29 January 2015
Aeckerli: reconnecting with my German Roots. Unit 1: L04 AC 4:2
My father was born in Germany in 1939, he emigrated to England in 1960. My partner Stefan’s father was also born in Germany in 1932, he moved to Switzerland in 1939. In his will he left a small area of land (Aeckerli) in Oetlingen, Germany to Stefan. It’s used for pic-nics and getting away from the city to enjoy nature. For me it feels like I’m reconnecting with my German roots.
Survey and Analysis: - The land is owned by Stefan, however it is a public access for the local farmer, through to his land. He kindly cuts the grass. We have to respect that the farmer will drive through it and that anyone has access to it. - The Aeckerli is 6.75 miles from Stefan’s flat (mapped out via mapometer.) Accessible by car in 15 minutes, by bicycle in 40 minutes, therefore Zone 5. - The land can not be used for agricultural purposes. So we wanted to develop a more recreational design intergrating the community, family and friends. - We paced the land, to map it out. One stride = one metre ( see attached map). A large stone marked the boundary end, which we found. 1