The Change | 1
There are hundreds of barriers to stop you to improve your life. It is true that you must go on in your life. But you might fail to fight all the hurdles and end up giving up. Although you certainly understand that giving up is never going to be a good solution for your problems, you may not be successful. Because you have failed to win your success. There are truly thousands of things to learn in life. Almost all of them help you to improve your life quality to the best. But you may be a confused which way to follow and which way to not to ultimately become successful in your life.
Index Content
Don’t talk just listen
Do the things you fear the most
Develope positive thinking
Single tasking
Eat breakfast everyday
Sleep 8 hours
Avodi snaking between meals
Eat 5 portions of fruits and vegetables everyday
Eat fish
Drink one glass of water when you wake up
Avodi soda
Take the stairs
Keep your body clean
4 | The Change
Index Content
Change your words and phrases
Count your blessings
Dust off your bucket list
Try something you think you are bad at
Forgive yourself for feeling bad
Declare your life’s purpose
Recognize change happens constantly
Take a nap
Take a stress break
Listen to classical music
Live your life as if you had to live each day 1,000 times
Say i love you to your family members
Have some family time
41 The Change | 5
Index Content Connect with nature
Page 42-43
Stop thinking you are not ready
Stop berating yourself for old mistakes
Stop being ungrateful
Stop holding grudges
Stop and overlook the beauty of small moments
Stop spending time with the wrong people
Believe in yourself
Stop running from your problems
Take a risk
Self confidence
Strenthen your strenghts
Stand on a chair for 5 minutes per day
6 | The Change
Index Content
Dance when there’s nobody around
Meditate everyday
The Change | 7
Don’t Talk Just Listen
Simply put, because most people are terrible at listening. People tend to spend more time evaluating what the speaker is saying or mentally composing their responses than they do actually listening.
The fact that so few people are good listeners means that people who do possess this rare skill set have some advantages. Here are six: 1) Respect
Enhance your listening skills by not
talking when
someone is speaking to you. Resist the urge to speak
your views when someone is talking to you, just listen to them and ask them more open ended
at the appropriate times. This has two benefits: a) You can really listen if you are not formulating the stories
in your own head when someone is talking b) you will make the other person feel great as you are actively listening to them.
8 | The Change
2) Airtime 3) Information 4) Increased Likability 5) Better Relationships 6) Greater Clarity
Do the Things You Fear the Most.
If there’s one thing that will change
your thoughts quicker than anything else, it’s facing your fears.
The Change | 9
I learned this when I quit smoking —
Focus on this habit first, and you’ll have
thoughts, I would end up failing. But when
ers. Start by becoming more aware of
when I allowed myself to think negative
I learned how to squash negative thoughts
and think positive ones instead, I succeeded. This discovery lead to me practicing
this over and over, until I was able to form just about any habit I needed. It’s been
invaluable to me, and I think it could be to most people.
10 | The Change
a much easier time with any of the oth-
your negative self-talk — do a little tally
sheet throughout the day, marking a tally each time you notice a negative thought.
Soon you’ll recognize them, and you can squash them.
The Change | 11
12 | The Change
Exercise People who’ve been hearing me harp on about exercise might roll their eyes. Sure, exercise is healthy and all that, but how exactly is it life changing? I’m glad you asked:
• It makes you feel better about yourself, and more confident. That leads to better success with other positive changes. • It reinforces the positive thinking habit — you need to think positive in order to sustain exercise. • It relieves stress and gives you time to think — this leads to better mental well-being in your life overall. • It helps with creativity. Don’t ask me to prove it, except to say that my best ideas and brainstorming sessions come from when I exercise.
The Change | 13
The opposite of multi-tasking — you’ve heard me harp on about this one as well. Why is it life-changing? A couple powerful reasons: • You’ll be more effective with your tasks and get more done. • It’s hard to achieve important things if you’re constantly switching tasks and distracted by other “urgent” things. • You’ll be less stressed overall and (in my experience)
happier throughout your day.
hy not multi-task?
• Multi-tasking is less efficient, due to the need to switch gears for each new task, and the switch back again. • Multi-tasking is more complicated, and thus more prone to stress and errors. • Multi-tasking can be crazy, and in this already chaotic world, we need to reign in the terror and find a little oasis of sanity and calm.
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ere are some tips on how NOT to multi-task:
1- First set up to-do lists for different contexts (i.e. calls, computer, errands, home, waiting-for, etc.) depending on your situation. 2- Have a capture tool (such as a notebook) for instant notes on what needs to be done.33- Have a physical and email inbox (as few inboxes as possible) so that all incoming stuff is gathered together in one place (one for paper stuff, one for digital). 4- Plan your day in blocks, with open blocks in between for urgent stuff that comes up. You might try one-hour blocks, or half-hour blocks, depending on what works for you. Or try this: 40 minute blocks, with 20 minutes in between them for miscellaneous tasks. 5- First thing in the morning, work on your Most Important Task. Don’t do anything else until this is done. Give yourself a short break, and then start on your next Most Important Task. If you can get 2-3 of these done in the morning, the rest of the day is gravy. 6- When you are working on a task in a time block, turn off all other distractions. Shut off email, and the Internet if possible. Shut off your cell phone. Try not to answer your phone if possible. Focus on that one task, and try to get it done without worrying about other stuff. 7- If you feel the urge to check your email or switch to another task, stop yourself. Breathe deeply. Re-focus yourself. Get back to the task at hand. 8- If other things come in while you’re working, put them in the inbox, or take a note of them in your capture system. Get back to the task at hand. 9- Every now and then, when you’ve completed the task at hand, process your notes and inbox, adding the tasks to your to-do lists and re-figuring your schedule if necessary. Process your email and other inboxes at regular and pre-determined intervals.
The Change | 15
Eat breakfast every day
Breakfast is the more important meal of the day, yet so many people skip it. Personally, I like to eat a couple of toasts in the morning along with a fruit beverage.
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Sleep 8 hours Sleep deprivation is never a good idea. You may think that you are gaining time by sleeping less, when in reality you are only gaining stress and tiredness. 8 hours are a good number of hours for most people, along with an optional 20 minutes nap after lunch.
The Change | 17
Avoid snaking between meals Snacking between meals is the best way to gain weight. If you are hungry, eat something concrete. Otherwise don’t.
Update: for clarification, I mean don’t eat junk food between meals, but eating real food it’s ok.
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Eat five portions of fruits and vegetables every day Our body and brain loves getting vegetables and fruit, so I highly recommend eating as much of them as possible. Five portions is the dose that’s usually recommended by many health associations.
The Change | 19
Eat fish Fish is rich of omega 3 and other healthy elements. At least one meal per week of fish should be enough for getting all these nutrients.
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Drink one glass of water when you wake up
When you wake up, your body is dehydrated and needs liquid. Make the habit of drinking one glass of water after you wake up in the morning. Also, drink more during the day.
The Change | 21
Soda is often one of the most unhealthy beverage you can find. Limit your consumption of soda as much as possible and you’re body will be grateful for that.
Avoid soda 22 | The Change
This is just a hack that forces you to do a minimum of exercise. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.
Take the stairs The Change | 23
Keep your body clean I don’t advise spending your day in front of the mirror, but a minimum of personal care does never hurt.
24 | The Change
Change your words and phrases One of the most effective ways to change your life is to change your attitude and mindset. And the best way to change your attitude and mindset is to remove certain words and phrases from your vocabulary and to replace them with others that are more positive. It might take some time to remove negative phrases and words because you’ve gotten so used to them. But once you start using new words and phrases that are more positive, you’ll be surprised at how almost instantly people around you react differently and how you look at the world around you in a fresh way.
The Change | 25
Count your blessings We all get caught up and forget to
- What you’re glad to have experienced –
reflect on how fortunate we are. So in
sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s a bad
the next 7 days take an hour and think
experience, but it’s shaped who you are.
For me, one thing I’m glad I experienced was poverty. - What you’re fortunate to have – family, food, shelter. - What you’re fortunate to not have – it could be sickness or debt.
26 | The Change
Dust off your bucket list Take out your list of things to do before you die and find something you can do in the next week. Or write something new down and do it.
The Change | 27
Try something you think you’re bad at Perhaps you think you’re horrible at singing, writing, basketball, or some other talent. But perhaps you’ve just never really given yourself the time to attempt and if you do, you might find a new talent for yourself.
28 | The Change
Forgive yourself for feeling bad Depending on your biology, your upbringing, and your circumstances, you may feel blue rarely, sometimes, or often. Accept it as normal
The Change | 29
Declare your life’s purpose What you’re on this Earth to do today is more important than what your purpose later in life is. Today is guaranteed, tomorrow isn’t. If you think your purpose it to share your art with the world, then start today! If you feel you’re supposed to be a social entrepreneur, then get going now! You may find something that’ll give your life meaning until the end. We wait for the perfect moment, but it doesn’t exist. Concentrate on your purpose for today, tomorrow, next month, and for the next few years at the most. Life is now, not tomorrow.
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The Change | 31
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Recognize change happens constantly Every single day your life changes no matter what. Even if you go through the same routine over and over again, no two days are ever the same. Recognize this and even the days of adversity and pain will become bearable because you know that “good new days� lie ahead.
The Change | 33
Take a nap You’d be surprised by how often you can make yourself feel better simply by taking a 10-minute catnap.
34 | The Change
Again, be cognizant of what forms of play reduce stress and which add to it. Golfing ismostly, from what I’ve seen, a stress producer. So are most competitive sports. Yes, they’re funif you have a competitive nature. But they don’t reduce stress.
The Change | 35
Take a stress break If you work as hard as I do, you will be forever on the verge of anervous breakdown unless you do something about it. One of the best things you can do isschedule at least two (and preferably three or four) stress breaks every working day. A stress break is not a stress break unless: •You get at least 10 feet away from your desk. •You are completely distracted by it. •It lasts at least five minutes. •It relaxes you. •It energizes you. If you have good control over your daily schedule, you can plan stress breaks between tasks.Ideally, you’ll want a five-minute break every 90 to 120 minutes. If your schedule is too freneticor unpredictable to do it that way, use an egg timer and simply break away from whatever youare doing when it rings.
36 | The Change
The Change | 37
Researchers have discovered many interesting things about theeffects of classical music – especially Mozart’s – on the brain. For example:
•In 1996, the College Entrance Exam Board Service conducted a study of all studentstaking their SATs. Students who sang or played a musical instrument scored an averageof 51 points higher on the verbal portion and 39 points higher on the math portion of thetest. •In a controlled University of California study, students who listened to 10 minutes of Mozart before taking SATs had higher scores than students who didn’t. •Major corporations like Shell, IBM, and Dupont, along with hundreds of schools anduniversities, have started using classical music to cut learning time in half and increasethe retention of newly learned material.
•And in a University of Washington study, people who listened to light classical music for 90 minutes while copyediting a manuscript caught 21% more mistakes. Even if you rarely listen to classical music, give it a try. “The Mozart Effect” will help you onsome level by having a positive, lifelong effect on your health, learning, and behavior.
Listen to classical music 38 | The Change
Live Your Life As If You Had to Live Each Day 1,000 Times How do you feel about the way you’ve lived your life so far? Do you like it? Really like it? Ask yourself: “If I had the choice of living my life over again – exactly as it has been, without exceptions or improvements – would I do it?”If you wouldn’t be willing to do it all again, you may be cheating yourself. Here’s how you can changethat: 1. Recognize that you can change yourself at any moment, just as your life can end at any moment. 2. Start living as though you knew you had to live each day over 1,000 times. If that were the case, what would you do differently? 3. Understand that no matter how many friends you have and no matter how many people love you, noone is going to change your life for you. Because so much of the joy we get from living has to do with the way we think about our lives, no one but you can be in charge of that.
The Change | 39
Say I Love You to your Family Members. Don’t just assume that your family mem-
bers know you love them. say these words to your family members at least once per day. If time is not taken to show and tell someone how much they mean to you, then there may be no hope of a lasting relationship.
40 | The Change
Have some Family Time Spending time as a family is a wise investment. It has many benifits such as: 1) Spending time in everyday family leisure activities is associated with greater emotional bonding within the family 2) Children in families that participate in religious activities together are more likely to report seeing expressions of love and affection between their parents.
3) Parents of families in which both the parents and children attend religious services are more likely to know their children’s social networks. 4) Children’s academic success is associated with having mothers who frequently communicated with them.
5) Children whose fathers spend time with them doing activities tend to have better academic performance. 6) Adolescents whose parents are involved in their lives tend to exhibit fewer behavioral problems.
The Change | 41
42 | The Change
Connect with Nature:
oday, children’s lives seem to be structured much differently, a world structured much differently, a world where where the phrase “Go play outside” the phrase “Go play outside” has been has been replaced by television programs, replaced television computer computerby time, and Wiiprograms, Fit. time, and Wii Fit. Also, spending time outdoors in nature is Also, time of outdoors in nature is great spending for our sense wellbeing
There are some benifits for spending time in nature: 1) Outdoor environments are important to children’s development of independence and autonomy
4) Nature buffers the impact of life’s stresses on children and helps them deal with adversity.
2) Children who play in nature have more positive feelings about each other
5) When children play in natural environments, their play is more diverse with imaginative and creative play that fosters language and collaborative skills
3) Nature helps children develop powers of observation and creativity and instills a sense of peace and being at one with the world
The Change | 43
STOP thinking
you’re not ready.
That other job opportunity you’ve been eying, that vacation you’ve been dying to take –
you’re ready for it! Stop doubting yourself and do it! Who knows what will happen
tomorrow, live for today! Don’t let insecurities stop you from reaching your goals.
44 | The Change
STOP berating
yourself for old mistakes.
Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes, have struggles, and regret past decisions. But we are not our mistakes! Don’t dwell on the past focus on the present and look forward to the future. Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.
The Change | 45
STOP Being Ungrateful
No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life.
Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for his or hers. Don’t think about
what you are missing, think about all that you have!
46 | The Change
STOP holding grudges
Have you ever heard of holding a grudge as
3) Less anxiety, stress and hostility
an effective means for conflict resolution?
4) Lower blood pressure
I think not. Let go and forgive. Forgiveness
5) Fewer symptoms of
is not just for other people; it’s for you too.
When someone you care about hurts you,
6) Lower risk of alcohol and substance abuse
you can hold on to anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge — or embrace forgiveness and move forward. Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for compassion, kindness and peace. Forgiveness can lead to: 1) Healthier relationships 2) Greater spiritual and psychological well-being
The Change | 47
STOP and overlook the beauty of small moments
things, because one day
big things. The best portion of your life will
a joke among friends, or a
the big things.
smiling with someone who matters to you.
Oftentimes, these little
nameless moments
moments we
ters to you.
ake the time to enjoy the little
things in life- a sunset,
you may look back and discover they were
compliment from a stranger.
The best portion of your life will be the small,
things turn into the big moments in life,
you spend smiling with someone who mat-
remember. Enjoy the little
Enjoy the little things, because one day you
48 | The Change
may look back and discover they were the
be the small, nameless moments you spend
The Change | 49
Stop spending time with the wrong people Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot. Never, ever insist yourself to someone who continuously overlooks your worth. And remember, it’s not the people that stand by your side when you’re at your best, but the ones who stand beside you when you’re at your worst that are your true friends.
50 | The Change
Believe in yourself Do not always depend on others to take an important decision about your life. Believe that you can also take a right decision. Otherwise, this mentality would make you weak day by day.
The Change | 51
Face them head on. No, it won’t be easy.
It seems so easy to abandon our problems.
There is no person in the world capable of
To just dump them in the trash bin of life that
flawlessly handling every punch thrown at
will never , ever resurface, like some eternal
them. We aren’t supposed to be able to
abyss of forgotten problems. Unfortunately,
instantly solve
my friend, this is not how life works.
problems. That’s not how we’re made. In
At some point or another, it seems that
fact, we’re made to get upset, sad, hurt,
Stop running from
stumble and fall. Because that’s the whole purpose of living – to face problems, learn, adapt, and solve them over the course of time. This is what ultimately molds us into the person we become. Success in life isn’t about having no problems. It’s about how we are equipped to resolve our problems.
52 | The Change
the problems we avoided to resolve in the
that it’s going to take a long time, it’s going
past come back to haunt us in the present.
to challenge us, it’s going to make our lives
It’s this karmic response to this fear we’ve
miserable – even if only for a short time –
got hidden inside of us, telling us “DON’T
and we’re scared that it means we have to
face some devil (inside or out).At some point
But no, we run from our problems because
or another, it seems that the problems we
we’re scared. We’re scared that it’s going to
avoided to resolve in the past come back to
haunt us in the
The Change | 53
Satisfaction You are truly successful when you are fully satisfied with whatever you have in your life.
Sometimes when life doesn’t go the way you want it to or you have other problems, it gets pretty hard to be appreciative and be satisfied with your life. Not hundreds,
or thousands, but millions of people deal with financial, emotional and physical problems, on a daily basis. After being grinded like a rock day-by-day, to go above all that and
still be satisfied and happy with whom you are and what you have is a very tough thing indeed.
54 | The Change
Take a risk Life would be boring without ever having taken a risk in your life. Do something that you didn’t want to do because you thought you wouldn’t be any good at it. This totally smashes the boundaries of your comfort zone and your life could
change forever. According to Wilke, risk-taking can lead to extraordinary success or extraordinary failure, and is thus an important aspect of the human
condition, but for a long time, scientists struggled to define the behavior. “Risk is
very widely different in terms of what kinds of risks people are willing to take and the subjective reasons for why they take risks,” he told Life’s Little Mysteries.
The Change | 55
Self Confidence Have confidence in yourself. Be confident
10 strategies you can get the mental edge
Self-confidence is extremely important in
as well. Self confidence is the difference
1) Dress Sharp
people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a
in your abilities and your internal qualities between feeling unstoppable and feeling
scared out of your wits. Your perception of yourself has an enormous impact on how
others perceive you. Perception is reality —
the more self confidence you have, the more likely it is you’ll succeed.
Although many of the factors affecting self confidence are beyond your control, there
are a number of things you can consciously do to build self confidence. By using these
56 | The Change
you need to reach your potential. 2) Walk Faster
3) Good Posture
4) Personal Commercial 5) Gratitude
6) Compliment Other People 7) Sit in the front row 8) Speak up 9) Work out
10) Focus on contribution
almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many vicious circle: People who lack
self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.
After all, most people are reluctant to back a
project that’s being pitched by someone who
was nervous, fumbling and overly apologetic.
The Change | 57
Strengthen your STRENGTHS Sometimes we focus too much on trying to strengthen our weaknesses when we should be concentrating on strengthening our strengths. Like all rabbits, it could hop very well but could not swim. At the end
of the year, the rabbit got high marks in hopping but failed in swim-
ming. The parents were concerned. They said, “Forget about hopping. You are anyway good at it. Concentrate on swimming.” They sent the rabbit for tuitions in swimming. And guess what happened? The rabbit forgot how to hop! As for swimming, have you ever seen a rabbit swim?
This story sums up the thrust of our focus not only in preparing for
MBA entrance exams, or while writing the exams, but also at every step in our lives. Because as Mr. Premji says, “While it is important
for us to know what we are not good at, we must also cherish what is
good in us. That is because it is only our strengths that can give us the energy to correct our weaknesses.”
58 | The Change
Stand on a Chair for 5 Minutes Per Day Building self-discipline is a great way to take control of your mind and your thoughts. If you just get up and stand on a sturdy chair your mind will be wondering what the hells going on and try and force you to get off the chair. Disciplining your mind is a great way to start changing your life. Self-discipline can be
considered a type of selective training, creating new habits of thought, action, and speech toward improving yourself and reaching goals. Self-discipline can also be task oriented and selective. View self-discipline as positive effort, rather than one of denial. involves acting accord-
ing to what you think instead of how you feel in the moment. Often it involves sacrificing the pleasure and thrill of the moment for what matters most in life.
The Change | 59
Dance when there is Nobody around It’s a strange sensation to dance on your own, although when you do this Iyou will look like a dog having a seizure, nonetheless it’s a great way to let go of your inhibitions. Dancing is one of the ways which can really brighten people’s monotonous lives. It can really benefit people in their health, emotional and mental levels. When someone chooses to start a form of exercising they rarely consider the fun level it includes. But one thing that is important to consider is if you will enjoy doing something then the result of that thing will be far better and effective. Dancing is enjoyed by everyone. Notice a person while he/she is dancing. He/she has a big smile on his/her face. Smiling and laughing while dancing is absolutely natural. This is because it allows you to enjoy. There is no age barrier in dancing unlike other forms of exercising. A person of any age can dance and enjoy its benefits on health. Benefits of Dance on Health 1. It gives strength to the lung and the heart. 2. It strengthens the body muscles. 3. It minimizes the chances of the disease osteoporoses as it makes the bones stronger. 4. It increases the flexibility, agility and the coordination in the body. 5. It increases the awareness of spatial. 6. It enhances physical confidence. 60 | The Change
7. It enhances the functionality of mind and the nervous system. 8. It enhances the expenditure of energy and its flow in the body. 9. It can help you loose weight. 10. It enhances the overall well being. 11. It increases the levels of self-esteem and confidence. 12. It improves your social outlook.
Meditate Every Day Another powerful thing that has the power to
and eventually quiet your mind, thus freeing
Retreating into your mind for a few minutes
find that you can meditate anywhere and at
change your life and your thinking for good.
your awareness. As you progress, you will
every day will do you a power of good. Medita- any time, accessing an inner calm no matter tion is a mental discipline by which one at-
what’s going on around you. You will also find
ing” mind into a deeper state of relaxation or
things as you become increasingly aware of
tempts to get beyond the conditioned, “thinkawareness. To free one’s awareness from as-
sociating solely with the mind and its thoughts. There are many different meditation methods. At the core of meditation is the goal to focus
that you can better control your reactions to your thoughts (letting go of anger, for
example). But first, you have to learn to tame
your mind and control your breathing.
Steps for meditating:
1) Make time to meditate
2) Find or create a quiet relaxing environment 3) Sit on level ground
4) Relax everything, and keep searching for things that aren’t relaxed
5) Let your attention rest on the flow of your breath
6) silence your mind
The Change | 61
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