Urban Design Portfolio_Sanyukta Bhagwat

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F O L I O Sanyukta Bhagwat Urban Designer | Architectural Designer | LEED GA (Selected Urban Design works from 2015 -2021)

Education Masters of Advanced Architecture And Design (MAAD) 3.9 / 4.0 California College of Arts, San Francisco

Sept 20 - Aug 201

Masters of Urban Design (MAUD) 3.7 / 4.0 UniversityofWestminster,London

Sept6210- Nov7 210

Work exhibited at Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021, Superstudio network and AEDES at Berlin https://www.urbanworks.cca.edu/news/events/aedes - Recipient of Design Excellence and Cultural Engagement award 2021 - CCA Merit Scholarship

- 175 Westminster Excellence Scholarship

Sanyukta Bhagwat I am a professional with 2 years of experience in Architecture and Urban Design; with a spirit and flair for design. I am a visionary believer in creativity and imagination to invent and re- in vent surroundings we live in! My professional work involved addressing so cial, political, economical environments and designissues.

Skills Digital Applications, 3D Modelling AutoCad | Revit | Sketchup | Rhino | VRay Lumion | Enscape Presentations Photoshop | Illustrator | Indesign | MS O-ce Competencies Conceptual design | Schematic drawing | Research and Strategy | Construction Drawings Analytical skills | Critical thinking | Organisationalskills|Performance- Driven

Bachelors of Architecture, BArch University of Pune, India

Jun021 - Apr5210

- Top 5 for 2 consecutive years in batch of 45

Experience Architectural Designer, Mason Architects


Graduate Teaching Assistant, California College of Arts

Jan 2-01 May 201

Urban Designer; Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF) TARU Leading Edge

July9210- Sept9210

Urban Design Intern; Studio LK

Oct8210- Nov8210

Junior Architect; Lunkad Properties- Multitude Design Cell

Jun5210- Apr6210

Trainee Architect; Archtype Design- Architecture and Interiors

Jun4210- Oct4210

Creating ASRB and Permit sets with Design and construction drawings.

Assisting History of Architecture and Design class by offering mentorship, support, leading discussions, grading assignments with 21 undergrad students

Performed with BvLF and 5 stakeholders on tactical urban design projects according to the ITCN framework. Aid in business development; resulted in getting 1 more project from client

Implemented site analysis and Design Access Statement for a masterplanning project in UK Worked across residential and mixed-use projects (~$400K) refining schematic plans, electrical layouts, sections. Presented proposals, minutes of meetings Executed intricate drawings, design specifications along with team of 8 architects Developed illustrations using computer literacy for presentation and marketing



Incremental Urbanism development

95 Urban95

An urban city level initiative

SocialActivator A cluster of ADUs

Traditional Urban Spaces

Guidelines for contemporary traditionalism

Bridging the Gap

Intelligent Urbanism development

Public-PrivatePartnershipsP3( ’s) Place-making project

The Greencor

Regenerational masterplan


| The Ripple Effect | Commons Ground- ‘Post-2020 city’- Spring 2021 ArchitectureandurbanprojectatCaliforniaCollegeofArtsMAAD) ( Site:WestOakland,CA

West Oakland has been known for its rich culture, African- American community, power within and their rootedness. Due to large amount of disinvestment in the past, an emergence of a commons ‘ platform’ with puncturing of tactical and permanent interventions is the key to overall Cypress neighborhood acti vation . The focus area runs along the Mandela Parkway; major north- south median- divided street with pre- dominantresidentialarea. The goal is to preserve the cultural systems, provide social and economic equity and sustaianble green infrastructure through activation of urban spaces/pockets. The proposal seeks to strategise ‘Incremental Development’ by structural interventions and activations that can be accomplished over phases in time to release energy and create a positive “RIPPLE EFFECT” This is an urban connectivity and placemaking concept to leverage the Mandela Parkway strip assets residences, ( frontages, vacant properties, parks) into an improved “social circuit” for local businesses, artists, walking, biking, community gardening, meeting friends, and community events, all the activities that build sustainable communities. Collaborated with West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project ( WOEIP), Equity Research Team (ERT) as community partners.

Softwares used: Rhino, Illustrator, Photoshop, Sketchup

Consolidating ‘ theRipple’

Tactical and structural interventions into action

SURFACE LEGEND Existing infrastructure Parks and landscaped spa ces Open spaces Sidewalks, Pedestrian area

‘MasterplanningtheRipple’ Proposed ni terventions

GroundingtheCommons’ ‘ Urban analysis study

.Massing 2 layer


7th st


A quick look into the spatial settings



.The 1 Gateway

Commons’ .‘ 1 layer




Preservingthecultureandidentitythroughheritagew platform for expressions and opportunities to local talent ADU’s of shipping containers (Homelessness)

Community garden/urban farm

Farmer’s market/Open church

Pop-up village/foodtrucks

Skywalk-series of ground and roof spaces Future developments


2 Mandela Grocery co-operative

Designing an environmental corridor for health benefits environmentaljusticefortheneighbourhood


Gateway to the parkway Plaza and playarea Local shops/Storefronts Mandela Gateaway Apartments

Envisioning acupunctural as well as persistent recre activitiesforwell-being,entertainmentandsocialcoh

Design typologies Proposing more permanent and reliable infrastructure to buildineconomy,a-ordablehousingandbusiness.


| AcDU’s as a ‘Social Activator’ | Property in Crisis- Fall 2020 ArchitectureandurbanprojectatCaliforniaCollegeofArtsMAAD) ( Site:th 7 Street,WestOakland

The design proposesAccessory ‘ Community Dwelling Units’; a newer version of generic ADU’s that can anchor the communities, boost economy, provide a pleasing a-ordable housing options and encourage spaceactivationalongtheth 7 StreetcorridorinWestOakland.ThisclusterofADUswillbeaCommunity ‘ Oasis’ enhancing the vitality of the historical strip and social equity. Collaborated with East Bay Perma nent Real Estate Corporation (EBPREC), a community partner from West Oakland. West Oakland historically has experienced agressive urban renewal and lack of accountability. In West Oakland, gentrification is the result of decades of actions of disinvestment, redlining, predatory lending, homelessness, evictions, lack of a-ordable housing, preservation and few tenant protection policies. The policy making encompassing the sensitivity to the urban fabric, social cohesion, a-ordable housing options and public space activation could be the immediate strategies to be acted upon. Thegroundoor fl caterstomoresocialandeconomicequityparadigmswithspaceslikeArtmuseumand exhibition space outdoors with guerilla gardening and amphitheatre, retail units, restuarants and cafes, localbusinessessuchasbikemart,saloonandantiquestores.Theupperfloorsolelyactsasapleasing option of a-ordable, low maintenance housing surrounded by a vibrant neighbourhood. Softwares used: Revit, Sketchup, Illustrator, Photoshop

‘BuildingaCommunityOasis’ Comprehensive cluster of ADU’s


Conceptualizing the spatial configurations and property ownership Tenancy In Common TIC a form of concurrent property ownershiphasbeenproposed;whereco-tenants each own their share of a piece of property Eachprimarytenantholdsamajorityshare intheirrespectiveADU;otherscouldhave a partial share if they desire. But, the first floori.eallthecommunityspacescouldbe sharedincommonequally.

Community garden

Outdoor stage Admin

Camp b

ell str eet

Children playarea

ADU Library/ common lounge

Games, entertainment

Artist Studios

Studio ADU Art Gallery/ Exhibition

Meeting/ Studio ADU conference

Cafe, Store

Studio ADU Salon, Bike shop



7th Str eet


Configuration of more common spaces and sociability


Redefining private spaces with some public thresholds


03 | P3’s |

Urban Works- Independent study- Spring 2021 Place-makingprojectatCaliforniaCollegeofArtsMAAD) ( Site:HayesValleyneighborhood,SanFrancisco

Public-Private PartnershipP3( ’s) has been an emerging popular tool for a development of a public-space inthecity.ItinvolvesacollaborationbetweenagovernmentagencyPublic) ( andaprivate-sectorcompany orindividualPrivate) ( toenvision,finance,constructandoperatepublicorientedprojectslikeurbanspaces, bridges, parks, convention centers etc. Also, P3’s can be taken as an e-ective cost-saving and innova tion-producingventureintransformingthepublicspaces.Thishasledtoanewformofplacemakinginthe urbancontext. Theroleofthesepublic-privatepartnershipsistoharnessthepowerofthenon-- profit,privateandgovern mentalsectors,especiallyinshapingthepublicrealmandempoweringcommunities.Adefiningaspectof many such partnerships is that most of the up-front financing and also recurring maintenance costs are takencareofbytheprivateentity,alleviatingthefinancialburdenongovernmententitiesintheproduction ofpublicurbanspace.Thepublicorthegovernmententityattimesprovideacapitalsubsidyintheformof one-timegrantordonationsby ( participatingorganizations)tomaketheprojecteconomicallyviable. Thisresearchprojectissetuptogatheryourfeedbackonsuchpartnershipsinordertofurtherstudytheir evolution. Softwares used: Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign


Setting it out in the public for some interesting responses!

“Nobody has a greater stake in future than today’s children”


| Urban 95 | Bernard Van Leer Foundation and TARU- 2019


Mobility reinforced with walkableroutesand15 mins city ideals

Datadrivenmanagement and implementation

Publicrealmand neighborhood design

UrbanismandPlacemakingproject Site:Pune,India


Earlychildhoodservices within40-5mradius

Street art and kids fun zoneinpublicspaces

“If we could experience the city from an elevation of 95 cm- the height of a 3 year oldwhat we could do differently? Urban 95 is a development initiative to identify and scale ideas for live, play and interact for young children through better public places, transport planning, early childhood services, land usepoliciesanddatamanagementacrossthecityofPune.Theprojectled-theproposalswork ing with the city and urban entrepreneurs to identify and scale ideas to change the way families withyoungchildrenusepublicspaces.Thisincludewalkableneighbourhoodsthatcaterforthe basics a young family needs, public spaces close to home that attract all generations while allowingsmallchildrentoexploresafely,andreliabletransportthatmakesiteasy,a-ordableand enjoyable for families with young children to travel where they need to go. Providingasafe,healthyandaninterestingenvironmenttoallthechildrenataverystartisthe best development policy to build healthy, properous, creative and sustainable communities.A betterdesignedpublicspaceswhereallwhereallthechildrencanthrivewilleventuallyleadto asuccesfulsociety.Thepolicyalsomeansplanningsimultaneouslyforothervulnerablegroups in the society (Elderly and disabled)

Ample playgrounds and green pockets

Merging green and play spaces! Temporary play streets! Story-telling in public!

Safer crossings! Pop-up play! Urban Stories! Tra c cal in Everything nearby! Safe, playful transit! Fanstasy routes!

Interesting pedestrianization

Softwares used: AutoCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop

Integrated childhood services! Develop sense of team play!


Cataloging ‘ Smartcityfeatures’

Key ideas for actions for an inclusive Infant-Toddler-Caregiver Neighbourhood Lot-lotsandgreenpockets

Sidewalk Games andPlayfulUrban Furniture



Parksandgardensare vitalelementsofda urbanlifeforITC’s

Daycare centres and Creches within a distanceof50m. Well-plannedwith creativeelements. Pre-schoolsdesignedto o-erstimulatingenviron ment.Criticalelements include playarea with softcover,opentosky outdoors.

Inclusivepublicspacesfor ITC’sandgeneralpublicto thrive. Resting/Nursingbooths availableatpubliclocations


| Traditional Urban Spaces | Contemporary traditionalism- Fall 2017 UrbanDissertationprojectatUniversityofWestminsterMAUD) ( Sites:London,Pune

The thesis work intended to explore the meaning and importance of traditional public spaces in the urban fabric and their active role as a catalyst in the urban regeneration. It aimed to showcase that these traditional urban spaces get transformed as a part of the socio- cultural panorama; but has the power to retaintheirtraditionalismandauthenticityunnervedbytheravagesoftimeorforcedurbanregeneration. Thetraditionalurbanspacescanalwaysbeenvisagedtodevelop,adaptandchange - tosuitthecontem porary scenario without misplacing their own identity. Thesubjectoverlookedtheconceptofrefurbishmentofurbanspaceswhilstidentifyingandanalysingthe traditionalvaluesattachedandtheusageofthesespacesincontemporarytimes. In the light of the whole study regarding the traditional urban spaces and their role in the contemporartransformation of public realm; we canstate that these spaces will not erode the traditionalism, identity and authenticity from itself but will positively exist in parallel and complementary to it. They act as catalysts in the process of urban transformation whilst playing their role in providing the necessities in present times and should be perceived not as entities secluded from its timeframe and socio- cultural context but as their direct derivatives.

Softwares used: Illustrator, Hand Graphics

Streamlining ‘ theRegeneration’ An analytical flowchart of the process


Conceptual design proposal

Learningfrom precedents Site selection andvisit

Research & Information

Case-studies research

Publicinterface Identifying urban issues

Guidelines for regeneration

Reflectionsconclusions &

Design guidelines for the Urban Regeneration proposals

Issues: Street encroachment Unorganised parking Lackofsidewalks,rightofway Lackofpublicspaces Nogreeninfrastructure

Proposals: Heritage walk Designatedkiosks/vendingspaces Tra-ccalminginfrastructure Greenpockets,public-cum-vending plaza Shared street Subsidizevendingrents


| The Greencor | Regeneration Urbanism- ‘Post-industrial sector’- Fall 2017 MasterplanningprojectatUniversityofWestminsterMAUD) ( Site:Prague,CzechRepublic

Thesite-Vysocanyislocatedinthesector9ofPragueandreflectshistoricalindustrial area.Itiswellcon nectedwiththemajortransitnodesandroutesfromthecorecity.Thevisionforthemasterplanwastofocus ontherenaissanceoftheplace;maximizingandrefurbishingtheexistingassets. The industrial dominated area, sits along the main spine road of Koblenova. The site is identified as an importantcitynodeandincludesablue-greenbeltprovidingaroomforgreeninfrastructure.Currentlythe urbanmorphologyisfragmentedhavingtheareanotbeingusedatitsfullpotential. TheconceptofGreen ‘ Corridor’hasbeenenvisionedtoleveragetheexistingblue-- greenbeltandcatalyz ing the culture, green infrastructure and economy. Addition of greenscape to provide visual and physical access“connectedness”) ( tonatureistheprimegoal.Thiswillaiminconservingandenhancingthevisual, recreational and ecological value of the surrounding infrastructure. Some of the other goals are to create transitionareasvestibules) ( alongtheblue-greencorridorsprovingthemtobeaspecialcharacterareasfor thelocalsaswellasthetourists.Thiswillleadtosomeobviousplacessuchastrailsandviewingblindsfor thetransformationofthearefromaindustrialsectortoasustainbledevelopment.Promotingmixedusewill encouragedeveloperstoinvestinthedevelopmentandbringinmoresocial,environmental andeconom ic stability to Vysocany. The scope of work further branches out to into housing development and design, landscaping, placemaking, streetscape and other infrastructure details Softwares used: Sketchup, Illustrator, Photoshop, Hand graphics


An illustration of an Open space of the Greencor

Built infrastructure Open spaces

Built and un-built The green spaces will act as vestibules along the corridors in the dense builtfabric.

The site identified is an industrial suburb in Prague, surrounded by Koblenova Commercial roadonthenorthandriverRotytkaonthesouth.Theecologicalblue-greenResidential belt Institutional addsvaluetothesiteandcanbecatalystforthearea’sdevelopment Mixed use Industrial

Land use The design will encourage a vibrant mix of land uses for a holistic development.

Built density - 9floors 7 5 - 6floors 3 - 4floors 2fl-1oors


The hierarchy in the building heights will ensure different views and panorama providing an architectural character to the development.

Urban massing The design proposal promotes a balance between the solid spaces and the voids to ensure a liveable environment with different scales

The approach would potentially bring in more active frontages, nodes, legibility, permeability, housing, public realm and recreational infrastructure

‘Refurbishingthefabric’ Primaryroadnetwork





Open spaces

Urban Blocks

Recreational and sports park


| Bridging the gap | Public Realm- ‘Intelligent Urbanism’- Spring 2017 UrbanAnalysisandDesignprojectatUniversityofWestminsterMAUD) ( Site:IsleofDogs,London

The project is an area analysis and design proposal within the region of Isle of Dogs in the East End of London; in the Borough of Tower of Hamlets. The site identified includes a busy thoroughfare of vehicles and pedestrians, the DLRDistrict ( Light Railway) on the north along with a canal broadening towards the OuterDocks.Thisformsanopportunityarea,surroundedwitharangeofhighendcommercial,highdensity residentialandleisureactivities. The larger context of South Quay is facing a huge development pressure of housing, infrastructure and placemaking due its proximity to global economic center of Canary Wharf. TheGreater 11 02 - London au thoritymasterplanestimatestodelivernew 3, 0 9 marketanda-ordablehomeswithjobs 0, 11 creation byThe .5 20 areacurrenltpermitsforhomes 0, 9 1 andonlyjobs. 0 ,3 6 TowerHamletsandtheGreater LondonAuthorityareworkinginpartnershiptodevelopanOpportunityAreaPlanningFrameworkforthe SouthQuay;whereMillwallDocksformsamajorpart. Thevisionwastoproposeadevelopmentthatwillframeanddeliverhighquality,legible andinvitingmove mentroutes,connectionsandpublicrealm.Developmentwilldelivermassinginavariedbutcoherenturban environmentthatdeliversactivefrontages,engagingspaceswhilemaximisinglevelsofnaturallightagainst coldwindsfromthesouthofthedock. Softwares used: Sketchup, Illustrator, Photoshop


Development ideas for a high-end commercial, residential and social life

Analysis of Urban Fabric

Studying the existing armature of the area


Heat and density pattern

.Landuse 1 map

Accessibility pattern


.Density 2 map


Design Concept

1IncreasetheaccessibilitybetweenEastandWestbyprovidingcrossingon•the The canal; designproposesanextensiontotheexistingretailbuildin 2 Create connections between the existing public spaces, currently segregated by canal; WestsideofMillwallDock. 3Createahighqualityandco-ordinatedpublicrealm • Itenvisionsabridgeasanextensiontoenhancetheaccessibilit 4Encouragelocalactivitesbyextendingexistingactivityarea • Thegoalistoprovidemoresmartcomponents,spacesandretailtoc 5Enhancetheexistinglinkagestothewiderareabycreatingahighqualitypedestrian activitycoreinresidentialandcommercialarea andbikingnetworkwithactivefrontages; • The design encourages an alternative route along the key entr 6Increasedopportunitiesforemployment station

‘BridgingtheGap’ Concept diagram

Spatial strategy


Green infrastructure strategy



Sanyukta Bhagwat Email bhagwatsanyukta@gmail.com Contact +1 724.7321988 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanyukta-bhagwat/

ForArchitecturalandmoreinterestingworkvisit.. https://www.sanyuktabhagwat.com/

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