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S a n t Bani magazine

Sant Bani Magazine The Voice of the Saints September 2003 - Volume 28, Number 3

To Become the Awakened Ones Sant Ajaib Singh Ji a Satsang of September 10, 1995

"Coming to the Feet of Baba Bishan Das" excerpts from talks by Sant Ajaib Singh Ji compiled by Michael Mayo-Smith

A Lifetime of Seva in memory of A. S. Oberoi

Cold Sighs in His Remembrance Sant Ajiab Singh Ji a meditation talk September 1995

Love is the Language of God Sant Ajaib Singh Ji a walk talk from January 31, 1980

Photo credits: Front cover, p. 20, Gurmel Singh; p. 6, Neil Wolf; p. 12, Pat Brown; pp. 16, 21, Sant Bani Archives; p. 23, Bobbe Baker; p. 29, Russell Perkins; back cover, Jonas Gerard.

SANT BANIIThe Voice of the Saints is published by Sant Bani Ashram, Inc., Sanbornton, N.H., U.S.A., for the purpose of disseminating the teachings of Sant Ajaib Singh Ji, of His Master, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji, and of the Masters who preceded them. Editor Emeritus: Russell Perkins. Editor: Richard Shannon, with kind assistance from: Lori Budington, Wendy Schongalla, Susan Shannon, and Cab Vinton. Annual subscription rate in the U.S. is $30.00. Individual and back issues $2.50. Foreign and special mailing rates available on request. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Sant Bani Ashram, and all payments from outside the U.S. should be on an International Money Order or a check drawn on a New York bank (with a micro-encoded number). Correspondence should be addressed to Sant Bani Ashram, Sanbornton, N.H. 03269, U.S.A. Articles, including stories and poems, on the theory and practice of Sant Mat, are most welcome. Views expressed in individual articles are not necessarily the views of the journal. Articles are edited for clarity and may be cut to fit available space.

To Become the Awakened Ones Sant Ajaib Singh Ji



the Feet of

Supreme Fathers, Almighty Lords Sawan and Kirpal, Who have given us the opportunity to sing Their glory and have allowed us to sit in Their devotion. Once a plank of wood was drifting away in the water. Sometimes it would float on the surface of the water, at other times it would drown in the water, and then again it would come back onto the surface of the water. So it was going on like that when it saw a boat sailing on the surface of the water very smoothly. She thought, "What is the difference between her and me? I am wood and she is also made of wood. What is the difference that she is sailing so smoothly, and all those who are sailing in her are also enjoying that sailing very comfortably? They are very comfortable, but here I am having such a bad time. Sometimes I drown in the water, sometimes I float on the surface. What is the difference between us?" So she asked the boat, "Dear sisThis Satsang was given September 10, 1995, in Ahmedabad, India. September 2003

ter, tell me, what is the difference between you and me, because I am wood and you are also made of wood? Why is there such a big difference that here I am suffering a great deal, not being able to handle my own self, whereas you are not only enjoying your ride, but you are also helping the other people to go across?" Then the boat replied, "Dear sister, I was also like you once. This is all due to the kindness and grace of the carpenter who made me. But in the beginning it was very difficult. First, I had suffer all the things which the carpenter did to me. He cut my body with a saw and then he smoothed me, then he pierced me with nails, and he did so many things; it was like torture. So in the beginning it was very difficult, but now that he has made me into this form of a boat, I am enjoying being here, and all those who come to me and sit in me also enjoy me. They are also getting helped by me. So it is all because of the carpenter. So first of all, you should make up your mind whether you want to go through all the sufferings and tortures which the carpenter is go-

ing to give you, and once you have made up your mind to surrender yourself to the carpenter, then you no longer have any say there. In whatever way he wishes, he will deal with you. He will cut you into pieces, he will chisel you, he will put nails in your body. He will do whatever he feels like doing. but you should not have any complaints. You should surrender yourself to him - but mind that, the carpenter should be a competent one. If you do not find a competent carpenter, if you find someone who does not know how to deal with wood and how to make a boat, then what will happen? You will lose even your earlier identity. After being cut into small pieces, you will be auctioned in the marketplace where the blacksmith will come and buy you, and then he will burn you twice. First, he will burn you as wood, and then he will make charcoal from you and burn you again. So you have to go to a competent carpenter. If you don't go to a competent carpenter who knows how to handle you, then you will have greater suffering." It is the same over here. First of all, the disciple should have the desire to find a perfect Master, and when he goes to the perfect Master he should surrender himself to Him completely. He should not be like Master Sawan Singh Ji used to say: "He bows down to the Master, but also refuses to do what the Master 4

has asked him to do.'' Master Sawan Singh used to say that for the disciples who bow down to the Master and also refuse to obey the orders of the Master, neither their bowing down at the Master's feet is accepted, nor is their refusal to obey appreciated. So first of all you should find a perfect Master. Then you should surrender yourself completely and sincerely to His feet. and afterward it is for the Master to see what He wants to give to you, how He wants to handle you. You do not have any say over there. You just have to remain happy in the Will of the Master. So when you surrender yourself at the feet of the competent Master and remain content in the Will of the Master, then the Master shapes you and He makes you useful, just like the competent carpenter makes a piece of wood into a nice, useful boat. Swami Ji Maharaj also said that when one gets the Master Who knows the secret of the Shabd, the disciple should have a lot of yearning. One who is thirsty appreciates the water, but one who is not thirsty will make numerous excuses for not drinking the water. In the army we were taught yoga and in that we were taught how to move every single part of our body, and we were taught very surprising things there. We were even taught to make a bundle out of our body, so that there was no part left which SANT BANI

we could move. But all that yoga gives benefit to the body only. In the army, the karmas of dhoti and neti were also taught by our instructor, Lalle Khan. He was so strict that he used to have us put a small silk rope in one nostril and then take it out through the other nostril. Usually that practice is done by applying some wax or something to soften that rope, but he used to say, "No, don't worry about that. Do it so that you can remove all the dirt which is there." Dear Ones, in Sant Mat also the practice for every single part of the body is taught. Be it your eyes, your nose, or the other organs of senses, you have to practice and gain mastery of every single part of your body. We people go on consuming poison and we go on suffering and crying, but we neither do the practice and master our eyes, nor do we master any other organ of sense. A hymn of Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj is presented to you. It is worth listening to with much attention and it is worth living up to. A bani of the Master is so precious that even after paying millions and billions of rupees we cannot get even one word of the bani of the Master. Because every single word of the Master should be applied to our life, and if we do that, it can make our life. Day and night the bhais read the bani of Guru Granth Sahib. There are many bhais who used to do the September 2003

reading of Guru Granth Sahib. They have come to me and they have taken the Initiation from me. They said, "We read the bani of Guru Granth Sahib and we are moved, it touches our heart, but what we read, we do not practice." So the bani of the Masters is not only for reading; it is for practicing. There was a person named Bhagat from Village 62 RB, and he had done the completion of reading Guru Granth Sahib 1,160 times, and after that he got the Initiation. After that, very wholeheartedly he used to do the seva in the langar and he made many other bhais receive the Initiation. 1 have seen how when people would call him to read the holy book, they would bathe him and clean his body, saying, "Brother, you are a true Sikh because you do not eat meat, you do not drink wine. You are a true Sikh." So listen to this hymn of Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj with much attention. The eyes are asleep in corruption, looking at others' (beauty, wealth, etc.) The ears are asleep, listening to the stories of criticism. Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj first of all takes up the organ of sight, and then He talks about the organ of hearing. He said that God has not given us eyes just for sleeping. It 5

ferred to as the Husband and the wife. At many places Guru Nanak Sahib has also referred to our soul as the wife and God Almighty as her Husband. When I went to the United States on the first Tour, many Western women came to me and they told me that Master Kirpal always talked to the women and not to the men. So many times I try to remove their doubt by saying that the teachings of the perfect Saints are applicable to both men and women. That is why Guru Sahib said that whatever the Masters speak, the teachings of the Masters are for both men and women. All the teachings which the Masters give to us apply to everyone in the world. In reality, the difference between the male and female, the difference of color, or the difference of being an American or an Indian, all these differences are present only as long as we are outside. You may read the Bible and you will not find that it says that its teaching is for the people of America and not for the people of Israel. It does not say that its teaching is only for the people of Rome and not for people belonging to India or any other place. The teachings of the Masters are for everyone. Whoever reads the teachings and practices those teachings will benefit from them. Master Sawan Singh Ji used to make us hear Guru Granth Sahib. September 2003

Master Kirpal Singh also used to make us hear Guru Granth Sahib, and I am also making you hear Guru Granth Sahib. There is no word in Guru Granth Sahib which is only for the Punjabis or for those who know the Punjabi language. It is for everyone. The teachings or the sayings of the Masters are for everyone. And who benefits from them? Only those who follow them and live up to them. In Jap Ji Sahib you may have read that, "There is one God Who is the Creator of all the souls. May I not forget Him." In the holy book of the Muslims it says that God belongs to all humanity. It does not say that God belongs to only the Muslims. It says that God belongs to everyone. When does duality go away? Only when we read the writings of the perfect Masters. In reality, when we sit at the feet of the perfect Master Who has Himself sorted out this matter and Who has Himself seen this in His own Self, when we go and sit in His company, and when we live up to the teachings of such a Master, then this matter is solved for us by itself. When we go to the perfect Masters, first of all through the Satsang They encourage us to go within, and then They tell us how to release ourselves from the nets and chains which we have created like a spider's web. They tell us that the more you tighten the nooses and

the ropes which are tying you, the more you will suffer. When, attending the Satsang of the Masters, we give up all kinds of intoxicants, when we give up killing other animals for our own maintenance, when we live according to the teachings of the Masters, then They give us the Shabd Naam. They give us the Simran which They Themselves have meditated upon. The importance of the Simran is such that by doing the Simran we are able to withdraw our scattered attention and we are able to bring it to our Eye Center. What is the power which drags us back into this world again and again? That is the simran of the world. There is no one in this world who has accomplished all that he wanted, who has completed all his works. Someone has completed ten of his works, another fifteen. Someone has completed a few and more are left unfinished. So whatever works we are not able to accomplish, we think about those and at the time of death, we have anxieties, worries and desires which are still not fulfilled. So according to the desires and anxieties which we have at the time of our death, we come back into this world once again. So Saints know about our weakness and They tell us that we already have the habit of doing the simran. You see that here we are sitting in the Satsang, but in our 8

heart we may be having some anxieties or we may be having thoughts of something else. So first we do the Simran with our tongue, the Simran which the Masters give us, and when we become perfect in that, then we start doing the Simran with the tongue of our thought. that is, mentally. And when we develop the quality of doing the Simran of the Master mentally, then the Simran starts happening with the tongue of our soul. And just like now we are doing the simran and the remembrance of the world by itself, in the same way, when the Simran starts happening with our soul, then this Simran of the Master replaces the simran of the worldly things. One who develops such a Simran is doing the Simran in his within even when he is sleeping or talking. His tongue may be saying something else, but in his heart the Siinran is going on. Those who do not have this kind of Siinran going on in their within, and those who are still involved in doing the worldly simran, when they fall asleep, what do they say? "Kill him! Catch him! Chase him!'' So these kinds of things go on happening within them even when they are sleeping. There was a trader who had a sweet shop. Once a farmer who wanted to buy some things from him came there and asked him the price. So the trader said. "Four SANT BANI

pounds for one rupee." The farmer wanted five pounds for one rupee, and the trader said, "No, 1 will give you only four pounds for one rupee." They could not strike a deal, so the farmer left. Then the trader was sitting there and he fell asleep, and in his sleep also he was saying, "No, I won't give you five pounds; I will only give you four pounds for a rupee." His neighbor went there and he woke him up. So this is what happens when we have the things of the world going on in our within. Even in the state of sleep, we go on remembering those things and we go on dealing with them. In the same way, Baba Bishan Das used to tell a story of a trader and the farmer who went to him to buy a piece of cloth. There also they could not strike a deal, and when the trader fell asleep, he was still doing that dealing in his sleep. Somehow he agreed to what the farmer was asking for and he said, "Okay, should I tear this cloth for you?," and in his sleep he tore his turban. When he woke up, he realized that there was no customer there, but he had torn his own turban. Kabir Sahib said, "One who speaks the Name of God Almighty even in the state of sleep, I will be very happy to make shoes out of the skin of my body for that person." So the Masters mean to say: September 2003

what is difficult in doing the Simran? Even now you are doing the Simran, but you should not do the Simran like this, that you do the Simran with your tongue for one hour and then for another five or six hours you don't remember the Simran; or you forget the Simran for the entire week, and after coming back to the Satsang, then you do the Simran again. Don't do the Simran like that. Your Simran should always go on happening. When the color of the world is removed from us, the color of the Simran gets on us and then we go within and concentrate. You see that we have a very deep connection with our Eye Center. All the things which we are thinking and are remembering of the world, all those thoughts and remembrances come only from our Eye Center. Tulsi Sahib said, "Clean the chamber of your heart so that your Beloved may come and reside there. First of all, remove all those worldly things which you have there. Clean your heart so that your Beloved may come and reside there." So when we still ourselves at the Eye Center, when we concentrate at the Eye Center and manifest the Form of the Master over there, then after reaching the Tisra Ti1 our Simran gets completed. To repeat something or to remember something again and again, Master calls that japa. So Kabir Sahib says, "When you reach the Feet

of the Master, your japa is finished, and the ajapa, or the one which is happening by itself, is also finished. Even the Anhad, the Limitless One, is finished. Your soul goes and absorbs in the Shabd and you always remain with Him." So when we follow the Path of the Master, we remove the physical and astral covers from our soul, and furthermore, when we reach Par Brahm, then the difference between male and female is finished, the difference between black and white is finished, and the difference of being an American or an Indian is also finished. All those differences are finished when we reach Par Brahm. Dear Ones, Sach Khand is still two planes above Par Brahm, but even the Mahatma who reaches Par Brahm understands the whole creation as his own home. He looks at everyone's soul. Because all the faults are in the mind, the soul is innocent. So he only looks at the souls and he doesn't pay any attention to the faults of the mind. You may read the bani of the perfect Masters and you will see that it doesn't have any duality; it doesn't have any duality for anyone. All the perfect Masters have said like Guru Nanak Sahib, " 0 Nanak, in Your Will may everyone prosper. Nanak says that everyone should dwell happily and live happily." They don't do as they do in Pun10

jab. In Punjab there is a shrine where if it doesn't rain, people go and offer sacrifices. They sacrifice roosters and they offer many other things there so that they may get rain. This time it rained very heavily, so there was also another party who didn't want the rain to continue. They went there and they prayed for it to stop raining. So these people confused even the gods. The Masters don't do like this. Saints seek the well-being of everyone. Guru Sahib says, " 0 Lord, You are the Giver, You are the Emperor of all, you are the King of all, and You make everyone well." So our eyes are sleeping in respect to God and awake in respect to the world. With our eyes we are seeing the things of this world, and our ears are plugged, listening to the criticism of others. Our ears are sleeping because of hearing the criticism. So where is the place for the Shabd of God to come? Master Sawan Singh Ji used to say, "The criticism of even a sinner is bad, but if we are criticizing the one who is doing the meditation of Naam, in which hell will we go?" Criticism cuts the root of Spirituality. So Saints very lovingly say that the criticism of anyone is not good. By criticizing others, we only entertain our mind. By criticizing others, we blacken our face and we prepare our way to hell. SANT BANI

The tongue is asleep in its greed for the sweet ,pavors. The mind is asleep in the intoxication of Maya. Eating good foods, the tongue is intoxicated, and the mind is also intoxicated looking at the colors of Maya. The mind says, "I have the most beautiful house. I have so many cars. I have so many things of this world; I have so many possessions." So in all those things, our mind is intoxicated. Our mind is also sleeping and it is sleeping in respect to God Almighty.

Rare is the one who remains awake in this house. He who remains awake gets (the complete thing). Very lovingly He says that there is nothing bad in the eyes, in the ears, or in the tongue. They all are very appropriate and they are very good, provided that we use them for the right thing. When we misuse these organs, you can imagine that we ourselves suffer and we let other people suffer. I have seen the condition of those who are the slaves of the tongue. I have seen how before eating they present so many excuses; I have seen them throwing their plates away and spending hours criticizing the food. I have seen them even running away from the

September 2003

food and then coming back, presenting so many excuses. Why do they do all of this? - because they are slaves of the tongue. I have often told you about my own family. My father had this habit. My mother used to make food for him, but then it would become very difficult for her to take the food to him. Sometimes she would ask my sister or somebody else to take the food because my father had this quality of not liking the food. So it was our duty to take the food to him. Once I took a plate of food to my father, and after handing the plate to him, I had not even lifted my head up to come back when I saw the plate flying over my head. He said, "What have you brought? Throw this away. Put this on my head." I told him, "Well, has it become tastier by throwing it away?" So Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj said, "Rare is the one who is awakened living in this body. Rare are the ones who are saved from such pleasures, from the tastes of good food." Master Kirpal Singh Ji used to say that the seed of Truth is never destroyed. Always there are the true, sincere people. In the morning also I said that once you get the color of Naam on you, once you get Its taste - once the iron is converted into gold by touching the philosopher's stone, it doesn't become iron again. In the same way, once you give up the taste of all 11

these things, once you rise above all these things, these tastes of the good foods and things don't bother you anymore. I also said that leaves and pieces of wood, unless they get the fragrance of the sandalwood, are just leaves and pieces of wood. But once they get the fragrance of the sandalwood, they also become like the sandalwood. In the same way, once we become free of the passions and the pleasures and the desires of this world, we do not get them again. All of my friends are intoxicated in the sensory pleasures. They do not care ,for their home. There are five sense organs which do the deeds, and there are five other sense organs which have the feelings. The organ of taste, our tongue, takes us to the good food. The organ of hearing takes us to the good music and melodies. So wherever these sense organs find a weakness, they pull us toward them. The five dacoits have plutzdered them. The thugs have descended uporz the unguarded city. Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj said, "Those who are plundering your capital, your wealth, are five in September 2003

number; and the owner of this town is sleeping." Now when the owner of the house is sleeping, it is up to the thieves to decide whether they want to take everything in the house or whether they want to leave anything behind. But when the owner of gets up and when he cannot stand the presence of the thieves there, then these thieves run away; they leave the home one by one. Neither our father nor our mother catz protect us ji-om them. Neither our friends nor our brothers can protect us from them. Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj relates His experience. He says that no one can save us from these five thieves of lust, anger, greed, attachment, and egoism - neither our brothers nor our parents, because they themselves are affected by these sicknesses. They cai~tzotbe restrained by wealth or by wisdom. Only through the company of the Master can those villains be brought under co1ztrol. Nor can they be controlled by any reading, or by any riches or wealth. Guru Arjan Dev Ji has called them as thieves or dacoits, and here He calls them "the cruel ones."

So Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj says, "May we meet some perfect Master and do the meditation of the Shabd Naam." Earlier I said that once we start doing the meditation and we rise above all these things, then our direction is changed. Our our point of view is also changed. Have mercy upon me, 0 Lord. I pray to You like the rainbird prays to his beloved. The dust of the Feet of the Saints is the suprenze treasure, and I long for only that. Now He says that just like the rainbird is calling his beloved, saying, "0 beloved, give me water; 0 beloved, give me water," in the same way, I am also praying to You, I am also saying, "You forgive me, You forgive me. Give me the dust of Your Feet so that I may take my boat across." In the company of the Satguru one's capital remains intact. Nanak remains awake in the

color (love) of Par Bral~ni. The reality is that we can take back the capital which God Almighty has given to us as it is if we go to the perfect Master, if we live up to His teachings, if we go within and reach the Par Brahm. He alone upon whom God Kirpal (graciozls) showers His grace is awake. His capital, wealth, the conzplete thing remains intact. Who wakes up? Who doesn't want to get up? He says, "No, only he upon whom God becomes gracious is awakened, and he is the only one who takes back the capital as it is." Dear Ones, Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj did not tell us anything from hearsay. Whatever He did in His own life, whatever He experienced, He is telling us only that. So like Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj told us, we should also obey and live up to the teachings of our Master, and doing the meditation, we should also reach Par Brahm. From this sleep we may also become the awakened ones.

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Coming to the Feet of Baba Bishan Das excerpts from talks by

Sant Ajaib Singh Ji I Ask Baba Bishan Das to Show Me God I went in many directions and I went to many people. I did the rites and rituals and performed the austerities, I did so many things, but I did not get any satisfaction, I did not get any contentment and I did not get any peace of mind. Everywhere they would only explain the theory and they would only talk about God and that is all. Nobody gave me any practical experience. What to talk about getting peace and satisfaction from doing all this, instead of getting satisfaction, my thirst increased! Because 1 did not find anything, I went to Baba Bishan Das. If I had found anything from performing the austerities, I would not have gone to Baba Bishan Das. The path for me was started by him. When I went to other people, I would not get any satisfaction and until I went to Baba Bishan Das and bowed at

his feet, I did not get any peace. The first time I went to Baba Bishan Das, I asked him to show me God. He took my head and made me look at the sun. He said, "Go on looking at the sun constantly and tell me how long you can go on looking at it." I could not look at the sun for more than a moment, and I felt embarrassed. I said, "I cannot look at it for longer because it is too bright." So he told me, "You have to see thousands of suns like this. God is light and God is even thousands of times brighter than this." We cannot even look at this outer sun -just one outer sun - constantly for a long time. How then can we see the radiance of God, which is much more than the radiance of this outer sun, within? If we have not developed eyes that can see the brilliance of God, how can we ask the Master to show us God? Baba Bishan Das told me, "All

This is an excerpt from an upcoming book, "In Search of the Gracious One, an Autobiographical Account of the Search and Discipleship of Sant Ajaib Singh." The book is a compilation by Michael Mayo-Smith of Sant Ji's own words describing experiences and evefzts from His childhood through His discipleship under Master Kirpal Singh. Authorized by Sant Ji before His passing, publication is planned for 2004. Septenzber 2003


In the evening when Baba Bishan Das came there to see what we had done, I was doing all the work that he had told me to do, even though I was not doing it perfectly. I requested Baba Bishan Das to forgive me because I had not done that kind of work before. I told him, "I have not done this work at my home, but by coming to your feet and with your grace I have been able to do this work and please forgive me if there is any fault in it." On the other hand the other two dear ones told him to give them some other type of work. They told him they had been doing that kind of farming work since their birth and that is why they didn't have any interest in doing that. Baba Bishan Das was not pleased with them and he didn't give them any grace. He became gracious only on this poor one when I went to his feet and obeyed his instructions.

The Spiritual Heritage of Baba Bishan Das Baba Bishan Das was a very strict Mahatma. He was born in the royal family of the state of Nabha in Punjab and he had all the facilities. I have seen with my own eyes the property, the wealth and the palaces, which he owned. In those days the kings used to rule over India and King Hira Singh of Nabha wanted to make Baba Bishan Das his successor. For that reason Baba Bishan Das became very well eduSeptember 2003

cated on the worldly level and had read many scriptures. In those times, it was very difficult to get an education even in India, but he was sent to England to study and get the highest degrees and he even got a Ph.D. in London. This was a very big thing at that time in India, and if anyone had studied in England, people would give him a lot of respect. However Baba Bishan Das used to say the learned do not take anything with them and that in the path of Spirituality it makes no difference whether one is educated or not. Baba Bishan Das could have lived a very comfortable life, but he preferred to live a very hard life. He also did all sorts of austerities and did all sorts of things in search of God. Then he went to Baba Amolak Das, who was not a very learned scholar like Baba Bishan Das, but was illiterate. He could not even sign his name in the Punjabi language. However Baba Bishan Das did not ask him any questions or mention any books. He simply folded his hands to Baba Amolak Das and said, "Master, please liberate me from this hell." Baba Amolak Das then ordered him to bring thorny bushes from the wilderness and make a fence in an area which did not belong to Amolak Das and which did not have any crop or anything which needed any protection. Still Baba Amolak Das ordered Baba Bishan Das to

do that job. For a month and a half Baba Bishan Das went into the jungle, brought thorny bushes, and made a fence. Only after Baba Bishan Das had obeyed and followed that order did Baba Amolak Das give him the initiation into the first Two Words and teach him to meditate. Baba Bishan Das and Baba Ainolak Das were in the lineage of Masters that started from Sri Chand, one of Guru Nanak's sons. Guru Nanak had two sons, Sri Chand and Lakmi Das. Even though Guru Nanak was God Himself Who came into this world to give knowledge to the people and many people took advantage of His coming into this world, neither of his sons took initiation into the five Words from Him. Lakmi Das was not initiated and he used to eat meat and do all the bad things. Sri Chand went to Abinashi Muni, who had initiation of two Words and belonged to the sect of the Udhasis, and got initiation into the path of the first two Words from him. Abinashi Muni taught him to perform austerities on the banks of rivers, to keep his body naked except for a loincloth and do outer rites and rituals. Sri Chand used to give initiation into the first two Words only and the Udhasis followed the path of Sri Chand. This is a very famous path in India and the Udhasi people believe that Sri Chand was the incarnation of Shankar. 18

When Guru Nanak met with his disciple named Bhai Lehna, He gave him initiation and Lehna became so successful in his meditation that Guru Nanak made him his successor. Perfect Masters know everything that is going to happen and Guru Nanak also knew that after He would leave Bhai Lehna would not be appreciated and respected by His sons, His family and the people around Him. Bhai Lehna lived as a servant in Guru Nanak's home but Guru Nanak told Bhai Lehna a few months before He left the body that he should go away from Him, because His sons would bother him. So six months before Guru Nanak left the body, Bhai Lehna went to his own village, started doing meditation in a closed room and connected himself within with Guru Nanak. When Guru Nanak completed his journey on this earth and left the body, his sons did not come near him and did not give their shoulder to the funeral pyre. They were upset with Guru Nanak since he had not given the successorship to them. Sri Chand and Lakini Das said, "Bhai Lehna is the servant of our home so how can we accept him as the Master?" Even though Bhai Lehna had become the successor of Guru Nanak, the sons of Guru Nanak did not take him as the real Master, and Sri Chand started a path parallel to the Path of Guru Nanak. But since he had the knowledge of SANT BANI

only the first two Words, he used to give out only those. It is not a new thing that some people go to the successors of the Perfect Masters and others don't. This has been going on for ages and ages. There are some fortunate souls who will not find any peace unless they go and find the successor of the Perfect Master. However there are many who don't want to go, or those who don't have the desire to seek the successor, and it is all according to their own fate, to their destiny. Those in whose forehead it is written that they will go to the successor of the Perfect Master, only they are brought to His feet. Otherwise, the other people, they just wander here and there. Sri Chand lived a very long life and when he met Guru Ramdas, the third guru of the Sikhs, he noticed that Guru Ramdas' beard was very long. So he asked him, "Why have you grown your beard so long?" Guru Ramdas answered, "Only to wipe off the shoes of great souls like you." When he said this, humbly, Sri Chand started weeping, and said, "Only because of your humility, we did not get the successorship. Only because of your humility, there is nothing left with us; you have taken everything from us." Sri Chand lived a very long life and Baba Amolak Das received initiation directly from Sri Chand.

September 2003

Baba Amolak Das lived for about one hundred and forty years and Baba Bishan Das received initiation from him. Baba Amolak Das initiated only two people, Baba Bishan Das and King Bupinder Singh of Patiala. Baba Amolak Das was still alive when I went to the feet of Baba Bishan Das and I had the opportunity to meet him and serve him some milk. He was a very good Sadhu, a very good Mahatma. The gaddi or seat of Sri Chand was very famous in India, and I know many true stories about him. These are not things which I learned from books, but which I have seen myself and which I heard from Baba Amolak Das and Baba Bishan Das.

References: I Ask Baba Bishan Das to Show Me God; 9/83 p. 12, 3/85 pp. 6-7, 51 93 p. 28, 1/98 p. 8, 10198 p. 25 Obeying the Instructions of Baba Bishan Das; transcription tape 2, 10179 group, 77RB, Rajasthan, India The Spiritual Heritage of Baba Bishan Das; 5/83 p. 6, 4/84 p. 6, 41 85 p. 9, 10185 p. 5, 10188 pp. 24-25, 10190 p. 27, 9/93 pp. 27-28,2195 pp. 7-8, 12/96 p. 8, 7/97 p. 9, 8/97 p. 19, 11/97 pp. 23-24, transcriptions tape 5, 3/78 group, 77 RB, Rajasthan, India, 5/23/89, Ribolla, Italy and 61161 94, Silly-Tillard, France

A Lifetime of Seva of' ill 111c~111013~

A. S. OBEROI Our dear elder brother and Master's devotcd sevadar, Mr. Avtar Singh Oberoi left the body on the morning of Friday, August 29. 2003. Mr. Oberoi was born in 1924, and at the age of 14 was initiated by Baba Sawan Singh. He had the great good fortune to serve the Master Power throughout his whole life. I remember fondly the sight of Mr. Oberoi in the langar at Sant Ji's Ashrani in Rajasthan, this would have been in the mid-1980's after his retirement, from a successful career as a hospital administrator. Mr. Oberoi would stand behind the table, silcnt and smiling, serving food to the western disciples. A simple job - but as every sevadar quickly learns - the opportunity to servc is the blessing, not what job one gets. I t was also after his retirement that Mr. Oberoi put pen to paper and wrotc his pcrsonal recollections of the Master in what became the

book, Sirpport jbt- the Shuken Sailgut. Once he began writing about the Master, i t was as if he'd discovered a whole new career and he wrote extensive accounts for the magazine of tour programs both in India and abroad. Whelher hclping plan the enormous World Conference on the UniSANT BANI

ty of Man under the sponsorship of willing to serve in whatever way Master Kirpal Singh. or chopping thc Mastcr asked of him that we vegetables to feed disciples at Sant will all remember. Ji's remote desert Ashram. it is IM~. Obcroi's humble example of being - Susan Shcrrlrlori

Cold Sighs in His Remembrance Sant Ajaib Singh Ji


the Feet of Supreme Father, Almighty Lords Sawan and Kirpal, Who showered grace upon the poor souls, Who gave us the gift of Their devotion and allowed us the opportunities to do Their devotion. Devotion is the best thing. The devotion of God Almighty is a precious thing; it is a priceless thing. We cannot get this wealth of devotion from any other source. Neither can we grow it in the farms nor can we trade it in the markets. We cannot get it by any other means. We can get it only with the grace and kindness of the Perfect Master. Our Vedas and Shastras bear the testimony that when the rishis and mullis did the devotion of God Almighty, when they went within, whatever they saw in the within, they wrote all their experiences in the Vedas, Shastras and the other holy scriptures which we read today. All the rishis and munis have said that when we leave this world and go into the beyond, over there God Almighty has appointed and installed the Lord of Judgment. And ALUTATIONS UNTO

This meditation talk was given in September- 1995, in Ahmedabud, India.

all the souls have to go there to settle their accounts with the Lord of Judgment. But those disciples, those souls who are accepted by the perfect Master and who do the devotion of the Shabd Naam, they don't have to worry about settling their accounts. Once they come to the perfect Master and are accepted by Him and receive the holy Initiation, the Master becomes responsible for their accounts. He tears up the piece of paper on which the accounts of those souls are written. Guru Nanak Sahib also says that those who are accepted by the perfect Master, the Lord of Judgment does not have to bother with them, because the Satguru takes care of their accounts and He tears up the piece of paper on which the account of those souls are written. But Master Sawan Singh Ji used to say that when we receive the Initiation from the perfect Master. the disciples also have certain responsibilities, certain duties to perform. And what are those duties? Those duties are that we should do our Bhajan and Simran, make our life pure and holy and come to the place where the Master is showering His SANT BANI

grace upon us. If we will keep our thoughts pure, our mind will become pure. If we will keep our body pure, then our thoughts will be pure. and when our thoughts will become pure, our soul will also become pure. Then it will become very easy for her to rise above and get connected with the Shabd. When all the rust and the dirt of the iron is

removed and when that piece of iron comes in the range of the magnet, it is easily attracted by the magnet. In the same way, when we will purify our body, our mind and our soul, and after purifying our body, mind and soul, when we bring our attention in the range of the Shabd, the Shabd will easily pull our soul UP.

The dear ones are singing the bhajan: "We are writing the letters and sending them to Sawan. 0 Sawan, do not delay" - this does not mean writing an outer letter. There is no mention of the outer paper or pen. Because outside, whatever we are writing to the Master, it is nothing but showing off. Because whatever our hands are writing, our heart, our mind, does not want to say it. To do the Simran day and night, to take the cold sighs in His remembrance, and to remove or cut off the attachment with the pleasures, that is writing the true letter. Our mind becomes intoxicated by hearing the sounds of all the outer instruments, like the violin, harmonium and other things, but our soul becomes intoxicated when she listens to, when she hears the Sound and the drum of the Shabd inside. The Singer doesn't mean the outer anklet. Here He means the anklet of His soul. He says, "The anklet of my soul is sounding day and night, and this is the call, this is the yearning of my soul, this is the yearning of my heart. Listen to its [melodious song]." Master Kirpal used to say that if we knew how much the Shabd Form Master loves us, we would go on dancing in joy. Just like in the month of Sawan, the clouds get together, they form together in the sky, and the peacocks dance in their joy. In the same way, our soul be-

comes intoxicated and dances when she hears the Sound of the Shabd. Then from within the heart. the true prayer comes from the soul. She says, "The sound of my anklet is such, my yearning is such that only you can come and quench my thirst." Dear Ones, I was very happy to sit with all of you. God Sawan, God Kirpal, showered grace upon us and He gave us the opportunity to sit together in His remembrance. This was a union blessed by Gods Sawan and Kirpal, and I was very happy to sit in the meditation with all of you. I would like to tell you that after this, when you go back to your homes - whenever you sit in the meditation, whether it is here or back in your homes - first of all, make sure that you remember the Five Sacred Names. Before you start doing the meditation, make sure that you have taken care of all your important work, because when you sit in meditation, your mind also opens up his office. And then he involves you in all the worldly things, so that only your body is sitting here. So before you sit in the meditation, make sure that you have finished all your important works and that you will not have to get up from the meditation during the meditation time. Never miss the meditation. Be regular in meditation. Never understand meditation as a burden. Do it lovingly. Start your Simran, closing your eyes. SANT BANI

Love is the Language of God Sant Ajaib Singh Ji If our plane crashed on the way over here and all the people were to die, what condition would the souls be in then, as compared to the plane crashing on the way back to America?


o MATTER in what condition the soul leaves the body, Master Power always will protect that soul, and that soul will be liberated. You should not think like this. You should never think that Master will not protect the souls if they leave the body in a plane crash or some accident like that - but 1 will tell you that you should never think of such accidents. You should always pray to Master that those who are taking this holy trip, they should go back to their homes easily and safely, with Master's grace. If [a crash] were to happen, just imagine what will happen to us. Those who are praying for you all day and night, what will happen to them. Because Dear Ones, if you are unhappy or if you have any This walk-talk question & answer session took place January 31, 1980, at Sant Bani Ashram, Village 77 RB, Rajasthan, India. September 2003

problems, I also have those problems. As Guru Gobind Singh had said, "If my dear ones are unhappy, I am also unhappy." I think that you should never have this type of wish. Instead you should pray to Master that you may never be involved in such types of accidents. The time and cause of death for everyone is predetermined, and a person will leave the body in those circumstances. People do not always necessarily leave the body durmg a plane crash. h h l y people die even when they are living safely and happily in their homes and villages. Many people die in car and train accidents. The time and cause of death is predetermined. During the Second World War when Hitler was progressing everywhere, people were sent from India to join the [British] army and fight against him. And nobody wanted to go, because they knew that if they would go, they would definitely die. But I participated in that war, as per my own wish, but I never died there. Moreover, in 1947, when the partition of India and Pakistan happened, there was a war in Kashmir, and I had to go and fight in that war also. Because my

death was not written in those wars, although I was involved with bombs and all those things, I didn't die then. Because my death was not written in those wars, that's why I am sitting here in a peaceful condition. So it is not always necessary that people die only in the wars. Those who are supposed to die in peace, they die in peace, even sitting at their homes. This is true: when we are doing any religious trip or trip for God, and if it happens that we die in that trip, then the worldly people are our critics. They don't let that opportunity go from their hands without criticizing. They say, "Look at that man, because he was following a certain Master, he was following that religion, that's why he died on the holy trip," and like that. When I was in the army, once it happened that in Sangroot we were getting training in how to use the guns. When we were using the rifles, we found that one of them was not working, so we put that gun aside, and we started using the other guns. At the end of the day all the guns and all the bullets were counted. In the army, people were very strict in counting all the arms and ammunition, but nobody paid any attention to the round which was not fired in that gun which was not working well. Anyway, they told us to stand in a line, before the major would go to the higher [officer] and say

that everything was fine, before they would release us. We were three signalers and we all were standing in a row. and one person was told to get that gun which had not been working well, and he was told to come and stand behind me. As soon as he came there with the gun, and he placed that gun on the ground, suddenly it fired without pushing the trigger or doing anything. When that bullet was shot from that gun. first of all it went between my legs. burning my underwear, because we were standing in the standard "at ease" position. That bullet burned my underwear, then it went through the armhole of the other person who was standing in front of me, and finally the bullet struck the person who was standing at the third place from me, and he died on the spot. You see that in the army, people are very strict in counting the guns and ammunition, but because Negative Power has determined the time and cause of death for every individual, that is why when that time approached. all the wisdom and planning just didn't work, because that death was supposed to happen. That's why there is no way that one can procrastinate or avoid their death, because it is all predetermined and it has to happen. When they counted all the bullets, they should have found that one bullet was unfired in that defective gun, and they should have SANT BANI

taken that bullet out of the gun, but he was not affected by it. So whothey didn't do that. When that man ever has to die, in whatever circame and stood behind me and that cumstances, he will die there, no bullet shot out from the gun, I matter how many things he does to should have died first, because I avoid death. It was not my turn to go to the was standing right in front of that gun, but I didn't die. After I had war front during the war with Kashescaped, the [second] person, who mir, but there was a man who rewas standing in front of me, he quested me that if I would go in should have died - but he also his place, he would appreciate that. didn't die because it was not writ- He had little children and he didn't ten in his fate to die in that way - want to go, because he was afraid but the person who had never ex- of death. I told him, "Okay, I'll be pected that bullet died on the spot. ready to go." Since the commandThat is why in whatever way you ers were not doing that type of subhave to die, that is all written in stitution, that dear one asked me your fate, and no matter how much to ask the commander. So I told you run from that situation, from my commander we had switched, the circumstances, but still you will and the commander said, "No, you die in that way, because it is all should not do that," but I told him, "You see, I am not afraid of death, predetermined. The place called Fazilkar is right so why are you stopping me? You on the border of India and Paki- want one person and I am ready to stan. During the war of 197 1, there go there in his place. I am not afraid was a man there who thought: "Let of death, because even if you are me leave my family in the place afraid of death you cannot avoid it. called Jodhpur, which is 1,500 Death will come at its own time, kilometers away from the border, and we don't know from which and they will be protected; they will cause our death is coming. How can be safe there." He left his family in we go and stop it? So let me go Jodhpur with somebody and he and do a good thing for this man." went back to the border thinking So I went to the war, and I was that nothing would happen to them. not hurt even a little bit in that war. It so happened in the Will of God One time, when our company was that the airplanes of Pakistan surrounded by the enemy and I had bombed the city of Jodhpur and his the wireless set [radio] on my back, family died there, whereas, al- a bullet came and it passed just bethough he was sitting right on the low the wireless set, but neither the border where many bombs and wireless set nor my body was hurt. many things were coming, but still And I was not even afraid of what September 2003

had happened, and I continued doing my work. Whereas the person who had been afraid of death and who asked me to go to the war in his place, when he returned to his home, he got the disease of cholera and after a few days he died. So it has come in my understanding that it shows the weakness of our mind if we think of death in these terms, in this way. Instead of thinking of death, we should keep our mind in Simran, because Simran makes our mind strong, and if we are strong in our mind, if we have the strength of mind, then no matter what happens to us or no matter in what way death comes to us, we will be very happy to face it. A few months ago, there was a plane crash. The plane was coming from Bombay to Delhi, and many people died in that crash. One dear one came to me here, because he knew that I was going to Bombay by plane, so he advised me to take the train and not go on the plane. Just a week after he told me, we heard in the news that there was a train accident in which many people died. I told him, "You see, now this is in the news that there was a train accident. What should I do?" I told him that those who were supposed to die in the plane crash, only they were in that plane and they died, and those who were supposed to die in that train accident, only they were in that train and they

died. Whoever has to die in whatever circumstances, he will die. no matter what he does. When we went on the First Tour, people told Pappu to tell me how to fasten the seatbelt on the plane and how to sit straight and so on. Pappu was telling me all those things, because he thought that if I had not been on a plane before I would be afraid. When Pappu was telling me all these things, he himself was afraid, so I told him, *'You don't need to worry about me. because I have been on a plane many times, and many times in the army I have jumped from planes also. using a parachute." I'll tell you one story of Rajasthan. There was a man who went to one of the Arabian countries. He had never seen a date tree before, so he climbed that date tree, and when he got to the top he looked down at the ground and was very afraid because he was up so high. He felt a lot of fear and he thought that if I fall from here I will die, so he requested to his Master, saying, "0 Master, please save me from this, and if You will help me and get me down safely and easily. I will donate one hundred bed sheets in Your ashram. Doing the remembrance of the Master. he started coming down. When he came half way down, he looked down to the ground and he felt that now the distance was less, so he said, "There is no need to donate one hundred SANT BANI

bed sheets, fifty will be enough. Master, please help me and I will donate fifty bed sheets." As he came down, gradually he went on decreasing thc number of bed sheets. Anyway. he got down safely, so he went into thc market to buy the bed sheets. The last thought he had was. "What is the use of donating twenty or thirty bed sheets? One is enough for the Master, because there are plenty of bed sheets in the Ashram. I have seen that." He got one bed sheet and wcnt to his Master and told Him what Ilad happened and how He had helped him. and so on. He told Him, "Take this one bed sheet which 1 have brought for You." His Master said, "No, you should take this for

your children. Take this for your home." He said. "No, Master. You should take this. because I started from one hundred bed sheets and this is the one, this is the only thing I am giving to You. If You will not accept this, who knows what my mind will do." As that dcar one got the opportunity to climb that date tree and remember his Master, in the same way, since you people travel a lot in thc planes and you get a lot of opportunities, whenever you look down from the windows and if you feel afraid, if you think that the plane is going to crash or you are going to die, instead of making such types of offerings, you should start doing Simran, because Simran will

give you so much strength that you will never be afraid of death.

anti- Christ. It just so~rndsfrightening. Olze person has said we sho~ild settle up in the nzotwtair~swith our Master, the time here with You is own food and water arid air sirpply just so precious and beautiful, but for the next twenty or thirty years. it s e e m so very short, and I was 011the other hand, there are those wondering If there will ever come who say that prayer arzd an ina time when we'll be able to be crease in the nunzber of realized with YouJor longer than two weeks. beings could offset this disaster that may be coniing. Also, someone said The time which you are getting that Kirpal said that there would here, that has been allotted to you be no dissolutiol? going ilito tliis after taking many things into con- Golden Age. So, ever1 though satsideration, so you should take ad- sangis shotdd not concerri thenzvantage of this time. This is enough. selves with matters such as this and should continue 011 with their filedMaster, I have a questiou about the itation, can You give us sonze adworld, atid I hope I won 't bore YOLL vice regardillg how to deal with tliis too much because I know the Sat- and how extewive the pzrrgilzg has guru doesn't care too much about got to be for Mother Earth to purithis world. Anyway, it is getting fy herself of these poisons. rather strange out there, and we get the feeling that we're irz the Lovingly, I would like to advise darkest part of the darkemstage, and you, as I said earlier, that we peothere are forebodings and predic- ple think about all these things only tions around from every c o r ~ e r , when we are weak in our minds. Some twelve or thirteen years from p~opheciesto Biblical predicago in India, some astrologers preI f one tions, and also astrologers. were to read all these things, one dicted that very soon eight planets doesrz 't know quite what to think, in the solar system were going to because some of them are contra- align in one line and that would be dictory. But even Millie and Nina the cause of the Grand Dissolution (two group leaders] have warned of the earth and nobody would esus that the time is short. [People cape. People were warned not to say] the negative mind currents are sleep under their roofs, they should going to become so strong that vacate all the houses and go into those who are not already aligned the open ground and use tents as with the Light will not be able to their homes, etc. The result was that align theniselves. Biblical predic- all the tents were sold. Many peotions have predicted the rise of the ple started businesses of making 30


tents, and they did very well in their business because everybody wanted to buy a tent and live on the ground. They didn't want to live in a house because they were afraid that the Grand Dissolution was going to happen and they would die. But that time passed, and since then thirteen more years have passed, but up until now, neither those eight planets have come in one line, nor has the Grand Dissolution happened. At that time, they also predicted many other things, but none of them have come true. In the same way, as I told you earlier, you should not believe in all these things because those who are supposed to die [today], they will die today. If they are not supposed to die, they will not die, even if the Grand Dissolution happens. Those who left their houses and slept in the tents because of that prediction, even without the Grand Dissolution of the earth, [those who were supposed to die], they died sleeping in their tents, and those who were not supposed to die, they didn't die even if they were sleeping in the houses. I was sleeping in my house on that particular day when they predicted that the dissolution was going to happen, but nothing happened to me. You can see that I am sitting in front of you now. Dear Ones, there is one more thing. Are you sure that you will live for ten, twenty or thirty years September 2003

more? If you are not sure how long you are going to live - you cannot rely even on one single breath then why do you worry about all these things? Those who are supposed to die, they will die. Those who are not supposed to die, they will not die. I will tell you one thing, that people have predicted a lot, but up until now, not much of that has come true, and they will go on predicting a lot, but not much of that is going to come true. People will get birth in this world and will die. According to their times everything will go on happening as it is happening now, and nothing like the Grand Dissolution is going to come. As far as wars are concerned, you see that at one or another place in the world, people are always fighting with each other, and that will also continue. That is why Saints never make any prophecies and They never frighten their disciples saying, "This thing is going to happen - you do this, you do that." They simply tell us to meditate on Naam. Neither Christ nor Guru Nanak came into this world carrying the mission of making this world a world of happiness, nor have Guru Arjan Dev or any of the past Masters. No one, [not even] our Master Kirpal, came into this world thinking that He would turn all the world into a place of happiness. Because They know that this world cannot 31

become the place of happiness. Their mission for coming into this world is only to take those suffering souls who yearn for God out from this suffering world and take them back to the Oversoul. That is why when the Masters come here, most of the people don't appreciate Their coming, and that is why they don't recognize Them. You know that if they had recognized Christ they would not have crucified Him. In the same way, if people had recognized Guru Arjan Dev they would not have made Him sit on the hot coals. In the same way, Guru Nanak was not allowed to enter the village, and He was called by the name "misleader." In the same way, many other Masters were given a very hard time. When the Masters come here They have only one mission of taking the suffering souls, of liberating the suffering souls from this world. They don't come to make this world a place of happiness. That is why They don't make any prophecies of all these things. It is just the doubt of people, and there is no medicine for doubt. Not even Lukhman Hakim, who was a very excellent doctor, who could even put life into a dead body, he also didn't have a medicine for removing doubts. So this is just a doubt of people.

That is why you should do Bhajan and Simran and not pay any attention to this type of prophecy. Sarzt Ji, my dear w f e was just expressing how she felt just ten days is too short a time. I was thinking today that many people say that you're more harsh or inore strict than Master Kirpal in this type of thing. [But] I ' m uizderstandiizg that these ten days with You in this place is probably the greatest grace I ' v e ever read about, heard about, or experienced in all of Sant Mat history. If I had known your language, maybe I would have been very strict with you. But since I don't know your language, I always try to give you more love through the eyes, because I have only my eyes to give the love. Truly speaking, when the Shabd has to deal with the soul. when God has to deal with soul, no language is required there, because love is the only language which is used there, and love is given and received only through the eyes. So since I don't know your language, I always try to give you maximum benefit through my eyes. That is why you feel that I am not strict with you, but if I had known your language, you would have seen that I would be very strict with you.


June 2003

Sant Bani Ashram Publications

by Sant Ajaib Singh Ji In the Palace of Love: the Asa di Vars of Guru Nanak The Two Ways: the Gauri Vars of Guru Ramdas The Jewel of Happiness: the Sukhmani of Guru Arjan The Ocean of Love: the Anurag Sugar of Kabir Streams in the Desert: Discourses & Conversations 1976-1980 Sing the Praises of the Satguru (booklet) by Sant Kirpal Singh Ji The Coming Spiritual Revolution Baba Jaimal Singh: the Story of a Great Saint 15.00 The Light of Kirpal The Way of the Saints: Sant Mat Prayer 5.00 Godman The Night is a Jungle 11.OO Morning Talks Spirituality: What It Is 4.50 Spiritual Elixir The Jap Ji: The Message of Guru Nanak Naam or Word (a study of the Sound Current) The Crown of Life: A Study in Yoga Life and Death: (The Wheel of Life & The Mystery of Death) The Teachings of Kirpal Singh (selected writings by subject matter) Booklets: Seven Paths to Perfection How to Develop Receptivity 2.50. God Power, Christ Power, Guru Power by Ajaib, Kirpal and other Masters The Ambrosial Hour New: Songs of the Masters (2002 edition) The Message of Love: An Introduction to Sant Mat The Reality of Drugs and Alcohol (booklet) Messages to the Graduating Classes of Sant Bani School 1977-1997 Diary Books: featuring quotes from Ajaib Singh, Kirpal Singh, & Sawan Singh The Self-Introspection Diary - one year, spiral bound book 7.50 Self-Introspection Diary - quarterly, pocket-sized booklets 2.50 ea.18.50 set Diary Pages: original form prescribed by Kirpal Singh no charge by other Authors New Book: Rainbow On My Heart, by Kent Bicknell Sant Ajaib Singh: A Brief Life Sketch (text included in Streams in the Desert) The Stranger of Galilee, by Russell Perkins The Impact of a Saint, by Russell Perkins Support for the Shaken Sangat, by A. S. Oberoi Servants of God: Lives of the Sikh Gurus, by Jon Engle I Never Say Goodbye, by Kira S. Redeen Third World Tour of Kirpal Singh Cooking with Light: ~avoritevegetarian Recipes Sometimes Heaven Chuckles, by Jack Dokus The Book of Jonah: Bible text illustrated by Sant Bani School students The Song of Everything, by Tracy Leddy Allison's Shadow, by Tracy Leddy Stories for the Children of Light, edited by Claudia Giacinto Children of Light Coloring Book Tape Catalog - Sant Bani Tape Service Please add 20% for shipping within the U.S. (foreign orders billed). Minimum Order from: Sant Bani Ashram, Sanbornton, N.H. 03269, U.S.A

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.