Heartburn home remedies

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What is Heartburn ? Heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. Some of the symptoms, however are similar to those of a heart attack or heart disease. It is an irritation of the esophagus that is caused by stomach acid. This can create a burning discomfort in the upper abdomen or below the breast bone. People with this condition may suffer pain beginning from the chest area up to the neck. Heartburn is a burning sensation that can be felt anywhere from the area of the Belly button up into the mid chest. The feeling generally comes on during or following a meal, taking certain pills or supplements (multiple usually), snack or drink and can persist for MINUTES or HOURS until relief obtained. It is also one of the symptoms of Acid Reflux

NOTE :- If you are experiencing chronic HAVE Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease or GERD.

heartburn, you


What Causes Heartburn ?

The basic cause of heartburn is a lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, that doesn't tighten as it should. Two excesses often contribute to this problem: too much food in the stomach (overeating) or too much pressure on the stomach . Some causes also includes :    

Smoking Hiatal Hernia Pregnancy Obesity

Symptoms of Heartburn Gastro esoghageal reflux disease(GERD), is a condition in which heartburn is a symptom. Stomach acid reflux back into esophagus and causes pain. This pain can be felt as a burning sensation behind the sternum or breastbone, either as a spasm or a sharp pain. Many times the pain of acid reflux can be mistaken for the pain of a heart attack.

Home remedies for heartburn

Following home remedies for heartburn will cure your problem :

1.Upavasa (Fast) Taking upvasa for one or two days in a week or half a day cures heartburn. Eat lots of fruits and drink water during upavasa.

2. Cardamom Make a powdered mixture of equal parts of rock candy (mishri), fennel, and green cardamom. Whenever you experience heartburn, mix 1 teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of cold milk and drink.

3.Honey Take 1 spoon of honey before going to bed at night or take honey mixed water. Prefer organic honey. It soothes the stomach and adjusts body’s pH and also neutralizes the stomach acids.

4.Lemon Juice Take Lemon juice (2 spoons) with Ginger juice (2 spoons) 2-3 times in a day. Honey also can be added to the mixture.

Heartburn is a very common problem today. Almost all of us have suffered from it at least once in our lives. In most cases, the condition is merely an occasional nuisance. However, you might need to look for a cure if you suffer from it more than once a week. Bowel Cleanse is among one of those herbal medicine which can cure it permanently.

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