around, representing his 20th performance at the venerable space, which has hosted artists and entertainers from a huge variety of genres.

“The Lobero is a sacred place for me,” Lloyd said. “The Sangha group, with Z and Eric Harlan, was born here and where we made our live recording. When I play there, it’s like my living room. I feel really comfortable here. I don’t feel the polarities of place and time being incorrect. This is sacred Chumash land, and we are here now. We are the children passing through.”

The March 14 concert will also represent the debut of The Charles Lloyd Delta Trio, featuring his longtime pianist Jason Moran and relative newcomer guitarist Marvin Sewell, who hails from Memphis.

“Marvin retains that strong Delta stuff in his DNA,” Lloyd said. “He can go to that place with his guitar, and he’s very touching and beautiful. But he has this reverence for serious jazz, and a thing for Mother India, which I had him playing here with Zakir and me from time to time. He’s just a special guy. Jason and I have had a strong bond for a couple of decades. There’s something really magical about the three of us hooking up, which I wanted to share with [my] hometown.”

Lloyd said that while the Delta Trio represents exploring the Now by recalling what’s deep in his own roots, there’s not really a theme to the music.

“I came out of Memphis and the blues, through something really profound and deep and beautiful that stays with me, but there also was this wonderful pianist named Phineas Newborn, who was like our J. S. Bach. And I met all these great sages of the music in L.A., like Ornette Coleman, Charlie Haden and Gerald Wilson, and modernism came and grabbed me really early…I’m trying to make a gestalt while I still have vibrancy, just trying to bring this universal living room. It’s in the fullness of the heart, and all of that experience that we’ve all had, that we come together.”

It’s Lloyd’s fullness of heart and ageless sense of wonder that keeps him walking that fine line at the intersection of vast experience and beginner’s mind, more or less impervious to the perhaps perilous state of the world. Or rather, making his mark with music.

“It’s a strange world we are living in, but I have to keep singing my song because I still have the naive notion since I was a little kid that I was going to change the world with the beauty of music,” said Lloyd, who will turn 87 the day after the Lobero

Entertainment Page 414

Local Charles Lloyd returns to the Lobero for his 20th performance (courtesy photo)

“A seriously sensational spectacle: as aesthetic as it is athletic, as comedic as it is grave, and all in all, a visceral delight.”

The Conversation (Australia)

“Impressive and sophisticated contemporary New Circus at its best.” Berlin Morning Post (Germany)

Created by Yaron Lifschitz and the Circa Ensemble

Tue, Apr 8 / 7:30 PM Lobero Theatre

Two Nights! Two Programs!

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

Matthew Rushing, Interim Artistic Director

Tue, Apr 15 & Wed, Apr 16 7:30 PM / Granada Theatre

“There’s something generous about Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. It’s there in the dancing – full of skill, passion and a charismatic warmth.” The Guardian (U.K.)

“Every American owes it to him or herself to see the Ailey company perform Revelations. It is an American phenomenon.”

“GIGENIS is Khan’s most potent effort in years. The storytelling is impeccably clear.”

The New York Times

Akram Khan

GIGENIS, the generation of the Earth Akram Khan, Director and Choreographer Thu, Apr 10 / 7:30 PM / Granada Theatre

Local TV Program Airs

Meghan Markle’s new Netflix culinary series – With Love, Meghan – which launched last week, has been commented on by critics worldwide.

The series, shot at the 4,500 square foot local estate of Tom and Sherrie Cipolla, has, despite uncouth reviews, been renewed using footage already shot.

London’s Daily Mail reported it was “watched by more people aged between 45 to 54 than any other age group.” Also noting the docuseries Harry & Meghan attracted more viewers.

The eight-episode lifestyle series debuted at No. 6 in the Netflix rankings but has dropped since then.

Stay tuned...

Rock for First Responders

The venerable Granada was packed for a sold-out Rock for First Responders concert, organized by One805.

Even Prince Harry turned out for the VIP reception. A guitar signed by HRH and the other performers, including

Macy Gray, Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald and Alan Parsons, sold for $9,000.

Toad the Wet Sprocket and Hootie & the Blowfish were also on the entertaining playlist, with all monies going to One805’s firefighters and mental wellness program.

The concert raised $300,000, with funds going for mental wellness and grants for the musicians.

Friends and Fun in the Appalachia

French violinist and former Santa Barbara Symphony concert master Gilles Apap was in his element in a CAMA Masterpiece series concert with Friends! at the Lobero Theatre.

Apap played a colorful selection of works with pianist Inna Faliks featuring Fauré, Krieger, Enescu, Piazzolla and Paganini, before playing Chinese and Tibetan compositions with Xiaoli Cioffi on erhu – a two stringed Chinese instrument.

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Prince Harry with Santa Barbara strike teams who battled the fires in L.A. (photo by Jerry Perez)
Michael McDonald and Taylor Dayne (photo by Jerry Perez)
First Responders with some of the One805 team (photo by Jerry Perez)

Blagden’s 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon limited edition from the Liquor & Wine Grotto Coast Village Road; a Wendy Foster pearl necklace; a Loro Piana Rosewood Miramar Bale Bag; and a Maison K Montecito Etruscan Revival charm bracelet and matching necklace.

At the formal dinner, Linn provided the welcome and introduced SBMA Eichholz Foundation Director Amada Cruz. Talking points from her address were, “A bit over a year ago, I was truly honored to become the first Latina and the second woman to lead the Museum. It has been such a joy to get to know so many of you and this very welcoming community. It’s been an eventful year at the Museum, and I’d love to share only some of our proudest achievements that you helped support. We are reinterpreting our 25,000+ art collection to emphasize its global and, by definition, diverse nature. This is happening under the leadership of James Glisson, our new Chief Curator, along with our other talented curators Charlie Wylie and Susan Tai. They are mixing things up in the galleries, presenting exhibitions and collection displays that are inclusive, surprising, scholarly, and even… fun. The response has been enthusiastically positive. Our education programs are extraordinary, and we are increasing our commitment to them. Under the heartfelt leadership of Patsy Hicks, we strive to reach all communities, making everyone feel welcome, all in collaboration with our many local partners and with the local school system. To increase accessibility, we are now open free of charge to tri-county locals on every second Sunday, and attendance on those days has doubled. Your support of the Museum helps to create inspiring experiences that nurture creativity, foster critical thinking, and encourage a lifetime of appreciation for the arts. Those moments also develop empathy in a wonderful celebration of our shared humanity in all its beautiful multiplicity of difference. We cannot do this alone; we need your engagement, enthusiasm, and funding.”

Licensed Auctioneer Courtney Booth Christensen, Senior Director of Trusts & Estates at Winston Art Group and formerly a VP at Sotheby’s NY-London, warmed up the guests with a surprise auction item. The winning bid would have the privilege of naming the SBMA’s renowned monumental statue of Hermes for one month. The Hermes statue is located in the SBMA Wright S. Ludington Court (front lobby). There were of course live auction items and the Paddle Raise. Gilded Gala Co-Chair Lynn Cunningham Brown shared with me post-event, “We are delighted to say that the incredible generosity of our supporters netted more than $800,000 to allow the Santa Barbara Museum of Art to continue bringing art into the lives of people.”

The Event Committee was led by Co-Chairs Lynn Cunningham Brown and Carol Linn, with their team Jacquelyn Klein-Brown, Christian McGrath, Martha Townsend, Beth Wood, and Jennifer Zacharias

The Sponsorship Committee were Sarah Argyropoulos, Christine Emmons, Robert Giaimo, Laura Macker Johnston, Angie McGrath, Maria Rendón, Clay

Tedeschi, and Isabel Wendt

The Gilded Sponsor was Judith Little. Top Sponsors were Susan Drymalski Bowey, Rachael Douglas & Assoc. and Ann Cooluris, Connie and John Pearcy, Mitchell and Lisa Green, Karen Lantz and Andy Farkas, the Luria-Budgor Family Foundation, Christian and Angie McGrath, Siri and Bob Marshall, Rachel Kaganoff, Stephen Schaible and Daron Builta, Clay Tedeschi, Beth and George Wood, Lisa and David Wolf, and Geof and Laura Wyatt

Event planner Merryl Brown’s touch was not lost on the guests. There were female actors in 1920 designer gold and black gowns with gold star headpieces and suited men with top hats on double-head high stilts, two dance troop performances on the ebony and gold framed dance floor, and themed table settings. The event concluded with dancing to the band Cardinal Gold till 11pm.


Laguna Blanca’s Golden Oak Gala

Laguna Blanca School is announcing their annual Golden Oak Gala on Saturday, March 15 at the Rosewood Miramar Beach Montecito. The event has tickets for sale for 300 to attend and be part of their annual giving for the school. The theme this year to dress for is “Miami Nights.”

Event Co-Chairs are Nicholas Miller and Chelsea Rifkin. The Golden Oak Gala will feature at the event a Party Board table, ten live auction items and paddle raise, cocktail hour, formal dinner, and an Owl After Party which IS separately ticketed. There is an online auction up through March 15.

The auctions will be led by Jonathan Moscone, who has 35 years in the Bay Area arts, serving as the Director of the California Arts Council, and prior as Chief Producer of Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and the Artistic Director of California Shakespeare Theater.

Event leadership sponsors underwrite the event, so every dollar raised directly benefits Laguna Blanca students, faculty, and the school’s 90+ year legacy. Sponsors thus far include Heritage Oak, the Rosewood Miramar, Andrew Messick and Beth Bowles , Stefanie and David Jackson, the Nasseri family, Alison and Lyle Turner, and Crystal and Cliff Wyatt (’85).

This year, all paddle raises will go to the Laguna Blanca’s Faculty Support Endowment, ensuring long-term resources to sustain and enhance the school’s faculty experience. Valet is included with your ticket price.



is a professional international photographer and journalist. Contact her at: artraks@

Elliott Hundley and James Glisson (photo by Joanne A Calitri)
Laguna Blanca School Golden Oak Gala co-chairs Chelsea Rifkin and Nicholas Miller, 1998 school alumni (courtesy photo)
Melora Hardin March 12-23
Jorja Fox March 12-16
Thomas Sadoski March 12-16
Matt Walsh March 12-16
Gildart Jackson March 18-23
Gina Torres March 18-23
James Urbaniak March 18-30
Joshua Malina March 18-23
Rob Huebel March 25-30
John Ross Bowie March 25-30
Jane Lynch March 25-30
Pete Gardner March 12-16
Sharon Lawrence March 12-30
Loni Love March 25-30

Body Wise Walking La Petite Ceinture

Iwas distracted and disengaged heading into the new year. The news was disturbing, the future felt uncertain, and my muse was MIA. Old pleasures just felt… old. Luckily, my dear friend Tracy had invited me to stay with her for a couple weeks in Paris. There’s nothing like getting away to get some perspective and pique the imagination. And, there’s no place like Paris to bring back the magic.

Just being in Paris is an invitation to savor the moment. The smell of a freshly baked baguette; the first sip of freshly brewed café au lait; the laughter of school children on the street; and the beauty of Haussmann’s city planning are all part of ongoing sensory delight. Strolling through the woods of the Bois Vincennes or along the pathways of the more formal Jardin du Luxembourg helped me quiet down and listen to my body-mind. And, discovering the walkway along the Petite Ceinture helped me rekindle my joie de vivre.

La Petite Ceinture carried people around Paris on a steam train from 1852 to 1934. Lying dormant for many years, sections have been converted to green space with old stations becoming bars, restaurants, and cultural venues. Walking here is a great way to experience a bit of history, feel the character of different neighborhoods, and explore a hidden side of Paris. It’s also a great place to get out and exercise a bit with the locals.

Because I was staying in the 12 th arrondissement, I entered La Petite Ceinture from the bottom of Villa du Bel-Air near Porte Vincennes. On this section of the walkway, you can walk all the way to the Bastille.

Walking La Petite Ceinture – passing through community gardens, over and under boulevards, along the backsides of apartment buildings – I began to feel part of everyday life in Paris. Just being on the pathway, cruising along in my familiar stride and greeting others with

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a friendly “bonjour” gave me a sense of belonging. In my imagination, I was in the painting, part of the tableau. And, as I moved along, my mental fog began to lift and my creative spark rekindled. I know, this was Paris. But my experience wasn’t entirely due to being on vacation in the City of Light.

Walking anywhere gets things moving, both physically and mentally. If you want to recharge your energy, sharpen awareness, solve a problem, or reboot creativity, you can trust your naturally mobile body to deliver. It makes sense. As fluids start flowing, so do your creative juices. You’re moving through space, focusing on present time rather than the past or future. You’ve shifted the variables. In this place, you can access a perspective and clarity to see things afresh. Here’s how this works:

Set up: You’ll want sensible shoes/ clothes and an even path to cruise along for a good twenty minutes. Before beginning, stand tall and align with an intention. This could be as simple as being present to enjoy the interlude. Or, as focused as freeing up space for healing and inspiration.

Get in the flow: Once you drop into a familiar stride, make sure your muscles and bones are moving freely. Let the easy cross-crawl swing of your arms and legs disengage any residual tension. As stress factors diminish, feel how pleasure factors increase. This isn’t your imagination. It’s what happens when you move your body and get in the flow.

Open the mind: As you go along, notice how the rhythmic cadence of walking soothes and quiets your mind. When your mind wanders off, bring it back to the sensory experience of being in your body – moving through space, seeing, smelling, and hearing.

As chatty word-thoughts give way to simply being in the moment, space can open up for new awareness and expanded vision. Don’t be surprised if your simple walk ends up gifting you an insight or two.

Whether you’re walking one of Montecito Foundation’s neighborhood trails or along La Petite Ceinture in Paris, moving with awareness invites you to pay attention in different ways. For instance, paying attention is often approached as a mental, verbal, leftbrain function – naming and describing everything you see, feel, hear, and think. When your sensory body is leading the way, you’re recording events with your nonverbal right brain. The ultimate challenge is to experience through your senses without needing to describe, categorize, evaluate or compare. Not easy, I know. This is when simply taking a walk becomes a meditation on being present – mind, body, and spirit.

Walking La Petite Ceinture helped me jettison the worries I’d been carrying and break through the ennui. Not only did I come home refreshed, I came home inspired. What a welcome reminder that whenever I feel overwrought, under the weather, stuck or shut down, all I have to do is take a twenty-minute walk to shake it loose and open up!

Ann Brode writes about living consciously in the body. She is the author of the book A Guide to Body Wisdom. Visit for more information.

Meghan Webley, RDHAP
Ann walking the Parisian path

Foraging Thyme Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli sprouts are something that I spot year-round at the farmers market, and the sprouts at Ojai Microgreens are so vibrant and spicy! These small sprouts pack a nutrition powerhouse of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Sulforaphane is one of the main components of broccoli sprouts and is a potent antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation and protects cells from damage, as well as supports our brain health by improving cognitive function and protecting us from neurodegenerative diseases. This incredible antioxidant also has been shown in studies to inhibit the growth and spread of breast, prostate, and colon cancers. The anti-inflammatory properties of broccoli sprouts can greatly benefit those with rheumatoid arthritis.

They are a great source of vitamin C supporting our immune systems. These sprouts are also rich in essential minerals, vitamins E and A, and help as well to boost the calcium the body needs for strong bones and healthy teeth. The incredible health benefits of broccoli sprouts are many, but my favorite is their ability to detoxify the body. We all live in environments where we are exposed to car fumes, agricultural pesticides, and other common pollutants. These sprouts assist the body in naturally detoxifying from these contaminants. I am going to show you how to make one of my favorite simple sandwiches; the beauty of it is in the best ingredients possible

Sourdough, Broccoli Sprout, Avocado, White Onion, Tomato, Mustard Sandwich

Yield: 2 Servings

4 slices Oat Bakery Sesame Charcoal Sourdough (or your fave sourdough)

2 tablespoons avocado mayonnaise

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

1 heirloom or other amazing tomato, sliced

4 slices white onion, super thin

2 pieces iceberg lettuce

1 firm avocado, peeled and sliced

½ cup broccoli sprouts

Maldon sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper


1. Toast your sourdough to your desired degree of doneness.

2. Spread mayonnaise on two slices, Dijon on the other two.

3. Arrange the iceberg lettuce on each Dijon bread, top with tomato, white onion, avocado slices, broccoli sprouts, season with a little Maldon and black pepper.

4. Top with mayonnaise spread bread. Cut in half and enjoy!

Melissa Petitto, R.D., is an executive chef and co-founder at Thymeless My Chef SB, was a celebrity personal chef for 16 years, just finished her 10th cookbook, and is an expert on nutrition and wellness.

Imagine a life filled with possibilities. Every day, a vibrant mingling of community connections and inspiring experiences. Every moment, an opportunity to revitalize your mind, body and soul.

Schedule a tour and embrace a life of vitality.

Look at this bed of broccoli sprouts (photo by Julie Gibbons via Wikimedia Commons)

Iam just back as a guest of the San Miguel Writers’ Conference, where I taught a workshop and gave a reading from one of my books. I was also privileged to interview the literary legend John Irving who has a new book coming out in November, which I will review. He read a couple chapters of it and it’s going to be another masterpiece, with some familiar characters from Cider House Rules. Keep your eyes out for Queen Esther In addition to new books this month I wanted to highlight some of the authors I met at the conference and introduce you to some of their books.


Ben Widdicombe writes a bitingly funny memoir about his time as a gossip columnist for numerous New York rags in the late ‘90s. He dishes on A – D level celebrities and their antics stumbling through iconic clubs and parties during a time when celebrity gossip was all the rage. Gatecrasher: How I Helped the Rich Become Famous and Ruin the World is a disco beat back in time and worth a read.

Stories Matter

Fresh from the San Miguel Writers’ Conference

‘Widow Basquiat’

The Widow Basquiat by Jennifer Clement introduces us to the painter’s great love, Suzanne Mallouk. Clement’s prose is sparse and eloquent, and I both cringed and fell in love with the doomed couple. Alternating between Clement’s narrative and Mallouk’s own voice, the chapters are short, yet Clement manages to cut a precise tableau of artistry, racism, poetry, and the New York art scene.

‘The Paris Novel’

Former editor-in-chief of Gourmet Magazine, Ruth Reichl is another I interviewed, and she is back with The Paris Novel which is every bit as tasty

as her previous food-related memoirs. From her first taste of an oyster, Stella – an uptight, sheltered, schedule-regulated American in Paris – is awakened to designer gowns, Shakespeare & Company, and legendary chefs as she searches for her father, love, and the underrated artist Victorine-Louise Meurent, a mysterious muse and artist in her own right. The book is for all foodies and Francophiles. Reichl is a vibrant author capturing the tastes not only of food, but of a woman’s passions and desires.



Another memoir, this of finding love, losing love, and finding love again is by Danielle Trussoni The Fortress is a moving depiction of a young author, young mother, and young wife, finding herself in the South of France with a marriage near the brink of ruin and living in a haunted and crumbling old fortress. The writing is gorgeous and will transport you to every fantasy you ever entertained about moving to France.

‘Counting Backwards’

J acqueline Friedland ’s Counting Backwards tackles reproductive rights and incarcerated immigrant’s battles (mostly female) over several decades. It

is timely and informative. Friedland’s two main characters eventually intersect, from 1927 and 2022. I was instantly drawn into the struggles of women trying to conceive while having it all.

‘Kills Well with Others’

Lastly, new out this month is Deanna Raybourn ’s vastly entertaining Kills Well with Others about four women assassins – of a “certain age” – brought together for another globe-trotting assignment. Humorous and action-packed, make sure you pick this one up.

Leslie Zemeckis is an awardwinning documentarian, best-selling author, and actor. The creator of “Stories Matter,” professional female authors mentoring the next generation of female storytellers, co-sponsored by SBIFF.

Exceptional Ennisbrook Casita Unbeatable Value & Timeless Elegance | Offered at $6,495,000

This stunning Spanish Revival Casita offers an unparalleled blend of privacy, comfort, and effortless luxury. Among the oaks, this home features spacious indoor and outdoor living, soaring ceilings, and light-filled interiors designed to showcase artistic treasures. A thoughtfully designed floor plan creates seamless flow, with a dramatic dining area that opens to the covered loggia, an elegant living room with soaring ceilings, and a generous chef’s kitchen. Enjoy Ennisbrook’s amenities, beautiful Clubhouse, 2 pools, tennis courts, park, and trails: an ideal Montecito location, True Serenity Ocean & Mountain Views! | Offered at $2,995,000

One of the last large parcels near downtown Santa Barbara & Montecito! Ready to build a dream escape from urban bustle: 52± ac of amazing views & versatility... a setting of glorious natural beauty. Create a retreat, explore the trails, embrace calming quietude, and reinvigorate! A rare opportunity in a neighborhood of distinguished architectural designs. Graded roads & building areas, water meter, power, and dry well testing. Call for a tour!

Join us all weekend for St. Patrick’s Day Specials! Corned Beef & Cabbage Guinness & European Beers, Shamrock Cookies, Green Marzipan Cake, & Green Napoleons.

Petite Wine Traveler DAOU Vineyards: Elevating Film and Flavor at SBIFF

High above the sun-drenched vineyards of Paso Robles, DAOU Vineyards stands as a symbol of passion, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of excellence. Since its founding in 2007 by brothers Georges and Daniel Daou, this estate has become a cornerstone of California’s Central Coast wine country. Nestled in the renowned Adelaida District, DAOU has built a reputation for producing world-class cabernet sauvignon and Bordeaux-style blends, captivating wine lovers around the globe with its bold flavors and unwavering commitment to quality.


The 40th annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF) was a testament to DAOU’s rising prominence. As an official sponsor, DAOU’s exquisite wines flowed gracefully at the Arlington Theatre’s after-parties, adding a touch of elegance to the cinematic celebrations. The opening night, featuring the screening of Jane Austen Wrecked My Life, was elevated by the presence of the DAOU bar, where attendees indulged in the winery’s offerings. Among the stars of DAOU’s portfolio is the Soul of a Lion, a Bordeaux-style Cabernet Sauvignon that has garnered acclaim for its depth and complexity. This crown jewel was a highlight at the festival, offering attendees a taste of DAOU’s dedication to crafting wines that resonate with passion and precision.

ning. With each glass poured, the winery reinforced its reputation as a perfect complement to the world of cinema, seamlessly blending artistry and indulgence.

The journey of Georges and Daniel Daou from engineering to viticulture is as inspiring as the wines they produce. Their transition from the tech industry to establishing a winery atop DAOU Mountain speaks to their relentless pursuit of excellence and passion for winemaking. This dedication has not only positioned DAOU Vineyards as a must-visit destination for those exploring the California Central Coast but also as a significant player on the global wine stage.

Visiting DAOU Vineyards is an experience that transcends traditional wine tasting. Perched at an elevation that offers panoramic views of the Adelaida District, guests are treated to breathtaking vistas that complement the rich flavors of the wines. The combination of exceptional hospitality, stunning scenery, and meticulously crafted wines makes DAOU a jewel in Paso Robles’ crown.

7:0010:00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AM7:0012:00AM


DAOU’s presence at the Virtuosos Award ceremony extended beyond the spotlight, as their wines flowed at both the pre-ceremony gatherings and the exclusive VIP after-party. As honorees like Ariana Grande, Clarence Maclin, Fernanda Torres, John Magaro, Mikey Madison, Monica Barbaro, Sebastian Stan, and Selena Gomez were celebrated for their outstanding performances, DAOU added an extra layer of sophistication to the eve-

If you ask me, DAOU Vineyards’ collaboration with the Santa Barbara International Film Festival is a match made in cinematic and vinous heaven. Their presence not only showcases a deep commitment to the arts but also solidifies their reputation as one of California’s premier wineries. Recently acquired by Treasury Wine Estates, DAOU continues to uphold its dedication to crafting wines of exceptional quality that captivate the senses.

For those in search of an unforgettable wine experience along the Central Coast, DAOU stands as a shining example of passion, innovation, and the magic of fine winemaking. Just as a great film has the power to transport audiences, a beautifully crafted wine can tell its own story – one of place, heritage, and artistry. It’s this shared ability to captivate and inspire that made DAOU’s role in the festival feel so perfectly in tune.

Taste a glass of film and these vintages from the Adelaida District

Your Westmont

Answering Demand for More Nurses

In response to increasing demand and need for nurses, Westmont Downtown Grotenhuis Nursing is growing the program. This May 24, more students will begin their studies in the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

On February 26, The California Board of Registered Nursing approved Westmont’s plan to increase enrollment in its accelerated 16-month program, allowing students to start the program in May, August, or January.

“This is outstanding news for Westmont and the entire Santa Barbara community,” says Dianthe Hoffman, director of the nursing program. “Our program provides a direct way to respond to Santa Barbara’s future health needs while addressing California’s ongoing nursing shortage.”

Located at 26 West Anapamu Street, in the heart of downtown Santa Barbara, the ABSN program features a state-of-theart simulation lab, a team-based learning environment, and access to leading healthcare facilities. Launched in January 2022 during a global pandemic and a critical nursing shortage, the program has successfully graduated four cohorts – totaling 68 nursing students – with an impressive 100% National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) pass rate.

Nursing students may now take classes from May to August

“Grounded in Christian faith and the liberal arts, our program instills compassionate and competent care, equipping students to provide holistic care to all patients,” Hoffman adds.

Aspiring nurses are encouraged to apply now by visiting Westmont’s website or call to schedule a visit.

Observatory Opens for Total Eclipse of the Moon

If the weather cooperates, the Westmont Observatory will open for the viewing of a rare lunar event beginning Thursday, March 13, at 10 pm and lasting until Friday, March 14, at 1 am. The powerful Keck Telescope will zoom in on a total lunar eclipse, which will be visible throughout North American and in some locations in South America. The last total lunar eclipse in the U.S. was November 2022.

The moon starts entering Earth’s shadow at 8:57 pm with the full eclipse beginning at 11:26 pm. Maximum eclipse is at 11:58 p.m. The moon will then move out of Earth’s shadow by 3 am Friday morning.

“You can easily see this event without a telescope,” says Jen Ito, assistant professor of physics and director of the

Westmont Page 384

(Continued from 5)

GL. So let’s go back just a week, which was kind of landmark day at the County, with more people packing the room over the transferring of title for an attempt to reactivate the Exxon/Sable Pipeline than I’ve ever seen. This ended in a two-two vote. So, a tie. Which at least slows down Exxon’s ability to transfer title to Sable. What are your thoughts?

RL. So a two-two, by legal terms, I think, is a no action. So after the vote, both the EDC and the oil people came out smiling, and everybody’s clapping because like, okay, I guess we did something right, because both sides were happy. From the oil people’s perspective, it will revert back to the County Planning Commission’s decision, which is a three-one, but from the EDC side, it means no action. It means no transfer of the permit titles to Sable (as of yet).

My understanding of this is they’re trying to restart a pipeline that’s corroded, and they’re wrapping tape around it to fix it. This is a 100-plus mile pipeline. Let’s say a best-case scenario, it doesn’t leak at the coastline, it could leak somewhere else, such as Buellton, next to waterways, creeks. If that happens, that would be another huge devastation that most people don’t think about.

GL. So, devastation environmentally, that will leave the taxpayers holding the bag in terms of the cost of cleanup and remediation.

RL. Yes. And I was crystal clear. The water was not muddy. I knew exactly what my district and the community wanted, and I said, “Nobody ever met here and ever said, ‘We want oil’ or ‘go oil.’ Nobody in my district told me they supported that.

GL. Then after a very long day on that, the supervisors were asked to vote on a long-coming raise to their own salary. And from what I understand, none of the Supervisors liked being in the position of voting on their own salary. Can you talk about that, because I know prior to that vote, you felt, as a new member of the board, uncomfortable with that?

RL. It was a very awkward conversation because I was the new guy who was less than 60 days into the job, and here I am having to decide on my own salary, which is a big one. So previously on the city council, I always voted against increasing salary. And six months ago, the council decided four to one to increase their salary by 300%. And I voted against that because, at the time, I felt it was improper. So, coming in, I was like, “No, no, no, this is not right.” But at the current moment, I feel it was best for me, what I’m comfortable with, is to abstain, take myself out of the conversation and let the other Supervisors decide.

Because I didn’t want to disrespect other supervisors because they made such great points. By voting yes, you get it out of our hands and will never have to be discussed again.

GL. And they had to fiercely defend the amount of work they do, right, because of some false reports on how many days of work or hours a day a County Supervisor works, whether or not it’s a full-time job?

And I thought Suzanne Cohen, from Dem Women, made a great point which is we don’t want this to only be a job that rich people or people who want to take an oath of poverty can do. It seems to me it’s important to open the door to anyone who is interested in public service, regardless of whether they’re independently wealthy.

RL. All great points on both sides, but Andy Caldwell really missed the point when he said that we’re part-time, because we take this job home with us. It stays with us on the weekends, 24/7 always thinking about what we’re doing for the following week.

GL. So, you got a free lunch; you got to abstain, and you got the raise. So what are you going to do with the money?

RL. I’ll ask my wife. My wife will know exactly what to do.

GL. Okay. Okay. Well, I’m glad if this makes it easier for your family to support your work in this. For whatever it’s worth, it feels good and right to me. So, let’s also talk about that cannabis odor issue you had to vote on in your very first meeting. How did you feel about that conversation?

RL. I was very pleased, because to have it so soon into my first term was like, “Great, let’s get this done.” So on March 14th, it’s coming before the Board again, in a special meeting. So, we vote in two meetings. One is next Friday, March 14th – a special meeting to discuss cannabis in the Carpinteria Valley at Carp’s City Hall, where we’ll invite the community to come out and tell us what they want from us and how we can make those policies better. Then, on March 18th, the Board will talk about what we’re doing with the ordinance. Such as mandating Editorial Page 364

The 2022 lunar eclipse (photo by: professor emeritus Ken Kihlstrom with the Keck Telescope) The moon as seen with the Keck Telescope

carbon scrubbers, the threshold for odors, so all that is coming into that conversation on the 18th before the board.

GL. Did you call for that special meeting?

RL. It was Supervisor Capps’ idea. She wanted to take government to the areas that are being impacted. She came to me to ask me what I thought, because this is in my district. And I was like, “I fully support it. It’s a great idea.” So we’re doing it.

GL. Great. And what else do you see on the horizon? Can you give us a little teaser?

RL. April 1st, we are talking about the expansion of the jail beds. That will be a big conversation because it’s a high-dollar amount. And I believe we are working on a great solution that will really address the needs and wants of mental health and addiction, really solving the issues and not just creating this revolving door that we see so much of.

I think a lot of groups and people are coming together to figure out this jail expansion that’s much needed. We’re thinking more about reform, too, justice reform and how we treat people, and not just throw them in a cell and give them three meals a day. I think there’s much more that we can be doing. We’re meeting with all kinds of stakeholders across the spectrum, just trying to get as much input as possible from people as we can as we move forward in the process.

And then, further down the road, we’ll be working on more ministerial permitting, streamlining the permitting process with the Planning and Development Department. That’s on the long-range calendar for us. And we’ve got the workforce housing study up on April 8th, and that gives the board a great opportunity to talk about housing solutions in the county.

GL. Is there anything we should know about the Miramar expansion? What should this community be expecting, and when, in terms of work on that property?

RL. Concerning the Miramar, there’s an appeal going on before the Coastal Commission, and I think once they resolve that, work will begin.

GL. Will there be an effort to stagger the projects so that it isn’t everything all together all at once?

RL. That’s a good question I need to follow up on. I don’t have an answer right now.

GL. All right, because given all of the construction in Montecito, I think this community would appreciate really looking at traffic patterns because there’s nary a street that doesn’t have a detour sign right now, and with the expanding of the freeway and all the other construction, it’s created real traffic problems.

RL. I’m glad you brought it up, and we will talk to some people about addressing that.

GL. I know this community would appreciate it. Is there anything else you like our readers to know?

RL. I just want people to know that I’m very excited to get to know the community much more and look forward to accomplishing many things in our community, and that we’re working hard for them and will continue to do so. And I want to encourage people to reach out to me if they do have issues and concerns that I can help address.

GL. Great. And where’s the best place for them to reach out, besides Wade’s home?

RL. They can always reach me at

GL. Great. Thank you very much for this conversation.

RL. Thanks to you, Gwyn.

Anya Consiglio MD

monitoring and modeling, the Plan calls for a well registry program and rebates for projects that contribute to groundwater infiltration.

The well registry is designed to collect missing data such as contact information, well activity status, and well descriptions. It is required for wells overlying the Montecito Groundwater Basin and will provide a better means of contacting and communicating with well owners if issues or opportunities relating to groundwater arise. Current opportunities include participation in voluntary well metering and monitoring programs to help fill data gaps.

“Through the well registry we’ve connected with many private well owners who understand the value and importance of Montecito GSA’s Plan,” said Nick Turner, General Manager of the

Montecito GSA and the Montecito Water District. “The first forms went out last fall, and since then ten new wells have been added to our voluntary monitoring network. We continue to look for more participation along the coast.”

Successful public/private collaboration can save money. For example, when an owner provides access to an existing well for monitoring, the costs of installing new wells specifically for this purpose are avoided. Well registry forms were sent to 700 properties where there is some indication of the existence of a well, such as permits on file with the Santa Barbara County Environmental Health Services Department.

Rebates for projects that support groundwater infiltration offer an opportunity for community involvement for owners of properties with or without wells. Montecito Union School was the first to receive a rebate when the program went live in February 2024 and recently received a Certificate of Recognition for their Nature Lab Rain Garden, acknowledging the benefits of this public facing project.

To learn more about the Montecito GSA and current projects including rebates and the well registry visit www.montecitogsa. com; email; or call (805) 324-4207.

While still relatively new, Montecito GSA continues to move forward with an approved Plan and effective actions that promote understanding and demonstrate that managing the groundwater Basin is an essential community partnership for an invaluable shared resource.

Water Column (Continued from 16)
Superintendent Anthony Ranii received a Certificate of Recognition for MUS presented by Montecito GSA staff
Grants funded construction of several new monitoring wells to collect data for the Montecito Groundwater Basin
Laura Camp is the Public Information Officer for the Montecito Water District

Spirituality Matters

Nineteen Years in the Soup with Eddie Ellner

Eddie Ellner didn’t realize he was building what would become a local institution when – 20 years ago – he had the idea to create his own yoga studio just off State Street and a few blocks from the beach. But he knew that yoga would be the foundation. He’d discovered the practice years before at a “crossroads in life, facing a challenge about which I had no idea what to do.” He never stopped.

“Everything about it made sense, moving the body and the psychology and philosophy,” he said.

But more than just another yoga studio, the place had to be something that offered an elixir that didn’t even require joining a class.

“I just wanted a place that I wish I had been able to go to growing up when I was very confused and disoriented and running into the endless kinds of challenges we all face in life,” Ellner recalled. “A place that offers easygoing hospitality where it’s not transactional, no pressure to necessarily buy or do something. You could just come in and sit down and hang out. Somewhere that could penetrate all demographics and at least offer people shining a light to a deeper kind of wisdom than we’re accustomed to. That’s what saved me time and time again over the years.”

Ellner called the new studio Yoga Soup as a metaphor, as offering daily servings of actual soup didn’t come until much later, referencing more the pastiche of styles and approaches that would encompass a wide variety of practices in yoga and beyond.

“I didn’t have a particular lineage or teacher that I could rely upon, but I had a lot of inspirations,” he said. “I draw upon a lot of resources at the studio and in my own classes and that’s a good soup. There’s an endless amount of ingredients that get combined and remixed, and the flavors are always changing, but it’s always nourishing and nutritious.”

Obviously the formula hit home with yoga practitioners and teachers from Santa Barbara and beyond, as Yoga Soup has grown into an essential resource for the community, with more than a dozen classes and events offered each day split between two studio spaces – everything from ecstatic breathing to ecstatic dance, song circles to sound baths, mindfulness to conversations about “A Course in Miracles,” cacao ceremonies to Qigong, and, of course, a wide variety of yoga

practices including such styles as flow, Yin, Vinyasa, restorative, Ashtanga and Kundalini, to name just a few. Not to mention the warmly inviting living room-style space full of couches and chairs, books, fresh fruit and vegetables, bread from Oat Bakery, hot and cold beverages and serve-yourself soup prepared by the Organic Soup Kitchen.

“Soup is such a great little lifesaving dish to eat, and also a great metaphor for what our lives end up resembling,” Ellner said. “Just a mixture of so many different things that keep changing over time, as we have and do.”

Yoga Soup will be marking “the ordinary miracle of 19 years of growth, service and community” with an anniversary celebration on Saturday evening, March 22, a five-hour event that touches upon a few of its myriad ongoing classes and events. After some social time and snacks, song leader Glen Phillips (of Toad the Wet Sprocket fame) will teach basic call-and-response songs, both traditional and more modern, often in three-parts for harmonizing and connecting through music. That’s followed by an intentional meditation with Suzanne Marlow before Ellner shares a few words. A break with “food, treats, tonics, Tarot and other delights” serves as a transition period to the closing event, a 90-minute ecstatic dance, the popular free-form movement to music specifically curated for the space.

The event also serves as a fundraiser to support a current era of expansion at the studio as a new, smaller studio space is being added adjacent to the larger studio. The new space serves as a testament to Yoga Soup managing to not only survive the pandemic with loans as well as online and park classes, both of which continue, but to flourish. Yoga Soup at this moment might be more popular than ever, with more diverse offerings.

“It’s a little space that became available, and we’ve always wanted to do smaller groups, different kinds of more intimate journey work and smaller training,” Ellner explained. “It’s great for psychotherapists and somatic therapists and many other practices. And we will finally also have our own kitchen.”

It’s just the latest step in a now twodecades-long evolution, moving closer to fulfilling Ellner’s vision – a space and place that is meant for everyone seeking to discover who they are and what matters on a deeper level – especially in these remarkably polarized times where often our divisions define us.

“It’s a place that in spirit transcends what gets lost when we identify as old or young, rich or poor, Republican or Democratic, aspects of our lives that are so limited and narrow,” he said. “What yoga’s done for me is remind me constantly that there was something original before I started to add elements to myself; something basic and natural that is worth getting back in touch with. Whereas much of what we do is aspirational, making more money or wanting to amplify your life, or chasing or running from something, Yoga Soup is about the opposite. It’s about being reminded of what has always been here and is always available. It always sounds a little pretentious and weird to say that, but to create an environment where that’s the important thing, that’s always been the challenge of the studio.”

Yoga Soup is located at 28 Parker Way in Santa Barbara. Call (805) 965-8811 or visit



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Robert’s Big Questions

The Message You Were Waiting For?

Democrats lost in 2024 because they supposedly didn’t have the right message. Canadian philosophy professor Joseph Heath offers the message Americans are waiting for.

Ever since the New Deal, Democrats have been the party of large-scale improvements: rural electrification, Social Security and Medicare and promises of true universal health care, high speed rail, green energy and free public college. Bernie Sanders showed that these provisions poll high, even among Republicans.

So, how did Trump win? By validating the sense that the system is not working for most Americans. The system really is broken. But Trump’s “solutions” are guaranteed to break it even more.

Heath notes that the U.S. government takes decades to accomplish even simple administrative tasks. Republicans often identify the solution as “deregulation”.

Regulations as currently implemented are a problem. Bill Maher had a running feature on his show about the solar panels he installed on his roof. Red tape delayed them actually being switched on for 1,131 days!

In 2008, California voted to build high-speed rail between Los Angeles and San Francisco, planned to open in 2020. It was blocked by endless barriers, including from environmentalists who should have supported it.

But Heath offers a different solution than deregulation: giving public officials the authority to use their judgment to get things done. Heath notes: “Public officials in the United States are typically obliged to adopt a highly legalistic and punitive enforcement style, which in turn generates counterproductive adversarialism. U.S. companies routinely hire lawyers to deal with regulatory compliance work that in other countries is handled by engineers or managers.”

Heath gave this example: In Sweden a person on public assistance can ask his case worker for a supplemental payment in case of a large, unexpected expense. The case worker can use her judgment to decide whether the request is reasonable.

In the U.S., it is all about rules. A family on public assistance may suddenly find themselves homeless when a landlord does a “renoviction.” There is no way to get a one-time lump sum allocation for a deposit on a new apartment. The government ends up paying more to house them in a hotel because of following a rule instead of good sense. A rule-based system is all about fine grained detail and lots of lawyers.

Decisions are made because they are most easily defended in court, rather than what is best for all parties.

One model Heath offers is the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission – a “tribunal” that mediates disputes between employers and OSHA. Cases are resolved without courts.

For decades the Environmental Protection Agency operated under the “Chevron deference,” which allowed it wide latitude in resolving environmental problems. The Trump Supreme Court just killed that. But Congress could restore that authority.

Trump is also trying to convert government workers to political appointees. We should go in the opposite direction. Except for a few Constitutionally mandated appointments, the Civil Service system should hire qualified talent, not cronies. It is hard to remember this, but before Nixon and Reagan, trust in government was high. It reined in corporate corruption, won WWII and gave us massive infrastructure and benefits.

Heath’s central point: Don’t destroy our government administrative infrastructure. Strengthen and improve it. Americans are rightly frustrated by their interactions with government officials and agencies. The Republican answer is to fire people and cut budgets. If you don’t like long waits dealing with the planning department, the DMV or IRS, how does it help to fire the agents who provide service?

Heath says that we can have great things if we build a better administrative infrastructure. There are NIMBYs in both parties who happily make it difficult to build new housing or transportation infrastructure. Some are elitists who don’t want new construction near them. Some think they are environmentalists. But endless delays don’t solve housing, transportation or environmental problems.

A good administrator can listen to all parties, then expedite a fair solution. The Democrats get it right with the big, promised goodies. All they need to win is to promise making government cuts through all of the annoying delays, and efficiently delivering these necessary services.

Robert Bernstein holds degrees from Physics departments of MIT and UCSB. His passion to understand the Big Questions of life, the universe and to be a good citizen of the planet. Visit facebook. com/questionbig

Westmont Observatory. “I encourage you to take a peek even if you don’t stay up for the whole thing.”

The observatory, which opens every third Friday of the month to the public, will be open again on Friday, March 21, beginning at 6:30 pm and lasting several hours.

Free parking is available near the Westmont Observatory, which is between the baseball field and the track and field/soccer complex. To enter Westmont’s campus, please use the Main Entrance off La Paz Road. The lower entrance off Cold Spring Road is closed to visitors after 7 pm.

In case of overcast weather, please call the Telescope Viewing Hotline at (805) 565-6272 and check the observatory website to see if the viewing has been canceled.

Baseball Takes Down PacWest Foe

Westmont baseball (20-3, 15-1) won three of four games against Point Loma over the weekend to take a four-game lead over Jessup and Point Loma in PacWest Conference standings. Prior to the showdown at Carr Field, the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association Division II Poll had Westmont ranked at No. 5 and Point Loma at No. 10.

In both Saturday games, the Warriors jumped out to a 9-0 lead. Westmont held on in the early game to notch a 10-7 victory, then shut out the Sea Lions 10-0 in game number two.

The Warriors offense continues to be

led by underclassmen Jack Bollengier and Jesse Di Maggio, who are both hitting .375. Di Maggio, Daniel Patterson and Bryce McFeely lead Westmont with six home runs each. Senior right-hander Bryan Peck (2-0) has started six games this season posting a 2.60 ERA and junior left-hander Ryan Humphreys (4-0) has a 4.03 ERA. Senior reliever Zach Yates (3-0) has picked up five saves with a stingy 3.00 ERA.

This weekend, the Warriors will play a four-game series against the Cougars of Azusa Pacific (10-11, 8-7). The first two games will be played Friday, March 14, in Azusa beginning at 1 pm. Then on Saturday, March 15, the venue will switch to Westmont’s Russ Carr Field for a doubleheader beginning at noon. Prior to the game, the Warriors will honor former player and head coach Warren Dickey who died in January. Dickey played for the Warriors from 1981-84 and served as the team’s head coach from 2001-03. Former teammates, and players from his years as head coach are invited to participate in a light reception in Dickey’s honor at the observatory during the game.

Westmont (Continued from 35)
Tyler McEvoy slides home safely (photo by Gavin Stay)
Grant Yzermans hit four for eight against PLNU (photo by Gavin Stay)
Scott Craig is manager of media relations at Westmont College

school and, by arrangement, examined for one bracing, forensic hour the ball element’s strange magic, touching keys and flinching when the thing stuck.

Once I realized that the ball actually rose and turned and struck in one indescribably fast movement, I couldn’t get my mind around the design precision. The cipher-encrusted little sphere knew somehow which of its coordinates held the necessary letter and dutifully struck the page with ballistic quickness and accuracy. I remember thinking something like, “if we can do this, there’s no stopping us!”

Land of the Normal-Sized

Back in the ‘60s, the pop culture sci-fi zeitgeist saw all kinds of pulse-quickening stuff in the pipeline. The Space Family Robinson blasted off to Alpha Centauri in futuristic 1997, a “sub-orbital spacecraft” in techno-sleek 1983 took a fateful wrong turn and crashed in a Land of the Giants (obliging its brave crew to pitiably flee cats, dogs, and giant rubbery hands), Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea’s guppy-shaped sub, the Seaview, plied the future’s treacherous oceans sometime in the indefinite ‘80s; and of course Star Trek’s Enterprise begins its contract-breaching “5 Year Mission” in 2265 or so.

Well. Here we are. We made it to futuristic-sounding 2025 without the

help of Time Tunnels, families heading out to colonize distant star systems, or accordion-armed robots. We did have a sub-orbital airplane but they shut that program down when one of them crashed into a hotel in France.

The big Future News is the typing. It’s everywhere, and it’s everything. With the advent of the personal computer and other nagging developments, our workplaces, our playplaces – our Places – are defined by constant typing. Our miraculous, culture-defining smart phones –the Age’s most totemic, world-changing invention and the thing for which we swapped out rocket cars – are typewriters. Of course, for some of us, expressive typing became the rocket car.

Had Mr. Carnival but known. See him sitting in the Teacher’s Lounge, alone and apart. The typing teacher! I don’t recall him ever fraternizing with his colleagues. Well, I’m going back, an emissary from the future. I’ll breeze into that teacher’s lounge, brush past Mr. Crowley (Earth Science) and give Mr. Carnival the straight dope.

“Mr. Carnival, I’m visiting from the science-fictional year 2025. Your typing class will define Earth’s future – and my future in particular. Thank you, Mr. Carnival. For everything!” In my imagination the man’s enormous mustached face breaks into the warm, timid smile we would glimpse on rare occasions.

“Aren’t you the kid who used to hug his typewriter?”

Jeff Wing is a journalist, raconteur, autodidact, and polysyllable enthusiast. He has been writing about Montecito and environs since before some people were born. He can be reached at jeff@



Ledger Want Ads

March 12, 1958

FOR RENT: Unfurnished studio apartment $42.50. Also 1 br apartment $52.50

Nearly new TV antenna. Take it down yourself. Call Carp 0949

Test drive the all new 1958 Chevrolet. For home appointment call Brian Mackley at Washburn Chevrolet. WO-26151

Glasses found: Fine pair of colored glasses left at Irene Davis Bakery, Montecito Village. Call and identify.

Wanted to buy: 3 bedroom house, 2 to 3 acres, level land. Ray Greene.

Personal income tax prepared in your home by appointment. $3.50 up. Call Carp 2829

Wanted: summer jobs by two college girls, after June. Experienced in sales, restaurant, clerical work. Phone 8-1243

Our New Neighbors March 12, 1958

Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Herrmann are enjoying their new Montecito Circle Home. Mr. Herrmann is an engineer at Aerophysics. They have a lovely family of boys: Eric, 9; Kurt, 6; and Paul & Neal, two-year-old twins.

Mr. and Mrs. Kinsella have made their home on Hot Springs Road in Montecito. They came from Ireland eight years ago and have been living in Redwood City. They have two fine sons, Paul, 9; and John, 7. Mr. Kinsella is the office manager at Penninger’s.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson have selected furniture in a very modern motif for their home on San Leandro Lane. Mr. Wilson is the sales manager of the Resin Industry of Santa Barbara. Mrs. Wilson is the cosmetic buyer for I. Magnin’s.


How to make a tween fall to the floor like a pile of laundry: The IBM Selectric (photo by Steve Lodefink via WikiMedia)

show. “I thought that by this time in my life, I would’ve made a contribution of healing and making this sound that touches people’s hearts. Then I thought – speaking collectively of the consciousness of our culture – we’d all be able to live here and make it a better place. Haven’t yet succeeded, but I’m not willing to give up. And so I’ll stay with the humility sutra to know that I’m still a beginner.

“I just hope each time I play that we get blessed and find that ineffable place – where there’s no time or space or a world that can hold things back. In my concert in recent years, I think some unfolding happens where there’s a communion that’s going on, and so I’m encouraged to continue on my journeys. I’m a believer in truth and love, and I want to express that and share that and feel that back from my fellow sisters and brothers on the planet. This other stuff that goes on doesn’t impede my search.”

“Wing’-ing it on State: Malina Chooses ‘Chains’

When the world premiere of Parents in Chains, which features three largely different casts over the course of its March 12-30 run at Ensemble Theatre Company’s New Vic Theatre, launches its second week on March 18, veteran actor Joshua Malina will be making his Santa Barbara theatrical debut. Malina’s list of credits runs for pages and includes such favorites as Jeremy on Sports Night, Will Bailey in The West Wing and David Rosen in Scandal. He’ll be playing one of the sets of six parents worrying about their teenage daughters’ weekend away, fretting about their safety as well as contemplating the girls’ impending departures from the homestead – the angst conveyed over a series of messages exchanged in a text chain.

The actor portrays Mark, whose wife passed away five years prior to the opening of the play, and who has been raising three daughters on his own, the oldest driving back from San Francisco as a possible hurricane makes its way up the coast.

As the father of a 27-year-old daughter and a 22-year-old boy, Malina related to the soon-to-be empty nest theme of the play.

“It touched me because you get a sense of how people with their different parenting styles react to that eventuality that your kids to whom you’ve devoted your lives are going to leave and be on their own,” he said. “I love the combination of humor, sweetness and sadness when you follow the text threads of this group of friends who have known each other for decades, and how they’re dealing with family and friendship, parenting and divorce and just getting older. The whole piece just resonated with me.”

If it weren’t for being an empty nester himself, Malina wouldn’t have returned to theater at all, once again stepping on stage in the last few years after nearly three decades in the TV trenches. Despite appearing in (Sports Night/West Wing creator) Aaron Sorkin’s play A Few Good Men on Broadway in 1989, when Malina moved to Los Angeles in 1992, the roles he landed were in very small theaters for little money.

“Then I got married and had kids and needed to make a living, and TV is where the money is for somebody like me,” he said. “But now it’s 30 years later, and the kids are adults, so I’ve been bitten by the theater bug again, which is really a labor of love. There’s just something sort of irreplaceable and very special about the magic of being on stage.”

Not that Malina doesn’t realize his fortune in appearing in two Sorkin TV shows as well as Shonda Rhimes’ Scandal. But since returning to the stage, he’s also played lead roles in Tom Stoppard’s Leopoldstadt on Broadway and Nathan Englander’s adaptation of his own short story What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank in London.

“They’re just excellent writers,” he said. “And I’ve definitely learned over the course of my career that to whatever extent you have any hand in your own career, going towards a good material is the smart way to go.”

Jay Martel’s script caught his eye in the same way, as did the idea of telling a story through text threads.

“I have had different text threads for just about every job I’ve done since the mobile phone, at least when the cast gets along well,” Malina recalled. “I have ones from the two plays that I’ve done in the last couple of years and even the one with the group of parents, much like in the play. And I still have a West Wing text thread.”

Indeed, that beloved TV series also became the weekly subject of a podcast he co-hosted in which each episode corresponded with an episode of the TV show, which Malina – already a self-described fan of the series – joined after emailing Sorkin for a job when he heard Rob Lowe might be leaving.

“I said, ‘If he leaves, how about a less handsome, less famous actor who would work for less money?’ It worked.”

Still, Malina said, he never imagined at the time that The West Wing would still be talked about today.

“It felt like a special thing at the time, but I definitely didn’t predict that 20 years later there would still be this kind of interest with people watching it for the seventh time, or new ones who weren’t alive when we made it. But when I revisited it in that deep dive kind of way for the podcast, I got a whole new wave of respect for the writing.”

The hope is that Chains will also find a favorable audience, Malina said, people who see themselves in the characters.

“There are some very universal themes of family and friendship and relationships and fear and parenthood. People will not only identify but hopefully be touched by it.”

Visit or call (805) 965-5400.

Glenn Giving Back, Again

As he shared from the Granada stage last Saturday night, it turns One805’s Rock for First Responders benefit concert grew out of Glenn Phillips’s idea to put something together in the wake of the Los Angeles fires to support both local and L.A. first responder fires, as well as the nonprofit Music Cares that helps musicians in need. That’s why Phillips’ longtime pop-rock band Toad the Wet Sprocket – all five musicians – had the space to play a half dozen songs before headliner Hootie and the Blowfish (who he’d invited to join) played a full set to close out the night.

But Phillips hasn’t finished with putting together benefits to boost those devastated by the January wildfires. He’s also appearing in his solo role as part of a series of Southern California singer-songwriters playing at the Alcazar Theatre in Carpinteria on March 15, with proceeds earmarked for the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund to assist with the loss of music-related equipment and other essential living expenses for Altadena musicians. Also appearing are Phillips’ longtime friends and colleagues Sara and Sean Watkins from Nickel Creek as The Watkins Family Hour, dream pop/psychedelic/ funk band Gardens & Villa, Goleta-raised Omar Velasco, longtime Phillips’ friend and fellow folk-rocker Garrison Starr, and Clay Finch of the folk duo Mapache. Tickets are just $35-$50. Visit


What's a Mollie Melt?

Start by toasting a focaccia bun, made in-house at Mollie's in Carpinteria, lather it with a mélange of mayonnaise, lemon, and capers. Then grill a patty of ground organic turkey mixed with plump raisins and a hint of parsley, top off with melted Parmigiano cheese and a layer of caramelized onions.


All Mollie Melts come 0.with a side of Caesar salad, served on a focaccia bun or wrapped in lettuce.

Priced at a surprisingly reasonable $12. Mollie's Italian Kitchen (805)452-2692

1039 Casitas Pass Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013

Joshua Malina will be featured in week two of ETC’s Parents in Chains (courtesy photo)


NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Hyperbaric Santa Barbara; Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Santa Barbara, 820A Mason St, Santa Barbara, CA 93103. Grandle Chiropractic PC, 820A Mason St, Santa Barbara, CA 93103. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 11, 2025. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN No. 20250000398. Published March 13, 20, 27, 2025


NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Align Sports Recovery and Chiropractic, 1520 State Street, Suite A, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Inda Spine Chiropractic Corporation, 1520 State Street, Suite A, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on January 28, 2025. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN No. 2025-0000247. Published February 27, March 6, 13, 20, 2025


Then it was the turn for Appalachian music by the Gap Tooth Ramblers, Bluegrass by the Phil Salazar Bluegrass Band and Eastern European works by the Transylvanian Mountain Boys.

A unique merging of styles by one of the world’s top violinists who I’ve had the great pleasure of seeing perform many times...

Local Mom Understandably Stressed During Wildfires

Montecito actress Gwyneth Paltrow has admitted she turned to alcohol during the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles in January.

The Oscar winner, 52, got candid in her Goop podcast revealing she drank “every night.”

“I was in the thick of it, all over the place. But now I’ve noticed my symptoms are pretty well under control.

I think I drank every night. I was medicating. Now I don’t drink a lot at all.”

Home on the Rangeland

The Californian Rangeland Trust, founded in 1998, hosted the public premiere of its 49-minute documentary You Just Can’t See Them from the Road –directed by Keely Brazil Covello and

Conan Must Stay

Carpinteria TV talk show host Conan O’Brien – who did such a great job hosting the 97th Oscars for the first time – has been asked to reprise his role.

O’Brien, a Harvard graduate, took total control of the L.A. event watched by one billion viewers worldwide.

The Conan O’Brien Must Go host was clearly in his element.

Top Disney executive Rob Mills praised O’Brien, saying: “We would love to have him back. It was a joy and a privilege.”

I’ll take that as a given...

Michaela Brazil Gillies, daughters of ranch veterinarians in a remote area of northern California.

Remembering Tom Parker

On a personal note, I remember philanthropist Tom Parker, who died of brain cancer, aged 77.


NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Sundgot-Smith Counseling, 5266 Hollister Ave, Ste #212, Santa Barbara, CA 93111. Sundgot-Smith Counseling A Marriage and Family Therapy, 5266 Hollister Ave, Ste #212, Santa Barbara, CA 93111. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 3, 2025. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN No. 2025-0000308. Published February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 2025


NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Lindas Glow, 1211 Coast Village Road Suite #7, Santa Barbara, CA 93108. Linda J Bailey, 1211 Coast Village Road Suite #7, Santa Barbara, CA 93108. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 6, 2025. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN No. 2025-0000351. Published February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 2025



The following person(s) has (have) abandoned the use of the Fictitious Business

Name(s): VONS #3326, 163 S. Turnpike Road, Santa Barbara, CA, 93117. 1918 Winter Street ABS LLC, 7 Corporate Drive c/o Legal Department, Keene, NH 03431. This statement was originally filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on September 5, 2024. I hereby

NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Mindrite Mental Wellness & Counseling; Mindrite, 1187 Coast Village Rd, STE 1-360, Santa Barbara, CA 93108. Mindrite A Marriage & Family Therapy Corporation, 1187 Coast Village Rd, STE 1-360, Santa Barbara, CA 93108. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 20, 2025. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN No. 2025-0000483. Published February 27, March 6, 13, 20, 2025

certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL), filed January 29, 2025. Original FBN No. 2024-0002119. FBN 2025-0000291. Published February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 2025


The following person(s) has (have) abandoned the use of the Fictitious Business Name(s): Albertsons #3171, 1500 N H Street, Lompoc, CA, 93436. 1918 Winter Street ABS LLC, c/o Legal Department, 7 Corporate Drive, Keene, NH 03431. This statement was originally filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on September 5, 2024. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL), filed January 29, 2025. Original FBN No. 20240002120. FBN 2025-0000290. Published February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 2025

AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: CASE No. 24CV06442. To all interested parties: Petitioner Rosario Rossano filed a petition with Superior Court of California, County of Santa Barbara, for a decree changing name to Nova Pierce The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Filed March 4, 2025 by Gabriel Moreno. Hearing date: April 23, 2025 at 10 am in Dept. 3, 1100 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Published March 13, 20, 27, 2025

More than 200 people clad in Stetsons and cowboy boots poured into the historic Lobero to watch the efforts by longtime ranching families to maintain their homes and landholdings in difficult times.

The U.S. loses 2,000 acres of farm and ranch land every day and by 2040 it’s expected 797,400 acres will have been lost.

Since its inception, the trust has helped 87 ranching dynasties conserve 401,166.4 acres of pristine privately owned ranch land.

Former Journal bridle correspondent Lynn Kirst emceed the event and was co-sponsor with Keith Moore among others.

Carol on Carol

Carol Leifer, a TV writer who has worked for Saturday Night Live and the Oscars, has high praise for Montecito comedic legend Carol Burnett, who penned the foreword for Leifer’s new book How to Write a Funny Speech for A Wedding, Bar Mitzvah, Graduation, and Every Event You Didn’t Want to Go to in the First Place

“She is one of the most down-toearth, kindest, and delightful people I’ve ever worked with,” says the Emmy winner, 68, who met Burnett when she worked on her 50th anniversary show and a CBS special in 2017 about Carol, 91.

I couldn’t agree more...

Tom was head of the Hutton Parker Foundation for more than 25 years and I often sailed with him on his 70-foot yacht Taxi Dancer on the Santa Barbara Yacht Club’s Wet Wednesdays.

Five years ago he was named Man of the Year by the Santa Barbara Foundation, and he worked with myriad organizations including the SB Maritime Museum, the SB Museum of Natural History and the SB Neighborhood Clinics.

A delightful, hard-working individual...


Meghan Markle and tennis ace Serena Williams noshing at Tre Lune... Warbler Katy Perry and fiancé Orlando Bloom at the Vanity Fair Oscars party... Oprah Winfrey and her former The Color Purple co-star Whoopi Goldberg co-hosting at the Academy Awards.

Pip! Pip!

From musings on the Royals to celebrity real estate deals, Richard Mineards is our man on the society scene and has been for more than 18 years

Gilles Apap with his bestest of friends (courtesy photo)
Xiaoli Cioffi on erhu – a two stringed Chinese instrument (courtesy photo)
California Rangeland Trust CEO Michael Delbar with writer Jessica Schley, event emcee and sponsor Lynn Kirst, and co-sponsor Keith Moore (courtesy photo)
Brett Hodges and Mary Heyden with Dacia and Riley Harwood (courtesy photo)

A La Boheme Mardi Gras FestForums

Where Festivals, Fun, and Future Collide!

What happens when you bring the most passionate festival producers, industry giants, and creative minds together in one breathtaking location? You get FestForums, the ultimate festival of festivals! This year, Santa Barbara was once again the backdrop for three days of inspiration, collaboration, and, of course, some serious celebration. Held from this February at the stunning Mar Monte Hotel, this year’s event delivered dynamic discussions, powerful speakers, and electric networking opportunities, all wrapped in the vibrant energy that makes FestForums a can’t-miss experience.

Founded in 2015 by Laurie Kirby, a former entertainment lawyer and longtime Santa Barbara resident, FestForums has grown into the industry’s go-to conference for music, film, food, and beverage festival professionals. After weathering the challenges of the pandemic, it has roared back as an annual tradition, bringing together festival visionaries to share knowledge, celebrate achievements, and craft the future of live events.

Who better to kick off this powerhouse event than legendary world-champion surfer Shaun Tomson? With his signature blend of wisdom and charisma, Tomson reminded us of the deep connections between storytelling, resilience, and festival culture. His keynote speech set the tone for a conference rooted in purpose, community, and innovation.

This year’s FestForums boasted 570 attendees, 64 expert speakers, and 24 exhibitors, making it one of the most action-packed editions yet. Discussions covered everything from cutting-edge festival technology to sustainability and marketing strategies. Key panelists included John Lollo (NYC Wine & Food Festival), Michael Barclay II (Essence Festival), Sarah Pancheri (Milwaukee World Festival), and Hamish Pinkham (Rhythm and Vines, New Zealand), all of whom shared invaluable insights into the

evolving landscape of global festivals.

I had the absolute joy of speaking on the “Savoring the Success of Food & Beverage Festivals” panel, alongside John Lollo and Joel Martin (ExperiHaus). Representing both my brand, Petite Wine Traveler, and my role as the Director of the Santa Barbara Culinary Experience, I had the opportunity to showcase the magic of Santa Barbara’s wine, food, hospitality, and artisans. We dove into what makes festivals truly unforgettable – curating top-tier talent, securing game-changing sponsorships, and crafting immersive guest experiences. The energy in the room was contagious, and it was exhilarating to connect with so many fellow festival enthusiasts.

One of the most memorable moments of FestForums was the deeply insightful talk by acclaimed actor Matthew Modine. Reflecting on his formative experience watching Little Big Man and learning about Indigenous perspectives, Modine emphasized the importance of treating every individual – whether a production assistant or a festival director –with respect. His words resonated deeply, leaving attendees inspired to bring that same ethos into their festival work.

Of course, no festival conference is complete without a little revelry! Evenings at FestForums transformed into full-on celebrations, including a high-energy concert at SOhO featuring performances by Sophie B. Hawkins, Alan Parsons, and Jerry Harrison of Talking Heads. As FestForums continues to thrive, it remains at the forefront of the festival industry, fostering innovation, education, and meaningful connections. Santa Barbara’s unique charm, paired with the conference’s commitment to excellence, ensures it will remain the go-to event for festival producers, organizers, and creatives.

With another unforgettable year on the books, FestForums 2025 proved once again why it’s the must-attend event for festival professionals. As the festival world evolves, FestForums will continue to inspire, educate, and lead the way into an exciting new era of event production.

Dance Group Brings Mardi Gras Magic to Alhecama

If you think Mardi Gras magic is reserved solely for Bourbon Street, think again! Earlier in the month, Santa Barbara’s own La Boheme Productions brought the electrifying energy of New Orleans to the Alhecama Theatre for their fourth annual Mardi Gras bash. Let me tell you, it was a night to remember!

Dressed head-to-toe in the traditional hues of green, gold, and purple, I joined a sea of revelers who embraced the spirit of the season with dazzling costumes, feathered masks, and enough sparkle to rival the French Quarter. The historic Alhecama Theatre, nestled in the heart of downtown Santa Barbara, was transformed into a vibrant carnival scene, complete with lively entertainment, food, soulful music, and a contagious energy that had everyone dancing the night away.

Produced by Teresa Kuskey and Rick Oshay, the evening was a true feast for the senses. La Boheme’s talented dancers and aerialists commanded the stage, delivering mesmerizing performances that embodied the playfulness and grandeur of Mardi Gras. Every twirl, flip, and high kick radiated joy, making it impossible not to cheer them on.

Of course, no Mardi Gras celebration is complete without a lively soundtrack to get everyone moving! Our very own newscaster John Palminteri took on emcee duties, keeping the crowd engaged and setting the perfect tone for an unforgettable night of revelry. Kicking off the evening with a vibrant mix of Charleston and classic New Orleans tunes, musician Michael Gutin welcomed guests with the soulful sounds of his accordion, instantly transporting everyone to the heart of the Big Easy.

One of the evening’s highlights was the grand crowning of this year’s Mardi Gras Court. While Rick Oshay was named Mardi Gras King, I had the honor of passing my Queen Bacchus crown to Jenna Jobst. (Though let’s be honest, once a Santa Barbara Wine Queen, always a Santa Barbara Wine Queen!)

Joining the court was Avi Reichental, who was named King Bacchus.

Adding to the night’s excitement, guests were treated to a special unveiling of this year’s Solstice Poster – an iconic piece of Santa Barbara culture. In a heartfelt tribute, the newly named Queen Bacchus Crown was introduced

in honor of the beloved Erin Graffy , celebrating her enduring legacy in our community.

Between performances, guests indulged in delectable New Orleansinspired cuisine and sipped on festive beverages, immersing themselves in the full Mardi Gras experience. And just when we thought the night couldn’t get any better, DJ Joseph Souza kept the dance floor packed with beats that had us grooving well into the night.

Special shoutouts go to BellaDonna and Mignonne Profant for their sensational performances, including Mignonne’s breathtaking rendition of Pink Martini’s “Sympathique.” And let’s not forget the top-tier production quality – thanks to Islay Events, the night was filled with professional lighting and sound that made every moment feel larger than life.

By the time the evening came to a close, it was clear that La Boheme had once again succeeded in bringing the magic of Mardi Gras to Santa Barbara. The event wasn’t just a dazzling spectacle; it was a celebration of community, creativity, and the joy of coming together, and for one unforgettable night, Santa Barbara was awash in the spirit of New Orleans.

So, mark your calendars for next year, until then… Laissez les bons temps rouler! Let the good times roll!

The event was produced by Teresa Kuskey and Rick Oshay
Avi Reichental, Laurie Kirby, and Mathew Modine (photo by Priscilla)
John Lollo, Jamie Knee, and Joel Martin (photo by Priscilla)


Calendar of Events


Configuration Closing – Santa Barbara Dance Arts’ young performers once again take to Center Stage Theatre for the annual two weekend show.

Celebrating 27 years of dance in town, Configuration features high-energy hip hop, evocative contemporary and entertaining jazz numbers via award winning choreography from Los Angeles choreographers Sierra Kazil and Azuki Umeda and NYC’s Chloé Roberts as well as work from locals Hannah Holland , Sunny Reichert , and Alana Tillim . This year marks the debut of the Move with Purpose Video Project, the centerpiece of SBDA’s Youth Inclusion Coalition, exploring body image and movement toward radical self-love through dance. The student work shares the stage with professional choreographers while competing for a $250 cash prize that will be awarded at the closing evening performance.

WHEN: 7 pm March 14, 2 & 7 pm March 15

WHERE: Center Stage Theatre, 751 Paseo Nuevo, second floor

COST: $33 & $58 (students $23 for 2 pm show)

INFO: (805) 963-0408 or


Revels Pub Sing – Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day one day early as Santa Barbara Revels presents its 17th annual Pub Sing event on the lower patio at the Creekside in midtown. Stage veterans and shower singers alike are encouraged to come and join in the merry mayhem by raising your voices – and lifting your glasses – to celebrate the patron saint of Ireland and the upcoming vernal equinox. Revels music director and song leader Dauri Kennedy and keyboardist Andrew Manos are on tap at the restaurant and bar, offering up Irish tunes, sea shanties, familiar folk songs and traditional favorites. Tickets include a song book to aid in attendee participation, and a $10 beverage ticket


Chats at Chaucer’s – Historian Joseph Coohill, who has taught at universities in England and the United States and is now an analyst at UCSB, has revised and updated his work Ireland: A Short History, which investigates how modern Irish society is the product of a rich and complex history. The book combines factual information with a critical approach, covering such events as the Great Famine, Home Rule, the Good Friday Agreement and Brexit. Coohill will be joined by local writer Lorissa Rinehart, in a role reversal from when Rinehart shared about her book

First to the Front: The Untold Story of Dickey Chapelle, Trailblazing Female War

Correspondent at Chaucer’s in 2023… Also, Alison Brysk, the chair of Political Science and Global Studies at UCSB – and the author of eight books on human rights, democracy, globalization, social movements, gender and Latin American politics – heads to Chaucer’s to sign and talk about her latest, Abortion Rights Backlash: The Struggle for Democracy in Europe and the Americas. Brysk takes on such questions as why abortion rights are backsliding even in developed democracies? Why some modern societies progress toward reproductive freedoms while others regress or stagnate? And what the struggle for reproductive rights can teach us about broader movements for human rights and gender justice? In conjunction with her talk, Chaucer’s will donate 10 percent of all sales from 5:30-7 pm to Planned Parenthood California Central Coast.

WHEN: 6 pm March 13 & 19

WHERE: Chaucer’s Books, 3321 State St. in Loreto Plaza Shopping Center

COST: free

INFO: (805) 682-6787 or


Solo Sensation – Six-time Grammy Award-winning musician Jason Isbell , a frequent visitor to Santa Barbara whose concerts include a virtual performance for UCSB A&L during the pandemic, is heading back to town, this time for a special solo show at the city’s largest indoor venue. Tonight’s performance comes barely a week after the release of Foxes in the Snow , Isbell’s first solo acoustic album and his first album without his 400 Unit band since 2007. The singer-songwriter is widely regarded as one of the sharpest and most emotionally in-tune acoustic musicians of his generation, with songs that are firmly rooted in his Southern home, but also awake to the realities of everyday life across America. His characters tackle such thorny issues as death, loss, redemption, love, regret and pain, always illuminated by Isbell’s hard-won wisdom. With just a guitar and his heartfelt vocals, a catalog that includes “Cover Me Up,” “Dreamsicle,” and “Cast Iron Skillet,” the Grammy’s 2023 Best American Roots Song of the Year, should take on added poignancy.

WHEN: 7:30 pm

WHERE: Arlington Theatre, 1317 State St.

COST: $57-$132

INFO: (805) 963-9589/ or (805) 893-3535/

to keep your throat from getting parched and loosen up the inhibitions. Next up from Revels is its annual May Day celebration, full of song and dance, particularly around the maypole.

WHEN: 4-6 pm

WHERE: Creekside Restaurant & Bar, 4444 Hollister Ave.

COST: $20 general, $10 students

INFO: (805) 364-4630 or

Oh, oh, oh, It’s Magic! – It’s mid-March which means it’s once again time for the annual spellbinding spectacle that has been delighting magic enthusiasts for more than five decades. It’s Magic 2025 boasts an exciting lineup of guest stars representing diverse magic techniques from Hollywood’s famous Magic Castle and other showrooms around the world. This season’s featured lineup includes Xavier Mortimer , an internationally renowned French illusionist whose own currently headlining show on the Vegas strip has been voted best of its kind four years in a row. David Zirbel takes magic to new levels – and not only because he’s over seven feet tall – as his performances combine comedy, theater, dance, mystery and classic illusion into one stunning performance, with colorful props and costumes, live animals and music. Ronn Lucas , named “World’s Best Ventriloquist” by The New York Times and “Entertainer of the Year” by The London Times , mixes stand-up comedy, improv and astonishing vocal gymnastics in his shows. Also on the bill are premier prestidigitators Danny Cole , twice voted Magic Castle’s Stage Magician of the Year, and comedian and magician Chris Blackmore , a featured entertainer at Disney World, casinos and cruise ships.

WHEN: 2:30 & 6:30 pm

WHERE: Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St.

COST: $26-$60 ($107 VIP tickets includes premier seating and a pre-show reception with pizza and ice cream in the Lobero courtyard for the 2:30 pm show)

INFO: (805) 963-0761 or

‘Labyrinth’ Live – Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: In Concert offers an exciting fusion of live music paired with a screening of Jim Henson’s fantasy musical masterpiece Labyrinth, the feature film starring Jennifer Connelly and the iconic David Bowie, presented on a large HD cinema screen. Labyrinth ’s loyal and steadfast cult following has grown over the decades since the film’s theatrical release in 1986 and now audiences are invited to experience the classic in a new way as a live band performs in sync with the movie and Bowie’s original vocals, playing the songs and the score from


Earth as Living Element – Accretion: Works by Latin American Women exhibiting artist Jackie Amézquita drops in to discuss her distinctive multidisciplinary artistic practice, which often examines the physical, political and emotional implications of migration. Her research is articulated through the use of biomaterials and forms associated with pre-Columbian cultures as she creates public performances, installations, and objects that fuse indigenous mythologies with contemporary community engagement. Amézquita’s piece Oro Negro, on display in Accretion, illustrates that the migrant experience does not end once the border is crossed but persists in the experience of existing amidst discriminatory planning and zoning politics.

WHEN: 2 pm

WHERE: Santa Barbara Museum of Art’s Mary Craig Auditorium, 1130 State St. COST: Free-$10

INFO: (805) 963-4364 or

the soundtrack composed by Bowie and Trevor Jones . The score is full of unique and memorable melodies, with Bowie’s original songs like “Magic Dance,” “Underground,” and “As the World Falls Down” joining Jones’ orchestral score to accentuate the whimsical and fantastical elements of the film. Fans are encouraged to dress in costumes of the goblins and creatures from the renowned Jim Henson’s Creature Shop, dance in the aisles and yell out their favorite lines at every show on the tour, which kicks off its 2025 leg at the Granada.

WHEN: 7 pm

WHERE: Granada Theatre, 1214 State Street COST: $39.50-$116.50

INFO: (805) 899-2222/ or


PHorum 2025 – VNA Health’s annual community healthcare symposium gathers leaders to discuss relevant issues that affect our health and well-being. This year’s PHorum delves into how Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and other ailments thought of as broadly aging-adjacent, impact not only the afflicted person but also family members and our communities. The evening will feature a screening of the 2022 film Ruby’s Choice, in which a teen girl is forced to share her bedroom with her dementia-afflicted grandmother. The grandmother in the film is played by longtime Montecito resident/Golden Globe and Emmy-winning actress Jane Seymour , who will also be present for the post-screening panel discussion moderated by Kieran Shah , VNA Health President & CEO.

WHEN: 6 pm

WHERE: Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St. COST: free

INFO: (805) 963-0761 or


St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland (in SB) – Kerry Irish Productions, the producers responsible for the popular Christmas in Ireland shows that visit the Lobero annually, are bringing their spring thing to town tonight.

St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland promises a rollicking night of music and dance full of fiddles, bodhrán, pipes, song and Irish dances. Featured performers include Riverdance veterans Ryan McCaffrey and Courtney D’Angelo, with newcomers Aubrey Stagnaro and Layla Giles. The local ensemble FIREDANCE – Irish Dance 805 serve as special guests.

WHEN: 7:30 pm

WHERE: Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St. COST: $32-$60 (discounts for students and seniors)

INFO: (805) 963-0761 or

Featuring Xavier Mortimer (top French magician), Ronn Lucas (a major world headliner), Dan Birch (high-tech “Lord of Illusions”), Eriko Trevensolli (three-time Merlin Award winner for Best Latin Illusionist), and Chris Blackmore (comedian/magician). A thrilling mix of illusions, sleight of hand, and audience participation suitable for the whole family.



Because of You, My Tribute to Tony

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ByPeteMuller&FrankLongo Foreachofthefirstfiveminicrosswords,oneoftheentriesalsoservesaspartofa five-wordmetaclue.Theanswertothemetaisawordorphrase(sixlettersor longer)hiddenwithinthesixthminicrossword.Thehiddenmetaanswerstartsin oneofthesquaresandsnakesthroughthegridverticallyandhorizontallyfrom there(nodiagonals!)withoutrevisitinganysquares.

Across 1 See4-Across 4 With1-Across,alternative to"Gesundheit!"

6 Theymaybetrue-false

7 Lessludicrous,asadvice

8 FYIopener

Down 1 Alternativetotrue-false 2 AlternativetoCuisinartor KitchenAid 3 Georgiausedtobepartof it,forshort 4 Groupthatcollaborated withColdplayonthe2021 #1hit"MyUniverse" 5 Onemaybeoutonalimb

factory? 4 LikesomeseasandC s 5 TylerPerrycharacterwho hada"Homecoming"ina 2022film 6 Veryslowtomove 7 They'refrequentlymade aboutnothing

Across 1 Startofaneyewitness testimony 5 See7-Across 6 Nucleargroup 7 With5-Across,A+orB-, e.g. 8 Eatordrink

1 Itcanbetakenwithaphone 2 Potentialcausesofgraying 3 Followerof"stop"or"top"in imperativephrases 4 Acquisitionfromadeal 5 HammintheSoccerHallof Fame

Across 1 Nervousmannerism 4 Missouririvertothe MissouriRiver 7 Large-mouthed earthenwarepots

8 "Iwanna!"

9 Dir.fromD.C.toVirginia Beach

Down 1 Jackorspade,e.g.

2 Underseavolcanic eruptionsmayeventually createthem

3 Makestranquil

5 Jacksorspades,e.g.

6 It's45°from9-Across

Down 1 Calvinowhosefinalnovel was"Mr.Palomar" 2 "ExtremelyLoud& IncrediblyClose"Oscar nomineeMaxvon___ 3 Cookwear? 4 Marijuana,informally 6 Marijuanaconstituent,for short

Across 1 Deadcenter?

6 Goodforsomething, archaically

7 Guardedagainstapotential crash

8 DoughfortheDanish?

9 Instrumentheardonthe 1988hit"WhenWeWas Fab"


Down 1 Inediblecorncomponents

2 Asteroidscamefromit

3 Chunkproducedfroma slicer,maybe

4 PrincessofAvalorwhowas voicedbyAimeeCarrero

5 MealatwhichtheFour Questionsareasked


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