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Current status
The aim of the BDPave initiative is to investigate the possibilities and limits of Big Data-based methods in detail for application in the field of pavement management and to build up a knowledge repository within the FEHRL community.
In addition to the technically based work, BDPave has meanwhile established itself as a reference and offers active participants the opportunity to refer to it in the project acquisition process. In view of the fact that more and more calls for project proposals are being published with a focus on Big Data, Smart Data and Artificial Intelligence, and the evidence of commitment and knowledge of primarily civil engineering-oriented institutes in the area of these new technologies is not always entirely obvious, this can be considered a success and should be further expanded.
In recent years, the range of data available has increased enormously in variety, quality and quantity, also in the field of road construction technology. The task now is to identify relevant sources that meet the needs. Within the framework of BD Pave, an international survey was carried out in this regard. It turned out that data availability in Europe is quite good, but there are data groups that should gain in importance in the future and are only available to a limited extent. These include bearing capacity data for structural assessment and environmentally relevant data.
In individual institutes that are part of BD Pave, projects and work have been initiated that deal with the Big Data process steps of data cleaning, data preparation and data mining.
methods, technologies and issues in this area are developing very quickly. We encounter terms such as digital twin, block chain, virtual reality and quantum computing almost every day, even in the context of the road sector. It is therefore important to continuously adapt BDPave's strategies and approach to these developments.
Work package leaders / contributors: FEHRL, BASt, BRRC, UGE, VTI
Initiative members: LVC, NPRA, TRL, Vilnius Tech, ZAG, FHWA, LNEC
Programme Advisory Board: FEHRL, BASt, Highways England, Danish Road Directorate, Trafik-verket, Infrastructure de Portugal
For more information on the project, including understanding how your organisation can get involved, visit www.bdpave.eu, or contact the BD Pave Programme Manager, Martin Lamb at martin.lamb@fehrl.org
Leader of the group, Dirk Jansen jansen@bast.de
BRRC www.bdpave.eu
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