In the heart of Santa Maria Valley, the lodging industry exists as a symbol of economic resilience and community vitality. The hospitality industry, with its multifaceted contributions, has proven to be a significant contributor to the community’s economic well-being.
Recently, the Avanti Hotel (formally Laura Lodge) has begun a full transformation, and serves as a testament to the industry’s resilience and commitment to progress. This renovation not only revitalizes physical spaces but also rejuvenates the spirit of hospitality; ensuring guests experience comfort and satisfaction. Such endeavors underscore the industry’s dedication to excellence, setting the stage for elevated guest experiences and heightened economic impact.
Looking ahead, the imminent renovations at the Holiday
Continued on p. 2
Executive Committee
Chairman: Paul Cook, CoastHills Credit Union
Chairman-Elect: Emily Kitts, Naughty Oak Brewing Company
Vice Chairman: Shannon Seifert, Santa Maria Valley YMCA
Vice Chairman: Dominick Barry, Quintron Systems, Inc.
Past Chairman: Sandra Dickerson, Your People Professionals
Board Members
Sue Andersen, Marian Regional Medical Center
Michael Boyer, Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast
Jeff Buckingham, Astound Business Solutions Powered by Digital West
Donna Denham, Santa Maria Country Club
Kelsi Fitzgerald, Veritas Innovative Pest & Termite Solutions
Karen Fothergill, Andre, Morris & Buttery
Antonio Garcia, Santa Maria Joint High School District
Gina Gluyas, Realtor, Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Haven Properties
David Leroy, Toyota Of Santa Maria
David Merlo, Glenn Burdette
Tere Paredes, Maya Restaurant
Joshua Sahagun, Luttrell Staffing Group
Ryan Swack, Best Western Big America
Laurie Tamura, Urban Planning Concepts
Kevin G. Walthers, Allan Hancock College
Interested in Chamber volunteer leadership opportunities? Contact Molly Schiff, Director of Member & Community Engagement, at molly@santamaria.com to learn more about open positions on our committees.
Continued from p.1 whole.
Inn and Radisson Hotel herald a new era of service excellence. These plans not only exemplify the industry’s commitment to continuous improvement but also signal Santa Maria Valley’s unwavering dedication to providing top-notch accommodations for visitors and locals alike. Through these efforts, the lodging industry reaffirms its role as a catalyst for economic growth and community development. However, the significance of the lodging industry extends beyond its aesthetic appeal and economic potential. It serves as an essential asset in the local economy, generating vital revenue streams through transient occupancy taxes. These funds, collected by the city and routed into the general fund, play a crucial role in financing essential services such as road repairs, public safety initiatives, and infrastructure development. The relationship between the lodging industry and city and county offices underscores the industry’s pivotal role in driving community growth and prosperity.
The community has also seen an uptick in developers interested in building additional lodging properties in Santa Maria Valley. This is a testament to the strength, affordability, and attractiveness the community exudes to those outside the community. New development bring quality jobs along with additional tax revenue to the city. A win-win for the community as a
As we stand on the cusp of summer, with families eagerly embarking on journeys near and far, it is imperative to underscore the importance of supporting our local hotels. Amidst the allure of exotic destinations and distant adventures, let us not overlook the unparalleled hospitality and warmth offered by our own backyard. Encouraging family and friends to patronize local hotels not only fosters economic vitality but also fosters a sense of community pride and solidarity. Scan to read the complete article.
Take a look at some of our other recent Chamber publications including our new Local Business Spotlight and editorials.
Business, #SantaMariaStyle is the Chamber’s quarterly digital magazine publication. The magazine is another way we highlight local businesses, share tips from local experts, celebrate our members and more!
Check out our Winter 2023 edition discussing the Santa Maria Valley Chamber’s committees and ways to get involved. This issue also includes our 2024 Visitor Guide!
Scan to read the new Winter 2023 Magazine and 2024 Visitor Guide.
Each month the Santa Maria Valley Chamber partners with the Santa Maria Times to showcase a local business in the Santa Maria Valley through the “Local Business Spotlight Series”.
CHECK OUT OUR MOST RECENT SHOWCASE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT IDLER’S HOME OF SANTA MARIA! For more information, please reach out to Nathan Tausch, Marketing Coordinator via email at nathan@santamaria.com
Scan to view this month’s spotlight.
On a rainy Friday, a LSMV class of 2023-2024 met to discover some of the facilities offering health and human services in the Santa Maria Valley. Traversing across the city, the group discovered layers of services available to our local area, many focusing on inviduals experiencing mental illness, all aimed at improving the lives of Santa Maria residents in need.
To begin, the group headed to Marian Medical Center, where they enjoyed breakfast sponsored by Dignity Health and met with Dr. Dave Ketelaar to learn about challenges faced by those needing longer term mental health care.
Crystal Davis, an RN with Marian, introduced the group to SOAR, a standardized orientation and residency program which she created after realizing that there was no program to help bridge the gap between school and residency. SOAR, which originated in Santa Maria, is now used as a nationwide training model. The group was then able to fully tour Mission Hope Cancer Center and learn about the services offered to local cancer patients.
The focus on human services continued at The Residences at Depot Street and met with Maria Ayala, the Lead Resident Services Specialist at Department for Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara. Ayala shared her personal experience with the department and spoke about their high-demand services to low-income residents. The group was able to view the only vacant unit in the building.
Pictured above: Leadership Santa Maria Valley class learning about health and human services while getting in touch with nature.
The next destination was A.T. Still University, where the group ate lunch from Tortilleria Mexico, and learned about leadership from Chief of Santa Maria Police Marc Schneider. Following this, the group met with Dr. Eric Sauers, the dean for CHC at A.T. Still University. A.T. Still University focuses on training Physician Assistants who will graduate and work locally at CHC facilities. The group then traveled to Growing Grounds Farms for a tour with Sterling Snow. Growing Grounds Enterprises is an organization ran by Transitions Mental Health and provides horticultural therapy and vocational training
to individuals with mental illness through employment and a supportive environment.
The last stop was La Casa de Flores, a home for veterans experiencing homelessness run by Band of Brothers. Founder Steve Baird shared his inspiring personal story, gave a tour of the beautiful home, and left everyone feeling inspired and humbled. Band of Brothers helps veterans renew the close bonds with others who have served our country and gives them the support they need in their transition to lives as civilians. Health and Human Services day was an excellent opportunity for LSMV members to explore a wide array of organizations focused on helping residents of Santa Maria. The class found new insight into the services needed by their community, and met amazing people working hard to meet these needs.
1. The Santa Maria Valley is proud to be a part of the Western Association of Chamber Executives (W.A.C.E.). At their recent annual conference, the Santa Maria Valley Chamber’s Teacher Tours Program was recognized with an outstanding program award.
2. Local high school teachers learn more about jobs in pet medicine from PETS Hospital during a recent Teacher Tour. Teacher Tours is a program the Chamber does in partnership with the Santa Barbara County Education office to connect local teachers with local employers
3. CEO Glenn Morris (left) and Military Affairs Chair Jim Bray (right) at the Vandenberg Space Force Base Annual Awards.
4. Some unexpected visitors horsing around the Chamber!
Here’s a look at what our Chamber & our member businesses have been up to recently. 5 1 3 4 6 2 APRIL 2024 5
5. The Santa Maria Valley Chamber is a proud member of the Tri-County Chamber Alliance. The Alliance recently held their annual update with presenters California State Assembly member Jacqui Irwin, District 42 (Thousand Oaks) and Chris Collier, Founder/President of Rincon Strategies.
6. Local high school teachers learn about training and jobs available in the healthcare industry during a tour and discussion at A.T. Still University. You can learn more about Teacher Tours and the Chamber’s other workforce development programming at www.santamaria.com/ education-workforce/.
As champions for a stronger Santa Maria Valley, the Chamber welcomes more businesses/ organizations to our growing organization. Please join us in welcoming the following new Chamber members, who joined in the months of January and February 2024!
Corporate: Root One - Guadalupe (805) 439-1496 www.slocalroots.com
SLO CAL Roots - San Luis Obispo (805) 439-1496 www.slocalroots.com
SLO CAL Roots - Grover Beach (805) 439-1496 www.slocalroots.com
Dan Williams Floor Covering (805) 714-2886 www.integrityrestorations805.com
Huckleberry’s Breakfast and Lunch
- Atascadero (805) 250-8190 www.huckleberrys.com
Huckleberry’s Breakfast and Lunch
- Santa Maria (805) 250-4116 www.huckleberrys.com
Integrity Restorations and Floor Coverings (805) 354-0005 www.integrityrestorations805.com
ProTac Security (805) 938-9100 www.protacsecurity.com
Member: Colors Lath and Plastering, LLC (805) 714-1382 https://www.facebook.com/ colorslathandplastering
Full Draw Strategies, LLC (805) 801-7032 www.fulldrawstrategies.com
How has being a Chamber member supported the growth of your business? Let us know by emailing romina@santamaria.com.
Member: K-Rimes, LLC (805) 886-4505 https://www.facebook.com/ tepeandtacos/
Luisa’s Tax Pro Accounting (805) 345-9640
Orcutt Ice Cream Kitchen (516) 297-3202 www.orcutticecreamkitchen.com
Spotless Janitorial (805) 503-3272
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church/ Iglesia Episcopal De San Pedro (805) 922-3575 www.stpeterssm.org
Join the Chamber today by contacting Membership Manager, Cara Martinez at (805) 925-2403 ext. 852 or email cara@santamaria.com.
“The Santa Maria Valley Chamber has been a game-changer... Being a Chamber member is more than just self-promotion. It’s about giving back to our community via leadership, building a successful business network, and contributing to Santa Maria’s journey. If you want increased visibility, community impact, and credibility, make the investment to join the Chamber as I have and hundreds of other businesses and organizations have!”
These Chamber member businesses recently celebrated joining the Chamber or a major business milestone with a ribbon cutting. Join us in congratulating them!
Huckleberry’s Breakfast and LunchSanta Maria
335 Betteravia Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93454 (805) 250-4116 www.huckleberrys.com
Guadalupe Social Club
945 Guadalupe St, Guadalupe, CA 93434 (805) 356-6018 www.guadalupesocialclub.com
If you are a new member or celebrating a business milestone (anniversary, grand opening, etc.), let us know and schedule a ribbon cutting by emailing patricia@santamaria.com.