Accompanying guide
Talking about what is precious to your business, the first thing we would like to know is that we agree about what Inside Out approach can do for you.
The accompanying guide is a document that will help you to walk through the process that Inside Out is proposing to improve your sustainability.
In order to convince you to go for a walk with us, we would like you to approve the following description of the work we’re going to do together.
You have to see this like a path where you are going to live some experiences that will bring you to success. It means that like in a walk you probably going to face some mishaps, some
difficulties maybe that are going to slow you down. But it also means that you are going to meet some people or you will be asked to, and that’s a chance because we believe that encounters and exchanges are precious to your business.
As you can see in the presentation of our group our first mission is to help you understand better the local market with a global approach. India is waking up, with a fast growing market the country is developing rapidly. This growth means that globalisation is more and more important. It represents a lot of opportunities for any company in the world which understand the new rules of this market. Thanks to its experience and the background of its counsellors, Inside Out will help you to deal with your weaknesses and to develop your strengths in order to find your place in this new world. We expect to increase the value
of your know-how by bringing our knowledge of occidental
Respect, innovation, optimism and awareness are our values
market especially the European one.
and it reflects the way we see the customer relationship.
Our second mission is to escort leaders towards a smart and
Now that we agree about our mission and our values, let’s
sustainable growth.
explain the Inside Out approach.
As we evolve in a competitive world, we believe in the role of leaders. India and the world is facing a lot of changes and we need agent of change. These agents will lead their employees, their company and maybe their region into a necessary evolution or adaptation to the new world market. The leader has the big responsibility to impulse the change. Studying the market for a long time now, Inside Out is convinced that this evolution and adaptation involves thinking about the sustainability of the growth. But the sustainability is different from a company to another, that’s why we offer to escort leaders through an adapted process to reach his own sustainability. Finally, if you engage yourself in a sustainability process it will give you a precious competitive advantage in your sector, that’s why our last mission is humbly helping you to become models to follow.
OUR WALK The walk we propose you to go with us is based on 4 stages.
analysis that we have done about
The barometer
your company or your cluster after
The first involve an evaluation of your knowledge about sustainability related aspects. It’s called the barometer. You may first not see what is the point of the questions but don’t worry, this is totally normal. This tool will allow you to see your position with regard to a sustainable approach. The results may
sustainability but that you’re interested in knowing more or
your decision to continue the walk. The auto evaluation covers 4 fields: the economic aspects of your business, the social aspect, the environmental question and the governance. For each field you will find 3 questions about things you do or not.
even that you are convinced by the benefits of this approach. In that case don’t hesitate to contact us for more detail and continue your walk with us!
The auto-evaluation of best practices
The set up or improvement
The third stage may be the one which is the biggest part of the process. It consists to set up or improve the best practices
The second stage consists in an auto-evaluation of your best practices. These are actions based on the analysis of your company that we have made, using the SWOT and the PESTEL
that you identified earlier as partially or not set up at all. The best practices are presented in order of difficulty and feasibility (3 levels from 1 to 3). You have to set up the best
practices in the order but it is your choice to do the all social part first and then the economic etc. However we suggest you to do the firsts best practices all together and then the second because this is a systemic approach and you may not be able to reach the third level without having set up the previous levels.
The reporting guide
The last stage will be the easier after what you’ve been through! It consists to gather all the information you have about your best practices and the sustainability in your company in a sustainable development report that you will be able to communicate to your stakeholders. Inside out is helping you by giving you a reporting guide.
For any further information you will find our contact at the end of the document. We hope to hear from you soon!
Contact :
Laura Dos Santos In France :
+33 36 10 97 28 88
In Pune :
+91 20 6683 3336