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ॐ Om

Vakya Prashna Saaram परॄणे नमः। parabrahmaṇe namaḥ |

वा ू सारम॥् vākya praśna sāram || Of

Late Challaa Lakshminrisimha Sastri, India Translated By

SA Team Member


Copy Editors: Venkat Ramana & Chandrashekhar Sharma.

translator wishes to remain

anonymous and would like to be referred as SA Team member. Photo is inserted to retain common formatting across all articles

A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative


ritten by Late Challaa Lakshminrisimha Sastri, S/O Challa Nagalinga Sastri, Brindaavana pattanam (Don't know where this town is. But the book is printed at Machilipatnam by the author). The book is printed/published in the year 1921. The book is a great work on prashna shastra by Late Challa Sastriji, which contains several principles explained in a very lucid and easy way for practice by every one who has knowledge in astrolgy. It deals with the questions converted into numbers and the planets associated with those numbers. It is indeed a work with which the results can be declared without elaborate calculations. As always to follow/practice the system explained in the following pages one needs to be thorough with the fundamentals of astrology without which none can master 669

the subject. The translator at the instance of Saptarishis Astrology in their venture to bring out rare manuscripts/out of print books which are either extinct or available in the regional languages for the use of astro community, has made an attempt to give the exact and true translation of the book without adding any flavour in order to retain the originality of the book and with a view that the same has to be understood in the perspective of the author. It is possible that in the telugu translation the Sanskrit shlokas are not properly printed and the author has faithfully given the Telugu version. Also it was noticed that printers devil seems to have played a part and the book has some printing errors thereby making the sanskrit telegu lipi shloka different and Challaa Sastri’s telegu translation different. The book is being pubilshed in parts here. Please read on….

॥ ोितश

ू शाम॥्

|| jyotiśa praśna śāstram ||

आदौ इंतदेवता ूाथ र्नम ् ādau iṣtadevatā prārthanam

वेिवेरं देव ं गणनाथं गजाननं। ानेनय ूूहा िवलयंयांितरतः॥ vandeviśveśvaraṁ devaṁ gaṇanāthaṁ gajānanaṁ | dhyānenayasya pratyūhā vilayaṁyāṁtidūrataḥ ||

I bow to Vighneswara - the elephant headed God, who controls the universe, Lord of the ganas and who removes the obstacles of the people who meditate on him.

ु खेताथा मेषािद राशयः। आिदूमखाः लोकानामपु कतार्रः पांतमु ािमहसवर्दा॥

ādityapramukhāḥ khetāstathā meṣādi rāśayaḥ | lokānāmupakartāraḥ pāṁtumāmihasarvadā ||

May all the grahas starting from Sun and raashis starting from Mesha, due to their benevolent protective nature towards the universe also protect me.

सिवंशितताराणाम्ादीनां पृथृथक।् पादैतिु भर्गगन े िशंशमु ारं ूितितम॥् 670

saptaviṁśatitārāṇāmśvādīnāṁ pṛthakpṛthak | pādaiścturbhigagane śiṁśumāraṁ pratiṣṭitam ||

Shimshumara chakra (zodiac) has been created by the god in the sky for the residence of all the 27 four footed nakshatras starting from Ashwini.

ूााग्गतोडुचबं तदंतोरशतांियकं ।

ु च ं लेव मेरोिन र्ं ूदिक्षणं॥ ूइमख prākprāggatoḍucakraṁ tadaṣtottaraśatāṁghrikaṁ | pratyajñmukhaṁcalatyeva merornityaṁ pradakṣiṇaṁ ||

That chakra (appears on the eastern horizon) has 108 spokes in the front portion (representing probably 108 navamshas) and revolving round the Meru parvata (a mountain) from West Copy Editor CS: perhaps what is being told is that the Meru mountain revolves from west to east

ोितँशाे िविनि हौिरकं फलमीिरतम।् इािन पिरज्ञानादिनंत ूशांतये। इसाधनिसथ र्मपु ायोयं ूदिशर्तः॥

jyotiśśāstre viniścitya haurikaṁ phalamīritam | iṣṭāniṣṭa parijñānādaniṣtasya praśāṁtaye | iṣṭasādhanasiddhyarthamupāyoyaṁ pradarśitaḥ ||

With careful study, we can learn the good and bad results using the Jyotish shastra. God created this shastra to know about the good and bad results that we reap without our knowledge. (Note: this sloka also can be understood as, the jyotish shastra gives remedies to avoid the unpleasant things and attain the desirable results )

- अथ पृकिचंताज्ञानम -् - atha pṛcchakaciṁtājñānam -

आदौ िचंतापिरज्ञानं भॄा ूं िवचारयेत।् ोमि भवेीव मूलूावलोकन।े समावलोकन े धातिु चंतयः लणं ृतम॥्

ādau ciṁtāparijñānaṁ bhṝtvā praśnaṁ vicārayet | vyomadṛṣṭi bhavejjīva mūlambhūmyāvalokane | samāvalokane dhātuciṁtayaḥ lakṣmaṇaṁ smṛtam ||

If the querent looks at sky while asking the question, it is jiva chinta (i.e. question he is thinking about animate things). If he looks down, it is moola chinta ( CS:Vegetative world like crops trees etc). If he looks straight / level, then it is dhaatu chinta ( related to metals )

अंगशर् िचंत aṁgasparśa ciṁta 671

ू कं । नाभीशधातिु चंत िवज्ञेयावर्दाबधु ैः॥ शवललाटानां िशरश जीविचंत पादशतमु ल

ु जीविचा शभु ूदाः। दोदरकिटश धातिु चंतात ु ममाः॥ गो पृभागेच अधमं मूलिचंतनं॥ ु खपदेजीवधातमु ल ू िनपणम॥् जानजं

śirasparśe jīvaciṁta pādasparśetumūlakaṁ | nābhīsparśedhātuciṁta vijñeyāssarvadābudhaiḥ || svarśevaktralalāṭānāṁ jīvacintā śubhapradāḥ | hṛdodarakaṭisparśe dhātuciṁtātu madhyamāḥ || guhyoru pṛṣṭhabhāgeca adhamaṁ mūlaciṁtanaṁ || jānujaṁkhapadejīvadhātumūlanirūpaṇam ||

If the querent touches head with hand while asking the question, it is jeeva chinta. If he touches feet, it is moola chinta and if he touches navel, it should be understood as dhatu chinta, say the learned. If he touches mouth or face, good results can be expected for the jeeva chinta (i.e. question related to life). If he touches the chest/navel/waist, it is conducive for the daatu chinta. However the results will be average if he touches private parts/thighs/back, it denotes failure of the moola chinta i.e. faliure in the question related to moola chinta. Touching knees, calf (portion between knees and foot), feet indicates jeeva chinta, dhaatu chinta and moola chinta respectively.

पृकिदिं त pṛcchakadikciṁta

पूवार्ांधातिु चंता जीवदिक्षणतथा। उरांपमायां मूलिचंतावदेबधर्ु ः॥ pūrvāsyāṁdhātuciṁtasyā jīvadakṣiṇatastathā | uttarasyāṁpaścamāyāṁ mūlaciṁtāvaderbudhaḥ ||

Based on the direction from which the querent is asking the question - if he is asking from the east side it is dhaatu chinta, from south it is jeeva chinta and from west and north it is moola chinta, say the learned.

अक्षरूकारिचंत akṣaraprakāraciṁta

ु ु भार्ग ं शेषिं चंतािविनिदशते ॥् िवषमांके जीविचंत ूाक्षरंिगिणतं एके नचसमितः। वििभहरे समेधातःु

ू ं िवजानीािचंतालक्षणमीिरतं॥ े ल ूकीितर्ताः। शूम praśnākṣaraṁdviguṇitaṁ ekenacasamanvitaḥ | vahnibhistuharerbhāgaṁ śeṣaṁciṁtāvinirdiśet || viṣamāṁke jīvaciṁta samedhātuḥ prakīrtitāḥ | śūnyemūlaṁvijānīyyāciṁtālakṣaṇamīritaṁ ||

Multiply the number of letters in the question with 2 and add 1. Divide the result by 3. If the remainder is 1 it is jeeva chinta, 2 indicates dhaatu chinta and 3 (or 0 )indicates moola chinta 672

{Copy Editors & Translator: I think it is said that if the result is zero moola chinta śūnyemūlaṁ is to be predicted whereas as per Venkat and our translator it should be 0 for moola chinta e.g 7 letters in question, multiply by 2 and add 1 = 15 divided by 3 the remainder is zero. The telegu translation by Challa Sastriji indicates 3 for moola chinta whereas it should be zero}.

ु ीवािदभेदः धातज dhātujīvādibhedaḥ

ूाक्षरं षिणतं अिभितिमिौतम।् नविभहरेभार्ग ं शेष ं ताािलकोमहः॥ ु

ू ािदलक्षणम।् आिदेन ैविसिा सोमेिसि ूजायते॥ भौमेत ु मरणं ूों महोपिरवदेग्धातमु ल ु ब ु ु बधाँश गश भु ाः। शन ैरेनाििसिराके ोथ ैवच॥

praśnākṣaraṁ ṣaḍguṇitaṁ aṣṭabhiścatimiśritam | navabhiścaharerbhāgaṁ śeṣaṁ tātkālikograhaḥ || grahoparivadetsamyagdhātumūlādilakṣaṇam | ādityenaivasiddhisyā somesiddhi prajāyate || bhaumetu maraṇaṁ proktaṁ guruśukrabudhāśśubhāḥ | śanaiścarenāstisiddhirāhuketvostathaivaca ||

Multiply the number of letters in the question with 6 and add 8. Divide the result by 9. The remainder indicates the planets in the order. Based on the planets, dthaatu chinta etc can be identified. If it is Sun, the work will not yield result. Moon indicates success, Mars indicates death, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus indicate good (Shubham), Saturn, Rahu and Ketu indicate failure. Note 1: While the sloka seems to be giving guidance on how to arrive at the result based on the planet, it is also saying that nature of the question is also to be ascertained based on the planet. But it is not elaborated on who implies what. Next sloka after the following sloka gives the details.

कालपिरिमितिचंत kālaparimiticiṁta

आिदेमासमेकंत ु सोमेतिु वशितिदन ैः। भोमेशतयंूों बधु ैिदन ैः फलं ॥ एकोनिवंशितजवे भृगोिवशित वासरैः। शन ैरे एकवष राके ोरिपृतः॥ ādityemāsamekaṁtu someturviṁśatirdinaiḥ | bhoumeśatadvayaṁproktaṁ budhaissaptadinaiḥ phalaṁ || ekonaviṁśatirjīve bhṛgorviṁśati vāsaraiḥ | śanaiścare ekavarṣaṁ rāhuketvorapismṛtaḥ ||

Sun indicates result in a month, Moon 20 days, Mars 6 months, Mercury 60 days, Jupiter 7 days, Venus 19 days, Saturn 20 days, Rahu & Ketu 1 year. (the planetary periods in the telugu 673

translation of the verse differ from the sloka. The true translation of the sloka is given in the notes here under. The planetary periods given in the notes appears to be correct. Note1: The sanskrit shloka mentions as 7 days whereas the telegu translation refers to as 60 days, normally in other various literature like Sarvarth Chintamani & Brihat Jataka it is given as 2 months for Mercury Note2: Sanskrit sloka says 200 days for Mars, the author translated as 6 months Note3: My version of translation is 1 month for Sun, Moon 20 days, Mars 200 days, Mercury 7 days, Jupiter 19 days, Venus 20 days, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu 1 year.

ु ीवािद ज्ञानम ् धातज dhātujīvādi jñānam

ु तदा के तौ धात ु िचंतावदे मगाकर् राहौ ु े तदाजीवे जीविचािविनिदशते ।् भोमेबधे चशब िवज्ञेयामूलिचा मनीिषिभ॥ candraśukretadājīve jīvacintāvinirdiśet | bhoumebudhetadā ketau dhātu ciṁtāvade magārkarāhau vijñeyāmūlacintā manīṣibhi ||

After calculating the planet as indicated earlier, if it is, Chandra, Shukra & Guru indicate jeeva chinta; Kuja, Budha & Ketu indicate dhaatu chinta; Shani, Surya & Rahu indicate moola chinta.

मह वणार्िन Planetary Colours ु तः। गौरवण ू ःर् शिश गौरः ूकीितर्ताः। रगौरः कुजोज्ञेयः हिरँयामो बधृ रवणभवेय

ु या ेतवणर्ः भृगृ ु तः॥ कृ ँशन ैरोज्ञेया िवयणिवधतं ु दु ः। के तःु कपूरवणर् र् ा महवणर् गज्ञे ृताबधु ैः॥

raktavarṇobhavetsūryaḥ śaśi gauraḥ prakīrtitāḥ | raktagauraḥ kujojñeyaḥ hariśyāmo budhasmṛtaḥ | gauravarṇo gurujñeyā śvetavarṇaḥ bhṛgusmṛtaḥ || kṛṣṇaśśanaiścarojñeyā viyadvarṇovidhuṁtudaḥ | ketuḥ karpūravarṇasyā grahavarṇa smṛtābudhaiḥ ||

Sun is Blood red, Moon is white/yellow, Mars is reddish white (rakta gaura is the word the author used in Telugu too.), Mercury is Green & black (shyama means lord krishna of hindu mythology. His colour is not exactly black but the colour of the clouds), Guru is yellow, Venus is white, Saturn is black, Rahu is in sky colour, Ketu is of the colour of camphor. Note1: It is printed as Shishi in the original, I assumed it is a printing mistake and assumed as Shashi from the context for Moon. Not sure if Shishi also means Moon in Sanskrit. 674

Note2: The author mentioned Gaura varna for Moon and Jupiter. Gaura varna means white, rosy red and yellow.

To Be Continued‌‌‌.

Sutras from 4th Century A bright star is in the eleventh degree of Aries. Whoever has the ascendant in this star, if Jupiter is with it or in trine aspect to it, will be a great, powerful leader, a friend of kings, holding important land. He will die at the appointed time. If, when Mars is in the seventh house, Saturn is either on the ascendant or the MC, or if the full Moon is moving toward Mars or the waning Moon to Saturn, this indicates deadly catastrophes. The native will encounter accusations, chains, prisons, condemnations on capital charges. Or he is forced to meet wild beasts, is thrown over a precipice, or severely wounded in domestic plots, or killed by bandits. Or he is drowned in a shipwreck. All these are decided by the signs. For if Mars is in an earth sign the native is forced to meet wild beasts; in fixed signs he is crushed by ruins or thrown over a precipice; in watery signs he perishes in a boat; in human signs he is killed by a sword. Mars in the eighth house by day either denies inheritance or strips it away in proscription. If he has the Sun and Moon in opposition he indicates blindness. Alone in this house he predicts poverty, difficulties, fevers, riots, revolutions, dangers. Those who have Mars in the eighth house by night will be intelligent, shrewd, and involved in dangers. They will be engaged in well-known public activities but suffer violent death, or a sudden one, such as happens to apoplectics. But if Jupiter is in aspect to Mars in this house or is together with him, these evils are to a large extent lessened. Mars in the ninth house will be favorable in regard to life and fame. And if Jupiter is on the ascendant he makes the natives happy and has them win whatever they seek. If Mars is in the ninth house by night and Jupiter is on the ascendant, this indicates great power of administration and right of the sword, and it makes leaders of armies. Often, however, thus located he indicates difficult journeys. - From Ancient Astrology By Firmicus Maternus, 4th Century Astrologer


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