Santa Fean NOW May 8 2014 Digital Edition

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now this week’s

top art & entertainment picks Passport to the Arts takes over Canyon Road

“Passport to the Arts” Friday, May 9, 2014 s Preview Reception 5 to 7 pm Saturday, May 10 s Quick Draw 11am to 1pm s Live Auction 4 pm

MCCUAN, “West of Biggar, Scotland” 12" x 12" Oil

AXTON, “Walking to the Island”

12" x 12"


DAWSON, “Hidden in the Shadows” 14" x 15" Oil


ANGUS, “Beyond the Fence Line”

18" x 24"


BALAAM, “Santa Barbara Trail New Mexico”

46" x 56"


ANGUS & FRANK BALAAM “Two Man Show” Friday, May 23, 2014 s Reception 5 to 7 pm

VENTANA FINE ART 400 Canyon Road


Santa Fe, NM 87501









48" x 50"

Corner of Lin coln & Marcy ( 5 7 5) 642- 4981 • DRCONTE MP ORA RY.C OM • DAV ID ROT H E R M E L@ A OL . C O M

PhhoŠJane Freese

Featuring New Artist

Michelle Davis

Museum-quality Native American jewelry

Est. 1987

Jewel mark

OPEN EVERY DAY 10am to 6 pm


233 Canyon Road 505-820-6542


All clothing made in USA

“a sensory experience of color and mood”

Opening - Friday, 5-7pm Quick Draw - Saturday, 11am Promptly Silent Auction - Ends Saturday 4pm Deep Reflections by Cody Hooper

Seaside Serenity by Michael Ethridge

Party Time by Aleta Pippin

200 Canyon Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 795-7476 Portion of all sales goes to Santa Fe Public Schools Music Program

Join Us Passport to the Arts Events

Quick Draw Artists at Pippin Contemporary Tent Represented: Michael Ethridge Cody Hooper Sandra Duran Wilson Gue Guests: Jason Appleton Becky Brennen Oliver Polzin James Roybal Ann Marie Trapp


The Tribe #20

28" x 36" PasTel

CAROLE LAROCHE GALLERY 415 Canyon road • sanTa Fe, nM 87501 • 505.982.1186 www. laroChe-gallery.CoM •

now 10 The Buzz Artist Robbi Firestone, a Mother’s Day brunch and blessing, and movie reviews 12 This Week A comprehensive calendar of goings-on around town 17 Timeless Turquoise An engaging exhibit at MIAC 18 Seen Around Photos from fun, festive local events


8 –14


20 Eating + Drinking Take a break from shopping and sightseeing at these character-filled cafés 21 Art Gallery show openings and Passport to the Arts 25 Style Landscape designer Tobi Wilde and luxury homes for sale 28 Last Look Living Colour at SFUAD


Bruce Adams


A PUBLICATION OF BELLA MEDIA, LLC b.y. cooper 215 W San Francisco Street, amy hegarty Suite 300, Santa Fe, NM 87501 CALENDAR EDITOR samantha schwirck 505-983-1444 EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTOR phil parker GRAPHIC DESIGNER whitney stewart ADDITIONAL DESIGN michelle odom, sybil watson SALES REPRESENTATIVES david wilkinson, yvonne johnston ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER EDITOR

P.O. Box 9692 • Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505


Welcome to the very first issue of Santa Fean NOW. Santa Fe deserves a publication worthy of its lively arts and culture scene that’s comprehensive, well written, free to consumers, and printed on beautiful, high-quality paper that does justice to the artwork and other images spotlighted here. NOW has arrived. This premier issue was timed to coincide with Passport to the Arts, held May 9–11 on Canyon Road. While there are many events happening throughout the weekend, be sure to check out the silent auctions at various galleries and, on Saturday, the Quick Draw (during which artists create works outside) and the live auction that night at Ventana Fine Art. Yours truly will be the auctioneer, and I look forward to seeing you there for what promises to be a fun event that not only supports artists but also raises money for Santa Fe Public Schools’ music education program. What a significant way to kick off NOW. Our goal is to make sure you’re never bored.

Santa Fean NOW, Volume 1, Number 1, Week of May 8, 2014. Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.

Waxlander Gallery

Passport to the Arts

Andrée Hudson

“Sunset Riders” 30 x 60 acrylic

special events

Quick Draw May 10 11 am - 1 pm Waxlander Gallery Participating Artists Dominique Boisjoli, Andrée Hudson, Patrick Matthews, Tracee Matthews

Panel Discussion

May 10 1:30 pm

“Canyon Road Past, Present & Future” at Tom Ross Gallery 409 Canyon Road FeATuRinG

Phyllis Kapp, Carol LaRoche & Tom Ross

Waxlander Gallery celebrating thirty years of excellence

622 Canyon Road


Santa Fe, nM 87501 • 800.342.2202


honoring mom

C E L E B R AT I O N This weekend, on May 11, the Inn and Spa at Loretto celebrates mothers with special food and a special blessing as part of a six-year-old annual tradition. Javier Barrera, executive sous chef of Loretto’s Luminaria restaurant, has prepared a menu that features four appetizers, six entrées (including salmon eggs Benedict and lemon poppy-seed waffles), and three desserts. Before or after their meal, guests can head to Loretto’s sculpture garden, where Flo and Sal Yepa, members of the World Council

of Elders and Walatowa (Jemez) Pueblo, oversee a Native American blessing and Pueblo dances, which are held at 11:30 am and 2 pm. “Honoring mothers—all kinds of mothers who give birth—has been part of our heritage for many years,” says Flo Yepa. “We’re delighted to come to [Loretto] to share our tradition.” Sal Yepa offers a traditional blessing, while his and Flo’s 9-year-old granddaughter, Angelina Amya Loretto, and 9-year-old niece, Kaya Fragua, perform the Buffalo and other dances to the drumbeats of the Yepas’s 20-year-old grandson, Emmet Yepa, and other musicians. Works by several Walatowa Pueblo potters are displayed in the garden and are for sale. Members of the public are welcome to attend the blessing and the dances free of charge. For more information and to make brunch reservations (which are required), call 505-984-7915.—Emily Van Cleve

Winter Soldier raises the superhero bar

necessarily less shaded Robert Redford and than fellow heroes Chris Evans (inset) Scarlett Johansson, in Captain America: Action and acting are where comic-book The Winter Soldier as Black Widow, and movies can surpass their source material. Comics can be written incredSamuel L. Jackson, ibly well, with compelling characters and stories, but kinetic, exciting as Nick Fury, but action scenes can’t be rendered on a drawn page the way they can on Cap’s confliction over film. And Robert Redford can’t play the villain in a book. modern counterterCaptain America: The Winter Soldier doesn’t quite reach the explosive rorism is fascinating. heights of X-Men 2, the best action-driven comics movie yet. And The Dark Knight remains—probably forever—the gold standard for acting. Johansson and JackBut The Winter Soldier is another great Part 2, easily surpassing its prede- son have great action moments—Fury’s car cessor. The elements mix just right. battle with dozens These actors work together often enough in of commandos is a highlight—but their chops Marvel movies that their chemistry’s improved. Like make these characters interesting people as well. And Redford, as a defense secretary taking dethe Avengers they portray, they’re becoming a team. fense too far, brings exactly what’s called for: gravitas. The Winter Soldier’s awesome conspiracy-thriller vibe gets legitimized by the presence of the Imagine Jason Bourne with superpowers. Delicious notion, no? beloved Three Days of the Condor, Sneakers, Spy Game star. That’s Captain America in this flick. In the opening mission he One quibble: Cap’s new sidekick Falcon comes in handy, and his winged sprints across an aircraft carrier disarming and beating up goons. jet pack is very cool, but he kind of wusses out at the end. When superIt’s fast, precise combat. The action gets bigger as the story progressNazis are threatening mass death, why not call Iron Man?—Phil Parker es yet remains somehow grounded. The great feat of Winter Soldier is that its fights and shootouts have a gritty realism despite superheroes flying around. Moves never look cartoonish, and on the cover assault rifles pop like they would in a serious crime movie. Cap’s Artist Robbi Firestone, pin-balling shield is a little goofy, but it isn’t overused. who’s known for her Like the other Marvel movies so far (except the Bored-Edwardevocative portraits, Norton version of The Incredible Hulk, a misfire that was rectified with shows her work the casting of Mark Ruffalo in The Avengers), The Winter Soldier is full of locally at Casweck talented actors who fit their costumes perfectly. Chris Evans is CapGalleries. Photo by Gunther Maier, tain America—wholesome but sharp. His pure goodness makes him 10

Robbi Firestone


icourtesy of the nn and spa at loretto


Kevin Costner kissing Jennifer Garner is gross, but it’s not the worst thing about Draft Day. The worst thing about Draft Day is its Cleveland Browns backdrop. The explanation is stupidity or sadism or both. I bet both. I wore a Browns hat to the theater to see Draft Day. I am not objective. My family’s from Cleveland, and feisty relatives have inceptioned me since youth to root for this team. It’s how sports works for honest fans—our teams become our teams through personal (usually familial) connections, and I got the Browns. They lose most of their games every year. Playoffs? Never. Draft Day begins 13 hours before the NFL draft, an annual event when teams take turns picking the best college football players. Costner plays Sonny Weaver Jr., the general manager of the Browns. The movie details his wheeling and dealing up to and during the draft. He also—that morning—learned his girlfriend (Garner, who works for the team as a budget specialist) is pregnant. And his dad, whom he fired as coach of the Browns the previous year, just died. Ugh. The girlfriend and father issues are typical bad-movie menu items. Whatever. The real problem is the film’s emphasis on the first round as imperative. If Weaver Jr. nails his pick, it’s said, he’ll “save football in Cleveland”—to which I spit a Sour Patch Kid at the screen in the hope it would stick. Browns first-rounders have been good when they’ve been unsexy selections (offensive linemen and a cornerback). It’s otherwise been bust after epic bust year after awful year. The premise of this movie is garbage. Not that it’s a real movie. The NFL is a mighty brand peddling one of America’s favorite products: sports on TV. Football gives it best. Fans say thank you with their money.


daft Draft Day kicks fans in the face

Kevin Costner and Jennifer Garner star in Draft Day.

The crafty millionaires and billionaires running this slick corporation want our eyes on days there aren’t games, to satiate powerful advertisers (mostly light beer and pharmaceuticals). Thus the draft has grown into a blockbuster television event, its first round (of seven) airing in a prime Thursday-night slot. Draft Day is an ultimate commercial for the event: a “romantic” “comedy” and a Kevin Costner sports flick. Costner should not be kissing Garner; he looks like her dad. And I don’t think general managers talk this way: “He’s pro-ready. End of story.” Drafting players in every pro sport has become an intricate science of statistical data mining, psychology, and physiology. Analytics. Film study. Scouting. In Draft Day, Costner makes decisions based on weird conversations. “None of the kid’s teammates attended his birthday party, Sonny.” Gasp! If this is really how Browns GMs work, it explains a lot, and I’m glad they get fired so often. Cleveland football is the ultimate proof that these deals we’re watching Costner swing are guaranteed to go horribly. Draft Day would have been bad if it featured any team. By spotlighting the Browns, it becomes something worse: evil.—PP

May 8, 2014



this week

Larry Bullis’s Daffodil #2 is one of the hundreds of images on view in the New Mexico History Museum’s exhibition Poetics of Light: Pinhole Photography. For more information, see page 15.

May 8 ArtSpring 2014 Lensic Performing Arts Center 215 W San Francisco Day one of New Mexico School for the Arts’ two-day festival ArtSpring, an annual year-end celebration with dance, music, and theater performances. $15, 6 pm, 505-988-1234, Southwest Barbecue Santa Fe School of Cooking 125 N Guadalupe A hands-on cooking class. Dishes include ribs with chipotle barbecue sauce, frijoles churros, green tamales with crema, grilled pineapple slaw, and saffron poached pears. $82, 10 am, 505-983-4688, San Miguel Bell Tower Restoration Concert Series San Miguel Mission 401 Old Santa Fe Trail Spanish guitarist AnnaMaria Cardinalli performs Legado Y Leyenda (Legacy and Legend), which tells the history of Northern New Mexico and the San Miguel Chapel. Proceeds benefit the structural preservation of San Miguel’s bell tower. $20, 12


MAY 8—May 14

7:30–8:30 pm, 505-983-3974. The Saltanah Dancers Cleopatra Café (Southside location) 3482 Zafarano Belly dancing performance. Free, 7 pm, 505-820-7381.

May 9 ArtSpring 2014 Lensic Performing Arts Center 215 W San Francisco Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Education Annex, 123 Grant A champagne reception (5 pm) in the Lensic lobby is followed by a performance (6 pm). A street fair (7:15 pm) is followed by an exhibit at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Education Annex. $15 (performance) or $100 (champagne, street fair, preferred seating), 505-988-1234, Sachiko Cooper da Silva, Circus, oil on paper

Passport to the Arts Canyon Road Three-day Canyon Road event featuring gallery openings, live entertainment, lectures, artist demonstrations, and auctions. More than 100 artists participate. 505-795-5703, Coffee Workshop: The Journey of the Bean Santa Fe Culinary Academy 112 W San Francisco A one-day workshop on coffee. Topics include varietals, tasting, roasting, and blending; with instructors Darren Berry and Todd Spitzer. $120, 9 am–3 pm, 505-983-7445,

Eclectics Art Gallery’s Re-Re-Opening Eclectics Art Gallery 7 Caliente, Ste A-4 American art and professional jewelry repair and restoration. Free, 10 am–8 pm, 505-603-8811, Sunrise/Sunset Bill Hester Fine Art 621 Canyon Oil paintings by Susanna Hester. Free, reception 5–7 pm, 505-6605966,

Susanna Hester, Aspen Vista III

The Best of Burros Santa Fe Art Collector Gallery 217 Galisteo Oil painter Jo Sherwood honors the burro with multicultural images of the sturdy and dependable beast of burden. See preview on page 24. Free, reception 5–8 pm, 505-9885545,

FANTASE Dome Fest DeVargas Park This multimedia light festival will feature four geodesic domes, art projections, live music, and a beer garden hosted by Cowgirl BBQ. Free, 6–11 pm, 505-288-3538,

Live Brazilian/flamenco/classical music performance. Free, 8–11 pm, 800-727-553,


Ronald Roybal Hotel Santa Fe 1501 Paseo de Peralta A Native American flute and Spanish classical guitar performance in Hotel Santa Fe’s restaurant and lounge Amaya. Roybal has been nominated for six Native American Music Awards and has won the New Mexico Music Industry Award twice. Free, 7–9 pm, 505-982,1200,,

featuring 100+ Santa Fe artists Through May 30 Open: Thursday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm

The Three Faces of Jazz El Meson Restaurant 213 Washington Swinging jazz piano trio. Free, 7:30–10:30 pm, 505-983-6756,

Enveloping Space: Walk, Trace, Think

The Great Tributaries Retreat Upaya Zen Center 1404 Cerro Gordo Four-day long retreat featuring 16 course offerings for therapists, counselors, and social workers. $530 (includes meals), 505-986-8518,

May 10

17th Annual Placitas Studio Tour Various locations Fifty artists open their studios to the public during this free, selfguided tour. Free, 10 am–5 pm, 505771-1006,

an installation by Jane Lackey

Ladies Night at The Den The Den, 132 W Water DJ Luna performs at The Den at Coyote Café. Free, 9 pm–12 am, 505-983-1615, Matthew Andrae Inn and Spa at Loretto 211 Old Santa Fe Trl



at cca

• affordable • unique • artist-made • useful • local • awesome!

Passport to the Arts Canyon Road Three-day Canyon Road event featuring gallery openings, live entertainment, lectures, artist demonstrations, and auctions.

1050 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe Open: Thursday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm $5 / Fridays and members FREE // //




NEW MEXICO JAZZ F E S T I VA L A collaborative project of The Outpost Performance Space, The Lensic, and the Santa Fe Jazz Foundation

July 11–27, 2014 FEATURED PERFORMANCES J u ly 1 1 :

Claudia Villela Quartet O ut p Ost p erfO rma n ce spac e

J u ly 1 3 :

Tootie Heath, Ethan Iverson, Ben Street Trio

More than 100 artists participate. 505-795-5703, 2014 IAIA Powwow Institute of American Indian Arts 83 Avan Nu Po Rd IAIA’s annual powwow includes gourd dancing (10–11 am), a grand entry (11 am), supper (4–5:30 pm), and dancing contests, with $4,000 in prize money to be given away throughout the day. Vendor booths are available for IAIA alumni ($25) and non-IAIA alumni ($50). Free, 10 am–7 pm, 505-424-2300, iaia. edu. Variations: Structure and Surface Wade Wilson Art 217 W Water New works by UK-native Lucinda Cobley and Texas-native Joan Winter. See preview on page 21. Free, reception 5–7 pm, 505-6604393,

May 12


May 11

17th Annual Placitas Studio Tour Various locations Fifty artists open their studios to the public during this free, self-guided tour. Free, 10 am–5 pm, 505-771-1006, Passport to the Arts Canyon Road Three-day Canyon Road event featuring gallery openings, live entertainment, lectures, artist demonstrations, and auctions. More than 100 artists participate. 505-795-5703,

Henry Butler, Steven Bernstein & The Hot 9 H i la n d tHeater

J u ly 2 0 :

Bumble Bee’s Jazz All Stars— with Dick Hyman, Bucky Pizzarelli, Lewis Nash, and more

Encore! VJ YAZ The Palace Restaurant & Saloon 142 W Palace Video dance bar with show tunes and music from the 1970s, ’80s, ’90s, and today. $20, 8 pm, 505-988-1234,

tHe len si c

J u ly 2 3 & 2 4 :

Omar Sosa’s Quarteto AfroCubano O ut p Ost p erfO rma n ce spac e

J u ly 2 5 :

Terri Lyne Carrington’s Mosaic Project with Lizz Wright, Gretchen Parlato, Grace Kelly, Tia Fuller, and Rachel Z tHe len si c

Animal Superpowers Cerrillos Hills State Park Explore the link between comic book superheroes and wildlife. Meet at park entrance, 0.5 miles north of Cerrillos Village on County Road 59. $5 per vehicle, free with New Mexico state park pass, 11 am–1 pm,

J u ly 2 6 :

NEA Jazz Master Jack DeJohnette with Ravi Coltrane and Matt Garrison tHe len si c

For more information and tickets: 505-988-1234 · Service charges apply at all points of purchase.

211 W. San Francisco Street, Santa Fe

The Lensic is a nonprofit, member-supported organization.

The Met in HD: Rossini’s La Cenerentola The Lensic Performing Arts Center 215 W San Francisco The Lensic and The Santa Fe Opera partner to present a screening of a Metropolitan Opera performance of Rossini’s La Cenerentola at The Lensic. Featuring mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato; tenor Juan Diego Florez; baritone Alessandro Corbelli; bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni; and the Met’s principal conductor, Fabio Luisi. $22, 6 pm,

Mother’s Day Champagne Brunch Eldorado Hotel & Spa 309 W San Francisco Set in the Eldorado Hotel’s picturesque gallery, this brunch includes traditional favorites such as made-to-order omelets and carved meats as well as more eclectic fare like the hotel’s signature seafood display. Reservations required. $25–$49, 10 am–2:30 pm, 505-995-4530,


J u ly 1 8 :


O ut p Ost p erfO rma n ce spac e

Tacos Santa Fe School of Cooking 125 N Guadalupe A hands-on class that teaches you how to prepare tacos with ingredients such as potatoes, poblano chile, spinach, shrimp, chicken guacamole, corn, flour tortillas, and salsa fresca. Limited to 16 people. $98, 2 pm, 505-983-4688, The Art of Pastry Intensive Santa Fe Culinary Academy 112 W San Francisco A four-day pastry intensive covering topics such as simple doughs, laminated doughs, and pastries in both sweet and savory varieties; with instructors Tanya Story and Rocky Durham. $799, 3–9 pm, 505-983-7445, Cowgirl Karaoke Cowgirl BBG 319 S Guadalupe Karaoke hosted by vocalist Michele Leidig. Free, 8–11 pm, 505-982-2565, Tiho Dimitrov El Farol 808 Canyon A combination performance of blues, rock, and pop music. Free, 8–11 pm, 505-983-9912,

May 13 Argentine Tango Milonga El Mesón Restaurant 213 Washington Live tango dancing performance. $5 minimum, 7:30–11 pm, 505-983-6756, The Cave Singers Santa Fe Sol Stage & Grill 37 Fire Place An indie-folk concert featuring The Cave Singers, an American band from Seattle. Presented by Heath Concerts as part of the band’s spring tour. Ticket pricing TBD, 6:30 pm doors open, 7:30 pm concert, 505-988-1234,

May 14

desert’s iconic religious structures. Free, through May 9, 505-982-1559,

Tamales Santa Fe School of Cooking 125 N Guadalupe A three-hour course on the intricacies of making traditional tamales. Limited to 16 people. $98, 10 am, 505-983-4688,

Paintings by Former Santa Fe Indian School Students Adobe Gallery 221 Canyon Works from the 1930s by students who studied at the Santa Fe Indian School with Dorothy Dunn and Geronima Cruz Montoya. See preview on page 23. Free, through May 22, 505-955-0550,

Free Will: Evolution’s Fleeting Gift James A. Little Theater 1060 Cerrillos Drawing on evolutionary biology, philosophy, cognitive neuroscience, and economics, philosopher and author Daniel Dennett argues that evolution can resolve issues of moral and political freedom. Free, 7:30 pm, 505-984-8800,

John Kurzweg El Farol 808 Canyon Multi-platinum record producer John Kurzweg performs his own brand of original rock and classic covers. Free, 8–11 pm, 505-983-9912,

Spring Dance Concert Greer Garson Theater 1600 St. Michael’s Original dance works choreographed for the Greer Garson Theater by Santa Fe University of Art and Design faculty and guests. $12–$15, 7 pm, 505-988-1234,

Ongoing Missions and Moradas: Icons of New Mexico, 1925–1985 William R. Talbot Fine Art 129 W San Francisco Annual Easter exhibition show featuring prints, paintings, drawings, and photographs of the high

One Voice The Longworth Gallery 530 Canyon Works by Andrew Rodriguez, a native (and Native) New Mexican known for his bas-relief sculptures examining human spirituality and its connection to the animal world. See preview on page 23. Free, through May 23, 505-989-4210, New Woodcut Prints Marigold Arts 424 Canyon Nancy Frost Begin’s woodblock printings and Monster Boxes (sculptures that double as functional forms). See preview on page 23. Free, through June 4, 505-982-4142, Van Chu and Cy DeCosse VERVE Gallery of Photography 219 E Marcy Van Chu’s work incorporates water, calligrapher’s ink, and acrylic with modern technological processes while Cy DeCosse uses platinum process to capture the subtle delicacy of night-blooming flowers. See preview on page 23. Free, through June 14, 505-982-5009, Beyond the Horizon ViVO Contemporary 725 Canyon All 12 of ViVO Contemporary’s represented artists present their visions of the Southwest— directly and indirectly—through a variety of materials and genres. See preview on page 23. Free, through June 24, 505-982-1320,

Insect kite, Chubu region of Japan, ca. 1925


Dan Burden and Robert Ping: Connecting People and Places: A Livable and Walkable Santa Fe Santa Fe Community Convention Center 201 W Marcy Creative Santa Fe and the Metropolitan Planning Organization host a public lecture and discussion as part of Creative Santa Fe’s CONNECT and Walk [Santa Fe] initiative. The initiative is intended to demonstrate simple, affordable, and practical solutions to increasing walkability, bikeability, and livability within Santa Fe. Dan Burden and Robert Ping of the Walkable and Livable Communities Institute will lead the lecture and Q+A. Free, 6 pm, 505-989-9934,

Tako Kichi: Kite Crazy in Japan Museum of International Folk Art 706 Camino Lejo An exhibition of traditional kites from various regions of Japan explores cultural, historic, and artistic perspectives of kite making and kite flying. Also features kite-making workshops and kite flying on the plaza at Museum Hill. $6–$9, through July 27, 505-982-4636,

Georgia O’Keeffe and Ansel Adams: The Hawaii Pictures Georgia O’Keeffe Museum 217 Johnson The first exhibition to feature artwork created in Hawaii by American modernists and friends Georgia O’Keeffe and Ansel Adams. $6–$12 (kids free), through September 14, 505-946-1000, Intimate and International: The Art of Nicolai Fechin Taos Art Museum and Fechin House 227 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos An exhibit of 25 paintings and 30 drawings by Nicolai Fechin—known for emotive, vivid, and idiosyncratic art—will be exhibited at the late artist’s Taos home and studio. $8, through September 21, 575-758-2960,

Tony Tiger: Full Consciousness of Being Museum of Contemporary Native Arts 108 Cathedral Muskogee artist Tony Tiger presents vibrant mixed-media pieces about self-discovery and cultural awareness. $5–$10, through May 11, 505-424-2300,

Poetics of Light: Pinhole Photography New Mexico History Museum 113 Lincoln A collection of nearly 225 photographs and 40 cameras that show how a light-tight box with a tiny hole can help capture amazing photos. $6–$9, through March 2015, 505-476-5200,

Southwestern Allure: The Art of the Santa Fe Art Colony New Mexico Museum of Art 107 W Palace The best of groundbreaking artwork from Santa Fe’s formative artistic years of approximately 1915 to 1940. $6–$9 (kids free), through July 27, 505-476-5072,

Turquoise, Water, Sky: The Stone and Its Meaning Museum of Indian Arts & Culture 710 Camino Lejo MIAC presents its extensive collection of Southwestern turquoise jewelry and educates on the geology, mining, and history of the stone. $6–$9, through May 2016, MIAC, 710 Camino Lejo, 505-467-1200, May 8, 2014



Walter Horak - Troupe

David Unger Tango (505) 660-5966

621 C anyon R oad


830 C anyon R oad


Above, right: Southwestern turquoise jewelry is often accompanied by items from the sea. The earrings seen here, by Hopi artist Talaqumptewa, are made of turquoise, cottonwood, abalone, and cotton cordage. The necklace, made in Santo Domingo Pueblo, comprises turquoise, jet, spiny oyster, coral, mother-of-pearl, silver, and fiber. Below: Angie Reano Owen of Santo Domingo Pueblo inlaid turquoise from Nevada’s Red Mountain mine onto a shell to make this cuff bracelet.

Here: Rough turquoise from the Cerrillos District. Above, left: Southwestern rings and bracelets from the 1910s through the present feature single cabochons and clusters of precisely cut stones.

May 2, 2016. In conjunction, MIAC has scheduled programs such as a five-part lecture series (beginning May 18) that examines the role and function of turquoise from prehistoric times through the present day; “Let’s Take a Look,” during which, on the third Wednesday of each month, the public is invited to bring pieces of jewelry for the curators to examine for origin; and turquoise-buying seminars (June 21 and July 19). Visit for more information.

Blair clark

urquoise is an enduring symbol of the Southwest. When paired with silver, the gemstone is particularly iconic. However, “turquoise is more than a beautiful stone. It has deep cultural significance in the region,” says Maxine McBrinn, curator of archaeology at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture (MIAC), where Turquoise, Water, Sky: The Stone and Its Meaning opened in April. The exhibit’s title speaks to the gemstone’s history of symbolizing water, the sky, and certain aspects of a good life, including health, abundance, and beauty. Native peoples have used turquoise ceremonially, medicinally, and decoratively for thousands of years, but this exhibit points to the breadth of its significance, citing relics such as King Tutankhamun’s gold-turquoise-inlay funeral mask. Turquoise, Water, Sky features 450 artifacts drawn from the museum’s extensive collection; more than 50 percent have never before been displayed publicly, lending the exhibit the exclusive air of peaking inside someone’s well-curated jewelry box. A standout display delineates turquoise sourced from various mines—sometimes the difference is marked, sometimes negligible. Covetous jewelry items include a Depression-era squash-blossom necklace made entirely of the stone (absent silver) and a modern cuff bracelet formed from a shell and inlaid entirely with turquoise by Santo Domingo artist Angie Reano Owen. The skill and creativity of the craftspeople is visible in each bauble, whether intricate or bold. The exhibition will be on display through

Blair clark


an engaging exhibition looks at the power and significance of the enduring gemstone

Kitty Leaken

Kitty Leaken


by Ashley M. Biggers

May 8, 2014



Seen Around

photographs by Adrian Wills

Santa Fean NOW was out and about in the City Different, taking in the action at places like the Jean Cocteau Cinema and at events like the Armory Show at CCA and exhibition openings in the Railyard.


café time by K. Annabelle Smith SANTA FE IS KNOWN FOR ITS walkable neighborhoods, which allow for easy access to all the city has to offer. But hoofing from one end of a neighborhood to the other while popping in and out of numerous galleries and shops can also lead to tired feet and the need to recharge your battery. Here we highlight just a few places around town (out of the many) where you can take a breather with flavorful food, delicious drinks, and some of the best scenery imaginable. So sit down and enjoy— until it’s time to hit the pavement again. For hand-pulled espresso drinks and organic, Italian-style gelato, head one block north of Downtown’s Plaza to Ecco (, 505-986-9778). To jumpstart a day of sightseeing or to combat a mid-afternoon slump, order the locally roasted gourmet coffee (hot or iced). For something a little fancier, go for a latte—the friendly and talented baristas can embellish


your drink with impressive foam art. If it’s a sweet treat you’re after, choose from one of Ecco’s 20 gelato flavors and savor it either inside the café, where free Wi-Fi is available, or at one of the outdoor tables, which offer solid people watching along charming Marcy Street. Canyon Road, with more than 100 galleries and a number of boutiques, provides a full day of sightseeing and shopping—most of which involves uphill walking when you start at the bottom of the road, at Paseo de Peralta. Not far from Paseo you’ll find Caffe Greco (505-820-7996), whose flagstone patio is particularly popular once the weather turns warm. Enjoy a custom-made breakfast burrito smothered in house-made salsa, or try the bagels, pastries, soups, or green chile cheeseburger. Toward the end of Canyon Road, you’ll find the cozy Teahouse (teahousesantafe .com, 505-992-0972), whose shaded patio feels like a secret, secluded garden even though it’s just steps from the hustle and bustle of the renowned thoroughfare. Artisan teas from China, India, Japan, and Sri Lanka, as well as locally infused options, make up the beverage menu and pair well with a fresh scone and muffin. A brunch menu as well as a full offering of soups, salads, paninis, sandwiches, entrées, and desserts is served daily.

The Teahouse



It’s all aboard the friendly train at the Station Café (505-988-2470) in the Railyard district. Comfortable cushioned benches line warm brick walls in this character-filled spot, creating a welcoming vibe for anyone looking for a quick bite to eat, a satisfying meal, or a place to set up their laptop for a few hours. The inviting patio, which overlooks the train tracks, is a great spot for people (and train) watching, or for enjoying some Taos Cow Ice Cream or another treat while waiting to hop aboard the Rail Runner.

Wade Wilson Art’s exhibition Variations: Structure and Surface (217 W Water,, May 10–June 14, reception May 10, 5–7 pm) features new works by UK-native Lucinda Cobley and Texas-native Joan Winter. Cobley’s paintings are housed in a permanent collection at Houston’s Museum of Fine Arts, while Winter’s sculptures and prints can be seen at the Tyler Museum of Art and the Dallas Museum of Art.—Samantha Schwirck


openings | reviews | people

Lucinda Cobley, Between Space i, acrylic and pigments on layered plastic film, 17 x 14" May 8, 2014





Passport to the Arts a three-day, art-filled event takes over Canyon Road by Sa ma nt ha Sc h w i r c k

Canyon Road’s creative and artistic legacy is honored during Passport to the Arts, an annual three-day public event held May 9–11 along the famous half-milelong street. More than 100 artists from around the country—whose styles range from abstract to figurative and from traditional to contemporary—help make the event, presented by the Canyon Road Merchants Association (CRMA), the unofficial kickoff to Santa Fe’s high art season. “Passport to the Arts honors the tradition of live art that has always made Canyon Road unique among art districts,” says CRMA board member Nancy Leeson, owner and director of the gallery Canyon Road Contemporary.

“Passport to the Arts honors the tradition of live art that has always made Canyon Road unique among art districts.” —Nancy Leeson, Canyon Road Merchants Association board member On May 9, 50 locations will host various events, including artist receptions, exhibition openings, live entertainment, silent auctions, and more. The following day, festivities get underway with the two-hour-long Artist Quick Draw, during which more than 40 Canyon Road artists take to the street, rain or shine, to complete an original work while spectators look on—giving both locals and visitors a chance to experience Santa Fe’s plein air tradition firsthand. The completed works are then available at a live auction that evening at Ventana Fine Art, with a portion of the proceeds going to student music programs. Bruce Adams, publisher of Santa Fean magazine and Santa Fean NOW, serves as this year’s auctioneer. “Passport to the Arts is a wonderful venue for local and visiting artists to showcase their talents for collectors who come to Santa Fe to watch them at work during [three] art-filled days,” says Bonnie French, CRMA treasurer and director of Waxlander Gallery. “Both the Artist Quick Draw and the auctions expose the artists to collectors from far and wide, and in turn the collectors have the opportunity to see a large group of established and emerging artists in one place at a fun event.”



For artist and bidder registration information, as well as a detailed schedule of events and general information about the Canyon Road Merchants Association, go to

Trevor Swanson, Dawn’s Slow Approach, oil on board, 24 x 12"

Eleventh Anniversary Group Show Gallery 822, 822 Canyon May 9–ongoing, reception May 9, 5–8 pm Gallery 822 celebrates spring with a commemorative show featuring new work from all its artists. Many are based in New Mexico, such as award-winning landscape watercolorist Peter Krusko and Jane Chavez, who creates contemporary woven horsehair baskets. Some call other Western states home, like wildlife artist Amy Poor (Oregon), bronze sculptor Joshua Tobey (Colorado), and painter Trevor Swanson (Arizona).—Eve Tolpa

Beyond the Horizon ViVO Contemporary, 725 Canyon, through June 24 Taking a cue from Dag Hammarskjöld, who contended that “only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road,” all 12 of ViVO Contemporary’s represented artists present their visions of the Southwest—directly and indirectly—through a variety of materials and genres, including mixed-media, calligraphy, paper making, book art, kiln glass, sculpture, and printmaking.—ET Quincy Tahoma (Water Edge), Untitled, gouache on paper, 11 x 17"

Paintings by Former Santa Fe Indian School Students Adobe Gallery, 221 Canyon, through May 22 The Santa Fe Indian School was the first institution of its kind to have an art department. Known as The Studio School, it was founded by Dorothy Dunn, who, along with Gerónima Cruz Montoya, taught students in the early 1930s. Southwest Native art specialist Adobe Gallery narrows its focus for an exhibit exclusively showcasing those students’ work, offering viewers a first-hand glimpse of pueblo life.—ET

Ann Laser, Living in Joy II, monoprint, 29 x 22 x 2"

Van Chu and Cy DeCosse VERVE Gallery of Photography, 219 E Marcy, through June 14 Vietnamese artist Van Chu’s work incorporates water, calligrapher’s ink, and acrylic with modern technological processes. The resulting images—fluid and ethereal—nod toward traditional Chinese painting but defy categorization. Cy DeCosse, a former advertising art director and Fulbright scholar, uses platinum process to capture the subtle delicacy of night-blooming flowers, creating eerily beautiful black-and-white photographs.—ET

Van Chu, Mushrooms and Trees, archival pigment ink print, 23 x 50"

Andrew Rodriguez, Dark Emergence, painted terra cotta clay monoprint with patina copper accents, 26 x 36"

Andrew Rodriquez: One Voice The Longworth Gallery, 530 Canyon, through May 29 A native (and Native) New Mexican known for his bas-relief sculptures examining human spirituality and its connection to the animal world, Andrew Rodriguez, who studied under Allan Houser at the Institute of American Indian Arts, was deemed an Albuquerque Local Treasure in 2009. In addition to being collected worldwide, his work has been honored by SWAIA and featured on the HGTV show Modern Masters.—ET

Nancy Frost Begin, Rainbow Grasshopper, woodblock print, 12 x 12"

Nancy Frost Begin: New Woodcut Prints, Marigold Arts 424 Canyon,, through June 4 Nancy Frost Begin is one of the few American women working in woodblock printing, a technically exacting medium that originated in China. Combining an earthy palette with a contemporary aesthetic, she incorporates fantasy themes into her images, which deftly portray everything from horned lizards to Our Lady of Guadalupe.—ET May 8, 2014



Janet Lippincott, Untitled (table with fruit), linocut, 10 x 8"

Janet Lippincott: Composing in Black and White Karan Ruhlen Gallery, 225 Canyon, May 9–ongoing, reception May 9, 5–7 pm Having studied at the Art Students League of New York, Colorado Springs Fine Art Center, and San Francisco Art Institute, New York City–born Janet Lippincott moved to Santa Fe in the 1950s (after studying with Emil Bisttram in Taos) and lived here until her death in 2007. Composing in Black and White celebrates the versatility of this daring artist’s award-winning output by showing a select group of her watercolors, India ink drawings, lithographs, collages, and more.—Amy Hegarty

Jo Sherwood, France, oil on linen, 12 x 15"

Jo Sherwood: The Best of Burros Santa Fe Art Collector Gallery 217 Galisteo, May 9–May 23 Reception May 9, 5–8 pm Oil painter Jo Sherwood, a third-generation artist born and raised in Rotterdam, Holland, honors the burro with multicultural images of the sturdy and dependable beast of burden. She documented the animal’s role as an essential part of daily working life throughout the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East while traveling with her late husband, Peter, to whom this exhibit is dedicated.—ET

style john baker



This centuries-old home has been on the Historic Santa Fe Foundation Registry since 1963. For more information, see page 26. May 8, 2014



[on the market]

historic hideaway

john baker

The Boyle House, in the heart of downtown Santa Fe, appears on maps drawn in 1766 as a haciendalike building. It’s been on the Historic Santa Fe Foundation Registry since 1963. Native American craftsmen built the oldest part of the house’s threefoot-thick adobe walls. Over the years, rooms that were added to the home were built in the style of the times. Older spaces contain low ceilings and smaller windows, while newer ones feature higher ceilings and larger windows. Vigas adorn every ceiling. With a 3,924-square-foot main house featuring a music room and a game room as well as a guesthouse, studio, and garage, this renovated property provides modern conveniences and plenty of old-world charm.—Emily Van Cleve


List price: $ 1.575 million Contact: Clara L. Dougherty, Dougherty Real Estate Co. 505-690-0471,

desert dream

Tobi Wilde

the intuitive force behind Glorious Earth Landscapes by Ash le y M. Big ge rs

Two ponds connected by a waterfall help make this property an oasis in the desert. Situated on almost nine acres in the gated community of Tesuque Ridge, just four miles from the heart of Santa Fe, this fourbedroom, four-bath, 5,620-squarefoot home designed by architect Craig Hoopes has a chef’s kitchen with a butcher-block island and multiple outdoor patio areas. The master suite features dramatic 14-foot ceilings, walk-in closets, a workout room, a walk-in steam shower, and a private patio with a redwood hot tub and a kiva fireplace. Close to the property’s small orchard (which has apple, pear, cherry, and peach trees) is a spacious guesthouse complete with an artist studio and a darkroom for photography enthusiasts.—EVC

An empath at her core, Tobi Wilde has the uncanny ability to sense and anticipate others’ needs. Following her own medical crisis a number of years ago, Wilde became an alternative health practitioner, and today she applies her intuition to reading the land and the needs of her clients as the designer for Glorious Earth Landscapes. Typical landscape designs may feature flagstone with tight joints and walls with clean, architectural lines. This earth sculptress, however, plans colorful, whimsical, harmonious landscapes. At Camel Rock Casino, the voices of the ancients inspired a dynamic water feature. At Southwestern College, a consciousness-centered institution, the atmosphere cued a walkway with infinity signs. And for a new customer whose family member had passed away, she envisioned a mosaic forming a sun mandala aimed at bringing in light. Friend, business partner, and mason Adam Steinberg builds Wilde’s designs. “[Tobi] brings a whole different aspect to what I do,” he says. “What she does is so much freer and [more] fun.” No matter what she’s working on, Wilde hopes to make the world more beautiful for the benefit of all. “As the microcosm, the more people do good for the Earth, the greater the macrocosm will reflect that,” she says. For more information on Wilde’s work, visit

Gabrielle Loffer. above: AMY GROSS.

List price: $3.675 million Contact: Monica McLin Keller Williams, 505-603-1313

jonathan tercero


Above: “Boring is not my thing,” says Wilde, who built this privacy wall with rock, concrete, railroad ties, chimney tile, and plants. Left: For this residential landscape remodel, “I created a babbling brook [that cascades] to a koi pond,” Wilde says. “Meandering paths lead through the native grass meadow to the fire pit, which is large enough for entertaining.”

May 8, 2014



Living Colour On April 19, Grammy Award–winning rock band Living Colour performed at Santa Fe’s Shellaberger Tennis Center as part of the Santa Fe University of Art and Design’s Artists for Positive Social Change series, which dedicates performances, lectures, and other events to the exploration of important social issues. Earlier in the day, members of Living Colour participated in a symposium with SFUAD students that addressed the ups and downs of working in the music industry and finding your own creative voice. “The concert was without a doubt the most amazing talent on stage that I have ever seen live,” says SFUAD president Larry Hinz. “I left incredibly impressed with the feeling that I had seen masters of their craft at work.” 28

Kara Tjelmeland

| L A S T LO O K |


EXPERIENCE THE WORLD OF ART ON CANYON ROAD GALLERY OPENINGS | MUSIC | ARTIST RECEPTIONS | TRUNK SHOWS INTERACTIVE ART | FOOD | SILENT AUCTIONS | ARTISTS AT WORK FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY | MAY 9, 10 & 11 Plan to spend the weekend on historic Canyon Road in Santa Fe for this exciting special event that connects art lovers with world-class artists & galleries in the famed art destination. All events are free and open to the public. For event details and a complete list of participating artists, please go to SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRIDAY EVENING Artist receptions, gallery openings, food, music & lots of fun. Silent Auctions SATURDAY AFTERNOON Galleries, boutiques, shops and eateries will host special art exhibits, demonstrations, music, trunk shows, fashion shows, Silent Auctions, and fun things for kids to do and see. Silent Auction bidding at individual galleries ends at 4pm SATURDAY MAIN EVENTS ARTIST QUICK DRAW | 11 AM TO 1 PM More than 70 Canyon Road gallery artists will have just 2 hours to start and finish an original work of art in the Passport to the Arts’ Quick Draw. Please arrive early to Canyon Road as event times are precise. PASSPORT TO THE ARTS TENT EVENTS VENTANA FINE ART | 400 CANYON RD STUDENT MUSICAL PERFORMANCES | 1 TO 2:30 PM LIVE AUCTION REGISTRATION | 3 PM SILENT AUCTION BIDDING | 3 PM COCKTAIL RECEPTION | Hors d’oeuvres compliments of The Compound | 4 PM ARTIST QUICK DRAW LIVE AUCTION | 5 PM SUNDAY VISIT CANYON ROAD GALLERIES & ARTIST STUDIOS Many Galleries, Boutiques, & Shops will open at 11am. Artists will be painting at many locations. DINE AT SANTA FE’S WORLD-CLASS EATERIES





Georgeana Ireland Abstract Music Jane Filer - Dreamscapes

Margaretta Caesar Rio Grande Series

Sean Wimberly Opening Doors (505) 660-5966

621 C anyon R oad


830 C anyon R oad

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