1 minute read
There are lots of clubs and organizations you can join through Student Life, but if you are a black male, joining My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) is highly recommended. MBK provides a mix of enrichment and support activities that enhance participants’ personal growth and academic success.
Earn scholarships, learn the value of having and being a mentor, explore leadership opportunities, and enjoy free food, barbershop services and brotherhood.
Pledge: As a member of My Brother’s Keeper, I will maintain high academic standards. I will actively participate in program activities and meetings. I will conduct myself in a respectable and edifying manner on and off campus, while living with discipline and self-control. I pledge to never give up. When times get rough, I will persevere. Nothing is impossible! I will be successful. I pledge to support, encourage and reach out to my brothers as we embark on this journey to make a difference in this world. Am I my brother’s keeper? Yes I am!