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Longevity In Astrology By Dr.S.C.Kursija, India

I S.C.

f we read any classical book we will find a chapter on longevity and some principles to know the time of death. Death is ultimate end of the life. Every Jeeva is to die. These classical books were written hundreds of years back. Then natives were not afraid of death. They wanted to know their period and time of death because they were honest and true to their karma. They knew that rebirth will give more energy and force to work more hard for uplift of soul. But the present man is afraid of death. He knows that he is not doing right things and doing karma only for the benefit of present life and seeking more and more comfort of life for the body, not for the uplift of Soul. He requires Artha (money) to purchase comfort of life. He wants to earn more and more money by illicit manner, wrong means. Therefore he is afraid of death. The journey of life is for the upliftment of the Soul. So to know the span of life and time and day of death is not a curse but a boon for those who follow the righteous path in life. But it is fearful for those who follow the path of materialism and amass wealth from every source and every way with out caring for his fellow being and society. They know that wealth and material is capable to increase body comforts only and pomp and show in the society.

Kursija is a graduate of Delhi

University, Meerut University and Homeopathic System of Medicines in Delhi. He has worked in various capacities for Delhi Homeopathy Medical Association (DHMA), and was founder and chief editor of their monthly journal, Hahnemann Homoeopathic Sandesh. He has received numerous awards and passed the Jyotish Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Madras). He is a member of the faculty of Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan and has taught astrology for ICAS, Madras Delhi Chapter-1. Currently, Dr. Kursija is General Secretary of all Indian Federation of Astrologers Societies. Dr. Kursija teaches astrology and Vaastu in various chapters, and has written on various topics of interest. He is particularly interested in hearing from fellow astrologers who have researched the topic of suicide in astrology. He can be contacted at sckursija@yahoo.com.

In connection with longevity we desire to know A. the span of life, B. nature of death such as unnatural death or accident, long suffering from chronic disease or peaceful death, C. place of death such as at home, at distance place like in foreign country or away from home or on the way to home. The yoga, dasha and transit are important to know all the above factors. The longevity is divided by our sages in to three periods 1) Alpa Ayu 2) Madhya Ayu and 3) Purana Ayu.


Alpa Ayu (short span of life) is up to 32 years. It has been divided in to again three periods. ¾ Sadhyorista immediate death within one year ¾ Balarishta one to 12 years ¾ Yogarishta up to 20 years Madhya Ayu (medium span of life) is up 64 to 75 years. It has been divided in to again three periods ¾ Madhya Alpa ayu ¾ Madhya-Madhya ayu ¾ Madhya Purana Ayu Purna Ayu Age (full span of life) is more than 70 years and up to 100 years ¾ Deerga Ayu more than 100 years up to 120 years ¾ Parama Ayu more than 120 years. We are mainly concerned up to Purna Ayu. There are nearly 82 methods of calculations of the span of life and all fails to calculate accurate span of life as the native has free will to do karma. He can increase his life by controlling his Karma and devoting in good karma. He can decrease his life span by bad karma and immersing himself in the philosophy of eat, drink and do merry or living the style of W cube. Wealth, Wine and Woman. Our Rishis were very concerned about the span of life. They evolved methods to determine the span of life. They evolved A. Amshayu, B. Nisargayu, C. Pindayu and D. Lagnayu. They said that ¾ If lagna lord is strong and have aspect or conjoined with benefic planet, one should determine the span of life by Amshayu. ¾ If Sun is strong then determine the span of life by Pindayu. ¾ If Moon is strong then determine the span of life by Nisargayu. It was only Acharya Satyacharya who said that the span of life should be determined only by Lagnayu.

Standard methods of Judgment of Longevity (1) Method of three planets: Placement of Lagna lord, 10th lord and 8th lord in movable, fixed or common sign. The Movable sign represents Purna-ayu, Fixed sign represents Alpa-ayu and Common sign represents Madhyam-ayu. (PAM)

Method of three pairs: (a) Lagna lord and 8th lord (b) Saturn and Moon; (c) Lagna and Hora (2) lagna posited in movable, fixed or common sign (PAM). Movable + Movable=Purna-ayu; Fixed +Fixed = Alpa-ayu; Common + Common + Madhyam ayu (3) 8th Lord Placement: (a) Occupation of Kendra indicates a Long life. (b) Occupation of panaphara house indicates Madhyam life. (c) Occupation of apoklim house indicates Alpa-ayu

Kakshya Vridhi of Ayu: If Jupiter is posited in 7th or Lagna or conjoined with benefic planet (4) or aspected by a benefic planet. Only Jupiter is not enough, powerful planet in Kendra or trine, indicates long life. (a) When Ascendant (lagna) is hemmed in between benefic planets (b) When benefics are in trine from Ascendant. (c) When benefics planet is posited or aspects lagna (5)

Kakshya Harana of Ayu:


(a) If Saturn is debilitated or in enemy sign and associated with or aspected by a malefic planet. This reduction will not be done if Saturn is posited in exaltation, own sign, or not aspected or associated with malefic sign. (b) When Saturn is posited in Kendra from Jupiter or Kendras are aspected by Saturn along with Mars. (c) If Moon is posited in 8th or 12th from Ascendant. (d) If Saturn is posited in Lagna or Rashi i.e. sign of Moon (e) If Saturn is posited in 6th, 8th or 12th from Ascendant or Rashi (f) If Saturn conjoined with Lagna Lord or Rashi lord. (g) If Lagna is hemmed in between malefic planets. (h) If Malefic planets are posited in lagna, 8th, 3rd, 5th, 9th, or 11th from Lagna. As our span of life is dependent on our “Sanchit” and “Prarabdha Karma” our Rishis emphasized on the dasha and antar dasha of Marakesha and Badhakesha. When span of life is decided on Marakesha and Badhakesh, it is called Dashayu. The 8th and 8th from 8th i.e. 3rd are the houses of longevity. The 12th from these houses i.e. 7th and 2nd are the Maraka houses, their lords are called Marakesh. The badhaka lord for movable sign is 11th lord, for fixed sign is 9th lord and for dual sign is 7th lord. There are some learned astrologers who are not ready to accept 9th lord as badhaka for fixed sign. They say that it is lord of the trine and Sage Parashara has said that the dasha and antar dasha of 9th lord is beneficial as it is house of Lakshmi. But they forget that it is Apoklim1 house also. The lagna, lagna lord, planets in lagna and planets associated with lagna lord are also responsible for longevity. The 10th house and 10th lord, planets posited in 10th and planets associated with 10th indicate present karma which can increase or decrease the span of life. Therefore the three planet, Lagna, 10th and 8th lords are the easiest method to calculate the span of life. After calculating probable span of life, one should look for the dasha of maraka and transit during that period. We read in “Mahabharata” that mass destruction was caused by malefic planets surrounding Sun at the time of war. Sun is the soul of the Kala Purusha i.e. of the Universe. Varahamihira calls the Sun as Kalatma-The soul of time. Therefore it is important to consider Sun in matters of longevity. If the span of life is going to expire then the dasha and antar dasha of Marakesh i.e. (1) The Lord of 2nd house, (2) The Lord of 7th house (3) The malefic planets posited in 2nd, (4) The malefic planets posited in 7th, (5) The malefic planets associated with 2nd lord, (6) The malefic planets associated with 7th lord, (7) The malefic planets aspecting 2nd lord, (8) The malefic planets aspecting 7th lord, (9) The lord of the sign occupied by 2nd lord in navamsha, (10) The lord of sign occupied by the 7th lord in navamsha. (11) The 12th lord 1

Brihat Jataka Chapter 1 Shl - 18. The houses next to the angles are known as the Panapharas or Succedent houses. The houses next to the Succedent houses are termed the Apoklims or Cadent houses. The fourth house is known as Hibukam, Ambu, Sukham and Vesma. The seventh house is known as Jamitram. The fifth house is called Trikonam. The tenth house is known as Mesurana and the 10th. 912

(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)

The planets posited in 12th house. The planets associated with 12th lord. The lord of the sign occupied by the 12th lord in navamsha. The 8th lord The planets in 8th house can cause death if the span of life is going to expire. If the span of life is going to expire then if Saturn is lord of 3rd, 6th, 11th or 8th and associated with marakesh its dasha or antar dasha can also cause death. If the span of life is going to expire then the dasha of a benefic planet associated with marakesh can cause death.

So in Laghu Parashari it is clearly said that if the span of life is going to expire then only the dasha and antar dasha of marakesh can cause death, otherwise not. Therefore it is the duty of an astrologer to know the possible span of life i.e. Alpa, Madhya or Poorna and then see the dasha and antar dasha of marakesh. Since the subject is vast we will touch the matter in general way and these will be in connection with Alpa, Madhya and Poorna ayu.

The principles according to Sage Parashara Alpayu – Short Span Of Life (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

If the Lagna Lord is posited in movable sign and 8th lord in dual sign. If the Lord of Lagna and 8th Lord are posited in fixed sign. If Saturn and Mars in Lagna and Jupiter in 6th and Moon in 8th, If lagna lord in 8th aspected by malefic planet. If the Lagna Lord is weak and malefic planets in 6th, 8th, 12th If 8th lord in kendra aspected by a malefic planet. If Lagna Lord is posited in 6th, 8th, 12th, and not aspected by a benefic planet, and conjoined or aspected by a malefic planet. If Lagna Lord is conjoined by a malefic and malefic planets are posited in kendra not aspected by a benefic planet, If malefic planets are posited in 2nd and 12th, not aspected by benefic planet, If Lagna Lord and 8th lord are combust, debilitated, posited in enemy’s sign, and posited in 6th, 8th or 12th house. If 8th lord or Saturn is combust, debilitated, or posited in enemy’s sign,

Madhyayu – Medium Span Of Life (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Lagna lord in immovable sign and 8th lord in fixed sign. The malefic planets in 2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, and 11th The malefic and benefic planets occupy kendra and trikona Jupiter as lagna lord becomes weak and malefic planets in kendra and trikona. The benefic planets in kendra and trine and Strong Saturn in 6th and malefic planets in 6th and 8th Hora lagna in fixed sign.

Poornayu – Full Span Of Life (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

If Lagna Lord and 8th lord in movable sign, Hora Lagna in dual sign 10th Lord in 5th and 8th lord in exaltation and benefic planets in Kendra. The benefic planets in Kendra and malefic planets in 3rd, 6th and 11th. The benefic planets in 6th, 7th, and 8th and malefic planets in 3rd, 6th, and 11th. 8th Lord in lagna and aspected by Jupiter or Venus. The Lagna Lord, 8th Lord and 10th Lord in Kendra or trikona or 11th. The Lagna Lord or 8th in 8th or 11th. The Lagna Lord or 10th Lord in kendra, 913


The lagna lord, 6th lord and 12th lord in own houses.

According to Sage Parashara, the movable signs give Poornayu, fixed sign gives Alpayu, and Dwisvabhava sign gives Madhyayu. He has made three groups to judge the longevity of a native, (1) Lagna lord and 8th lord, (2) Moon and Saturn, (3) Lagna and Hora lagna. If lagna lord and 8th lord are posited in movable sign or one in fixed sign and other in dual sign, one enjoys Poornayu. If both are posited in dual sign or one in movable and other in fixed sign, the native enjoys Madhyayu. If both are posited in fixed sign or one in movable sign and other in dual sign, the native enjoys Alpayu. If the entire three groups indicate Poornayu, the native lives for 120 years, if two members indicate Poornayu, the native lives for 108 years if only one indicates Poornayu, the naĂŻve enjoys 96 years of life. Similarly 80, 72, 64 respectively are the years for the Madhyayu Similarly 40, 36 and 32 respectively are the years for Alpayu The final decision of longevity is to be taken from Lagna and Hora lagna, if all the three group members give different results. Hora Lagna he calculation of Hora lagna in the text is not sound mathematically. The text says that if the birth lagna is odd sign, add the Ishta kala to the longitude of the Sun. If the birth sign is even, add the Istha kala to the longitude of the lagna, which looks unsound. More over the longitude of the lagna or Sun has not been taken in to account. It is clearly said that the Ishta kala is the time from sunrise to the birth time of the native. Therefore the longitude of the Sun should be taken into account. We should take the standard time deduct the local time of the sun rise. It will give the Istha kala in hours and minutes. The hours indicate sign and minutes divided by 2 indicates the longitude of the lagna. The Hora lagna will be the Longitude of Sun in sign and degree and minutes plus the sign and hours and minutes arrived at by Istha kala. Suppose we desire to the Hora lagna of Delhi at 4pm.. the sun rise is at 6hrs and 19 minutes. The 4pm means 16hrs.Now 16-00 minus 06-19= 9 hrs and 41 minutes. 9hrs are the sign and 41 divided by 2 i.e. 20-30 is the longitude of the sign i.e.9s-20 degree and 30 minutes is the longitude; add longitude of the Sun on that day. It will give the Hora lagna with longitude.


If Moon is posited in lagna or 7th from lagna then lagna and Moon gives the final indications. If Jupiter is posited in lagna or 7th in strength and conjoined or aspected by a benefic planet, then one section of life is increased i.e. Alpayu becomes Madhyayu, Madhyayu becomes Poornayu and Poornayu becomes Amitayu. If Saturn is one of the members of the group indicating span of life, one should deduct one section of the life. If Saturn is posited in his own sign or exalted, or yoga karaka, not conjoined or aspected by a malefic planet, one should not deduct the section of life. BPHS chapter 39 shloka 31—50 Sage Parashara has given other methods also, such as 8th lord and Saturn, 3rd lord and Mars etc. The above method is mainly applied. Sage Jaimini has taken the three groups as Parashara but with little difference A) Lagna lord and 8th lord, B) Moon and lagna, C) Lagna and Hora lagna, not Saturn. Moreover both have not taken into account the 10th house and 10th lord in its account, where as 10th house and 10th lord indicate karma of the native during present birth. The karma of the present birth can 914

reduce or increase the kakshya of the birth i.e. from Alpayu to Madhyayu, from Madhyayu to Poornayu or from Poornayu to Madhyayu.

Some rules of Jaimini

Alpayu: if four or more planets in from 9th to 12th houses, Madhyayu: If four or more planets in from 5th to 9th house Poornayu: if four or more planets in from lagna to 4th house.

Kalidas in Uttarkalamrita Alpayu: if malefic planets are posited in Kendra and trikona, 8th and 12th Madhyayu: if benefic planets are posited in 2nd, 3rd and 11th Poornayu: if benefic planets Jupiter, Venus, unafflicted Mercury and full Moon and trine lords are posited in kendra or trine.

Ramadayalu in Sanket Nidhi According to him if the planets are posited in last portion of the sign it contributes little toward its longevity. If planet posited in own sign or exaltation or friend’s sign contribute long life.

Some Observations Long life is indicated (1) If benefic planets are posited in benefic houses, Kendra or Kona with strength. The malefic planets in Upachaya houses. (2) No malefic planet should be connected with 8th or 8th lord except Saturn. (3) If 8th lord, 3rd lord and 10th lord are strong and posited in kendra. (4) If Lagna Lord and 8th lord are posited in movable sign with benefic aspect.

Madhyamayu is indicated (1) (2)

If benefic and malefic planets are posited in kendra and kona. If lagna lord is weak and 8th lord is strong without benefic aspect, and 8th house has no malefic planet but has benefic aspect.

Alpayu is indicated (1) (2) (3)

If malefic planets are in kendra, kona and benefic houses. Weak lagna lord and 8th lord or both posited in fixed sign. If Saturn is weak and not aspected by a benefic planet.

Source Of Death 8th house from lagna or Moon which ever is strong indicates death and source of death. When there are many planets in 8th, death will be due to disease of various kinds pertaining to these planets. One’s death should be expected to happen caused by humour to the sign of the 8th house or to the Navamsha sign occupied by the 8th lord. • Sun indicates death due to fire. • Moon-water, • Mars-weapon, • Mercury-by fall, • Jupiter-by fever, • Venus-by indigestion, • Saturn-by hunger


• Sign or Navamsha belong to Aries be unoccupied: fever, poison, disorder of stomach and biliousness. If Aries is occupied or aspected by a planet, death will be caused by disorder belonging to that planet. (It should be considered in each sign.) • Taurus: death is caused by vitiation of three humours of the body, by weapon, or fire. • Gemini: due to cough, asthma, excessive heat, colic and the like. • Cancer: due to rheumatism, insanity, or diarrhoea • Leo: due to boil, poison, weapon, or fever. • Virgo: due to disorder of stomach, quarrel, a fall from a piece, • Libra: due to own faults, fever, • Scorpio: due to jaundice, enlarge spleen, • Sagittarius: due to fall from a tree, wood, weapon, water. • Capricorn: due to derangement of mind, plough, colic, • Aquarius: animal, weapon, poison of serpent, cough, consumption, un-natural death. • Pisces: serpent bite, while on journey, through storm, or machine.

Place of death The rising Navamsha of the chart indicates place of death. • Aries-forest or where sheep and goat are abound, cow shed • Taurus-forest where animal graze • Gemini-residence • Cancer-water resort • Leo-forest, distance place • Virgo-if forest, distance place • Libra- market place • Scorpio-uneven place in the ground • Sagittarius-cowshed • Capricorn-water resorts, near river, in well etc. • Aquarius-residence • Pisces-water resort These are the general indications from classical books particularly from Hora Sara. Let us apply the above principles on some charts.

Case 1 Dr. B.V.Raman DOB Aug 08, 1912, TOB 19:43 hrs, Bangalore. Dr. B.V.Raman – the father of modern Astrology, his life was not an easy task. He died on Dec 20, 1998 after 86 years of span of life.


The lagna lord Saturn is posited in fixed sign Taurus a friends sign in Kendra and aspected by Jupiter who is in a kendra. The 8th lord Mercury is posited in fixed sign with malefic planet. 8th house is occupied by Ketu a malefic planet. If we go by the method of Alpayu, Madhyayu and Poornayu, we can say that the native will live for Alpayu. But as the lagna lord, 8th lords 3rd lord and 10th house and 10th lord are posited in kendra, lagna lord is aspected by Jupiter and lagna lord aspects its own lagna, so the native lived a long life. Moreover lagna lord and 8th lord are posited in movable sign in navamsha is giving Poornayu. The benefic planet Venus exalted in kendra. At least two lagna should be strong. The lagna is aspected by his own lord and Moon is posited in the sign of friend and dispositor Mars who is in Kendra in his friend’s sign.

Case 2nd The native was born on Sep 26, 1913, at 21:00, at Tenali Andhra Pradesh. He is still alive 2009.


The lagna lord Venus is posited in Kendra and aspected by Jupiter from own sign, 8th lord Jupiter is posited in his own sign, 3rd lord Moon posited in own sign, 10th lord Saturn in lagna indicates long life. The native is plus 95 and all faculties are normal. Moon in his own sign, lagna lord in Kendra gives two strong lagnas.

Case 3 The native was born on 17-10-1977, 18:15 hrs Faridabad. He died on 17-07-1996 at the age of 19 years.

The lagna lord Mars is debilitated in Kendra, lagna is aspected by Sun in debilitation. Mars is 8th lord also and 8th house is aspected by Gulika. The 3rd lord Mercury is posited in 6thhouse with Rahu and 2nd lord Venus, a maraka. The 10th lord Saturn is posited in 5th house in the house of enemy and hemmed in between Mars and Rahu. The two lagnas, birth lagna lord Mars and Sun are debilitated. Moon is posited in the sign of Jupiter, but Jupiter in 3rd is detrimental to 9th. So all the three lagna are weak. He died at the age of 19 years.

Case 4 The native was born on 23-3-1951, at 19:00, Bulandshahar UP. He died on 10-1-1996 The native died at the age of 45, Madhyayu 918

"The Lagna is Virgo and lagna lord Mercury is posited in 7th and is debilitated, detrimental to lagna. 8th lord Mars is posited in 7th, aspecting the lagna and 10th, afflicting Moon and Sun. Retro Saturn is posited in lagna, aspecting 3rd, 7th and 10th. Saturn is 5th and 6th lord. 3rd lord Mars is again posited in 7th. 2nd lord Venus is in 8th. 7th lord Jupiter is posited in 7th aspecting lagna, 3rd house which gave him Madhyamayu. 10th lord Mercury is debilitated in 7th.It is the position of Jupiter which gave him Madhyamyu."

More cases of span of life can be given. It will only multiply the volume, but the result will be the same. The lagna and lagna lord, 8th house and 8th lord, 3rd house and 3rd lord, 10th house and 10th lord should be strong for Poornayu. If two or three are strong it will give Madhyamyu and if are weak and afflicted Alpayu is give as span of life. There are three lagnas (Asc) in a horoscope. All three lagnas should be strong for Poornayu (full span). The strength of two or one gives Madhyamyu (medium span). When all three lagna are weak it gives Alpayu (short span).


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