Registration Form Payment for the workshop is due by January 11th. However, space is limited and early registration is suggested. Please send this form with your payment to: City of Santa Fe Arts Commission P.O. Box 909 Santa Fe, NM 875040909 Or hand deliver to 125 Lincoln Avenue Suite 100 (behind the Allan Houser Gallery). Enclosed is my registration fee :( $45.00) Check Credit Card # ___________________________ Type: Visa / MasterCard Expiration date ________ 3 Digit Security Code__________ Name on C.C.____________________________________ You can also call MondayFriday 8am5pm to give Credit Card Info over the phone @ 5059556215 (Brent) Workshop Cancellation Policy We rely on your attendance to make important arrangements for the workshop. If a participant needs to withdraw from a workshop, he/she must inform us no later than January 6, 2010. We will then refund your deposit. Refunds cannot be made for withdrawals initiated after January 6th. Refunds cannot be made for participant noshows. The fee being charged is based on a two day workshop to be held Saturday, January 16th and 30th from 9am to 12pm (6 hours). This is a continuous workshop; the fee covers both dates and attendance cannot be purchased individually. We apologize for any inconvenience.
By signing this document I agree to the cancellation policy. Name (Print) __________________________________________________Date_______ Signature______________________________________ Phone #_______________________________________ Address_______________________________________