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Nabhasa Yogas By G.K. Goel, India “If one has realized one’s self here, truth is fulfilled; if one does not realize one’s self here, it is a supremely GREAT loss. Reflecting upon the self in every experience the wise transcend this world and immortality (Self)”. -Kenopanishad, Cp2 (5)



Each planet, Rasi (Sign) and Bhava (house) are assigned natural signification (Naisargika Karkatva). Similarly, the each nativity also has its own natural signification as a whole. This signification is indicated by Nabhasa Yogas. What is the universe? The Bhagwatam Purana says the Universe is beginningless, endless (Sanatana) and immortal cycle of Karma. It has only two fruits (1) Renunciation - be part of the one (Self), (2) or be part of the immortal cycle of Karma (unending Vasanas). All Jeevas (living beings) are a part of this immortal cycle of Karma. No one seems to be aware of the purpose of human existence. Most of the human beings crave to get something material, something gross, and something substantial. Humans are attracted by superficiality like other creatures, but in a more sophisticated manner. Ancient seers and sages had experienced within themselves deep personal knowledge of the Self. Sound logic and reason supported every

K. Goel is an Engineer by profession

and his interest in Astrology goes back since last four decades. He is regularly conducting the classes at 'Astro Research Org. Delhi’ since 1991 and was an honorary faculty member for the refresher courses conducted in 'Lal Bahadur Sanskrit Vidyapeeth (a deemed University) under the auspices of UGC. His articles are published in many leading journals and contributing to many astrological sites. The present article is the result of his in depth study of the subject and placed these yogas in a completely different light. These are the basic yogas and should be studied at the initial stage of synthesis of any nativity. It is our earnest belief that readers will be immensely benefit from this review of Nabhas yogas which is placed in completely new light"

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statement. They went about it with mathematical precision. They teach us “Action is the insignia of life.” The law of life proclaims that none can remain even for a moment without performing activity. Everyone is made to act helplessly according to one’s own inner temperament. Natural law indicates that if one chooses to remain idle one is petrified and perishes. The basic nature of man is the cumulative effect of all his past thoughts, desires and actions. Past activities are the cause. Present nature or constitution is the effect. This is indicated by Nabhas Yogas. Vedic astrology divides the Karma (action) in three categories namely: (i) Sanchit - Total accumulated Karma or remaining unexhausted Karma Phala (Fruits of action) from all previous births. These are identified with the help of various Yogas formed in the nativity. (ii) Prarabdha - Bhagya (Fate and Destiny) - This is indicated by various Dasas (directions) operating at a given time. (iii) Kriyaman - Actions that manifest into fruits in a given period on a specific time of the life of individual. These are ascertained with the help of Transit of planets. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from its root Yuj, which means to join, to unite. In astrology, Yogas means a special planetary combination, which reveals inherent inclinations, possibilities of political power and influence, wealth, asceticism, misery, debts, dishonesty, corruption etc. If special Yogas for aristas or misfortune are present in a horoscope, the person will face miseries in life, even though according to ordinary astrological rules, such a horoscope is a promising one. Thus extensive knowledge of Yoga is very necessary for proper assessment of horoscope’s indications. There are innumerable Yogas expounded in Jataka Granthas. Dr. Sukhadev Chaturvedi, head of the astrology department of Shri Lal Bahadur Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi, made a compilation of 832 main Yogas. Even, these do not include such Yogas which are based on some specific principles like :(1) Yogas of two, three planets and so on, (2) Yogas in Vargas, (Divisional Charts), (3) Raj Yogas, (4) Sanyas Yogas, (5) Female Jataka Yogas, (6) Yogas for finance and poverty, (7) Yogas for service and business, (8) Yogas based on Char Karakas, (9) Yogas based on Pada Lagans and (10) Graha Arudhas. Prashna Marga gives the following definition on the formation of astrological Yogas of various categories in Chapter 9:

LFkkurks Hkkor% LFkkuHkkouHkÜpjSA LFkku HkkolHk;ksxkn~Hkko[kspj ;ksxr%AA49AA ;ksxk% L;q% ifM~o|k% LFkku[kspjkH;ka rq lIre%A mPpewyf=kdks.kkfn xzgk.kka LFkkueqP;rSAA50AA Hkkok yXukn;% izksDrk% [kspjk HkkLdjkn;%A HkkoLFkkuxzgS% izksDrs ;ksxs ;s ;ksxgsro%AA5AA 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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Rs”kka oyh ;% drkZ L;kRl ,okL; iQyiznkAA52AA “There are seven ways for formation of various Yogas: (I) Those formed by position, (ii) by houses, (iii) by planets, (iv) formed with the help of all the three - position, houses and planets, (v) by position and houses only, (vi) by position and planets, (vii) and those formed by houses and planets. The position means the placement in 12 Rasis (signs)- Aries etc. (The signs are also identified as Exaltation, Mool -Trikona etc. for planets). The houses mean the 12 houses commencing from the Ascendant (Lagna). The planets mean the nine planets Sun etc. The combination of these constituents causes the formation of various Yogas of different categories. The strongest constituent in forming a particular Yoga is called the “Yogakarta” and it is this which gives the results of Yoga (in its directional period-dasa and during transit). ‘Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra’ is an ancient and extremely comprehensive treatise on Vedic Astrology. In fact, this book lays down the basic fundamentals of Indian Astrology. Maharishi Parasara narrated this Shastra to his disciple Maitraye around 1800 B.C. (According to Vishnu Purana, V.E. point was in first quarter of Krittika Nakshatra in that Era). After describing the characteristics and effects of (i) planets, (ii) signs-rasis, and (iii) houses or bhavas (in fact Sixteen Division Charts are basically bhava charts of different categories), Maharishi Parasara expresses the importance of Yogas in following words as a concluding remark in Chapter 36 of ‘BPHS’:”

,oa Hkkokf/iR;su tUeyXu'kkfngA 'kqHkRoe'kqHksRoa p xzgk.kka izfrikfnre~ZAA45AA izU;kukZi iqu;ksZxku~ ukHklknhu fofpUR; oSA nsfguka p iQya okP;a izo{;fe p rkuge~AA46AA “Up till now, I have explained the methods to judge the auspicious and inauspicious results of planets based on the twine principles: number one, based on the ascendant (Lagna), the rising sign at the time of birth; and number two, based on the lordship of the houses. However, there are different categories of Yogas like Nabhasa Yoga etc., which are to be considered in depth before arriving at a final judgment and prediction for a nativity.” Parasara has, therefore, laid extra emphasis on the consideration of Yogas, out which the Nabhasa Yogas attain an apex position. NABHAS YOGA There are 32 main Nabhasa Yogas, which are classified in four categories. The word “Nabhasa” means the sky. As such, the Yogas are formed in the sky with the help of all the three constituents, namely all the seven planets (excluding Rahu and Ketu), all the 12 signs and the 12 houses (including all shodhas vargas - 16 divisional charts), are called the Nabhasa Yogas. In these Yogas, all seven planets participate simultaneously. Each nativity will have at least one yoga out of 32 main Nabhasa Yogas. The main question which arises is that why are only seven planets are considered and Rahu and Ketu are excluded? There are fundamental reasons for excluding these two 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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Chhaya Grahas (nodes of the moon). This aspect needs to be examined in some detail as it contains the key to understand the purpose and utility of the Nabhasa Yogas. The Jeeva or the individual soul or self is in reality Pursha, who operates in this world through the causal, subtle and gross (physical) body. The causal body is the combination of soul and the mind (manah) - the sun and the Moon. This represents the creative principle in the Universe .The causal body is constituted of mere desires (Vasanas). Therefore this body is the seed of one's personality in the unmanifested form. The causal body manifests and functions itself as the subtle (astral) body (the linga sareer), which operates with the help of five senses of perception represented by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. In other words, the subtle body is composed of feelings, emotions and thoughts generated on account of accumulated Vasanas from past births. Thus, the linga sareera represents the personality of an individual. This personality functions through the Gross body. Nabhasa Yogas indicate basic traits and personality represented by the subtle body. The subtle body is like a sapling. It can be made to grow any way one likes. Similarly, the indications given by Nabhasa Yogas can be changed, modified or molded into any direction based on the vibration generated by the placement of Rahu and Ketu along with other Yogas in the nativity operating from time to time. The causal and subtle body operates through the Gross body. The gross body is like fully grown tree, which cannot be modified. As much, you can change or modify your feeling, emotions and thoughts manifesting in the Gross body, if you can control at the level of the subtle body, which supports the Gross body. Thus, Nabhasa Yogas contain and provide basic information that ultimately helps the individual to operate and use his own free will for the improvement of his lot. Parasara narrated 32 Nabhasa Yogas. These are divided in four categories; there (3) are called Ashraya Yoga, two (2) Dala Yogas, twenty (20) Akriti Yoga and 7 (seven) Sankhya Yogas. These 32 Nabhasa Yogas again have 1800 different varieties (sub-divisions). These numbers-32 and 1800 are of mystic nature as they represent subtle body (and not the gross body). The soul is immortal and never changes, it is the manah- mind that is responsible for the cycle of Birth and death, creation and destruction. The Moon returns to the same point in the Zodiac in about 18.60 years, (which is the sidereal the period of Rahu and Ketu). If 32 is divided by number 1800, the remainder will always be 14. The number 14 represents 14 bhuvans (mansions) in which soul reappears as jeeva to exhaust his accumulated karma. Therefore, these numbers indicate the universal and immortal cycle of Karma. Even, in the days of Varaha-Mihira and Kalyan Varma, the Nabhasa Yoga are given due importance. But, it is little surprising that Saravali says;

;ouk|SfoZLrjr% dfFkrk ;ksxkLrq ukHklk ukEukA v"Vkn'k 'krxqf.krkLrs"kka }kf=ka'kfng o{;sAA22@2AA "Yavan and other Acharyas indicated 1800 Nabhasa Yoga. I, Kalyan Varma indicate their 32 main categories." Bhattotpala in his famous commentary on ‘Brihat Jataka’, mentions that he could not get the opportunity to study such monumental work- "Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra". There was a state of neglect of Nabhasa Yogas in last 1500 years. We have even forgotten that Parasara was actually the original and primary source of information on Nabhasa Yogas. 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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This article is mainly based on following classics: 1. "Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, translated by Girish Chandra Sharma-Chapter 37. (Published by Sagar Publication New Delhi) 2. "Brihat Jataka by Varaha-Mihira, Chapter12 3. "Saravali by Kalyan Varma-Chapter 21 4. "Horaratnam" by Balbhadra, Chapter 6 (Published in Hindi by Motilal Banarasi Das, Delhi) 5. "Hora Sara" by Prithuyasas-Chapter 19 The Sanskrit Slokas are not included is this article. These can be referred from original texts. The following points are very important and should always be kept in mind while considering Nabhasa Yogas: 1. All the seven planets-Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn take part in these Yogas. Any Yoga, which considers less than seven planets or also includes Rahu and Ketu, will not generally be considered in the category of Nabhasa Yoga. This principle is adopted at many places in Hora Shastra e.g. (1) Determination of the longevity (Ayurdaya) of planets by the methods of Pindayu, Nasargayu and Ansayu (2) Astaka Varga System. 2. Nabhasa Yogas basically recognize three groups of signs moveable, Fixed and dual. The signs of a particular group always fall in angular Houses from each other. The emphasis is not placed on the signs of exaltation, mooltrikona etc. of the planets. This is on account of the fact that Nabhasa Yogas indicate basic traits of personality i.e. the feelings, emotions and thoughts generated in the subtle body (linga Sareera) on account of one’s sanchit karmas. The other Yoga tries to amend or mould these traits. 3. Similarly Parasara gives importance to angular houses and the Graha Mallika Yogas. All indications of the subtle body manifest in the Gross body, through the actions of individuals. This makes the angular houses most important. Furthermore, the angular houses are greatly influenced by the planets, which are placed in their adjacent houses. This is the principal that makes the Graha Mallika Yogas very important and effective. (4) The Sun and the Moon operate on the level of creative Principle. They cannot be branded either Malefic or Benefic while considering Nabhasa Yogas. The Sun will act as Malefic or Benefic if it is conjoined with Malefics or Benefics respectively. The Sun, when placed alone in a house, will act as krura (a mild malefic) as Atman-the Soul is neither enemy nor friend of the Jeeva. The Moon is the cosmic and pure Mother and, as such, will act as benefic; the principle of waxing or waning Moon does not apply while considering Nabhasa Yogas. (5) Jupiter, Mercury and Venus will act as benefic, and Mars and Saturn will act as malefic. (6) Lordships of planets, their combustion, interplanetary war etc are also not considered in Nabhasa Yogas. (7) The above observations may be explained in another manner. The natural signification of planets, signs and also houses do not change but the same manifest with the help of other Yoga’s or placement of planets in certain houses or signs. 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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Similarly, Nabhasa Yogas indicate the natural traits of the personality of an individual and these never change. These traits manifest in the life of an individual with the help or superimposition of other Yogas. This is an important point, which should not be lost sight of. Nabhasa Yogas and Their Significations (Effects) Parasara indicted following 32 Nabhasa Yogas, divided in 4 categories: 1. 2. 3.



3 (Three) Asharya Yogas: Rajju, Musala and Nala. 2 (Two) Dal Yogas: Maala (Srik)and Sarpa(Bhujang). 20 (Twenty) Akriti Yogas: Gada, Shakata,Vihag(Pakshi), Shringataka, Hala, Vajra, Yava, Kamala(Abja), Vapi, Yupa, Shara(Ishu or Vana), Shakti, Danda, Nauka, Koota, Chattara, Dhanushi(Chapa), Ardha Chandra, Chakra, and Samudra. 7 (Seven) Sankhya Yogas: Vallaki, Daama, Pasha, Kedara, Shoola, Yuga, and Gola.


Description The 3 Asraya Yogas

1 2 3

Rajju Musla Nala

All planets occupy the movable signs All planets occupy the fixed signs All planets occupy the common or dual signs The 2 Dala Yogas

1 2

Srik or Maala Sarpa

1 2 3 4 5 6

Gada Shakata Vihaga Sringatak Hala Vajra



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Benefic planets occupy the Kendras Malefic planets occupy the Kendras The 20 Akriti Yogas All planets occupy any two adjacent angular houses All planets occupy the 1st and 7th houses All planets occupy the 4th and 10th houses All planets occupy the 1st,5th and 9th houses-Trines All planets occupy any of the other triangular house Benefic planets occupy the 1st and 7th houses and malefic planets occupy the 4th and 10th houses. Malefic planets occupy the 1st and 7th houses and Benefic planets occupy the 4th and 10th houses. 6

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8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Kamala(Abuja) Vapi Yupa Ishu or Vana Sakthi Danda Nauka Koota Chhatra Chapa Ardha Chandra Samudra Chakra

All planets occupy all the four angular houses All planets occupy the eight houses other than angular houses All planets occupy the four signs from Lagna (Ascendant). All planets occupy the four signs from the 4th house. All planets occupy the four signs from the 7th house All planets occupy the four signs from the 10th house. All planets occupy the seven signs from Ascendant. All planets occupy the seven signs from the 4th house All planets occupy the seven signs from the 7th house All planets occupy the seven signs from the 10th house

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The 7 Sankhya Yogas Veena (Vallaki) All planets occupy any seven signs All planets occupy any six signs Daamini Pasha(Pushpa) All planets occupy any five signs All planets occupy any four signs Kedar All planets occupy any three signs Shool All planets occupy any two signs Yuga All planets occupy any single signs Gola

All planets occupy the seven signs from a Panaphara or Apoklima house.

All planets occupy the six alternate signs from the 2nd house. All planets occupy the six alternate signs one from the Lagna (Ascendant).

Asraya Yoga 1. Rajju Yoga: If all the planets are situated in moveable signs (1, 4, 7 and 10), they cause Rajju Yoga. Effects: The native born in this Yoga will be found of wandering, will be charming, remain in good health, fortunate in distance places (away from home) and will be of a cruel and wicked disposition (This means- hard task master). Parasara has given six natural characteristics or traits of the native when born with Rajju yoga. These significations will act as catalyzing agents, whenever any other Yoga will operate. In this manner, the overriding effects of Nabhasa Yogas may be considered. 2. Musala Yoga: If all the planets are situated in fixed signs (2, 5, 8 and 11), they cause Musala Yoga. Effects: The native born in this Yoga are endowed with honor, wisdom, knowledge and wealth, will be dear to the king (i.e. persons of authority), will be famous, will have money, sons and be of a firm disposition. Parasara indicated 8 (eight) outstanding characteristics for a native born in this Yoga. All these good qualities are basically on account of firm disposition. This is based on the 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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trait of the fixed signs, as against the moveable signs, which makes the native restless and of a wondering nature. 3. Nala Yoga: If all the planets are situated in dual signs (3, 6, 9, and 12), they cause Nala Yoga. Effects: The native of Nala Yoga will have some kind of deformity in body parts (a limb may be less or superfluous), will be very skillful in accumulating money, be helpful to relatives and friends and be of a charming disposition. The natives of Nala Yoga have a lot of flexibility, attraction and delicacy; whereas moveable and fixed signs indicate clear-cut traits in disposition. The natives of this yoga are not blessed with the sound body. Their fondness for amusements and multiplicity in their behavior create considerable conflict in their minds. Notes: (1) There are divergent views on the meaning of the word ‘Ashraya’ and also on the formation of Ashraya Yoga. As a matter of fact, these three Ashraya Yogas are the backbone of most of the Nabhasa Yogas. (2) The word “Ashraya” means to depend on something .The first view therefore is that these yogas are dependent on the nature of signs i.e. moveable, fixed and dual and are thus called Ashraya Yoga. The other view is that other yogas depend on Ashraya yogas. Both views have their own merits. The nature of the sign is bound to affect the characteristics of a planet which is placed in it. (3) The signs of the same nature always occupy houses in an angle from each other. Most of the Nabhasa Yogas are formed on account of the placement of planets in angular houses e.g. Gada, Shakata, Vihaga, Vajra, Yava, and Kamal. All these Yogas will take the basic traits from one of the three Ashraya Yogas. Let us take the example of Kamal Yoga. This Yoga is formed when all the planets are in kendras to the Ascendant. Naturally, the results are bound to vary depending upon whether angular signs are moveable, fixed or dual. Accordingly the effect of Kamal Yoga will dependent on the Ashraya Yogas.Same comments are applicable to other yogas, in which all seven planets are placed in angular houses to each other. (4) These Yogas will be indicative of the most powerful results when formed in the angular

houses from the Ascendant. Parasara teaches five Ascendants namely - Ascendant (rising sign), Moon, Sun, Paaka Lagna (the house in which Lagna lord is placed) and Pad Lagna. When an Ashraya Yoga is formed with the Ascendant as Kendra, all the other four ascending signs will also fall in angular houses. Naturally, such an yoga is bound to generate very powerful effects. These comments would also be applicable to Gada, Shakata, Vihaga, Vajra, Yava and Kamal Yogas in which all the planets are placed in angular houses from rising sign. (5) Pure Ashraya Yoga will be formed if all the seven planets occupy three angular houses from each other. If all the planets occupy any one sign, Gola (Sankhya) Yoga will be formed. If all the planets are placed in two angular signs, either of the Yogas - Gada, Shakata or Vihaga will be formed. If all the planets are placed in all the four Kendra houses, Vajra, Yava or Kamal Yogas are formed. (6) It is important to note that whenever any Nabhasa Yoga is formed involving angular houses (signs) from each other, the results of such Yogas will certainly be affected by one of the three Ashraya Yogas depending upon the signs (moveable, 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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dual, or fixed). (7) Ashraya Yogas can be formed when all the seven planets are placed in Kendra (angular), Panaphara (Succedent) or Apoklima (Cadent) houses. When the planets are placed in Panaphara or Apoklima houses, the results will be mild and may be felt in the later part of the life. (8) The Sun, Mercury and Venus will always be together in one sign whenever Ashraya yogas are formed. This is true for all the Nabhasa Yogas when formed by placement of planets in angular or trinal houses from each after. In such cases, the Sun will act as benefic.

Dala Yoga When only benefics or malefics occupy angular houses, then two kinds of Dala Yogas are formed. In Nabhasa Yogas, when the Sun is placed with benefic planets, it acts as a benefic. The Sun placed with malefics or not conjoined with any planet will act as mild malefic in Nabhasa Yogas. The Moon will always be considered as a benefic. As such Saturn, Mars and Sun (when not with benefics) are considered malefics. Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter and also Sun (When with Benefics) will act as benefics. The necessary explanations are already given in this article Dala Yoga basically means that benefic and malefic planets are segregated from each other. The effect of these Yogas will be most effective when formed in Kendras from the Lagna. (i) Maala Yoga: If all the benefics occupy three angular houses, and the malefic are placed in houses other than the Kendras, Maala Yoga is formed. Effects: Maala Yoga will make the native always happy, endowed with conveyance, robes, food and other articles to enjoy life; such natives will prove to be good husbands and will be endowed with the company of females of good character. Parasara has brought out two points in this Yoga: (a) Any reference house will be strengthened and endowed with good qualities if the remaining three angular houses are occupied by benefices, whether it be the ascendant, Moon, Sun, Paaka Lagna, Lagna Pada or any other reference point or house. (b) Benefics in angular houses generate a righteous and splendorous life, free from passion and greed. Some authorities believe that the Moon is not included among the benefic planets in this Yoga. This is an erroneous view. However, the Moon may also be considered as an ascendant for this Yoga. Venus and Mercury will always be together in this Yoga. If the Moon and Jupiter occupy two angular houses, the auspiciousness of the Yoga can be judged by the readers themselves. This Yoga will be operative if the Moon is also in an angular house with benefics, otherwise the Maala Yoga may not be fully effective. The Maala Yoga will be even more effective if a benefic planet owns the sign rising in the ascendant. (ii) Bhujang (Sarpa) Yoga: If all the malefics occupy three angular houses and the benefics are placed in houses other than the angular ones, Bhujang (Sarpa) Yoga is formed. Effects: The native born in Sarpa Yoga will be a crook, cruel, endowed with self-inflicted poverty, always surrounded with miseries of all kinds, and always looking to enjoy others' food and drink. Such Yogas are rarely formed. There are only two malefics Saturn and Mars. When Saturn and Mars are in an angular position and the third angle is joined by Sun (not 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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conjunct with Mercury or Venus), only then this yoga is formed. (This Yoga is of a common occurrence in horoscopes and yields to adverse results if Rahu and Ketu are placed in 4th and 10th houses, though it may not fall in the category of Nabhas yoga ). The Sarpa yoga generates extreme passion and greed. The other features are already discussed under Maala Yoga. Comparisons Between Ashraya And Dala Yogas As explained above Ashraya Yogas are formed and operate in their purest form if all the seven planets occupy three angular houses. If all planets are in one, two or four angular houses, then other kinds of Akriti Yogas become more effective. In the two Dala Yogas, the benefics or malefics should occupy three angular houses. This means that Dala Yogas are an extension of Ashraya Yogas. In Maala Yoga, if benefics occupy moveable, fixed or dual signs, three different kinds of Yogas are formed. The best results will be seen when all the benefic planets are place in fixed signs in angular houses. Similarly, Bhujang Yoga can be divided into three different categories. As such, Dala Yogas are a different version of Ashraya Yogas. Akriti Yogas Parasara discussed 20 main Akriti Yogas in BPHS. The names of the Yogas are given according to the figure that is formed due to the placement of planets in the nativity. 1. Gada Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the seven planets occupy two successive angles. Gyan Mukta says:

yXukEcqSjEcquxLFkrSokZ lIrkEcjSjEcjyXulaLFkS%A ,oa prq/kZ dfFkrks xnkjO;% 'kqHkk'kqHkS% [kspjdSLrq loSZ%AA According to Muktavali, four kinds of Gada Yogas are formed when all the seven planets occupy successive angular houses. This means that all the planets should occupy the 1st and 4th houses, 4th and 7th houses, 7th and 10th houses or 10th and 1st house from Lagna. However, if all the planets occupy other successive angular houses, like the 2nd and 5th houses, 3rd and 6th houses and so on, then Gada Yoga also will be operative but the effects will be different. Effects: The natives of Gada Yoga will put in concerted efforts to earn wealth, will perform sacrificial rites, will be skilful and efficient in the knowledge of Shastras and will be endowed with wealth, gold and precious stones. Such results are powerful if all planets are placed in houses in angles from the ascendant. I have already explained the reasons in my notes on Ashraya Yogas that the planets generate very powerful Yogas if placed in Kendra houses. Gada yoga natives earn wealth by fair means and by using their skill and putting in persistent hard work. The results will be modified according to whether the planets are placed in moveable, fixed or dual signs. This means that the results of Ashraya Yogas are to be correlated with the above effects. The placement of planets in auspicious or powerful houses will not over-ride the signification of the signs. Yogas give effects with the help of the planets, houses and signs, 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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all put together. Gada Yoga has another interesting feature. Whenever all planets are placed in the adjacent angular houses from the ascendant, these planets will influence and aspect the remaining to angular houses. For an example, if planets occupies fourth house, the native will try to strengthen his physical existence and search for situation and people who can offer material and moral security out of his role in the outside world (which symbolizes the 10th house). On the other hand, if planets are occupying the 10th house, the native will not only draw away from the concern of the family and home, but he will find solace and fulfillment in enhancing social status, career, profession and may seek honor from people of authority. Except in the case of Gada Yoga, when all the seven plants occupy two houses (signs), Parasara and other Jataka Granthas have mostly indicated mixed or bad results. Such yogas are the four Akriti Yogas namely Shakata, Vihaga, Sringataka and Hala and one sankhya-yoga namely Yupa. 2. Shakata Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the seven planets occupy the ascendant and the seventh houses jointly. Effects: Shakata means some kind of vehicle. The persons born in Shakata Yoga will be afflicted by diseases, will have ugly or diseased nails, will be foolish, will earn living by pulling (or driving) vehicles/carts, will be poor (able to meet both ends with difficulty), devoid of friends and relatives (as he will be always on move). Varaha Mihira says such a person will have a mean wife. Lagna Chandrika adds that he will be clever in money matters, and in spite of other problems, he will have a happy disposition and will have stable sources of finance. Shakata Yoga involves the Ascendant and the seventh house, which represent the self and partners. These houses are complementary to each other. Malefic influence indicates a mean wife and a profession involving travel. Parasara says that the seventh house represents wife, journey and even absence from home without any prior information. This Yoga yields better results if malefic planets own the ascendant and benefics are placed therein. In such an event, Lagna Pada will fall in the tenth house and the planets in the Ascendant will provide Subha Argala on it. 3. Vihaga Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the seven planets occupy the 4th and 10th houses from the Ascendant. Effects: Vihaga means bird, which always flies from one place to another. The persons born in Vihaga Yoga will be fond of roaming, earn with the help of subordinate jobs, act as a messenger (or tale bearer), act as a pimp i.e. sustain himself on professions which depend on prostitution or trading in women, be shameless and always ready to pick quarrels. Lagna Chandrika says that the native enjoys and feels happy in roaming around, in picking quarrels and acting as a pimp for prostitutes. The fourth house represents Mana - mind and as such controls the inclinations and character of the individual. On the other hand the 10th house represents profession (some authorities say livelihood of an unstable nature). When all the planets are in the 4th and 10th houses, all the important Lagnas (except the Ascendant) will also fall in this axis i.e. Moon, Sun, Paaka Lagna and Pada Lagna. This Yoga generates defects in character because malefics occupy the 4th/10th axis. In the present day context, this Yoga generates an inclination for professions like salesmanship, marketing jobs, modeling, and prostitution, indulgence in sex 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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activities etc. The above results shall accrue if malefics and benefics are mixed in two houses. If malefics will be placed in 4th house and benefics are in 10th house, the person will earn money by fair means but indulge in notorious activities. However in the reverse case, the person may be a dacoit, swindler etc, but will be of a charitable disposition. Ashraya Yogas will modify the effect according to the nature of the signs placed in angular houses. If all the planets are placed in opposite houses, say 2nd and 8th, 3rd and 9th, 5th and 11th, or 6th and 12th, the results will be worse than in Shakata and Vihaga Yogas. It may be pointed out that in these Yogas, the Sun, Venus and Mercury will always occupy one house, and the placement of the Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn will generate different kinds of effects. As in Kendra houses, the Moon and Jupiter will form a Gajakesri Yoga, a stable source of income is foreseen in both the Yogas, inspite of poverty and other defects. Such persons will not cheat others unless influenced by Rahu/Ketu or by other adverse Yogas. Parasara has indicated four different kinds of Yogas, when all the seven planets occupy all the four angular houses. These Yogas are Vajra, Yava, Kamal and Vaapi. Horasara indicates three Yogas namely Mangala, Madhya and Kleeba. Kamal and Mangala Yogas are the same. Yavana Jataka makes two additional divisions of Vaapi Yoga, namely Madhya Yoga (when all planets are in Panphara houses) and Kleeba Yoga (when all planets are in Apoklima houses). 4. Vajara Yoga: If all the benefics occupy the Ascendant and 7th house and malefics occupy the 4th and 10th houses, Vajra Yoga is formed. 5. Yava Yoga: If all the malefics occupy the ascendant and 7th house and benefics occupy the 4th and 10th houses, Yava Yoga is formed. These are very important Yogas and have far-reaching implications. Varaha Mihira in Chapter 12, Sloka 6 says:

iwoZ'kkL=kuqlkjs.k ek tzkn% Ñrk%A prqFkZHkous lw;kZTKflrks Hkor% dFke~AA “I have described the Vajra and other Yogas adopting the view of former writers. How can Mercury and Venus occupy the 4th sign from the Sun?” I wish to make following observations on these Yogas: (1) The objection of Varaha Mihira is valid. Some authorities tried to prove the validity of the Yoga in a roundabout manner. Such explanations do not have much worth when Varaha Mihira raises the finger of doubt based on some specific principle. It appears that Varaha Mihira objects on two specific grounds; number one, Mercury and Venus cannot fall in angular houses from Sun and number two, that the Sun is a malefic and falls in same category as Saturn and Mars. The first objection is based on an astronomical reality which cannot be wished away by giving any argument. (2) With regard to the validity of second objection, the following observations are to be examined. Parasara originally narrated these Yogas around 1800 B.C. Satyacharya and other authorities had adopted them. Sage Parasara was surely aware about such objections. I have already given reasons in the Introduction of this article, that the Sun will act as a Kurura (not malefic) when placed alone or with malefics. The Sun will act 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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as benefic when placed with benefics. Mars and Saturn will always act as Malefics .The Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will always act as benefics. Under the circumstances, Vajra and Yava Yogas are fully operable and their formation is not affected by the presence of the Sun with benefics i.e. with Venus and Mercury. Jaimini Updesh Sutras also accepts the Sun as a benefic and considers it a malefic only in special circumstances. (3) There are some other interesting and special features In Vajra and Yava Yogas. Malefics and benefics are segregated in these Yogas like in the two Dala Yogas. In Vajra Yoga, benefics occupy the 1st and 7th house axis and in Yava Yoga the 4th and 10th house axis. Parasara has given a very specific condition for Kamal Yoga that no angular house should be vacant and malefics and benefics should be placed mixed together and not in segregated form. In Gada Yoga the planets occupy adjacent angular houses but there is no such condition that malefics and benefics should he placed either in a mixed or segregated condition, whereas for Vajra and Yava Yogas there is no specific condition that all the four houses should be occupied. This gives the following interesting possibilities: (a) If either Ascendant or seventh house is occupied by all benefic planets and similarly either the 4th or 10th house is occupied with all malefic planets, the effects of Gada Yoga will be operative duly modified by Vajra Yoga. (This means that the malefics and benefics are placed in a segregated condition but also forming Gada yoga.) (b) Similarly, if either the Ascendant or seventh house is occupied by malefics and either the 4th or 10th house is occupied by benefics, the effects of Gada Yoga will be operative, duly modified by Yava Yoga. (c) The further modification of these results will be necessary according to Ashraya Yoga, depending on whether moveable, fixed or dual signs are placed in the angular houses. (d) Vajra and Yava Yogas will operate fully if all the angular houses are occupied. (e) If only three angular houses are occupied, the effect of Asharya Yogas will be more prominent. (f) Similarly, in Dala Yogas, the condition is that three angular houses are occupied by either benefics or malefics, but then the planets should be placed in a segregated manner. Parasara has not put specific emphasis that all the three angles should be occupied (unlike Kamal yoga where all angular houses must be occupied). Let us take the example of Maala yoga. From the Ascendant or any other house, if the other three angular houses (it may be either one or two or all the three) are occupied by benefics and these houses are not occupied by malefics, Maala Yoga will be operative. Of course, it would be more effective if all three angles are occupied. Let us suppose that if all the three angular houses from a malefic plant are occupied by all the benefics, then the Dasa of the malefic planet will not be adverse. In the case of Vajra yoga, if all the malefics are placed in the 4th or 10th house (either one of the two houses) and benefics occupy both the 1st and 10th houses, a partial effect of Maala Yoga will be operative and the adverse results will be considerably reduced. Similarly, if benefics are placed in one house and malefics occupy both the other houses, the adverse results will grossly increase on account of the partial effects of Sarpa Yoga. At the same time, Ashraya Yogas will be operative in full as only three angular houses are occupied. 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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Ashraya, Dala, Gada, Sakata, Vihaga, Vajra, and Yava Yoga are formed based on angular houses; as such these Yogas are inter-dependent on each other and should not be viewed in isolation. Effects of Vajra Yoga: The native born in this Yoga will be happy, valorous and charming in the beginning and at the end of his life. In the middle position of his life and during his young age, he will be devoid of desires and fortunes and will be villainous and inimical to people. All Jataka Granthas have followed Parasara and narrated almost similar results for Vajra Yoga. The affliction to the 4th and 10th houses makes existence difficult in middle age and generates bad character. Effects of Yava Yoga: The native of this Yoga is happy in the middle portion of his life, is endowed with wealth and progeny, is of a charitable disposition and has firmness of mind. Due to the auspicious influence on the 4th and 10th houses, the native will observe fasts and religious rites and has Satvika feelings. Such a native suffers grief and sorrow in the beginning (childhood) and at the end of life i.e. in old age. Auspicious influences on the 4th and 10th houses brings peace of mind and the native enjoys excellent mental and physical health. Malefic influences on the ascendant and seventh house bring disease, miseries and sorrow in childhood and in old age particularly after the age of 54 years. This Yoga is more beneficial in middle age if ascending sign is owned by benefics. If the ascending sign is of dual nature, the native will suffer from some kind of permanent disability in the body. 6. Kamal Yoga: Kamal Yoga (Yavan Jataka calls it Mangla Yoga) is formed when all the seven planets occupy all the four angular houses from the ascendant. No angular house should be vacant. Further, malefics and benefics should be mixed with each other. Effects: This is a rare but very powerful Yoga. All Jataka Granthas accept the view of Parasara. In Indian mythology the lotus is a symbol of purity, beauty and elegance. Parasara says that a native born in Kamal (lotus) Yoga will be endowed with grandeur and be virtuous, long-lived, free from untimely death, very famous and pure, will perform hundreds of auspicious deeds and be ruler of the earth. Yavanacharya says that such a native will do auspicious acts during his whole lifetime and will be an able and powerful orator. He will have beautiful and auspicious progeny, be long-lived and intelligent. In fact, Kamal Yoga has the capability to purify the person and take away all the evils generated by other Yogas. God incarnate, Lord Rama had 5 planets in the Kendra houses. (I have not come across any horoscope so far having all the seven planets in all the four angular houses.) 7. Vapi Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the seven planets occupy houses other than the angular houses. (In Vapi Yoga, all the planets should not be confined either to Panphara or Apoklima houses only). Effects: The person born in Vapi Yoga will be skilful in accumulating wealth and also skilful in earning wealth, will be endowed with enduring wealth and happiness, be blessed with progeny, will enjoy art, dancing and surroundings which are pleasing to the eyes and will live like a king. Varaha Mihira says that such persons will live in moderate comfort over a long period, will be able to invest his savings in secured investments, and be a miser. Jataka Bharana says that such persons are skilful in earning wealth, are famous in their community, happy, proficient in some skills, beautiful but enjoy happiness at a moderate level. This is a common Yoga found in many nativities when seven planets fall in eight 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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houses other than the angular houses. The results will vary to a great extent from native to native. For example, if the Ascendant lord occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the miseries in life may increase, whereas placement of the Ascendant lord in a trine, the 2nd or 11th house will be beneficial. This is the reason, why the Jataka Granthas have given different results. On the other hand, if most of the malefics occupy the 3rd and 6th houses and the benefics occupy the 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th houses, this Yoga will yield better results. Horasara gives the following two Yogas (as an additional version of Kamal and Vapi yogas): 7(a) Madhya Yoga: When all the planets occupy panaphar (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th) houses, Madhya yoga is formed. Effects: The native of this Yoga will live in other countries, be troubled by relatives and be timid in nature. He will not have lasting wealth, will have few issues and will be in a bad state at the time of death. 7(b) Kleeba Yoga: When all the planets occupy Apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th) houses, Kleeba Yoga will be formed. Effects: The native born in this Yoga will be grieved, will live away from his birthplace, be in the company of mean women and be fond of disputes. He will have a short life and his death may occur in a distant place away from home. Kamal, Madhya and Kleeba Yogas are generally not found in horoscopes. I feel that even if 5 or 6 planets are in angular houses from each other, these Yogas will be operative to a great extent. The results of these Yogas should be read along with Ashraya Yogas, because angular houses will have signs of a similar nature. Jupiter and Saturn occupy angular houses at an interval of about five (5) years, when the formation of such Yogas are possible.

Yogas Based On Placement In Trinal Houses 8. Shringataka Yoga: Shrinagataka Yoga is formed when all the seven planets occupy trines from Ascendant (1st, 5th and 9th). (The placement of planets in even two trinal houses from the Ascendant will make this Yoga operative, because shringataka means horns.) Effects: The native born in Shringataka Yoga will be fond of quarrels, study in battles, be of happy disposition, dear to the king (i.e. influential persons in society), endowed with an auspicious wife, otherwise he may have an inimical disposition towards women. Varaha Mihira says that such persons will be slaves to their wives. In general this Yoga generates auspicious, prosperous and happy results. This is basically on account of the presence of Jupiter in a trine, from where it also aspects the other two trine houses. Mercury, Venus and Sun will always be together in this Yoga. This Yoga is possible when Saturn and Jupiter are trine to each other. Such a combination occurs at an interval of about seven (7) years. 9. Hal Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the planets are placed in trines to each other, except the trines from the Lagna, i.e. when all the planets occupy the 2 nd, 6 th and 10th houses, or the 3 rd, 7 th, and 11th houses or the 4 th, 8 th and 12th houses. Effects: Such persons earn money after putting in a lot of physical labor, have a big 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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appetite (gluttonous), are penurious, lead a miserable life, earn their livelihood by agriculture and upbringing of animals (like cow, horses, sheep etc.), work like a servant. As a matter of fact, such persons earn their livelihood after putting in a lot of hard work and labor. This is a combination of trade and commerce with the help of relatives and friends. Each trinal placement, of course will give different effects. However, Jataka Granthas give only general results for this Yoga.

Important Note It may be noted that when Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct, there arise possibilities of formation of many powerful yogas, which require the position of all the planets in angular or trinal houses. This is the reason why the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn brings epochal and far-reaching changes in society. These conjunctions occur every 20 years with an advance of about 123 degrees from previous conjunction. This conjunction occurs in the same sign after about 60 years with a mean advance of about 9 degrees from the previous conjunction. In about 794 years, Jupiter and Saturn conjoin almost on the same degree (the difference may be one degree only). As such Saturn and Jupiter control Epochal events with a cycle of about 20 years, 60 years and a final cycle of 794 years. These conjunctions always bring far-reaching effects when they occur in the sign of Aries. In the last 120 years these conjunctions occurred on April 18, 1881 at the 10th degree, on October 20, 1940 at the 20th degree (when both the planets were retrograde), again on February 15, 1941 at the 16th degree, and finally on May 28, 2000 at the 29th degree in the sign Aries . The twentieth century (52nd century of Kaliyuga era) has seen, without any iota of doubt, epoch-making changes in the field of scientific achievements and unprecedented changes in social order all over the world. The importance of Kamal and Shringatak Yogas may be looked at from this point of view also, as these Yogas are controlled by the cycles of Saturn and Jupiter. Maharishi Parasara may have indicated powerful effects for these yogas on account of such considerations. 10. Yupa Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the planets are placed in the first four houses from the Ascendant (i.e. in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses). Parasara has not imposed the condition that all the four houses should be occupied, but the Yoga will be most effective if all the houses are occupied and no house in between is unoccupied. (If one house is vacant, Shoola Yoga, a Sankhya Yoga, will be more effective). Effects: The persons born in Yupa Yoga will have spiritual knowledge, will be interested in doing sacrificial rites (Yajnas), be endowed with wife and valour, interested in keeping fasts and other religious observations and be distinguished. All Jataka Granthas have given similar auspicious results for Yupa Yoga. There is a rule for Graha Maalika Yogas that the house from where Yoga commences, controls the good effects of the Yoga. In Yupa Yoga, the Lagna should be powerful. The above auspicious results will be felt in full measure if the Ascendant, 2nd and 4th houses are occupied by benefics and the 3rd house by malefics. 11. Shara (Arrow) Yoga: When all the seven planets occupy four houses from 4th house (i.e. 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th houses), Shara Yoga is formed. Varaha Mihira calls it Ishu or Vana Yoga. Effects: The person born in this Yoga will be a maker of arrows, be the head of a prison, will earn money by hunting animals in forests, be a non-vegetarian (tamasic food), be of a 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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violent disposition and a creator of low class and rough handicrafts. Varaha Mihira adds that such persons will indulge in torture. The persons of such Yogas generally indulge in activities like manufacturing weapons for unlawful objectives. Their handiwork will lack refinement and fine skill. In case the 4th house is auspicious and powerfully disposed, this yoga will lead to favorable results. 12. Shakti Yoga: When all the planets occupy four houses from the 7th house (i.e. 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th), Shakti Yoga is formed. Effects: This Yoga signifies denial of wealth, the native will be unsuccessful in undertakings, miserable, have a mean and lazy disposition, be cruel, well-versed in the art of war, in the modern context be adept in winning arguments or convincing others, be of a firm disposition and will ultimately obtain good results. Varaha Mihira says the person will not be skilled in work and will be without money and comfort. Parasara’s views are more balanced. According to him, such persons will ultimately win the day on account of their firm disposition and capability and determination to convince others. 13. Danda (Stick) Yoga: When all the planets occupy four houses from the 10th house (i.e. 10th, 11th, 12th and 1st), Danda Yoga is formed. Effects: Such persons will be away from wife, children and their own wealth, may have to adopt cruel methods, live away from their relatives and friends, be miserable, and may even serve mean people. Varaha Mihira says that such persons will be separated from persons affectionate to them and will not hesitate to earn their livelihood by employing low class means. In Sanskrit, Danda is indicative of persons who roam away from place of birth in the search of livelihood. In olden days this was a bad indication and the evils attached to such circumstances are mentioned in this Yoga. In the modern age such a Yoga may prove a boon for persons who try to settle or visit distant lands for their livelihood. In horoscopes in which the 10th, 11th, 12th and 1st houses are occupied, the native either settles down in a foreign country or may visit foreign countries frequently to earn money. Graha Maalika Yogas When planets occupy five or more than five consecutive houses, such Yogas are called Graha Maalika Yogas. In Nabhasa Yogas Rahu and Ketu are not considered. Parasara indicated only four Yogas of this category, namely Nauka, Koota, Chhatra and Chaapa Yogas. Yavan Jataka and Bhavartha Ratnakar by Shri Ramanujacharya includes other Graha Maalika Yogas. I am including all these Yogas for the benefit of the readers. 14. Nauka Yoga: If all the seven planets occupy the seven houses commencing from the Ascendant, Nauka Yoga is formed. This Yoga will give full effects if all the houses from the Ascendant to the seventh house are occupied. However, it is essential that the ascendant and seventh house should be occupied for Nauka Yoga to be operative. Effects: The persons born in this Yoga will depend for their livelihood on water-born minerals, pearls, creatures etc., (these days fishing and dealing in pearls and coral etc. is a big industry), and they will be wealthy, over-ambitions, famous and renowned. On the negative side, the native will be cruel, miserly, greedy and avaricious. In this Yoga all the planets are placed in the invisible half of the horoscope. Jataka 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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Bharana says that such natives also have thievish tendencies. All the planets placed in five consecutive houses are a common occurrence. However, it is rare find a configuration when all the seven planets are placed in seven consecutive houses. This is the reason that Kalasarpa Yoga (i.e. when all the seven planet are on one side of Rahu-Ketu axis) is found commonly in many horoscopes. 15. Koota Yoga: When all the seven planets occupy houses from the 4th to the 10th house this Yoga is formed. Effects: The person of Koota Yoga will be unreliable in speech, will be head of a prison or one who will be in-charge of bonded labour, may encounter liquidity problems, be crafty, cruel, and will live on hills and in fortresses (meaning large villas). These persons are generally honoured, reputed, employ lot of bonded labour, but do not hesitate to earn money by questionable means. 16. Chhatra Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the planets are placed from the 7th to the Ascendant, i.e. in the visible half of the nativity. Effects: The person born in this yoga will provide protection to his family members and associates, be kind, will be very dear to the influential people in society (i.e. kings, ministers or persons of high status), will have excellent intelligence, be happy in the beginning and end of the life and be long lived. As the planets are placed in the visible half of the nativity, such persons will be of great excellence, good fortune in profession, obtaining favors from government and other organizations etc. If the 10th house is occupied by benefics, they will also enjoy a good life even in their middle age. 17. Chaapa Yoga: When all the planets occupy houses from the 10th to the 4th house, Chaapa Yoga is formed. Saravali and Yavan Jataka also call it "Varnuka Yoga". Effects: The natives of Chaapa Yoga will not speak the truth, will provide protection to thieves and criminals (in modern terminology they may resemble underworld dons), they themselves will indulge in criminal activities, will wander in forests, be devoid of fortune, be happy in the middle part of their lives. However, Varaha Mihira and other Jataka Granthas say that they will happy at the end and in the beginning of their lives. The planets placed in angular houses will control the fortunes of the native. Graha Maalika Yogas From Yavan Jataka (1). Shayani Yoga: This Yoga is formed if all the planets are placed in five houses commencing from the Ascendant. (In Yupa yoga, all planets are placed in four houses from the Ascendant) Effects: The natives of Shayani Yoga will get lot of honor on account of the fame and prominence of their families and they will be endowed with lasting happiness, (2). Jangal Yoga: This Yoga is formed if all the planets are placed in five houses from the 4th house. Effects: The natives of this Yoga are generally adept in serving others. Such a Yoga is prominent in housewives, in well-to-do families. They try to look after their families well. Such persons enjoy helping their kith and kin. (3). Nishrayani Yoga: If all the planets occupy five houses from the 7th house, Nishrayani Yoga is formed. Effects: These persons are very clever, act as ambassadors and traverse a lonely path. 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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They sometimes get trapped or deceived by others. This is a very powerful Yoga as its name suggests. Nishrayani means leader. Such persons rise in life due to their intellectual abilities and persuasive skills. They always rise if they work in groups. (4). Kunta Yoga: If all planets occupy five houses from the 10th house, Kunta Yoga is formed. Effects: If this Yoga starts from the Sun in the 10th house, the person is full of fighting spirit and shines like the Sun. Otherwise a person of this yoga will be of fiery disposition and be able to overcome all adversities. Kunta means a spear with a pointed sharp edge. Such persons therefore fix their eyes on a specific goal in life and are able to win over all adversities (5). Pankti Yoga: When all the planets occupy six consecutive houses commencing from the Lagna, 4th , 7th or 10th house, Pankti Yoga is formed. These Yogas are called Nagar Yogas. Effects: If this Yoga commences from the Lagna, the person enjoys a status like a king, but if this Yoga commences from 4th, 7th or 10th house the person enjoys a status like a minister. These persons enjoy urban social life. (5a). Pankti Yogas of different kinds are formed when all the planets occupy six houses in consecutive order. It commences from any house other than an angular house (1st, 4th, 7 th or 10th). Such Yogas are simply called Pankti Yogas (but these Yogas do not fall into the category of Nagar Yoga.) Effects: These persons also enjoy life, but depend for their prosperity on agricultural proceeds and animals. They are able to fulfill all their desires and use their knowledge for productive work. On the negative side, they do not have any set goal in life i.e. they lead town or village life as it comes to them. Note: Ramanujacharya says that Graha Mallika Yoga occupying five, six, seven, eight or nine houses will be fortunate provided the Yoga starts from the Lagna or the Sun. He suggests the presence of all nine planets including Rahu and Ketu. However, as we are discussing Nabhasa Yogas only, Rahu and Ketu are not being considered. The following points should be kept in view while considering Graha Maalika Yogas. (1) The commencing house is most important and controls the effects of the Yoga to a large extent. (2) If the Yoga starts from an angular house, or a powerful Sun, it yields auspicious and powerful results. (3) If the planet in commencing house is weak, the Yoga will not yield good results. (4) Dr. B. V. Raman gives a table in his translation of Bhavartha Ratnakar, which is reproduced below for ready reference: Starting house of Results Graha Maalika Yoga (1) Lagna King, commander, wealthy, nd (2) 2 house Very wealthy, dutiful, resolute, unsympathetic rd (3) 3 house Ruler, rich, sickly, surrounded by brave men th (4) 4 house Charitable, liberal, wealthy th Malicious and famous (5) 5 house 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

6th house 7th house 8th house 9th house 10th house 11th house 12th house

Greedy, somewhat poor Coveted by women and influential Poor and henpecked Religious, well-to-do, mighty and good Respected, virtuous Skilful and lord of lovely women honored, liberal and respected

Parasara also narrates the following yogas: 18. Ardha Chandra Yogas: Ardha Chandra Yogas occur when all the seven planets occupy seven houses commencing from any house other than the angles (i.e. the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th or12th). Thus if we begin from the 2nd house, the first Ardha Chandra Yoga will be formed when all the planets occupy the 2nd to the 8th houses. These Yogas are eight in number. Effects: The person born in Ardha Chandra Yoga will be fortunate, the general of an army (means that he will command over people), will have a splendorous body, be a favorite of the king, be strong and be endowed with gems, gold and armaments (according to Saravali). Parasara is of the view that the seven planets should occupy all the seven houses. However, this Yoga will manifest even if five houses are occupied consecutively. In some cases, it is found that either Rahu or Ketu occupy the intervening house. Even though such a Yoga will not fall in the category of Nabhasa Yogas, but powerful effects of Graha maalika Yoga will be felt. As suggested by Ramanujacharya, Graha Maalika Yoga operates even if 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 houses are occupied by eight planets. As Ardha Chandra Yogas commence from Panphara or Apoklima houses, it gives prominent results in young or old age respectively. Note: Many learned savants in astrology maintain that Kala Sarpa and Kala Amrit Yoga’s are not mentioned in any ancient Hora Granths. Graha Maalika And Ardha Chandra Yogas Paved The Basis Of These Yogas. When ever, all the planets are placed (particularly in consecutive houses) on one side of two points which are 180 degree away will give rise to such yoga’s." 19.Chakra Yoga: If all the planets occupy six alternative houses commencing from the Ascendant, Chakra Yoga is formed. Effects: The person of this Yoga will be either an emperor or a greatly honored saint whose feet even the kings, bearing crowns studded with bright stones, will bow their heads to. This Yoga is formed when all the planets are in odd houses (i.e. 1 st, 3 rd, 5 th, 7 th, 9 th and 11th houses). If odd signs occupy these houses, the emperor will be of widespread fame, will have a powerful disposition and be wealthy. This combination is more suited for emperors. If all the planets are in even signs, the person will be of gentle manners, have sweet speech and good intelligence. The latter combination is more suited to saints. Chakra Yoga basically gives a lot of power, authority and influence over others. 20. Samundra Yoga: If all the planets occupy six alternate houses commencing from the 2 house, Samundra Yoga is formed. Effects: The person born in Samundra Yoga will be endowed with many precious nd

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stones and much wealth and splendor; will enjoy all kinds of pleasures, be very popular among people, will have sons, a radiant personality and lasting wealth. In fact, this is a combination of wealth and a splendorous life. Sankhya Yogas: These are seven in number. I give below these Yogas in tabular form: (1) Gola Yoga — all planets in one sign (2) Yuga Yoga — in two signs (3) Shoola Yoga — in three signs (4) Kedara Yoga — in four signs (5) Pushpa Yoga — in five signs (6) Dama Yoga — in six signs (7) Veena Yoga — in seven signs Before discussing these Yogas, it would be advantageous to discuss their special features: (1) One or another Sankhya Yoga is always present in every horoscope. I may be permitted to say that Sankhya Yoga has its own effect on each nativity and acts as a catalyst. It may not be forgotten that Nabhasa Yogas are indicative of a combined Karakatva (signification) of the nativity. They do not give results directly but with help of other Yogas. (2) If any particular Sankhya Yoga is present, then the chart is to be carefully scanned to see which other Nabhasa Yogas are present and operating. Suppose any one of the Yogas like Kamal, Vajra, and Yava is present, then the effects of Kedara Yoga will be felt at some stage. For example, if Gada Yoga is operating, the effects of Yuga Yoga will definitely manifest at some stage. (3) Gola, Yuga and Shoola Yogas generate adversities in the native's life, while the remaining four Yogas help in generating even Raja Yogas, if other conditions are favourable. (4) It may always be remembered that Nabhasa Yogas do not operate in isolation of each other, but try to be co-operative with each other. In all Yogas formed by the angular position of planets, Ashraya Yogas will be operative. Whenever the malefic and benefic planets are segregated from each other, the effects of Dala Yoga will be felt. Sankhya Yogas will modify the effects all other Yogas. There should not be any doubt about it.

Effects Of Sankhya Yoga 1. Gola Yoga (all planets in one house). Jataka Granthas have given diverse results: The person of Gola Yoga will be strong, be devoid of wealth, learning and intelligence, be dirty, be always sorrowful and miserable. Hora Sara says such persons will have a short life, have a defect in some limb, will be devoid of relatives, wife and sons. Hora Sara further says that if the above Yoga is formed in the Ascendant, 9th, 10th or 11th house, the above results will not apply. Mythological literature indicates that Meghnath, the son of Ravana, had Gola Yoga in the 11th house. 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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2. Yuga Yoga: Such persons will be hypocrites, be devoid of wealth, right conduct, progeny and mother and be declared outcasts by society. Hora Sara says that such persons will be disabled, harsh in speech and shameless, will incur debts, be short lived, and have lack of ability. The effects of this Yoga are generally bad. If Gada, Shakata and Vihaga Yogas are formed without involving angular houses, the effects of Yuga Yoga will be felt more prominently. 3. Shoola Yoga: Shoola means thorn. Such persons will be sharp but devoid of means to achieve success in life, violent in behavior, rejected and scorned by society, very brave and get fame in war (fights). Hora Sara says that such persons will be clever and will pursue many vocations to earn their livelihood, be sickly, earn by sale and purchase, and will be childless in spite of two marriages (meaning that they may not be happy or lucky with regard to progeny). These persons are very crafty and are ruled by expediency only. Their wealth and profession is never steady. When any Ashraya Yoga is present involving three angular houses from the Ascendant, a cunning or crafty statesman is born, famous for his machinations. Their wealth and fame will always vary in sine waves and such persons are really very tough and difficult to deal with. The above three Sankhya Yogas do not always yield good results. Even other good and auspicious Yogas are overshadowed by these Yogas. In case all the planets are placed in three houses in Kendras or trines from the Lagna, then the effects of Shoola Yoga will be neutralized to a great extent. 4. Kedara Yoga: Such a person will be a benefactor to others, will earn name and fame by his own efforts, agricultural products will be the mainstay of his livelihood, he will be truthful, happy, dutiful, will be sluggish in taking decisions (if other good Yogas are present, then he may act after giving due consideration to all aspects), will earn honors and wealth. Most powerful Nabhasa Yogas are formed when all the planets are in four angular houses. In such a situation Kedara Yoga becomes operative automatically. This is one of the very auspicious Yogas. When the planets are placed in four consecutive houses, Kedara Yoga will again become operative. Now the effects of three Yogas, when all the planets are placed in five, six or seven houses, will be explained. These Yogas will enhance the good results of Graha Maalika Yogas and help to generate Raj Yogas. 5. Paasha Yoga: Paasha is rope, which is used to tie, to bind together or to restrict. The person with Paasha Yoga will be burdened with many responsibilities and expenses, be skillful in work, will have a crafty disposition, and will have many servants and a large family to support. On the negative side he will be very talkative and be devoid of virtues and good manners. This Yoga is a mixed bag. On account of their crafty nature, such persons land themselves into trouble with authorities. Girish Chandra Sharma says that if the Ascendant lord is placed in the 2nd Drekkana of Scorpio (Paasha Drekkana) in the 6th, 8th, and 12th house, it forms a Yoga for imprisonment. In Graha Maalika Yogas when planets are placed in five houses and if the commencing sign is occupied by benefics and is strong, the native obtains good results, otherwise this Yoga can give a lot of problems as Paasha Yoga, which is also formed, starts showing its 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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results. 6. Daamini Yoga: Paasha may represent a rope, which is equivalent to a noose also. Dam or Daamini indicates money or a group of things. This is an auspicious Yoga. The persons born in Daamini Yoga will be thoroughly gentle, helpful to others, will have righteously earned wealth, be very affluent, famous, endowed with many sons and gems (or sons who will be like gems in society), will have fortitude and be learned. He will be devoted to public welfare and be a noted scholar. 7. Veena Yoga: Such a person will be a lover of songs, dances and musical instruments, be skilful and of happy and loving disposition. He will be the chief among his own family, wise and expert. He will love the right things and will be full of enthusiasm. Some additional Nabhasa Yogas are given in Hora Sara, Yavan Jataka and Vridha Yavan Jataka. These Yogas are given below for the benefit of readers. 1. Safal Parvat Yoga: This is a kind of Maala Yoga. When all the benefic planets occupy the 1st, 7th and 10th houses, and malefics are placed in the other houses, Safal Parvat Yoga is formed. Effects: The person of this Yoga is very powerful and influential like a king. This is a good Yoga for successful politicians. 2. Kalash Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the malefics occupy the 1st, 7th and 10th houses and benefics are placed in the other houses. Effects: The person of this Yoga will accumulate a lot of material wealth and will work for the upliftment of good people of saintly disposition. (Such results are possible if the Ascendant lord is powerfully disposed and the 4th house is under benefic influence.) 3. Dola Yoga: When four planets occupy the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th houses and the other three planets occupy the remaining three Kendras, then Dola Yoga is formed. (Dola means roaming about here and there). Effects: Such a person enjoys travelling and remains happy and prosperous. 4. Pipeelika Yoga: This Yoga is formed when benefics occupy the 6th and 12th houses and malefics are placed in the 3rd and 9th houses. Effects: These persons are devoid of property and wealth. (This is a kind of Vajra Yoga.) 5. Garta Yoga: When malefics occupy the 6th and 12th houses and benefics occupy the 3rd and 9th houses, Garta Yogas formed (it is opposite to Pipeelika Yoga). Effects: Such persons are always unhappy, worried about others and poor. 6. Nadi Yoga (River Yoga): When benefic planets occupy the 5th and 11th houses and all the malefics occupy the 2nd and 8th houses, Nadi Yoga is formed. (Nadi means small river.) Effects: These persons are lucky, live like kings, and travel in auspicious Nakshatras (meaning that they enjoy travelling for good and auspicious undertakings). 7. Nad Yoga: When malefics occupy the 5th and 11th houses and benefics occupy the 6th and 8th houses, this Yoga is formed. Effects: Such persons are very wise and blessed with sons (6th and 8th houses provide unobstructed and benefic Argala on the 5th house of wisdom and progeny). 8. Varaha Yoga: When all the planets occupy the 1st, 4th and 5th houses, Varaha Yoga will be formed. 18/11/2009 Final\Nabhasa_new1.doc


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Effects: Such natives will command land, wealth, happiness and wisdom. 9. Kantaka Yoga: When all planets occupy the 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses, Kantaka Yoga is formed. Effects: Such natives will be wealthy and learned but short lived, and will have no issue. Varaha and Kantaka Yogas fall in the category of Soola (Sankhya) Yogas. Varaha Yoga yields better results. 10. Sankha Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the planets occupy the 1st, 4th, 9th and 11th houses. This is a kind of Kahala (Sankhya) Yoga. Effects: Such persons will be a repository of virtues, brave and well versed in the Shastras.

Conclusion Nabhasa Yogas indicate the natural significations of the nativity. As such the results are not felt directly or straightaway. This can be explained by an example. Saturn is the significator of grief, servants, hard work and foresight. If Saturn is placed in the Ascendant in sign Aries, the native will be required to put in a lot of hard work but he will get only grief in return. However if Saturn is placed in the seventh house in Libra, he will gain wealth and comfort in return for his efforts and labor. Similarly, the signification of Nabhasa Yogas will manifest and depend on the other Yogas in the nativity. Dr. B. Suryanarian Rao, in his commentary on Brihat Jataka quotes Bhattotpala: "Rich men may have external objects for enjoyment, but their minds may be greatly affected and they may feel themselves miserable, through various other causes. Poor men may have external marks of misery, but at heart they may feel quite happy and contented. Happiness and misery (wealth and poverty, health and disease) are relative terms and are made so by the bent of mind the man possesses and the view he takes of the presence of evil and good about him.� Thus, the overall signification of a nativity, indicated by Nabhasa Yogas, will manifest and amend itself according to other Yogas. These effects will be felt in directional periods and transits. One has to cultivate art of prediction with the help of Nabhasa Yogas, because these Yogas indicate the personality of the astral body.

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