olwide o h c S s ’ SAR rogram P t n e m Enrich
3rd Grade Enrichment Clusters Winter 2016
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Table of Contents Welcome To Our Enrichment Program
How Can I Help My Child Choose?
Multiple Intelligences
Enrichment Cluster Offerings
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program “Every child should have the chance to be exceptional without exception.” ~Dr. Joseph Renzulli Dear Parents, We are excited to send along our Winter Enrichment Cluster Brochure for you and your child to together consider their talents and interests. Our Enrichment Cluster Program aligns with Multiple Intelligence Theory, and our many varied enrichment learning offerings address the diverse abilities and strengths children possess. Our ultimate goal is to help children develop their interests and talents and understand how they can share their gifts with the world. The program will run for nine weeks beginning on January 13th. Please feel free to be in touch with Sharon Marson at marsos@saracademy.org or at 718-5481717 x1212 if you would like to be involved in this program or if you have any questions. Please fill out the Student Selection Form to indicate his or her 3 choices among the offerings by Monday, December 14th. . Enjoy! Rabbi Binyamin Krauss Principal Sharon Marson Director of Arts & Enrichment
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program How Can I Help My Child Choose? To help your child explore his or her interests and strengths, you may want to consider the accompanying list of Multiple Intelligences. Along with each multiple intelligence description is a numeric list of the Enrichment Clusters in which that intelligence is engaged. There is also a Venn Diagram on the next page to guide your child in making selections among the offerings. We are also asking that each child select 3 enrichment learning opportunities in which he or she is interested.
Please fill out the online Student Selection Form for your child in grades 3, by Monday, December 14th, after which date some Enrichment Clusters will become filled.
Every student is guaranteed a place in one of his or her three selections. If only one selection is made, we cannot guarantee placement in that Enrichment Cluster.
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Use this Venn Diagram as a tool to consider your child’s talents (strengths) and interests:
What did you discover? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program
Multiple Intelligences Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) Using language, spoken or written, to make connections and derive meaning. You may like to read, play word games, tell stories, discuss ideas, or learn foreign languages.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Logic Smart) Using numbers and reasoning to make sense of information. You may like to play chess, decipher strategy games, brainteasers, or logic puzzles.
Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart) Using mental pictures to learn and remember information. You may like puzzles, mazes, creating art, or building models.
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart) Using movement to express thoughts and ideas. You may like physical activity, sports, dance, roleplaying, acting, or hands-on activities including building things.
Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart) Understanding and caring about relationships and people and their moods and feelings. You may like group games, working cooperatively in a group, or have the ability to motivate people and communicate well with them.
Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart) Using thought and reflection to understand information. You may like to be alone, are self-motivated, enjoy your independence, and know yourself very well.
Naturalist Intelligence (Nature/Science Smart) Understanding natural patterns and cycles to explain how things work in nature and science. You may like to learn about nature, enjoy being
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Musical Intelligence (Music Smart) Using rhythm, musical patterns, tones, sounds, or melody to understand information. You may like to sing, play an instrument, compose songs, remember songs, or are sensitive to noises or sounds, and typically have strong language skills.
Existential Intelligence (Religious Smart) Some proponents of multiple intelligence theory proposed spiritual or religious intelligence as a possible additional type. It certainly reflects our learning community and environment. You may like to learn Torah, think about G-d, pursue dedication to mitzvot, consider the workings of the universe, and make connections between Torah and life.
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . .
Welcome to our Enrichment Cluster Program! 1. CODEKIDS: Robotics and Video Game Programming Have you ever played a video game and wished you could build one yourself? Are you a Lego lover who would love to bring your creations to life? Discover how to write a program (a series of instructions) to make your computer or robot follow commands. (It’s so cool!) Learn to follow a Lego design blueprint to construct robots that use interlocking gears. Remember, your robot will not be able to do your homework for you! Facilitator: Rivka Heisler Rivka Heisler is the mother of 4 Lego crazy kids, who has built countless constructions with her children. As the Technology Integrator at SAR, she has taught herself several computing languages including LegoNxt, Scratch, and Enchanting. She was accepted as part of an educational cohort to spend a week at MIT to learn more about teaching Scratch to elementary school students. She wishes she could play video games as well as she can program them. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, LogicalMathematical, Spatial Driving Question: How can we write clear directions that computers can follow and follow directions to build a specified construction? 9
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 2. MAD HATTERS STUDIO Do you have an eye for style? Do you appreciate beauty in accessories and notice beautiful hats at SAR, in shul, in stores? Are you creative? Then you will enjoy ,“Mad Hatters Studio.” Explore the millinery world. Discover the parts of a hat, hat styles through the ages, and hats around the world. Measure your friends’ heads to get a sense of sizing. Start with a simple paper hat to get the idea of dimension. Consider color theory and accessorizing and be innovative as you use a wealth of materials in interesting and sometimes unusual ways to make what is plain, beautifully accessorized. Deepen your understanding of design when meeting a professional in the fashion industry. Then, create your own hats, one to keep and one to donate to a worthy organization. Facilitator: Shoshana Bender Morah Shoshana, third grade Judaic Studies teacher, has style! Having studied at F.I.T. she loves fashion and especially hats. She can’t wait to share her passion for designing hats with our students. Multiple Intelligences: Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Kinesthetic Driving Question: How can we as hat-makers create original works of art that someone in need will enjoy and benefit from? 10
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 3. INSTITUTE FOR SPORTS SCIENCE: Exploring Human Movement Who is your favorite athlete? What makes the top athlete so much better than others in their sport? Are you interested in the human body, its muscles and bones? Have you ever wondered which muscle groups to concentrate on for specific sports? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then sign up for “Sports Science: Exploring Human Movement.� Analyze outstanding plays by your favorite athletes, and show your friends how those best in the game make a difference. Facilitator: Ken Gleason Mr. Gleason has been around sports and athletes his whole life. He is a former Division I baseball player at Manhattan College and current basketball and baseball coach on the high school level. He looks forward to sharing his love of athletics with our students.
Multiple Intelligences: Naturalist, Kinesthetic
Driving Question: How can what we discover about athletes help us understand how to achieve greatness?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 4. i-BOOK PUBLISHING, INC.: Photographs & Memories* Tell your personal story in a creative way! Do you have photographs of a time or place or people that you cherish? Would you like to create a photo book of that favorite part of your life? Then you will enjoy using the on-line publishing program, My Publisher, to turn your favorite memories into a custom-made book! Explore various ways to arrange your photographs in a unique layout, design and embellish your backgrounds, and add some text. Come preserve and publish in the Photographs & Memories Enrichment Cluster! Facilitators: Beth Pepper & Alana Gelnick & Barbara Sopher Morah Beth, General Studies Principal, has a passion for stories and books that chronicle people’s lives and record personal as well as collective history. Morah Alana, ELC Principal looks to capture special moments throughout her life by designing photo books. Barbara Sopher taught 4th grade enrichment math and Ivrit at SAR. She currently works for Sopher Management, and is a Social Worker with an MBA from Columbia. Her true love is being with her family and SAR! Multiple Intelligences: Spatial, Linguistic Driving Question: How can pictures tell a story? *25-35 personal photographs related to a theme are required. Photos need to be brought in digitally on12 a USB flash drive.
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 5. ARTLAB: What If Picasso Had An iPad? With iPads we will paint, sketch, and print our artwork while delving into and exploring art apps including ArtRage. Did you know that with art apps you can use a virtual brush and enhance digital images. Imagine what van Gogh’s Starry Night might have looked like if he used apps to paint this masterpiece? Let’s explore the work of various artists and the techniques they used to imagine what the design and composition of their art might be if they were living in the 21st Century and had an iPad to create. Come create computer generated masterpieces of your very own. Perhaps you will choose to put them on gallery-display! Facilitator: Debby Schloss Debby Schloss, a veteran SAR faculty member will be combining her love of art and computers in “ARTLAB” When Debby isn’t at SAR Academy, she loves spending family time trekking around Manhattan or tiyuling around Israel. Multiple Intelligences: Spatial, Intrapersonal , Interpersonal Driving Question: How can we as digital artists transform the way we look at and create art in the 21st Century?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 6. CERAMICS INSTITUTE Did you know that one of the first human inventions were clay vessels? Do you know where clay comes from? Have you ever wondered how stone age men were able to carry food and liquids back to their caves? What is a vessel? Consider how Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Israelites lit their homes and temples? In this Cluster we will explore where clay is found and how it is made. Experience the full process of ceramic making starting with a slab to sculpting through glazing. This is a hands-on design experience creating different types of clay vessels that are both functional and decorative.
Faciliatator: Chani Jaskoll Chani, a professional artist and has been SAR’s art teacher for many years. She has studied ceramics and is currently working in a Ceramics Studio creating many different kinds of hand-built vessels.
Multiple Intelligences: Spatial, Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal
Driving Question: How can clay be used to create a vessel that holds liquids or solids? 14
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 7. BIRD’S EYE VIEW: Avian Adventures With Wave Hill Attention aspiring scientists or nature lovers – get ready to break out your binoculars! Discover how local birds survive the winter – and how you can help. You will visit Wave Hill, where you’ll investigate feathers, feet, and skulls to learn about birds’ adaptations. Go bird-watching on Wave Hill’s gorgeous grounds, and learn to identify the laughing call of the woodpecker and the black cap of the chickadee. After becoming avian experts, transform a corner of SAR into a bird haven and observation station. Use problem-solving skills to construct feeders from recycled materials and collect data to monitor your feeder’s success. Use math and science skills to interpret the data and submit your research online to eBird, a citizen science project from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Take flight as you support our feathered friends! Facilitator, Wave Hill Educator, Elizabeth Bradley Elizabeth Bradley is a School Programs Educator at Wave Hill. She is excited to share her lifelong love of bird-watching and Wave Hill’s, compelling, hand-on approach with the students of SAR. Multiple Intelligences: Naturalist, Spatial, Mathematical-Logical Driving Question: How can we as bird researchers design a plan to help local birds survive the 15 winter?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 8. DESIGN CHALLENGE: CONSTRUCT-AROOM What does it take? What materials work in building? How do you create strong support? How do you make a room fun, relaxing, exciting for a child, a dog, an athlete, a shoe shopper? What about a particular place makes you want to go back again and again? Let’s explore design, color theory, and marketing to understand what makes a space work for different people and different needs. Meet a designer and engineer to consider how decisions are made, from materials used to placement of items in a space. Visit some interesting spaces in our community to experience the impact of those choices in action. Build a room of your own to reflect your understanding of planning for a particular person or particular purpose. Let’s have fun and “Construct-A-Room!” Facilitator: Rena Karol Rena Karol has been an SAR parent for many years. In recent years she has spent a lot of time in the ELC as a substitute teacher. Rena is looking forward to sharing her interest in design, and exploring and experiencing it with the children in this Enrichment Cluster. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, LogicalMathematical, Spatial, Interpersonal. Driving Question: What is the influence of space on those who enter it?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 9. LEGO AND THE MISHKAN: Be A Lego Master Builder And Build It Like Betzalel Are you good with Lego and do you enjoy a creative challenge? Do you wonder what the Jews carried as they traveled through the desert and what it really looked like? Which colors were used in the curtains surrounding the golden aron? How high was the menorah? How tall were the walls? Become a detective and find the answers using an interactive computer app, through illustrations and computer-based diagrams, and in the Chumash. Then use 1,000s of pieces of Lego as an inspiration to construct a miniMishkan and all of what it held for public display. Facilitators: Sharon Sturm Morah Golda adores teaching Parashat HaShavua all year, but especially the 2nd half of Sefer Shmot when we learn about the Mishkan. She is an SAR mom who loves building interesting Lego structures at home with her kids. She is looking forward to sharing these passions with children. Multiple Intelligences: Spatial, Existential, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal Driving Question: How can Lego help us understand the construction of the Mishkan?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 10. Video Game Design Learn to design video games without having to code! We will learn about the elements of game design by actually making and playing a variety of games. We will start with the Gamestar Mechanic system and move to other methods, such as Pixel Press and Games Factory as time allows. Come to this Game Design Cluster to become a master at considering what makes a video game worth playing and then creating it! Facilitator: Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg Rabbi Rosenberg serves as Judeo Tech Integrator at SAR. Most recently he was a winner of the ATID Day School Innovation Challenge for creative classroom teaching and the First Prize Winner of the Jewish Education Project/Present Tense Hackathon. In his spare time he teaches Limudei Kodesh in 5th grade and is the Rav of Congregation Etz Chaim of Kew Garden Hills.
Multiple Intelligences: Logical-Mathematical, Linguistic, Interpersonal Driving Question: How can we design a video game that will enhance learning for children our age?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 11. FOUR STAR DINING FORUM* Yes, we’ll be sampling the food at area restaurants, but we’ll be doing much more than that! Be prepared to learn about nutrition, practice math facts, develop your descriptive vocabulary, and explore different parts of the world. Then we’ll be revving up our writing so that our reviews are as tasty and exciting as the food. Restaurant reviewers are well-respected professionals, who take pride in their work. Their reviews can help determine if a restaurant becomes popular or not, and the reviews themselves are sometimes the most widely read column in newspapers and magazines. Facilitator: Kathy Kafer While she has never been a professional restaurant reviewer, Mrs. Kafer has enjoyed dining & writing since she can remember. Before coming to SAR, Mrs. Kafer worked as a newspaper reporter, and she has also written plays and screenplays. She is looking forward to working together with SAR's new restaurant reviewers. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, LogicalMathematical, Intrapersonal, Naturalist Driving Question: In what ways can thinking analytically and creatively hone our “Restaurant Review” writing skills? *Please be careful in selecting this Enrichment Cluster for children with food allergies as the establishments visited may not be nut free, etc.
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 12. ELECTRICITY CITY: LIGHT IT UP! What is electricity? How does it work? How does electricity travel? Did you know that electricity is even involved when you turn on a faucet? Let’s use the principles of STEM: science, technology, engineering, and math to figure it out. We will blink and buzz our way to electricity and circuitry! Create your own circuit and investigate which materials conduct electricity. Discover which ones insulate to stop electrons in their tracks. Explore and practice electricity safety. Make discoveries about batteries and create batteries out of common household items including a lemon, potatoes, and water. Then demonstrate your knowledge and mastery in designing a light-up card that uses conductive properties you came to understand in this charged Enrichment Cluster. Facilitator: Renata Cohen Morah Renata is an artist, a curious math thinker, a scientist, and an innovator. She taught biology for many years and is now a science specialist at SAR Academy as well as leads the course “Math Artist” in our new “Voice and Choice” program. Multiple Intelligences: Naturalist, Kinesthetic, Logical-Mathematical, Spatial Driving Question: How can our understanding of electricity help us create electricity ourselves? 20
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 13. 3D SCULPTURE EXPLORERS In 3D Sculpture Explorers we will explore the art form sculpture using wire, found objects, recycled materials, and natural materials gathered on hikes outside working in 3D: length, height, and width. Size, texture, light, and color are also important design elements. Come explore interesting materials to create a 3D Artwork that pops! A sculpture may look exactly like a person or an object or may reflect ideas and memories in dimensional shapes. When setting out to create, it is up to each artist to sculpt what he or she finds meaningful. Facilitator: Adiella Shem Tov Morah Adiella created and facilitates Living Torah classes as well as large scale artworks at SAR. She has a BFA from Concordia University, where she majored in sculpture and minored in psychology. She’s passionate about Torah, art, and working with children, and she loves that she gets to combine all three passions at SAR. Multiple Intelligences: Spatial, Kinesthetic, Naturalist, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Existential Driving Question: How can multi-media be used to express ideas?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 14. BROADWAY AND BEYOND MUSICAL THEATER TROUPE Are you a kid who loves to perform? Do you like to sing or act? Do you know what type of training is needed for musical theater kids? Let’s discover musicals through the years and how people tell stories through song and dance. Using the song, “Do-Re-Mi” from The Sound of Music, students will learn to sing the basic musical scale on pitch. This musical theater piece will also be acted out. As the song develops harmony and counterpoint will become part of the learning process. The final goal is to perform this ensemble piece for an audience! Come to “Broadway & Beyond” to have fun on stage! Facilitator: Sigal Chen Sigal Chen studied voice at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance in Israel. She has performed in numerous concerts and productions of opera, Broadway shows, and Jewish music. She is enthusiastically looking forward to combining her love of music and young children in this vocal Enrichment Cluster. Multiple Intelligences: Musical, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal Driving Question: How is musical theater like a story? 22
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 15. BEAD IT, STITCH IT, DESIGN GUILD You will learn the beginning stitches and treasured craft of needlework and embellishing projects with colorful thread and creative appliqués. Join the wonderful world of learning to bead and embroider and create beautiful things including a headband for yourself with Ita Aber. Ita used needlepoint and beading to create the beautiful curtain for the aron in the SAR Academy shul! Go look at it! Experience Jewish history as you design and learn from a very unusual artist who has created many Jewish ceremonial objects of great beauty. Experience the tradition of needlepoint and beading work from a master as she passes on her craft and the needlework and beadwork tradition to you! Faciitator: Ita Aber Ita is a master of fabric arts whose work has been shown in every major Jewish museum throughout the world. Her diverse skills include embroidery, beadwork, sewing, appliqué, silkscreening, and more. She is also an art historian, curator, and author of, “The Art of Judaic Needlework.”
Multiple Intelligences: Spatial, LogicalMathematical, Existential Driving Question: What can Jewish art express? 23
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Student Selection Form For Enrichment Clusters We are asking the children to think about the 3 Enrichment Clusters they are most interested in attending. In reading through our selections with your child, please guide him or her in recognizing how he/she might be interested in several different clusters. For example, if your child is “Logic Smart” then “Design Challenge Design-A-Room, Inc.” or “Bead It, Stitch It, Design Guild” might be exciting cluster selections. Or, if their interest lies in the naturalist arena then perhaps he or she would be drawn to “Birds Eye View: Avian Adventures With Wave Hill” or “3D Sculpture Explorers.” It is also OK to explore new disciplines when it is compelling for your child.
Please make 3 selections on the online form by Monday, December 14th.
Every student is guaranteed a place in one of his or her three selections. If only one selection is made, we cannot guarantee placement in that Enrichment Cluster. Students will receive their cluster registration prior to the first session. If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Marson, our Director of Arts & Enrichment at marsos@saracademy.org or 718-548-1717 x 1212.
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program
“Every child should have the chance to be exceptional without exception.” ~Dr. Joseph Renzulli
lwide o o h c S s SAR’ rogram P t n e m Enrich
SAR Academy 655 West 254th Street Phone: 718-548-1717 Fax: 718-601-0082