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Chamber Connection SA NTA M A RIA VA LLE Y CH A MB E R MO NTHLY NE WS LE T TE R | J UNE 202 2
Chamber Welcomes New Leadership to Military Affairs Committee The Santa Maria Valley Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee helps the organization maintain an active relationship with the command structure at Vandenberg Space Force Base, providing sponsorship for airmen and employee recognition programs, facilitating interaction with local community and base leadership, and in general acting as a connector between the base and town. Additionally, the Chamber supports many veterans-related programs and organizations and annually hosts a program at the local Freedom Monument (originally built by the Chamber) to honor those with connections to the community who gave all in our defense. The Military Affairs committee is welcoming in new leadership, and is thankful for the leadership and dedication outgoing Chairman Bob Hatch has shown to the committee over the years. Hatch, who formally served as the President & CEO of the Santa Maria Valley Chamber, assumed the role of Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee after his retirement. His military background and connection with Vandenberg Space Force Base as the Honorary Commander of the then 30th Space Wing made him a huge asset in this role. As committee chair, Hatch enhanced the Quarterly Awards and Space Launch Delta 30 awards programs at Vandenberg Space Force Base. Winners in the respective categories now receive many gift cards and
Outgoing Military Affairs Committee Chair Bob Hatch (center) poses with Colonel Robert Long, Commander Space Launch Delta 30 and Chief Master Sergeant Jason DeLucy, Command Chief of Space Launch Delta 30. Hatch received the inaugural award of the "Robert P. Hatch Award For Outstanding Community Support for Team Vandenberg," culminating 30 years of service to the base. gift baskets either donated or purchased by community members. They are presented at the luncheon organized by the base to recognize each service members accomplishments. “I felt the communities should be doing
much more to show appreciation for the hard work and dedication to those who are defending the freedoms they enjoy,” Hatch said. Hatch also served as a direct liaison for Continued on p. 2
Legislative Update p.6
Monthly Featured Business p. 7
Student Intern Program p. 8