Brand book final

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r a

n d book

contents 6 va l u e p r o p o s i t i o n + u s p

9 core identity

m i ss i o n

10 b ra n d gu i d e l i n es




As a genuine advocate of the true masculine spirit that lies within every creative, intelligent and active young man, MSTR promises to deliver high-quality yet cutting-edge wearable British style. We believe in the power of "dressing your potential" which is why we encourage our man to be bold and experiment with his style in order to upgrade his success. Our catalogue is hand-picked and truly representative for the aspiring leaders of the next generation, for the inspiring "millenials". We promote true British talents, shining through with their unique craft and versatile designs. Some of our outstanding emerging collaborators are: S.E.H Kelly, DOBSON, C.N. LDN, Christopher Raeburn, Mors Footwear, Griffin, Mamnick, Ardour Brand and Diego Vanassibara. Apart from curating the best upcoming British menswear designers that reflect MSTR's core identity, we also provide our own label clothing, encompassing trousers, shirts, knits and T-shirts produced in the UK with the highest-quality cotton, linen and wool. Our line is practical yet also stylish, aimed at building an infallible, polished look for everyday business-casual adventures.

USp - An attractive website offering a new way to shop, based on context, needs and styles, rather than product categories. - An exclusive MSTR club membership for those who want to take their online shopping experience to the next level, providing: 1. Bespoke "style files" that deliver the most accurate product offerings based on your profile with personalized style advice a nd inspiration. 2. Flash sales and secret offers only for our premium club members. 3. A Mix & Match box delivered to your email on a weekly or monthly basis with the most suitable products for your style. 4. Free shipping & returns plus the possibility to choose 2 sizes from every product and pay for one in order to try them on and pick the best fit in the comfort of your home.




Young, fresh, functional, stylish, aspirational, innovative. These are some of the elements that shape our identity and motivate us to to perfect our brand for our customers. We are proud to represent the true masculi ne British style, support the real British talents and cater to the creative, intelligent and inspiring millenials also known as the "change generation".

mission MSTR is devoted to achieving a steady development by providing high-quality products and seamless customer ser vice. Our brand stands for a unique cause, fighting to fill a gap in the menswear industry stemmed from lack of awareness, time and inspiration. MSTR wants to offer faster, more affordable and more unique choices to our clients. We are constantly working to discover new areas of frustration within online shopping and MASTER (pun intended) the craft while also turning our clients into MASTERS of their style. .

VISION MSTR aims to become a game-changer and a leader on the market. Great leaders don't follow, therefore our brand will remain a trailblazer in the menswear fashion industry, through premium quality standards, empowered employees and impeccable ser vice. We hope to change the rules of the industry and nurture a unique lifestyle for our clients. Our vision is to build top-of-mind awareness and become the best contemporary menswear brand for our niche audience.




Logo Our brand sticks to a simple logotype which perfectly conveys a message of minimalism, balance and power. The strong geometric lines build up the core masculinity of MSTR, while its black shade supports the logo’s transferability and timeless appeal. x

x x




Ou r ta g l i n e e n c o m p ass es t h e ess e n c e o f t h e M S T R cu s t o m e r , w h o i s a s t r o n g , i n t e l l i g e n t a n d e n t r e p r e n eu r i a l c r ea t i v e m i n d . W e e n c o u ra g e h i m t o ta k e h i s p o t e n t i a l o n e s t e p fu r t h e r b y p o l i s h i n g a n i m p e c cab l e p e rs o n a l s t y l e , t ha t w i l l e n ha n c e h i s su c c ess.



Our logo font is ADAM. For any other website content we use the Josefin Sans family (regular, semi bold, bold. We chose these two fonts for their minimal and modern appeal which really suits our brand aesthetic.

abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz

colours R: 196 G: 2 06 B: 213

R: 106 G: 106 B: 106

R: 168 G: 209 B: 233

R: 205 G: 181 B: 154

B es i d es b l a c k a n d w h i t e , w e l i k e t h e a p p ea l o f n eu t ra l s bu t w i t h a m as cu l i n e tw i s t . T h es e c o l o u r p a l e t t e r ef l e c ts m o s t o f o u r i m a g e r y w h i c h i s u s e d o n o u r w ebs i t e , d i g i ta l & p r i n t ca m p a i g n s bu t a l s o s p r ea d o u t t h r o u g h o u t t h i s b ra n d b o o k.




Be it for printed or online usage,our logo can only be used in black or white. It is also accepted to use it either with or without the tagline. However, the surrounding negative space should always be respected in order to prevent a cluttered image.

Under no circumstances can our logo be distorted, skewed or subjected to any shape changes. Our logo and tagline can never have two different colours. They are either both black or both white on black background. You should never fill our logo with a gradient or any other type of pattern. The logo should never be used as a clipping mask. The tagline can’t be used in any other font than the original one. It should always be the exact same font as the logo: ADAM, 19pt size and 350 characters tracking.

D r e s s Y o u r P ot e n t i a l


IMAGERY We combine fashion with architecture, craft and lifestyle. We aim to maintain a harmonious colour palette that evokes freedom, masculinity, modernity and power. Our man is intelligent, young and creative.



dress your potential at



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