Stomach Cancer- possible causes and symptoms with alternative treatment

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What is stomach cancer?

Stomach cancer is also known as gastric cancer. Stomach cancer starts when cancer cells form in the innner lining of stomach. After a certain period of time, these cells form a tumor. Before a cancer develops re-cancerous changes occur in the inner lining (mucosa) of the stomach. These changes rarely cause any symptoms and hence remain unnoticed. Stomach cancers spreads in different ways. It can grow in the wall of stomach and nearby organs. As stomach cancer becomes more advanced it can travel through blood stream and spreads to other parts like liver, lungs and bones.

IN THIS ARTICLE –        

What is Stomach Cancer ? Stages of Stomach cancer Types of Stomach cancer What causes stomach cancer ? Stomach cancer symptoms Stomach cancer treatment Stomach cancer alternate treatment Prevention of stomach cancer

Stages of Stomach cancer —Stage 0 – cancer found only in the inner layer of the stomach.

Stage 1 ◦ Tumor invaded only the submucosa – cancer cells may be found in up to 6

lymph nodes.

◦ Tumor invaded the muscle layer or the subserosa. ◦ Cancer cells have not spread to lymph nodes or other organs.

Stage II ◦ Tumor has invaded only the submucosa – cancer cells have spread to 7-15 lymph nodes. ◦ Tumor has invaded the muscle layer or subserosa – cancer cells have spread to 1-6 lymph nodes. ◦ Tumor has penetrated outer layer of the stomach. ◦ Cancer cells have not spread to lymph nodes or other organs.

Stage III ◦ Tumor has invaded the muscle layer or subserosa – 7-15 lymph nodes. ◦ Tumor has penetrated the outer layer – 1-15 lymph nodes. ◦ Tumor has invaded nearby organs, such as the liver or spleen. ◦ Cancer cells have not spread to lymph nodes or distant organs.

Stage IV ◦ Cancer cells have spread to more than 15 lymph nodes. ◦ Tumor has invaded nearby organs and at least 1 lymph node. ◦ Cancer cells have spread to distant organs.

Recurrent cancer ◦ Has come back. ◦ May recur in the stomach or in another part.

Types of stomach cancer 

Adenocarcinomas develop within the cells of the innermost lining(mucosa) of the stomach. About 90% to 95% of cancers of stomach cancers are classified as adenocarcinomas.

Lymphoma is a cancer of the immune system tissue that may start anywhere there are lymph tissues. Sometimes it is found in the wall of the stomach. Lymphomas in the stomach are very rare and only account for about 4 percent of all stomach cancers.

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors , also called as GISTs, are a rare type of stomach cancer that starts in a special cell found in the lining of the stomach called interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs). Some of these tumors are noncancerous (benign); others are cancerous. . These tumors may develop anywhere in the digestive tract, but about 70 percent occur in the stomach.

Carcinoid tumors typically start in the hormone making cells of the stomach. These tumors usually do not spread to different organs and account for only about 3 percent of stomach cancer incidence.

What causes stomach cancer ? Stomach cancer is still a myth for doctors. Stomach cancer occurs. Stomach cancer happens when the normal cells in the upper portion of our digestive system grows rapidly and out of control. These cells results in formation of tumor This process happens slowly and take time for stomach cancer to grow. Yo may be more likely to suffer from stomach cancer if you eat too much salty foods, do not exercise, eat lot of meat or don’t cook or store food properly. As a Doctor I personally suggest you to talk to doctor if you are constant victim of any of the stomach problems. Cancer will not going to affect you only but also your family and closed one’s. Possible causes of stomach cancer are :

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Smoking Obesity Genetic Salty foods Stomach surgery for ulcers. Type A-blood H pylori Expose to Asbestos (a mineral found in rocks )

Stomach cancer symptoms The early symptoms of stomach cancer, are –        

Bloating in the stomach Heartburn Throwing up Nausea Loss of appetite blood in stool Sharp stomach pain Weakness

Constipation problem Yellowish eyes If you feel these symptoms a lot then please concern a doctor for proper cure.

The following signs and symptoms should be taken seriously – 

Difficulty in swallowing Indigestion ( with sudden weight loss or anemia) If people facing problem of indigestion along with following symptoms must concern a doctor :

any relative having stomach cancer Gastritis History of stomach ulcers Dysplasia Fatigue black stools

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Stomach Cancer treatment Once stomach cancer is diagonized and stagged, doctor will choose your treatment plan. Doctor will consider your age, health and condition while decideing your treatment plan. The main treatment of stomach cancer are :    

Surgery Chemotherapy Radiation therapy Taargeted therapy The best is combination of two or more of the above treatments. All the treatments have their own benefits. Although each of the treatment has several side effects. The aim of treatment is either to cure or control your cancer. Many times after treatment cancer “recurrs” again. There is also possibility of developing new unrelated cancer, called as “second cancer”.

Stomach Cancer Alternate treatment Apart from above mention treatments, there is an alternative treatment of stomach cancer at SSOHM. This treatment is made up of blend of herbal and homeo extracts. In this treatment patients are provided, natural medicines which will cure cancer from the root. This H2O treatment work on three aspects – cleansing,detoxification and immunity booster. The cleansing is done to cleanse the stomach , to make it start working properly. Detoxification helps in removing toxins and cancer cells and Immunity booster will boost the immunity of body to fight against the cancer. All these processes together regenerates the body.

The main benefit of this treatment is there is almost no chance for recurrence or second cancer. The treatment is 100% natural and has zero side effect. You can definitely undergo this treatment with your other ongoing treatments.

How stomach cancer can be prevented? Since the doctors don’t know the exact cause of stomach cancer and there is no vaccine to prevent it. Hence there is no effective way to prevent stomach cancer. Although following steps can be taken to reduce the risk of stomach cancer:    

Eat fruit and vegetables. Less salty and smoky foods. No to smoking and tobacco. Regular check up with doctor.

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