olwide o h c S s ’ SAR rogram P t n e m Enrich
3rd and 4th Grade Enrichment Clusters
Catalog Offerings Fall 2014
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Table of Contents Welcome To Our Enrichment Program
How Can I Help My Child Choose?
Multiple Intelligences
Enrichment Cluster Offerings
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program “Every child should have the chance to be exceptional without exception.” ~Dr. Joseph Renzulli Dear Parents, Welcome to the Fall semester of our Enrichment program of Enrichment Clusters for Grades 3-4, to begin on Wednesday, October 22nd. It will be followed by a second semester beginning in January. This program affords every child an opportunity to participate in an Enrichment slot. This broad enrichment initiative reflects our deep commitment to enabling each student to discover and take pride in the gifts and talents with which she or he is endowed and in our commitment to championing a broader conception of giftedness. Your children will once again have the opportunity to explore an area of interest, talent, or passion in depth, while in a small multi-age group with other students and a facilitator who also share this interest. Many clusters will engage a visiting speaker, who is a professional in a related field of study to act as both a resource for the students’ inquiries as well as to model what is possible as a 21st Century real world problemsolver. The challenging learning pursued is grounded in the production of a product, performance, or service for an authentic audience. Our program is based on the Schoolwide Enrich3
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program ment Model created by educational researcher, Dr. Joseph Renzulli, director of The National Research Center on the Gifted & Talented. In this model, Enrichment Clusters disseminate enrichment pedagogy to every student and are founded on the belief that everyone has the potential to demonstrate gifted behavior. Our Enrichment Cluster Program also aligns with Multiple Intelligence Theory, and our many varied enrichment learning offerings address the diverse abilities and strengths children possess. Our ultimate goal is to help children develop their interests and talents and understand how they can share their gifts with the world.
Please fill out the Student Selection Form by Sunday, September 28th, after which date some Enrichment Clusters will become filled. Feel free to be in touch with Sharon Marson at: marsos@saracademy.org or at 718-548-1717 x1212 if you would like to be involved in this program or if you have any questions. Enjoy! Rabbi Binyamin Krauss Principal Sharon Marson Schoolwide Enrichment Program Coordinator
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program How Can I Help My Child Choose? To help your child explore his or her interests and strengths, you may want to consider the following Venn Diagram and the list of Multiple Intelligences. Along with each multiple intelligence description is a numeric list of the Enrichment Clusters in which that intelligence is engaged. We are asking that each child select 3 enrichment learning opportunities in which he or she is interested.
Please fill out the online Student Selection Form for each of your children in grades 3-4, by Sunday, September 28th, after which date some Enrichment Clusters will become filled.
Every student is guaranteed a place in one of his or her three selections. If only one selection is made, we cannot guarantee placement in that Enrichment Cluster.
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Here is a Venn Diagram that can be used to consider your child’s strengths and interests:
What did you discover? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) Using language, spoken or written, to make connections and derive meaning. You may like to read, play word games, tell stories, discuss ideas, or learn foreign languages.
See Enrichment Clusters: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Logic Smart) Using numbers and reasoning to make sense of information. You may like to play chess, decipher strategy games, brainteasers, or logic puzzles.
See Enrichment Clusters: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 25
Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart) Using mental pictures to learn and remember information. You may like puzzles, mazes, creating art, or building models.
See Enrichment Clusters: 1, 6, 7, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25 8
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart) Using movement to express thoughts and ideas. You may like physical activity, sports, dance, roleplaying, acting, or hands-on activities including building things. See Enrichment Clusters: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 26
Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart) Understanding and caring about relationships and people and their moods and feelings. You may like group games, working cooperatively in a group, or have the ability to motivate people and communicate well with them. See Enrichment Clusters: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25, 26
Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart) Using thought and reflection to understand information. You may like to be alone, are self-motivated, enjoy your independence, and know yourself very well. See Enrichment Clusters: 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24 9
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program
Naturalist Intelligence (Nature/Science Smart) Understanding natural patterns and cycles to explain how things work in nature and science. You may like to learn about nature, enjoy being outside, or appreciate the environment. See Enrichment Clusters: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 17, 19, 21, 26
Musical Intelligence (Music Smart) Using rhythm, musical patterns, tones, sounds, or melody to understand information. You may like to sing, play an instrument, compose songs, remember songs, or are sensitive to noises or sounds, and typically have strong language skills. See Enrichment Clusters: 8, 12
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Existential Intelligence (Religious Smart) Some proponents of multiple intelligence theory proposed spiritual or religious intelligence as a possible additional type. It certainly reflects our learning community and environment. You may like to learn Torah, think about G-d, pursue dedication to mitzvot, consider the workings of the universe, and make connections between Torah and life. See Enrichment Clusters: 4, 8, 22
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . .
Welcome to our Enrichment Cluster Program! Semester Dates: October 22ndJanuary 7th
Have fun selecting among the offerings!
Please remember to fill out the Selection Form by Sunday, September 28th.
Please make 3 selections, not in priority order. 12
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 1. BIG SHOT ALLIANCE: Engineer Your Own Digital Camera Make a camera! A true combination of technology and the arts! Bigshot, the world’s first D.I.Y. digital camera built for STEM learning, invented by Shree Nayar, a Columbia U. Professor of Computer Science, is a kit for assembly that provides the opportunity to learn the art of building a camera. In putting the kit together with a partner, you will experience science and engineering concepts including optics, electromagnetism, image processing, mechanics, as well as consider the history of cameras. You’ll create a fully functioning digital camera! Then compose and capture moments from everyday life, while experimenting with framing, lighting, and motion. At the end of the Cluster our cameras will be sent to children in Sderot with the hope they too will find beautiful, interesting moments in their world. Facilitator: Melissa Rothwax Morah Melissa, has always had a passion for taking pictures. You can count on her to “snap-in!” with her camera at every photo-op. She is excited to explore Big Shot with young camera aficionados. Multiple Intelligences: Logical-Mathematical, Linguistic, Spatial, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal Driving Question: How can building a camera change how we understand design? 13
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 2. RUFFF!!! Dog Lovers Society Calling all dog lovers!! There is nothing more exciting than owning a puppy or dog. Dogs are fun, friendly, and make great companions. They are happy to be active when you’re full of energy, and sit quietly when you just need a friend. But owning a dog means taking responsibility for the health and happiness of another living being. All dogs need food, water, shelter, and comfort. Let’s consider what social creatures they are, their need for companionship, and how they communicate. You will meet a dog trainer, a veterinarian, and someone from the Humane Society. Let’s figure out what we can do to make the lives of dogs happier. Whether you want to learn how to be the best dog owner you can be or you just want to learn how to behave around dogs then this Cluster is for you! Facilitator: Rachel Jetter SAR mom, Rachel Jetter has always been a dog lover and advocate for homeless/abandoned dogs, taking in and caring for stray dogs. She and her family live in Riverdale with 4 dogs: Kelvie, a one eyed "pirate" German shepherd, Mabel, an English bulldog, Daniel (aka Cuddles) a King Charles Spaniel, and their newest addition, Carly, a 4 month old Maltese/Yorkie mix; all adopted from the Humane Society of NY. Multiple Intelligences: Linguisitic, Kinesthetic, Naturalistic, Interpersonal Driving Question: How is a dog like a person? 14
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 3. Snap, Crackle, Pop! Kitchen Chemistry Lab Ever wonder what makes soda fizz, candy crystallize, brownies stay soft, and hot pretzels rise? A kitchen is one big chemistry lab! Use common kitchen chemicals and think like a young scientist and kitchen chemist to problem-solve, probe scientific principles, and think creatively. Observe. Record. Hypothesize. Experiment. Consider Results. Create some delicious chemistry experiments of your own with some dramatic results. You will explore the “hows,” “whys,” and “what-ifs” of basic scientific principles by combining kitchen chemistry, a little bit of magic, and lots of fun! Facilitators: Marci Kirschner and Rachel Raskas Marci is a member of the 3rd grade team. She has Masters degrees in Special Education and Literacy. She loves to cook and learn about the chemistry of food. Morah Rachel is also part of the 3rd grade team. It is her 6th year at SAR. She loves to cook, bake, and discover why things work the way they do in the kitchen. She is excited to find out with her students! Multiple Intelligences: Logical-Mathematical, Naturalist, Linguistic Driving Question: How can our exploration as kitchen chemists help us organize our knowledge and understand our world? 15
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 4. EcoDetectives Consortium Have you ever wanted to observe like a detective? Well, it takes a detective’s level of observation to make environments “Eco” friendly. The techniques of EcoDetectives will be revealed in your quest to solve eco-crimes. By using your eyes and experimenting with simple tools, measure and find tire pressure, electricity over-usage, water waste, and pollution. Observational skills are needed as you collect and record evidence. Choices people make every day, impact on the world. If you care about the environment and want to make a difference at SAR, then let’s find ways to fix things. Let’s create a proposal to advocate for change! During this Shmita year, when all of SAR students will focus on protecting nature, we will discover Torah’s perspective on caring for the environment. Using science to gather clues and your smart thinking to solve eco-problems is great EcoDetective fun! Facilitator: Jessica Haller SAR mom, Jessica Haller is an entrepreneur, a consultant, a Sustainability Professional, a LEED Accredited Professional, and a Leader with the Climate Reality Project. She cares deeply about the welfare of the environment and is excited to share this passion with our students. Multiple Intelligences: Naturalist, Existential, Interpersonal, Kinesthetic Driving Question: How can we hone observational skills to make a difference in the environment?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 5. FOUR STAR DINING FORUM* Yes, we’ll be sampling the food at area restaurants, but we’ll be doing much more than that! Be prepared to learn about nutrition, practice math facts, and explore different parts of the world. Then we’ll be revving up our writing so that our reviews are as tasty and exciting as the food. Restaurant reviewers are well-respected professionals, who take pride in their work. Their reviews can help determine if a restaurant becomes popular or not, and the reviews themselves are sometimes the most widely read column in newspapers and magazines. Facilitator: Kathy Kafer While she has never been a professional restaurant reviewer, Mrs. Kafer has enjoyed dining & writing since she can remember. Before coming to SAR, Mrs. Kafer worked as a newspaper reporter, and she has also written plays and screenplays. She is looking forward to working together with SAR's new restaurant reviewers. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, LogicalMathematical, Intrapersonal, Naturalist Driving Question: In what ways can thinking analytically and creatively hone our “Restaurant Review” writing skills?
*Please be careful in selecting this Enrichment Cluster for children with food allergies as the establishments visited may not be nut free, etc. 17
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 6. Gears! Gears! Gears! Lights In Action Academy Do you like to build things? Are you interested in creative construction? Would you like to have parts of what you build light up when your construction is in motion? Plan a layout for gears on a template using your mechanical creativity and design a unique configuration. What are the principles of gears? What do mechanics and what does physics have to do with them? We will also have the opportunity to explore various tools including: screwdrivers, pliers, drills, hammers, and drill bits and what they do. Come experiment and be creative with gears and lights, from the simple to the complex.
Facilitator: Nick Fadda Nick loves to build and fix things and help all of SAR work. He is a sports coach for his children’s teams and a soccer and baseball player himself. Nick is looking forward to coaching our kids at building things and the excitement of making them light up in motion.
Multiple Intelligences: Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Kinesthetic Driving Question: How can our understanding of construction guide our creativity? 18
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 7. Project Runway: Designing A Fashion Collection Calling all fashionistas! Budding designers will focus on fashion, traveling the 20th Century through the interesting world of fashion. Look at different trends of each era to sketch similar fashion designs as well as original ideas for your portfolio, and include swatches. Understand what a collection is and how to build a theme. Explore anatomy, color theory, working with a template, organizing thoughts and ideas into a collection, exploring other designers to generate ideas, and create an interest board as your personal inspiration. Walk on the runway yourself with an outfit you choose from your wardrobe, applying the theory you have learned. Hear from someone in the fashion industry. Then as a group, we will create an outfit to donate to a worthy organization. Facilitator: Adina Fand Adina Fand, SAR mom, studied Fashion Design at FIT on the graduate level. She has modeled, as well as worked at Harper’s Bazaar and Mademoiselle. Adina is presently working as a make-up artist. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Spatial, Interpersonal Driving Question: How can we design a fashion forward outfit for donation to an organization? 19
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 8. Window To The Wild Workshop: Connecting Kids To Wonder Do you like nature? Are you creative? Do you love to explore? Then this cluster is for you. Through hands-on outdoor adventures, science experiments, art, and music activities we will explore the sounds and sights of the elements: earth, wind, fire, and water. In creative exploration of the outdoors, we will hike outside, collect samples of earth around the school, catch the wind in kites we design, work with Park Rangers to build a small campfire, and walk to the Hudson River and paint there. This cluster will open your eyes, inspire new thoughts, and warm your heart to the beauty and wonder of Hashem’s world. Facilitator: Adiella Shem Tov Morah Adiella has a BFA in Art Education with a specialization in Project Based Education. She has been teaching for 13 years and loves to incorporate adventure and self-motivated learning into all her teaching. Adiella is a fine artist, a singer/songwriter, and a recording artist. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, LogicalMathematical, Musical, Kinesthetic, Naturalist, Existential, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal Driving Question: How can connecting with the elements develop a sense of wonder for creation? 20
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 9. CodeKids: Robotics And Video Game Programming Have you ever played a video game and wished you could build one yourself? Are you a Lego lover who would love to bring your creations to life? Discover how to write a program (a series of instructions) to make your computer or robot follow your commands. (It’s so cool!) Learn to follow a Lego design blueprint to construct robots that use interlocking gears. Remember, your robot will not be able to do your homework for you! Facilitator: Rivka Heisler Rivka Heisler, mother of 4 Lego crazy kids, has built countless constructions. As SAR’s Technology Integrator she knows several computing languages: LegoNxt, Scratch, Enchanting. In an educational cohort at MIT Rivkah learned more about teaching Scratch to elementary school students. She wishes she could play video games as well as she can program them. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, LogicalMathematical, Spatial, Kinesthetic Driving Question: How can we write clear directions that computers can follow and follow directions to build a specified construction? 21
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 10. TOP SECRET: Say It With Sign Can you really speak without using your voice? Come listen with your eyes & let your fingers do the talking. Discover how fun & easy it is to learn American Sign Language. We’ll start with basic vocabulary and fingerspelling, then develop our conversation skills as we build fluency. Explore how, when, and why sign language began. Discover the power of visual expression and this wonderful and creative way to communicate with others. Develop the tools necessary to communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing. Most of all, empower yourself by learning this visual language and you can teach others to sign with you. Facilitator: Lauren Lieberman Lauren Lieberman holds an M.A. in Cognitive Studies in Education from Teachers College as well as a B.A. in Economics & Religion from Columbia University. She taught at the elementary & high school level in liberal arts and sciences. Her current interests are in developing student awareness of the deaf and disabled population, as well as exploring the benefits of sign language for the realm of special education. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal Driving Question: How can sign language get us thinking about spoken language, connect us with others, and develop our communication 22 skills?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 11. Graphic Design Institute: What If Picasso Had An iPad? Using Art Apps That “Real” Artists Use With iPads we will paint, sketch, and print our artwork while delving into and exploring art apps like ArtRage. Did you know that with art apps you can use a virtual brush and enhance digital images? Imagine what van Gogh’s Starry Night might have looked like if he used apps to paint this masterpiece? Let’s explore the work of various artists and their techniques to imagine what the design and composition of their art might be if they were living in the 21st Century and had an iPad. Come create computer generated masterpieces of your very own. Perhaps you will choose to put them on gallerydisplay! Facilitator: Debby Schloss Debby Schloss, a veteran SAR faculty member will be combining her love of art and computers in “What If Picasso Had An iPad?” When Debby isn’t at SAR Academy, she loves spending family time trekking around Manhattan or tiyuling around Israel. Multiple Intelligences: Spatial, Intrapersonal Driving Question: How can we as digital artists transform the way we look at and create art in the 21st Century?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 12. Drumming And The “World” of Percussion Group What is percussion? What kinds of instruments are considered percussion instruments? What different kinds of percussion are used around the world? This is a hands-on and unique approach to studying rhythm in all its forms. Let’s make music as we explore rhythms and musical instruments from diverse cultures and explore the history of percussion, from ancient times to today. We will play on congas, shakers, cowbells, tambourines, hand drums, keyboards, and more. Let’s apply what we discover to create a percussion instrument of your very own using a variety of materials. Then we’ll record a CD of ourselves playing an original percussion piece that we write together. Facilitator: David Glazer David Glazer has a Masters in Educational Admin. from Fordham U and recently completed a certificate program in Experiential Jewish Education from YU. David also studied at Jerusalem School of Cantorial Art & Music and is a regular Baal Tefillah. David has been musical director at Camp Moshava for 14 years and enjoys singing, playing keyboard, guitar, and harmonica. He is now learning to play the bagpipes. Multiple Intelligences: Musical, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal Driving Question: How can drumming and percussion instruments tell a story? 24
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 13. Improv Theater Arts Ensemble Do you love theater and improv? Are you creative? Would you like to know the secrets and tricks of the improv trade? In this cluster, you will improve your storytelling skills, develop techniques to think quickly on your feet, explore the craft of Improv, and become more creative. This spirited, fun cluster is designed for anyone who wants to improve teamwork and communication skills, develop the ability to take risks, and work at overcoming shyness. You will learn how to be more spontaneous, trusting, and cooperative, and how to listen in a fun, creative atmosphere. Come laugh out loud with this improvisational fun! Facilitator: Melissa Bulman Melissa Bulman is the proud mother of SAR children, Ariella and Avishai. For the past two years she has visited our Theater Improv Cluster as a guest expert. With a BA in Theater and an MA in Drama Therapy from N.Y.U., her specialty and love is improvisation, and she is thrilled to be able to lead this year’s Cluster. She is really looking forward to working together to create a fun and supportive space to laugh, learn how to think on your feet, and connect with others!
Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic, Linguistic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal Driving Question: How can we work as a group while still maintaining our individual sense of humor and creativity? 25
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 14. Augmented Reality Adventure Group Augmented Reality. What’s that? Augmented Reality lets you turn ordinary things around you into triggers to reveal secret treasures of digital information. Scan an innocent looking picture of a person and watch the person talk to you. Scan a movie poster and see the trailer. We will use the app Aurasma and an iPad to create an Augmented Reality display generated from our work as roving digital reporters. iMovie will be used to film our interviewees and create an Augmented Reality byte (an aura) from the questions we decide to ask people around the school. Their “live” responses will be located all around the Academy on posterboards. Look out SAR! Augmented reality is changing the way we will view the world. Come join the adventure!
Facilitator: Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg Rabbi Rosenberg is an author, congregational rabbi, and educator who loves technology.
Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, LogicalMathematical, Interpersonal Driving Question: How can we as digital enquirers enhance our environment? 26
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 15. Junior MasterChef: Nutritious Snacks Edition Are you interested in discovering which ingredients can be used to create delicious, nutritious snacks? Are you wondering which vegetable besides potato would make good chips? Do you want to get creative with food? Then join Junior MasterChef: Nutritious Snacks Edition to explore these questions and more. There’s chemistry and science and nutrition concepts in food preparation . We’re going to experiment with and compare and contrast sprouted flour and regular flour as well as various sweeteners, including palm sugar and dried fruit paste. Not only will the recipes we follow and innovate with be nutritious, they will also be delicious! Come create snacks and treats that kids will love, including you! Facilitator: Beth Schwartz SAR mom Beth Schwartz is interested in finding delicious and nutritious snacks for kids. She is excited to share her passion for this with our students and making discoveries together. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, LogicalMathematical, Naturalist, Interpersonal Driving Question: How can we use and combine ingredients to create healthy snacks that also are delicious? 27
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 16. Project Adventure: Team Building Through Physical Challenges Individuals are usually more capable (mentally, emotionally, and physically) than they perceive themselves to be. When given the opportunity to try and be challenged in a supportive environment, students will discover excellence within themselves and each other. Individuals achieve simply by experiencing the process of team building. Learn skills like listening, communication, decision-making, leadership, conflict resolution, and risk taking and teach others. Work with your peers to complete tasks and challenges like Group Juggling, group support activities such as Partner Pull-Up, and cognitive challenges like Traffic Jam and Minute Mysteries, all while having fun! Facilitator: Shoshana Cohen Shoshana Cohen (aka Ms. C) is a Physical Education assistant teacher and Sports Team Coordinator at SAR Academy with a degree in Physical Education. She was Director of Bnei Akiva, NY and NJ, and held various administrative roles at Camp Moshava. In those roles, she ran team building activities for children of all ages. Multiple Intelligences: Lingistic, Spatial, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal Driving Question: In what ways does team-building prepare us to meet challenges? 28
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 17. Paint Your HeART Out: Fine Arts Studio Would you like to work like a fine artist and paint with on your own professional canvas? Then roll up your sleeves and come sketch and then paint a landscape in a traditional style using watercolor mediums and mixed media. What landscape lays outside SAR or at Wave Hill? You will paint in both locations. Explore the work of great impressionist painters through modern artists to deepen your visual vocabulary and develop your skill. Explore elements of arts, composition, color mixing, and your eye for how you look at nature. Perhaps you would like to display your artwork at Wave Hill’s Family Art Studio. Come enjoy expressing yourself at “Paint Your HeART Out.” Facilitator: Wave Hill Educator Ivy Garcia Ivy Garcia joined the staff as Family Art Project Assistant Leader, fall 2013. Ivy worked as Family Programs Coordinator/Artist Educator at El Museo del Barrio, where she planned and organized art-making, storytelling, musical performances and gallery tours for families and groups, and at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, where she led museum and neighborhood walking tours. Multiple Intelligences: Spatial, Intrapersonal, Naturalist Driving Question: How can we as landscape artists deepen our appreciation for our beautiful world? 29
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 18. PC Builders’ Academy How do computers work? What’s inside of them? Are you curious about what makes computers intelligent? Would you like to build a brand new computer? Let’s explore what it takes to actually assemble a personal computer and figure out how to build a working one from scratch. Understand what makes computers connect and have the hands-on experience of building those connections. Discover how to upload software to PCs and then run them. Come have fun and express your passion for computers and technology in PC Builders’ Academy. Warning! Mastering this cluster will keep you busy with family and friends! Facilitator: Caleb Fitzsimmons Caleb is part of SAR’s tech team and has worked in the computer industry for the past 20 years. This career reflects his passion for technology. Caleb has built many computers from scratch and enjoys sharing the excitement and fun of building a PC from the ground up with our students. Multiple Intelligences: Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Kinesthetic Driving Question: How can we as computer technicians build working computers for someone else’s benefit? 30
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 19. STEM Wonderworks: The Science Of Toys Energy, Physics, Chemistry . . . .Toys! Do you love exploring science and doing experiments? Do you ever wonder what makes toys work? We will explore how science is in toys and how toys can be science. Let’s build or take apart several popular toys and explore the mechanics inside: forces, motion, density, buoyancy, and more! Let’s see what’s behind all that piece of fun! What if you used the results of your experiments to think of an original plaything? With your recently acquired knowledge you may want to sketch a design for a new toy that includes science principles. Spark your imagination by seeing what happened when one motivated child built “Cain’s Arcade.” Could your design be the next big craze in toys? Facilitator: Jennifer Sokol Jennifer Sokol is our Program Coordinator and Middle School Science Teacher with a Masters Degree in Science Education. She loves hands-on science experiments and delving into the scientific mysteries found in all aspects of life.
Multiple Intelligences: Logical-Mathematical, Linguistic, Naturalist, Spatial Driving Question: What are toy designers thinking? 31
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 20. BRAINTEASERS Think Tank Do you like to eat "esgg sgeg gegs gsge" for breakfast? Do you like to N A E L C your room? Let's stretch our brains as we explore, solve, and create brainteasers! What makes puzzles challenging and challenges puzzling? We will sharpen our brains by focusing on “brainteaser skills� such as deductive reasoning, classification, and perspective. Then, we will use these skills to create our own puzzles! Facilitator: Shira Irwin Shira Irwin is completing a Masters Degree in General and Special Ed at Bank Street College. She has fond memories of spending Shabbat meals and long car rides playing math and word games with her family. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, LogicalMathematical, Spatial Driving Question: Can we discover what makes brainteasers fun and interesting, and use that information to create brainteasers for students our age? 32
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 21. Kilometer Kids Company Calling young athletes! Come develop your technique at running with a major focus on fun while at SAR’s field and on the HS’s oval track! The activities will inspire a love for running and being active, and promote a healthy lifestyle. With running, consider the basics of proper form, stride, stretching, running etiquette, hydration, and cool-down techniques. From speed, starts, passing baton in relays, fun running games, intervals, some longer runs, and simple body conditioning for core strength (and the importance of that in running) you will experience this and more in the world of Kilometer Kids! Develop fitness, confidence, and build teamwork. Discover inspirational stories of track stars including the story of Wilma Unlimited. Maybe even decide with this Cluster to run for a cause. Bring your running shoes! Faciltator: Reena Cohen Reena is part of the 3rd grade team. She has run competitively and has experience coaching track. She’s excited to share her passion for running with our kids! Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Spatial, Naturalist Driving Question: How can we as athletes promote a healthier lifestyle for ourselves and others?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 22. The Tzahal Project: Making A Difference One Soldier At A Time What happens when you go into the Israeli army? Is it cool being a chayal? Is it hot wearing a uniform and boots? How’s the food? What do chayalim use as a pillow? How many push-ups do they need to be able to do? How many can you do? Find out what goes into training a soldier and how a person gets ready to serve in Tzahal. Do you wonder what soldiers miss most from home and how you might be able to help? We will hear from young people who served in Tzahal, from SAR parents of chayalim serving right now, and from someone who runs an organization that helps soldiers. Let’s discover what our chayalim do to keep Israel safe and what we can do to give back to them. We’ll brainstorm thoughtful ways to thank them for protecting our country including baking for them, raising money to supply them with what they need, being creative with technology to be in touch with them, and more. Facilitator: Tova Gilbert Tova has joined our 3rd grade team after graduating from Queens College with a degree in psychology. She has visited Israel many times and is excited to share her love of Israel and concern for chayalim with our students. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Interpersonal, Existential Driving Question: How can we as thoughtful givers design a plan to help members of Tzahal? 34
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 23. Multimedia Studio: Monoprints, Photo Transfer And Paper Design What do Matisse, Picasso, Jean Arp, Ezra Jack Keats, and now you, have in common? Multimedia works of art! Did you know that this technique was first used when paper was invented in China? Did you know collage can include monoprints, a form of printmaking that has images and lines that can only be made once, a technique used by Rembrandt and Degas? Or that it can also include photographs that are transferred onto a canvas? We’ll paint our own paper, create texture in it, and turn the ordinary into the extraordinary! Discover how paper is made. Combine unusual papers, monoprints, photographs, and words to create multimedia artworks for display. Think big. Think surprising. Think fun. Facilitator: Chani Jaskoll Morah Chani Jaskoll, a professional artist, has been SAR’s art teacher for many years. Her personal passion lies in bringing the beauty of art to all children through experimenting with different mediums. Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Spatial, Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal Driving Question: How can our work as multimedia artists impact positively on our world?
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 24. i-Book Publishing Company: Photographs And Memories* Tell your personal story in a creative way! Do you have photographs of a time or place or people that you cherish? Would you like to create a photo book of that favorite part of your life? Then you will enjoy using an on-line publishing program to turn your favorite memories into a custom-made book! Explore various ways to arrange your photographs in a unique layout, design and embellish your backgrounds, and add some text. Come preserve and publish in the Photographs & Memories Enrichment Cluster! Facilitators: Beth Pepper & Alana Gelnick Morah Beth, General Studies Principal, has a passion for stories and books that chronicle people’s lives and record personal as well as collective history. Morah Alana, Bank Street Reading Specialist, looks to capture special moments throughout her life. She found designing photo books makes memories come alive and is a way to revisit them over and over again. Multiple Intelligences: Spatial, Linguistic, Intrapersonal *25-35 personal photographs related to a theme are required. Photos need to be brought in digitally on a USB flash drive. Driving Question: How can pictures tell a story? 36
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 25. Design Detectives: Adventures In Architecture Do you ever wonder about the buildings you see? When were they built? Why do they look a certain way? What are all of those interesting features called? Have you ever thought about how you would design a building of your own? Come discover basic design elements of building structures and consider the process of designing a building. We’ll take walks in the neighborhood to explore the architecture around SAR, and sketch buildings, explore building materials through observation and “rubbings.” Perhaps you would like to create a unique building of your own or with members of your cluster!
Facilitator: Danny Hammerman SAR Grandparent, Danny Hammerman, became an architect after graduating from Cooper Union. He is president of his own architectural firm and is excited to share his expertise with our students.
Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, LogicalMathematical, Spatial, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal Driving Question: How can we as architectural designers create living spaces to meet various needs? 37
Enrichment Cluster Offerings . . . 26. Institute For Sports Science: Exploring Human Movement Who is your favorite athlete? What makes the top athlete so much better than others in their sport? Are you interested in the human body, its muscles and bones? Have you ever wondered about the physiology of muscles and how they work and which muscle groups to concentrate on for specific sports? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then join us for “Sports Science: Exploring Human Movement.� Analyze outstanding plays by your favorite athletes, and show your friends how those best in the game make a difference. Facilitator: Ken Gleason Mr. Gleason has been around sports and athletes his entire life. He is a former Division I baseball player at Manhattan College and current basketball and baseball coach on the high school level. He looks forward to sharing his love of athletics with our students.
Multiple Intelligences: Naturalist, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal Driving Question: How can what we discover about athletes help us understand how to achieve greatness? 38
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program Student Selection Form For Enrichment Clusters We are asking the children to think about the 3 Enrichment Clusters they are most interested in attending. In reading through our selections with your child, please guide him or her in recognizing how he/she might be interested in several different clusters. For example, if your child has logicalmathematical intelligence (Logic Smart) then “Brainteasers Think Tank,” “STEM Wonderworks: The Science of Toys,” or “Augmented Reality Adventure Group” might be exciting Cluster selections. Or, if their interest lies in the naturalist arena (Science Smart) then perhaps he or she would be drawn to “EcoDetectives Consortium,” “Junior Masterchef: Nutritious Snacks Edition,” or “Kilometer Kids Company.” It is also OK to explore new disciplines when it is compelling for your child.
Please make 3 selections on the online form by Sunday, September 28th, after which date some Enrichment Clusters will become filled.
Every student is guaranteed a place in one of his or her three selections. If only one selection is made, we cannot guarantee placement in that Enrichment Cluster. Students will receive their cluster registration prior to the first session. If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Marson, our Schoolwide Enrichment Program Coordinator, at marsos@saracademy.org or 718-548-1717 x 1212.
SAR’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program
“Every child should have the chance to be exceptional without exception.” ~Dr. Joseph Renzulli
lwide o o h c S s SAR’ rogram P t n e m Enrich
SAR Academy 655 West 254th Street Phone: 718-548-1717 Fax: 718-601-0082