Fairtrade at Liverpool John Moores University

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LJMU Fairtrade

Contents 3.

What is Fairtrade?

4 - 5.

Fairtrade at LJMU

6 - 7.

Fairtrade Flag project

8 - 9.

Fairtrade Fortnight

10 - 13.

Why is Fairtrade important?

14 - 15.

What can be done to support Fairtrade?

16 - 18.

Fair Connections


Join LJMU’s Fairtrade movement


What is Fairtrade? Fairtrade is all about giving the people that produce the things you buy a fair price for their work. This booklet will give you an insight into the Fairtrade work at LJMU and across the country. As stated by the Fairtrade Foundation:

“With Fairtrade you have the power to change the world every day. With simple shopping choices you can get farmers a better deal. And that means they can make their own decisions, control their futures and lead the dignified life everyone deserves.� The Fairtrade Foundation is an independent non-profit organisation. You can find out more here.

LJMU Fairtrade

Fairtrade at Liverpool John Moores Liverpool John Moores is proud to be a Fairtrade institution which is committed to supporting, promoting and using Fairtrade goods. LJMU and LiverpoolSU gained accreditation from the UK’s Fairtrade Foundation in February 2006.


The university and the SU are committed to five goals which have been set by the Fairtrade Foundation: Fairtrade foods are available for sale in all campus shops and used in all cafes/restaurants/bars on campus. Where this is not possible, there is a commitment to begin to use Fairtrade foods in these establishments as soon as it becomes possible to do so. Fairtrade foods are served at all meetings hosted by the university and the students union, and in all university and student union management offices. The process of maintaining Fairtrade status is co-ordinated by a Fairtrade Steering Group that includes students, academics and key strategic professional services staff. This group will ensure the implementation of the policy and the achieving of relevant KPIs to ensure continued accreditation status. The Steering group will organise the publicity for Fairtrade Fortnight and other promotion of Fairtrade products on an ongoing basis to ensure awareness raising is maintained on campus. The Steering Group will submit timely and relevant reports to the University’s Senior Management team and to the Fairtrade Foundation in order to maintain Fairtrade status.

LJMU Fairtrade

The Fairtrade flag project

One of the Universities previous projects was the Fairtrade Flag project. The university helped to spread knowledge about Fairtrade with local Liverpool Schools by reaching out to pupils and their parents. School children were invited to make Fairtrade flags on Fairtrade material.


The project was organised by LJMU staff Netti Porter and Sara Parker.. Netti said: “I think this event had a big impact because it got young people understanding Fairtrade. If young people have got a knowledge of Fairtrade they can share it with the people they live with therefore having an impact on their shopping habbits as well.�

LJMU Fairtrade

Fairtrade Fortnight 2018 26th February - 11th March This year, the events for Fairtrade Fortnight at LJMU included a Fairtrade banana handout and a sampling event, where students had the opportunity to test a number of Fairtrade products for free. Students could also enter a competition to win a Fairtrade hamper. In addition to this, the students took a survey so that the university could gain an insight in to the awareness around Fairtrade. fhdhdhsdjkadskjhd


Did you know? The results of the LJMU student survey showed what they had to say about Fairtrade: 98% of students would like to see more Fairtrade products at LJMU “I would like to see more events like this throughout the year.” “I would like to see more posters and more taster sesions.”

LJMU Fairtrade

Why is Fairtrade important to LJMU? Staff and students at LJMU were interviewed in preparation for Fairtrade fortnight... Click on the images/ names to see full video interviews

Dr Edward Harcourt: Pro-Vice-Chancellor

I think Fairtrade is important to the university for a number of reasons, first of all, it’s important because here in Liverpool we exist in a city that was built if you like, largely on proceeds of unfair trade, through the transatlantic slave trade in the 17th and 18th centuries. So I think it’s really important that in the 21st century we look back and we recognise the history that the city has had and we play our role in being responsible and supporting Fairtrade globally in the choices that we make about products and services.


Dr Sara Parker: Reader in Development Studies & Sociology

John Moores University and the staff here have been part of the Fairtrade movement since its inception and part of the Fairtrade towns, universities and cities movement so I think it just links in with us being a civic university.

Bernadette McGrath: Projects and Partnerships Manager Student Advice and Wellbeing Services

Fairtrade is important to our institution because we are a socially engaged institution and we want to make sure that students and staff make the most informed choices possible to help them engage responsibly in civic decisions from the products they buy right through to the awareness of the themes of Fairtrade.

LJMU Fairtrade

Dr Alex Miles: Director, School of Humanities and Social Science

I think it’s important to John Moores because we are certified as an institution that promotes Fairtrade. For the school of humanities and social science we have invested interest in introducing our students to arguments around sustainability and around fairness in production, and that’s why as a school we look to promote Fairtrade wherever we can.

Karla McDonough: LJMU Sociology student

I think that Fairtrade is important because LJMU is a global partner which makes links to support ethical trade. At the same time, sharing local knowledge is also important.


Why is Fairtrade important to you?

It means there’s a reassurance that producers are receiving a fair wage for the commodities that they are producing. As a planet and as citizens of that planted we are committed to responsible and fair production of goods. Dr Alex Miles

Those who support Fairtrade have got a responsibility in every aspect of our lives as individual consumers and in our professional roles to promote an alternative set of ethical underpinnings of global trade and hope that our voices are heard and that we can see a fairer and more sustainable future for not only people in the world but also for the environment and for our planet. Dr Edward Harcourt

LJMU Fairtrade

What can be done to support Fairtrade? According to the Fairtrade Foundation, there are more than 4,500 Fairtrade products available to buy, simply look for the Fairtrade mark when you are shopping. Some of the supermarkets that stock Fairtrade products are Sainsburys, Co-op and Waitrose. The products include: Bananas Chocolate Gold Beauty products Tea Coffee Cotton Flowers Sugar

At Liverpool John Moores University you can also purchase Fairtrade foods on campus in the shops and cafes. Use the #LJMUFairtrade to share your Fairtrade purchases.


There are more than 10,000 local fairtrade campaign groups in the United Kingdom, meaning it’s easier than ever to get involved in the movement by campaigning or fundraising. The Fairtrade Foundation have shared a number of videos throughout Fairtrade Fortnight, in order to introduce you to the people behind the food. You can support the mission by watching the videos and sharing them on social media to educate others and show your support. Click the link below to see one of the videos:

Signing up to the Fairtrade Foundations email list means you can be kept up to date with the latest events and news. You will also be alerted on the latest Fairtrade petitions, signing and sharing these is an easy but effective way to make a difference.

LJMU Fairtrade

Fair Connections is a Community Interest Company. It supports producers and trains teachers in Nepal in child friendly education and works with UK schools to support the Fairtrade movement. The company sells puppet based story sacks to schools and other handmade fair trade products. The story sacks, aimed at primary school children, include a story book and a number of accompanying puppets which were created by Nepali craft makers.


Fair Connections was founded by LJMU lecturer Dr Sara Parker, to find out more about her work, click the link to this article: Secret Lives of Lectures: the Fairtrade activist

LJMU Fairtrade

Internships with Fair Connections Dr Sara expressed that Liverpool John Moores University have played an important role in helping her to develop the business through a number of internship programmes. The programmes have given students and recent graduates opportunities to work alongside Sara and use their creative skills, from making and editing promotional videos to illustrating the story sack book that Sara has co-written: “The Adventures of Fairis the Nepali Frog.” One of the interns, Sean Williams recently graduated in Film Studies and completed an internship with Fair Connections. He said: “For my internship I did digital content creation, which was a mixture of filming and video editing, this was really good as it’s given me the chance to do some hands on work.”


Join LJMU’s Fairtrade movement Thank you for reading about Fairtrade at LJMU, would you like to get involved in the movement by volunteering or joining the university’s Fairtrade committee? If so, contact the head of the committee Mark Nevitt on: M.A.Nevitt@ljmu.ac.uk Don’t forget to share your Fairtrade stories and purchases online using


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