3 minute read
AUGMENTED CCAM is a Horizon Europe project (September 2022 –December 2025) aiming to understand, harmonise, and evaluate in an augmented manner adapted and novel support solutions of Physical, Digital and Communication (PDI) infrastructure, to advance its readiness for large scale deployment of CCAM solutions for all.
The AUGEMNTED CCAM project looks at tackling the following issues:
• Which are the priority Physical and Digital infrastructure (PDI) requirements and adaptations for different mixed traffic application contexts, transport modes and CCAM readiness?
• Which are the most cost-efficient technological paths to exploit existing and emerging PDI to support near future CCAM ensuring the safety and efficiency of the transport network as a whole?
• Which are the concerned adopters in each case and how can we reflect the varying governance and operational models in a service operational framework to be beneficial for all actors on technological and economic grounds?
• How can we put in place a “no-regret” process for decision making before proceeding to investments?
Physical infrastructure investments roadmap: 30-50 years
Digital infrastructure investments roadmap: 8-15 years
There are four backbone elements that constitute the concept of AUGMENTED CCAM, all of them interrelating and feeding each other in an iterative manner and in all possible combinations to lead to the improved, novel and viable CCAM-ready PDI. The first element is the harmonised and extended PDI classification & support scheme & requirements. This leads to the second element, which is the prioritised PDI adaptations and novel PDI support solutions across different CCAM use cases. The third element correlates to the Open Sharing Service Operational Framework and multi-cooperation models that enable the sense-plan-act approach, involving all CCAM actors. The fourth element is the augmented and iterative evaluation framework that, through the deployment of physical and virtual test beds and supporting simulation activities, will evaluate the applicability, viability of the proposed PDI support solutions and will assess their impacts.
Augmented Ccam Objectives
• To explore, understand, elaborate, extend and harmonise PDI terminology, clustering, and support levels that will support co-determined PDI requirements and adaptations.
• To define an open sharing technology agnostic service operational framework and architecture for PDI-enabled CCAM services and solutions.
• To develop optimised and novel PDI support solutions aiming to enhance the AVs ODD and the whole transport system functional safety.
• To evaluate the proposed PDI based CCAM solutions applying an augmented and multi-layered operational and evaluation framework.
• To assess the impacts of the proposed PDI enhancements and novelties on CCAV ODD and CCAM operation on functional and traffic safety, driving behaviour etc
• To come up with a roadmap and recommendations towards a harmonised PDI for large-scale CCAM demonstration and deployment.
Test Sites
The PDI based solutions will be validated in 7 physical test sites across 3 European countries (France, Latvia, Spain).
The French Test Site
• Test site 1 – Transpolis (Living Lab): TRANSPOLIS is a unique smart city lab in Europe dedicated to innovative transportation systems and road equipment, located in Saint-Maurice-de-Rémens near Lyon, France. safety barriers).
• Test site 2 - Zehns A63 – open traffic highway (A63)
• Test site 3 - COFIROUTE – open traffic highway (A10-A11)
The Latvian Test Site
• Test site 1 – Open traffic rural/ sub-urban site, near Ādaži city (state main road A1, Local roads V30, V46, V48)
• Test site 2 - Closed racing track Biķernieki in Riga city.
The Spanish Test Site
The Spanish test site consists of three test sites:
• Test site 1 – open traffic urban area: route from «La Nave» to the subway station «Villaverde bajo-cruce».
• Test site 2- autonomous bus docking at depot at MadridEMT depot (Carabanchel).
Expected Outcomes
• At least 5 new CCAM services deployed in the project test contexts.
• Αt least 1 new business model emerging in each project test context.
For more information, please contact Project Coordinator Thierry Goger thierry.goger@fehrl.org
• Endorsement of new classification schema by at least 5 road operators / constructors/owners and 10 Cities in the project - multiplied by 10 within 3 years after the end of the project.
• Adoption/application of the new service framework by at least 15 implementers (road operators, Cities)
• At least 2 new corridors created in the project
• Proactive decisions on CCAM planning and PDI investments towards ‘no-regret’ measures in alignment with local policy goals, to the benefit of the society
Outcomes endorsed in the R&D agendas (CCAM SRIA), the CAD.eu Knowledge Base & CCAM SUMP Topic Guide
• ≈ 50% increase of probability for PDI investments
• ≈ 10% saving for investors
Funded by European Union
The AUGMENTED CCAM Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under Grant Agreement No. 101069717.
The contents of this presentation reflect only the authors’ view. The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.