Resilient Santa Fe - One year making together a resilient city

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one year making together a resilient city Progress on the Resilience Strategy

“Santa Fe is celebrating one year of the release of the resilience strategy. Our vision: to make a thriving city that innovates and creates growth opportunities for all. Therefore, we pledged to allocate 10 percent of our annual budget to resilient projects. During this year, we have advanced in 19 initiatives that are changing people’s lives and shaping the city. In addition, we created the Secretariat of Strategic Development and Resilience, which will coordinate the work plans to move towards a resilient city along with governmental offices, civic society organizations and the private sector.”

José Manuel Corral Mayor of the city of Santa Fe

“The Resilience Strategy allows the city of today to have an organized plan, with objectives and concrete goals to move towards a thriving and innovative Santa Fe, growing with equity and social integration at a metropolitan scale. Also, it has allowed us to have strategic projects to build the city of the future. In this regard, the participation in 100RC has granted us access to an innovative approach to think differently about the development of cities, where local governments have a leading role and define long-term actions as a daily policy.�

Andrea Valsagna Chief Resilience Officer (CRO), 100 Resilient Cities

1st Initiative

Western Urban Nature Reserve We tendered the construction for a Plant Nursery Site and Visitor Center with an official budget of $ 18 million. The work includes various paths and circuits to enhance the understanding of the flora and fauna.

2nd Initiative

1st Pillar

Embrace Change A Santa Fe that looks into the future and works at a metropolitan scale

Action Plan for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction The city updated its inventory of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and won the II Second Seal of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. We have finalized the plan of action on disaster risk reduction for resilience (according to UNISDR).

3rd Initiative

Prevention of water-borne diseases We did a training entitled "Integrated Geospatial Information� organized by the Health Secretariat, under the Secondary Cities initiative of the Department of State of the United States.

4th Initiative

Parque del Norte: a Pilot Green–Blue Infrastructure Experience We had a tactical urbanism workshop in Parque del Norte in collaboration with the firm Street Plans Collaborative and representatives of several institutions in the North District. The proposals that resulted from the workshop were implemented at the event “Parque del Norte: Creating Together a New Park for Everyone". With the aim of getting funding, the initiative was presented at the Comprehensive Financial Solutions for City Resilience Conference in Bangkok, and the Technical Deep Dive on Planning Safe, Inclusive and Resilient Cities in Tokyo. 6th initiative

Greater Santa Fe Metropolitan Coordinating Bureau (ECOM) We created the Executive Secretariat and technical team of the ECOM, and defined the financing mechanism of the entity. We presented the progress of the study "Strategic Guidelines of the Metropolitan Area" and designed project proposals for the region. 8th Initiative

Metropolitan Airport The feasibility study is underway being carried out by experts from the International Civil Aviation Organization (OACI by its Spanish acronym) at the request of the National Airport System Regulatory Body (ORSNA).

14th Initiative

Schools of Labor We inaugurated Two NIDO buildings (Centers of Innovation and Development of Opportunities) to host the Schools of Labor program. One in the Coronel Dorrego neighborhood and another in the San Lorenzo neighborhood. The works were carried out under the framework of the National Habitat Plan.

2nd Pillar

16th Initiative

Connect to opportunities

Resettlement of Families Living in Water-risk Areas

A Santa Fe that grows with equity and guarantees access to basic services

The building of 110 homes for families living in water-risk areas in the Jesuitas neighborhood is underway. In a first phase, the Municipality is about to assign the first 38 homes. The city participated in the meeting "Local and Global Knowledge: Toward a Campaign for Flood Risk Adaptation and Resilience" in the town of Buras, United States. 22nd Initiative

Expansion of the Sanitary Sewer Network They are extending the sanitary sewer network to benefit 27,500 new users.

23rd Initiative

Santa Fe Online We inaugurated a building in the Litoral Center Technological Park, with capacity for 12 offices in the ICT sector. The Telecom firm presented an investment plan of $ 315 million to improve the internet and telephone services. 24th Initiative

Master Plan for Belgrano Station and the Surrounding Area We held Meetings with the Agency of State Property Management (AABE) and Belgrano Cargas to agree on the guidelines for use and development of land, overlooking the railway yard.

25th Initiative

Specialized Tourism Market We formed working committees of the SAFETUR to develop promotional actions for educational tourism and nature.

29th Initiative

Strategic liaison for university outreach projects We endorsed and supported the call for five research projects of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) (four on water risk with the Faculty of Engineering and Water Sciences and one on urban solid waste with the Faculty of Chemical Engineering).

3rd Pillar

Foster civic engagement A Santa Fe that promotes a sense of belonging, social cohesion and the right to the city

We participated in the workshop with volunteers under the framework of the project "Use of Virtual Social Networks as a source of information for water risk managment", executed by an interdisciplinary group of the UNL and endorsed by the Government of Santa Fe. 31st Initiative

Santa Fe, an Entrepreneurial City We inaugurated the entrepreneurial Club, and launched the Santa Fe Activa program, which is in the recovered building of the former Municipal Lyceum. The Santa Fe Emprende contest was launched, and 91 proposals were presented; in addition, the city's enterprising ecosystem was formed. The city was selected to participate in the South-South cooperation program of the Mercocities Network, for a project postulated in conjunction with the city of MedellĂ­n for the strengthening of the entrepreneurial culture.

32st Initiative

Mercado Progreso: Creative Industries The agency AABE authorized the municipality to change the use of the former Mercado Progreso’s building in order to be utilized for creative industries. We hired a consultant to develop the preliminary draft and requested funding from the French Development Agency (AFD) for the restoration of the building. The city is advancing successfully in the evaluation stages.

39th Initiative

Integrated information syste The city joined the program of the INDEC called "Local Statistical System".

4th Pillar

Understand to innovate A Santa Fe that manages knowledge and takes advantage of new technologies to spur local development

The initiative was selected in the IBM’s "Corporate Service Corps" program, in which experts of the Company will provide technical assistance for the development of the project.

48th Initiative

Team for Analysis and Strategic Projects Development A team was formed by various areas of the municipality for the monitoring and development of strategic projects. We advanced with the Interport Multimodal Logistics Center, Belgrano Station Master Plan and Parque del Norte.

49th Initiative

Resiliency and Early Childhood Three new municipal gardens were inaugurated in different neighborhoods of the city and a new one was tendered, which will become the seventeenth building within the framework of the Early Education Municipal System. Trainings were made to teachers on resilience issues. The Children’s council began to incorporate and work on resilience challenges in their classroom committees.

50th Initiative

School of Resilience The first cycle was held, with the participation of representatives of local governments from Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina. Specific content and work methodologies were generated regarding local disaster risk management, family involvement in relocation processes, and implementation of the Sendai framework.

This report shows the achievements in the initiatives of Santa Fe City's Resilience Strategy one year after its release. Santa Fe City June 2018

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