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The journalists at the Santa Fe Reporter strive to help our community stay connected. We publish this free print edition and daily web updates. Can you help support our journalism mission? Learn more at sfreporter.com/friends
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Mail letters to PO Box 4910, Santa Fe, NM 87502; or email them to editor@sfreporter. com. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.
Thank you for producing a refreshingly kick-ass publication. I enthusiastically read it and appre ciate your smart, cheeky journalism.
On the food scene, I recently visited the Loyal Hound after you recommended it. Amazingly good food. Thank you.
ELIZABETH BERTANI SANTA FEAs lifelong residents of this area, we have wit nessed an unfair [lack of] equity to our area. Cynthia Delgado says she lives on Old Pecos Trail and supports this; she should not have an opinion unless she lives here and experiences
the over-growth and the push to ruin our quality of life while she has her open space. We had beautiful open spaces here while other parts of town kept theirs. This is not equity. There is a push in the last 30 to 40 years to make this side segregated while we endure more and more traffic, speeders, loud muffler noises and gunshots with no help from those who take our high-rate taxes. Yes, we can move but why should they force us when our families have been here for decades and put a lot into our neighborhood? Yes, we need affordability for all but that includes all of Santa Fe, Old Santa Trail, downtown, east and north. I am sure if they had 22 acres of open space downtown, the neighbors would surely oppose it and they would not approve. Why should our area be any different? It is true the people who support this don’t live here. In the past the areas [that] have parks open to everyone have had to gate them in the neighborhoods due to them being overrun with loud activity, cars, trash and other suspicious deeds all hours of the day and night. It irks me that people who don’t understand how they are ruining existing neighbors’ quality of life are making the decisions. They need to listen to those who live in the immediate area and know what is going on. I think respect is more import ant than profits.
BRENDA GREEN SANTA FESFR will correct factual errors online and in print. Please let us know if we make a mis take: editor@sfreporter.com or 988-7530.
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No surprises there. But: Wherefore art thou, Dong Copter?
The good news: Today marks the largest possible number of days until we have to do it again.
Attention job seekers: Parttime remote is not an option this time.
Turns out Balloon Fiesta tourists do want to get high.
Now who will complain that our jokes about the mayor and the cops aren’t funny?
No word on the 27 other Starbucks locations in the city.
Mother Tongue takes a look at what pregnancy loss says about health care
Planning Commission recommends South Meadows development approval
greens like weeds, grasses and clovers. That doesn’t mean you can’t give your pet some carrots as a snack from time to time, but don’t overdo it: Carrots are high in sugar and contribute to tooth decay.
Not all rabbits are cute and tiny. Some, like the Flemish giant rabbit, grow to be downright monstrous. This rabbit breed is the world’s largest, reaching 2.5 feet in length and weighing up to 22 pounds. Fortunately these giants are the gentle kind, which makes them popular pets.
cute is that???)
BY JACK HAGERMAN tips@sfreporter.comand doggy—they’re not scientific, but everyone will know what you mean.
There’s some truth to the phrase “breed like rabbits”
Rabbits really are a busy bunch. A rabbit is ready to start breeding at just 3 to 8 months old. Once they reach that point, they can copulate eight months out of the year every year for the rest of their 9-to-12year lifespan. A doe’s reproductive system doesn’t follow cycles; instead, ovulation is triggered by intercourse. After a 30-day gestation period she’ll give birth to a litter of about four to 12 kits. If you’re not careful, you could have an army of bunnies taking over your house!
poop and process it a second time. It may seem gross, but droppings are actually an essential part of a rabbit’s diet. They even produce a special type of poop called cecotropes that are softer than their normal pellets and meant to be eaten. Rabbits have a fast-moving digestive system, and by redigesting waste, they’re able to absorb nutrients their bodies missed the first time around.
Rabbits are remarkably hygienic. Like cats, they keep themselves clean throughout the day by licking their fur and paws. This means rabbits generally don’t need to be bathed by their owners like some other pets. Win win!
sure I’m not the only one breathing a sigh of relief today, with months of mailers, TV and radio commercials increasing in urgency and conflict screeching to a halt now that voting has wrapped in the 2022 election. This column goes to press long before voting results arrive, but I submit we’re all ready for a break. Consider: bunnies.
If you’ve never had a bunny as a pet, you’re missing out. They’re quiet, unbelievably soft, playful and entertaining, and they are all about that vegan life.
I’ve had bunnies as pets at various points throughout my life, and they are wonderful company. Back when I was a farmer in Wisconsin, I had a miniature Rex named Butterball that would hang out in my office with me while I worked. He would sit right on top of my desk with some hay, occasionally hopping on my keyboard when he didn’t particularly care for whatever I was writing at the time. Having him around really calmed me down. Holding him did wonders for my blood pressure and anxiety, so in some ways, he was more of a health coach than a pet.
Rabbits are more than just excessively adorable and cuddly. They are also really fascinating creatures. Here are some things you might not know about them:
They can’t live on carrots
Cartoons suggest that rabbits can happi ly survive on a diet of carrots alone. But in the wild, rabbits don’t eat root vege tables—they’d much rather munch on
Nope, not bunnies, technically. Another word for the young is kits. Mature females are known as does while adult males are called bucks. Bunny, meanwhile, falls into the same category of cutesy terms as kitty
If you spend enough time around rabbits, you may be lucky enough to witness one of the cutest behaviors in nature. A bunny will hop when it’s happy and do a twist in midair. This adorable action has an equally adorable name: It’s called a binky. And it’s glorious to behold.
I guess no one is perfect. After digesting a meal, rabbits will sometimes eat their own
It’s hard to sneak up on a rabbit. Kind of impossible really. Their vision covers nearly 360 degrees, which allows them to see what’s coming from behind them, above them and from the sides without turning their heads. The trade-off is that rabbits have a small blind spot directly in front of their faces.
Ever heard the expression “long in the tooth?” Like human fingernails, a rabbit’s teeth will keep growing if given the chance. A rabbit’s diet in the wild includes a lot of gritty, tough-to-chew plant food that would eventually wear down a permanent set of teeth. With chompers that grow at a rate of up to 5 inches a year, any damage that’s done to their teeth is quickly compensated for. The flip-side is that domestic rabbits who aren’t fed abrasive foods can suffer from overgrown teeth that can make it difficult for them to eat.
A rabbit’s ears serve two main purposes. The first and most obvious is hearing: Rabbits can rotate their ears 270 degrees, allowing them to detect any threats that might be approaching from close to 2 miles away. The oversized ears also have the added benefit of cooling rabbits down on a hot day. More surface area means more places from which body heat can escape.
If you’re interested in having a bunny as a companion, stop by and check out the adoptables at the shelter. I promise you, the cuteness will pay dividends for years to come!
Pet rabbits might be just what the doctor ordered for a post-election boost
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“Sometimes I feel guilty,” Volmer tells SFR. “I’m using a whole bus to go back and forth.”
BY ANDY LYMAN andylyman@sfreporter.comBilly Gibbons, the legendary guitar ist and co-singer of ZZ Top, growls
“Have mercy, been waitin’ for the bus all day,” in the band’s hit “Waitin’ for the Bus.” He continues: “Old bus be packed up tight.”
For regular city bus riders in Santa Fe, only part of Gibbons’ lament rings true. More than half of Santa Fe’s bus routes are now running “on-demand” schedules, meaning that while riders may be looking for mercy while they wait, those buses are probably not especially packed.
On a recent blustery morning, Paul Volmer waits with his bike in a section of the Santa Fe Place parking lot that also serves as one of the city’s transit centers. Volmer says he takes the Route 21 bus regularly to the Santa Fe Community College, where he stud ies film. But it’s sometimes faster to bike the 4 miles when “you take in all the waiting.”
Here’s how it works: After he gets to the bus stop, Volmer calls the city transit de partment and requests a ride. It’s a lot like requesting a ride from Lyft or Uber, especial ly since Volmer is often the only passenger, except, unlike with the ride-sharing services, he’s riding alone in a full-sized bus.
Six of the 10 Santa Fe Trails bus routes posted on the city’s website are at least par tially on-demand, which is not likely a sur prise to regular riders because they’ve been that way for a while.
Ridership fell when the pandemic began and a number of drivers retired, Thomas Martinez, director of the city’s Transit Division, tells SFR. He says the division also had a “very, very hard time recruiting driv ers,” and lower ridership meant nearly emp ty buses running routes. Martinez would not provide an exact date for when the change took place, noting it was “about a year to a year and a half ago.”
“We needed to make some decisions,” Martinez says “So, we took our lowest rid ership routes, and we switched them over to on-demand.”
But, Martinez says, once the division gets to a “workable workforce,” routes will revert back to regularly scheduled routes.
Ridership figures provided by Martinez and analyzed by SFR show the number of rid ers decreased by more than 50% from 2019 to 2020 and by another 15% in 2021. So far this year, ridership has dropped by about 6% com pared to last year. For perspective, there were more than 750,000 riders in 2019 and about 279,000 riders so far this year.
According to a 2021 US Department of Transportation report, ridership across the country has been declining for the past 10
years. But there was a steep dip nationally in 2020 that continued into 2021.
Martinez says the division has 62 “fixed driving positions” filled and another 36 va cant positions. For context, he says the de partment usually had five to seven open positions prior to the pandemic.
The city’s appointed Transit Advisory Board didn’t have a say in the change to on-demand service—likely because it hasn’t met since the beginning of the pandemic, Marcos Maez, who serves on the panel, tells SFR via email.
“Our hope is to resume our [Transit Advisory Board] meetings as soon as pos sible; however, we are running into issues with recruiting new members and making quorum,” Maez writes. “Like many areas, the pandemic prompted shifts which meant we lost members.”
Maez says the switch has likely helped many riders—and it’s less expensive than us ing ride-sharing services.
“The on-demand service provides some riders with easier access to the places they need to be,” Maez says.
Like the City of Santa Fe, the North Central Regional Transit District has partially shifted to on-demand routes, according to the agen cy’s spokesman, Jim Nagle. The regional agency formerly operated its Turquoise Trail route south out of Santa Fe to Madrid, but now provides that only on-demand Martinez says Santa Fe public transit rid ers are growing accustomed to the new, and likely temporary, changes and drivers are making more efficient trips.
“At first, it was a bumpy ride, and then of course, getting people used to doing it took a little bit,” he adds. “But as we go, we get better and better at it.”
For on-demand service on Santa Fe Trails routes 5, 6, 21, 22 and the Musuem Hill route on weekdays and weekends as well as Route 24 and 26 on weekends, contact dispatchers at (505) 955-2001.
Declining ridership, transit driver shortage mean you may have to call ahead to catch the bus in Santa Fe
Reps. Teresa Leger Fernández and Melanie Stansbury both won second terms.
Gary King contest in 2014, when just 40% of registered voters did their thing. In Santa Fe County, which reported complete results as of midnight, 62% of voters cast ballots.
But midterm years seldom, if ever, ap proach the totals seen in presidential election cycles. More than two-thirds of registered voters turned out to help Joe Biden thump Donald Trump in New Mexico two years ago, and 62% voted in the 2016 election. The 2020 election was also a ban ner year for absentee ballots thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, but this year those returned to a more typical proportion with early reports showing about 13% of voters choosing absentee, 52% voting early and 34% on Election Day.
move beyond “the election rhetoric.”
In part, the victory was a referendum on the governor’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a summer of devastating wildfires and environmental issues, but she leaned heavily on supporters who agree with her stance on access to abortion compared to the Republican anti-abortion platform.
“Tonight, New Mexico said ‘no’ to a polit ical crusade that wants to turn women into second class citizens,” Lujan Grisham said.
Ronchetti came close to conceding Tuesday night in a speech to supporters at Hotel Albuquerque.
“The reality is for our campaign, it will likely come to an end tonight without win ning,” he said.
BY JEFF PROCTOR, ANDY LYMAN tips@sfreporter.comRepublican gains nationally didn’t translate to New Mexico, where Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham handily dispatched former television weatherman Mark Ronchetti to win a second term, other Democrats captured every statewide race, and the party kept control of two of three congressional seats on the ballot, according to early, unofficial general election results. A recently redrawn map made for a tight race between Democrat Gabriel Vasquez and Republican US Rep. Yvette Herrell for the Congressional District 2 seat. It was too close to call as of press time. Democratic
Maggie Toulouse Oliver will serve anoth er term as secretary of state; Laura Montoya beat Harry Montoya (no relation) to take over the treasurer’s office; Raúl Torrez rolled Jeremy Gay to become attorney general; Joseph Maestas will continue a long proces sion of Dems as state auditor and Stephanie Garcia Richard hung on to her spot as state Land Commissioner.
Closer to home, state Rep. Andrea Romero had no trouble with Jay Groseclose to complete the near-perfect night for the Blue Team.
Moderate turnout marked Election Day ‘22: As of midnight, more than 680,000 votes had been counted—that’s 50% of all those registered in the state. The incomplete fig ure tracks behind the 56% of total voters who chose candidates during the last mid term/gubernatorial election in 2018. And it’s a higher share than the Susana Martinez vs.
Lujan Grisham took some last-minute shots at Ronchetti in her victory speech around 10 pm at The Clyde Hotel in Albuquerque.
“I want you to know, if it seemed like we were taking a minute, or two, or 10, it’s be cause I was backstage, checking the weath er,” she told the crowd.
She continued with another meteoroli gical reference, saying the “forecast for New Mexico” is four more years of support for students, teachers and workers across the state, while praising voters for rejecting a Ronchetti governorship.
“We said, ‘hell no’ to outsiders who think they can tell us how to live and run our state without understanding our culture, our his tory and our communities,” Lujan Grisham said.
Her tone shifted by the end of her speech, encouraging her supporters to “be nice” moving forward, with a plea to stop and
He also shared with the crowd a Ronchetti family credo of sorts.
“When you walk down God’s path, you’re never assured of a result,” he said from the stage he shared with his wife and two daugh ters. “But what you are assured of is, along the way, to be better for what you’ve done when you walk next to him. And we are bet ter as a family for what we’ve done.”
Lujan Grisham supporters like to call Ronchetti an outsider but he has lived in New Mexico for more than 20 years. He ran unsuccessfully for US Senate against Sen. Ben Ray Luján in 2020.
If bedrock issues driving voters to the polls and a long, muddy slog through hy perbolic campaign mailers, creepy-musictracked television ads and internet memes are your thing, this was the election for you.
The race at the top of the ticket never even threatened civility, given two candi dates who clearly would not have offered
Voters help NM Dems stay ahead with abortion access at the top of minds
even a modicum of saliva had the other suddenly burst into flames. Lujan Grisham, who’s résumé includes service as a county commissioner, cabinet secretary and con gresswoman, climbed all over Ronchetti— seemingly before he even announced his candidacy—for his lack of political expe rience and his ever-changing positions on Trump, abortion rights and more. The long time KRQE-TV green-screen warrior fired back with frequency, seizing on, among oth er morsels, the governor’s $150,000 payout to settle sexual misconduct claims leveled by James Hallinan, one of her previous cam paign staffers.
Hallinan made Ronchetti-favorable news again in the campaign’s waning days when Albuquerque-based attorney Thomas Grover posted screenshots of 2018 text mes sages between Hallinan and then-KOB-TV photographer Joseph Lynch on Twitter. The messages showed that Lynch had leaked questions for the station’s upcoming debate between Lujan Grisham and Republican Steve Pearce to the Lujan Grisham campaign in advance.
It’s not clear what impact the incessant sparring had on voter behavior, but the US Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe vs. Wade certainly spurred trips to the polls.
Lujan Grisham supported the Legislature’s vote to repeal a decades-old abortion ban prior to the Supreme Court’s ruling, signed an executive order protect ing abortion providers here against disci pline due to out-of-state residents receiving abortion services and pledged $10 million to build a women’s health care facility in Southern New Mexico.
An Albuquerque mega-church pastor says Ronchetti vowed to support a total abortion ban. The candidate backed off that
position early on and said last month he wanted to see abortion on the ballot in New Mexico in a future election.
Chaya Babu, who moved to Santa Fe from New York in January, tells SFR there were many issues she felt strongly about this year, but the biggest was “mainly abortion.”
Babu, who took advantage of same-day voter registration, and cast a vote around lunchtime near downtown straight-ticket for Democrats because of abortion access.
“I really felt like shit’s hitting the fan,” Babu says.
Angela Schackel Bordegaray, who works as a planner for the City of Santa Fe, tells SFR she enthusiastically voted for Lujan Grisham and State Land Commissioner Garcia Richard, but that she’s also “pretty disgusted with both parties.”
Without mentioning abortion access, Bordegaray says the biggest issue for her this cycle is women’s rights. “I’ve been a second class citizen, as has my daughter, as has my mother,” she says.
Marisa Rodriguez, a student in the nursing program at Santa Fe Community College, recently turned 18 and voted for the first time at the Southside Library.
“If you believe in something, you should just take 15 minutes out of your day to make the change,” she says. Rodriguez says the governor’s race was among the top on her mind, particularly with the issue of abor tion and “just making sure that as women we can keep all of our rights. I’m not wanting to argue with people because if you believe that’s what you believe, but it’s just a thing of people being over-excessive about it and like going to the facilities and just spreading a message that isn’t necessary. And so, I feel like everyone should have a choice in what they do.”
Kay Tredwell, who voted at the Christian Life Santa Fe polling location in the early evening, tells SFR she’s a regis tered Republican, but for years has stuck with mostly Democratic candidates except in some local elections.
“I think the Republican Party drove me out by being too pinche,” Tredwell says.
She voted for Lujan Grisham because of the governor’s stance on abortion access, but also because she finds Ronchetti’s plan to leave abortion to voters offensive.
“I don’t think it’s the government’s busi ness in any way,” Tredwell says. “And I was very sad to see this idea that we’re going to have a statewide referendum that Mark Ronchetti was putting forward on abortion. Not only do I not want any politicians de ciding that, I don’t want anybody else de ciding that at all, ever.”
It was an expensive campaign, too, with Lujan Grisham and Ronchetti each raising nearly $6.5 million for the general election and spending from PACs tipping even more cash. Two PACs supporting Democratic candidates, A Stronger New Mexico and ActBlue, each reported more than $10 million as the cycle’s top-spending committees.
Democrats didn’t fare as well elsewhere in the nation, losing seats in and possible control of the US House of Representatives and a few governor’s races they’d been eyeing.
New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, who won her race Tuesday night, announced ahead of Election Day she and her staff would oversee the election from a remote location because of safety concerns and unfounded claims of wide spread voter fraud across both the US and the state. But Toulouse Oliver tells SFR
things went pretty smoothly across New Mexico on Election Day.
“There’s always little issues here and there,” she says. “But as a system, as a whole, it went really well today. I think every time we run an election here in New Mexico, we do a better job.”
Toulouse Oliver adds though, she “would not be shocked” if her office sees legal challenges “targeted” towards races that are “particularly close.”
In the Santa Fe-centric congressio nal District 3, Democrat Teresa Leger Fernández garnered 55% of votes, winning easily in a rematch against Republican Alexis Martinez Johnson, according to early, unofficial results. US Rep. Melanie Stansbury had no trouble with former po lice officer and Republican Michelle Garcia Holmes to keep her seat in CD1 with 57% of votes. Several hundred votes separated Herrell and Vasquez.
All but one Santa Fe-based position in the state Legislature were uncontest ed on the general election ballot, with Reena Szczepanski stepping into a seat being vacated by Brian Egolf and a slate of Democratic incumbents who sailed into re turn terms. Rep. Andrea Romero held onto her District 46 seat with 77% of the vote.
State Supreme Court justices Julie Vargas and Briana Zamora, both Democrats, cruised to victory against Republican opponents, and dozens of judg es around the state won retention elec tions, meaning they’ll stay on the bench at least another term.
Julia Goldberg contributed reporting. Read more voter and candidate comments from earlier in the day at sfreporter.com/elections.
Though the idea of taking a bigger chunk of the state’s permanent fund has for years been labeled as a derogatory “raid,” it’s now clear that New Mexico voters are all for the raid ing when it means more resources for education.
According to early, unofficial results posted online by the Secretary of State’s
Office, voters approved three proposed amendments to the state constitution on the general election ballot.
Amendment 1, which shifts money in the Land Grant Permanent Fund largely derived from oil and gas royalties into early childhood programs and public schools, earned approval from about 70% of voters.
The amendment increases disburse ment cash from the investment of fund— valued at $24 billion in last month’s report from the State Investment Council—from 5% to 6.25%, with 40% of the new distribution going to pay for education needs of at-risk students and 60% toward early-childhood education.
If the fund drops below $17 billion, the provision would pause. However, the US Congress, which authorized the fund, also would need to approve the change before distributions begin.
At present rates, the new distribu
Voters approve plan to use more permanent fund cash for education, plus two other constitutional amendments and all bonds
tion will amount to more than $200 million per year, and the lion’s share would move into the cabinet-level state Early Childhood Education and Care Department established just two years ago.
Though it’s a smaller portion of the new disbursement, money earmarked for at-risk students will help the state directly respond to a 2018 court ruling on education. A District Court judge determined in Martinez/Yazzie v New Mexico that the state has failed to prop erly allocate funding for its entire school system and in particular for at-risk stu dents, English language learners, Native American students and special educa tion students.
After nearly a decade of attempts, proponents of the increase finally swayed conservative Democrats in the Legislature to jump on board. The Senate Finance Committee, for years chaired by Democrat John Arthur Smith of Deming, and an adamant opponent of tapping the fund, has historically been a major road block for the proposal. After Smith lost the seat in a primary election two years ago, Sen. George Muñoz, D-Gallup, took the helm of the key legislative committee and voted to get the proposed amend ment over the long-time hurdle in March 2021.
Proponents of further tapping the permanent fund include the state Democratic Party and the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops—two groups who are at odds when it comes to abortion access.
“Over a decade of work by advocates, parents, teachers, elected officials, and a community of people who care about the futures of our children have led to this incredible victory. And tonight vot ers across New Mexico have made their voices heard,” Oriana Romero, director of the Center for Civic Policy, said in a statement. “There is a clear mandate to create a better education system for gen erations to come. The opportunity for in vestment into our kids and families that this win affords us cannot be overstated, and we are grateful to the voters who made this happen. This win opens the door to transformational change for New Mexico’s families.”
While a bigger investment from the fund has clear short-term benefits, an analysis by the Legislative Council Service pointed out that there’s no guar antee adoption would have a lasting ef
fect on money available for education, as a future Legislature could easily vote to remove other sources of funding. Mathematical analysis indicates the fund will hit a tipping point around 2040, after which the corpus diminishes and the amount of disbursements to all
beneficiaries begins to drop for the life of the fund.
The second amendment adopted by voters was far less publicized and contro versial, yet to advocates such as Camilla Feibelman, director of the Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter, its approval by 65% of voters was an important step for the state.
Amendment 2 adds an exception to the constitution’s anti-donation clause to appropriate state funds for infrastruc ture that provides essential services such as internet, energy, water or wastewa ter. For Feibelman’s organization, that means essential support for a mission to alleviate the energy burden for low-in come families. The state already allocates money that’s available for counties to ad minister for home improvement projects and simple weatherization to help with energy efficiency and lower heating bills, but the amendment will allow for more strategic direct aid, she said.
“It’s such a complex issue…Voters have said they understand that some times the public just needs help. We have seen that so much in the last year with COVID-19 and the cost of child care and the cost of utility bills. We are a state that gives a helping hand when needed,” she said late Tuesday.
Lastly, voters gave the nod to Amendment 3 with about 69% of votes. Its passage changes the timeline for when the state’s appointed judges must stand for election. The governor appoints judges to fill vacancies, which typically occur when other judges retire. There’s already a nonpartisan nominating committee that statutorily vets candidates for the governor to choose from, but the state constitution currently requires appointed judges to campaign in the next general election after appointment if they want to keep their jobs. The amendment approved by voters will give them more time, allowing a full year of service before election is required.
Also on the back of the ballot were three statewide general obligation bonds ($24.47 million for senior centers; $19.3 million for public libraries; $215 million for public higher education, special pub lic schools and tribal schools) and three Santa Fe County bonds ($13 million to acquire, construct, design, equip and im prove roads; $7 million to acquire real property and necessary water rights for, and to construct, design, equip, rehabil itate and improve water and wastewater projects; $5 million for open space, trails and parks). Voters approved all six, ac cording to early, unofficial results.
T he opportunity for investment into our kids and families that this win affords us cannot be overstated, and we are grateful to the voters who made this happen.
Oriana Romero, director of the Center for Civic Policy
If you look around the art world for even a moment, par ticularly in our region, you’ll find no shortage of notable Indigenous artists creating across countless disciplines, be they traditional, contemporary or something else. If you then look back to their training, chances are they spent at least some time at the Institute of American Indian Arts, that Santa Fe bastion of learning that has fostered more exciting artists than even seems possible. This week at the school, find a cadre of graduating seniors from varying practices celebrating the completion of their studies with the exhibit, Same World, Different Voices. Much of the work was created in these students’ final semester, meaning it’s likely some of the most thoughtful and innovative they’ve done yet. Wouldn’t you like to say you saw them when? (ADV)
Same World, Different Voices: 6-8 pm Thursday, Nov. 10 Free. Balzer Contemporary Edge Gallery Institute of American Indian Arts, 83 Avan Nu Po Road, (505) 424-2300
Welcome to the time of the year when, if you’re cool, you start to think about helping others. The holidays are barreling down on us like a 10-speed, friends, which is a pretty sweet segue to talkin’ about Cranksgiving. Oh, Cranksgiving—that annual gathering of bicyclists who, with as little as $20, can join with the national movement to pick up a scavenger hunt list of Thanksgiving foods, then ride to grocery stores picking up items destined for local food bank, The Food Depot. “We normally deal in numbers by weight,” says organizer Bill Lane of last year’s ride, “and we know that between the food riders have collected on ride day, and donations, we collected about 5 and a half tons.” We think you can do better this year, Santa Fe. Register through cranksgivingsantafe.com (or just show up on Saturday) and get to scavenging—it truly helps folks in need. (ADV)
Cranksgiving 2022: 10 am Saturday, Nov. 12. Free (pay for food; donations accepted). Santa Fe Railyard Water Tower, Cerrillos Road and Paseo de Peralta, cranksgivingsantafe.com
Yeah, yeah—we’ve told you about solo act Velvet Vision (aka Betty Taylor) before, but after her iconic Madonna cover performance at a Halloween show in late October, we feel it’s worth repeating: She’s an extraordinary talent. Taylor’s trademarked emotional croon as presented over her indomitably catchy and intricately composed synth tracks just work; like a combo of bigger bands such as MGMT and the smaller indie acts such as Mates of State or, in some cases, Mirah. If you didn’t know, that’s a hell of a combo, and Velvet Vision’s just about the only per son regularly doing anything like it in Santa Fe, which is noteworthy on its own, but throw in an appearance at El Rey Court’s increasingly popular Queer Night, and baby, you’ve got a party going. (ADV)
Queer Night with Velvet Vision: 7-9 pm Monday, Nov. 14 Free. El Rey Court, 1862 Cerrillos Road, (505) 982-1931
Opera West! returns with its third production: Pagliacci
The Saturday afternoon before opening night, the cast for Pagliacci had to change re hearsal rooms. Voting machines had arrived early at St. John’s United Methodist Church and were stored where the troupe had been practicing.
“I’m not worried,” Opera West! Founder, Director and Producer Janice Pantazelos said brightly. “We’ll make it work.”
The opera’s conductor, Russell Vinick, had just arrived from Chicago (where he serves as music director and conductor of Chicago Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra) to con duct Opera West’s chamber orchestra and was consulting with pianist Maki Kimura. Children’s Chorus Director Kathleen Echols spoke quietly with the small group of ele mentary school students who will be in the show. Although not a dress rehearsal, bari tone Mark Cotton, who performs the role of the hunchback clown, went off to put on his prosthetic stomach so he could practice singing with its weight. The sounds of vocal warm-ups filled the space.
Pantazelos is used to improvising when necessary. A former professional mezzo-so prano, she founded the Santa Fe compa ny and mounted its inaugural show, Suor Angelica, on March 12, 2020—the day after New Mexico posted its first COVID-19 cas es (the company would later receive second place in the national American Prize compe
tition for best livestream opera performance during the pandemic). Last year, its singers and musicians performed Madame Butterfly (a wonderful production available on YouTube) and several members of its cast will return for Pagliacci, a two-act melodra ma by Ruggero Leoncavallo that premiered in Milan in 1892 and involves (briefly): mar riage, jealousy, death and clowns (pagliac ci is Italian for clown). The show runs just over an hour and features two sets of leads because Pantazelos wanted to showcase as much talent as possible. Creating more Santa Fe opportunities for professional mu sicians and more accessibility for opera-go ers drives every aspect of her company.
“I’m trying to give back,” she says, in part by staging shorter operas at affordable prices to draw in families and people who might not otherwise attend a late or long night. “I’m trying to build a new audience.” (Julia Goldberg)
6 pm Friday, Nov. 11; 1 pm and 7 pm Saturday Nov. 12; 5 pm Sunday Nov. 13. $20-$200; St. Francis Auditorium at the New Mexico Museum of Art, 107 W. Palace Ave. with livestreams available for purchase for opening night and Saturday’s matinee performances. (505) 490-5995; operawest.org
We’d love to hear from you. Send notices via email to calendar@sfreporter.com.
Make sure you include all the pertinent details such as location, time, price and so forth. It helps us out greatly.
Submission doesn’t guarantee inclusion.
No Name Cinema
2013 Pinon St. nonamecinema.com
A photographic survey of cemeteries located around the state. During events or by appt., free
Susan Eddings Pérez Galley
717 Canyon Road (505) 477-4ART
Surrealist works. 10 am-5 pm, free
BY JACKS MCNAMARA form & concept
435 S Guadalupe St., (505) 216-1256
Cosmic works on wood. Tues-Sat, 10 am-5 pm, free
435 S Guadalupe St. (505) 216-1256
American landscapes become site-specific experiences.
Tues-Sat, 10 am-5 pm, free
Aurelia Gallery 414 Canyon Road (505) 501-2915
Abstracttion and bold colors. 11 am-5 pm, free
Currents 826 826 Canyon Road (505) 772-0953
artists explore the Earth and otherworldliness. 12-6 pm, free
Evoke Contemporary 550 S. Guadalupe St. (505) 995-9902
Día de los Muertos might have passed, but Herrera continues to celebrate life and death in this provocative exhibition of paintings, santos and more. If you don’t know him yet, you should.
10am-5pm, Mon-Sat, free
LewAllen Galleries
1613 Paseo de Peralta 988-3250
A diverse body of work by to celebrate Scholder’s life’s and mark the occasion of the artist’s posthumous 85th birthday.
10–6 pm, Mon-Fri; 10 am–5 pm, Sat, free
Turner Carroll Gallery
725 Canyon Road (505) 986-9800
Paintings inspired by a single peony Murr discovered in his mother’s garden. It just goes to show how one little thing can make all the difference.
10 am-6 pm, Sat-Thurs; 10 am-7 pm, Fri, free
Pie Projects
924 B Shoofly Street (505) 372-7681
The inimitable Santa Fe photographers collaborate across new shots and a new book, proving once and for all that they’re among the best.
11 am-5 pm, Tues-Sat, free
Java Joe's 2801 Rodeo Road (404) 795-7005
Mixed-media still lifes.
7 am-1 pm, Mon-Sat, free
Gerald Peters Contemporary 1011 Paseo de Peralta (505) 954-5700
Key pieces of Kaneko’s lesser-known study—muted tones and geometric compositions.
10 am-5 pm, free
Foto Forum Santa Fe 1714 Paseo de Peralta (505) 470-2582
Sena shows new shots born from correspondence with incarcerated environmental activists.
12:30-5 pm, Tues; Noon-5 pm, Thurs-Fri
LewAllen Galleries
1613 Paseo de Peralta (505) 988-3250
Nuanced, evocative representation of the female figure.
10 am–6 pm, Mon-Fri; 10 am–5 pm, Sat, free
Aurelia Gallery 414 Canyon Road (505) 501-2915
Cermamics and encaustic works. 10 am-5 pm
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo de Peralta (505) 989-1199
Paintings and works on paper spanning 1962-2022.
10 am-5 pm, Thurs-Mon, free
MEGAN BENT: PATIENT/ BELONGINGS form & concept 435 S Guadalupe St. (505) 216-1256
Photographic meditations. 10 am-5 pm, Tues-Sat, free
5. Gallery 2351 Fox Road, Ste. 700 fivepointgallery.com New illustrations.
Noon-5 pm, Thurs-Sat, free
G2 Gallery 702 1/2 Canyon Road (505) 982-1212
Sculptor Wilding and painter Takamura run concurrent shows. 10 am-5 pm, Tues-Sat, free
We’d love to hear from you. Send notices via email to calendar@sfreporter.com.
Make sure you include all the pertinent details such as location, time, price and so forth. It helps us out greatly.
Submission doesn’t guarantee inclusion.
Sorrel Sky Gallery
125 W Palace Ave. (505) 501-6555
Western lifestyle works. 9:30 am-5:30 pm
Calliope 2876 HWY 14, Madrid 474-7564
Paintings and ceramics.
11 am-4 pm, free WILD PIGMENT PROJECT: A GROUP EXHIBITION form & concept 435 S Guadalupe St. (505) 216-1256
Foraged pigment works. 10 am-5 pm, Tues-Sat, free
SPECTRALS FROM A SHORELESS SEA Strata Gallery 418 Cerrillos Road, Suite 1C (505) 780-5403
New Mexico Governor's Mansion One Mansion Dr, (301) 318-0940
Explore the gov’s mansion. By appt, free
Desert Dogs Brewery and Cidery 112 W San Francisco St. (505) 983-0134
BINGO, bro. 7 pm, $2
Santa Fe Public Library Southside 6599 Jaguar Drive (505) 955-2820
Singing and music for kiddos. 3:15 pm, free
Obscura Gallery
1405 Paseo De Peralta (505) 577-6708
Photography show addressing themes of the Black experience. 11 am-5 pm, free
LewAllen Galleries 1613 Paseo de Peralta (505) 988-3250
Abstract oil paintings. 10 am–6 pm, Mon-Fri; 10 am–5 pm, Sat, free
Nüart Gallery 670 Canyon Road (505) 988-3888
Acrylic abstracts and collage. 10 am-5 pm, free
Blue Rain Gallery 544 S Guadalupe St. (505) 954-9902
Paintings celebrating youth and the planet.
10 am-6 pm, free
Center For Contemporary Arts 1050 Old Pecos Traill (505) 982-1338
Indigenous artists engage environmental themes.
11 am-5 pm, Fri-Sun, $10
The relationship between home, environment, memory through photos and other media.
10 am-5 pm, Tues-Sat, free
Santa Fe Public Library Main Branch 145 Washington Ave. (505) 955-6780
Movement for health, wellness. Noon, free
Santa Fe Children's Museum 1050 Old Pecos Trail (505) 989-8359
The Santa Fe Art Institute 1600 St. Michaels Drive (505) 424-5050
Revolution Residents reveal site-specific installations. 5-7 pm, free
Santa Fe Public Library Main Branch 145 Washington Ave. (505) 955-6780
Music, song and language. 10 am, free
Santa Fe Public Library LaFarge Branch 1730 Llano St. (505) 955-4860
Story and craft hour.. 10:30 am, free
Santa Fe Public Library LaFarge Branch 1730 Llano St. (505) 955-4860
A safe space for teens. 1:30 pm, free
Story time and play for the little ones. This week’s theme is Spiders and Webs. 10:30-11:30 am, free
Santa Fe Public Library LaFarge Branch 1730 Llano St., (505) 955-4860 Hey, kids—play chess. 5:45 pm, free
Tumbleroot Brewery & Distillery 2791 Agua Fría St. (505) 303-3808
Chef Randy Tapia brings the poki.
4-8:30 pm, free
Cowgirl 319 S Guadalupe St. (505) 982-2565
Tongue-in-cheek honky tonk. 4 pm, free
El Rey Court
1862 Cerrillos Road (505) 982-1931
SITE Santa Fe
1606 Paseo de Peralta (505) 989-1199
Solo exhibition by IranianAmerican artist and filmmaker Neshat.
10am-5pm, Thurs-Mon, free SUZANNE SBARGE: NEW WORKS
Hecho Gallery 129 W Palace Ave. (505) 455-6882
Paintings that merge the real and surreal.
10 am-pm, Wed-Sun, free
Tumbleroot Brewery & Distillery 2791 Agua Fría St. (505) 303-3808
Honky-tonk tunes. 7-10 pm, $10
Santa Fe Public Library
LaFarge Branch 1730 Llano St., (505) 955-4860
Knit, crochet or otherwise yarn your way to glory.
5:30 pm, free
Classic country. 8-10 pm, free
Tumbleroot Brewery & Distillery 2791 Agua Fría St., (505) 303-3808
A troubadour who has been likened to Woody Guthrie, and that’s kind of a big thing to say, right? Must mean he’s pretty good.
7:30 pm, $29
KARAOKE NIGHT Boxcar 530 S Guadalupe St., (505) 988-7222
Classic karaoke. 10 pm, free CONTINUED ON PAGE 21
Though Albuquerque-based musician Heather Trost is perhaps known best as a collaborator with acts like Swans and A Hawk and a Hacksaw, she’s also an accomplished artist on the cusp of releasing her second full-length solo record. We loved 2017’s Agistri, and the song remains the same for the upcoming Desert Flowers. You wouldn’t call Trost’s newest a pandemic album, per se, but she definitely worked on its concepts with her husband throughout the lockdowns and beyond. Regardless, it’s an organ-heavy and energetic bit of pop bliss by way of R&B and psych-rock that not only showcases Trost’s penchant for layering effects, instruments and vocals into emotionally-charged numbers, but shows real growth as a songwriter. Flowers drops this week on indie label Ba Da Bing, and with a show in Albuquerque (7 pm Friday, Nov. 11. $10. Sister, 407 Central Ave. NW, (505) 242-4900) we decided to take a little listen and formulate some Qs. This interview has been edited for space and clarity. (Alex De Vore)
I’m hearing a lot of psych and R&B influences on this record. How’d you get there? Did your listening habits change? I’ve always loved R&B and also a ton of psychedelic music. I was listening to a lot of Lee Fields and the Expressions, and I feel like that influenced some of the songs with really nice R&B-like smooth baselines that are moving a lot. Spacious drums. I definitely think that’s a newer influence. Another person I really love is Kathryn Riberio. She was a French singer from the ‘70s.
It wasn’t a conscious decision. I think I was just listening to a lot of music at the time, and it kind of maybe influenced me unconsciously. But when I heard some of [my] songs, I was like, ‘Oh, this kind of reminds me of something I’m listening to,’ like Lee Fields or…I started listening to more dub music, which I really love, and I feel like that kind of influenced some of the sounds—although it’s not a dubby record at all, just a little bit of the sound was influenced by some old Jamaican stuff. It’s definitely organic. When I’m creating I usually start with a melody. I write a lot on the piano, and that’s before I’m even thinking of what organ I’m gonna use, so I come up with the harmony and the melody on the piano first. That, to me, feels like it’s coming out of my unconscious. As I’m recording and also … my partner and the person I record with,
Jeremy Barnes, has influences he’s recording from. It’s never like, ‘I want this to sound like an R&B record.’
You’re known for being a collaborator, but you’ve also got some solo cred going after your 2017 record, Agistri. Is the new record collaborative in any way, or is it more of a strictly solo thing?
I should say that Jeremy...we’re married, he’s not just my partner, and he and I do so much together. It’s very much a solo record, but we co-wrote a lot of the songs. Even though it’s a solo record, it is a collaboration as well, but it’s first a solo record. He’s got such a good ear, I just really trust his ear in terms of production, and he played a lot of the bass on the record and drums—he’s a drummer first and foremost, so he’s played drums on all of my records. He’s also played some organ and keys. He’d come up with a bassline and I’d come up with chords and melodies.
Can we talk about the recording process? What was that like? And what happens now?
We have a home studio here in Albuquerque. The writing process is actually quicker than the recording process, than the mixing process. Sometimes they’ll happen, like, I’ll work on one song for a while and come up with an idea for another song. I’ll have songs in phases. I think I pretty much started writing in the spring of 2020, and then I started recording in the summer, but that was also sort of congruous with finishing writing the songs. It basically took from the fall of 2020 to the end of the summer of 2021 to finish mixing and recording. That process took a while. I like to take my time in the studio, though, which is what’s so nice about having the home studio.
Then in August of 2021, we went to a studio in Michigan called Key Club Recording, and I did all the vocal recording there. I did that last, and they have a lot of really cool vintage, analogue keyboards, so I laid down some stuff, and we mixed it there. We comixed it with an engineer named Brian Fox. I’m definitely happy now, but the mixing process is a lot of back and forth, so even after we mixed at the studio, there were things here and there I tweaked. There’s a certain point where you have to be done, though.
I took a break after we mastered the record and I didn’t listen to it for a very long time until I started practicing and trying to figure out how to do it live. I’m doing a record release at Sister Bar in Albuquerque on Nov. 11, which is when the album comes out. I think it’s sounding pretty close to the record. We’re playing a festival in Austin, a couple shows out there, and I’ working on getting a show in Santa Fe. It’s kind of…I know bands are touring, but we did our last Hawk and a Hacksaw show in Japan in the end of 2018. It’s interesting, because I love touring, but I also love recording and writing, so it’s like, getting back into that mindset. But I’m always kind of writing stuff, so yeah, I definitely have lots of songs going around in my head that I’m working on.
El Nido
1577 Bishops Lodge Road (505) 954-1272
One-man retelling of The Iliad; also dinner.
6 pm, $125
The Actors Lab 1213 Parkway Drive B (505) 395-6576
A card game turns into a wager for a man's soul.
7:30 pm, $15-$30
Balzer Contemporary Edge Gallery 83 Avan Nu Po Road (505) 424-2300
New art grads from the Institute of American Indian Arts show. (See SFR Picks, page 17) 6-8 pm, free
Santa Fe Public Library
Main Branch 145 Washington Ave. (505) 955-6780
Story and craft hour for kids.
10:30 am, free
Santa Fe Public Library Main Branch 145 Washington Ave. (505) 955-6780
A presentation on new state outreach mental health info.
4:30 pm, free
Santa Fe Public Library
LaFarge Branch 1730 Llano St., (505) 955-4860
An open art workshop with O'Keeffe Museum pals. 3:30 pm, free
Santa Fe Public Library Southside 6599 Jaguar Drive (505) 955-2820
Folks from the O’Keeffe Museum show up to get kids interested in art in a less stuffy way than at, oh, say, any museum anyplace. Let kids touch art.
3:30 pm, free
Online bit.ly/3DxnVj8
Voice your perspectives and ask questions regarding forest management and fire ecology in our local Santa Fe Mountains You must register for the Zoom session through bit.ly/3DxnVj8. 5:30-7:30 pm, free
Collected Works Bookstore and Coffeehouse 202 Galisteo St. (505) 988-4226
A conversation between writer/ critic/essayist Kumar and editor/publisher Amy Bianco. 6 pm, free
Railyard Plaza Market and Alcaldesa Streets (505) 982-3373
Look for the other bike nerds. 7 pm, free
Downtown Santa Fe exodusensemble.com
An immersive thriller with a dose of horror by The Exodus Ensemble. Ages 18+; participants will receive location info after booking tickets. 7-9 pm, free
The Actors Lab 1213 Parkway Drive B (505) 395-6576
A card game turns way serious. 7:30 pm, $15-$30
Santa Fe Community College 6401 Richards Ave. (505) 428-1000
A variety of resources and career opportunities. 10 am-2 pm, free
Tumbleroot Brewery & Distillery 2791 Agua Fría St. (505) 303-3808
Chef Brent Jung gets in the sushi game and you're reaping all the benefits.
4-8 pm, free
Cava Lounge @Eldorado Hotel 309 W San Francisco St. (505) 988-4455
Blues and soul for fans of James Taylor and Carole King.
7-10 pm, free
Mine Shaft Tavern 2846 Hwy. 14, Madrid (505) 473-0743
Just because the annual fundraiser He She Bang always sells out doesn’t mean you can’t do the dance party with DJ DMONIC’s hip-hop, dance jams and more.
9 pm, free
Cowgirl 319 S Guadalupe St. (505) 982-2565
4 pm, free
Scottish Rite Center 463 Paseo de Peralta, (505) 982-4414
Numerous musicians from the Santa Fe Symphony dig into chamber music.
7 pm, $50-$100
Arroyo Vino 218 Camino La Tierra (505) 983-2100
In the midst of dinner, a wandering bard strolls into the restaurant to tell a wondrous story of war. Also, dinner. 6:30 pm, $125
Santa Fe Public Library LaFarge Branch 1730 Llano St., (505) 955-4860 It’s yoga. For kids. 10:30 am, free
Ventana Fine Art 400 Canyon Road (505) 983-8815
Landscapes. Gorgeous ones. 4-6 pm, free
FaraHNHeight Fine Art 54 E San Francisco St. #4 (575) 751-4278
Indigenous fine art group show. 6-8 pm, free
Ellsworth Gallery 215 E Palace Ave. (505) 989-7900
Poet Shukman reads. 5 pm, free
Author Valmai Howe Elkins share excerpts from Reconstructing Mabel 3:30-4:30 pm, free
Santa Fe Friends Meeting Hall 505 Camino de los Marquez santafejung.org
Panel discussion and public forum with Jungian analysts. 7 pm, $20-$30
OLD SANTA FE TODAY (5TH EDITION) BOOK LAUNCH El Zaguán 545 Canyon Road (505) 982-0016
Book launch and signing for the fifth edition of the local tome. 4-6 pm, free
We’d love to hear from you. Send notices via email to calendar@sfreporter.com.
Make sure you include all the pertinent details such as location, time, price and so forth. It helps us out greatly.
Submission doesn’t guarantee inclusion.
Tumbleroot Brewery & Distillery 2791 Agua Fría St. (505) 303-3808
Chef Edmundo Mendoza brings all the tacos, quesadillas, burritos and more. 6-9 pm, free
Tumbleroot Brewery & Distillery 2791 Agua Fría St. (505) 303-3808
Tim Cappello (from The Lost Boys) plays, plus more ’80s. 8 pm, $20
Cava Lounge @Eldorado Hotel 309 W San Francisco St. (505) 988-4455
Blues and soul and more. 7-10 pm, free
St. Francis Auditorium at NM Museum of Art 107 W Palace Ave. (505) 476-5072
The Leoncavallo show you tell people you know even though you just saw that Seinfeld. (See SFR Picks, page 17) 6 pm, $20-$125
Downtown Santa Fe exodusensemble.com Immersive theater troupe Exodus Ensemble presents a new original work based on the Greek myth of Medea. Location revealed to those who book. 7 pm, free
op.cit Books
DeVargas Center 157 Paseo de Peralta (505) 428-0321
Kid’s book signing and reading. 2 pm, free
Santa Fe Public Library
Main Branch 145 Washington Ave. 955-6780
A program for babies and toddlers who just wanna play. 10:30 am, free
Santa Fe Public Library Southside 6599 Jaguar Drive (505) 955-2820
Music and song and books. 10 am, free
Santa Fe Public Library Southside 6599 Jaguar Drive (505) 955-2820
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun approach to creative writing.
3 pm, free
Collected Works Bookstore and Coffeehouse 202 Galisteo St. (505) 988-4226
Novelist Almond in conversation about this book.
5:30 pm, free
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo de Peralta (505) 989-1199
Jean Cocteau Cinema 418 Montezuma Ave. (505) 466-5528
Imrpov comedy. 7-9 pm, $15-$60
No Name Cinema 2013 Pinon St. nonamecinema.com
The website describes this event as “an extended release formula of performative and sonic multi-orgasmic experiences... from Los Angeles.” 6 pm, free
Inn & Spa at Loretto
211 Old Santa Fe Trail (505) 988-5531
333 West Cordova Road
An immersive audio-visual wave with original and curated music, live film, more.
7-8:30 pm, $10
Lensic Performing Arts Center 211 W San Francisco St. (505) 988-1234
Ballet from NYC, which means it’s probably pretty great. 7:30 pm, $45-$75
St. Anne's Parish 511 Alicia St.
Bingo but with cash and turkey instead of whatever else you win at bingo. Tix required; so just call (505) 412-2888 to get those. 7 pm, $2-$25
Santa Fe Plaza 100 Old Santa Fe Trail Free breakfast and music from the Santa Fe Concert Band. 11 am-1 pm, free
Mine Shaft Tavern 2846 Hwy. 14, Madrid (505) 473-0743
Night two of the afterparty with Julie Stewart. 9 pm, free
Mine Shaft Tavern 2846 Hwy. 14, Madrid (505) 473-0743
Bohemian pop. 5 pm, free SNBRN
Meow Wolf 1352 Rufina Circle (505) 395-6369
LA-based producer and DJ Kevin Chapman, aka SNBRN. 10 pm, $28
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo de Peralta (505) 989-1199
Jazz piano legend. 6:30 pm, $30-$35
Sky Railway 410 S Guadalupe St. (844) 743-3759
You+jazz+train=a pretty good time, honestly. 5 pm, $99
El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe 555 Camino de la Familia (505) 982-3327
Kids do Disney. Rest in power, Gilbert Gottfried.
7-8:45 pm, $8-$12
The Actors Lab 1213 Parkway Drive B (505) 395-6576
A card game turns into a wager for a man's soul in this show directed by Matt Sanford. 7:30 pm, $15-$30
Wild Hearts Gallery 221 B Highway 165, Placitas (505) 867-2450
Paintings inspired by water.
1 pm, free
In the West Casitas, north of the water tower 1612 Alcaldesa St.
Weekly outdoor art market in the Railyard. Get someone a painting, they’ll like that.
9 am-2 pm, free
Travel Bug Coffee Shop 839 Paseo de Peralta (505) 992-0418
A slide show with traveler Jacobs about tackling the famed Tanzanian mountain. Travel Bug might be one of the more under-rated coffee/beer joints around, too.
5 pm, free
Santa Fe Public Library Main Branch 145 Washington Ave. (505) 955-6780
Wilson discusses his Fernando Lopez Mystery books—an American detective series set in the ancient haunted landscape of Northern New Mexico.
11:30 am, free
Santa Fe Public Library Main Branch 145 Washington Ave. (505) 955-6780
Tucker discusses his book inspired by time spent embedded with the sniper platoon in 2005-06—which would have been an intense time.
2:30 pm, free
A panel conversation on Indigenous fashion from the '80s to the now-ies. (See A&C, page 27) 3-5 pm, free
Odd Fellows Hall 1125 Cerrillos Road (505) 690-4165
Lesson at 7 pm, and then the dance itself starts at 7:30 pm with music from Cheap Shots. 7 pm, $10
Sky Railway 410 S Guadalupe St. (844) 743-3759
Enjoy Flamenco music and dance, plus a tasting of wines from the famous Rioja region of Spain/ 5 pm, $129
Santa Fe Railyard Plaza 1612 Alcaldesa Street cranksgivingsantafe.com
Bicyclists ride to buy a list of non-perishable items that make up a Thanksgiving meal, those things go to The Food Depot. (See SFR Picks, page 17) 10 am, free
Blues and soul. 6-9 pm, free
Lensic Performing Arts Center
211 W San Francisco St. (505) 988-1234
Post-bop, free jazz, more. 7:30 pm, $35-$115
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo de Peralta (505) 989-1199
William Duckworth’s Time Curve Preludes performed by pianist Luke Gullickson. 10:30 am, $5-$20
Mine Shaft Tavern 2846 Hwy. 14, Madrid (505) 473-0743
Jessie Deluxe’s rock jamz. 9 pm, free
Mine Shaft Tavern 2846 Hwy. 14, Madrid (505) 473-0743
Outlaw country. 2 pm, free
Meow Wolf 1352 Rufina Circle (505) 395-6369
Electro, dance-pop and more from the celebrated DJ. You can call him “mister.” Do it. Call him that right now. 10 pm, $25
Mystic Ambrosia Mead
2538 Camino Entrada #203 (505) 310-9303
Traditional and contemporary music of the Balkans and Middle East. 4-6 pm, free
St. Francis Auditorium at NM Museum of Art 107 W Palace Ave. (505) 476-5072
Soprano Lisa Algozzini stars as Nedda in the Leoncavallo show. (See SFR Picks, page 17) 1 pm, $20-$125
Downtown Santa Fe exodusensemble.com A 90-minute immersive thriller based on the David and Bathsheba story in the Bible. 2:30 and 5 pm, free
Downtown Santa Fe exodusensemble.com
A new work based on the Greek myth of Medea. Location revealed to those who book. 6:30 pm, free
El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe 555 Camino de la Familia, 992-0591
Some street urchin marries a princess because magic. 7-8:45 pm, $8-$12
The Actors Lab 1213 Parkway Drive B (505) 395-6576
A card game turns into a wager for a man's soul. 7:30 pm, $15-$30
Fruit Of The Earth Natural Health 909 Early St. (505) 820-0058
Spiritual Counselor Michele Renae teaches how to enter the Imaginal Realm.
1:30-3 pm, free
MAKE Santa Fe 2879 All Trades Road (505) 819-3502
Embark on the exciting journey of creating with metal. 1-5 pm, $180
Alas de Agua Art Collective 1520 Center Drive, Ste. 2 alasdeagua.com
A creative, multilingual community art practice that revitalizes the traditional art form of Back Strap Weaving by returning to its communal and migratory origins. 1 pm, free
Collected Works Bookstore and Coffeehouse 202 Galisteo St. (505) 988-4226
Writer Suri in conversation. 4 pm, free
Sky Railway 410 S Guadalupe St. (844) 743-3759
Ride a train...with jazz ’n’ stars. 7:30 pm, $99
La Fonda on the Plaza 100 E San Francisco St. (505) 982-5511
Country, honky-tonk. 7-9 pm, free
Bishop's Lodge Ranch Resort 1297 Bishop's Lodge Road (505) 983-6377
Brunch plus jazz tunes. 11:30 am-2:30 pm, free
Mine Shaft Tavern 2846 Hwy. 14, Madrid (505) 473-0743
Country. 2 pm, free
El Rey Court 1862 Cerrillos Rd, 982-1931 Folk. 7-9 pm, free
St. Francis Auditorium at NM Museum of Art 107 W Palace Ave. (505) 476-5072
Soprano Lisa Algozzini stars. (See SFR Picks, page 17) 5 pm, $20-$125
El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe 555 Camino de la Familia, (505) 982-3327
Take a magic carpet ride or whatever to the land of Agrabah, where even a dirty nerd can land a princess. 2 pm, $8-$12
The Actors Lab 1213 Parkway Drive B (505) 395-6576
By Conor McPherson and directed by Matt Sanford, a card game turns into a battle for one man’s soul. 2 pm, $15-$30
La Fonda on the Plaza 100 E San Francisco St. (505) 982-5511
Suri explores visions of democracy, race, and freedom. 11:30 am, $45-$55
Odd Fellows Hall 1125 Cerrillos Road (505) 690-4165
Old fashioned swing, big band and blues DJs. $8 for the class and for the dance, $3 for just the open dance (which starts at 8 pm). 7 pm, $3-$8
Jean Cocteau Cinema 418 Montezuma Ave., 466-5528
Think of it like nerd lessons. 7pm, free
Cowgirl 319 S Guadalupe St. (505) 982-2565
Country croonin’. 4-6 pm, free
El Rey Court 1862 Cerrillos Road (505) 982-1931
Synth pop. (See SFR Picks, page 17) 7-9 pm, free
Santa Fe Public Library Main Branch 145 Washington Ave. (505) 955-6780
Themed art sessions. 3:30 pm, free
Santa Fe Public Library Southside 6599 Jaguar Drive (505) 955-2820
Alas de Agua Art and murals. 5 pm, free
Santa Fe Public Library Southside 6599 Jaguar Drive (505) 955-2820
Take the kids for social time. 10:30 am, free
Santa Fe Public Library Main Branch 145 Washington Ave. (505) 955-6780
Kids can practice reading skills with dogs. YES! 6 pm, free
Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian 704 Camino Lejo (505) 982-4636
Laguna Pueblo/Chiricahua artist Pruitt discusses his innovative work and use of materials, and even offers items for sale. This guy's won Best of Show at Indian Market, too, so...rad. 2:30 pm, free
Santa Fe Farmers Market Pavilion 1607 Paseo De Peralta (505) 983-4098 Tour the market. 9 am, free
Lensic Performing Arts Center 211 W San Francisco St., 988-1234
The legendary acoustic guitarist comes to Santa Fe with the kind of finger control most can only dream about.
7:30 pm, $39-$49
108 Cathedral Place (505) 983-8900
Athena LaTocha: Mesabi
Redux. Matrilineal: Legacies of Our Mothers. Art of Indigenous Fashion.
10 am-4 pm, Wed-Sat, Mon 11 am-4 pm, Sun, $5-$10
18 County Road 55A (505) 424-6487
Global Warming is Real Juried Exhibition. 11 am-4 pm, Fri-Sun, $10 (18 and under free)
706 Camino Lejo (505) 476-1200
Grounded in Clay: The Spirit of Pueblo Pottery. ReVOlution. Here, Now and Always. Painted Reflections. 10 am-5 pm, Tues-Sun, $3-$9
MUSEUM OF INTERNATIONAL FOLK ART 706 Camino Lejo (505) 476-1200
Dressing with Purpose: Belonging and Resistance in Scandinavia. Fashioning Identities. Yokai: Ghosts & Demons of Japan. 10 am-5 pm, Tues-Sun, $3-$12
NEW MEXICO HISTORY MUSEUM 113 Lincoln Ave. (505) 476-5200
Setting the Standard. The First World War. WORDS on the Edge. The Palace Seen and Unseen; Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and WWII. 10 am-5 pm, Tues-Sun, $7-$12, NM residents free 5-7 pm first Fri of the month
La Fiesta Lounge 100 E San Francisco St. (505) 982-5511
Folkabilly, plus stories and songs of friendship featuring original compositions and covers. 7 pm, free
Tumbleroot Brewery & Distillery 2791 Agua Fría St. (505) 303-3808
The singer-songwriter/guitarist/ Emmy-nominated artist comes to town. You stand there and watch. You watch and you like it. 7:30 pm, $28
Zoetic 230 St. Francis Drive (505) 292-5293
Letting Go: The Skill of Forgiveness—a class wherein folks can learn to clearly identify the real source of their problems and the right things to do about those problems.
6-7:30 pm, $10
We’d love to hear from you. Send notices via email to calendar@sfreporter.com.
Make sure you include all the pertinent details such as location, time, price and so forth. It helps us out greatly.
Submission doesn’t guarantee inclusion.
750 Camino Lejo (505) 982-2226
Pueblo-Spanish Revival Style: The Director’s Residence. Trails, Rails, and Highways. 1-4 pm, Wed-Fri, $5-$12
107 W Palace Ave. (505) 476-5063
Selections from the 20th Century Collection. Western Eyes. Transgressions and Amplifications: Mixed Media Photographs of the ’60s, ’70s. 10 am-5 pm, Tues-Sun, $7-12
78 Cities of Gold Road (505) 455-5041
Di Wae Powa. Nah Poeh Meng: The Continuous Path. 9 am-5 pm, Tues-Sun, $7-$10
704 Camino Lejo (505) 982-4636
Center for the Study of Southwestern Jewelry. Abeyta | To’Hajiilee K’é. The Mary Morez Style.
10 am-4 pm, Tues-Sat, $8
In honor of Georgia O’Keeffe’s 135th birthday, join us for free upcoming events at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum.
Family FunDay
Sunday, November 13 | 10:00 AM–3:00 PM MST
Begins at Education Annex: 123 Grant Avenue
Bring the whole family to the Museum’s Education Annex for fun activities happening throughout the day including hands-on art making, storytime, and a special treasure hunt.
Free Museum Admission
Tuesday, November 15 | 10:00 AM–5:00 PM MST
Museum Galleries: 217 Johnson Street
Celebrate Georgia O’Keeffe’s birthday! Visit the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum and enjoy free admission, sweet treats, and more.
To learn more visit us at www.gokm.org/events
Georgia O’Keeffe Museum
217 Johnson Street Santa Fe, NM 87501 505-946-1000 | gokm.org
The Pantry and The Burrito Company
Rio (Downtown Pantry-ing, March 30, 2022), so my hopes were high for night eggs. Further, I had to rack my brain to think if I’d ever sampled a Pantry breakfast burrito before. Eventually I remembered that while I’ve had tons of things there over the years, that noble eggy burrito was never among them. Shame on me. So my bud Ryan and I rushed over to The Pantry, were seated immediately (5:30 pm, it seems, heralds a lull at the restaurant, which is otherwise famous for its long lines) and went to town on good local cooking.
I was first thrilled to learn The Pantry has Morningstar veggie sausage for its breakfast burritos, with an extra $2 charge (the same price as adding carne adovada, which I’m sure is also excellent). That brought me up to a grand total of $13.95 ($11.95 without addi tions), and that’s not even counting my most dubious substitution:
some crispy-crunchy texture to the soft eggs and melty cheese. Morningstar sausage com monly comes in links at retail, but The Pantry sort of smooshes said links into small pieces and nestles them throughout the burrito— and not all in one sector, a pitf into which so many other excellent burritos have fallen. The Pantry’s scrambled eggs were expertly made, too, and fluffy without losing firmness. Scrambled eggs are a minefield of pref erence and a case of a simple dish sometimes vexing otherwise excellent cooks and chefs. Both the red and green chile were revelato ry, too, from the green’s spicy kick to the red’s deeper complexities.
Once again, I know many pre fer a handheld burrito, but at The Pantry, smothered is the name of the game—espe cially if you throw your added curly fries into the mix.
The Burrito Company
The Pantry
After a panicked phone call to in quire whether The Pantry still served breakfast at night, we were relieved.
“You bet we do,” the voice said when I asked about brinner. “All day.”
Just last spring I had a wonderful meal at The Pantry’s downtown location, aka Pantry
“Can I have curly fries instead of Pantry potatoes or beans?” I asked “Oh, absolutely,” our server said, with the kind of twinkle in her eye that noted how smart that plan was. Clearly, she’ll remember me. And I’ll remem ber how I wasn’t charged extra for the fries.
So I felt like a genius, as curly fries definitely added
Two days later and I found myself hankering for yet another breakfast burrito, but it was Saturday, pushing well into late afternoon and beyond the superfluous 11 am breakfast cutoff upon which so many restaurants insist.
Luckily, I remembered my training from the 3,000 years our SFR offices were on Marcy Street; I summoned my courage, put shoes on and drove to the Burrito Company, which, if I’m being honest, has almost always been my second- or third-choice meal. Oh, no shade on former owner/chef Arquimedes Castro, who tragically died in 2014—as I’ve said before, he’d put fries inside a burrito if you asked nicely, and that’s very cool, plus he built something upon which people rely,
be they downtown workers, tourists or one guy looking for an afternoon breakfast expe rience. Still, I’ve got my personal favorites, and Burrito Company has never been among them. It likely still won’t be, sadly.
First off, a quick shoutout to the cashier who told me and a companion that they were out of green chile. That’s not an easy thing to announce to a local in search of green, I know, and I appreciated his sympathetic vibe almost as much as I did his finding a little serving of green in the back and offering it up on on the side of my all-red breakfast burri to ($7.50). You’re a star, bud, and I’ll seriously never forget the gesture!
You’ve also gotta hand it to Arquimedes’ widow, Eleanor, who took over after her husband’s death, for maintaining a level of consistency. Burrito Company items are always going to be made the same, taste the same, look the same, and be served up fast. While I would normally consider all of that a plus—and I definitely love a few menu items—this particular breakfast burrito came cold at each end, a product of red chile that was not warmed up enough before smother ing time. The green chile our server rustled up added some extra heat, but it didn’t save the eggs, which I can only describe as rubbery and too few. Everything tasted just fine, it’s just that texture and heat are kind of big deal elements, and I envisioned big tubs of egg made hours earlier and heated up only when ordered. Even so, I’d give them another crack.
Ifwe cast our gaze back to the 1980s, there was a time that Native students and alumni of the Institute of American Indian Arts hosted guerrilla fashion shows on and around the Plaza. Rather than downtown Santa Fe’s current status as a commercial playground for gawking tourists, these artists unleashed experimental designs and per formances which contributed to a Santa Fe that, according to fashion curator and IAIA Assistant Professor Amber-Dawn Bear Robe (Siksika Nation), actually had, “nightlife filled with young people and not so many rules and regulations.”
Pushing limits was their hallmark, Bear Robe says, adding that, as designer Marcus Amerman (Choctaw), who took part in those impromptu fashion gatherings, recently told her, “We would just go into the IAIA collec tions, grab a few things we wanted to wear— like jewelry or whatever—and wear it in these fashion shows.”
If Vivienne Westwood made waves in the punk fashion scene with her London-based shop SEX, so, too, did Cochiti Pueblo design er/artist Virgil Ortiz’s Heat: A Freak Boutique similarly unsettle the fabric of Santa Fe in the early aughts as one of the first Indigenous fashion boutiques on the Plaza.
To celebrate happenings such as that and other Indigenous fashion-related achieve ments, Bear Robe has collected and will mod erate a panel of heavy-hitter Native fashion designers for The OGs of Indigenous Fashion at SITE Santa Fe this week. At the event, par ticipants will have a chance to hear stories from Patricia Daniels (Taos Pueblo), Orlando Dugi (Diné) and Amerman—and anyone who attends will also receive a free ticket to the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts’ (MoCNA) exhibition, Art of Indigenous Fashion, curated by Bear Robe and on view through Jan. 8.
“You can look at the clothing and you can appreciate it or you can think it’s ugly,” Bear Robe says. “There are definitely some more conceptual pieces in the exhibition, but it’s still connecting to the body.”
The accompanying exhibit in part high lights IAIA alums from its 60-year history and shows off Indigenous design languages that exist, according to promo materials from MoCNA, “beyond buckskin, beads, and fringe.”
We spoke with Bear Robe in the lead-up to the panel.
SFR: What inspired you to host your forthcoming panel?
Amber-Dawn Bear Robe: It’s part of the programming for the exhibition I curat ed at MoCNA. I was doing research for a paper I was commissioned to write for Crystal Bridges [Museum of American Art] by fash ion curator Michelle Tolini Finamore, whose exhibition, Fashioning America: Grit to Glamour, opened just after mine.
In talking with designer Virgil Ortiz, he’s like, “The OGs of Indigenous fashion, we have a lot of stories.”
I wanted this panel to be exciting and to draw people in with the fun histories of the Native fashion scenes in Santa Fe that nobody knows about; all of these firsts that happened in this region. There’s always been this lay er of basic knowledge that got public attention with the Peabody Essex exhibition, Native Fashion Now—for in stance, Lloyd Kiva New, and Virgil Ortiz’s collaboration with Donna Karan in the ear ly 2000s. Yet, there’s more to it than that. These stories that not only have happened, but are still happening.
What is Indigenous design language?
We have our own identity. It’s a matter of how to describe that. I say Indigenous designers are the original couturiers of North America. But that is still a European concept. When you look at how Indigenous art, culture and fashion has been framed historically—wheth er it’s utilitarian or for visual aesthetics—it’s
been framed as curiosity; artifact and an an thropological object. But when you look at historical designs from that same time period in Europe, it’s considered high fashion. But you don’t get more couture than killing a wal rus, gutting the walrus, using every part of it and sewing the intestines together to make not only a life saving waterproof jacket—a brilliant feat of engineering—but something that’s also aesthetically so beautiful. Which gets me thinking: Why are there not more designers working with fish skin?
chine behind him. Much different resources. And money drives things. Doing this exhibi tion for MocNA, I couldn’t even get animal materials from my region across the border without a painstaking, expensive, two-yearlong process.
Who is a Native designer whose work you find particularly innovative?
I wore Orlando Dugi at the Crystal Bridges Gala, and I could not walk 2 feet without somebody stopping me and being like, ‘Who are you wearing?’ You don’t get any more American glam our than what I was wearing, which was based on the story of the Navajo warrior twins who were born to kill the mon sters that were killing humans on Earth. Dugi hand-em broidered a gold sun on the front and back of the jacket in collaboration with another Navajo artist, Ryan Singer. It was visually stunning. It was outrageous, and not what peo ple would typically think of as Indigenous fashion. I would say I stuck out, but in a good way.
My current thought on the difference people ascribe to craft versus fashion is that craft is embedded while fashion is extracted, at least in terms of mainstream fashion. I’m interested in place-based fashion. Are there places for young Indigenous designers to build fashion knowledge in New Mexico?
It is a really sturdy material with an amaz ing number of uses. There’s a [Smithsonian Magazine] article, “Does Fish Skin Have a Future in Fashion?,” published in 2021; John Galliano’s Autumn 2002 collection had an Atlantic salmon skin jacket—definitely ap propriation. I know some artists working with that material, but not pushing it to the level of Galliano, who has a huge driving ma
It’s a growth area. Lloyd Kiva New’s whole driving educa tional goal at the Institute of American Indian Arts was to have a fashion textiles pro gram. And that doesn’t exist. It’s a matter of Indigenous students who want to go down that fashion path to go to mainstream institutions. I think it is important for Native designers to go and learn this very tough corporate world of fashion and its many facets in order to play that game, learn the business, and learn all the different tra jectories of the fashion world.
THE OGS OF INDIGENOUS FASHION: 3-5 pm Saturday, Nov. 12. Free. SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo de Peralta, (505) 989-1199
histories of Santa Fe’s Indigenous fashion design roots
You’d be wise to brush up a tad on Irish history and myth before seeing The Banshees of Inisherin, the new film from writer/director Martin McDonagh (In Bruges). Or maybe do it right after. In either event, it’s not that you won’t find plenty to love in the film’s hu mor or its folktale style—or even just in the re-teaming of Brendan Gleeson and Colin Farrell. But McDonagh pulls his allegory from the Irish civil war—which oc curred from 1922-1923—illustrating how there’s not much sense to be found when brother turns on broth er, that sometimes things just hurt. And though you’ll surely laugh and cry and learn and such, being in a better position to understand the symbology at play makes the film all the more enjoyable.
In Banshees, good-natured doofus Pádrac (Farrell) goes to round up his best pal Colm (Gleeson) for an afternoon at the pub, a previously daily outing. Colm, however, is unresponsive, claiming ultimate ly that he just finds Pádrac dull and they shan’t be friends moving forward. Nonplussed, Pádrac pushes the issue, claiming they were friends just a day be fore. Colm responds by threatening the unthinkable: Every time Pádrac dares to engage him, he’ll chop off one of his own fingers with an imposing set of sheers. Meanwhile, Pádrac’s sister, Siobhan (a lumi
nous Kerry Condon), finds herself tired of the mach inations of men, and the town idiot, Dominic (Barry Keoghan, who might be the film’s secret weapon) loi ters about, creating an almost childlike lens through which the viewer might consider what is fair and what is not; the elderly Mrs. McCormick (Sheila Flitton) glides through the hills and dales like the grim specter of death, a portend of eerie things to come.
Both Farrell and Gleeson are at the top of their respective games here, and when filtered through McDonagh’s crackling script, they find real magic together. There’s something to be said for chemistry, yes, but also for a pair of studied actors digging into re al-world history from a more humanitarian angle. The remote island of Inisherin somehow feels both lonely and bustling. It looms like a character unto itself and brilliantly encapsulates the challenges of a commu nity too close-knit. The film’s trudge from bright and hopeful—starting with a literal rainbow, mind you—to muted and dreary occurs so gradually and masterfully that you almost don’t notice the colors draining from its little universe until it’s too late.
In the distance, on the mainland, explosions and gunfire; on the island itself, a crossroads bisected by a statue of The Virgin. Farrell keeps it light and funny,
right up until he doesn’t. Still, as he angrily announces to Colm’s dog that he “didn’t come here for licks,” or explains to the townsfolk that he “doesn’t think we’ve been rowing,” there is a barely masked hurt. Maybe some pride. In Gleeson’s gruff and borderline preten tious elder character, too, one might glimpse the bits of themselves they don’t much like. It’s a relation ship like brotherhood, but almost like the inevitable fallout from when a child understands their parent is a mortal human. God help those who discover they don’t like their family when they stop to think of it.
And so the question becomes who we think we are, or maybe it’s more about why we do what we do. Against the abbreviated backdrop of war, it almost seems small. And then it doesn’t. Hurt is urgent and there’s no point assigning a scale to its effects. The stunningly green Irish backdrop of McDonagh’s mas terpiece almost staves away the ugliness. Almost.
In director/writer Michael Mailer’s misguided stab at a sort of neo-Southern Gothic thing, Yellowstone’s Cole Hauser plays Russ...something, a former resident of whatever tiny Southern town who went off to the big city to make good and came back a financial consultant. When we join Russ, he’s become a social pariah for a bad stock tip that cost numerous townsfolk all kinds of money. He starts getting threatening phone calls asking, “Where will you be the minute you wake up dead?” Ruh-roh, though, because the town sheriff (Freeman) won’t take the threats seriously—his brother, whom we never meet, also lost money, and he’s bummed on Russ, too.
Then come the murders, most notably the father of the waitress from the town diner (Jaimie Alexander, aka Sif from Marvel’s Thor films) who might know more than she lets on. Russ believes the killer was looking for him since he screwed over the town and all, and since he did do that, it could be just about anyone behind the killings. Some mysteries are more mysterious than they seem, though, and blah blah blah blah blah.
Hauser gives it the old college try through hammy lines about sin and sinners and sincere stabs at intensity that sadly fall flat. Alexander
does the same, though they could both be in better films. The real problem, though, is that Mailer and co-writer Timothy Holland have stacked their film with so much melodramatic nonsense dialog that none of their actors stand a chance. Have a Southern character? Make ‘em say things like, “daddy,” and “reckon” and “don’t rightly know.” Need a patsy type character whose take on a Southern accent is borderline offensive? Bring in Darren Mann from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and tell him there’s no such thing as too big.
Freeman’s appearance particularly stings, though, in the way that’ll make you wonder whether he owed someone something, he did the film to get access to another project he actually wanted or they somehow just threw so much money at him he couldn’t refuse. Regardless, for the first half of the film, we never actually see him act with any of the others. When we do finally catch the principal cast in the same frame, it’s for something dumb (no spoilers, but it’s a completely unnecessary layer that feels tacked on). Even so, he’s Morgan freaking Freeman, so he represents the one bright point of the whole thing.
What’s left is painfully slow to unfold and not particularly satisfying in its conclusion. If you like laughing at bad movies, your ship has come in. If you want something half-decent, don’t let the Freeman siren song lure you to the rocks of death, tempting as they seem. (ADV) VoD, R, 130 min.
In his 1886 short story, “How Much Land Does a Man Need,” Russian writer Leo Tolstoy posits that all anyone truly requires when it comes down to it is the space in which they’ll be buried. In film maker Rodrigo Garcia’s new tale, Raymond & Ray, that concept becomes true enough, though what Tolstoy might have glossed over is those we leave behind and the neuroses to which we might have contributed in life. Perhaps we only need those 6 feet deep, 3 feet wide holes when all is said and done, but to contain our impact is another story altogether.
Out now via Apple TV+, Garcia’s new film, which he also wrote, finds two brothers with the same name, same father—different mothers— coming together after their dad dies. At first, we’re unsure why Raymond (Ewan McGregor) and Ray (Ethan Hawke) seem so blasé about their father’s passing, but with skillful writing revealing more of their backstory throughout the film, we come to understand their positions. Raymond’s wife recently left him, and he struggles to find compassion while contending with the things his dad did while he was alive. Ray is less confused— he hated the man, and not just for his own sake, but for the things that happened to his mother,
his brother. Ray’s vocal about that. He’s maybe glad his dad died.
Weird, then, that the dad’s lawyer, pastor and nurse have an endless string of kind things to say, though people perhaps tend to revere the deceased in bizarre ways. Stranger still, then, that dear old dad’s final wish was for his estranged sons to dig his grave. What follows is an ulti mately small and contained story built around conversations about life, death, love, parenthood and so on. A lesser writer might have dug up only boredom, but Garcia’s knack for dialogue fosters just the opposite. As previously unknown siblings pop up and the father’s much younger wife hangs around, the Rays find something that looks like empathy—they try to break the cycles begun by their father. Generational trauma is so real, but there comes a time for healing. Maybe we can get addicted to sadness, maybe it’s some amorphous concept on which to pin our failures. But we’ve gotta grow.
McGregor does just fine as the but toned-down Raymond, a repressed little man whose rage seems ready to boil over. Hawke, however, represents the film’s best as Ray. He was a musician once, and maybe he will be again. He just needs to let go. Maybe the best thing some people can do for the world is to die. That’s dark, sure, but sometimes it’s just the damn truth. (ADV)
Apple TV+, R, 105 min.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): When you Aries people are at your best, you are driven by impeccable integrity as you translate high ideals into practical action. You push on with tireless force to get what you want, and what you want is often good for others, too. You have a strong sense of what it means to be vividly alive, and you stimulate a similar awareness in the people whose lives you touch. Are you always at your best? Of course not. No one is. But according to my analysis of upcoming astrological omens, you now have extra potential to live up to the elevated standards I described. I hope you will take full advantage.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In my experience, you Tauruses often have more help available than you realize. You underestimate your power to call on support, and as a result, don’t call on it enough. It may even be the case that the possible help gets weary of waiting for you to summon it, and basically goes into hiding or fades away. But let’s say that you, the lucky person reading this horoscope, get inspired by my words. Maybe you will respond by becoming more forceful about recognizing and claiming your potential blessings. I hope so! In my astrological opinion, now is a favorable time for you to go in quest of all the help you could possibly want. (PS: Where might the help come from? Sources you don’t expect, perhaps, but also familiar influences that expand beyond their previous dispensations.)
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Sometimes, life compels us to change. It brings us some shock that forces us to adjust. On other occasions, life doesn’t pressure us to make any shifts, but we nevertheless feel drawn to initiating a change. My guess is that you are now experiencing the latter. There’s no acute discomfort pushing you to revise your rhythm. You could probably continue with the status quo for a while. And yet, you may sense a growing curiosity about how your life could be different. The possibility of instigating a transformation intrigues you. I suggest you trust this intuition. If you do, the coming weeks will bring you greater clarity about how to proceed.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality,” wrote ancient Roman philosopher Seneca. That’s certainly true about me. If all the terrible things I have worried about had actually come to pass, I would be unable to function. Luckily, most of my fears have remained mere fantasies. What about you, fellow Cancerian? The good news is that in the coming months, we Crabs will have unprecedented power to tamp down and dissipate the phantasms that rouse anxiety and alarm. I predict that as a result, we will suffer less from imaginary problems than we ever have before. How’s that for a spectacular prophecy?
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Poet Matt Michael writes, “Sure, the way trees talk is poetry. The shape of the moon is poetry. But a hot dog is also poetry. LeBron James’ tomahawk dunk over Kevin Garnett in the 2008 NBA Playoffs is poetry. That pothole I always fail to miss on Parkman Road is poetry, too.” In accordance with current astrological omens, Leo. I’d love for you to adopt Michael’s approach. The coming days will be a favorable time to expand your ideas about what’s lyrical, beautiful, holy, and meaningful. Be alert for a stream of omens that will offer you help and inspiration. The world has subtle miracles to show you.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo author Michael Ondaatje was born in Sri Lanka, but as a child moved to England and later to Canada. His novel Running in the Family describes his experiences upon returning to his native Sri Lanka as an adult. Among the most delightful: the deluge of novel sensory sensations. On some days, he would spend hours simply smelling things. In accordance with current astrological omens, I recommend you treat yourself to comparable experiences, Virgo. Maybe you could devote an hour today to mindfully inhaling various aromas. Tomorrow, meditate on the
touch of lush textures. On the next day, bathe yourself in sounds that fill you with rich and interesting feelings. By feeding your senses like this, you will give yourself an extra deep blessing that will literally boost your intelligence.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You evolved Libras understand what’s fair and just. That’s one of your potencies, and it provides a fine service for you and your allies. You use it to glean objective truths that are often more valuable than everyone’s subjective opinions. You can be a stirring mediator as you deploy your knack for impartiality and evenhandedness. I hope these talents of yours will be in vivid action during the coming weeks. We non-Libras need extra-strong doses of this stuff.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Here are tips on how to get the most out of the next three weeks: 1. Be a master of simmering, ruminating, marinating, steeping, fermenting, and effervescing. 2. Summon intense streams of self-forgiveness for any past event that still haunts you. 3. Tap into your forbidden thoughts so they might heal you. Discover what you’re hiding from yourself so it can guide you. Ask yourself prying questions. 4. Make sure your zeal always synergizes your allies’ energy, and never steals it. 5. Regularly empty your metaphorical trash so you always have enough room inside you to gleefully breathe the sweet air and exult in the earth’s beauty.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “I straddle reality and the imagination,” says Sagittarian singer-songwriter Tom Waits. “My reality needs imagination like a bulb needs a socket. My imagination needs reality like a blind man needs a cane.” I think that’s great counsel for you to emphasize in the coming weeks. Your reality needs a big influx of energy from your imagination, and your imagination needs to be extra well-grounded in reality. Call on both influences with maximum intensity!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Sometimes, Capricorn, you appear to be so calm, secure, and capable that people get a bit awed, even worshipful. They may even get caught up in trying to please you. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily—as long as you don’t exploit and manipulate those people. It might even be a good thing in the coming weeks, since you and your gang have a chance to accomplish big improvements in your shared resources and environment. It would take an extra push from everyone, though. I suspect you’re the leader who’s best able to incite and orchestrate the extra effort.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): If you have been posing as a normal person for too long, I hope you will create fresh outlets for your true weird self in the weeks ahead. What might that entail? I’ll throw out a couple of ideas. You could welcome back your imaginary friends and give them new names like Raw Goodness and Spiral Trickster. You might wear fake vampire teeth during a committee meeting or pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster to send you paranormal adventures. What other ideas can you imagine about how to have way too much fun as you draw more intensely on your core eccentricities?
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I suspect you will have metaphorical resemblances to a duck in the coming weeks: an amazingly adaptable creature equally at home on land, in the water, and in the air. You will feel comfortable anywhere you choose to wander. And I’m guessing you will want to wander farther and wider than you usually do. Here’s another quality that you and ducks will share: You’ll feel perfectly yourself, relaxed and confident, no matter what the weather is. Whether it’s cloudy or shiny, rainy or misty, mild or frigid, you will not only be unflappable—you will thrive on the variety. Like a duck, Pisces, you may not attract a lot of attention. But I bet you will enjoy the hell out of your life exactly as it is.
Homework: What’s the unfinished thing you most need to finish? Newsletter.FreeWillAstrology.com
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Case No.: D-101CV-2022-01930
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 40-8-1 through Sec. 40-8-3 NMSA 1978, et seq. The Petitioner Justin Reau Trahant will apply to the Honorable Kathleen McGarry, District Judge of the First Judicial District at the Santa Fe Judicial Complex, 225 Montezuma Ave., in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at 8:30 a.m. on the 9 day of December, 2022 for an ORDER FOR CHANGE OF NAME from Justin Reau Trahant to Justin Reau.
KATHLEEN VIGIL, District Court Clerk
By: Johnny Enriquez-Lujan Deputy Court Clerk Submitted by: Justin Reau Trahant Petitioner, Pro Se