Celebrating Womanhood Nepali women who inspire positive change

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CELEBRATING WOMANHOOD Nepali Women Who Inspire Positive Change Sara Parker & Shrijana Singh Yonjan

Celebrating Womanhood

Dedicated to The women who shared their amazing stories and to all women who inspire

Sara Parker and Shrijana Singh Yonjan First Edition June 2018 Edit and design: Cheyenne Hansen and Joshua Smith All rights reserved Š Parker & Yonjan (2018) Images of Navadevis – Raja Gole Photo Editor: Rajiv Shrestha Please share on social media

#WomenWhoInspire #InpsirationalWomen #CelebratingWomanhood #NepaliWomenWhoInspire @LJMUNepal


Contents Page 1: About the authors

Page 29: Doma Paudel

Page 2: Sara’s reflection on the book

Page 31: Nisha Sharma Pokhrel

Page 3: Celebrating Womanhood

Page 33: Sita Pokhrel

Page 4: Navadevi awards

Page 35: Gulab Devi Ram

Page 5: Shrijana’s reflections: preface

Page 37: Keshari Thapa Rana

Page 7: Mahila Adharshila

Page 39: Pema Sherpa

Page 9: Nirmala Bagchand

Page 41: Ramdevi Tamang

Page 11: Amira Dali

Page 43: Maya Thakuri

Page 13: Sumitra Manandhar Gurung

Page 45: Menuka Thapa

Page 15: Kalpana Karki

Page 47: Radhika Thapa Karki

Page 17: Jubeda Khatun

Page 49: Laxmi Timilsina

Page 19: Haridevi Koirala

Page 51: Gyani Shova Tuladhar

Page 21: Indira Rana Magar

Page 53: Chameli Waiba

Page 23: Laxmi Magar

Page 55: Renchin Yonjan

Page 25: Tripta Lungeli Magar

Page 57: Teaching ideas

Page 27: Sarita Mishra

Page 58: Afterword Where this symbol appears radio inerviews in Nepali are are also aviable - please click to access

Celebrating Womanhood


About the authors

ara first went to Nepal in 1986 after completing her schooling in Singapore and immediately fell in love with the country. After completing her degree in Geography she returned to Nepal in 1992 living and working in the remote mountain village of Sikles. Since then, through her work in the social sciences and as a Reader in Development Studies at Liverpool John Moores University, she has visited the country more than 30 times in the past 30 years. Her PhD was action research based and focused on nonformal educaton and women’s empowerment. This work led to a Development Partnehsip in Higher Education (DelPHE) link funded by the Briitsh Council between Nepal, UK and Bangledesh. She has had the privilege to work with staff at the Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development (CERID), Central Department of Home Science and Women Studies at Padma Kanya Campus in Kathmandu and Gender Studies at Dhaka University. The inspiration for this collection of stories arose from these links. Sara has also led and edited a photography project which resulted in a coffee table book featuring photogtaphy by local people. She has also co-written a children’s book: Adventures of Fairis a Nepali frog, which is used in primary schools around the world to educate children about Nepal and Fairtrade as well as to promote child friendly learning.


Sara and Shrijana visiting Mahila Adharshila

hrijana Singh Yonjan, born in Nepal, is a creative consultant. She has conceptualized, organized & managed various programs and projects ranging from glamourous events to social projects. She is known for her unique themes and is an expert at blending various forms of performing arts, music, songs and dance movements in her projects. She has extensive experience working with stage, television and radio programs and coordinating workshops, conferences and seminars. Her special area of focus has been issues related to women, children and working with marginalized communities. Writing is her passion and she has contributed articles to several mainstream newspapers and has been a columnist for ECS Living in Nepal. She has also made a mark as an anchor and moderator of national and international programs.Celebrating Womanhood Navadevi Awards is Shrijana’s brainchild and is the only ongoing award programme for Nepali women that encapsulates women from diverse professional, socio-economic, geographic and cultural backgrounds onto one platform. Skilled Birth Attendants of Nepal is one of many visual documentations she has done apart from her search for Celebrating Womanhood recipients. One significant event is Music of the Gods where she coordinated a three day music festival of the Gandarbhas of Nepal and India for UNESCO. She conceptualized & directed Maya & Max a 12 series television episode targeted for children 8-12 supported by DANIDA. Shrijana currently lives in the United States with her husband and three daughters. She continues to work towards sharing the stories of inspiring Nepali women through her writings and programs.

Sara’s reflection on the book


ver the past 30 years I have been fortunate to work with a wealth of people in Nepal in the field of gender and education. I am passionate about working collaboratively and have instigated and co-led a number of links between institutions working in Nepal with funding from the British Council and British Academy. As a result of these links Padma Kanya Campus launched a Masters in Gender Studies which is run off-campus to enable both men and women to take the course. In the final year of this link we held a conference in Kathmandu on gender, health and education. The papers at this conference in 2010 highlighted the progress being made promoting gender equality but also highlighted that more needed to be done.


lot has happened since then and the gender movement in Nepal has grown significantly with events such as 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls and Women of the World Festival amplifying the voice of activists.


ne thing that struck me and my colleague Kay Standing ten years ago was the lack of material in the curriculum on gender studies from Nepali activists. We had come across so much good work being done by so many local NGOS and activists that this led us to interview women who were suggested to us as being ‘inspirational’. We used these interviews to generate an online learning resource Qualitative Analysis in Action (see page 57 for details).



hrijana recalls that she felt that “the representation of women in other professional sectors was missing” and adds “the lack of women from other walks of life reinstates the glaring flaw in the way women empowerment was being understood within Nepal”. She adds that “many women have made great contribtions to their local communities but they are not recognised or accepted as serious leaders or change makers, when in fact the work that they are doing is having a very real impact and is what we should be aspiring to”.


his led us to ask ‘What about the women out there whose voices weren’t being heard?’ and how could we address this? Funding was secured from the International Office in Liverpool John Moores University to enable local journalists, under the wing of Shrijana, to go and collect stories of women who were less well known. Six local Nepali female journalists went to collect stories of women under the wing of Shrijana and her team. They collected over 50 stories from all over Nepal including women from many geographical, cultural, ethnic, socio-economical and professional sectors. We believe that achieving the goal of empowering women is impossible without including these diverse voices.


wenty five of these stories are presented here to give the reader a flavour of the wide range of work being done on so many levels by so many people. The stories will not only be of relevance to Nepal but serve to inspire all of us who are working to improve society. The women and the barriers they have overcome and their achievements are an example for us all. Some of the women have been inerviewed in Nepali by Radio Nepal. These interviews, where available, can be accessed by clicking on the icon:-


t was in the process of collecting these interviews that I met Shrijana Singh Yonjan from Celebrating Womanhood as some of the women we had interviewed had received her prestigious award. Shrijana felt that many were well known faces in the women empowerment sector and they were indeed ‘influential’ women. We discussed how the women were all activists, advocates and NGO leaders but also talked about how so many women’s voices were still unheard.


e have recieved a lot of positive feedback since announcing the book in Nepal and the UK this year. We hope that this book encourages others to share their stories of women who have inspired them. If you share your ideas and feedback on social media please use the hash tags:-

#WomenWhoInspire #Celebratingwomanhood @LJMUNepal

Celebrating Womanhood

Celebrating Womanhood


ver the past fourteen years 126 women, 6 women’s groups, 7 south Asian women and 8 men have been honored with the Celebrating Womanhood Award. Celebrating Womanhood successfully held its seventh national and the first ever South Asian Region Recognition in October 2008.

“Celebrating Womanhood is committed to finding real life examples of strength and accomplishments made by women to inspire other women to aspire to do the same.�


he Celebrating Womanhood Awards are named after nine Hindu Goddesses representing nine different attributes. Naming the awards after the Goddesses is a deliberate endeavor to extract the attributes they signify and to relate it to real life women; rather than limiting them to objects of worship. Female divinities; Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga are widely worshipped as Goddesses representing wealth, knowledge and power. Ironically, Nepali women are still subjugated to secondary positions in these areas.

elebrating Womanhood Women who Inspire Positive change is an archive of inspiring stories of 25 Nepali women. They are past recipients of Celebrating Womanhood Navadevi Awards (www.celebratingwomanhood.org) established in 2002 by Shrijana Singh Yonjan (Creative Statements and SSY Creations). It is the only annual awards for Nepali women that recognizes and honors real life female heroes who represent diverse geographical, cultural, ethnic, socio-economical and professional sectors. Celebrating Womanhood is based on the belief that positive and possible examples are crucial to bringing about positive change. It is an endeavor to honor women who have risen above social and cultural practices overcoming barriers to achieve a breakthrough in their field of work making a positive impact in their lives and in their communities. www.celebratingwomanhood.org

Shrijana Singh Yonjan interviewing Laxmi Timilsina at her home in Rayale, Kavre.


Navadevi Awards The Celebrating Womanhood Navadevi Awards are categorized as follows:

Annapurna: The female divinity of grain and abundance, the divine aspect of nourishing care and prosperity and the seed of inspiration; this award is presented to a woman working in the field of environment, agriculture and creative arts.

Bhagawati: The Goddess of divine energy, she denotes self-awareness. This award is presented to a woman who touches lives through the medium of media and literary works.


The Goddess of infinite, energy, Bhawani denotes power and absolute vitality. Like the connotation, this award is presented to a woman dedicated to the field of sports or to a task requiring great physical and emotional strength.

Durga: Durga is the great warrior Goddess whose energy becomes lethal when directed against the forces of evil. This award endeavors to honor a woman who has dared to challenge concepts, beliefs and practices that demean women.


Karuna denotes compassion and empathy. Karuna also denotes peace and order. This award is presented to a woman who has dedicated her life to uplifting the status of deprived and disadvantaged communities.

Lakshmi: Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth and good fortune. This is awarded to a woman entrepreneur who has managed to break new grounds and provide opportunities of economic empowerment to others.

Mahamaya: Mahamaya is the supreme manifestation of the goddess as a creator of illusions, ethereal, bewitching and celestial. Like the name, this award is presented to a woman from the field of theatre, performing arts and glamour.

Saraswati: Denoting the Goddess of learning and the arts, the Saraswati award is given to a woman dedicated to imparting knowledge. Teachers and literary figures fall into this category.


She is resolve will, vast energy, self-awareness and strength. Shakti also denotes the unity of the male and female energy. This award is either given to a woman showing extraordinary strength or jointly to a couple for working together towards the development of their chosen sector. Patent Right of Celebrating Womanhood lies with Shrijana@SSY Creations

Celebrating Womanhood

Shrijana’s reflections:


es a, a lot has happened in the past century. The women of the world have come together to make their voices heard, their presence felt and their role as equal partners in all sectors acknowledged. In short being a woman or the essence of womanhood is no longer a matter related only to the feminine physical attributes. It has become an amalgam of their experiences, rights, knowledge, wisdom and contributions.


ow is it different being a woman in the western world from being a woman in Nepal or in South Asia - the so termed ‘third world’? In my quest for inspirational women year after year for Celebrating Womanhood Navadevi Awards, I have had the opportunity to meet and observe truly amazing women.

“I am left speechless & overwhelmed when I hear their stories. Yet, it is still ‘sensational’ and tragic incidents related to women that find and are given priority in mainstream media.”


rganizations working for women rights and major INGOs/NGOs have for years focused on compiling, documenting and projecting women as weak, downtrodden, violated and in need of rescue, assistance and protection.


understand the need for documenting and reporting the violence and discrimination that women of our region face. But I also believe that we need to project real life examples of how women in similar situations managed to overcome cultural and social barriers to make their lives better and made a positive impact on their communities while doing so.


ow have we selected the 25 stories in this book? It was definitely not easy zooming down to the selection in this volume from the treasury of stories that we have. I prefer to call this book a volume because there are more stories waiting to be shared. Many of these stories are untold stories of unsung heroes. We may recognize some of the women but their stories need to be told again and again to amplify the impact they have made in their sectors. These are women who through their work and life have contributed in shaping the thoughts and actions of generations to come. Their grit has contributed greatly in bringing about a shift in conventional mind-sets and ideologies regarding women’s role in society. This is the time to promote and benefit from their stories.


ith due respect to established names in the field of activism, advocacy and empowerment, we see a void and feel the need to highlight the work and contributions of women from diverse sectors. We believe that women empowerment cannot be achieved without including women who represent diverse socio-economic, geographic, cultural, ethnic and professional backgrounds. After 14 years of Celebrating Womanhood, I see the biggest challenge in achieving our goal of women empowerment is inclusion of women leaders from all sectors into the mainstream gender and women empowerment movement.


here is a wide gap between ‘influential’ personals and organizations’ representing women issues at a national and international arena and local level leaders. It seems as though the women empowerment movement is a zealously guarded, tight knit and impenetrable circle of powerful, well-connected and well-established limited groups. This has led to ‘women empowerment’ and ‘gender sensitivity’ being understood by the general public as terminologies or ‘toolkits’ to tackle gender based violence and issues related to it rather than the end result.



any local level groups and individuals whose involvement could add momentum to the women empowerment movement and achieve greater results are left outside the circle. They are occasionally included when NGOs and organizations need a face fill in or to justify a gap in their projects. Over time these success stories too stand neglected between stacks of reports of ‘successful’ projects.

“It is my mission to share women stories that tell a different tale; tales that inspire generations to come.”


hese stories need to be studied by national and international organizations and included in their mandate towards achieving the goal of empowering women. It has been my honor knowing and meeting each and every one of these women. They have taught me the meaning of what it means to be truly aware and empowered.


y reflections wouldn’t be complete without mentioning few names who made this book possible. A one hour long coffee meeting at Dhokaima Café the day Sara was to fly off to the UK was the first spark that ignited the possibility of a partnership with the Sociology department of Liverpool John Moore University (LJMU). Selection of past recipients, updated interviews with the selected group, follow-ups, affirmations, corrections, compilations and finally here we have 25 powerful and inspiring stories.


wish to thank Chanda Bista, Ram Kala Khadka, Laxmi Basnet, Durga Lamichhane and Laxmi Bhandari for their efforts in collecting the Nepali interviews. Thank you Cheyenne Hansen and Joshua Smith for your patience in designing this book: Rajiv Shrestha for your professional touch to our collection of photos.


n the personal front, I would like to thank my family; my mom whose constant support and encouragement has enabled me to pursue my dreams always. My daughters and husband who have always believed in me and my convictions. I would like to especially thank the recipients of Celebrating Womanhood with these words:

“You introduced me to my amazing self Kindled and ignited my belief in me Invincible, Indomitable and Unbreakable Above all limitations am I Because you inspire me to be Who I am !”

Celebrating Womanhood

Renu Sharma and Kamala Upreti Founders, Mahila Adharshila (Women’s Foundation) Working in 12 districtes of Nepal out of a bag containing everything from letter pads to office stamps. Today, the number of women who have benefitted from the free legal services has crossed 5,000. The foundation’s shelter not only protects victims of violence but also provides them with training opportunities to further their skills and find employment. The Women’s Foundation’s primary focus was on providing women in need of rescue, counselling and rehabilitation with free consultation and legal aid. But they understood that this would not be the end of


t was just another ordinary day in the year 1987. Renu, Kamala and Tara were wrapping up a game of volleyball with their friends at Padma Kanya College in Kathmandu when a distraught couple came in search of their missing 9-year-old daughter. The couple walked into the campus vicinity and begged the girls for help. They explained how their little girl had been brought to Kathmandu by a doctor who had promised to enrol her into school on condition that she worked mornings and evenings at his house. A few months later, they were informed that their daughter had run away from the doctor’s house stealing 11 tolas (approximately 11 grams make up 1 tola) of gold ornaments which they demanded be returned to them. Disheartened by the news and after the police couldn’t find their little girl, they had taken it upon themselves to find her. Renu, Kamala and Tara had no prior experience in working on such cases. Nevertheless, they took it upon themselves to help the couple and ultimately succeeded in finding the little girl who had in fact been given away by the doctor himself to work as a maid servant to his sister. Their first feat inspired the girls to take up the cause of the downtrodden as the true calling of their lives. Mahila Adharshila - The Foundation for the Solidarity and Development of Women (Women’s Foundation), was formed in 1988. Under the able leadership of the three sisters, 45 students of Padma Kanya College came on board to form the first official body of the foundation. Their initial office was run

“With a strong commitment topped with determination and a will to succeed in their mission, the Women’s Foundation worked on tirelessly reaching out to victims of violence.” the problem nor a permanent solution to the various forms of violence and discrimination that Nepali women faced. The Foundation strove to build itself up as a multi-faceted organization working to empower women and end discrimination. They moved forward with the belief that economic empowerment played a key role in diminishing violence of various forms to achieve greater gender equality; influencing women’s decision making role and power in terms of marriage, reproductive rights, child mortality, health, education, employment and earnings. With a strong commitment topped with determination and a will to succeed in their mission, the Women’s Foundation worked on tirelessly reaching out to victims of violence. One such case was of a 14 year old girl who was raped by a taxi driver and as deemed right by society was forced into marrying her rapist. From then onwards she was subjected to the worst forms of physical and mental abuse. She finally reached out to The Women’s Foundation fearing for the lives of her two children who were also now the target of regular beatings from their ‘father’. Coming in contact with the Women’s


Foundation changed her life forever. She not only received legal and moral support to break ties with her violent and irresponsible husband but found a means of developing her skills to earn a decent living to support herself and her two children. Today, she is one among the many survivors of violence who lead better lives thanks to the initiation and dedication of the Foundation. Within a span of two decades, the Women’s Foundation spread its work to 12 districts of Nepal. Their dedication and successful track record garnered the support of certain national and international organizations that were instrumental in helping them strengthen their infrastructure. Currently, the Women’s Foundation has three houses

to the shelters with surplus production being sold at local markets. The latest venture of the Foundation is its microfinance projects in six districts including Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Jhapa, Sindupalchowk, Kavre and Dholaka incorporating 3000 women who are all proud owners of businesses ranging from animal husbandry, general stores, tea shops, vegetable shops, and tailoring. The women trained in weaving produce traditional Nepali Dhaka and Pashmina shawls that are sold in 100 showrooms around Nepal. These products have also found a place in the international markets of Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan and Switzerland. The products range from cotton, linen and wool scarves,

on 12 ropanis of land which houses 120 children and around 50 women at a time. The children attend school according to their ages and grades. There is an additional shelter for victims of violence and for those who have no other means of livelihood. A special childcare centre has also been established for children whose mothers work as labourers and are too poor to afford childcare. Children from the shelter and nearby local communities attend Bipul School which was established by the Women’s Foundation in 2013. The Women’s Foundation believes in and has worked toward making itself self-sustainable. The land around the centre has been used productively to grow vegetables for consumption by the shelter. The women and children take great pride in planting and nurturing their garden. The Women’s Foundation also runs an organic farm in Bhaktapur. Established in 2004, the farm employs women and further trains other women in organic farming. The farm provides food and milk

sweaters and shawls. 60% of the profit goes towards funding the Foundation’s various projects, 20% towards running the facility and 20% to the employed women in addition to their salary or daily wages. Understanding the need for women at the policy making level, the foundation recently initiated and conducted a preparatory training program to prepare high shool graduate girls for entry into the Government’s Public Service Commission. Despite its achievements and contributions, the Women’s Foundation still has to face and overcome many challenges. Many times legal matters regarding children and women in the shelter pose a challenge. Threats from perpetrators, Yes, the Women’s Foundation has an amazing record and they prefer to stay low-key for all that they have achieved. With their undaunted spirit and on-going efforts, the Women’s foundation continues to work towards empowering women legally and economically.

Celebrating Womanhood

Nirmala Bagchand Educationist and Social Mobiliser. Dhangadi, Far Western Nepal and senseless acts of violence prompted Nirmala to question herself on her worth as a woman. She felt fortunate to have had the chance to attend school and felt that with her ability to read and write she had the power to change things around her. After a break of 20 years, she began her personal process of empowerment by continuing her studies.Nirmala would get up each morning at 3 am to study and finish her daily chores after which she went to school with her youngest daughter. Her perseverance paid off and she successfully completed school and went on to join college.


irmala Bagchand was married off at the age of 16 whilst studying in grade IX. For the next 20 years of her life she was totally engrossed in taking care of her home, family, raising children and had no aspirations whatsoever of becoming a leader of her community. However, she was concerned by what she saw in her neighbourhood where domestic violence was part of daily life. Nirmala would often hear women screaming in despair and crying helplessly when their drunken husbands beat them relentlessly. No one would intervene because it was considered to be a private affair between husband and wife. People simply shrugged off the daily violence terming it ‘logne swasni ko jhagada Paral ko Ago’ or justifying it saying that fights between husband and wife is like ‘straw on fire’ which subsides as quickly as it flames up. One of the main reasons that women silently put up with this treatment was because they were totally dependent on their husbands. They were uneducated and unaware of their rights. They could not speak or stand up for themselves. The frequent

She then ventured out to share her new found knowledge with the women of her community. Her first endeavour was to hold adult literacy classes. She meticulously and methodically planned her classes and was able to hold regular half yearly classes on a continuous basis. These classes reached out to many especially to those who otherwise had no other means of access to education. Among the ones who benefitted the most were Dalit women. Due to Nirmala’s efforts women in her community became educated and aware of their rights. They became bold enough to speak for themselves and as a result domestic violence in her community decreased.

“Nirmala would get up each morning at 3 am to study and finish her daily chores after which she went to school with her youngest son. Her perseverance paid off and she successfully completed school and went on to join college.” Nirmala then focused on working for the rights of young girls and boys working at tea-shops and restaurants in Dhangadi. She organised weekly gatherings for them to share their thoughts. She also organized counselling programs for them and


encouraged them to share how they were feeling. These interactions endorsed her belief of providing these children with access to education. The children came from extremely poor families who could not afford to feed or clothe them properly. Sending them to school was a far-fetched dream. Nirmala took it upon herself to facilitate free education for the children in different public and private schools. She personally went to different private and public schools in her hometown to ask for scholarships for the children. Navadurga and Saraswati school continue to offer free education every year to children recommended by Nirmala. Nirmala feels that the state should focus on implementing a strong policy for education for all which is within everyone’s access.

“Nirmala took it upon herself to facilitate free education for the children in different public and private schools.” Caste and social background has for long been a major hurdle and challenge in accessing education and a better future for women and children belonging to disadvantaged communities. Nirmala felt the need to establish a school solely dedicated to such communities. After much planning and obtaining a license from Kathmandu to open ‘Prerna Women’s School’, Nirmala and her group came to loggerheads with the local administration who would not cooperate with them. Their request for teachers from the education board was never met. Mallika English Boarding School had even offered their space after regular school classes to Nirmala. But due to the noncooperation from the local administration the project could not take off. She is still working at establishing her dream school and her spirit is not dampened. Her mission to spread the light of education to the darkest corners goes on. Nirmala heads the Nari Utthan Manch (Women Upliftment Centre) and is also the Chairperson of the Human Rights Security Network. The Women Upliftment

Centre has worked at educating and empowering near about 300 women from 13 districts. Six adult literacy classes offering educational opportunities and awareness classes to women of Kailali in western Nepal has recently concluded. The Centre ran a radio program hamro gaun hamro prayash(our village our efforts)in 2008 broadcasting content to educate and sensitize women on literacy and income generation projects. The program supported by the Asia Century Fund ran for one and half years. Nirmala’s organization has constructed 30 to 35 toilets in partnership with Open Society Foundation. Recently the Centre has prepared a declaration letter on the rights of Dalit women based on research and regional meetings done in nine districts. The Women Upliftment Centre is at present actively involved in raising awareness against the abolition of ‘chaupadi’ which is a discriminatory practice against women during their menstruation period. They have initiated and participated in programs that encourage people to destroy the infamous ‘chaupadi’ huts (cow sheds where women in some areas sleep during menstraution). Nirmala credits her husband Umid Bagchand, a journalist and much respected personality in his own right for being her guide and pillar of strength. She further stresses on the importance of sensitizing men to support women if we are to dream of a balanced society. Nirmala dreams of establishing a special educational program for housewives who are unable to continue their studies after marriage. She continues to be a champion advocate of the voiceless.

Celebrating Womanhood

Amira Dali Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Livelihood Love Green Nepal Kathmandu, Kavre, Makwanpur & Sindhupalchcok


mira Dali was a brilliant child who passed her tenth grade (high school in Nepal) at the age of 12 in 1967. She was awarded a scholarship to study at the prestigious Sofia University in Tokyo, Japan after completing her Masters in Economics at 19. She chose to study Business Management and graduated with flying colours that opened up a world of opportunities for her. She received offers to work in Japan and the USA. But, she chose to return to Nepal equipped with knowledge, skills and dedication to match. In 1982 Amira landed in Nepal filled with dreams, ideas and plans for the future. Little did she know that the road ahead was filled with challenges beyond her expectations! The first thing that shocked her was to see the deteriorating environment and bare hills of Nepal that were in stark contrast to Japan’s lush green landscapes. She instantly knew that she had to do something about it. This led her to establish Love Green Nepal, a non-profit organization dedicated to environment preservation. She understood the need to work with local communities if her work was to make any long term impact. She strategically planned and combined educational awareness and empowerment programs with environmental activities. Soon Love Green Nepal was planting trees in collaboration with local communities.

She further encouraged the participation of women in the greenery campaign. Amira’s dedication to this cause is evident by the change brought about by Love Green in the Panchkal valley in Kavre District and Sankhu. To date 1.5 million saplings of foffer, fuel-woodand fruit trees have been planted by 5000 plus farming households in twenty community forests and local institutions in 10 Village Districts of Kavrepalanchok, Makwanpur and Sindhupalchok under the guidance of Love Green Nepal.

“In 1982 Amira landed in Nepal filled with dreams, ideas and plans for the future.”

Amira further established the Nepal Biotech Nursery and introduced the use of tissue culture in propagating various plants and crops that was a pioneer undertaking in Nepal. The first crop to be experimented on was Banana. It proved to be a grand success and as a result the Terai region of western Nepal is still producing high yielding healthy banana plantlets year after year. Growing orchids was a novelty to Nepali farmers in Makwanpur. Nevertheless, they took up the challenge with much fervor and it is expected that orchids will soon be an important export item. Understanding the importance of making communities self-sufficient, Love Green Nepal initiated major programs like Sustainable Agriculture Project, Girl Child Education, Women Empowerment Project and Environment Conservation Project.


Love Green Nepal has constructed five Multipurpose Women Centers in Panchkhal, Patlekhet and Anaikot of Kavre. These centers provide skill development and awareness training programs along with saving opportunities for women. Amira is a strong advocate and believer of educating and empowering disadvantaged communities. She followed up on her beliefs through Love Green Nepal by constructing 46 Schools in Kavre, Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Dadeldhura, Makwanpur, Siraha, Kapilvastu and Sindhupalchok.

“Amira has provided opportunities for many young women to pursue higher studies in Japan and has encouraged them to return to Nepal to contribute to their communities.�

In addition to their major projects, Love Green Nepal provides regular health camps to local communities. They have also established 2 permanent health posts in Kavre. The organization has also constructed 1800 toilet 345 girl students from low income attached biogas plants in the Panchkhal valley of Kavre districts families have directly benefited and 2 VDCs of Makanwanpur and from scholarships and more than Sindhupalchok. 100 students have embarked Love Green Nepal worked at on their career after completing making homestay a means of their education. Amira provided opportunities for many young women income generation for homeowners in Patlekhet of Kavre. Up till now to pursue higher studies in Japan they have reached out to 1500 and encouraged them to return national and international guests to Nepal to contribute to their under the Ecotourism homestay communities. She supported six program. young ladies from an economically disadvantaged community to learn Amira’s contribution to the Nepali baking in Japan. The group agro industry is truly commendable. returned to Nepal and established She has played an instrumental Prakriti Bread Pvt. Ltd. role in encouraging sustainable

agriculture (IPM/Organic) practices amongst among 1200 farmers in Kavrepalanchok, Sindhupalchok and Makwanpur. Through this practice there has been an 80% reduction in the use of chemical pesticide and 50% in chemical fertilizers. A laudable fact about Amira is that she could have used her close relationship and network in Japan for personal advancement. But she chose to divert it towards the betterment of undeserved Nepali communities. She has played an important role in the last 30 years to help develop bilateral projects in Nepal that are supported by the Government of Japan through JICA. These projects have included Horticulture Development, Grain Storage, Salt Iodization and School Building Construction projects.

Celebrating Womanhood

Dr Sumitra Manandhar Gurung CEO – Mahila Sahayatra Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd, Chitlang, Nepal wanting to work for marginalized and underprivileged communities was planted in her young mind!


r. Sumitra Manandhar Gurung lives and breathes economic development! She is living testimony to the fact that economic empowerment is the key to women’s empowerment. She is the Chief Executive Officer of Mahila Sahayatra Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Limited; a microfinance banking organization targeted to serve women and youth in the hills and mountains of Nepal. Sumitra does not limit herself to a desk in a posh executive office in Kathmandu but travels around Nepal scouting for places to set up new bank branches and help the existing 25 branches to provide more efficient services. Sumitra Manandhar Gurung was born in Ason, Kathmandu in 1954 into a family of six children. Her grandfather owned the first bicycle store in Kathmandu and played a significant role in establishing the first co-educational school in Kathmandu, Shanti Nikunja. Her father was socially, educationally and religiously active and aware. He was a patron of Anandakuti Bihar and other places that had social and religious importance and value. Sumitra’s mother had no formal education but was able to read religious scripts. At a time when girls were married off as soon as they hit puberty and very few believed in educating girls, her family was resolute about educating Sumitra and her siblings. Upon completion of high school Sumitra’s father took his daughters on a hike through the Tamang villages of Rasuwa. This proved to be an eye opener and life changing incident for Sumitra. As they passed through the poverty ridden settlementss she could not help observing and deliberating on the socio-economic disparity, illiteracy and lack of awareness. The seed of

She went on to study and become one of the first women geographers of Nepal and travelled far and wide throughout the country for her Master’s degree — both unheard of for women in Nepal at that time. While completing her Master’s degree she became a voluntary teacher at Chiti Lahar, Lamjung. The poverty, discriminatory practices on the basis of caste and gender and general lack of awareness she saw there kept nagging her to do something. She had begun to understand that economic empowerment along with awareness would be the golden key towards improving lives and developing communities.

“At a time when girls were married off as soon as they hit puberty and very few believed in educating girls, her family was resolute about educating Sumitra and her siblings.” In 1979, Sumitra gained a United Nations University Fellowship for Advanced Research and Training in Mountain Geo-Ecology at the University of Colorado. She completed her MSc. in Human Settlements Planning from the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok in 1982 and carried on to do Ph.D in the University of Hawaii at Manoa. After completing her post-graduate degree, Sumitra worked as an ethnographer in the UNESCO ‘Mountain Hazard Mapping of Kakani’ project from 1979-1981; Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Department of Geography, University of Hawaii, in the mid-1980s and a research intern with the Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Centre, Honolulu, Hawaii. She later published her thesis into a book entitled ‘Beyond the Myth of Eco-crisis in Nepal: `Local People’s Responses to Pressure on Land in the Kakani Hills’. She was involved in the field as team leader, manager, consultant in multi-disciplinary teams, developing and implementing, evaluating and advocating strategic programs & policy reforms to change the position of deprived and marginalized groups for alleviating poverty and ensuring their dignity in society.


her knowledge about ‘Lobbying and Strategy’ in preparation for WCAR (World Conference against Racial Discrimination). This workshop gave her an insight into how law and development are interrelated for the upliftment of the status of women, especially in Asia and the Pacific. She is the Chairperson of the National Coalition against Racial Discrimination (NCARD), founding member of LUMANTI, a support group for shelter for the urban poor and a founding executive member of Sankalpa, Women’s Alliance for Peace, Power Democracy and Constituent Assembly (WAPPDCA) since 2006. With over thirty five years of experiences in integrated rural and urban development programs microcredit, natural resource management and community participation, through the perspective of social inclusion; Sumitra managed and worked in various community projects, in India and Nepal to promote gender equity at all levels from practice to policy to help promote the social inclusion of marginalized groups. She has contributed to designing micro- credit programs and widening access to credits with the landless communities to ensure rights to land and shelter through policy reforms. She worked for a number of organizations including ICIMOD, and Plan International. She was responsible for developing methods and strategies to internalize gender perspectives in mountain resource management and ICIMOD’s research and policies for the region of Hindu Kush-Himalaya (Myanmar to Afghanistan). At Plan International in the mid-1990s she developed, planned, implemented, and supervised a variety of infrastructure projects, education, livelihood, habitat, reproductive health and integrated programs with staff and community organizations targeted to children, adolescent girls and women using participatory processes to benefit 17000 families and their communities in the remote mountain areas. Her fondest memory is that of conceptualizing, designing and organizing a 4 days residential Children’s Convention for 3350 children and mothers held at Huprachaur, Hetauda. She focuses on the inclusion of marginalized groups in the constitution making process in Nepal and has served as a member of the Screening Committee of Social Inclusion Research Fund(SIRF). In August 2001, she went to Sri Lanka to enhance

Sumitra was an integral part of the adult literacy class that included Brahmins and Dalits alike in the predominantly Hindu community of Chiti Lahar. Her work with Plan International has had multi-dimensional impact. From introducing participatory methods in doing business to holding children’s conventions offering them a platform to voice their thoughts, Sumitra’s work changed the stereotypical way of taking development work forward. Her work with NCARD continuously challenged the government’s discriminatory policies by analyzing the constitution itself and ultimately organizing a model constitution assembly that directly and indirectly helped the then elected constitution assembly to understand and address social inclusion. Recipient of a number of grants, honours and fellowships, Sumitra is an avid photographer who continues to document her journey through Nepal. Her photographs showcase Nepali society and reflect her observations of Nepali society around her. In the 70s and 80s, Sumitra was already photographing disasterprone areas in Nepal. She photographed houses, villages, child brides as they were getting married and young girls smoking cigarettes. Sumitra believes that all women should be aware of their rights and be ready to fight for equal rights in every sector. Her immediate short-term plan is to continue to work in the micro-credit sector to provide all those from deprived sectors, and females who have been sexually abused, equal access to financial resources. Her long term plan includes her continued efforts towards establishing Nepal as a multi-nation state. Nepal is a diverse country that needs to ensure there is equal access to the country’s resources and facilities to all communities, religions, castes and ethnic groups, regardless of age or gender, in all fields of development.

Celebrating Womanhood

Kalpana Karki


Land Rights Activist, Sindhupalchowk

alpana was born into a poor family from Sindhupalchowk. Her family’s main source of income was a small piece of land that yielded crops only 5 months in a year, besides which they worked on other people’s fields for the remaining months. Even then it was difficult for the family to earn a decent livelihood. Such was the fate of many families in Kalpana’s village, resulting in many of the young girls having to go and work in carpet factories in Kathmandu for a living. These girls would come home once a year during the Dashain festival and flaunt their earnings and new clothes. Her father wanted his daughter to follow their path, but she had other plans. She had no wish to flaunt new clothes or money; Kalpana was of a very determined nature right from childhood and wished to do something worthy in life. To start with, she wished to be educated. Her paternal grandparents held the belief that sending girls to school was of no use. They felt that Kalpana would be better off helping out with household chores. Nevertheless, Kalpana’s mother stood by her in her decision to join school and supported her against all odds and opposition on the home front. Kalpana remembers the days when she used to get up early in the morning, work for 3 hours in other people’s fields, eat a few morsels in a hurry and rush off to school. She would have her comb tucked in between her books to comb her hair on the way to school. Though government schools provided free education, there were several other costs attached like the school uniform and books which were difficult for Kalpana’s family to afford. Determined to fulfil her dream, Kalpana worked hard and exceled in her studies as a result of which she was granted scholarships of various forms. She also saved every last penny that she received as gifts from her relatives during festivals. This helped her get through tenth grade. She then headed to Kathmandu with the few hundred rupees she had saved from working on other people’s farms. Taking refuge at her aunt’s place, she completed her Intermediate degree at Padma Kanya Campus.

With the wish to do something in her own village, Kalpana headed back and taught at the Shanti Primary school for a year. She then worked as a social mobilizer for the next four years. This experience was eye opening for her and helped her understand the challenges her community, bereft with poverty, illiteracy and inequality, faced. She understood the need for change. She believed that to build a more balanced society, women needed to be economically empowered. One way to do that was to grant women land rights. As a child, she had witnessed her mother and aunt hiding their land ownership papers in different places to protect it from the menfolk who were likely to either sell it off or pawn it. Witnessing such an occurrence in her own family drove her further to be part of the land rights movement in Nepal. In 2005, Kalpana initiated the Samudayik Aatma Nirbhar Sewa Kendra (Community Self-sustainable Service Centre) and fully immersed herself into raising the issue of women’s rights over land which seemed like a far-fetched dream against the existing backdrop. The issue of Land Rights had already found a space in the legal framework of Nepal in 1950. But in reality farmers were still struggling for their rights over land. Kalpana and her centre fought for their rights on


the basis of Mohiyani Hak (farmers rights over land) and were successful in establishing the rights of many farmers. They saw the need to concentrate on women farmers after a study done by them revealed that the beneficiaries were mostly male farmers.

nine years since it’s initiation. It was no ordinary task to achieve this goal. There were many who questioned why women needed property and land rights when they were already being provided with food and shelter. Kalpana has been fighting for long with the belief that right over land is not just about material acquisition but is directly related to equal rights as a human “Kalpana’s mother stood by her being. People felt that providing women with access in her decision to join school and to education was sufficient for them. However Kalpana continuously advocated that women had equal rights supported her against all odds and to all benefits enjoyed by men. She strongly feels women are better at taking care of the property since opposition on the home front.” they run their households from day to day supervision, planning household budgets to taking care of household In 2009, 337 women farmers from Dang, Banke and members. Kanchanpur in western Nepal marched together for 11 days and merged in Kanchanpur. The following year in Kalpana also joined the Gramin Mahila Sirjansheel the first week of March one thousand women from 50 Samuha (Village Women’s creative group) which was districts gathered in Kathmandu for a rally to pressurize committed to raising awareness on violence against the government into signing a bill securing the rights women. She organized women farmers groups and took of women over land. This led to the announcement on the responsibility of leading various groups to take that joint property holdings were liable to lesser tax their movement forward. They included male members than properties owned solely by men. Furthermore, in this crusade against violence against women with a policy was passed outlining that women had rights the belief that men’s participation would lead to a over properties that were under sole ownership of their permanent solution. husbands. Today, Kalpana is a respected member of her Kalpana was elated by the outcome and felt that her community and several international and national dream of seeing women have equal rights and access organizations have forged partnerships with her in the over land was finally coming true. More than 10,000 task of taking the issue of women’s rights over land women have benefited from this policy in the eight to and property forward to achieve greater results.

Celebrating Womanhood


Jubeda Khatun

Social Mobilizer Bardiya, Far-West Nepal

he story of Jubeda Khatun would be incomplete without including her husband, Farman Jaga in it. Theirs is a perfect example of how the women empowerment movement can gain momentum and achieve greater results if men are included as part of the movement. It is furthermore interesting to note that contrary to popular belief; educated urban men are not the only ones to be more conscious and supportive of empowering women. Jubeda Khatun was studying in sixth grade when she married Farman Jaga at the age of 14. She gave birth to their first daughter the very next year at the age of 15. Three more daughters were born to the couple and for the next ten years Jubeda was busy caring for her daughters and home. Their third daughter required extra care and attention since she was paralyzed from the waist downwards after contacting Japanese encephalitis.

“This is a perfect example of how the women empowerment movement can gain momentum and achieve greater results if men are included in the movement.”

her desire to go back to school. It was not only Farman but his mother who supported her daughterin-law’s decision. In fact Farman’s mother assured her that she would take care of the younger two children while Jubeda attended school.

They lived in the small town of Laxmania in Bardiya in the far-west region of Nepal. It was a small Muslim Such stories are not uncommon in Nepal and in the South Asian region where countless women like Jubeda community of extremely orthodox people with lots of restrictions imposed on women. Women had to have go through life accepting hardships and daily drudgery their heads and faces covered with a veil all the time. as part of their fate and destiny. However, Jubeda envisioned a better life for herself and her family. She It was unheard of for married women to venture out into the world in pursuit of their dreams. It was but also had the will and grit to work towards it. She natural for Farman to become the target of ridicule knew that if she were to bring about change, she would have to be the change. Her two elder daughters amongst his community when he let his wife go back had started going to school. She understood the benefit to school. But that did not deter him from supporting his wife and he even took on the responsibility of of completing her studies. Farman on the other hand personally reaching and picking his wife up from school had never been to school. His childhood had been every day. Jubeda too was determined to succeed and spent herding cattle and helping his family take care wasted no time in making the most of the opportunity. of their small farm. One would have thought that he She got up by 4 am to prepare for school and finish would not have understood or supported his wife’s her household chores before school. She took extra dream of pursuing her education. However, Farman tuition classes after school and after coming back home supported Jubeda wholeheartedly when she expressed


would always revise what she had studied in class going to sleep only around 11 pm at night. Farman was ever ready to share household chores with her. Jubeda’s perseverance paid back and after re-joining school, she started receiving invitations to participate in various awareness and skill development training programs.

“Jubeda too was determined to succeed and wasted no time in making the most of the opportunity. She got up by 4 am to prepare for school and finish her household chores before school.” She would be the first choice for these programs as she fulfilled their criteria of being educated and possessed leadership skills. She also became a member of the forest community group. She was the obvious choice for the position of President of the Jutela Samuha, a women’s centre to raise awareness

on violence against women. Jubeda was not only guiding women from her community but reaching out to Dailekh, Surkhet and Bardiya districts. In 2003, Jubeda gave her School Leaving Certificate exam when her eldest daughter was studying in grade 7. She is now the President of the Muslim Namuna Community group. Jubeda is truly a Namuna (model) for her community members. She has worked hard at promoting education for the girl child and has through her own example been able to inspire families in her community to send their daughters to school. Her work with the community forestry and the centre to monitor violence against women is on-going. She tirelessly cycles to the main office at Guleria which is about 7/8 kilometres away from her village to attend to various issues that require attention. Jubeda credits her husband Farman for being her greatest moral support. Farman has always stood by her through her trials, triumphs and tribulations. Together they have been able to change the mind-set of their conservative and closed society. Farman often cites the example of how we need to implement the popular Nepali proverb; ‘women and men are the two wheels of the chariot’, if we are truly to envision a fair and just society.

Celebrating Womanhood

Hari Devi Koirala


Popular Folk Singer, lyricist, composer and poet, Pokhara

aridevi Koirala was born in Baidam adjoining the Phewa Lake in Pokhara. Her childhood was spent playing on the banks of the breath taking lake that inspired her to pen down poems and songs. The community of Gandarbhas (traditional music players) who lived nearby further kindled her poetic spirit. She was enchanted by their music and songs and wished to sing out loud like them. But she could not do so because she belonged to a Brahmin (high caste) family. It would be beneath her dignity to sing and dance like the Gandarbhas or Gaines as they were often called. Whenever she was overcome with the desire to sing, she would go to the nearest field and sing out loud. At times people would hear her and shake their heads in disbelief as it was sacrilege for a Brahmin girl to sing. They would even say that she was inviting shame upon herself and her family by acting beneath her caste. That did not deter Haridevi from following her heart and she kept on writing and composing poems and songs.

“Even as a young girl she understood the pain and melancholy of the wives who were unloved, unappreciated and insignificant. It was as though they existed for the sole purpose of serving their husbands and his family. Haridevi captured the feelings of these women in her writings and soon started writing against social discrimination.”

Haridevi was a very observant child. She was raised in a society that functioned strictly under the patriarchal law. The role of women and girls was limited to being subservient with no say or role in anything. Haridevi grew up seeing her father, her grandfather and uncles marry and take on multiple wives. At that time the number of wives a man had defined his manliness. Even as a young girl she understood the pain and melancholy of the wives who were unloved, unappreciated and insignificant. It was as though they existed for the sole purpose of serving their husbands and his family. Haridevi captured the feelings of these women in her writings and soon started writing against social discrimination. After passing tenth grade, she started teaching at the local school. She married Ram Bahadur Koirala at the age of 20 and adapted to the role of a dutiful wife. Fortunately for Haridevi, her husband supported her desire to continue her studies and with his support was able to complete her studies up to the intermediate level. She continued teaching and re-started writing, composing and singing. With her husband’s support Hari Devi recorded her first song at Radio Nepal. It was a tragic song that became very popular. But Her immediate family and community disapproved strongly. Her second song was based on the pain of a woman whose husband takes on another wife. When the song started playing on the radio, people began speculating and gossiping that Haridevi’s husband must have


left her and taken another wife. Her songs became extremely popular among listeners but her close family and friends could not accept her singing. Some even smashed their radios when her songs came on air. Rumours about her leaving her husband and children and going astray were spread around.

that she raised from her programs to encourage and support deserving talents. Over the years Haridevi discovered the power of her music as a tool to raise concern against social discrimination and injustice. Many of her songs are based on women and their struggles. She has woven many of her popular songs around Teej, a festival related to women. She popularized the traditional format of Teej songs into songs that highlighted the issue of equal rights for women.

“Regardless of the hostility around her, Hari Devi continued writing, composing and singing songs.” “To date she has over 84 recorded albums. 200 of her songs were recorded at Radio Nepal. She feels Regardless of the hostility around her, Hari Devi that one of the biggest challenges continued writing, composing and singing songs. Her husband was her strongest pillar of strength, support of keeping folk songs alive is their and encouragement and stood by her in her life’s cheap commercialization. She is mission of preserving and popularizing folk based songs. Haridevi believes that folk culture is the identity very vocal and shares her thoughts of a nation and needs to be shared and passed down and beliefs at the various musical to the younger generation. She established the Haridevi Koirala Literary Fund with 800,00/- Nepali Rupees functions to which she is invited on how folk culture should be preserved and promoted.” Her poems and songs motivate people to stand up for their rights and promote positive thinking. She actively participates and contributes to social activities in her community. Each year during Dashain (a major festival of Nepal), Haridevi provides clothes and food for a month to women living with HIV and AIDS. The reason for her doing so is her strong belief that no one should be left behind or be discriminated against celebrating happy moments in life. To date she has over 84 recorded albums. 200 of her songs were recorded at Radio Nepal. She feels that one of the biggest challenges of keeping folk songs alive is their cheap commercialization. She is very vocal and shares her thoughts and beliefs at the various musical functions to which she is invited on how folk culture should be preserved and promoted. She credits her listeners as her biggest motivation and achievement and continues to inspire us through her poems and songs.

Celebrating Womanhood

Indira Rana Magar


Founder, Prisoner’s Assistance Nepal, working with prisons across Nepal

ndira Rana Magar is a crusader for the rights of prisoners and their children who are directly affected yet often neglected by the state and society. Indira’s organization Prisoner’s Assistance Nepal (PA Nepal) is a wellestablished and recognized Non Governmental Organization providing education, skills and rehabilitation training for the most vulnerable and neglected groups while advocating for their rights. Her contributions to reform, rehabilitate and introduce welfare programs in Nepal’s prisons have received worldwide recognition. She was one of the three final nominees for the 2014 World’s Children Prize and was awarded the World’s Children’s Honorary Award by Queen Sylvia of Sweden the same year. She was also an Ashoka Fellow 2005, Asia’s 21 young leaders 2009, and BBC’s most inspiring and influential women around the world 2017. Indira was born into a poor landless family of Jhapa, eastern Nepal in 1972. As was the general norm, Indira was expected to stay home and take care of the home and fields while her brothers were sent to school. But Indira was a bright young girl and was determined to learn to read and write. She asked her brothers to teach her what they learnt in school. Her dusty front yard was her board and broken twigs her pens in her endeavour to read and write. She was ultimately enrolled into her village school after her elder brother persuaded their parents that she would find a better

husband if she was educated till fifth grade. Once Indira got a chance to attend school, there was no turning back. She excelled in her studies and always topped her class. She went on to complete high school at a nearby town. After completing high school Indira initiated adult literacy evening classes for the girls and women of her village. She started a campaign to raise a rupee from each household to buy kerosene for the lamps to conduct her evening classes. However, Indira’s noble intentions were not well received by the villagers who could not digest the fact that women were learning to read and write. Indira was even accused of leading the young girls astray by making them come out of their homes after dark.

Indira moved to Kathmandu in 1990 with just 300 rupees in her pocket in hope of finding and achieving her life’s mission. It was the year that the whole country was going through political turmoil trying to establish itself as a multi-party democratic nation. Indira remembers days on end when she survived on cucumber and water. Just when she was on the verge of giving up and going back to her village, she got a job as a teacher. She probably would have continued teaching if she not met renowned Nepali writer and human rights activist Parijaat. Meeting Parijat proved to be the turning point of Indira’s life. Parijaat became her inspiration toward understanding her life’s true calling. Indira started working with Parijaat’s organization ‘Prisoners Assistance Mission’ which was


committed towards providing relief to poor and forgotten prisoners. Back in those days the focus was mostly on the rights of political prisoners. Prison life was and is till date no less than a nightmare in Nepal. Besides leading a harsh life during imprisonment, prisoners are stigmatized and ill-equipped to re-enter society after serving their sentences. Seven years after Parijaat’s death in 1993, Indira decided to establish her own organization Prisoners Assistance Nepal (PA Nepal) in 2000.

“Indira initiated the concept of a day care for the chidlren (in prison) where they would learn to read and write” PA Nepal’s major focus was on improving living conditions for imprisoned women and their children. Children who had no one else to take care of them would live with their mothers inside the prison under pathetic conditions. Indira initiated the concept of a day care for the children where they would learn to read, write and play. PA Nepal further worked at providing former prisoners with employment opportunities and ensuring a sound and secure environment for their children. They worked together with local communities to lessen prejudice against former prisoners. PA Nepal also started housing children who had nowhere to go and provided them with care and education. Indira furthermore believed in nurturing the bonding between

children under her care and their imprisoned parents. Therefore, she regularly took them to visit their parent/s in prison. Furthermore, the visits from their children gave the prisoners something to look forward to and a reason to live a better life after their term in prison. While taking PA Nepal forward, Indira got married to a man of her parent’s choice. But her marriage turned out to be a disaster. Her husband did not share the same passion as Indira to work for the forgotten ones and could not understand why Indira found it so compelling to work for prisoners and their children. He gave Indira the ultimatum of choosing between her work and her marriage. Indira tried her best to make her marriage work but her husband started becoming abusive. She finally walked out of the disastrous relationship and fully devoted herself to working for prisoners and their rights. The schools that she has established in Sankhu and Jhapa for children

of prisoners are providing education and free lunch to the extremely poor families of the local communities. PA Nepal has established a model organic farm in Palpa. Indira encourages the children in her homes to pursue interesting hobbies and interests. An avid mountain biker herself, she has trained and formed a group of Young Mountain biking guides from children who were otherwise living on the streets. Today, Indira Ranamagar is a member of the National Project Consultant Committee of the Department of Prison Management and an active member of the Network for Children, Prisoners and Dependents. Through her organization she is currently working directly with 8 prisons in Nepal and is in contact with more than 60 of the 73 active prisons in Nepal. Indira shares that she feels blessed when she sees the faces of the children who are her energy and motivation.

Celebrating Womanhood

Laxmi Magar Mountain biker, Riding across Nepal and the world


wenty nine year old Laxmi Magar has made her mark as a Nepali woman mountain biker winning more than 30 different national and international races. Her latest victory includes the four day long ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ in Sri Lanka in June 2017. Laxmi clocked 20 hours 20 minutes and 18 seconds clinching the title 1 hour faster than her nearest competitor, Australia’s Tania Tyrhon riding across Sri Lanka’s diverse terrain and climate braving intense humidity, scorching sun and torrential rain. This recent win is one more feather in her cap for Laxmi who has participated in and been placed among the top 3 winners in many challenging bike races including the Yak Attack considered to be the highest and toughest races of the world. Less than a decade ago Laxmi was a simple young girl who had no clue as to what the future held for her. She came from a family of humble means but remembers her childhood with great fondness. She grew up in a family bound by love, affection and care. She had always been fond of cycling ever since she was a little girl. One of her favourite activities was taking her father’s big old cycle for a spin.

The bike was difficult for a child to ride but Laxmi even managed to put her younger brother on the back seat. Another treat for Laxmi and her sister was their occasional 20 minutes ride on rented bikes for only two Nepalese rupees. After completing high school, Laxmi worked at odd jobs to save money and joined the Lalit Kala College of Fine Arts taking arts as her major subject. She cycled to college because she could not afford the bus fare. At Lalit Kala Laxmi explored and mastered her aptitude and love for art. She often combined her two passions, capturing picturesque places that she reaches on many of her biking adventures onto canvas. In 2009 pressed on by her friends Laxmi took part in her first ever marathon mountain bike race from Kathmandu to Nagarkot. With no prior experience or a proper bike, Laxmi finished third after experienced professional bikers. The race was the turning point in her life connecting her with her life’s true calling. There were many hurdles and challenges to overcome. Mountain biking was an expensive profession. A good mountain bike, proper nutrition, money to pay for training and entry into races were issues that posed constant challenges for Laxmi.


Furthermore, mountain biking was considered a man’s world with an almost non-existent number of female riders when Laxmi made her entry into the arena. Luckily for Laxmi, friends, mountain bike lovers and well-wishers pitched in to support her most of the time making it possible for her to enter races. In the following years, Laxmi started working in a bike shop which later gave her a good bike at a cost much lower than its original price. Over a short period of time Laxmi became a familiar name in the mountain biking field in South Asia. She has completed her second level in cycling coaching training from the World Cycling Center Korea. Laxmi had set her mind on the Sea Otter Classic race in the USA where she hoped to learn a new style and level of racing.

“With no prior experience of a proper bike, Laxmi finished third after experienced professional bikers. The race was the turning point in her life connecting her with her life’s true calling.”

An organization called Soul Sister Cycling had been working hard to fundraise for Laxmi’s participation in the Sea Otter Race. A documentary titled ‘ Himalayan Dreams’ was also planned to capture Laxmi’s journey from Nepal to the Sea Otter. The Soul sisters invited Laxmi to participate in the Colorado Race of 2017 but Laxmi was not granted a US visa shelving this grand dream. Nevertheless, she has not given up hope of participating in international races. One of the races she has set her sights on is the Cape Epic Race of South Africa. She also wishes to establish her place in the South Asian Mountain Biking Cross Country Women Race. Laxmi is a licensed female mountain bike trekking guide and is affiliated with Himalayan Action Treks and Tours. Her future plans include bringing more girls into mountain biking. She is supporting a programme to empower worm and grils through cylying calles Soul Sister Cycling in Nepal and plans to create a bike park for beginners. She also plans to run mountain bike adventure tours. She suggests that to become a mountain biker one needs to have a physically fit body and sound mental health. She shares that cycling means everything to her.

Celebrating Womanhood

Tripta Lungeli Magar


Champion of People living with disabilities, Sunsari, East Nepal

ripta Lungelee Magar is a living testimony of the saying, ‘ her body may be broken but her spirit is not!’ It just takes one meeting with her to realize the zeal and positivity with which she views and lives life. At the age of two Tripta was inflicted with polio that damaged her legs for life. People around her said that she was cursed because of the sins she had committed in her past life. As a little child Tripta was frustrated at not being able to jump and run around like other children. She would beat her hands on the ground and scream in despair. Tripta’s mother Rana Maya would always be at hand to comfort and boost her morale. Rana Maya instilled the belief in Tripta that she could do anything that her 7 siblings could do. Tripta learnt the power of determination at an early age when she crawled along the hard and dusty road under the scorching Terai sun to reach school drenched in her own sweat. There were times when she would almost pass out due to dizziness. Despite all these physical discomforts and difficulties, Tripta completed the 7th grade at the local school. The next challenge was to get to the nearby town of Itahari to attend high school. The bus stop was half a kilometre away from her home. Tripta would crawl to the bus stop and clamber on to the crowded bus where many times people would step on her hands and feet. There were times when she would not be allowed to get on the bus by the bus conductor.

But her grit and determination was undeterred and she completed high school. During the break between exams and results, the Chairperson of Sunsari Red Cross Society Sarala Kayatha introduced Tripta to Bholaman Shrestha who offered free typing classes to Tripta at his institute. Tripta attended these classes with great enthusiasm and soon mastered typing. Her next goal was to get a college degree. Tripta travelled to Kathmandu and joined Padma Kanya College in 1988 after overcoming various societal and financial hurdles. Initially, the other students stared at her in curiosity. But Tripta’s positive outgoing nature

and spirit soon won her many friends. At the end of her second year final exams, Tripta received a wheelchair from a senior student Asha Pun, whose father was a Major in the British Gurkha Army. The wheelchair became Tripta’s wings as they gave her additional mobility. Tripta wished to earn her own living and be economically independent. She applied for the position of a typist at the Purwanchal Gyanchakshu School for the visually impaired in Dharan. Initially the interviewers were sceptical of her physical state. They asked her questions like, if she was able to use the toilet by herself;


who would take responsibility if something happened to her on the way to work from home. They were not sure if she would be able fulfil the responsibilities related with her work. Ultimately Tripta’s confidence and qualifications won and she was selected for the position at Gyanchakchu. In addition to her responsibilities as typist, she would read the morning papers to the students. Dambari Yonjan, the principal encouraged her to apply for a government position in the education sector as a result of her dedication and capabilities. Soon Tripta was appointed as a teacher at the Gyanodaya Secondary School in Dharan. After working there for two years she went on to work at the National Higher Secondary School and the National Federation for the Disabled. While working at the Federation, Tripta got to meet and interact with people living with disabilities from all across Nepal. Tripta learnt about their daily challenges and understood their pain and frustrations which made her realize the need for an organization that specially catered to women living with disabilities. This encouraged her to establish the Nepal Chelibeti Apang Samaj (Nepal Disabled Women and Girls Society) in May 1998. Tripta was very clear about the objectives of the organization. It laid special focus on informal education and skill development training for women and girls living with disabilities. The organization also promoted the importance of health and hygiene. Recognizing the need for women’s economic empowerment, the Nepal Chelibeti Apang Samaj launched its own savings and credits group.

The savings and credit group enabled women to start their own small businesses by providing them with low interest loans. This made it possible for the women to earn, save and plan their future. Along with progress came prosperity and trust of the local community. With trust came support from organizations like Plan International, Nepal and the village development committee.

weaving wicker baskets and stools. Pickles made by the organization’s members was a popular seller. Tripta also wanted to ensure that old people and people suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s received proper care. Her dream of creating a home for the elderly materialized in 2015. The old home today helps elderly people who have no place to call their own. She was able to raise awareness and funds for a 24 hour “Being physically ambulance service for the elderly. challenged did not deter Alongside establishing centres and homes for the differently abled and Tripta from overcoming elderly, Tripta accomplished her the challenges that came dream of acquiring a Bachelor’s Degree in Education. She has been her way.” acknowledged for her work by many organizations in her hometown. The Chelibeti Samaj was able to Being physically challenged did construct its own office building not deter Tripta from overcoming with its savings and support from the challenges that came her way. various individuals and supporting She overcame every hurdle turning organizations. The office organized various activities where they made it them into opportunities and paving mandatory for at least one member the way for a better future for from each household to participate. others living with disability. They promoted local crafts like

Celebrating Womanhood


Sarita Mishra

Music Guru/Social Worker, Kathmandu

he Hindu scriptures state that ‘a person who does not appreciate music, literature and art is like an animal without horns and tail’. Classical music is held in high regard as the music of the Gods themselves. The practitioners of classical music have to go through rigorous training before they can establish themselves as music gurus. Women in the classical musical field are mostly singers. Very few venture out to be composers or musicians. Musical instruments like the sitar and veena are identifiable as being instruments widely played by women whereas instruments related to rhythms like the different types of drums are considered a man’s forte. When Sarita Mishra decided to take up the tabla (a South Asian musical instrument consisting Mishra arranged for a dance tutor to come home and of a pair of small drums), nobody took her seriously. teach her dance. Under the tutor’s guidance Sarita Nevertheless, she went on to become Nepal’s first learned about the different styles of movements, beats professional woman tabla player. and rhythms. She was intrigued by the beats of the madal, dhime, khi and tabla and enjoyed playign them. Sarita discovered that the tabla was what she enjoyed “When Sarita Mishra decided to take playing the most. She completed her Master’s Degree up the tabla (a South Asian musical in tabla at the Prayag Music Academy, Allahabad, instrument consisting of a pair of small India in 1997. Upon her return to Nepal she wished to take up drums), nobody took her seriously.” playing tabla as her full time occupation but was faced with challenges she had not anticipated. People were not used to seeing women tabla players and so she As a little girl Sarita used to enjoy listening to was not accepted into the circle of tabla players nor and playing musical instruments. She lived near given a chance to perform at programs and festivals. Pashupatinath temple where bhajans (devotional Other men tabla players avoided her for fear of having songs) were part of daily life. Bhajans were also to perform together with her. People even told her part of Sarita’s daily routine as her parents sang bhajans morning and evening. She also enjoyed music that it would be better if she gave up trying to be a tabla player and concentrated on finding a good lessons in her school more than other subjects. After completing school she joined Lalitkala campus to study husband. Sarita was determined to succeed and never gave up the idea of achieving her place as a tabla art. Her parents thought Sarita would do well in art player. Her father was her strongest support and because she had always been fascinated with colours. source of encouragement. She started teaching music Even while cooking, she was intrigued by the colours of different vegetables like the bright red of the tomato, at Padma Kanya College in Kathmandu where she encouraged young women to take up tabla as a choice green of the chilli and the deep purple of the eggplant. However, while studying art, she discovered that of instrument. Slowly her skills as a tabla player as acknolwegded by the musical circle and she started she was drawn more to music and switched to music as her major subject. She felt that she was a better fit receiving invitations to perform at concerts. Sarita started performign at concerts and recording musical for the world of music than art. Seeing his daughter’s renditions for Radio Nepal. All through it Sarita never interest in music, Sarita’s father Late Hari Prasad stopped learning. She studied and practiced tabla under


Nepal’s renowned tabla player Homnath Upadhyaya for 12 years. Sarita credits him for helping her understand a whole new dimension to being a tabla player. Sarita has played in around 3,000 concerts, recorded over a 100 musical pieces on Radio Nepal and released four albums; Utsarg, Taal Sarita, Ananda Utsav and Bholiko Nepal. Understanding the need to uplift women musicians, Sarita formed a group and established the Cheli Sangeetik Samuha –CSS (Women’s Musical Group) in 2005. The group’s main objective was to bring together women musicians and encourage more women to take up music as a profession. CSS further worked at utilizing music as tools to heal psychologically traumatized victims of different forms of violence. Two years after the formation of CSS, Sarita established NAAD Sangeet Pathshala (NAAD Music School). NAAD offers music classes to students from lower income families especially to those who were marginalized, underprivileged and with no other support. Sarita believed that music would minimize the chances of children from impoverished families going astray. Sarita also believed that the positive vibrations of music would lead them to adopt a positive mind-set and outlook towards life. The school provides opportunities to learn tabla, madal, sitar, harmonium, violin, guitar, flute, keyboard, vocal and dance to interested children, women and men. Sarita believes that music has the power to heal psychological scars inflicted by trauma and violence

of various kinds and is working at sharing it with persons who require such healing. NAAD has worked together with several organizations to address situations arising due to conflict and violence. It has been giving free classes to survivors of conflict and violence. 300 students have already graduated out of NAAD Music School. The music school has developed theme based performances to raise and spread awareness on various issues requiring attention. The issues range from uterine prolapse, HIV and AIDS, domestic violence and environmental protection. NAAD is further working together with other organizations towards the development and preservation of traditional musical instruments. Over the years Sarita’s work and the positive impact it has made has been recognized by various national and international organizations along with individual supporters. The South Asia Foundation Nepal Chapter, Action Aid International Nepal, NCell Nepal, Sikshya Foundation and Deinze Foundation are some of organizations that have understood the importance of her work. Sarita works with organizations like Maiti Nepal, Shanti Sewa Griha, Bal Sarathi and Sharada High School who provide shelter to underprivileged, orphaned and homeless children. Sarita’s determination and dedication has led her this far. But she feels her mission is far from being accomplished. She plans to reach out to women and children from other areas of Nepal to benefit from the magic of her music.

Celebrating Womanhood

Doma Poudel


Nature Guide and Anti-Poaching Activist, Chitwan

oma Paudel holds the honour of being the first Nepali woman nature guide. Under her able leadership, the Community Based Anti-Poaching Unit (CBAPU) in Chitwan has recently marked 1000 days of zero rhino-poaching. One would have thought that after her mother was killed by a rhinoceros in 2004, Doma would carry a deep resentment towards the animal. On the contrary, she became a passionate advocate for anti-poaching and environmental protection. Doma was born in Bacchauli, Chitwan as the eldest of four siblings in 1984. She was originally named Manamaya Poudel but changed her name to Doma since she liked the sound of Tibetan names. Doma was used to the constant conflict between the inhabitants of Bacchauli and wild animals. It was common for wild animals to roam around the village at night often destroying crops and homes, attacking domestic animals and at times even injuring and killing people. Doma’s father and brothers used to stay up on ‘machans’ along with the menfolk of the village watching out for such threats at night in an effort to protect their crop and cattle. Doma often went along with them on these night watches which was instrumental in helping her overcome her fear of the wilderness and wild animals.

After finishing school in 2001, Doma joined Dusk Nepal, an organization which worked for environmental preservation and women empowerment. This experience ignited her interest in working in these areas. She understood the need for humans and wildlife to live in harmony with each other. This further helped Doma cope with her mother’s death. On being asked as to what prompted her to work for the preservation of the very animal that had caused her mother’s death, Doma answers that as humans we should be aware that animals do not have the capacity to think and act intellectually. They act instinctively and only become aggressive if they feel threatened. Being the oldest daughter of the family Doma took on the responsibility of managing household matters and taking care of her younger sister and brothers.

Doma’s family ran a small tea-shop for a living . But Doma wished to do more! She had made up her mind to work as a nature guide. She understood that being a nature guide was no ordinary task and it required great resilience, physical strength and courage. It further involved risking their lives at times. Furthuremore, the profession of a nature guide was a largely male dominated one. When Doma expressed her desire to become a nature guide, everyone scoffed her because no one believed that a woman could lead a group safely and skilfully through the dangerous jungles. Nevertheless, she held on to her dream. Seeing her determination, she was allowed to go as an assistant guide on nature tours under male guides. Doma’s resilience and skill was highly appreciated by the visiting groups. After several successful trips she was allowed to lead nature trips starting with half day trips. Doma slowly graduated to leading 1 and 2 day trips. Eventually she was entrusted with leading longer and more challenging trails. There was no looking back for Doma from then onwards and she soon became a popular, much respected and trusted figure as a nature guide.

“The general perception was that the career of a nature guide was only for men since it required great resilience, physical strength and courage.”


Among Doma’s many significant works was the signature campaign she initiated for the preservation of the one horned rhinoceros which proved to be an important milestone. Doma understood the importance of working together with other organizations committed to nature and wildlife preservation. She partnered with the Youth Awareness Venture for Anti-poaching, the Community Geographic Communication Centre, Nature Guide Association of Chitwan, Bird Education Society of Chitwan, Wildlife Conservation Society and Wetland and Biodiversity Preservation Nepal on wildlife and environmental preservation.

“We should be aware that unlike humans, animals do not have the capacity to think and act intellectually. They act instinctively and only become aggressive if they feel threatened.” Doma’s Eco Tours guide service agency provides guide services long and short-term trips. She sets aside 10% of her profit in a fund to support families who have lost members to wild life attacks. She further utilizes the fund to organize various nature preservation activities. Her work has helped the challenges and issues faced by hundreds of people working in environment and wildlife preservation.

She has also helped initiate home stay programs for tourists in her community as a means of income generation. Doma feels that, when communities have access to a means of income generation and wealth, they are more willing to participate in environmental and wild life preservation programs.

run on a regular basis. Children who have lost their parents to attacks by wild animals are granted scholarships to continue their studies. The Wildlife Victim Fund further acts as a bridge between families who have sustained injuries or have lost a family member to a wildlife attack and the government.

Dolma involves tourists from all across the globe to be part of voluntary community service. This fun experience has attracted tourists back again and again. in 2017 she established the ‘Wildlife Victim Fund’ as she recognised the need for an organization to adress the issues people face when attacked by wildlife. The organization provides expert medical treatment and counselling to the victims. Public awareness on wild life, eco-tourism, safety programs and skill development training are also

Doma has inspired many women to become nature guides and the once male dominated field is no longer out of bounds for women. She has been the voice of Nepal in International conventions on wildlife and nature conservation and has been honoured with national level awards. She continues to lead nature tours and believes that Nepal’s abundant natural beauty is parallel to none.

Celebrating Womanhood

Nisha Sharma Pokhrel Theatre Actor, Kathmandu

Her acting prowess and popularity opened the doors to television series. She is still remembered for her powerful performances in Chature Ko Dau Pech (Chature’s tricky business), Bheed Dekhi Bheed Samma (from crowd to the crowd) and Nimitaa Nayak (Assigned Leader). The role of a Buddhist nun in Agni Ko Katha (The Story of Fire) is one of Nisha’s much loved and widely acclaimed roles.


isha Sharma Pokhrel’s theatrical journey and her unforgettable roles have earned her the title of Gurukul ki Guruama ‘Respected Teacher of Theatre’. Today her name is synonymous with Nepali theatre. Nisha has acted in over 50 plays enacting roles from that of a spirited young woman to a mellow old woman and from a progressive advocate to a deeply troubled suicidal woman.

“Nisha Sharma Pokhrel’s theatrical journey and her unforgettable roles have earned her the title of Gurukul ki Guruama - ‘Respected Teacher of Theatre’. Today her name is synonymous with Nepali theatre.”

Nisha’s performances are not limited to the national arena. One of her personal favourite role is that of Nora in Henrik Ibsen’s The Doll’s House. The Nepali adaptation was directed by Nisha’s husband Sunil Pokhrel and has been presented over 200 times at Nisha embarked on her theatrical journey at the young different venues in and outside Nepal including Norway, age of 10 with Bijaya Malla’s Kankal (skeleton). This the birthplace of the playwright. Nisha and Sunil can was followed by Prativa Akaash Magche (Prativa seeks be jointly credited to introducing Ibsen and modern western plays to the Novae Nepali theatre going the sky) where she played the role of the younger audiences. sister of the main female lead. Her elder sisters Suryamala and Chandramala were both active members Furthermore, Nisha ventured out to try and of the Arohan Theatre Group. Her father was a music successfully enacted extremely challenging roles as enthusiast and their home was the meeting ground in the play ‘4:48 Psychosis’. The one-act play is for many skilled musicians of the time. Therefore, it popularly known for its highly abstract language and was no surprise to anyone when Nisha showed her form and as Kane’s final work. Adapting and entering inclination towards theatre. into the dark and disturbed mind of a woman on the verge of suicide was not an easy feat to achieve. Nisha’s popularity as an actress grew with Nisha shares that the ominous fact that the writer Madan Krishna and Haribhansa’s play Bigyapan (advertisement) that was a big hit in 1985. She went had committed suicide after writing this piece loomed large over her. As an actor who dived deep into on to gather much acclaim with plays like Mayadevi her characters becoming one with them, Nisha went ko sapana (Mayadevi’s dream), NyayaPremi (Justice through an extremely exhausting experience to get in lover), Jetho Choro (The eldest son) and Asar Ko and out of Kane’s mindset. Ek Din (A day in the month of Asar).


As Antigone in Sophocle’s Antigone directed by French director Gilbier, Nisha once again exhibited her unmatched gift for breathing life into her characters. Rashoman written by Ryunosuke Akutagawa and directed by Sunil Pokhrel is also one of Nisha’s masterpieces. Transforming and enacting powerful characters from historical and mythological books has also been Nisha’s area of passion and expertise. Her role as Yajnaseni (Draupadi, wife of the Pandavas) written by Prativa Ray is her most recent powerful role. Nisha traveled with this play to USA in 2016 after successful presentations in Nepal and India. It was no easy task to venture into and come this far in a society where a career in theatre and films was not considered respectable for women and girls. The early 90’s were times when Nisha and her sister Suryamala were passionately involved in theatre. But in comparison to their popularity and fame, the remuneration they received was not much. The sisters had to scrape through and save as much money as they could from what they received. Travelling by public transport and going hungry during rehearsals was a common practice while doing so. Nevertheless, their passion for theatre did not dwindle.

“It was no easy task to venture into and come this far in a society where a career in theatre and films was not considered respectable for women and girls.” It was during this period that Nisha married Sunil Pokhrel in 1990. Sunil had been one of the codirectors of Prativa Akaash Magche. Sunil Pokhrel is credited to being the pioneer of modern Nepali theatre and a brilliant theatre director and Nisha has often played the central character in many of his plays. The initial years of marriage were not easy for Nisha. She was expected to adapt to the role of a traditional daughter-in-law by Sunil’s conservative Brahmin family. The birth of their son brought on additional responsibilities for Nisha. Sunil continued with his theatrical pursuits and was oblivious of his responsibilities as a married man. Nisha realized that she would have to be the one to take charge of the home-front and all practical matters and challenges

of running a household. Nisha shares how there were days when they had no money to buy milk for their son. Despite all challenges, Nisha fully supported Sunil in his theatrical projects even though it meant dealing with overwhelmingly demanding situations. There was a time when he worked on a theatre project with street children and Nisha was entrusted with the responsibility of feeding them every day. As funds were scarce, she had to sell their small plot of land and her jewelry to keep the project going. During these trying times, Nisha’s sister Suryamala and brother-in-law Saroj who were by then settled in the US tried to convince her to migrate to the US for a better life. But her love for theatre kept her in Nepal. The establishment of Gurukul in 2002 brought Nisha and Sunil’s dream into fruition. Soon Gurukul became a popular and powerful hub for theatre enthusiasts, writers, directors and students; generating an interest and zeal for modern theatre among Nepali audiences. Over time Nisha has used the medium of theatre to highlight social issues requiring attention. Bonded labor, violence against women and girls, caste discrimination and human rights are some topics that have found a place in her plays. Having dedicated more than 3 decades to theatre, Nisha shares that she is reborn each time she plays a new character. She feels that she still has a long way to go and that the role of her lifetime is yet to come!

Celebrating Womanhood

Sita Pokhrel Social Worker, Purwanchal Bal Sewa Ashram, Biratnagar, East Nepal


ita ama (mother) is a familiar name to the people of Biratnagar and its surrounding areas. She has earned the title because of Purwanchal Bal Sewa Ashram (Eastern district Chidren’s Care Home) which is currently home to 120 children and the elderly who have been abandoned by their families. For the past 25 years, the home has provided shelter, food, clothing and education to over 500 children and the elderly. Many of them have gone on to complete their college education and pursue successful career paths. Many are married and have their own families.

“For the past 25 years, the home has provided shelter, food, clothes and education to over 500 children and the elderly. Many of them have gone on to complete their college education and pursue successful career paths.” Sita Pokhrel was born in a little hilly village of Sankhuwasava. She learnt about the importance of helping the poor and the disadvantaged early in life. Her father always told his children to be ready to help those who had no one to turn to. These words were to become Sita’s guiding light in the years to come. Sita’s father

also initiated the establishment of a school in the village providing the village children with access to education. Her mother was a very pious lady who instilled in her the sense of giving and caring for the poor and destitute. As was the norm Sita married Bal Mukunda Pokhrel at the age of 13. Bal Mukunda’s work required him to be stationed at different towns before they settled down permanently in Biratnagar. It was here that Sita found her life’s calling. She shares an incident that took place a little over 30 years ago which proved to be the turning point in her life.

love and care for children who had nowhere else to go. The first step was to formalize the shelter and the Purwanchal Anath An eleven year old girl came Ashram(Eastern District Orphanage knocking on her door one day in Home) was formally registered search of work. When Sita asked in 1987. The Purwanchal Anath her why she wanted to work, the little girl replied that her father had Ashram (Eastern District Orphanage Home) has recently changed its recently remarried and wanted her out of the house. He was arranging name to Purwanchal Bal Sewa Ashram (Eastern district Chidren’s for her to be married to a much Care Home). Eventually, the home older man. The little girl had run had to restrict itself to sheltering away from home to escape the only orphans as it did not have ordeal and was ready to work the capacity to host and manage as a housemaid for a living. Sita all the children who arrived at their immediately took her in not as a doorstep. Many times parents who maid but as another member of were too poor to take care of their her family. Later on the little girl children would bring them to the shared that she had a younger brother back home and he too was home with the hope of leaving them mistreated by their step-mother. Sita there. They felt that their children would be better off under Sita’s arranged for the little girl’s brother care. In addition the home has also to be brought to her home too. opened its doors to the elderly who From then onwards Sita’s home were abandoned. became a shelter for abandoned Operating the home was not an children. She took in more children easy task and feeding children and but had no long term plans as to ensuring that they received proper how she would keep supporting nutrition was a big challenge. the children. She just knew that Sita personally started going from her mission in life was to provide


door to door asking for any kind of contribution that could help the children. Many sneered at her saying that she had become a beggar and might as well have become a monk. Nevertheless, she stuck to her mission undeterred and devised ways in which people could help. She initiated the concept of ‘Muthi Daan’. This was a plea to each household to set aside a fistful of grain each day to feed the chidlren in her home. Sita went from door to door collecting the donations and thanking them for their generosity. Later people started bringing their donations to the home and contributions included pulses and vegetables. People even started donating their old clothes. Sita then devised a donation plan where each household could contribute Rs. 2 each month. Today some people donate 50 to 100 kgs of rice. Over time, Sita’s reputation as a truly selfless, compassionate and committed person helping orphaned children and the elderly spread around Biratnagar and her wellwishers joined in to help her in her endeavour.

With generous donations and contributions received over time, Sita was able to convert the home into a more systematic space for children. Separate sleeping quarters for boys and girls were built along with a large dining area. There was ample space to grow their own vegetables on the land around the home. Sita and Bal Mukunda have taught the children to plant and care for the vegetables that ensures a constant supply of fresh seasonal vegetables. The ome currently owns 25 cows which provide milk for the children and has 30 fruit trees that provide seasonal fruits. All excess vegetables, fruits and milk are sold at the local market enabling the home to be self-sufficient. They earn up to Rs. 50 to 60 thousand per year from the sale of milk, vegetables and fruits. The earnings from the milk is enough to buy grain for the cows and to pay the salary of the person who looks after them. A bio gas facility has been built to utilize cow dung as fuel for cooking. A temple has been constructed on the grounds.

Sita strongly believes in the importance of being in touch with one’s spiritual self and the children gather morning and evening to pray at the temple. Interestingly the central figure of the temple, Baba Sidheshwor is built out of stones that Sita collected on several picnic trips with the children.

“Operating the home was not an easy task and feeding children and ensuring that they received proper nutrition was a big challenge.” Over time the home has welcomed babies as young as six days to old men and women who are past their 80s. All of them have found love, laughter and people to call their own at the ashram. Many of them have gone on to complete their college degree and venture out on successful careers. Many of them are married and have their own families. But they often visit the home along with their new families. Sita has received many awards and citations over time for her work. Some have presented her with cash awards which she has put into the homes’ fund. The Purwanchal Bal Sewa Ashram has been Sita’s lifelong commitment and her husband Bal Mukunda has been her constant support and strength. Even if he has already crossed 70 and Sita is nearing her 70th birthday; their daily lives revolve around catering to the needs of the children and the elderly. They are hopeful of finding someone who will take over the responsibility of running the home with as much love, passion and dedication as they have.

Celebrating Womanhood

Gulab Devi Ram


Social Mobilizer/Activist, Saptari. East Nepal

epal is known as a melting pot of diverse cultures, languages and beliefs. These attributes make Nepal intriguing and culturally rich. Ironically, it is this very diversity that separates and discriminates communities. Discrimination on the basis of caste is one of the worst forms of discrimination that still exists in many parts of the country. Dalits or the ‘untouchable caste’ has for generations been discriminated against and placed at the bottom of the caste system. The Dalits are further divided into several sub castes on the basis of their profession. The Chamars are one such group who have for long been excluded from social justice and economic progress. They made a living as scavengers, collecting and disposing carcasses of domestic animals. What was more horrific was that it was expected of them to eat the dead animals. Gulab Devi Ram was born into and grew up in this dismal environment. It is generally believed that educated conscious people bring about change in society. However, Gulab Devi Ram has proven that even those considered illiterate and backward can bring about positive change. She shares that even as a young child she would be full of questions regarding what she saw around her. She never got the chance to attend school. Nevertheless, she was aware of the fact that what her community was going through was not right. Gulab Devi decided to stand up for what she believed was right. Her chosen path was not easy and she met with a lot of resistance. She strategically planned her way forward to fight against the redundant custom of her community having to collect and eat animal carcass. One of the first steps she took was to become a vegetarian and inspire others in her community to do the same. As a result of becoming vegetarians the Chamars, Dusars and Dom people stopped collecting carcasses. This initiation turned into a national movement termed as the Sino Andolan (carcass movement) in 1998.

Besides rebelling against having to collect dead animals from households, Gulab Devi also stood up against the customary practice of Chamar women having to serve as care-takers of new mothers from higher castes. Their duties would entail cleaning up, washing dirty linen and giving daily massages to new-borns and mothers. In return they would receive a meagre compensation of grain and old clothes. Monetary compensation would be few and too little. Without being exposed to the international community’s definition of human rights, Gulab Devi was successful in standing up for and applying human rights not only for herself but for her whole community. Gulab Devi’s bold steps not only inspired supporters but also drew a lot of opposition especially from those who benefitted by exploiting their community. The movement was met with a lot of resistance to the extent of Gulab Devi receiving threats against her life. Her community was barred from using public facilities such as wells and shops. They were even prevented from buying food and medicine and walking on public roads. The Chamars were given an ultimatum that if


they did not resume their traditional responsibilities of disposing carcasses they would be permanently barred from using all public facilities. This tussle between the higher castes and the Chamars made national headlines in 2008. The state owned national daily, Gorkhapatra brought it to public attention through an editorial. Gulabdevi stood firm and ultimately emerged victorious in this fight for human rights and dignity. The Chamars would no longer have to collect and dispose of carcasses.

Devi dared to speak against this oppression and was able to establish the system of receiving 8 kilos of rice instead of 1.5 kilo. The system of being paid in daily wages was established. Due to the movement initiated by Gulab Devi, the Chamars and other downtrodden communities became aware of their rights as equal citizens of the country. Till then dalits were excluded from the right to acquire citizenship. She also challenged the social system that compelled the women of her community to cover their faces with veils in public. The women of her community today openly attend school and work outside their homes paving the way to economic independence. Gulab Devi made sure that her daughters along with the young girls and women of her community attended school. Her daughter is currently studying for her Bachelor’s degree.

“Gulab Devi is heralded as a harbinger of social change and a leader who ushered in positive change and impacted her community directly affecting the 150 household in Haripur, Saptari in the Terai region of Nepal. She dared to challenge discriminatory practices and opened the doors to education, health, socio-economic and political opportunities for her community.� After this landmark achievement, Gulab Devi focused on other areas that required reform. In 2000 she joined the National Land Rights Platform via the Public Awareness Union Organization. She started working for the cause of the landless bringing up issues of wage based employment for the Dalits. Up till then Dalits were working in the fields of landlords from dusk till dawn in exchange for 1.5 kilo of rice and a measly meal. This system was known as the Haruwa Charuwa. At a time when even the men could not speak up for their rights to fair remuneration, Gulab

Gulab Devi is heralded as a harbinger of social change and a leader who ushered in positive change and impacted her community directly affecting the 150 household in Haripur, Saptari in the Terai region of Nepal. She dared to challenge discriminatory practices and opened the doors to education, health, socioeconomic and political opportunities for her community. Gulab Devi shines bright as an epitome of fortitude and resolve.

Celebrating Womanhood

Keshari Thapa Rana Educationist for the Visually Impaired, Dharan, East Nepal profession in society at the time forced her to let go of her dreams. She then decided to study nursing and applied to a college in UK and was accepted. However, her father refused outright to send her to the UK fearing his daughter would get married and settle down there.


eshari Thapa Rana arrived in Nepal at the age of 13. It was a completely different world for young Keshari who was born in Malaysia to a British Gurkha Army Officer’s family and brought up in Hong Kong. On the very first day of school at Khaireni Seconday School in Tanahun, she was bewildered by the school environment and the behaviour of her class mates. Upon reaching the school wearing the mandatory uniform, shirt and skirt, one of her class mates hurriedly put a shawl on top of her shirt and advised her not to smile. She also noticed that they wore trousers underneath their skirts to cover their legs. She observed the behaviour of her class mates towards the teachers to be very disrespectful and inappropriate. Keshari missed her old school and friends in Hong Kong and wished to go back. But her family had settled in Nepal after her fathers’ retirement and she was left with no option but to adjust to her new surroundings.

“It was here that she discovered her passion for teaching. Thereafter, she applied for a teaching job in Hong Kong.”

In 1982, with her parents approval, Keshari married Hongkong Rana, a university teacher. She started teaching at Sharda Balika Namuna Higher Secondary School in Dharan while completing her undergraduate degree. It was here that she discovered her passion for teaching. Thereafter, she applied for a teaching job in Hong Kong. She was among the 8 to be selected out of 300 applicants. However, she cound not accept this offer as her son was only two years at the time and there was nobody to take care of him. For Keshari, her new found passion for teaching had become her mission in life. In 1992, she was offered position of Principal of Purwanchal Gyanchakshu School, the only special school for the blind and visually Impaired (BVI) children in Nepal. The school had a record of principals not lasting more than two years. Friends and acquaintances warned Keshari had earlier dreamt of Keshari of the school’s notorious becoming either a doctor or an airline reputation. Nevertheless, she took stewardess. However, lack of proper up the challenge. People waited for guidance to become a doctor and her to opt out within the first year the ill reputation of a stewardess’ of her tenure but she went on to

prove them wrong. She recently completed her 25th year as the residential Principal of Gyanchakshu. Gyanchashu translates to The Eyes of Wisdom in English. The obstacles and challenges when she joined the school were many. The very first challenge was giving the school the identity and recognition of being an educational institution. Gyanchakshu, until then, was registered as a social organization at the Social Welfare Council. Keshari untiringly pursued concerned authorities to officially register the school as an educational institution for the BVI. She shares an incident when she had gone to meet the then education minister with her proposal and was met with a blunt response -‘Do people who are blind go to school? And how do they read and write?’ Despite all the hurdles, Keshari was not only able to give Gyanchakshuthe an identity of a formal school for the BVI but also succeeded in establishing it as a model school for children with special needs and set a bench mark for educating children with Visual Impairment and Multiple Disabilities. At the time she took reins of the school, there were 50 students and 23 staff out of which only 11 were teachers. The teachers further lacked proper training and education skills in the related field due to the unavailability of special educational institutions and training centres in Nepal. The school operated classes only up to the 7th grade which meant the students faced difficulties to achieve higher degrees. The government granted NPR 900,000 (nine hundred thousand Rupees) per year for the school of which NPR


550,000 went towards staff salary. The school was established as an informal philanthropic organization with a view to imparting education to visually impaired children. Resources constraint and the lack of trained teaching and non-teaching staff were among the serious issues.

“Under Keshari’s initiation, the government of Nepal now allocates additional funds annually for the school.” In 1996, the government launched the Integrated Education Program. This included the policy of providing grant of NCR 1,000 per month to children with disabilities. But the policy covered only 35 students and there were far more students under Keshari’s care. So she ventured out to request various organizations for scholarships for the remaining students. It was very challenging at the time, as most organizations were focused on programs for street children. Under Keshari’s initiation, the government of Nepal now allocates additional funds annually for the school. She further explored

and successfully implemented the idea of printing and developing Braille text books which the students were able to identify with within the Nepali context. In 2005, a program was introduced for Low Vision children and a special program for Children with Visually Impaired and multiple disabilities and Deaf and blind was introduced in 2009 as a pilot program in Nepal which provided the students social and vocational skill development trainings. Currently, there are more than 100 residential students from 23 districts of Nepal. The school is running formal learning programme up to 10th grade and six batches of students have already appeared in the certificate level examination with most of them passing their exams. The school also provides residence for higher secondary school students. Most former students of Gyanchakshu are currently into teaching, music and government service. The concept of learning by doing is the norm for the students.

dance, drama, literary competition and games (sound table tennis, football, cricket, chess etc). They also actively participate in various social activities. The school library is equipped with a wide range of Braille books and large print books which have been mostly donated by well –wishers. There’s also an audio library and resource room with tactile educational materials. Her study visit to St. Vincent’s School for the Blind, Liverpool in 2013 has helped implement new technology and teaching methodology for the BVI. Keshari dreams of establishing intermediate level education in the school and plans to make the existing physical infrastructures disable friendly and setup a Mobility Park for the differently challenged.

A day with Keshari makes one realize that she has truly been the eyes and voice of the visionless and the voiceless. She has devoted herself tirelessly and selflessly to their cause. This meant not being able to spend time with her family ho lived in Kathmandu. But she Hygiene, sex education and personal has no qualms over it as her care are all taught and mandatory for greatest satisfaction is to have brought Gyanchaksu to the level the students to follow. The students actively engage in extracurricular and it is at today and to have helped hundreds of children with BVI, co-curricular activities like music, children with visually impaired and multiple disabilities and Deaf blind access quality education and skill development opportunities. Having completed the Education Leadership Program from Perkins International/ Perkins School for the Blind, Boston, USA in 2016, she is even more motivated and better equipped to spread the light of education by creating learning opportunities that reaches beyond academic learning and empowers the children of today to be dignified citizens of tomorrow.

Celebrating Womanhood


Pema Sherpa

Skilled Birth Attendant, Solukumbu, North East Nepal

ema ‘sister’ is a well-known figure in her hometown of Solukhumbu district. She has spent well over three decades of her life as a senior nurse and skilled birth attendant (SBA) at Phaplu Hospital in North-East Nepal. Determination, grit and a strong sense of justice are attributes that spring to mind when one meets Pema. She trained as a nurse at Shanta Bhawan Hospital in the early 70s at Kathmandu and worked for over a decade there. She then joined Phaplu hospital at Solukhumbu and was the first trained nurse of the area. Her initial working days at Phaplu hospital were challenging as well as rewarding.

she saw. Phaplu hospital was largely supported by Sir Edmund Hillary’s trust but it fell under the jurisdiction of the Nepali government making it susceptible to different kinds of corruption. There was a time when she discovered that the brokers were supplying lesser quality food at a higher rate to the hospital patients. She took on the responsibility of providing food for the patients from her own kitchen at a lower cost and higher quality to prove her point. hospital providing medical services not only to patients who came to the hospital but walking great distances to surrounding areas, reaching out to those unable to come to the hospital.

Caring for the needy came naturally to Pema as she had always seen her parents do so. Her father, a strong believer of senior citizens rights and access to health and well-being, travelled long distances even in his 80s to provide support to those in need. Her mother staunchly stood by her husband in his convictions to help There were times when there others. They provided their eight would be no electricity and the children with equal educational medical team would have to attend opportunities. They instilled in to patients by torchlight. Pema Pema and her siblings a strong remembers the numerous births sense of responsibility towards their that they handled under such community and the courage to circumstances. Having come from speak up against injustice of any a better facilitated city hospital, she kind. These qualities are deeply felt that she would not be able to ingrained in Pema and she is work under such adverse conditions known to speak her mind and not for long. But she went on to be tolerate dishonesty of any kind. associated with the hospital until her As the Head Nurse of the Phaplu retirement in 2014. Overtime she hospital she was quick to speak became an important pillar of the up against any wrong-doings that

“There were times when there would be no electricity and the medical team would have to attend to patients by torchlight.”

Pema Sherpa holds the distinction of being the first Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA) to operate the Sono Site portable ultra sound machine internationally. She has motivated the SBA’s of Africa to start using the machine. Pema received training on the Sono Site – a portable ultrasound machine from a visiting American company Sono Site who had come to Phaplu for a study visit. Pema was the only one who utilized the knowledge gained from the training. The American company gifted five portable machines to Phaplu hospital. In an area where people were not even aware that they had to go for regular check-ups during pregnancy, the ultra sound check-ups created quite a stir as they were fascinated by the fact that they could see a ‘video x-ray’ of the unborn child. Pema walked tirelessly for 4 to 5 days at a stretch carrying the portable ultrasound machine to women in need of pre-natal care. This effort saved patients travel time and money and encouraged the women to share their problems and seek her advice.


“Determination, grit and a strong sense of justice are attributes that spring to mind when one meets Pema. She trained as a nurse at Shanta Bhawan Hospital in the early 70s at Kathmandu and worked for over a decade there.” Pema got married at 27 to a Police inspector. But he turned out to be an abusive alcoholic. She had to take on the sole responsibility of raising and educating their three sons. Her brothers and sisters stood by her in her difficult times. But there came a time when she had to choose to go and work in the USA where nurses earned more than in Nepal. Her only objective of doing so was to earn and save enough for the future of her sons. She worked for two years in USA but her heart was in Nepal wanting to be with those who needed her services the most. She shares how Sir Edmund Hillary, the initiator of Phaplu Hospital also told her that Nepal required her services more than any other hospital in the world. In 1995, she got to know that she had been nominated for the prestigious national Gorkha Dashin Bahu Award and returned to Nepal. She found her true calling in reaching out to the poor and needy. She re-joined Phaplu hospital and dedicated her days towards making health services better for the people of the area. She trained several batches of nurses and SBA’s at the Phaplu training centre. She has always been an active advocate for social justice and has personally taken on many cases requiring legal help. On the personal front she went on to adopt two daughters besides her three sons.

She chose to stay on in the mountainous village of Phaplu even after retirement choosing to work on issues requiring attention like violence against women. She has been very vocal and active in spreading awareness on the issue and acted on behalf of the government’s door to door crisis management project. Pema has further been training women on savings and income generation activities.

She leads a cooperative savings institution which services mostly women. Women who would otherwise not have access to loans to start small businesses now have access to fulfilling their various entrepreneurship goals thanks to Pema’s initiative. The Kyrmu Lodge is her initiative to promote local tourism and to support an organic farm in Gorakhani which is 6 hours walk away from Phaplu. The food served at the Lodge includes maize, wheat and vegetables. Her future plans include opening a museum showcasing the culture and tradition of the area. A recipient of various national awards for her commitment and hard work, Pema strongly advocates honesty, compassion and courage as key qualities to being successful.

Celebrating Womanhood

Ram Devi Tamang From Single Women’s Group Leader to Deputy Mayor, Namobuddha, Kavre


and cattle. But Ram Devi had an insatiable fire within her to break out of the dismal life which her mother had drawn up for her. She was determined to fulfil her thirst for knowledge at any cost and so while out in the forest to collect fodder for the cattle she would hide her ‘doko’(wicker basket used to carry firewood and fodder) in the bushes and attend classes in the public school.

Battling against all odds, she managed to complete high school and at 15 reached Kathmandu in search of work. After much disappointments and fruitless struggles, Ram Devi decided to return to her village. She was a skilled seamstress so she started a training centre for women and girls. At 16 she married a man chosen for her by her parents. Getting married at that tender age was not unusual as it was believed that if daughters remained unmarried for long they would go astray. Marriage additional responsibilities cut short her wish to pursue higher Widowed at 22 in a society where studies. Furthermore, married life single women were treated as ill was not easy with a mother-inomen and outcasts, Ram Devi went law who often taunted and tortured through her share of ridicule and her for not bringing dowry. She backlash. Ram Devi’s childhood was even beaten and threatened was also not easy. She was born with a sickle while she was into a humble Tamang family in a pregnant. Fortunately, her husband remote village of Sinchupalchowk. stepped in and saved her from It was common belief that girls the situation. They started living should not be sent to school to separately on their own. But Ram prevent them from going astray. Devi’s happiness was short lived Ram Devi’s mother told her that and the death of her husband in a it was useless for girls to go to fatal motorcycle accident changed school for their duties were just to her life forever. The respect she take care of house, family, fields am Devi Tamang is the Deputy Mayor of Namobudha, Kavre district of Nepal. She is known by all in her district as a hardworking, dedicated and trustworthy leader. She is living testimony of the fact that knowledge, drive and skills can equip a woman to build her own place in society. It was not an easy task to reach where she is today. There were many hurdles to overcome, innumerable trials to face and the challenge of staying positive in the midst of adverse situations.

had received from people around her as the wife of a UNDP field representative changed overnight and turned into nasty derogatory remarks accusing her of being an ill-omened woman who brought about her husband’s death.

“Battling against all odds, she managed to complete high school and at 15 reached Kathmandu in search of work.” With no one to support her, Ram Devi searched and found the answer to a better future within herself. Using her hard earned education and skills, she started a tailoring unit in Shyampati as a means of securing a livelihood. Not only did she earn a decent living from her shop but she also taught tailoring to women. With two young daughters to survive with dignity but also wished to help other single women like herself. Resolute in her mission, Ram Devi participated in the National Convention of Single Women and got the opportunity to listen to and interact with other single women in 2001. She connected with WHR – Women for Human Rights, an organization working for the rights of single women. Coming in contact with WHR was a turning point in her life. Her meeting with Lily Thapa, President of WHR re-endorsed her belief that she should dedicate her life to uplifting the status of single women in Nepal. She became


an active member of WHR and participated in WHR’s various training and skill development programs. Her life was no longer just about her personal struggles and challenges. She was connected with the stories and pathos of hundreds of widowed women.

to the single women’s group for agricultural and animal husbandry purposes. She took a loan of Nrs. 650,000 in her name to buy a small plot of land with a natural water source to aerate the land.

“Ram Devi had an The social discrimination, poverty and illiteracy among widowed insatiable fire within her women who in turn blamed fate for to break out of the dismal their misery encouraged Ram Devi to take on the cause of educating life which her mother had and making single women aware of drawn up for her. She their rights and responsibilities. was determined to fulfil Equipped with her new skills Ram Devi became an instrumental figure her thirst for knowledge at in training other single women on any cost” tailoring, agro enterprise, animal husbandry and leadership skills. She further initiated the formation of a She then developed and led an 10 member single women’s group ambitious project of pumping the in Kavre. water uphill to the farm. She also built water taps bringing clean The early days were filled with running water right into the village lots of challenges. Their group was saving time and energy for the the target of hatred and torture. The villagers went to the extent of coming to beat them up accusing them of trying to bring doom to the whole village after causing the death of their husbands. Despite all adversities, Ram Devi moved on ahead bravely never deterring from her chosen path emerging stronger and wiser transforming into a true leader. She became the champion for the rights and equality of single women. Under her leadership and guidance, single women in the community were able to unite and rise up against discrimination to gain economic independence and live with dignity. She lobbied with the District Development Committee to lease 75 ropanies (approximately 10 acres) of land for 50 years

villagers who otherwise had to walk down the hill to a small ravine to collect water. Achieving desired results and working for the rights of single women was not an easy task. The journey from the day she was widowed to her current status as Deputy Mayor has been arduous, challenging and at times frustrating. Ram Devi is always striving to do more and looks forward to the days to come with a positive attitude. Her dream is to include more and more women in economic activities through awareness, self-employment and income generation activities. The biggest achievement in her life is the social transformation among single women and changed persecptives of society towards single women in her community and neighbouring villages. Many now say that she truly represents the true meaning of her name ‘Ram’ the God and ‘Devi’ the Goddess.

Celebrating Womanhood

Maya Thakuri Litterateur, Kathmandu


magine a little girl whose playground was the crematory of her hometown! A good meal was hard to come by, let alone the chance of attending school. She collected used exercise books of the neighbourhood children and copied what was written on unused lines and pages. That little girl was Maya Thakuri. Today the walls of her home are adorned with numerous citations conferred on her for her literary contributions. Her works have further been translated into Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, English and Japanese and included in the syllabus of schools and universities within and outside Nepal. Quite an achievement for someone who never attended school or received any formal education! Maya’s childhood was not an easy one. Her father was a wayward Indian army man who hardly cared or took responsibility of his wife and children. Maya’s mother Devi, learnt sewing and knitting and attended adult literacy classes held by the Army Families Welfare Society. She passed on these skills to her children introducing them to the allure of words. Maya recalls the hardships her mother went through to make ends meet. But, she always made the most out of their dire situation and always promoted creativity, integrity and positivity. Maya recalls a corn cob rag

doll that her mother made for her to play with. That doll used to be her sole friend as she watched her contemporaries go past their house to attend school. When Maya turned 7, her father took her to his senior officer’s house to work as a baby sitter. Young Maya was awestruck by the officer’s bungalow and its grandeur. She was only used to her dilapidated hut with the leaky roof, where they were forced to tug at the only quilt they possessed to keep themselves warm at night. Food was always scarce and often times Maya went around the neighborhood asking for essential ingredients to cook a meal. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw closets filled with dresses and cupboards full of food at her work place. She could not comprehend how some could have so much while others so less. One day she stole a dress and took it home for her younger sister for which she got a sound beating from the officer’s wife. When Maya’s mother questioned her as to why she had stolen the dress, Maya replied that she thought it wouldn’t really matter if she took one dress for her sister from among the many dresses hanging in the closet. Maya remembers her mother weeping bitterly that day.

“Being the eldest of 3 children, Maya took it upon herself to start earning at the age of 8 to help her mother run the house. She started working at a knitting factory where her duty was to roll yarn into balls of wool. She also found work at a printing press.” Being the eldest of 3 children, Maya took it upon herself to start earning at the age of 8 to help her mother run the house. She started working at a knitting factory where her duty was to roll yarn into balls of wool. She also found work at a printing press. Her duties entailed cleaning and keeping the machines dust free. While doing so, she was fascinated with how the machines composed words and printed words


on paper. She soon learnt to handle the machines. She read the magazines and books that were printed at the press and felt encouraged to pen down her own words. Her writings comprised of her own experiences and feelings along with poems and songs on different themes. At first she was accused of plagiarizing other creator’s works as she had never received any formal schooling. But these oppositions and adversities drove her further to reach greater heights. Understanding her thirst for knowledge, a local school teacher offered to teach her for free. In return, the teacher’s wife expected Maya to do all her odd jobs. Maya followed her orders without complaint. The exposure to words opened up a whole new world for Maya. The day she passed her high school exams she felt as though she had conquered the whole world. She also recalled stories her maternal grandmother used to tell her on her few visits. These stories left a deep imprint on her young mind igniting the spark in her to write stories of her own.

mother through some of the characters of her various books. Along with writing, Maya was also a talented singer who started singing for All India Radio when she was very young. Maya was part of the group of artists who were invited to Nepal by the late King Mahendra in 1964 for his birthday celebrations. Maya was then introduced to famous Nepali artists of that era with whom she got the opportunity to sing and record songs. Do not force me to go home where I do not wish to go, instead let the river take me along with its flow… These are excerpts from one of Maya Thakuri’s popular folk songs. Her singing career came to a standstill when someone mixed vermillion in her food. She sought many treatments over the years but none worked and her singing career came to a halt. The singing world’s loss proved to be the literary world’s gain. Maya concentrated fully on her writings and produced one great work after another. Maya has published 7 short story compilations among which Ama Jaanus (Mother please go), Priyambada, Yudha(War), Pahad Orladaicha (The hills are descending) are greatly heralded works. Her published works further include a compilation of songs and a compilation of children’s stories along with numerous folk tales, poems and memoirs.

“Her singing career came to a standstill when someone mixed vermillion in her food. She sought many treatments over the years but none worked and her singing career came to a halt. The singing world’s loss proved to be the literary world’s gain. Maya concentrated fully on her writings and produced one great work after another.” As she grew older, Maya questioned her mother many times, on why she tolerated her father’s atrocious behaviour. She remembers how he used to come home drunk after nights of philandering and Devi would dutifully oil, massage and bathe him in the morning. Devi always used to tell Maya that women are like the earth – tolerant and nurturing. Maya has depicted her

Maya married Damodar Sharma, an engineer from Pokhara and taught at the Gandaki Boarding school of Pokhara for 25 years. Today she lives in Kathmandu, Nepal with her husband, daughter and two grandsons. She continues to be an inspiration to the Nepali literary world and truly epitomizes how will power, grit and hard work can overcome even the most adverse of situations.

Celebrating Womanhood


Menuka Thapa

Social Activist, President, Rakshya Nepal working against sexual violence across Nepal mong the many rampant social evils of Nepal, human trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girls has been an on-going threat towards humanity for many years now. There are an estimated 200,000 women and girls caught up in this lethal web due to poverty and helplessness. The ‘people’s war’ of 1996 – 2006 forced a lot of young people to leave their villages in search of safety and security into big towns and cities. Unfortunately, instead of finding protection from the state and public sectors, many of them, especially women and girls were trapped and forced into the sex trade by predatory groups. Massage parlours, cabin restaurants and dance bars mushroomed around the cities giving rise to new forms of sexual exploitation. The recent earthquake of 2015 also added to the rise in the ‘sex trade’.

“Today Rakshya Nepal is a force to reckon with having rescued and rehabilitated more than 1600 women out of brothels, massage parlours, dance bars and cabin restaurants.” Several groups and organizations have been working to rescue and rehabilitate victims of sexual violence for a long time. Their efforts have compelled policy makers and the police to be more sensitive and pro-active when dealing with sexual violence. Unfortunately, amidst this widespread nexus of sexual crimes, women exploited by dance bars, cabin restaurants and massage parlours

were not as high on the priority list as the ones in need of rescue and rehabilitation. Rakshya Nepal was established in 2004 to help women working at dance bars, cabin restaurants and massage parlours counter exploitation. The founder Menuka Thapa was a young girl who worked as a singer at a dohori (folk duet song) restaurant and had personally witnessed female employees being mistreated. Today Rakshya Nepal is a force to reckon with having rescued and rehabilitated more than 1600 women out of brothels, massage parlours, dance bars and cabin restaurants. Menuka’s personal story is not less intriguing. Born the youngest of 15 children (of whom only 9 survived), Menuka’s father died while she was in her mother’s womb. She was labelled ominous and blamed for her father’s death by relatives and acquaintances alike. However, Menuka’s mother and elder sisters took good care of her. They made sure that she got opportunities that they never did. When Menuka was old enough to attend school, they enrolled her in the village public school. The school was on top of a hill and an hour’s walk each way. The road was dusty and slippery. The children sat on the dusty ground underneath the open sky. School would be off during the rainy season. In contrast to this there was a better facilitated boarding (private) school within 30 minutes walking distance from their home. Though it was more expensive than the public school, Menuka’s mother and sisters resolved to send her there at all costs. They laboured in other people’s homes and fields to make enough money to send Menuka to the private school. Menuka was a responsible and hardworking child and always did well in class. She often received notebooks and pens as prizes which she carefully utilized

over the year. Based on her academic performance, she was awarded a scholarship in fourth grade. The scholarship was a big financial relief for her mother and sisters. Respecting the sweat and faith placed in her by her mother and sisters, Menuka made sure she did her part. She finished her homework before dark and slept early so they would not need to buy extra kerosene for the oil lamps. She would read all night long on moon lit nights. Over time her sisters got married and went off to their new homes. Their only brother too went his own way and Menuka was left alone with her mother. Menuka wished to go to Kathmandu to pursue higher studies. But, she couldn’t do so due to financial constraints and her mother’s deteriorating health. When the ‘people’s war’ broke out in 1996, Menuka was compelled to move to Kathmandu leaving her mother behind to escape pressure from the Maoists to join their troupes. Though she had relatives in the city, nobody was willing to help, leave alone offer her a place to sleep. She would often sit on the pavement outside the Standard Chartered (then Grindlays) Bank and stare into empty space for hours. She even met others in the same situation as her and made friends with them. She wished to go


back to her village but was afraid of being captured and taken away by the Maoists. Menuka had a small radio in her possession which her mother had gifted her. She would often hear about organizations that helped women and children in need of help on the radio. Hopeful to find the support she needed, Menuka went to many organizations seeking help. But, no one could help her as she did not fit into any of their criteria; neither was she trapped in the sex trade, nor was she HIV infected; nor had she been raped. She was disgusted with the bureaucracy and paperwork that was involved to get help from any of the social organizations. Then one day Menuka’s life took an unexpected turn. As she was sitting at her usual spot on the pavement wondering what to do next, a kindly gentleman came over and started talking to her. He was Mohan Bahadur Thapa, Chief engineer of Buddha Air. He asked Menuka if she would like to live in his home with him and his wife Mana. It was as though her guardian angel had come to her rescue. The Thapa couple fulfilled Menuka’s dream of pursuing higher education and enrolled her into Padma Kanya college. Menuka chose music as her major subject since she had always wanted to be a singer. The singing lessons cost extra money so she started working at a dohori (folk duet song) restaurant. She would work from 6 in the evening to 11 at night.

While working at the restaurant, Menuka observed that the waitresses who worked there had to put up with all sorts of sexual advances and exploitations every day. They were afraid to speak up for fear of losing their jobs as they were not well educated and needed the money to survive. Menuka encouraged them to speak up against the injustice meted out to them. She even helped them in times of need by giving them her share of money and started teaching them how to read and write. She ultimately became their mentor and guide. Under her leadership the girls working in the restaurant became united and started standing up for their rights. Menuka worked at the restaurant for 6 years before she established Rakshya Nepal. Her singing had won her many fans that supported her in her new endeavour. In these 6 years, Menuka had wanted to bring her mother to live with her in Kathmandu but, her mother passed away before she could do so. Menuka, was devastated but remembering the grit and determination with which her mother had raised her, she focussed on the goal set before her. Menuka’s main mission behind forming Rakshya Nepal was to address the issues of women working in dance bars and massage parlours. When she first went to the District Development Office to register Rakshya Nepal, the officer in charge looked at

her suspiciously and outright denied her a licence. Menuka persistently kept going back every day for the next three weeks to convince him why Rakshya Nepal was necessary. Finally the officer relented and after removing a few clauses from the document Rakshya Nepal was formally registered. The first year was a challenge for the organization in terms of having to prove itself and to arrange logistics and finances. Ironically the officer who had initially refused to register Rakshya Nepal donated Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand) to the organization. The amount helped the organization buy a computer, phone and furniture. Rakshya Nepal started on its uphill journey by conducting informal education classes for women and girls working as waitresses and dancers. Along with the classes they were given skill development trainings and made aware of their legal and human rights. Rakshya Shree Saving Cooperative Finance was established to encourage women to save. The Saving Cooperative has around 1500 members and is the financial backbone of Rakshya Nepal. Furthermore, Rakshya Nepal has established two schools in Kathmandu catering to low income families and children who are orphaned or abandoned. Menuka shares that the biggest challenge that Rakshya Nepal faces is the social and political system that questions victimized women instead of the perpetrators. Often times the perpetrators are caught only to be bailed out of prison by their higher connections. According to a recent survey conducted by Rakshya Nepal 98% of women trapped in the sex trade wish to get out of it into a more honourable profession. Each day brings a new challenge but Menuka is ready to take it on with the belief that there will be a day when every woman will be treated with the respect that she deserves.

Celebrating Womanhood

Radhika Karki Thapa

Entrepreneur and Social mobilizer, Itahari, East Nepal started training other women. She earned a salary of Rupees five thousand a month from which she saved enough to buy two sewing machines. That was the beginning of her entrepreneurial venture. She set up New Radhika Boutique and Tailoring Shop in one of the busiest streets of Itahari. Radhika’s determination and hard work paid off and her business proved to be successful. She was able to take care of her parents and send her two younger brothers to school.


adhika Karki Thapa of Itahari, east Nepal

is the epitome of economic independence. She plays a significant role in empowering women. Radhika was born into a poor farmer’s family as the second child among four sisters and two brothers. However, she was fortunate to have a father who understood the importance of educating his children and a mother who defied traditional roles set for girls. Radhika’s father fought against his extended family’s traditional thinking that it was not necessary to educate girls and further encouraged them to read newspapers and listen to the radio. Her mother set an example by daring to plough their field which was otherwise considered a bad omen. Radhika’s father moved their family to Itahari with the dream of providing his children with better educational opportunities. Unfortunately, Radhika failed in her high school exams which put a stop to her educational prospects. Nevertheless, she took up vocational sewing classes and soon got a job at the women’s skill development centre. Besides sewing clothes for customers she also

Radhika fell in love with and married the man of her choice. At that moment in her life, Radhika felt that she had everything in life that she could possibly wish for. But, her happiness was short-lived and her life took a dramatic turn. While she was still in hospital recuperating from the birth of her second daughter, her neighbours brought her news of her husband bringing home a new wife. Radhika was in a dilemma as to whether to believe them or not. Though she was distressed by the news, she chose to handle the matter with dignity and started planning in her head as to what she would do if her husband had indeed brought home another wife. Upon reaching home from the hospital, she was greeted by a young girl who introduced herself as Radhika’s ‘younger sister’ meaning that she was her husband’s new wife. Radhika calmly spoke to her and explained to her that she had the choice of walking away that very moment for a better life or if she really wanted to stay she would have to adhere to Radhika’s conditions. The new wife was willing to accept any conditions.

“Radhika’s determination and hard work paid off and her business proved to be successful. She was able to take care of her parents and send her two younger brothers to school.” Radhika set conditions that the new wife would be responsible for taking care of the house, meals, the children and in-laws while Radhika focused on developing her skills and business. Strange as it might seem, this arrangement became the unwritten


She reached out to Radhika for help where she received physical and emotional treatment regaining both her health and dignity. She further received microbus driver’s training and soon was driving public microbuses on the roads of Itahari. As fate would have it, Sita used to drive several times a day past An interesting aspect of her business was that the traffic junction where her husband was on traffic she utilized plastic waste to create beautiful and duty. Sita’s new role drove her husband to ask for her colourful baskets and decoration pieces. Along with forgiveness and to be back together with her. Radhika her business, Radhika initiated Taleju saving and feels exasperated that Sita decided to go back to credit financial institution to encourage women to save her husband! The number of women, men and youth and start their own businesses leading to financial who have benefitted from the centre in terms of skill independence. Radhika’s Handicrafts also provides skills development and employment opportunities has crossed development training to women and youth to enable 1000. There are 35 employees at the centre itself. them to become economically independent. The training They have plans of constructing a meeting space on programs vary from sewing, cooking, to driving and the 1 kattha (unit of land measurement in the terai) plumbing. Radhika is also a member of the Federation that the centre has recently purchased. of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce’s women’s Through all the ups and downs in her life, Radhika committee Itahari branch. doesn’t hesitate to break into a song or a dance Radhika further established the Mahila Sheep Bikas whenever there is a celebration of any kind. ‘An open Kendra (Women’s Skill Development Centre), an mind, a loving heart and a positive outlook are what organization to provide skill development training to keep life moving. I believe in solving problems amicably women and the youth. The organization furtherprovides rather than by confrontation’, says Radhika. She shares counselling services and shelter to battered women. An that what could have been the biggest tragedy of example of the support the organization is providing her life when her husband brought home a new wife and the change that it has made possible can be was indeed a boon for her. For it was only after the found in the story of Sita*(name changed). Sita incident that she was able to work on building her was abandoned by her traffic police husband after her professional strength and creating an impact. Above all health began to deteriorate. She herself believed that she believes in and propagates economic independence she would soon die. as the key to women empowerment in Nepal. law between them. Soon Radhika entrusted the new wife with all household responsibilities and focused on completing her studies and building up her new business, Radhika’s Handicraft, with the goal of promoting local products made by local artisans.

Celebrating Womanhood


axmi Timilsina from Rayale Village of Kavre District in East Nepal is recognized as a leader in the field of organic farming in Kavre. Out of the 13 groups that received training in organic farming in 2001 from Nari Chetan Kendra, she was the first one to implement her knowledge and skills and produce results. Her only exposure to education was at an adult literacy class. Today she trains farmers in IPM farming techniques teaching farmers ecologically friendly mediums on pest control including modification of cultural practices. She is busy mentoring environment, organic farming training and developmental activities. She further teaches them to test saplings and products especially focusing on organic wastes. She believes that economic empowerment earns you love and respect. Laxmi was married off at the age of 13 in exchange for her brother’s wife as per the common practice in Brahmin and Chettri families to avoid paying dowry. Laxmi was the second youngest sibling of five children. The only responsibility she had was to take care of her younger sister as her parents and elder brothers went out to work in the fields. For Laxmi being married into a large family of 15 was the start of a difficult life. Laxmi soon discovered she was expected to do all the chores in the house. Laxmi’s husband, Arjun was the middle son among 3 brothers. Arjun’s brothers were educated and had jobs that brought in a regular salary whereas he depended on the small plot of land that the family owned that barely enabled him to eke out a living. Laxmi was thus given more household chores and each day was a cycle of toil from early morning to late at night. cleaning, cooking, fetching water, searching for

Laxmi Timilsina Organic Farmer, Rayale, Kavre

firewood and fodder for the cattle and tending the animals. Eventually her father-in-law divided the family property amongst his sons. Even in this matter Arjun had very little say and it was no surprise that Arjun and Laxmi were given the worst plot of land that was located on a cliff and subject to landslides. When Laxmi asked to be given something better, her father-in-law stated that women should not question decisions made by their elders. Laxmi, her husband and two small children were now forced to live on their own. They had an old house and it was difficult to survive as the small plot of literally useless land sustained the family for a mere three months. Arjun borrowed NPR. 25000 and went to India in search of work and in hope of a better life. He worked in a cable shop for a short while but fell ill and came back within ten months bringing back only NPR. 7,000/- with him. This too was immediately seized by the person who had lent him the money. Both Laxmi and Arjun toiled for years to pay back the remaining amount. In the meantime, Laxmi also had to fend for herself and her two young children One day she noticed that the rice seedlings she had recently planted were starting to wilt in the hot May sun. She went to a nearby shop to buy a kilo of urea that was commonly used as fertilizer, Laxmi did not even have the 18 Neplai rupees needed to but ths fertlisier. The shop owner told her to come back when she had the money in hand. Laxmi was aghast that she did not even have NPR. 18 worth of credibility. The incident broke her down completely and she contemplated committing suicide for three days in a row. Ultimately the thought of her young children stopped her and she resolved that she would overcome the situation.

Coincidentally, around that time the Women’s Awareness Centre (Naari Chetana Kendra) were visiting villages to invite women to join training programs in organic vegetable farming methods. It seemed as though Laxmi was being offered the opportunity of a lifetime. The initial training was held at the village itself that Laxmi attended with great fervor. She was further motivated to attend a training at the nearby town of Banepa. Since she had no money she walked for two hours daily to Panuati and then took the bus to Banepa. Her youngest brother and parents supported her with the bus fare from Panuti to Banepa. At the end of the 24 days training, Laxmi understood that she would no longer have to face another humiliating incident for not having money. She learnt that she could prepare whatever fertilizer she needed from the waste materials around her home. The very first task she undertook was to construct small bamboo huts that were required for the preparation of composting. It was believed that misfortune would strike the village if a woman cut bamboo. Even Laxmi’s normally complacent husband rebuked her for daring to cut bamboo. But she went on about her business not


responding to anyone or any reproach. Eventually he started helping her to carry the bamboo back to their land. In 2004, Nari Chetan Kendra carried out a survey on best performances from among the farmers they had trained in 12 districts. Laxmi’s name was among the top ten and she was unanimously voted as the best performing farmer. As an incentive Nari Chetana Kendra installed a water tank in her house that was connected to a nearby water source. She was also asked to be an active member and trainer at the Krishi Bikas Karyalaya (Agriculture Development Office) through which she started giving agro related training and also started earning NPR 75/- per training. In 2006 she trained in IPM – Integrated Pest Management that emphasized the growth of a healthy crop and encouraged natural pest control mechanisms. She got the chance to share her new found knowledge as a trainer not only within her own district but in other districts of Nepal too. The Vegetable farming techniques she learnt prepared her to propagate cauliflower seedlings. Cauliflowers had always been purchased from the nearby town of Bhaktapur and the rest of the village did not think it was possible to plant them on the kind of soil they had.

Laxmi decided to take on the challenge of growing cauliflowers on her land and was able to grow and sell her products for a higher price than the cauliflowers from Bhaktapur. She acquired skills in animal husbandry, smokeless stoves, alternative energy and cooperative management. Her trainings, skills and experiences in addition to her outgoing nature and ability to communicate helped her become a trainer and resource person. To date she has trained 16 cooperative groups in IPM Farming techniques both in her own community and the surrounding areas of Sindhupalchowk, Makwanpur, Kavre and Kathmandu. Laxmi has risen from the quagmire of poverty and humiliation to being the pride of her village. Today she is the champion of change leading through example. Vegetable farming has become popular and organic farming methods have been adopted by many of her community. The villagers’ share they are self-sustained for food and earn more enabling them to send their children to school. Laxmi’s vegetable farm is considered a model of success and visitors from Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Krygisthan have visited her farm to learn from her experiences and see the changes she has brought to her village.

Today she is the Chairperson of 3 committees and organizations that include Rayale Women Development Committee and Champa Devi Community.

“Laxmi Timilsina has risen from the quagmire of poverty and humiliation to being the pride of her village. Today she is the champion of change leading through example.” Laxmi is an active member of 11 groups where she conducts regular training programs on IPM, organic farming and environmental conservation. She is also in the school management committee of the local Kusha Devi High School. Furthermore, she has received primary health care training from Red Cross which she practices and teaches to other members. At a personal level, her husband is now an active partner in farming. Her success enabled her to educate her children. She continues to inspire with her life and works.

Celebrating Womanhood

Gyani Shova Tuladhar


Pioneer of Fashion Technology in Nepal

opularly acknowledged as the first lady of fashion in Nepal, Gyani Shova Tuladhar’s professional and personal journey are both extraordinary. She believes in the fact that one’s profession or area of work should not categorize people as being great or small. There was a time in Nepal when stitching clothes was considered the work of a specific (lower)caste. Gyani Shova had never imagined that this field would make her a household name.

Gyani Shova was born and raised in a large extended family of simple means. Even as a child she wished to contribute to the household expenses. She was just in grade 4 at school when she took on the responsibility of her neighbour’s spinach and green mustard patch for which she was paid a nominal amount. She made gundruk (a popular fermented Nepali greens)out of the leftover greens and it earned her the name of gundruk maiya (girl selling gundruk). Her mother first taught her how to stitch while she was still in school. Gyani’s hometown, Khichapokhari, today boasts some of the biggest shops, department stores and malls in Nepal. It was completely different when she was a little girl. There was no running water in homes and the women had to fetch water from a local water tap waiting in line for a long time. Gyani used to place her pot in line asking her friends to push it forward as the line moved ahead. She would then run across to Juju Bhai Tailors, a nearby tailoring shop and help them heat the old fashioned iron that worked on charcoal to press

college degree on the subject. Upon his recommendation Gyani Shovaco chose to join the Zarapakar Tailoring College (now Zarapkar College of Fashion)in Mumbai, India in 1969. She was granted a scholarship by the Indian Embassy. Gyani excelled in the specialization courses of male and female garments and earned her Merit in Art and Science of Tailoring and Cutting under the Board of Maharashtra.

clothes. She also sewed buttons on shirts for which she was paid a small amount. She would then run back to the water tap just in time to fill up and collect her pot. Gyani Shova saved her earnings and at times gave it to poor students to buy school supplies. By the time she completed school she had mastered the art of sewing sari blouses. She started designing and stitching blouses, petticoats, frocks for the women and girls of her neighbourhood at a lesser price than others. Soon word about Gyani Shova’s skill in sewing blouses and other items that were stylish and comfortable to wear spread from word to mouth and she began receiving orders. Her main clients were students of Padma Kanya College who loved wearing fashionable sari blouses. Gyani had found her true calling in life was as a fashion designer. Soon she was taking orders from all over town. Seeing her exceptional skill, noted social worker of the time and an acquaintance, Late Tulsi Meher Shrestha encouraged her to pursue a

“Even as a child she wished to contribute towards the household income.” Armed with her new knowledge and skills Gyani Shova opened a tailoring unit in her home in 1971. All she possessed at that time were a single pair of scissors, a cutting board, a sewing machine, measuring tape and an iron. She named the store ‘Namuna Silai’ (model stitching). She shares that her husband was instrumental in choosing the name and ‘Namuna’ would eventually go on to become synonymous with her name. During the 70’s only the royalty and the very rich wore designer clothes which they ordered from Calcutta and Mumbai. When Gyani Shova started designing fashionable designer wear in Kathmandu, she attracted this which included members of the royal family, high ranking diplomats, movie stars, celebrities, and the who’s who of Nepal. She also made it possible and affordable for the public to be able to dress in the latest fashion. A decade later she established Vesh Vusha Boutique, another well-known name in fashion in Nepal.


Gyani Shova received her first break in movies as fashion/costume designer in the 1980’s Nepali blockbuster ‘Sindoor’. The Director of the film was Late Prakash Thapa who from then onwards hired Gyani Shova as the Costume Designer for almost all of his films. She has designed for more than 75 Nepali movies since then. She also assisted the Costume Designer for the Hollywood film ‘The Night Train to Kathmandu’ and was the Costume Designer for the French production ‘Yeti – The Call of the Abominable Snow Man’. Her designs have featured in Nepali, Pakistani and Bangladeshi joint venture films. She also designed uniforms for top banks, hotels, airlines and other organizations, participated in national and international shows, and received numerous awards and honours.

“She made it possible and affordable for the public to be able to dress in the latest fashion.” In 1997, she established Namuna Institute of Technology (NIT), which was Nepal’s first professional training school to offer career and employment oriented Diploma and Crash courses in various aspects of fashion and clothing designing . Just when she felt like she had it all, Gyani Shova started developing symptoms of body swelling, dizziness and heaviness of the eye. She could not look at daylight. She was diagnosed with Ocular Myasthenia Gravis in 2000. Working and interacting with people became extremely difficult for her; treatment for her condition was a long and expensive process. But Gyani Shova

did not give up. She shares how her belief in the power of positivity kept her going and helped her overcome the situation. Her staff stood by her in this hour of need and only took half their salary to enable her to undergo treatment. It was during this difficult period that she decided to fulfill her lifelong dream of establishing a fashion college in Nepal. She took out a bank loan and endeavoured to start Namuna College of Fashion Technology (NCFT), Nepal’s first Fashion College to offer Bachelors degree in Fashion technology was established. NCFT was affiliated to Purbanchal University, Biratnagar, Nepal and the college started out with just seven students. Today it has more than 300 students and has produced hundreds of fashion designers who are doing well nationally and internationally.

Gyani Shova faced another setback when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. She did not know if she would survive the surgery and preponed her son’s wedding She stayed calm and composed for her children and family. After the surgery she was admitted to the Bharatpur Cancer Hospital for Radio Therapy where she became an emotional support and guide for those in need. She even taught poor families to make soup out of leaves and stalks of discarded vegetables. She encouraged the patients to focus on self-healing through meditation. After having gone through and overcoming many personal and professional hurdles in her life, Gyani Shova continues to be an active and leading figure of the Neplai fashion industry.

Celebrating Womanhood

Chameli Waiba Social Change Activist, Makwanpur


ne evening in 1994, 21 year old Chameli Waiba of Tashar village of Makwanpur was returning home from the nearby forest with fodder for the cattle. She saw a group of women attending evening classes at the local village school. Chameli joined them the following evening out of curiosity little realizing that her decision would change the course of her life forever. When the teacher wrote her name on the blackboard she understood how her name should be spelt and what it meant. Up till that time she was used to be called ‘Chamili’. She understood the beauty of her own name ‘Chameli’ meaning jasmine, the fragrance spreading flower. She was captivated by the magic of her own name and wrote and rewrote her name all night long. She felt that if she could find the meaning of her name in three alphabets she would discover the purpose of life in all the alphabets. She spared two hours for the evening classes no matter how tiring her daily schedule was. She was a quick learner and within a short span of time was reading and writing with ease. She used to carry her note book along with her even to the fields.

Today, at 44 years old Chameli is a social worker, entrepreneur, educationist and community leader in Makwanpur. Had it not been for that one moment when she made the decision to step inside the adult literacy class; her life would probably have been spent in abject poverty blaming fate and destiny for her misery. Belonging to an extremely poor family, Chameli’s entire childhood was spent in household chores and caring for her younger siblings. No one around her gave much thought about educating girls and she also grew up thinking that education was not important for girls. She was married off at the age of 13 to a boy from her village. A few months after her marriage she slipped from a steep ledge on her way to collect fodder. She was badly injured and it took a long time for her to recover. Chameli was abandoned by her husband who took on another wife blaming Chameli’s lengthy recovery from injuries as the reason for doing so. Chameli led a life of drudgery for almost ten years after that. She describes that phase in her life as having no clarity and that she felt as aimless as the nearby Tashar river in the monsoon. However, after time she became more confident and her newfound awareness and confidence propelled Chameli to aspire to change her life for the better. She also wished to see change in the lives of women and children around her in her village. Soon she was teaching others in the same classroom where she was once a student. She further got to understand the importance of acquiring a citizenship. Since her in-laws did not approve of her new found independence, she returned to her maternal home from where she started the new chapter of her life. Education had changed Chameli’s world and she wished to share the benefits with others. She wished for the children of her village to be able to attend school. The river Tashar posed a major challenge to reach school on the other side. There was no bridge over the river and during the monsoon season it was impossible for the children to cross over to the other side. Chameli saw the need for a bridge for the children to be able to attend school.


When Chameli first discussed her idea about constructing a bridge upon Tashar, the villagers thought she was out of her mind and made fun of her. But Chameli stood firm on her convictions and laboriously started working step by step towards collecting the necessary support, equipment and funds. She approached each and every one that she knew for help. She knew that the VDC (Village Development Committee) would also have funds and she approached them repeatedly until they set aside some funds for the bridge. Slowly but steadily, she was successful in collecting material and funds for the construction of the bridge. Her enthusiasm and grit inspired the villagers to believe in her dream and soon Chameli’s dream of building a bridge over the Tasar river came true and with that her dream of seeing children run across it to school became a reality. Chameli’s grit and commitment set an example for all to believe that if they wished to see change they would have to take the necessary steps.

“Education makes life more meaningful, not beauty or wealth. Prior to the adult literacy class I had never seen life beyond poverty and difficulties. Education totally changed me and the way I live my life.” Building the bridge of her dreams was just the beginning of positive changes that Chameli brought into village. Opening a public library in the village and initiating and popularising smokeless cooking stoves as another major achivement for her. Informal education classes were conducted in the village on a regular basis with more than 100 women gaining access to education. The women also get opportunities to attend skill development training programs. Chameli shares, “I forget my struggles and when I see women engaged in income generation activities able to finance homes for themselves and send their children to school.”

Today, Chameli is highly regarded as a change leader, social worker and visionary of her village. She was the first choice for the position of Chief of the newly registered water and sanitation project. After taking additional training on animal husbandry, farming and tailoring, Chameli initiated training classes in her village. She initiated and promoted five women’s savings and cooperatives. She has included education, health, cooperative, community forest development in her plan for progress. A strong believer of team work, Chameli credits Palunga Multi Cooperative Ltd for supporting her constantly in her endeavours. She is engaged in organic farming in Bajrabarahi and wishes to establish it as a model VDC. She wishes to see every person in her village become literate. She is also a strong promoter of safe motherhood and health facilities to prevent infant mortality. She also composes songs and often prefers to express herself through her songs.

“Chameli is highly regarded as a change leader, social worker and visionary of her village.” The struggles and difficulties she has gone through in life has been the cause of her frail health. But her spirit remains rock solid and strong. She has forever concentrated on the well-being of others She says, “Education makes life more meaningful not beauty or wealth”.

Celebrating Womanhood

Renchin Yonjan


enchin Yonjan’s life is filled with creative plans and designs that include a vast sphere of activities that range from coaching and monitoring enterprise development for rural women in mid west Nepal; organizing an artistic memorialization event to share stories of women survivors of the decade long conflict in Nepal; designing home interiors and gardens as well as evaluating the impacts of projects in Nepal. At 67, Renchin exudes the passion and energy of a youngster who is just starting the journey of her life. She spent her formative years as a child with her maternal grandparents in Kalimpong, studying at the small town’s best school St. Joseph’s Convent. She completed her schooling in 1966 and interned as a kindergarten teacher in 1967. In November 1967 Renchin traveled to Kathmandu to meet her mother. Very quickly Renchin realized there were opportunities for those who had a convent education! Using her newly acquired teaching skills, she began teaching at St. Xavier’s school in 1968. Little did she realize that she was destined to meet her life partner on the very first day of her starting work at the school! Gopal Yonjan, a popular music composer was studying at Tribhuvan University and working part time as music teacher at St. Xavier’s. The young, good-looking composer fell in love with the beautiful 18 year old and quickly swept her off her feet by courting her with his poetry and music. Renchin and Gopal married

Social Architect, Kathmandu less than a year later and Renchin soon learnt to balance marriage, motherhood and her career. In January 1974 Renchin decided to change her career for a more challenging one and joined International Trekkers, a private company that organized trekking and expeditions in the Nepal Himalaya. Her childhood had been filled with weekend picnics and hunting expeditions with her grandfather who would pack off Renchin and her sister and cousins in his land rover to fish at the Teesta river or hunt for deer and wild boar. She experienced the thrill of adventure and learnt to appreciate silence when her grandfather and his friends’ cast their fishing lines or waited quietly in the dark for animals to come out of their lair. This childhood experience was to play a pivotal role in helping her to organize trips that clients would cherish.

“At 67, Renchin exudes the passion and energy of a youngster who is just starting the journey of her life.” Her work as Operations Manager at the trekking agency put her in touch with the developed world and their way of thinking, more remarkably their ability to ask questions. In 1985 she established her own trekking company Treks & Expedition Services. Clients to this

date remember the special trips she organized that offered opportunities to meet religious heads or writers, musicians and artists over dinner at her home. Women clients found themselves conversing with Nepali businesswomen or housewives. She seemed to have an eternal list of things clients could do in addition to the regular trekking, rafting or sightseeing that other travel agencies offered. In 1987 she joined a group of friends to establish WEAN (Women Entrepreneurs Association of Nepal). She became the first Vice President of the organization working closely with the President Yangzi Sherpa who was an incredible businesswoman. Renchin devoted her energies to coming up with creative trainings and activities to encourage women to participate in the process of industrialization. WEAN was followed by the establishment of WEAN Cooperative where Renchin played a significant role in training housewives to make varieties of pickles that is to date marketed under the brand name Navaraas. This is the single


product that helped introduce WEAN Cooperative. Renchin also introduced a range of other products including the packaging of Kwati, baby sweaters and clothing. Renchin further helped to develop Dhaka products utilizing the art of weaving from the villages of east Nepal. She designed and developed a product line of furnishings that included sheer curtains, tablecloths and table linen. This desire of housewives wanting to become entrepreneurs led to the realization that credit support was required for women who had no collateral other than her skills. At this stage it was decided to establish a microcredit program for which Renchin brought in the first financial support through the Women Entrepreneurs Development in Tourism project. The Micro Credit program has grown in strength and WEAN members are currently in the process of registering a Micro Finance Bank. Renchin constantly searched for new business opportunities. She remembers ordering a bouquet of lilies as a thank you gift for the then American ambassador Julia Chang. To her horror, the beautiful bouquet she had visualized turned out to be a few wilting flowers and junipers tied with string. She resolved to train women to set up florist shops around the city. To make this dream a reality, Renchin worked voluntarily with FAN (Floriculture Association of Nepal) to organize large scale exhibitions; participated in Trade Fairs to promote floriculture products and even demonstrated the art of floriculture of Nepal at Hana Ranman, an annual floricultural event in Osaka, Japan.

She was invited to become a member of USAID’s Economic Liberalization Project that comprised of economists and industrialists. She was responsible for promoting the benefits of competitive markets. During this period, she learnt the subtle differences in decision making by men and women.

gardens. To date people ask her when she is going to plant the next public garden.

BABA (Children and Environment) city volunteers program, Chitika, the weekly environmental radio program and Sanjeevani – a radio program focusing on women empowerment and health are some of Renchin’s Renchin worked with her husband successful concepts to instill the passion and love for beautiful on several significant musical environments and encourage children projects. Geet Manjari (Song to be part of the initiative. Renchin Buds) a book of Nepali songs for discovered a new career for herself 6 to 10 year old children is one as Cultural Consultant for Eco notable example. Gopal’s death Himal from 2002 to 2005 and in 1997 led Renchin to question herself about the next phase of her later the Embassy of Denmark from 2006 to 2012. During the course life. At this critical juncture of her of this consultancy Renchin worked life she was asked by the Mayor with filmmakers, painters, theatre of Kathmandu to join his team actors, musicians, photographers, in building a new metropolis that dancers and choreographers. This was guided by the philosophy “My heritage, my pride, my Kathmandu.” helped Renchin to rediscover her innate artistic abilities and passion Renchin delved into designing and for experimenting and design. She creating small gardens in various parts of the city and the people of is currently working with Mahila Kathmandu suffering from the effects Sahayatra Micro Finance Bank to develop enterprises in the mid-west of pollution and stinking piles of region of Nepal. garbage on the streets welcomed this initiative. Renchin soon became Renchin believes that creating a familiar figure that could be seen beautiful environments is necessary planting trees and flowers by the to nurture creative and positive road. She cherishes the memory of thinking. She credits her confidence a young man rushing to present her and belief in herself to her a thank you card for beautifying the upbringing where she never learnt city and another man who saluted the word impossible or faced gender her as he drove by one of the discrimination as a girl.

Celebrating Womanhood

Ideas For Using These Stories

Qualitative Data Analysis: Be Inspired to Code


his collection of stories here are set to inspire the reader to learn from the life experiences of the women featured. The women featured come from a range of backgrounds, sectors and different parts of Nepal reflecting the cultural diversity that exists.


hese stories feature on the Liverpool John Moores University Qualitaive Research: Qualitative Analysis in Action web site alongside 30 interviews with other ‘inspirational women’. The initial women were interviewed between 2009 to 2011 as a means of creating teaching material to help develop qualitative research skills. The interviews help the readers celebrate and learn from the work that is being done in Nepal to promote gender equality.


ualitative research has become increasingly valuable across a range of disciplines, including the social sciences, humanities and health, as it enables holistic perspectives and fosters deeper insights. The web site developed by Sociology at LJMU is a user friendly teaching tool that enables staff and students to both develop their hand coding and data analysis skills as well as provides an introduction and overview to a computer package for data analysis called NViVO. The tool kit includes a ‘how to use’ guide which can be used by teachers and students alike. This project contributes to LJMU’s strategic aims of using research to provide a stimulating and exciting learning environment, to demonstrate our global engagement and promote internationalism for students. It contains PowerPoints and presentations as well as a beginner’s guide to NViVo which have been developed with students funded by LJMU Curriculum Enhancement funds. The interviews and stories have been used in methods classes in the Sociology Department and on the Masters in Critical Social Sciences at LJMU. The women interviewed in the first phase of this project have been categorised under different headings from community, activism, business, education art and politics. However, on reading them it soon becomes clear that the work of the women cannot be captured under one broad heading. Many women play many different roles and these change during her life course.

The interviews and stories are made freely available, with the consent of the participants, so that other people can access and analyse the work of these truly inspirational women. This link here takes you to the web site, where the interiews can be found, downloaded and used in a classroom setting.




hese exemplary stories have the power to change the way we view women’s empowerment in Nepal. Too often, when we approach women’s issues we focus on identifying problems and advocate the need for change. Here we have focused on the changes and actions that are already taking place on the ground, in Nepal by Nepali women. They are only a selection of the many stories of the work that is being done and we hope this leads to others sharing their experiences.


ver the years progress has been made in terms of gender and development in Nepal. There has been a rise in awareness of issues relating to gender and a range of policies developed that focus on promoting gender equality. The time has now come to build on the impacts of activism and advocacy and to focus on putting the policies into practice.


e have shared the stories at events in Nepal and the UK and have taken feedback on board to enable us to complete this edition. In making them available as an online format, and as part of a teaching toolkit, we hope they will reach a wide audience, help people develop their research skills and inspire others to conduct their own research into the work of women whose voices are not always heard. By sharing more stories of #WomenWhoInspire we can challenge the dominant discourse of women as victims and acknowlegde them as active agents.


y reading these stories it is clear to see the impact that factors such as social surroundings, cultural beliefs, economic and geographical situation play in challenging social norms. They highlight the pivotal role played by family and community members, including men, in some of the women’s lives. We Shrijana and Sara presenting at the Nepalese Embassy believe that these inspiring stories represent the changing faces and roles of South Asian women. These women are real life examples of the change inally, we do not see this book as the end advocated by national and international organizations of a project but merely the beginning; the working for women and human rights. We have a lot beginning of a movement whereby we learn from to learn from the women and their work can be taken each other, share stories of ‘Women Who Inspire as an indicator of positive change. Their examples can Positive Change’ and help work towards a better guide us on what further steps need to be taken. future for all.


Please share your stories on social media and use the hash tags #WomenWhoInspire #Celebratingwomanhoold #NepaliWomenWhoInspire @LJMUNepal

Celebrating Womanhood

This book and project is just a start and we plan to develop these ideas, respond to feedback and share these stories as far and wide as possible. Some of the women have been interviewed by Radio Nepal and links to these interviews, in Nepali, can be found by clicking on the icon

We look forward to recording more in the future. Since launching the book in Kathmandu, Nepal in April 2018 and Liverpool & London in the UK in May 2018 the ripples of the impact can already be felt. The women featured in the book took part in a workshop and celebratory event which has created new connections, brought new energy to their movement and received attention in the Nepali National press. All of this helps to shine a spoltlight on their amazing work

Please share your own stories and give us feedback by using social media please use #WomenWhoInspire #NepaliWomenWhoInspire #CelebratingWomanhood and tag @LJMUNepal


Acknowledgements: Renchin Yonjan: Chanda Bista: Cheyenne Hansen: Ahimsa Yonjan: Rajan Parajuli: Radio Nepal

Interviews in Nepali: Chanda Bista: Haridevi Koirala, Laxmi Timilsina, Maya Thakuri, Ramdevi Tamang, Nisha Sharma Pokhrel, Chameli Waiba Ramkala Khadka: Indira Rana Magar, Keshari Thapa Rana, Sarita Mishra, Tripta Lungeli Magar, Sita Pokhrel Durga Lamichhane: Doma Poudyal, Sumitra Manandhar Gurung, Kalpana Karki Laxmi Bhandari: Gyani Shova Tuladhar, Menuka Thapa, Gulab Devi Ram Laxmi Basnet: Pema Sherpa, Zubeda Khatun Loksari Kunwar: Nirmala Bagchand Coordination and Follow-up Interviews: Shrijana Singh Yonjan Audio interviews: Chanda Bista – Ajaka Nari Photo Source: Private archive of the featured female heroes/Celebrating Womanhood Photo Editor: Rajiv Shrestha Layout Design: Cheyenne Hansen Linked radio clips: Radio Nepal


SY Creations has partnered with Liverpool John Moore University (LJMU) to compile and present these powerful and motivational stories as study material for interested institutions across the globe.

Inspiring positive change through real life inspirational stories

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