5th grade enrichment action labs fall 2014

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lwide o o h c S SAR’s ogram r P t n e Enrichm

Fifth Grade Enrichment Action Labs

Catalog Offerings Fall 2014


SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Table of Contents Welcome To Our 5th Grade Enrichment Action Lab Program . . . . . . 3 Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . 5


SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program “Don’t be afraid to fall in love with something and pursue it with intensity.” ~E. Paul Torrance

ENRICHMENT PROGRAMMING COMES TO 5th GRADE! Dear Parents, Building on our students’ experiences in Enrichment Clusters in grades 1-4, our 5th grade Enrichment Action Labs incorporate the concepts of our Enrichment Programming along with 5th graders’ need for physical outlets as they navigate a longer school day. You will see in the following pages the options your child had in choosing an Enrichment Action Lab for the Fall semester, which will be followed, later in the year, by a Spring semester. You will see that each offering, even when it is music, tech, or art-based and regardless of which Multiple Intelligence is targeted, has a physical component. You will also see that in addition to Action Labs being oriented toward physical activity they also inculcate values of good sportsmanship, character development, and leadership. We are applying the basic tenets of Enrichment Pedagogy and its rigorous exploration of a topic to this program. It will allow children to choose among a diverse array of offerings to develop interests, 3

SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program strengths, and passions. It will provide the opportunity to acquire advanced vocabulary and use of authentic methodology in the field they are pursuing. It will give our students a chance to apply the mastery and leadership skills and values developed to create a product and service that is presented to an authentic audience, as our fifth graders’ will prepare for and create a Special Olympics for a special needs school toward the end of our school year. This program will develop physical abilities as well as strengthen aspects of character and leadership skills, giving our students the “strength” and confidence to give to others, particularly as they enter the Bar/Bat Mitzvah cycle. Please feel free to be in touch with Sharon Marson at marsos@saracademy.org or at 718-5481717 x1212 or Reva Tokayer at tokayr@saracademy.org with any questions. Enjoy our new program! Rabbi Binyamin Krauss, Principal Sharon Marson, Schoolwide Enrichment Coordinator Reva Tokayer, 5th grade Guidance Counselor


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . .

Welcome to our 5th Grade Enrichment Action Lab Program! Enjoy viewing the offerings your child chose among for their 5th Grade Enrichment Action Lab.

1. JuggleFit Team JuggleFit? Juggling fun! Have an awesome time mastering juggling skills while also exercising, problem-solving, building confidence, improving focus, stimulating creativity, and improving eyehand coordination and motor skills. Juggling is a cardiovascular activity that also improves coordination, balance, and reaction time. It engages the body in new movement patterns and is excellent for developing ambidexterity. JuggleFit encourages proper form in juggling, which recruits the core muscles and lower body. Begin juggling with scarves and balls. As you progress, practice juggling tricks and patterns and discover how to juggle with additional props such as rings and pins. Smile. Laugh. Juggle. Facilitator: JuggleFit Founder Heather Wolf Leadership Skills & Character Development: Problem-solving, confidence, determination, excellence, courtesy 5

Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 2. Outdoor Adventure Society: The Natural Classroom Join an Urban Park Ranger to hike to and explore Riverdale Park, a home for wildlife that is right in SAR Academy’s backyard. In this teaching-trails adventure, experience the natural environment and different ecosystems. Consider who made that track, which tree makes the best animal home, and what naturally growing plants are safe to eat. Use hands-on experimentation to gather data, identify plants, map various terrain, and analyze and record the findings in a personal field journal. Do all this as you hike to the park and become familiar with the woodlands adjacent to our school. Become immersed in the living laboratory of the natural world and this exciting adventure! Please wear sneakers and leggings under skirts for girls.

Facilitator: Urban Park Rangers Leadership Skills & Character Development: Confidence, teamwork, citizenship, respect, responsibility


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 3. STOMP Percussion Studio Brooms, garbage cans, feet stomping, hands clapping, the sound of a spoon clinking against a glass of water, jembes (African drums), mallet percussions, congas and more-your imagination is the only limit! This is a totally hands-on exploration of everything rhythm. Come fill the room with the energizing beats of percussion instruments and STOMP. Think creatively and use your body, a variety of everyday objects, and percussion instruments in invigorating, innovative ways to make lively music that is rhythmic theater. Maybe even create an original recorded piece of music. Have fun being a solo artist while also being an important member of the STOMP Percussion Studio Team!

Facilitator: David Glazer Leadership Skills & Character Development: Commitment, excellence, patience, problemsolving, confidence, teamwork, persistence, courtesy


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . .

4. Geocaching Group What do you get when you embark on a high tech hunt for hidden “treasure” with the help of GPS and your mapping and geography skills? Geocaching! Usually off the beaten path and always a surprise, geocaching is a fun way to explore navigation and overland travel. Geocaches (metal boxes with small treasures inside) will be hidden both inside and outside and you will be the navigating detectives. First find the geocache’s location with approximate coordinates online. Then, let the treasure hunt begin! Grab an iPad or iphone with a geocaching app and with your Enrichment Action Lab-Mates get searching! Our Technology Integrator/iPad 1 to 1 Coordinator will facilitate the adventure.

Facilitator: Rivka Heisler Leadership Skills & Character Development: Commitment, excellence, problem-solving, confidence, determination, teamwork, persistence, responsibility


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 5. Landscape Design Team: Growing Gorgeous Gardens with Wave Hill Do you love flowers? Would you enjoy making a part of SAR’s landscape colorfully bloom? Handson gardening with Wave Hill is the perfect way to get outside and make it happen! You will plant, tend, and explore the basics of gardening and garden design to create a gorgeous garden. Discover which flowers bloom when, what varieties there are of particular flowers, and what possible color scheme you can create. Analyze the soil on our school grounds and determine which plants and flowers will thrive best at SAR. Plant flower bulbs outdoors and force bulbs indoors and enjoy the results of your work! Explore landscape design and using a variety of art materials, design on paper a beautiful garden. Then select elements of your artistically rendered drawing of a garden to replicate outdoors. Come have fun making SAR bloom and have pride in making the Academy even more beautiful!

Facilitator: Wave Hill Educator, Corrine Flax Leadership Skills & Character Development: Commitment, patience, compassion, determination, teamwork, citizenship, responsibility 9

Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 6. First Tee Masters Tournament It’s a hole in one! Putting, chipping, full swing, club selection. Explore the game of golf, develop your skill and all its great values while having fun! Grow in your confidence at ball striking and target assessment. Learn how to make contact with the ball, follow through , and increase the distance your ball travels. Discover the rules of the game and best technique and form for golf. Working on golf skills can help us manage challenges and pressure and develop patience and concentration. Build character through the game of golf. First, practice golf skills at SAR and then take a trip to the Moshulu Golf Course to play on an actual golf course.

Facilitator: USGTF Professional Instructor, Tony DeSimone Leadership Skills & Character Development: Patience, problem-solving, persistence, integrity, courtesy, good sportsmanship


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 7. Woodwork Construction Company Do you like to build? Are tools interesting to you? Would you like to construct something useful that’s also sturdy and strong? This Action Lab will begin by exploring a humble, yet versatile element of construction: a bench. With just basic pieces of wood, you will discover the elements of designing, choosing materials, and the building of a basic seating space. We will consider engineering principles in order to build it to best hold people. Since we will be donating the bench to the Bronx Community Council for their new building, we will also think about the needs of an older population. Should the seat be higher, lower, have cushions? How about the back? Should it have arms or be armless? You will have an opportunity to work at a production station with a team and use a range of safe, kid-friendly tools to measure, cut, sand, glue, drill, and nail. Come construct!

Facilitator: Mr. Dovid Nulman Leadership Skills & Character Development: Commitment, excellence, problem-solving, teamwork, persistence, citizenship, responsibility


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 8. Found Art Walking Project Memorialize your walks in the historic district of Riverdale surrounding SAR Academy with interesting things you find along the way. Look with an artist’s eye on your walking tour exploration of the neighborhood, searching for intriguing found objects that can be used in unusual, artistic ways. Then back at school, with Israeli and Canadian artist, Morah Adiella, consider the works of collage and multi-media artists: Man Ray, Andy Goldsworthy, Joseph Cornell, Henri Matisse, and Romare Bearden, for inspiration. With your personal collection of your own found art, assemble unique, multi-media “walking art” collages that include your discovered treasures as well as paint, watercolor, colored tissue paper, and more!

Facilitator: Adiella Shem Tov Leadership Skills & Character Develpment: Commitment, excellence, patience, problemsolving, confidence, compassion


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 9. Just Clowning Around Troupe Come one , come all! Are you a kid who enjoys theater? How about costuming? Then become a mitzvah clown and use creative costumes, clown make-up, and lively and entertaining circus skills to develop an original clown identity all your own. We’ll have fun using improvisation, pantomime, and physical theater creating our clown characters. If you are interested in making people smile and in bringing them happiness through clowning, then this Action Lab is for you! We will discover the best ways approach people we are going to cheer up, and how best to speak and interact with them when we visit local facilities or organizations, perhaps a nursing home or a school for special needs children. Let’s give back to our community in this fun and meaningful way by providing people with positive experiences and lifting their spirits!

Facilitator: Kathy Kafer Leadership Skills & Character Development: Excellence, patience, problem-solving, confidence, compassion, determination, teamwork, persistence, courtesy


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 10. Yo Yoga Bootcamp Exercise, relax, get stronger, and have fun all rolled into one? Yo Yoga Institute! Playfully explore yoga in this gentle approach to the practice Explore traditional and fundamental yoga poses and experience the idea of mindfully moving your body and connecting your breathe to your movements. Yoga develops both strength and flexibility through poses and postures. Also learn to relax and let go by experiencing the power and concentration found in yoga. Activities will include yoga poses, yoga games, breathing exercises, mindfulness, and meditation. Improve focus, concentration, balance, and flexibility. Learn to relax, let go, and calm your mind in experiencing the power and concentration found in yoga.

Facilitator: Patrick Hogan Leadership Skills & Character Development: Resilience. commitment, excellence, patience, compassion, determination, persistence, integrity


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 11. Saddle Up Society Foal, yearling, colt, filly, stallion, mare. chestnut, palomino, pinto. What is the difference between trotting and galloping? How is an Appaloosa like an Arabian or a Thoroughbred? This Action Lab is all about horses! With the Bronx Equestrian Center visiting SAR, you will spend half the sessions learning about horses and half the time with a horse. In this overall presentation and experience of horsemanship and equestrian studies you will explore horse safety (for both the horse and the rider), grooming, riding and tac, saddles and bridles, halter and cross ties, the ferrierhorseshoes, general farm and animal education, how to care for a horse, handling a horse, mounting a horse, and riding skills. Discover the history of the relationship between horses and human beings.

Facilitator: Michael Moynihan, Horse Instructor and Barn Manager, Bronx Equestrian Center Leadership Skills & Character Development: Commitment, excellence, patience, confidence, compassion, teamwork, integrity, citizenship,


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 12. Ceramics-In-Movement Institute This is a hands-on exploration working with clay. Let’s consider Hashem’s beautiful world and the movement we notice in it when we observe nature on local hikes and apply what we see to our ceramic creations. We will use digital cameras to capture the wind in the trees, ripples in the Hudson River, twirling of leaves, and the drifting of clouds. We’ll then download and print our images to use as inspiration to reflect the motion we photographed in our clay pieces. We’ll consider how ceramic art through the ages did just that. Did you know that from ancient Greek vases to Japanese porcelain work to modern day non-representational ceramics, artists captured movement in their artwork? Come enjoy hiking, photographing, creating, and building unique ceramic pieces in Ceramics institute!

Facilitators: Chani Jaskoll & Renata Cohen Leadership Skills & Character Development: Excellence, patience, problem-solving, determination, confidence, persistence


Enrichment Action Lab Offerings . . . 13. Track and Field Sports Institute Calling young athletes! Track and field is more than just running. It’s a sport that combines various athletic challenges based on running, jumping, and throwing. Come develop your technique while keeping a major focus on fun! The activities will inspire a love for running, jumping, throwing and being active, and promote a healthy lifestyle. With running, consider proper form, stride, stretching, running etiquette, hydration, and cool-down techniques. It also includes sprints, short, middle, and long distance events as well as hurdling. In the jumping segment are long jump, triple jump, and high jump. Throwing events will include shot, put, and discus. Discover the inspirational stories of track and field stars. Maybe even decide with this Action Lab to challenge yourself to raise money for a cause. Bring your running shoes!

Facilitators: Jenny Horowitz and Shoshana Cohen Leadership Skills & Character Development: Excellence, courtesy, teamwork, respect, persistence, confidence, problem-solving,


SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program

“Every child should have the chance to be exceptional without exception.” ~Dr. Joseph Renzulli


lwide o o h c S SAR’s ogram r P t n e Enrichm

SAR Academy 655 West 254th Street Riverdale, N.Y. 10471 Phone: 718-548-1717 Fax: 718-601-0082 19

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