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Illusive Effect of Nodes – Shadow of Moon By Babubhai Yodh & B.D. Vaghela, India. Readership: Advanced [Publisher: This is the rarest of rare articles and though looks simple initially but the author has subtly given a huge portion of his experience which goes contradictory against the dispositor theory of planets. All are requested to test these techniques which we are personally aware of both authors having worked hard on for many decades.]


f a path of journey is straight and clear without any obstruction, our journey can be simple and easy without any tension. But whenever our journey passes through a dark portion, it becomes very difficult and obstructive to our journey while passing through this dark portion. We become very perturbed and disturbed. Similarly whenever North Node and South Node come in the way of planets which are revolving around the Sun, then path of these planets becomes difficult and they can not show their effect clearly according to their natural characteristic. The sign which are occupied by Nodes also create illusive result. In astrology, therefore, Nodes have tremendous influence on the planets and signs and give unimaginable results. Interpretation of this influence is very difficult.

Shri Babubhai Yodh is an 86 yr old astrologer who hails from a parampara family in Gujarat, India. He has done B.A in English literature from Bombay University in 1948 and has been a teacher all his life. He has devoted his entire life to Jyotish having written two books in astrology a) Art of Prediction & b) Importance of Transit Points both considered classics. He specializes in K.P astrology and has devoted students who learn earnestly from him. Students from Ahmadabad should earnestly hunt him down and learn the esoteric meaning of planets which he has discovered that is not available in any text is the experience of the publisher of Saptarishis Astrology.

The information given by our ancestral astrologers about Nodes are very useful but it requires deep thinking to interpret its predictive influence with reference to experience of present time. After continuous study and review on the basis of experience of fifty years in the field of 806

astrology, the author has tried to give the specific interpretation about the influence of Nodes in this article. North Node and South Node are only sensitive points and do not have physical body of their own. So they are considered shadow planets. But effect of these Nodes is observed similar to physical planets. In an agricultural land if there is a shadow under the big tree, it is observed that no crops can be grown in the area of this shadow. Similarly whenever shadow of these Nodes covers any sign of the Zodiac, it gives unpredictable effect to that sign and also to the planet which becomes lord of this sign. According to the basic principle of astrology, North Node (Rahu) is considered mouth of serpent and it is broad that shows development; while South Node (Ketu) is considered tail of serpent which is narrow that shows restriction.

Influence of North Node - Rahu:


orth Node always gives good result in the signs of Mercury and Venus. North Node is considered as shadow of Moon. Shadow always remains inseparable from its object. The North Node being the shadow of the moon, it gives strong effect in the sign of Moon that is Cancer. North Node is not favourable in fiery sign i.e. in the sign of Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. It is therefore clear that North Node in the sign of Taurus, Libra, Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius and Cancer gives beneficial result whether it is situated alone or with other planets. Though the result of North Node in above signs is favourable but not straight forward and it creates difficulty for giving the good result. North Node in these signs gives success by one’s intelligence, firmness and strong efforts. North Node gives good result for the matter pertaining to material world. Whenever, North Node is places in any house in the sign other than signs of Mercury, Venus and Moon, it creates many difficulties for the matter of that house and planet which owns the sign and gives adverse result which can not be avoided. Therefore it is clear that North Node in the sign of Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn & Pisces does not give favourable result. For an instance, if North Node in Scorpio sign placed in the sixth house, it creates difficulty in the service of a native. In this situation, native has to pass through tough period with quarrels and court cases and it so happens that native has to leave the service.

Influence of South Node - Ketu:


orth Node is considered as broad portion while South Node is considered as narrow portion. Therefore, main characteristic of South Node is to create narrowness and restrict the circumstances for giving beneficial result in the life of a native. Our ancestral astrologers have considered the South Node for giving spiritual knowledge and therefore it gives salvation. South Node is connected with occult science, religion, spiritual reading and also with modesty and humbleness. South Node gives good result for the matter pertaining to non-material world. South Node is favourable in fiery sign i.e. in the sign of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. South Node gives beneficial result in the signs of Mars and Jupiter i.e. in the signs of Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces. As per natural characteristic of South Node, it is a planet of restriction and impediment. Therefore, if it is placed in unfavourable sign other than the signs of Mars and Jupiter, it creates totally negative results for the matter pertaining to that 807

house and planet which owns the sign. For an instance, if South Node is placed in the second sixth or tenth house in unfavourable sign such as Taurus, Libra, Gemini and Virgo, then the result of these houses is experienced totally negative, that is in the second house, shortage of money, in the sixth house difficulty in service and in the tenth house failures in career are observed.

Prediction of North Node - Rahu:


odes represent the planet which is owner of the sign in which these Nodes are placed. If North Node is in Taurus, it represents the planet Venus and gives the results of Venus. In this case, North Node will give the result which Venus is supposed to give. Here North Node is giving the result; therefore result of Venus will be very beneficial because North Node is considered giving favourable result in the sign of Venus. Therefore, Node is the main planet which gives the result of the house in which it is placed. The planet which is owner of this house will give subsidiary result. For an instance, Venus is placed in Virgo and North Node is placed in Taurus. Here Venus is in debilitated sign, but North Node will not give adverse result of Venus because North Node is placed in its favourable sign of Venus. Therefore, North Node will give the beneficial result of Venus. This can be interpreted clearly during Vimshottari Dasa System. In this case whenever, a native passes through Venus period, it will not give beneficial result. In this period a native experience shortage of money and prosperity. But when a native passes through North Node period, then native experiences good result of Venus and gets money and prosperity. North Node, in the sign of Sagittarius and Pisces gives specific results. For an instance, if Jupiter is placed in an exalted sign of Cancer and North Node is placed in Sagittarius, then North Node represents Jupiter. North Node is placed in unfavorable sign of Sagittarius; therefore it does not give beneficial result regarding the matter of Jupiter. Therefore, during Vimshottari dasa period of North Node, a native will get adverse and evil results of Jupiter even though Jupiter is placed in its exalted sign of Cancer. For clarification of this principle, the following birth chart is given. Case 1: Native Date of Birth Nadiad (Gujarat)

Male 30 / 31-05-1955, Time of Birth



4-20 AM, Place of Birth -

Vimshottari Rahu period: 22-11-1969 to 23-11-1987 In the above chart Ascendant is in Aries and Jupiter is in Cancer placed in the fourth house. North Node is in Sagittarius and placed in ninth house. Jupiter is in its exalted sign Cancer. But North Node placed in the sign of Jupiter, is not beneficial for giving the result of Jupiter. Here North Node represents Jupiter. Therefore during the Vimshottari Dasa period of North Node, it is supposed to give the results of Jupiter relating to the matter of fourth house (Mother, House, Peace, Happiness etc.), ninth house (father) and twelfth house (Bondage). Here North Node is placed in unfavourable sign of Jupiter, therefore a native gets adverse and evil results for the houses mentioned above during the period of North Node. Ninth House shows the Father, native’s father lost both the eyes and so he had to live in ordinary state during this period. In this circumstance native’s father was helpless, jobless & had to live under the care of relatives with complete dependency. Native’s father lost his income and he could not have his own house. Therefore the native had to live without any facility of education and comfort and suffered many difficulties during this period.

Prediction of South Node - Ketu


rediction of South Node is similar to North Node; South Node gives beneficial result in the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. For an instance if in a birth chart of a native, Jupiter is a weak planet; it gives weak result during the Vimshottari dasa period of Jupiter. But if South Node is placed in Sagittarius in the same birth chart, native gets good results for the matter of Jupiter during the Vimshottari period of South Node. It also gives the good result of the house in which South Node is placed. South Node in the sign of Mercury, Venus and Moon gives adverse result. Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Libra and Cancer are unfavorable signs of South Node. For an instance, in a birth chart of a native, if South Node is in Cancer and Moon is in Taurus or Cancer, then during the Vimshottari dasa period of South Node, a native gets adverse result for the matter pertaining to Moon. The reasons are that South Node is in unfavourable sign of Cancer giving adverse result of Moon. Moon is placed in its own or exalted sign of Cancer or Taurus, but South Node will spoil the result of Moon because it is in unfavourable sign of Cancer as mentioned above. In a natural horoscope, the sign Cancer shows the fourth house which indicates internal peace and happy family life. But in this case, South Node in the sign of Cancer shows the lack of above matter of fourth house and creates adverse circumstances and many difficulties.

For clarification of this principle, the following birth chart is given. Case 2 Native : Female Date of Birth : 5-12-1952, Time of Birth : (Gujarat) Vimshottari Ketu period: 18-01- 1996 to 18-01-2003

00-10 AM, Place of Birth : Nadiad

In the above chart Ascendant is in Leo and South Node is in Cancer and placed in twelfth house. Here South Node is in Cancer and therefore it represents the Moon, the owner of the 809

sign in which South Node is placed. South Node in the sign of Cancer is unfavorable for giving beneficial result of Moon. South Node in the sign of Moon is supposed to give 1 adverse result for the matter of twelfth house in which South Node is place, eleventh house in which Moon is placed and for the Karaka matter of Moon. This adverse result is experienced during Vimshottari Period of South Node.

The matter pertaining to twelfth house is bondage, feeling confinement, restriction in every walk of life etc. Native’s home life is totally disturbed. Husband of the native is not of her liking. She has no issues due to ovary problem and therefore she feels lonely at home. Native feels confinement at her own home and seeks solace and peace at different residence of her relatives. The matter pertaining to eleventh house is benefit and ambition. Native is qualified with M.A. B.Ed with Library Science, but she could not get proper service according to her choice and wherever she has served, she could not remain more than three months due to her mental unsteadiness. Cancer also indicates liver in human body, therefore South Node is sign of Cancer gives adverse result to digestive system. Native suffers from indigestion and acidity and has to take medicine regularly for this trouble. Conjunction of Planets with North Node (rahu) and South Node (ketu)


henever a planet or planets are in conjunction with Nodes, then during the Vimshottari dasa period of the planet, connected with the Node, it will give very beneficial result to the native if Nodes are placed in their favourable signs. For instance, in a birth chart, if North Node (rahu) is in Virgo in conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn. Here, North Node is placed in its favourable sign of Virgo; therefore, beneficial results are experienced by a native during Vimshottari dasa period of Jupiter and Saturn which are in conjunction with North Node. During this period a native gets good results in his life for the matter relating to Jupiter and Saturn with his intelligent efforts because

1 Publisher: Refer to editorial where we have mentioned 11H for wife & children, in case of female natives it would be husband and children, you can see how this chart vibrates with Ketu’s dispositors effect in the 11H and has not given her children and good marital life. 810

North Node is in the sign of Mercury. Similarly it can be interpreted for the result of the planets in conjunction with South Node. For clarification of above principle, the following birth chart is given Case 3 Native : Male Date of Birth : 10 / 11-06-1922, Time of Birth Birth : Ahmedabad (Gujarat)


1H – 45M- AM, Place of

In the above chart, Ascendant is in Pisces and North Node is in Virgo placed in the seventh house in conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn. The native has following period of Vimshottari dasa in his life. 1-09-1984 to 1-09-2000 Jupiter Period 1-09-2000 to 1-09-2019 Saturn Period During the period of Jupiter, native got good result about family and astrological activity. In year 1986 marriage of daughter happened and his son got service in insurance company, in year 1993, marriage of son in highly established family, these are the auspicious events in the life of a native. In year 1988, native started his office in Ahmedabad for astrological Consultation. During the above period, native began to write a book on astrology and came across many opportunities to deliver lectures and teaching on astrological subjects. During the period of Saturn native has completed his writing of book on the subject “Art of Prediction in Astrology”. The book was published with good response in November-2000. Again in year 2007, the second edition of this book was published. During the same year 2007, native wrote a new book on the subject “Prediction of Transit Planets”. Therefore, during the period of Saturn from 1-09-2000 and onward, native has achieved high esteem in astrology and public exposure. Considerable progress and development in astrological field is experienced by native during this running period of Saturn2. 2

Publisher: One may notice previous commentaries by Saptarishis Astrology, we have always maintained that 11H is the house of Jyotisha ‘too’ and here one can see that during the period of the 11L that is Saturn the native attained high esteem in astrology and his writings were published. 811

Planet Gripped by North Node and South Node: A Planet in conjunction, opposition or in square aspect to Nodes is considered as gripped planet when the degree of the planet is less than the degree of Nodes. The closest grip between planet and Node will be within five degree difference between. Result of gripped planet is observed less than expectation or almost nil. If powerful planets are gripped by Nodes, they also do not give good result. There is all possibility to be wrong in astrological prediction whenever such type of planetary situation arises. For clarification of this principle, we take the same birth chart as mentioned above. In the above chart, Ascendant is in Pisces and South Node is placed in the Ascendant which is in square aspect with Moon in Sagittarius and placed in tenth house.

Vaghela Bhai as he is fondly called was born in 1941 has been studying astrology since more than 30 years with an avid rationalist approach. He gives more importance to Progressed theory with transit of planets & also Navamsa. A constant companion to Shri Babubhai Yodh he practices astrology with a zeal of leaving something for the younger generation. He was employed as a Mechanical Engineer with the State Government in Water Supply Dept & now his retired life is devoted to spreading astrology in Ahmadabad. He has been a great supporter of Saptarishis Astrology right from its inception days.

The degree of South Node is 12°-30’ and degree of Moon is 11°-00’, therefore, degree of planet is less than the South Node. The degree of Moon is less than degree of South Node by 1°-30’. Therefore, Moon is gripped by South Node. Moon is placed in tenth house and becomes owner of the fifth house. Therefore, Moon does not give beneficial result regarding professional career and prosperity in the life of this native.


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