Lompoc & SYV Arts - June 2018

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Lompoc & santa ynez valley JUNE 2018


Ivory DeVille and The Heathen Apostles

June 9 Doors open 7pm/Show start 7:30 $15 General Admission/$20 Reserved Seating All ages show! The Cypress Gallery - LVAA 119 E Cypress Ave, Lompoc p. 805-737-1129


Elverhøj Museum of History & Art 1624 Elverhoy Way, Solvang p. 805-686-1211 info@elverhoj.org www.elverhoj.org

Gallery Los Olivos

2920 Grand Ave, Los Olivos p. 805-688-7517 gallerylosolivos@gmail.com www.gallerylosolivos.com

The Harmed Brothers with In/Planes

June 16 Doors open 7pm/Show start 7:30 $15 General Admission/$20 Reserved Seating All ages show! Pavlov Art Gallery

1608 Copenhagen Dr, Ste C, Solvang p. 805-686-1080 www.pavlovgallery.com

Standing Sun Winery

92 2nd St - Unit D, Buellton p. 805-904-8072 john@standingsunwines.com www.standingsunwines.com

Wildling Museum of Art & Nature 1511-B Mission Dr, Solvang p. 805-688-1082 info@wildlingmuseum.org www.wildlingmuseum.org

Honey Paper

2933 Grand Avenue, Los Olivos p. 805-325-9320 www.honey-paper.com


We are proud to count non-profit organizations and businesses as community partner members. Together, we advocate for each other, local artists, and collaborate on projects to create an enriching environment for the Arts Community within Lompoc and the Santa Ynez Valley.

The Art of Making Paint - by Karen Osland Featured Article

Los Olivos Jazz and Olive Festival jazzandolivefestival.org

Standing Sun Gallery, adjacent to the Winery Standing Sun Winery

RSVP for Artists Panel on Rivers Journey Exhibit Wildling Museum of Art & Nature

The Roadside Series - Nancy Yaki Elverhøj Museum of History & Art

Tonya Schultz, Smile Bouquet. Cypress Gallery Lompoc Valley Art Association

Standing Sun Concerts


The Art of Making Paint

Cypress Gallery

Summer Movies in the Park

LOS OLIVOS 2nd Saturday Artisans Honey Paper Los Olivos Jazz and Olive Festival SOLVANG Wildling Museum of Art & Nature Elverhøj Museum of History & Art Sunday Jazz & Beyond Concert Series

All Artwork and Photos shown remain the sole property of the artist. No reproductions are permitted without express permission from the Santa Ynez Valley Arts Assoc. and/or the artist.


Lompoc Valley Art Association 119 E. Cypress Ave Lompoc, CA 93436 805.737.1129

Congratulations go to Trish Campbell, who won May's "People's Choice Award" at the Cypress Gallery with her acrylic painting, The Valley. Trish's use of deep hues and complex pops of color makes her work a joy to view. Says Trish,"Art in all its mystery and beauty has always been a big part of my life. After school my brothers and sisters and I would often gather around our dining room table, and draw and write together. Both my parents were creative people, and our art brought them smiles and enhanced our family life. This is what I think art does; it enhances life, makes us human." The Lompoc Valley Art Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, supporting the arts within the Santa Ynez Valley through affordable opportunities for artists to show and sell artwork, collaborations with non-profits and businesses on programs and events, investment in higher education for high school art students through scholarships, and a variety of outreach avenues, such as this digital arts magazine, that bring greater awareness to the cultural heart beat of the area.

The Art of Making Paint By Karen Osland

Sometime during the 15th Century, the Italian artist Cennino Cennini wrote this statement about the art of painting, “there is an occupation known as painting, which calls for imagination, and skill of hand, in order to discover things not seen, hiding themselves under the shadow of natural objects, and to give them shape with the hand, presenting to plain sight what does not actually exist.” Cennini also wrote Il libro dell'arte or “The Craftsman’s Handbook”, containing a detailed list of pigments and binders needed to make the paints that makes this artwork possible. The Handbook gives detailed instruction on how to process each pigment into the numerous paints required. It contains information on the proper brushes and how to make them, drawing, panel painting and the art of Fresco. So, in a certain sense, all paintings begin with the pigments. Pigments can derive from organic and inorganic materials. Charcoal is one of the more common organic pigment sources. Inorganic pigments are often called Earth Pigments or Ochres. These are iron-rich rocks and soil containing hydrated iron oxide. Ochre ranges in color from yellow to deep orange or brown, to red. Earth pigments are perhaps the oldest pigments continuously used by humans. Utilized red ocher nodules have been found in caves in Twin Rivers Kopje, Zambia dating back to 300,000 to 140,000 years Before Present (B.P.). An abalone shell an filled with a ground red ochre mixture was found within Blombos Cave, South Africa. This find dates to 77,000 to 100,000 years B.P. One of the earliest pictographs in Europe is a red ochre

dot within the cave of El Castillo Spain. It dates to 40,000 years B.P. In Australia, Wilgie Mia, an Aboriginal Ocher Mine has been in use from 40,000 years B.P. to present day. Earth pigment sources exist throughout the Santa Barbara County area. The pigments were used by the Chumash for face and body painting and for rock art. The colors used in the rock art were black, red, white. and yellow, with red being the predominate color. In several pictograph panels located in Kern County blues and greens were also used.

The red pigments were made from the softer shales found in the Monterey Formation, which outcrops throughout Santa Barbara County. The shales could be burnt to get different shades, ranging from pale pink to a deep red. A Vermillion, ranging from purple to light brown, was from the cinnabar deposits near present day Gibraltar dam and from Cachuma Canyon. There is one reference, written in 1909, to a red chalk deposit within a half mile of Santa Ines Mission. (Hageman and Ewing) White pigments were from diatomaceous earth, white clay, Gypsum, and burnt sea shells. These paints turn yellow if used with an oil binder but stay white with a “glue’ or water binder.

Black pigments were derived from charcoal. Charcoal form the ash tree and oak bark was considered best. It was ground and mixed with water. Yellow pigment was from yellow ochre (limonite) sometimes found in the Monterey shale and sometimes in the Sisquoc formation. Writing about the restoration effort conducted at the site of La Purisima Mission during the 1930’s, author Edith Buckland Webb made a tantalizing reference to “a vein of yellow ocher so pure and soft that it needed but to be mixed with water and an adhesive added to render it ready for painting,” that she had discovered near the Mission. (Webb:234)

Blue and Green pigments were created from ground azurite and malachite. These colors were very limited in use and so far, have only been found on several rock art panels at the Pleito site located in Wind Wolves Preserve in Kern County. The blue Azurite is usually associated in nature with the green malachite, in copper ore deposits. There is a small deposit containing Malachite and Azurite in a canyon near the rock art site. Another blue found at several rock art locations is a “perceptual blue”. This was created by mixing finely ground black charcoal with white made from the ground sea shells. When placed against warm colors such as orange or red, the gray appears blue. Until the mid-Nineteenth Century, most artist's pigments were derived from the Earth Pigments. Today almost all the pigments used in modern artists' paints are man-made chemicals. Today, some contemporary artists still work with paints they have created themselves. According to Sandy Weber in her excellent book Earthen Pigments, “some do it out of necessity, some to place their work in a historical context, and some who enjoy the alchemy of processing pigments and experiment with tools and methods used by artist long ago”. Or some like Queenie McKenzie mined her own ochres and natural pigments because “these colours appealed to her sense of beauty” Australian Artist Queenie McKenzie (1915-1998) If you are interested in creating your own paints, one of the best “how to” books is Earthern Pigments, HandGathering &Using Natural Colors in Art, by Sandy Weber. A good online resource and source of pigments is Sinopia at http://www.sinopia.com/Pigments. References: Campbell, Paul D. 2007 Earth Pigments and Paint of the California Indians, Meaning and Technology. Publisher Paul Douglass Campbell, Los Angeles. Cennini, Cennino D’Andrea 1933 Libro dell'Arte , The Craftsman's Handbook. Translated by Daniel V. Thompson, Jr. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1933, by Yale University Press. Accessed on line March 2017 http://www.noteaccess.com Grant, Campbell 1965 The Rock Paintings of the Chumash. University of California Press, Berkeley. Hageman, Fred C. and Russell C Ewing 1991. Appendix C in An Archaeological and Restoration Study of Mission La Purisima Concepcion. Reports Written for The National Park Service. Prepared and edited for publication by Richard S. Whitehead. Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation. P.O. Box 388 Santa Barbara CA 93102. Excerpt From a study done by William R. Hayward in 1908 and 1909 at mission Santa Inez and found in An American Index of Design. Hudson, Travis and Thomas Blackburn 1987. The Material Culture of the Chumash Interaction Sphere, Vol. V. Ballena Press Anthropological Papers No. 31, Editor: Thomas Blackburn. 1986. Reeves, D., R Bury & D.W. Robinson. 2009. Invoking Occam's Razor: experimental pigment processing and an hypothesis concerning Emigdiano Chumash rock-art. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 29(1): 59-67. http://www.sinopia.com/Pigments Sinopia source for earth pigments, binders, paints and recipies for making your own binders and paints. Webb, Edith Buckland 1982 Indian Life at the Old Missions. University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln and London. Reprint Edition 1982 Webster, Sandy 2012 Pigments, Earthen Hand-Gathering & Using Natural Colors in Art. Schiffer Publishing, Ltd 4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen PA 19310

LOMPOC Dee Sudbury, Fields of Lompoc



119 E. Cypress Ave, Lompoc • Open Tue–Sun, 12-4PM www.lompocvalleyartassociation.com

"A Walk Through the Cypress" June 2018 • By Terry Taylor June gloom always makes me think of high school graduation as does wind strong enough to rip off a mortarboard--all symbols of the end of the school year on the central coast. At my own graduation from Lompoc High School in 1966, I distinctly remember my long hair drooping from the morning fog even though I had slept on gigantic rollers the night before to perfect my "flip" hairstyle. Aah, I sure do wish I had all that hair now, droop and all. The "Something Fishy" show and month-long exhibition last month was a huge success with more than 100 decorated fish transformed by creative community folks and LVAA members gracing the walls and hanging from the ceiling. Many of the pieces sold and some were taken home as keepsakes to be enjoyed for years to come. Visitors to the gallery had great fun looking at each one and recognizing friend's and neighbor's names on the wooden fish. A special shout-out goes to everyone whose families participated.

Debby Fuller, Figueroa Mountain Oak

June's featured artist show entitled "Into the Woods" is hosted by two of our members: Debby Fuller, photographer and Gabriel Bustamante, wood worker. You will enjoy the natural quality of all the pieces, with Debby's photos focusing on local trees and other wooden objects and Gabriel's three-dimensional trays, vases and decor items carved on a lathe. I especially like "Figueroa Mountain Oak," a warm photo with rich fall colors and a wooden piece called "Norfolk Pine Urn." Please join the artists at their reception on Friday, June 1, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and enjoy a little wine, some appetizers and, of course, view the beautiful show. We are fortunate to have several new members in the Art Association, and some of their work is on display this month in the main gallery. Diane Reuter's watercolor, entitled "The 3rd Elephant," is bright in color contrasts and skillfully executed, and Chris Jeszeck submitted her beautiful colored pencil drawing called "Blue & Orange." We are delighted to have a number of new members joining these past few months and love seeing new work. Other paintings that caught my eye are Elizabeth Monks Hack's "Old Theatre at Sunset," in oil, and a series of seagull paintings by Trish Campbell. I love the wonderful colors in Neil Andersson's oil painting "Field, Clouds, Trees," which perfectly illustrates Neil's use of soothing colors. Jan Manfrina submitted a duo of watercolor birds painted on vintage book pages--very interesting! There are, of course, many other submissions from our photographers, painters and artisan craft people--a lovely collection this month. Gabriel Bustamante, Norfolk Pine Urn

Cypress Gallery is an outstanding gift and souvenir shop as well as a fine art gallery. There is a great variety of small paintings and prints, jewelry, fiber arts, glass, greeting cards and more. Cypress Gallery is operated by the members of the Lompoc Valley Art Association and is located at 119 East Cypress Avenue, Lompoc. Hours: Tuesday through Sunday 12 noon to 5:00 p.m. 805-737-1129, lompocart.com .


Here are a few selections of artwork for show and sale currently at the Cypress Gallery.

Debby Fuller, Tree Lined Drive, photo $95

Gabriel Bustmante, Vase and Bowls, wood

Debby Fuller, Wings at Surf, photo $45

Debby Fuller, Barn, photo $45

Nancy Hall, Zebras Drinking, photo $210


The Lompoc Valley Art Association invites you to view the latest show in the Cypress Gallery. The show is titled “Into the Woods� and features Debby Fuller and Gabriel Bustamate. The Show runs from May 29 through June 25. Debby is a digital photographer and her dark room is the computer. She uses Adobe Photoshop and prints some images in black and white and some in color. The theme is wood of all shapes and sizes, and so the photos will be of barns, trees, fences, and other wooden things. Many have been photographed in the tricounty area. Gabriel began working with wood when he carved a chess set for his nephew. He was intrigued by the thought of using a lathe to shape his work and started to turn wood. He has asmall studio behind his house. He enjoys working with walnut, eucalyptus, and black acacia, to name a few.

Cypress Gallery, 119 East Cypress Ave, Lompoc,Ca Gallery hours are Tue. through Sun, 12-5 pm

Joellen Chrones and Diane Reuter, Glass and Tiles

Claudette Carlton, Pennsylvania Country Side, watercolor $175

Trish Campbell, Seagulls II, acrylic $310

Linda Gooch, Happy Hour $175

Angie Hamlin, Starburst, acrylic $80

Lynda Schiff, California Style, photo $65

Kathy Badrak, Renewal, gourd $65

Mary Whittemore, Victorian Girl, oil $200

Tom Chrones, La Purisima Kitchen, photo $65

Julia Nash, At the Beach, oil $300

Tonya Schultz, Smile Bouquet acrylic $325

Mikel Naccarato, Lava Bombs, acrylic $1200

Dee Sudbury, Fields of Lompoc, acrylic $158

Vicki Andersen, Lompoc Flower Field #1, acrylic $95

Bill Morson, Relay Runner, dye-infused metal print $120

Neil Anderson, Field, Clouds, Trees, oil $900

LOS OLIVOS Foothill Greenery Gallery Los Olivos


Date change! 2nd Saturday Artisans will be held on June 23, from 12 to 5pm, at The Grange in Los Olivos. We will be back to our regular schedule – July 14 (2nd Saturday) On the 2nd Saturday of each month, from 12 noon to 5pm, local Artists both show and sell their unique art work. Original paintings, jewelry, wood-work, pottery, photography, and more will be for sale and on display. All the artists accepted for “2nd Saturday Artisans” have a unique point of view and are skilled at their craft. The show is located within the iconic Grange Hall, next to the park, in the center of Los Olivos. Come by and meet our artists! If you are an artist wanting to participate – contact Kathy Badrak at Kbadrak@comcast.net for the application. More about some of the Participating Artists Joellen Chrones, Glass My company name is Sugarless Treats, non-fattening glass, as a play on words and at the time I could not have sugar. I fell in love with making glass objects when someone recommended that I make my own beads, I’ve been hooked ever since. I try to make functional pieces that people can put to good use. All the glass is food safe and dishwasher safe, but no microwave please (some metallic colors would pop off). I like a whimsical subject, right now I am doing a lot of birds. But I also do fruit, vegetables, other animals, flowers, etc. I also do wall hangings of different subjects. I love color and sometimes get pretty crazy.



Welcome to the Los Olivos Jazz & Olive Festival! Saturday, June 9, 2018 • 1-4pm

Spend a Saturday afternoon in the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley, tasting wine from 30 local wineries, listening to world-class, professional jazz musicians, and sampling 30 different olivethemed dishes prepared by local chefs. This event historically sells out early. Don't wait to be disappointed at the gate! Buy your tickets HERE!

The Jazz and Olive Festival is presented by the Los Olivos Rotary Club. All funds generated from the event are used for the charitable projects supported in part by the Rotary Club.

SOLVANG Image courtesy Solvang Conference & Visitors Bureau

Color and Motion: An Artist's Perspective Artist's Reception: Kathy Badrak Friday June 8, 2018 • 5-7pm

Please join Kathy Badrak at a reception for her show opening at Carivintas Winery. Titled Color and Motion: An Artist's Perspective, the show and sale demonstrates her latest works in the fluid acrylic pour method. In addition, Kathy will also have some of her latest gourd work on display. Come out to meet the artist. 20% of sales of the artwork goes to support animal rescue. Light appetizers will be provided and wine is available for purchase.

Carivintas Winery 476 First St, Solvang


1511 Mission Dr., Solvang Open 11am-5pm Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri. Open 10am-5pm Sat & Sun. Closed Tue. www.wildlingmuseum.org

The Wildling Museum of Art and Nature offers visitors a unique opportunity to connect with nature through art, education, and creative experiences. Art exhibits can inspire a conservation ethic as guests renew their relationship with wild places and understand their fragile nature - ensuring those spaces remain for future generations. The Wilding features changing art exhibitions, a wilderness resource center, gift store, art classes, lectures, book signings, film screenings, and more! Every day you will find a free craft table, using recycled materials, where you can make an artistic creation to take home. From owls out of cardboard tubes to penguins out of egg cartons, this is a fun and creative addition to your visit to the Wildling Museum. For more information, please visit www.wildlingmuseum.org, call 805-688-1082, or email info@wildlingmuseum.org.

Upcoming Events Author Talk by Robbie Kay Sunday, June 24, 2018 • 3-4pm On Sunday, June 24th Robbie Kaye will be at the Wildling Museum to present her second monograph, Endurance, which features photographs of 3 trees taken over the course of 3 years in the Santa Ynez Valley. Combined with prose, this book tells the story of Solitude, Magic, and Majesty, names that Robbie has attributed to these trees. They have endured fire, floods, and drought and remain strong in stature, not unlike the human experience. The foreword is written by Deborah Lee Davis who is an author, artist, healer and longtime resident of the Santa Ynez Valley. About Robbie Kaye: Robbie Kaye is a journalist. She creates and tells stories from her life through photography, painting and music. She studied music at Berklee College of Music in Boston and photography at USC. She’s written songs for Warner Bros. and Disney and has exhibited her photographs and paintings internationally. Robbie is originally from New York and now resides in the Santa Ynez Valley, where she continues to document her environment. She is also the producer of “Ladies of the Valley,” an online forum and documentary in the making that highlights the women of the Santa Ynez Valley and their inspiration. Robbie Kaye is the author of “Beauty and Wisdom,” her first monograph depicting strength and determination of older women in an overlooked generation in American culture. Contact: robbie@robbiekaye.com • Website: www.robbiekaye. com • Instagram: @robbiekaye | @ladiesofthevalley The River’s Journey Artists Panel Sunday, July 8, 2018 • 3-4pm • $5 members, $10 general admission Panel discussion and presentation will start promptly at 3pm, seating is limited Visit the website to rsvp. Free closing reception to follow starting at 4pm including a poetry reading. The Rose Compass panel discussion will take place from 3-4pm on the final day of The River’s Journey exhibition of intimate gouache paintings at the Wildling Museum. You are invited to hear stories from these six artists about their one year, ninety-two-mile investigation along the watershed of the Santa Ynez River, the life source that feeds our communities. The Rose Compass artists collaborated with the Wildling Museum to create a show featuring 158 artworks that explores many facets of our local river and watershed, and highlights the importance of water conservation. Courtesy Monica Wiesblott

The free closing reception takes place from 4-5pm and will include a poetry reading by Steve Braff and Dorothy Jardin.

Call for Volunteers at the Wildling! If you are looking to volunteer and love art and nature, then the Wildling Museum of Art and Nature wants you! As a member of the volunteer team at the Wildling you get to experience great art while learning about the natural world around us, and in particular wild places of the Santa Barbara region. When you volunteer at the Wildling you become part of a great volunteer family. Our volunteers look forward to our annual Holiday Party and other functions planned throughout the year. In addition, volunteers get special benefits such as: • A 15% discount in The Wildling Museum gift shop • Priority in enrolling for classes and events • Opportunities to meet and learn from experts in the field of art and nature • The honor of being associated with The Wildling Museum in a professional capacity There are many different volunteer opportunities available at the museum. Help is needed in areas from staffing the front desk, to preparing gallery spaces for new exhibits, to helping out with events. There are opportunities available for the person who wants to volunteer once a week to someone who can only help once a month. Volunteer Anne Hunter making centerpieces

Get Involved Info: http://www.wildlingmuseum.org/get-involved/ The Wildling Museum of Art and Nature welcomes your ideas and artwork that align with our mission to inspire our community and visitors to enjoy, value, and conserve wildlife and natural areas through art. To apply online, click on the appropriate link below: Art Exhibit Application Speaker Application Educational Workshop Proposal Gift Shop Vendor Application Wildling Museum Volunteer Application

Volunteers hanging artwork in the gallery

If you have any technical issues with the online applications, we would be happy to provide you with an email PDF, or you can pick up a paper copy at the Museum. Please contact mitra@wildlimgmuseum.org or 805.686.8315 for assistance. Overview of the application process: First, we will notify you if we think it’s a good fit. Once we have received your completed application, the appropriate museum staff will review your information. Depending on the volume of applications we are processing, it could take several weeks to hear back from us. Please keep in mind that we schedule our exhibits years in advance and programming months in advance, so please plan accordingly. Secondly, we will set up an appointment. If your application is a fit with the museum, we will set schedule a date to discuss the details. Please do not show up unexpectedly, as the staff person you need to speak with might not be available. We love the community of artists, volunteers, and instructors who collaborate with us and it is important to us that each receive the appropriate attention. Finally, we will complete any necessary forms and agreements. Each opportunity at the Museum has a unique set of forms and agreements that are specific to each case. You can expect to work with the Museum staff during this process and receive assistance as needed.

Detail: Linda Gooch, Happy Hour

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