Mosaic 2021

Page 13

Desolation Auggie Davis ’21

It’s not like he expected this to go well. This was always gonna be a mess. But he’d been hoping, secretly, in his heart of hearts, that things would be okay. Maybe he was being overoptimistic, but the hope was there, all the same. Germinating. It was engulfed in heat and flames, just like everything else. It happened like this: They needed his help. He knew they were foolhardy. He tried to stop them, to keep them safe. It happened like this: An inopportune warning, then, heat. Death, almost. And a song. One he desperately tried to stop. But it ended too late. His next death was not a near miss. It happened like this: He was trying to save them It happened like this: His efforts were their doom. It happened like this: There was a great battle. People’s lives were on the line. So they tried to help. He knew they were gonna get hurt. He tried to stop them. Then everything went wrong. We were so close to beauty. We were so close to happiness. I’m sorry It happened like this: He got hurt. Badly. And then he was better. But He wasn’t. It happened like this: A sacrifice was made. But he was too distraught to treasure that sacrifice, and it destroyed everything. continued next page The Publication of the Arts


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Articles inside

Prose, Scene....................................................Cheryl Mendoza ’21 Art, Horse.........................................................Dylan Barry-Schoen ’21 .....Inside Back Cover Art, Untitled ......................................................Trixie Stork ’21 .............................Back Cover

pages 52-56

Prose, Eurolychus.............................................Maggie Madden ’24

page 39

Prose, Middle School Bullies.............................Greer Biddlecome ’24

page 37

Art, Untitled ......................................................Tylor Merhinger ’22

page 35

Photograph, Pink Exotic Flower ........................Maddy Foletta ’22

pages 33-34

Art, City Road............................................................Selma Ruiz ’23

page 36

Prose, Sierra’s Deserter ....................................Bella Borgomini ’21

page 32

Photograph, Portrait .........................................Samantha Scattini ’21

pages 19-20

Art, Untitled ......................................................Ingrid Yu ’21

page 21

Prose, Excerpt from The Assimilation Game .....Anna Yeh ’23

page 18

Poem, Cadence ...............................................Helen Yenson ’22

page 7

Poem, Odysseus’ Tears....................................Lorenza Marquard ’24

page 9

Poem, Dragon..................................................Auggie Davis ’21

page 27

Prose, Desolation .............................................Auggie Davis ’21

pages 13-14

Art, Untitled ......................................................Milan Coleman ’21

page 6
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