Panoti Yoga

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Panoti Yoga By P. M. Padia, India Assistant Redactor: Andree Leclerc, Canada


n the field of astrology, we often witness many difficulties in a majority of charts. Or, to the contrary, we may fail to see incoming trouble or to diagnose lifelong afflictions that manifest in a native’s life despite the promise of several favourable yogas. My aim in life is to make astrology simple & at the same time it is seen that students do not like simple techniques, the more complicated techniques they are given they feel it’s a gem of a technique and they ignore simple methods. I guess since life in modern times are complicated hence our liking for complex things of life.

P. M. Padia is an unknown name in India

Panoti yoga is a technique that proves very useful in assessing the effects of transits. Since decades, I have elaborated on this gem and applied it to Natal charts & not just transits. This has enabled my assessment of a native’s actual possibilities in life and chronic problems to gain much accuracy – and proves to be a great help to people as they can better be acquainted with their lot in life and can benefit from more efficiently adapted remedial measures. I strongly recommend verifying if it is applicable before making any judgment on a chart as this can block great Raja yogas from delivering their promises. Often, we note malefic yogas such as Kala Sarpa, Kemadruma, Pitru Dosha, Shakata yoga, Sarpa yoga, etc. but we forget to see good or bad Panoti yogas which give powerful effects in the life of a native.

but in the West he is known as the guru of the man who introduced Vedic astrology in America, yes the guru of James Braha. Every American reads Mr Braha’s books when he starts Vedic astrology. James first learnt astrology from R. Santhanam & then had to come back to India and learn from Padia Saheb whom he immortalized in his books. Padia Saheb learnt astrology through 3 books and then mainly from his meticulous observation skills sharpened through decades. He has been a extremely beloved friend of Saptarishis Astrology since many years and now has written the very first article of his life for Saptarishis Astrology at this ripe age of 70. We expect many articles to come out of his experience and in this venture SA Team member Andree Leclerc’s hard work is appreciated in teaming up with P.M.Padia and making this possible.

Some 95% of astrologers will fail to note and properly balance the synergy and impact of good and negative yogas. So, above all, we need to judge how many bad and unfavourable yogas are present and evaluate their strength. At the same time, we should 180

see how many good and favourable yogas are found and what their strength is. If bad yogas are more powerful than good yogas, this will definitively create difficulties, disappointments, hardships and unhappiness in the life of the native. And if good yogas are prevailing over bad yogas, there will be happiness, harmony, peace and progress in the native’s life. One need not worry from hearing the word Panoti which means bad luck, before getting afraid of it one must judge how much percentage Panoti will act good or bad, this comes with experience in this method. The applications to natal charts you will find below are issued from my own research and are not available in any text book. I have applied this technique to natal Moon, other planets and also houses as all these can be found to be under Panoti. You are now invited to discover and experience with this secret. 1.0 Panoti Yoga is… The planetary position between the Moon and Saturn in Vedic astrology system. Colloquially the word Panoti means Bad Luck. But in our article, this would be differentiated as Good Panoti & Bad Panoti Yogas. 1.1 Highlight Of This Technique You may kindly note that though this technique sounds familiar to Sade sati & Dhaiya methods of general interpretation, it has some special features not commonly known which, though briefly presented below, will be expounded on in detail with the help of example charts. a) Use Panoti Yoga technique not only on transits but start with it on Natal Charts to judge the strength of charts if there is Panoti yoga at the time of birth. b) Use Panoti Yoga technique from reference point of Houses c) Use Panoti Yoga technique from reference point of Lord of Houses d) Use Panoti Yoga technique from reference point of Karakas e) Use Panoti Yoga technique from reference point of Arudhas f) Use Panoti Yoga technique from reference point of Mahadasha/Antardasha lords 2.0 Definition of Panoti Yoga In Indian Vedic astrology, at the time of giving prediction for a natal chart, we must consider whether there is Panoti yoga in the natal chart itself. We want to see that Panoti is afflicting the Moon first and then we look for other Panoti factors. Here are the causes for Natal Panoti yoga to be present: 1. Saturn placed in the 4H or 8H from the Moon. 2. Saturn afflicting the natal Moon by conjunction to it or by being placed in the 12H or 2H from the Moon’s position. 3. Saturn placed in the 4H or 8H from the Ascendant and/or its Lord and/or the Sun or, by afflicting these factors by conjunction, or by being placed in the 12H or 2H from them. 4. Saturn placed in the 4H or 8H from the any other house, planet or karaka will also cause Panoti to these or, here also, by being posited as above in conjunction, 12H or 2H from said house, planet or karaka. If there are Raja yogas in the natal chart at the time of birth, and at the same time there is malefic Panoti yoga, the benefic results of Raja yoga will be reduced by 50 percent or the native will not get benefic results of Raja yoga. By transit, when Saturn is in the 4H or in 8H from the Moon, it makes a small ‘Panoti yoga’ for 2 ½ years – and when Saturn is in 12H from Moon, or with the Moon or in 2H from Moon, it makes a Big Panoti for 7 ½ years, which contains 3 steps: 181

When Saturn is in 12th from Moon, it is called Panoti on the Head (mastak in Sanskrit) means starting Panoti first 2.5 years period, When Saturn is with Moon, it is called Panoti on the Chest, the second 2.5 years period and, When Saturn is in 2H from Moon, it is called Panoti on the Feet, descending Panoti or last 2.5 years period. To clarify the application of Panoti by transit, please see Annex 1 – this will also give you the Panotis on each natal Moon sign for Saturn’s latest transits and the coming one. Categories: Benefic & Malefic Panoti yoga has two main categories as follows: Malefic Panoti Yogas: Gold and Iron based Panotis give bad results for progress in worldly happiness and hardships and struggles in the life of the native. Benefic Panoti Yogas: Copper and Silver based Panotis give good results for progress in worldly happiness and easy achievements. 4.0 Four Bases of Panoti Yoga There are four bases of Panoti Yoga depending on the elements. Each has a separate method for calculating it. 4.1 Gold Base When transit Saturn enters a new sign if, at the same time, transit Moon is in 1st, 6th or 11th house from natal Moon, this yoga makes Panoti on ‘Golden Base’ for 2 ½ years. This is not a good yoga – it gives anxiety, worries, and during this period the native has to suffer struggle, hardships and uneasiness in his life. 4.2 Iron Base When transit Saturn enters a new sign if, at the same time, transit Moon is in 4th, 8th or 12th house from natal Moon, this yoga makes Panoti on ‘Iron Base’ for 2 ½ years. This is not a good yoga either and during this period the native has to do very hard work to achieve goals and to fulfill his desires and suffers more struggle, hardship and uneasiness in his routine work. This sometimes badly affects the native, transforming him or her from hero to zero! 4.3 Copper Base When transit Saturn enters a new sign if, at the same time, transit Moon is in 3rd, 7th or 10th house from natal Moon, this yoga makes Panoti on ‘Copper Base’ for 2 ½ years. This is a good yoga that gives good progress in worldly happiness in the subject of money, business, service, family matters and daily work, etc. 4.4 Silver Base When transit Saturn enters a new sign if, at the same time, transit Moon is in 2nd, 5th or 9th house from natal Moon, this yoga makes Panoti on ‘Silver Base’ for 2 ½ years. This is a very good yoga that gives good progress in worldly happiness in the subject of money, business, service, family matters, daily work, etc. 182

5.0 Interpretation Rules Please find below the rules for interpretation of the Panoti Yogas. 5.1 If Saturn is a friend of the Ascendant Lord or of the Lord of Moon’s sign, and Panoti is on the base of copper or silver in the natal chart or in Panoti transits, it will be beneficial and will give positive results in a person’s worldly happiness; and, if Saturn is enemy (shatru) of the above (Lord of Ascendant or Lord of Moon’s sign) it will give somewhat less benefit in comparison to the above. 5.2 If Saturn is Lord of the Ascendant or Lord of angles (Kendra) and/or trines (trikona) and is making Panoti yoga, he will give less harm. 5.3 If Saturn is an enemy of the ascendant Lord or of the Lord of the Moon’s sign, and Panoti is on the base of gold or iron, it will badly harm the native in the fields of economy, service, business, family matters, illness, unhappiness and anxiety, etc. And, if Saturn is a friend of the above (ascendant Lord or Lord of Moon’s sign), it will cause less harm in comparison to the above. 5.4 In the Natal chart, if Saturn is Lord of 6, 8th or 12th house, it becomes more malefic (double malefic) because in this stage, it is also karaka of 6, 8 and 12 houses. And further, if it is also retrograde, then it becomes triple times malefic in giving undesirable results. 5.5 A person who is born under a malefic Panoti yoga is going to suffer hardships, unhappiness and anxiety when Saturn makes Panoti yoga in transit. It is like the transit will deliver the promise of the natal chart. During this transit period, if any malefic planet also makes malefic transit on the concerned house/lord/karaka, then the native will have to suffer more troubles. Also, if simultaneously to this period the Maha dasha and/or Antar dasha point to difficult phase(s), the native will have to suffer even more hardships or vice versa when benefic dasha is active then, protection is received or the harm is lessened. This point cannot be ignored & most tend to ignore it. 5.6 The Ascendant (native himself) and its Lord and karaka Sun, 4H (general happiness) and its Lord and karaka Moon, 9H (grace of guru, grace of God and grace of fate) and its Lord and karakas Jupiter and Sun must be in a good position – then the native will get worldly happiness and worldly achievements. If these are afflicted by malefic planets or by Panoti yoga, the native has to do very hard work to achieve goals and to fulfill his desires and suffers more struggles, hardships and uneasiness in his daily life. This sometimes badly affects the native, downgrading him or her from hero to zero. If the above factors are strong and benefic then Panoti yoga will be less harmful. This point is extremely important and cannot be ignored. 5.7 In a natal chart, if any house, its Lord or karaka(s) are either weak or afflicted, the native will have to suffer malefic results related to the indications of said house, Lord or karaka. When Saturn produces Panoti yoga and affects the above factors either by conjunction or aspect, it gives malefic results pertaining to their indications. To sum it up, as you will read on, you will realize that all charts have Panoti if not from the Moon, at least from some houses, Lord or karaka. Do not discard the technique since Saturn, as the great Karma Karaka, has for a mission to dispense everyone their allotted karma. Points 5.1 and 5.2 should be kept in mind since, if Saturn is a benefic for the chart, it can give good results.


When Panoti is active in a chart, the houses, Lords or karakas that Saturn will aspect will suffer more harm if they are weak in any way. This is the key. Although this concept may look too simple or too easy to implement. I vouch over this since 5 decades of experience with this technique proved that it is most most essential in judging the capability of a chart with this and cannot be ignored. Mahapursuha Yogas, Rajayogas all fail, one of the reasons being Panoti yoga. But read this article very minutely without missing a single point since if you do miss one point, you will not be able to grasp the technique – and after that, apply it on 20 charts and behold how beautifully it will act. Chart 1: Lord Rama

There are controversies about the planetary positions of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Ketu in the horoscope of Lord Sri Ramachandra. So we will not discuss about these planets’ positions. In this horoscope, the positions we will consider are the Ascendant is Cancer, Lord of the Ascendant, Moon, is in its own house with exalted Jupiter, the Lord of 9H (house of Grace of Guru, Grace of God and Fate), as well as Lord of 6H (enemies, quarrels and step-mother). The Lord of the 5H and 10H, Mars, is exalted in the 7H. The Lord of 7H and 8H, Saturn, is in the 4H also exalted. This horoscope shows several very benefic yogas like Hamsha yoga, Gajekeshari yoga, Malavaya yoga, Sasha yoga, Raja yogas… But all these became weak in their worldly manifestation due to Panoti yoga and gave extreme hardships to the bearer of the chart. Saturn is an enemy of the Ascendant as well as enemy of the Ascendant Lord Moon (point 5.3). Saturn is Lord of the 8H and its mulatrikona sign being the 8H makes it most malefic. Moreover, it is karaka of the 8H, is exalted and retrograde (point 5.4). Retrograde planets are far away from the Sun and closer to the Earth. Consequently, whatever qualities they have, good or bad, according to their natural personality and their houses (bhavas) lordship, will manifest extremely powerfully in producing good or bad. Given this principle, Saturn is a most malefic planet in this horoscope and it is in Panoti Yoga as follows: 184

1- Saturn is producing Panoti being in the 4H from the Moon. This most malefic Saturn is making Panoti to the Ascendant, the Ascendant Lord, to the karaka of domestic life (Moon, karaka of 4H), to the 9H (including Venus placed therein) and to exalted Jupiter, the 9th Lord who is also karaka of the 9H, karaka of grace of guru, God and fate. So fate becomes weakened. 2- All manifestations, whatever one can imagine, can be found here in this world. But, we will get retributions according to our good or bad luck (one’s fate). Here, the 9th Lord and 9H karaka Jupiter is in Panoti yoga by Saturn being in the 4th to it and also afflicted by two malefic planets, Saturn and Mars. 3- Jupiter, the Lord of the 6H (enemy and quarrels) is in the Ascendant or Lagna and is exalted. This indicates that his enemy, Ravana, was strong and powerful in his ability and expertise in all fields. He was a Brahmin, spiritual, a well learned person who had knowledge of the four Vedas and had control over the 9 grahas (planets) – he was called Tri-Loka Swami as he had conquered all the Gods in heaven. Ravana (enemy), the great personality, was defeated because the 6th Lord is under Panoti yoga and is afflicted by 2 malefic planets, Saturn and Mars. Hence as soon as Sri Rama entered into the life of Ravana, the life of Ravana became a Panoti (Bad Luck Started for Ravana). 4- The Lord of the 6H (Rama’s step-mother who behaved as an enemy) Jupiter is strong, conjunct the Ascendant & under Panoti Yoga. It shows that his step-mother was powerful and dominating over the family and she became the cause (Panoti) of Rama’s unhappiness and exile to the forest. Most malefic Saturn is in the 4H (his own mother) and karaka of the 4H, Moon, is in Panoti yoga being afflicted by 2 malefic planets so, his own mother could not promote him for coronation. Due to Panoti Yoga acting from birth on all angles as shown above, his life was unfortunately full of struggles & hardships. One must understand that due to not knowing the exact date of birth it is not possible to find out the Base of Saturn whether Copper, Gold etc. in order to determine the exact result of Saturn but it is evident, from what has transpired of the life of Sri Rama, that this Saturn was not a benefic. One must also understand that Avatars (incarnations) of the Lord manifest for a specific purpose and we must not interpret them in terms of dualities like happiness/non happiness which is our human way of interpreting all things. We have interpreted Lord Rama’s horoscope only for the purpose of seeing things astrologically & to learn the grandeur of Panoti Yoga in Natal Chart. Chart 2: Silver base Panoti -Jimmy Page


Remember the good’ old Led Zeppelin days? For those of you who are not acquainted with this piece of musical history, legendary “Led Zep” has been one of the most popular and influential rock bands of all times. Jimmy Page, as the band’s leader, combined an excessively dexterous guitarist with a resourceful composer and very thoughtful manager. It is said that for every record, he hired a new team of technicians so that no one could claim that the Led Zeppelin trademark sound could be attributed to others’ input. Panoti yoga is formed in his natal chart from two angles: 1- by the occupation of Saturn in the 12H from the Moon which affects also houses 7, 8 and 9 2- by the occupation of Saturn in the 8H from the Ascendant On the day of Saturn’s ingress in the sign of Taurus which occurred before his birth, the Moon was placed at 28o29 Cancer thus being in the 2H from Natal Moon – this Moon degree was for his birth location of Herstmon, UK. Thus, Panoti is created here on the Base of Silver. Referring to our item 4.4, we see that this is a very good yoga that gives good progress in worldly happiness in the themes of money, business, service, family matters and daily work, etc. Saturn is Yoga karaka for his Libra Ascendant which implies that he is Lord of an angle and a trine. He is also a friend of Mercury, the Moon’s dispositor (points 5.1 & 5.2). Being retrograde makes it strong but its conjunction with retrograde Mars, aspected by Ketu and placed in the 8H – this situation grants Saturn considerable afflictions. The Moon under Panoti is in the 9H so; 9H of fate is also under Panoti influence (point 5.6). Hardships are shown in his chart by the aspects of Saturn, Mars and Rahu on Venus, the Ascendant Lord and simultaneously on the 2H and are certainly responsible for his heavy drugs addiction. Karaka Moon and the 9H are also under heavy affliction, being hemmed in by Saturn, Mars and Rahu. Moreover, the 9th Lord is retrograde, situation that diminishes his luck in life. He experienced many personal difficulties and his drug addiction definitively affected his career (both his life and music were “Rock’n Roll”) (points 5.6 & 5.7). We should note that, the Moon’s placement in the 9H as 10th Lord was instrumental in his getting good business associates to work with since it is under a favourable Panoti but the fate condition being quite damaged in his chart in addition to Rahu being in the 10H, his career came to a major slow down when his band mate, drummer John Bonham, died of overdose at Jimmy’s house in December 1980. Despite these flaws, he still has achieved fabulous superstar success and is a millionaire (something also generally considered “very lucky”).


Chart 3: Iron base Panoti

This good lady’s chart with all angles occupied by malefics (Sarpa yoga) shows Panoti in relation to the benefic planets and occurs from: 1234-

the Moon, 9H and the 9H Lord all in Taurus the Ascendant Jupiter and 3H (Scorpio) 4H and 5H

On the day of Saturn’s last ingress in Sagittarius prior to her birth, transit Moon was at 27o42 Leo which is in the 4H from her Natal Moon. According to item 4.2, the Iron Base Panoti is not a good yoga and the native has to do very hard work to achieve goals and to fulfill his/her desires and suffers more struggle, hardship and uneasiness in his routine work. This sometimes badly affects the native, transforming him or her from hero to zero! As a matter of fact, Saturn’s mulatrikona being the 6H makes this celestial influence more malefic (point 5.4) while simultaneously, Saturn is a friend to the Lord of the Moon’s sign and of the Lagna (point 5.3). She experiences many problems related to the home (insurance folks required many major fixes or will considerably increase their premium), sense of security and happiness (she has anxiety fits for which she takes medication), married life (husband works very long hours to make ends meet and has some bad habits), income and gains (she lives in very remote location where no steady job can be found) and general good luck (some major problem requiring its load of unplanned for expenditure regularly pops out of fate’s box almost on a weekly basis - not your next lottery winner!). All these areas are related to Jupiter as 4th and 7th Lord, the Moon as karaka for heart, mind and 11th Lord and Venus as 2nd and 9th house Lord. We will note that from Arudha Lagna in Gemini, the 4H of home and happiness is Virgo which suffers under Natal Panoti and is otherwise heavily afflicted by the Nodes and Mars & Saturn’s 187

aspects. Her home is a major problem but she cannot afford to abandon it to move to a rental apartment. Besides the Panoti factor, the Ascendant and its Lord, karaka Sun and 4H are all under malefic afflictions (point 5.6). When Jupiter’s Maha dasha started on Dec 11, 1994, transit Moon was in Pisces (1.1.f) which is the 11H from Natal Moon, giving Golden base Panoti. Saturn was in Aquarius, in the 4H from Natal Jupiter. On the whole, this promises to be a difficult dasha and, since Maha dasha Lord Jupiter is under Panoti, we can be sure that its karakatwas such as children, wealth, luck, etc. will be affected. On Aug 11 2008, when Mars antardasha started, Moon was in Cancer (1.1.f) which gives some positive as Copper base Panoti and Saturn was in Leo, the 12H of loss, 5H of past life merits and 10H of career from Jupiter. Two days before the end of this Mars antardasha, on July 15 2008, she declared personal bankruptcy. The next Antaradasha of Rahu started with Moon in Sagittarius, 8 houses from Natal Moon giving Iron base Panoti and Saturn was still in Leo, the 12H. Chart 4: Copper base Panoti

To cheer us up, here’s a Copper Base Panoti. Panoti is formed by: 1- Saturn being in the 8H from the Moon 2- Saturn being in the Ascendant 3- Saturn also affects Venus which is conjunct the Moon and 6H matters At the time of Saturn’s last ingress in Sagittarius prior to her birth, transit Moon was at 7o25 Pisces which is in the 3H from her Natal Moon. 188

According to item 4.3, this is a good yoga that gives good progress in worldly happiness in matters of money, business, service, family matters and daily work, etc. How many people do you know who, even though they have not chosen and studied for a career, happily go to work every morning?? This is her case. She has been working for the hottest clothing store in the Province of Quebec, Canada for over 35 years and, thanks to her passion for merchandising and clientele service, she has been the #1 sales person ever since – she even trained the store’s owner! On closer look, we see that Saturn is not a friend to the Ascendant but, to the contrary, an enemy; he is also Lord of the 7H (business), an angle, thus giving less benefit but also less harm as the 7H is Aquarius, its moolatrikona sign (points 5.1, 5.3 & 5.3) Saturn is also 6th Lord (enemy and diseases), Retrograde and conjunct the Ascendant to the exact degree – she is at present very sick with a bones disease and has had problems and phobias about enemies all her life (point 5.4) Her Ascendant Lord which is also karaka Sun is weak and afflicted, 4th Lord and karaka Moon are both under Panoti and the 9th Lord is afflicted by the Nodes. She, in fact, has had to work relentlessly to achieve her goals daily and has lived through many hardships in the area of father, fate, mother, happiness and contentment (point 5.6). Saturn also aspects Jupiter, Lord of 5H and 8H and Mercury, Lord of 2H and 11H. She has no children, was cheated on by her first husband, has smoked cannabis for years, divorced and is unhappy in any social circle (point 5.7) Despite all this, she still has met with success in her work. Chart 5: Amitabh Bachchan


We all know that Amitabh Bacchan is the most famous Indian actor – he was also honoured abroad and his reputation in unmatched. In his horoscope, we find Aquarius on the Ascendant. He is born under Panoti yoga on Golden base which gives hardships and struggle in life, slowing progress, and we know that this has manifested in his life. Panoti yoga is caused by Saturn being in the 8H from the Moon. On the day of Saturn’s ingress in the sign of Taurus which occurred before his birth, the Moon was placed at 29o36 Leo thus being in the 11H from Natal Moon. Thus, Panoti is created here on the Base of Gold. Despite this, he could make progress and could get fame and honour in his life because the Lord of Aquarius, Saturn, is in the 4H in a friendly sign; it is also in Kubera’s house (Taurus, the 2nd sign whose Lord is Venus or Kubera, the treasurer of the devas or gods) and retrograde, which makes it stronger (point 5.1 & 5.2). Venus, Raja yogakaraka as Lord of houses 4 & 9 along with the Lords of houses 5, 8, 7, 3 and 10 are all in the 8H creating Raja yogas and placed in a trine yoga to the Ascendant Lord, Saturn. So, the Lords of all the houses above are cooperative with the strong Lord of the Ascendant and provide excellent results (point 5.6). The Lord of houses 2 and 11 (money and benefits), Jupiter, being karaka of houses 2, 5, 9, 10 & 11, is in exaltation in the 6H. It is in the 10H of career from the Moon and creates a Hamsha yoga and Gajakeshari yoga. Jupiter also aspects his own house, the 2H, and the 10H of career – with the contribution of such as strong Jupiter, he is getting money, fame and honours (point 5.6). His Panoti yoga shows that Saturn is in the exaltation sign of the Moon while the Moon is placed in Saturn’s exaltation sign which reduces the bad effect to some extent. Amitabh has malefic Ketu in the Ascendant and Saturn is aspecting it while also aspecting Jupiter (liver) in the 6H (intestines). The 6th sign, Virgo, is in the house of injury (8H) and Mars is placed therein so both the 6H house and 6th sign are disturbed. As the Lord of the 6H (illness, accidents, enemies and debts) is under Panoti yoga, he has survived serious illness and injury and came out of debt (Panoti gave some relief from 6H matters). There is also Angar yoga (fiery conjunction of Mars and Sun) in the 6th sign of intestines.


Chart 6: Golden base Panoti

This is the chart of a girl who was possessed right from birth by two mean entities. She had fits of madness that grew worst as she aged and was diagnosed with ‘Dissociative identity disorder’. She was exorcized at 3.7 years. At the time of Saturn’s last ingress in Sagittarius, prior to her birth, transit Moon was at 29o35 Sagittarius which is the 1H from her Natal Moon. According to item 4.1, this is not a good yoga as Golden Base Panoti gives anxiety, worries, and the native has to suffer struggle, hardships and uneasiness in life. Some preliminaries: 1- When Rahu (karaka for the native’s paternal grand-father) or Ketu (karaka for the native’s maternal grand-father) is placed in the 5H, such a condition is referred to as “Pitru dosha” or curse from ancestors. We see here that Ketu sits in the 5H. 2- The conjunction of Ketu with Saturn is said to cause “short circuit” where they are placed. Here they harm the 5H of mind and cause mental problems. Jupiter, karaka of the 5H, is conjunct the Moon (karaka of mind) – both are under Panoti and both are aspected by Saturn. 3- The 8L Mercury is in the 7H retrograde and aspected by Saturn & Rahu – this gives chronic problems and it creates a Srapit yoga (curse). Mercury in turn, aspects the Ascendant. 4- Scorpio Lagna is more prone to the invasion of spirits. Now, the negative factors above are combined with Panoti yoga which is caused on: 1- The Moon (9th Lord of fate and Badhakesh for Scorpio rising), Jupiter (5th Lord where Pitru dosha takes place) and the 2H, a maraca – 191

2- Ascendant Lord Mars and the Sun as karaka of the Ascendant

The conjunction of Ketu and Saturn in the 5H is setting the scene for some very definite karmic trouble. In fact, to be gripped in such a way by outside evil forces, the 5H needs to be greatly afflicted. We see that to all the negative factors present, a negative Panoti yoga afflicting all the personal factors of the chart is added resulting in the vulnerability of body and mind at the delicate time of birth and early childhood. Despite the fact that Saturn is Lord of the 4H, an angle (point 5.2), as an enemy of the Ascendant and of the Moon’s sign it is prone to hurting the native badly (point 5.3). As a matter of fact, her entire early childhood was completely ruined from birth and she only came to normal life after 3.7 years. We can see that Saturn has given terrible results as far as houses 4 (mind, mother (she was broken by the state of her child), anxiety, unhappiness), 5 (intellect, karma from past lives) and 9th Lord (grace of God, fate) are concerned (point 5.6). Jupiter, benefic for this chart, is conjunct the Moon (9th Lord) and aspects the 8H (longevity), the 6H (illness), the Sun (also karaka of the Ascendant and life giver) and Lagna Lord Mars (also Lord of 6H granting the protection that a cure is possible to be obtained) – all this despite the aspect of the 8L, retrograde Mercury, (involved in Srapit yoga) on the Ascendant. She was exorcized during the dasha of Sun/Rahu. Let’s see what Panoti these periods were under… Sun Mahadasha started on June 16, 1998 – transit Moon was in Aquarius, 3 houses from Natal Moon, giving Copper base Panoti. Some good news: As per Nadi literature (Bhrigu Nandi Nadi), when the Sun is ahead of Saturn in a chart, he has greater power to counteract Saturn’s negative effects – the Sun is the giver of life and healer of all diseases; it is exalted and is sitting with Mars, the Ascendant Lord, which is strong in its own sign and placed in the healing Nakshatra of Ashwini. However, these powerful Mars and Sun also contributed to the strength of her enemies (she had 2 entities troubling her). We shall note that since Panoti is blocking good results from the 6H and 6th Lord, it has contributed in annihilating these enemies. She was exorcized during the Sun’s Maha dasha. Moreover… Rahu Antaradasha started on Aug 10, 1999 – transit Moon was in Cancer, 9 houses from Natal Moon, giving Silver base Panoti. Rahu represents the mysterious, unpredictable, magnetism, esoteric, natural healing methods, all that is unconventional as well as spirits. She was freed by a man who does energetic work and keeps his identity secret. He ordered these 2 entities to leave this girl and, by the strength of his magnetism and occult knowledge, they finally obeyed him. Both the Sun and Rahu are in Ouppachaya houses where things can improve with time and effort. Fortunately, on the strength of the friends to her chart: Sun, Ascendant Lord Mars and Jupiter, she was saved from the mental institute. Nevertheless, we can expect this Panoti to considerably reduce her worldly gains and happiness all her life and she needs the protection of spiritual people at all times in her life. The coming transits of Saturn to Virgo (6th Lord) and 192

the Nodes on her 2H/8H axis that will disturb her Jupiter and Moon in Sagittarius will be combined with Moon/Saturn dashas and promise to be tough. We have offered here a broader application of Panoti yoga and we invite all to experiment with this and draw their own conclusions. Further research using this technique needs to be carried out in many uses – but we hope you have found some very useful tools that will help you and your clients in this presentation.

Mr. Padia’s assistant redactor…

The author of an introductory book in French titled “Vedic Astrology: Destiny and Free-Will” published by IQ Editions in Montreal, Andree Leclerc studies and practices Vedic ways of life for over 25 years including Bhakti Vedanta, Jyotish, mantras… She is diving more deeply into Vedic astrology since 5 years. As an entrepreneur, she also co-founded a company wholesaling stone jewellery for which she has designed some 2000 models as well as web sites pertaining to Vedic astrology and various Vedic sciences in English and French that can be seen at Andree is part of the Saptarishis Astrology Research Team, is currently in India learning under the mentorship of the magazine by interacting with various masters.


Annexe 1 How To Calculate Panoti These calculations are based on Indian Standard Time, Bombay Saturn entered in Cancer on Sept 6, 2004 at 4:37 AM. At that time, transit Moon was in Taurus. 1- For a Gemini Moon native - who has natal Moon in Gemini - transit Moon in Taurus is in the 12th house from the native’s Moon. So, Gemini Moon native has Panoti on Iron base. 2- For a Cancer Moon native - who has natal Moon in Cancer - transit Moon in Taurus is in the 11th house from the native’s Moon. So, Cancer Moon native has Panoti on Golden base. 3- For a Leo Moon native - who has natal Moon in Leo - transit Moon in Taurus is in the 10th house from the native’s Moon. So, Leo Moon native has Panoti on Copper base. 4- For a Sagittarius Moon native - who has natal Moon in Sagittarius - transit Moon in Taurus is in the 6th house from the native’s Moon. So, Sagittarius Moon native has Panoti on Golden base. 5- For a Aries Moon native - who has natal Moon in Aries - transit Moon in Taurus is in the 2nd house from the native’s Moon. So, Aries Moon native has Panoti on Silver base.

Saturn entered in Gemini being retrograde on Jan 13, 2005 at 15:13 PM. At that time, transit Moon was in Aquarius. 1- For a Taurus Moon native - who has natal Moon in Taurus - transit Moon in Aquarius is in the 10th house from the native’s Moon. So, Taurus Moon native has Panoti on Copper base. 2- For a Gemini Moon native - who has natal Moon in Gemini - transit Moon in Aquarius is in the 9th house from the native’s Moon. So, Gemini Moon native has Panoti on Silver base. 3- For a Cancer Moon native - who has natal Moon in Cancer - transit Moon in Aquarius is in the 8th house from the native’s Moon. So, Cancer native Moon has Panoti on Iron base. 4- For a Scorpio Moon native - who has natal Moon in Scorpio - transit Moon in Aquarius is in the 4th house from the native’s Moon. So, Scorpio Moon native has Panoti on Iron base. 5- For a Pisces Moon native - who has natal Moon in Pisces - transit Moon in Aquarius is in the 12th house from the native’s Moon. So, Pisces Moon native has Panoti on Iron base.

Saturn entered in Cancer on May 26, 2005 at 7:10 AM. At that time, transit Moon was in Sagittarius.


1- For a Gemini Moon native - who has natal Moon in Gemini - transit Moon in Sagittarius is in the 7th house from the native’s Moon. So, Gemini Moon native has Panoti on Copper base. 2- For a Cancer Moon native - who has natal Moon in Cancer - transit Moon in Sagittarius is in the 6th house from the native’s Moon. So, Cancer Moon native has Panoti on Golden base. 3- For a Leo Moon native - who has natal Moon in Leo - transit Moon in Sagittarius is in the 5th house from the native’s Moon. So, Leo Moon native has Panoti on Silver base. 4- For a Aries Moon native - who has natal Moon in Aries - transit Moon in Sagittarius is in the 9th house from the native’s Moon. So, Aries Moon native has Panoti on Silver base. 5- For a Sagittarius Moon native - who has natal Moon in Sagittarius - transit Moon in Sagittarius is in the 1st house from the native’s Moon. So, Sagittarius Moon native has Panoti on Golden base.








New York and USA East Coast time Saturn Entry

Date of

Transit Moon

sign ¶


sign ¶


31/10/2006 Aquarius


































Natal Moon Sign =


Scorpio Sagittaire Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

New York and USA East Coast time Saturn Entry

Date of

Transit Moon

sign ¶


sign ¶


31/10/2006 Aquarius




























Copper N/A






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