Business network marketing

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The Perfect Business - Business Network Marketing _____________________________________________________________________________________

By Saon Zino -

The perfect business, in my opinion, is network marketing. Here is why. It is an income-producing asset that continues to produce an income after it's built up. That is why author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, calls it the perfect business. He says we should "get involved as early as possible with either building or participating in any kind of income-producing asset; something that continues to produce an income after it's built up."

What Is Business Network Marketing

That's exactly what this business does. Once you have built it, you begin earning residual income. This is income that continues long after the initial, one-time effort. Network marketing does not require that you trade your time for money like a regular job. You must put in a lot of hard work and effort in the beginning, but after awhile, you are producing an income with very little effort. This is the power of team-building. Each team member does a little, and collectively, once a large team is built, this adds up to a significant income. One person doing a lot can never produce as much as a large team of people each doing a little. That is why direct sales, without network marketing, is not as powerful. Direct sales requires one person to sell as much product as possible to earn as large an income

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