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Jataka Jambunatheeyam -1 Results of Twelve Bhavas By S. Karthikeyan, Australia Notes: Bala Subramanium, India. Examples: Andree Leclerc, Canada A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative






s per standard classics, Jyotish Shastra has 3 divisions: Ganita, Samhita and Hora, of which Ganita contains 2 divisions namely Gola and Ganita. Hora has 4 divisions namely Nimitta, Jataka, Prasna and Muhurtha. Samhita includes Nimitta. Of all these divisions, the author has given only the important divisions. The division named by the author Phal is not included in the classical texts. Phal has got another meaning – results. So here we have to take the meaning of phala or phal as Jataka (natal) which pertains to natal horoscopy and the results or predictions of one’s kriya and karma (actions and fate).


S. Karthikeyan via the medium of Rahul Vedi. Mr Karthikeyan lives in Sydney having migrated to Australia in the early 90s and is co-founder of the first Community language Sanskrit School in Australia with his wife, Dr Meena Karthikeyan. He is also a volunteer for SEWA International for which helps coordinate blood donation/bone marrow registration camps, etc. and with other organisations in running camps for children exposing them to Vedic Heritage and culture. Experiencing firsthand the handicap of a mono-lingual culture growing up in a generation affected by linguistic fundamentalism in Tamilnadu, he is hoping to introduce multi-lingual syllabus in Sanskrit Schools, teaching other languages with Sanskrit as the base like Kannada, Tamil and Malayam.

As far as the phala part is concerned, many rishis (sages) have written many works or compositions. Sri Jambunatheeyar, after thoroughly studying and mastering such compositions, became an expert in Phala Jyotisha for the benefit of mankind; he wrote a book in Sanskrit by the name ‘Jambunatheeyam’. In this book he has given many rare facts collected from rare compositions for easy understanding of Astrologers. For the benefit of those who know Tamil, this book has been translated 409

into Tamil and since the book deals with astrology or Jyotish, the word ‘Jataka’. That means Jataka has been added and named as ‘Jataka Jambunatheeyam’. Gratitude is hereby acknowledged to those who have helped in bringing out this edition. I request the old and the young alike to take only the essence of the writings leaving out the errors in writing or spelling and will appreciate the assistance of anyone who may be interested in improving this work. What is important to understand via classics which many new entrants and even scholars at times miss is the underlying principle behind the Rishis statements, why he has said this statement, is there a basic principle he is trying to exhibit to us. Read the following with this backdrop.

Chapter – 1 Signs in First Bhava (Ascendant) 1.

Benefic planets placed in the Ascendant (Janma Lagna) bestow long life on the native, along with wealth and knowledge. Malefics placed in the Ascendant also give the same result provided they are in their exaltation, friendly or own house.

Andree: This good man whose life was threatened because of his controversial writings many years ago is still hopping around at 62 years already. We can see that Lord Mars in placed in his Aries Ascendant forming a Ruchaka yoga. Mars also faces Lord Jupiter and is in mutual aspect with Saturn, the mighty so, many yogas are found in these strategic placements. 2.

If Ascendant is Aries and Sun is placed therein, the native will be a wealthy person.


If the Ascendant is Taurus and Sun is placed therein, the native will have dreary eyes. Notes: This verse and the next four verses up to 6, talks about the eyesight. The exact translation of the Tamil word gives you the meaning as blind or eyes that cannot see light – So you can use the word dark also here. If the original Sanskrit word was known, this could be corrected. Here we have to take that the eyesight will get affected. 4.

If the Ascendant is Gemini and Sun is placed therein, the native will have full blossomed eyes.


Note: The meaning conveyed by the Tamil word is blossom. The native will have attractive eyes and there will be no problem as far as eyesight is concerned. This meaning we have to derive by looking at the other two verses. 5.

If the Ascendant is Cancer and Sun is placed therein, the native will have only quarter of the eyesight/partial vision. Andree: Around 270 charts were found with Cancer Asc and Sun placed in the 1H, but only 3

charts were found to suffer from eyesight problems. One must bear in mind that a rule cannot be applied blindly and also at the same time people might suffer from eyesight problems at a later date but at the time of recording the data their eyesight might have been healthy.

Chart 1: Law, Police Officer 10674

American police officer who became a security guard in 1988. Her husband often beat her, causing her to develop amnesia. After roaming the street after one beating, she was picked up by police who took her to a hospital and called her mother. Medical problems abounding, she has had gallbladder surgery, a tubal ligation and her head and neck injured. In mid-1956 she fell on her face after being pushed down a park slide. The injury resulted in blindness and a tumor behind one of her eyeballs. In the fall of 1956 she went to a healing service conducted by Oral Roberts. He prayed for her and laid his hand on her head, causing the tumor to instantly disappear. She was able to see out of both of her eyes and has kept the healing ever since the service. She has Sun in Cancer in 1H.

Chart 2: Blind 12233


American normal male who was blinded due to the lack of oxygen following a stabbing. When he was engaged in a fist and chain fight with his ex-girlfriend's new lover, his ex-girlfriend stabbed him four times in the back with an eight inch butcher knife. The lack of oxygen to the brain caused permanent damage in the form of blindness. He copes well with his four dogs, walking to town and around, a familiar figure on the streets of Yucaipa, CA. He has Sun in Cancer in 1H.

Chart 3: Activist: Political 7290

Egyptian-American political activist. She joined the Young Zionist Underground movement at 15 and was black-listed as a subversive wanted by police. She fled to French army legionnaire, escaping by boat at Port Said; her dad had paid for her escape. She moved to France, then to the U.S. where she married and began raising a family. She lost eyesight for a year and has Sun in Cancer in 1H. 6.

If the Ascendant is Leo and Sun is placed therein, the native will have night blindness and will be strong (physically vigorous or robust).

Andree: Not many charts agree to the above and why a Swagrahi Sun being placed there is an uncommon verse. Only one chart we found where there was an accident to the eye and not night blindness.

Chart: Eustace, Nicole


American accident victim, this three-year old was struck by a car on October 1, 2004. The horrific accident occurred just outside Stoneham, MA Central Elementary School as the children were being released for the day. A car driven by a schoolchild’s 65-year-old grandfather accelerated forward onto the sidewalk instead of onto the street and crashed into a crowd of children and adults. The split-second accident occurred at about 2:15 PM EST. Nicole's fiveyear-old brother David lost one leg to amputation and had reconstructive surgery on the other and she suffered a fractured eye socket. Native has Sun in Leo in 1H. 7.

Person born in Libra Ascendant with Sun placed therein will be abandoned by his parents, will beget stillborn child and will have heart diseases. Notes: The word conveyed by the text is that the native will get a stillborn child. Andree: Only one chart found which does not make it a dictum. Chart: Lucas, Claude

French homicide, a thief and killer; he has written several books, none of which were translated into English. Lucas' young mother was unmarried and left the infant to be raised by his grandmother in St-Malo. His father was a married man with a family and his mother moved to La Baule to avoid a scandal in St. Malo. When Lucas was 18 months old, his parents took their own lives. He did not learn about this tragic love-affair and suicide until he was 14. When he found out in, April 1958, he was devastated. Formerly an excellent student, his school work fell dramatically and he made a suicide attempt. As per the text he has Sun in Libra Asc, he was abandoned by his parents. 8.

Sun placed in Capricorn Lagna makes the native a miser but with abundant wealth.


If Ascendant at birth is Pisces and Sun is placed therein, the native will have female progeny. 10.

Placement of Sun in Ascendant along with malefics OR Sun conjoined with Rahu and Moon is placed in 8th from Ascendant, the native at the time of birth itself will die through weapons. Note: The sentence is confusing. Two aspects are formed by this sentence. Sun is conjoining malefics or Sun is conjoining Rahu. Rahu himself is a malefic but then why it is separately mentioned. The first part viz. the conjunction of Sun with malefics is to be in Ascendant. Probably the second part viz. conjunction of Sun and Rahu can be in any bhava but then Moon should be in the 8th from Ascendant for such a conjunction is probably what the author wants to convey. 413

Ascendant Lord conjoined with malefics and is placed either in Ascendant or in 6th or in 8th or in 12th will give the native a disease prone body. Note: In this verse, the author has used the word “Kroora” the original Sanskrit word for a malefic. Malefic is not the correct translation for Kroora nor benefic is correct for Soumya. 11.

Andree: Let’s see some cases Chart 1: Osho Rajneesh

His most prominent feature was his large, watery eyes, due to thyroid problems. He was actually very ill when he arrived in Oregon, a location that was recommended as beneficial to his health. His health was always fragile.

Chart 2: Charles Beaudelaire

For this gentleman, his mind was at fault and the situation degenerated because of his contacting syphilis. The first signs of insanity appeared in 1862. In his final years his skin was discolored and his joints affected. He collapsed in March 1866 while admiring an architectural point of beauty with friends in Belgian. He returned to Paris in a private railroad car some 414

months later and over the next 12 months suffered a slow death from syphilis (GPI). By early 1867 he scarcely remembered his own name. 12.

If Ascendant Lord is a malefic and is weak and placed in Ascendant, it also makes the native prone to diseases and he will be an angry person. 13.

If the Ascendant Lord is placed in Kendras and/or Trikonas, the native will have no diseases.

This Canadian born native has been living in India for the past 20 years. He did get malaria once which he got over soon and has not experienced any kind of major health problem before or after. He is now a chi kung master.

If the lord of the house where the Ascendant Lord is placed is in the 8th house, the native will get only bad results. If such a lord of the house where Ascendant Lord is placed goes to the 6th or 8th house, such houses also become weak and their results will be weakened. Note: Here the 8th house is getting repeated twice in the verse. In the first instance, the author says that when the Lord of the house where Ascendant Lord is placed goes to the 8th house only bad results will be felt. In the second sentence when such a planet goes to the 6th or 8th house, then those houses become weak and the results also. A better clarification may be available if we refer to the original Sanskrit version if it is available with anyone. 14.

If Saturn is in association with Rahu or Ketu and resides in 5th or 9th house, or Rahu placed in Ascendant along with malefics and Gulika is placed in the Trikonas viz. 5th or 9th‌‌. Note: This verse is not complete. One more line is missing in the verse which might throw light on the effect of the placement of Saturn and Rahu or Saturn and Ketu or Saturn and other malefics in trikonas or the association of Rahu with malefics and placement of Gulika in trikonas. 15.


If Rahu is placed in Ascendant along with Gulika or Ascendant lord is associated with malefics in Ascendant itself & Rahu is placed in Ascendant; the native will have fear from snakes, thieves and cheats or evil-minded persons. 17.

If in Ascendant, Sun and Saturn are conjunct or aspected, the native will have fear from thieves.


Note: The author probably means that Saturn and Sun should be placed together in Ascendant or both should aspect the ascendant. 18.

If Saturn and Rahu are conjoined in Ascendant, the native will get abundant semen. Note: The word “Bruhat Bheejam” is given as it is – probably as appearing in the original Sanskrit text. So I have taken it to mean – bruhat – means large, broad, abundant etc. bheejam means – origin, source, seed, semen etc. 19.

If Mars is placed in Ascendant, native’s navel and testicles will be large. Note: In this verse, also the author has given a Sanskrit word as it is. Vrushanam – This is a Sanskrit word meaning - The Scrotum, the bag containing the testicles. I have taken this meaning and translated this verse. 20.

If Sun aspects Ascendant, the native will have wealth from father, will be working under the King, will get wealth from marine sources and will be righteous.

If Sun aspects the 2nd house, the native will be very angry, will have diseases, will be less famous, will adore the king, will observe rituals/fast, will have connection with prostitutes, will have wealth and will be in comfort. Note: One word “Sthula Sinam” requires elaboration. Normally the Sanskrit word sthula means bulky, heavy and it is used to denote the physical body. Sinam is a Tamil word meaning anger. How these two words are combined is not understandable. Hence, I have given a literal translation as Very angry. 21.


If Saturn aspects Ascendant, the native will associate himself with older women, beautiful, soft and immoral women.

French writer, poet, dramatist, novelist, essayist, gifted painter, architect and critic who, as an eclectic genius, was hard-working, politically active and a humanitarian. Many of his works were criticisms of social and political injustice. The actress Juliette Drouet who had become his mistress in 1833 and was to be his companion for the rest of her life. Hugo was a lusty man and Juliette was not his only mistress, but she was his most faithful. He recorded his many sexual encounters, the last of which took place in the spring of 1885 seven weeks before his death. 416

You can use the BSP technique that I wrote about in the last editorial as to what happens when Jupiter Saturn are together and how Aries is effected, as you can see that Hugo’s Jupiter Saturn are together and Aries is the 7H of relationships, it is spoilt from the conservative point of view & abundant from the non-conservative point. 23.

If Sun aspects the Ascendant, the native will be courageous and comfortable. He will be liked by his father and he will live by performing the affairs of the father.


If Moon aspects the Ascendant, the native will be famous and intelligent.

American First Lady, wife of US President John F. Kennedy. A socialite, noted public figure in her own right, and publisher, she was married and widowed twice to two of the world's most powerful men. Raised with advantage and culture, she became a journalist. Famous here is obvious and we can rightly assume that besides being beautiful, she was also intelligent – the facts are that she did marry two of the world's most powerful men (one time could have been an accident but with two times, we’ll give her the credit). 25.

If Mars aspects Ascendant, the native will be wealthy, fond of wars and adventurous.


If Mercury aspects Ascendant, the native will be a writer or a sculptor.

The gentleman above is a media agent, a writer and art painter – Mercury is quite active for him.


27. If Jupiter aspects Ascendant, the native will have morality (performing his religious duties), dear to the king and a famous celebrity. 28.

If Venus aspects Ascendant, the native will be fond of prostitutes, will have all comforts and be wealthy.


If Saturn aspects Ascendant, the native will be in abject poverty, stupid and will be a death causing person (probably to others).


If Ascendant is aspected by benefic Moon and Venus, the native will be wealthy, famous (if the native is a woman, will be dear to the husband) and dear to his master. 31.

If Ascendant is aspected by Moon and Jupiter, the native will be respected by all and will be wealthy. 32.

If Ascendant is aspected by Mercury and Moon, the native will acquire wealth and will be a writer.

This native is actually a litigation lawyer, earning very well and doing a lot of legal writing in accordance with the dicta. 33.

If the Ascendant is aspected by Mercury and Jupiter, the native will be a commanderin-chief. Andree: Let’s see some cases Obviously not all Commanders in chiefs would have Jupiter Mercury aspecting the Asc but let us see if it is true in some cases.

Chart 1: Ludwig Cruwell - Major General and WW II Panzer Commander


German military, a Major General and WW II Panzer Commander. He served under Rommel, then succeeded him in command in Africa, he was captured by the British 5/1942. Cruwell died in 1958. He has Jupiter Mercury in the 7H aspecting the Ascendant matching the rule given in Jataka Jambunaatheeyam

Chart 2: De Bono, Emilio- Italian general

Italian general; declared a traitor when he voted against Mussolini 7/1943; executed by firing squad 1/11/1944, Verona. Jupiter’s 9th aspect and Mercury’s 7th aspect on the Asc satisfying the condition.

Chart 3: Eichmann, Adolf - German Lieutenant Colonel

German Lieutenant Colonel in the SS who drew up a "doomsday book" of 11 million Jews scheduled for extermination. At the time, he was a hero in Nazi Germany. However, Eichmann 419

went down in history as an unspeakable monster. He escaped in 1945 and was hunted for years. After he was captured, Eichmann went through a lengthy trial and was convicted as a war criminal. Eichmann was hanged on 5/31/1962, 11:30 PM, Ramla, Israel. Mercury’s 7th aspect and Jupiter’s 5th aspect to the Asc satisfies the criteria

If you notice all the 3 charts have Mercury in the 7 H and in Pisces sign. 34.

If Ascendant is aspected by Mercury and Venus, the native will acquire wealth, will be a writer, will become a King and be wealthy also.

For this famous personage, by exchanging the ‘writing’ for ‘painting’ which is a form of artful writing, the rest of the elements mentioned fit in quite well even though the ‘King’ turned out to be a dictator. 35.

If the Ascendant is aspected by Jupiter and Venus, the native will become a minister.


If the Ascendant is hemmed in between friendly planets or malefics and also aspected by malefics, then the native will be stubborn, valorous, will be an angry person and will be very brave. 37.

If the Ascendant is aspected by three benefics out of all the benefics, the native will have special wealth or will become King.


Despite the fact that Manson was the illegitimate son of a teen prostitute and an army colonel and that he spent his youth and adulthood in and out of prison, he still became a ritual cult leader, a psychopath with a band of drug-numbed followers. Manson mesmerized his gang with liberal sex and drugs while living on a ranch in the desert of southern California. He gathered adoring women around him by giving out LSD. Soon he was able to attract young men to his group by promising sex with his "young loves." Manson was befriended by celebrity children like Terry Melcher, Doris Day's son and rock singers like Dennis Wilson of the "Beach Boys." The dicta holds true even if in a perverted kind of way (we’ve spared you some murders). 38.

If the Ascendant is aspected by inimical planets, friendly planets, native will be prone to diseases and will have wealth also. 39.

If the Ascendant is aspected by Jupiter, native will become a minister or will have equal wealth and happiness to equal to that of a King. 40.

If the Ascendant is aspected by benefics or malefics, the results will be the same1.

American light-heavy weight gold medalist, the only man to win the heavyweight championship of the world three times. We see that the Sun along with three benefics aspect the Ascendant.


If the Ascendant is not aspected by any planet, then the native will be bereft of all qualities.


Publisher: The meaning of the verse is not clear, it can probably mean that the results would be both good and bad, that is mixed. 421

Mr. Bundy is such a case where the Ascendant is receiving no aspects. In fact, despite being good-looking, he was an American serial-killer; a man who killed women totally unknown to him, for no other reason that his desire to kill. So despite some pleasant physical characteristics, morally, he was a wreck. Still one cannot take the rule given in the above verse as a dictum. 42.

If the Ascendant and the fourth house are aspected by the above said planets or if all the planets aspect the Ascendant or fourth house, then the native will become a King.


If the Ascendant is aspected by 3 benefics or if 3 benefics are placed in Ascendant, Kings are born.

American actor and top star of long duration whose first film, "The Silver Chalice," was dreadful, but led to career development and a rise into the stratosphere of Hollywood stardom. Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in his Sagittarius Ascendant have proved very beneficial. Guess we could appropriately equate Hollywood and Bollywood stardom to kingship these days.

If benefics are placed in the 7th, 6th or 8th house from Ascendant without any malefic association, a yoga called Adhiyoga is formed. Those who were born under this yoga are Kings and Ministers.



If Full Moon (Waxing) is placed in Ascendant, the native will have wealth in the forms of gems, jewels and pearls. If New Moon (Waning) is in Ascendant, the native will be a lethargic and angry person with malicious and revengeful thoughts. 422


If Cancer and Aries are Ascendant and if waning Moon is placed therein, native will have wealth, will be of good character. If such a Moon is there in Dvipada, Chathushpada, Bahupada rasis, the native will be a rogue, deaf, lame, dumb, or stammering. Note: It is mentioned as “Dwipada, Chathushpada and Bahupada rasis” which needs explanation. Whether the Author means Dwisvabhava by the word dwipada is not clear. “Dwisvabhava” Rasis are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. I.e. all the four corner signs. If we take the meaning as a dual sign as “Dwi” in Sanskrit means dual, then we have to omit Virgo as Dual means double bodied signs and Virgo has only one girl whereas the other signs have 2 bodies. He has also used the word “pada” meaning foot. So Dvipada refers to double footed signs, Chathushpada refers to four footed signs and Bahupada refers to many footed signs. However, the definition available in the classics is given below from which readers may decide the results for the verse. Biped Rasis: Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius first 15 degrees, Aquarius. Quadruped Rasis: Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius last 15 degrees, Capricorn first 15 degrees. Centipede Rasis: Cancer and Scorpio. Footless rasis: Capricorn last 15 degrees and Pisces. 47.

If the Ascendant is aspected by benefics, native will get good results, will become famous, will be getting wealth, will have good personality, will get minister ship, will have comforts and will be without diseases. 48.

If the Ascendant is aspected by benefics, good results will be there. If along with benefics Moon also aspects, even if the native is a hunter or a barbarous person, he will become a King. If placed in own house or Great friend’s house (Athi Mithra) or in Exaltation house also the above results will follow. (Note: Probably this sentence refers to the position of Moon as well as the benefic planets referred to in the first part). If they are in debilitation houses or enemy’s houses or if Jupiter is placed in these houses (i.e. in the debilitation or enemy houses) and Moon aspects, the native will have sorrows. In that case, the lord of the house where Moon is placed, is not aspected by Moon, all the obstacles will be cleared. Note: This verse is a little complicated. The first 2 sentences talk about the aspect of benefics alone and benefics with Moon. The third sentence doest not specifically state about aspects. It merely says if “placed” in the houses of Great friends, Own or exaltation houses. Whether this refers to the Moon or the benefic planets or both is not clear. Again, in the next sentence also we get the same doubt. The placement of Jupiter and aspect of Moon is mentioned which means that we have to consider only the benefic planets as Moon as been specifically mentioned. 49.

At the time of birth, if all the nine planets are in the hora of Moon and Moon is in his own Hora or if the Moon placed in his own Hora is aspected by other planets, which are in Moon Hora, the native will become a King. 50.

At the time of birth, if the planets are in the hora of Sun and Moon is also in Sun’s hora and Moon aspects the other planets, native will have wealth earned from his own greatness. 51.

At the time of birth the planet aspected by Moon, if it has attained its own Drekkana, the native will become a King. He will have endless happiness or prosperity. 52.

At the time of birth if Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun and Moon aspect Aries sign, the native will become a King. 423

53. At the time of birth if Mercury aspects Aries sign, native will become a minister, will be of good character, wealthy, thief. Note: Why the word thief has been included in this verse is not clear. A natural doubt arises as to when a person is likely to become a minister, he is going to be of good character and also wealthy, how we can expect him to be a thief. Seems to be an odd man out or like today’s ministers. 54.

At the time of birth, if Mercury is in Taurus, native will have aversion to sour taste, will have wealth, will become a King, will be a noble person and will have compassion.

British musician who is most widely known as being a member of the mega-star group "The Beatles." Starting in 1961, the group began setting world records in sales and by 1977 it was estimated that the group had sold 100 million singles and 100 million albums. In 1965, McCartney and the rest of the "Fab Four," were dubbed Members of the Order of the British Empire, which is one step below knighthood. After traveling the world with sold-out tours, he formed his own record label, Apple. On 1/01/97 he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for "Services to Music" in 1996 and inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, as a Solo Artist, 1999. He was married in March 1969 to American photographer, animal rights activist and vegetarian Linda Eastman. After an exceptionally sound and caring marriage, he lost her to breast cancer on 4/17/98, Tucson, AZ. Re: animal rights - Paul McCartney is taking over where Linda, his soul mate of 30 years, was forced to leave off after working as an animal rights activist for 28 years. After her death, many wondered what would happen to the void she left behind. This past summer Paul chose Viva! (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals), to show the world that he and 'the kids' (Heather, Stella, Mary and James) plan to continue Linda's ardent promotion of a compassionate vegetarian lifestyle. What motivated the McCartney's in the first place? “It's always been and will always be compassion for animals.” So, Mr. McCartney fits the dicta exceptionally well – only his aversion to sour taste was not mentioned anywhere we looked but hey, not bad for a Mercury in Taurus fellow!

At the time of birth, if Mercury is in 7th house in Gemini (i.e. Gemini should be the 7th house means Ascendant should be Sagittarius), native will be valorous, will be a good weaver and wealthy.




If the said Mercury is in own house in Virgo, the native will have poetical knowledge, wealth like a King, a Jyotishi (astrologer), rule the lands, fond of women, cruel, Commander-in chief, dull, will be associated with poverty stricken people.


At the time of birth, if Mercury occupies Libra, native will be a cruel King, will be doing a goldsmith work i.e. will work with gold and other ornaments, will be the foremost among traders and foremost among the wicked men. 58.

If the Ascendant is Cancer and the fifth house Scorpio becomes the house for progeny and if Mercury is placed there, the native will have two sons, will be lame, may be a dhobi, will be without wealth. 59.

At the time of birth, If Mercury is in Libra, the native will be a brave person, best person, will become a King, will be liberal, and will have the flag of righteousness. 60.

At the time of birth, if Mercury is placed in Capricorn, the native will become a King among Kings and will never be bereft of wealth.

Amazingly, here is a Christian king: he was crowned Pope Pius XII 3/12/1939. At the beginning of World War II he spoke out against the Nazis, helped Jews with false baptismal certificates, and allowed thousands to stay in Vatican City, convents and cloisters. 61.

At the time of birth, if Mercury is placed in Aquarius, the native will be a King running after women, will be a minister to King, will be after kingly comforts and will be a sinner.


At the time of birth if Mercury is placed in Pisces, the native will be a sinner, knows jokes, will become king, will have old age qualities, will have severe cruelness. 63.

This result is applicable to Ascendant or to Moon Ascendant (i.e. Taking the position of Moon in the chart as Ascendant) or to the Ascendant Lord.


If Full Moon is there in Ascendant, native will have good character and Wealth.


If waning Moon is placed in Ascendant, native will have sluggishness, will be a wicked man, an angry person.


66. If the Ascendant is Cancer, Aries, Taurus and if Waning Moon is placed therein, or if such a Moon is in Biped rasis or quadruped rasis or in the Vargas of the quadruped rasis, the native will have wealth, character and also a debauchee, deaf, dumb and of less intelligence. 67.

At the time of birth Sagittarius, Libra, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn are to be the Ascendant and if Saturn is placed therein the native will be a king with beautiful limbs, will be a learned man. He will be a head of a town or village.

This dicta matches somewhat with the last US elections‌ Maybe because both Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain fit within its parameters as we can see here‌

Thus ends this chapter.


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