Firstgroup campaign Sketching Ideas

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New Wellbeing Campaigns Some concepts and ideas by Santi Molina 1

New Wellbeing Campaigns Some concepts and ideas by Santi Molina

Table of Contents 03


Some previous thoughts

FirstGroup A3 Exercise poster



FirstGroup Wellbeing campaign

FirstGroup A3 Healthy eating poster



FirstGroup Mixing concepts and Ideas

Final reflections


New Wellbeing Campaigns Some concepts and ideas by Santi Molina

Some previous thoughts Any project design, from the initial stages, needs a good and deep search in the following areas: - Company of our client. - Business area of the company. - Competitors. It’s necessary to make a heavy researching in order to know very vital questions that we have to face in every new project. Questions like, Who are our client? What their products are? What is his main market? What they did until now in terms of communication, marketing and design? Which ones are their product areas? And also, which companies are his competitors, what they do also in terms of communication, marketing and design. Every designer knows about this process, because it gives you the main clues to start with your new projects. I didn’t have time to do this important research here (and I assume that a big company like FirstGroup has a nice and massive Brand guide), so the following ideas are in a very first stage and they need more time to develop them. But for first stages, I think they are completely valid and functional for this campaign.


New Wellbeing Campaigns Some concepts and ideas by Santi Molina


Wellbeing campaign Like you say in your briefing, I agree to focus the campaign in happy and positive messages which they have more impact in the target instead the traditional negative message “if you don’t do this, you’ll become like this...”. Also, in my opinion, for these kind of campaigns I think it’s very important to use a good and clever humour because it helps to get the attention of the targets and they can memorize and recall much better the message of the campaign. Usually a internal marketing campaign has less budget like a marketing campaign leaded to the customers (B2C) but this it will not be an obstacle to create a nice and good campaign which accomplish all his targets. So for me, we have these two initials values to support our creativity: - Positive messages. - Good humour.


New Wellbeing Campaigns Some concepts and ideas by Santi Molina


Mixing concepts and ideas So from this starting line, using the good humour and the positive messages, I’ve have come to some ideas. In general, in some of my graphic design projects, I like to mix concepts and ideas, some of them are probably very difficult to put them together but using the humour and a sort of surrealistic approach, you can mix them together in the same visual line. I’ll add an example of this concept. In one of the projects of That Company Called If, we had to create the branding and the packaging for a sun reading glasses product. As you can see on the right picture, I tried to mix the idea of a reading sun glasses and something that you can use when you are in the sunny outdoors, a sun cream to protect you. A clever approach to the idea of a sun reading glasses with humour which I think it helps to recall the product in a easier way. Starting from this main idea, to mix concepts with humour and positive messages, I’ve created the following A3 posters to help to reach the goals of the campaign.


New Wellbeing Campaigns Some concepts and ideas by Santi Molina


A3 Exercise poster The main idea is reflect how good a FirstGroup worker can be if he starts doing regular exercise. We’ll have a big picture, covering almost the full poster, of a FirstGroup bus driver, seating on his job place, looking happy and sharp, dressing like an athlete not with the FirstGroup uniform. So, we got this guy, in front of this big wheel, looking happy and healthy with his new sport life. In the athlete clothes we can see also the company logo and corporate badges. In the top of the poster, you can see the logo of the campaign and you can read the strap-line together with the sub headline. In the bottom, you can see the logo of the company and some corporate information. I’m not quite sure about this because, like I said, I don’t have access to FirstGroup Brand guide but I think this would be a more standard way to put this corporate information. In a B2C campaign, more focus in the FirstGroup user and with more budget, it would be good to replace the bus driver here for real athletes... I don’t know.... I can imagine easily how happy the bus users could feel if their bus is driven by Paula Radcliffe or other athlete celebrities. 6

New Wellbeing Campaigns Some concepts and ideas by Santi Molina


A3 Healthy eating poster In the same way than the previous concept, here I used similar creative technique, mixing the main concepts and ideas of the campaign and the headline. With the same layout, in this concept we have a big picture, full page, of one of the ticket inspectors, checking the tickets of the passengers, walking in the middle of the coach, between the passenger seats. Until here, everything looks normal but the non usual thing is in the uniform of the inspector, he is wearing a chef uniform, all in white colour with the logo of FirstGroup in the heart place. He changed his food costumes and he is now more healthy and he fells like a chef. Also we can see in the top of the poster, the logo of the campaign, the headline and the sub headline. And in the bottom, the corporate area with the logo and some information, too. Like I said in the previous concept, if we can make a similar campaign for the users of FirstGroup on the B2C field, for instance, trying to highlight the great food of some of the trains and travels of the company, we can use celebrity chefs as ticket inspectors like Gordon Ramsay. 7

New Wellbeing Campaigns Some concepts and ideas by Santi Molina

Final reflections So, I think using this mixing concepts technique and finding the proper picture in the posters to express exactly the headline and the message of the campaign, it could work this way, getting a more positive and funny message. Also, like I said, with this kind of message, it would be easier remember the campaign for the FirstGroup colleagues. Like I said, it’s an idea and technique could work perfectly in a B2C campaign, too. In terms of internal marketing, I think this campaign could have any other actions to help the working colleagues get the final goals of the campaign. Actions like the creation of sport teams with just FirstGroup workers, cycling teams, football teams, cricket teams, etc... and with a proper social media tracing (that is perfect for this kind of marketing actions), the company can spread the good results of the teams. Also, the company can organise internal championship, etc... I think all these kind of parallel internal marketing actions could help.


New Wellbeing Campaigns Some concepts and ideas by Santi Molina


New Wellbeing Campaigns Some concepts and ideas by Santi Molina

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