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Sage Bhrighu’s Blessings

Bhrighu Saral Paddathi – 9 By Venkat Ramana – Saptarishis Astrology Re-Search Team Technique & Guide: Saptarishis Astrology

Readership Level: Basic To Advanced


n continuation of the BSP-8 wherein it was demonstrated about Rahu’ 38th year principle let us now see the Ketu principle explained here. There are many techniques to this only one is explained here.

Sage Bhrighu’s Easy Methodology - Bhrighu Saral Paddathi BSP- 9: Ketu implements itself in the 12th from itself in the 24th year of a native’s life. The charts are analyzed first by the normal method and also kakshya method which is used for the BSP Mars 10th house rule published in the previous issue Vol 6 May 2009 of Saptarishis Astrology & one can observe that the Kakshya method when coupled with the BSP gives more accurate hint for us to predict.

(Kakshya-Slot) Degrees

Lord of Kakshya

1. 0 ° 00" to 3 ° 45 "

Saturn [Slowest Planet]

2. 3 ° 45 " to 7 ° 30 "


3. 7 ° 30 " to 11° 15"



4. 11° 15"to 15 °00"


5. 15 °00" to 18° 45 "


6. 18° 45 "to 22 ° 30 "


7. 22 °30 " to 26 ° 15 "

Moon [Fastest Planet]

8 26 ° 15 "to 30°00"


Important: Please note that the kakshya of Ketu is decided by deducting its longitude without considering the signs from 30 degree as it is retrograde.

Chart No.1 Marriage

This is a female native’s chart. As per our rule Ketu implements itself in the 12th from itself in the 24th year. In the chart ketu is posited in the 3rd house from the ascendant. In the 24th year the native got married. Ketu being in the 3rd house will implement itself in the 12th from 3rd house which is 2nd from ascendant. Second house is the house of family and addition to family happened. Also Ketu is considered as a karaka for marriage. Therefore, the native got married. Kakshya: Ketu is in the kakshya of Mercury (18° 45 "to 22 ° 30 ") the 2nd lord of family and 11th lord of marriage located in the 11th house of marriage as per BPHS. Therefore Ketu’s influence over the 2nd house in the 24th year gave marriage to the native.

Chart No. 2 Marriage This is yet another case the native got married in the 24th year. The native is Scorpio ascendant and her Ketu is in the 6th house Aries. Here Ketu influences the 12th from itself which is the 5th house of Pisces. Jupiter the 2nd lord of family life and 5th lord of gain of 686

marriage is posited in the 5th house of gain of marriage. Ketu’s influence on the 5th house and Jupiter the lord of family and love has given marriage to the native in the 24th year.

Kakshya: Ketu is in the kakshya of Jupiter (3 ° 45 " to 7 ° 30 "). Therefore, it is explicit that the native got married during the 24th year which is justified by the kakshya lord Jupiter being the 2nd and 5th lord for the Scorpio ascendant native.

Chart No. 3 First job

In this chart ketu is in the 4th house Pisces from the Sagittarius ascendant. In the 24th year the native got her first job. From Pisces Ketu implements itself in the 12th from itself which is Aquarius the 3rd house for the native and also the AL (note: AL is resultant lagna for profession). Third house is the house of growth and self effort and is also the 10th house (result) from the 6th house of service. The lord of 3rd house Saturn in 9H (Bhagya sthana) is aspecting this house. Therefore native got employed in her 24th year. Kakshya: Ketu is in the kakshya of Ascendant (26 ° 15 "to 30°00"). Ketu being in the kakshya of ascendant and implementing itself on the AL gave the native job. Ascendant is also taken for one’s profession per Sarvartha Chintamani


Chart No. 4 Abroad The native is of Sagittarius ascendant. Ketu is in the ascendant and implements in the 12th house of long journeys & abroad. Therefore, he went abroad in the 24th year. Kakshya: Ketu in the kakshya of Venus (15 째00" to 18째 45 ") the 6th and 11th lord and the lord of A~9 posited in the 10th house of profession. Therefore, the native went abroad in connection with his profession.



Chart No 5 Marriage

A7 A5




The native is of Scorpio ascendant and ketu is posited in the 8th house of sex life and implements itself in the 12th which is the 7th house of marriage. Therefore, the native got married in the 24th year. Kakshya: Ketu is in the kakshya of Mars (7 ° 30 " to 11° 15") who is the lord of 1st and 6th house in this case and also the lord of A~5 posited with A~7 along with Jupiter the lord of 2nd and 5th house of the native.

Chart No. 6 Marriage

The native is of Leo ascendant. Ketu is posited in the 4th house (Sukha sthana) and implements itself in the 12th from itself which is the 3rd house where Saturn the 7th lord of marriage is exalted in the 3rd house. The native got married in the 24th year. Kakshya: Ketu is in the kakshya of Saturn (0 ° 00" to 3 ° 45 ") the 7th lord of posited in the 3rd house which is the bhagya of marriage. Ketu being in the kakshya of the 7th lord and influencing the 7th lord justifies the marriage of the native in his 24th year.

Chart No. 7 Govt. Job In 24th year the native got a permanent job in Government of India. In this chart Ketu is located in the 6th house from Cancer ascendant the house of service and implements itself in 12th from 6th the 5th house of luck (9th from 9th), new job and also the 2nd house from the AL the house of income. This house is aspected by the 10th and the 11th lords Mars and Venus from the 11th house. This gave the native settlement in life by way of Govt. job. Kakshya: Ketu is in the kakshya of Mercury (18° 45 "to 22 ° 30 ") the 3rd and 12th lord who is located in the ascendant (Cancer). In this case Mercury is the A~10 & A~2 lord posited in the ascendant conjoined with lord of 2nd house Sun who is dispositor of A6 (Govt job). Here SL (Shree lagna), GL (Ghati lagna) and HL (Hora lagna) are also located in the ascendant. All these indicated that the native’s status has to improve. Therefore, he got Govt. job. Of course the native had to leave his home town for the job. 689

A 6 A5 A2 A10

A2 A10

A 6 A5

Conclusion: We could have included 10 more charts where this technique works but there could be some charts where it does not work if one might not be experienced enough in this method, hence we request people to test it aggressively and post their feedback or prepare articles on the same method. One can also observe that at times Ketu is almost giving results of the same house where it is posited in the 24th year.

Venkat is a law graduate and presently pursuing post graduation in management. He has studied Jyotish Visharada in the ICAS (Indian council of astrological sciences) and is an honorary faculty in one of its branches at Hyderabad. He has been studying palmistry for more than 10 years and over a period of time his interest drifted towards astrology. A friend of Saptarishis Astrology and a very humble yet extremely dedicated student of this subject. You give him a technique he would test it in 24 hours on 20 charts and give you feedback, with that speed he works. He is a senior member of the Saptarishis Astrology Re-Search Team.


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