29 January 2015
Aeckerli: reconnecting with my German Roots. Unit 1: L04 AC 4:2
My father was born in Germany in 1939, he emigrated to England in 1960. My partner Stefan’s father was also born in Germany in 1932, he moved to Switzerland in 1939. In his will he left a small area of land (Aeckerli) in Oetlingen, Germany to Stefan. It’s used for pic-nics and getting away from the city to enjoy nature. For me it feels like I’m reconnecting with my German roots.
Survey and Analysis: - The land is owned by Stefan, however it is a public access for the local farmer, through to his land. He kindly cuts the grass. We have to respect that the farmer will drive through it and that anyone has access to it. - The Aeckerli is 6.75 miles from Stefan’s flat (mapped out via mapometer.) Accessible by car in 15 minutes, by bicycle in 40 minutes, therefore Zone 5. - The land can not be used for agricultural purposes. So we wanted to develop a more recreational design intergrating the community, family and friends. - We paced the land, to map it out. One stride = one metre ( see attached map). A large stone marked the boundary end, which we found. 1
29 January 2015 Unit 1: AC 4.2 Mapping Google map of area with boundary line drawn
Worked out slope gradient to be 10%. Took measurements between two trees & worked out angle.
360 degree video of land, showing camp fire, tree layout and view
See clip here.
Altitude Section (mapomener)
Total length: 142.5 m, widest point 22.5 m Identified and plotted trees. NW winds. Scale 1:500
29 January 2015
- Sector Analysis / Microclimate
Unit 2: L03 microclimate / soil
- Winds mainly come from North West (evident via tree growth). The area is mainly exposed, there is some wind shelter via border of brambles, behind firepit. Develop this as communal area. - Sun: established Southern position via tree growth (see pic). On a sunny day can be really hot, Maple trees next to firepit provide some shelter, again co - Water: rainwater is collected via bath, used for watering on dry summer days. - View: spectaculator! Looking out South West, no tree blocking the way, this is a great asset (it was a grey day the video was taken). On a clear day can see the city of Basel.
Established position of sun via tree growth
North West winds, slight effect on trees
Brambles via fire pit, shelter, well drained soil
Soil Sample
Observed land slope, contours. Worked out gradient.
Discovered lots of rocks in area we dug up for analysis 3
Soil Analysis: Unit 2.2
29 January 2015
Soil: I took a ball of the soil home in a jam jar to a carry out the soil test. Conclustion from carrying out soil ID test was that is is clay loam. This would effect our design decision. After considering the needs of the land, that access is required to the farmer and the disance that the it is from Stefan’s flat, Zone 5, we wanted to develop the use of the land as a recreational place for friends, family and the local community too. There is a nearby village. After the soil analysis, and the rocks dug up by an area near the existing fire pit, we realised that we could use these material to build a cob oven. Incorporating the clay soil, sand from nearby river bank, straw from the local farmer, gravel and rocks found in soil and scattered around. The positioning would South West, next to fire pit to enjoy views and create communal place for all to enjoy. With brambles behind and further hedging, develop small holding to store wood and the placement would benefit from some privacy from passers by on the upper road. The cob oven wouldn’t infringe on landscape and farmers access and would develop the fire pit area. There are some plum and pear trees on the land, (some fruit fell and was rotten as it wasn’t picked and often has a bitter taste). We thought we would use the cob oven for fruit tarts, and experiement with drying out fruit as snacks may be more paletable. An opportuntiy for fruit harvesting gatherings with local village and farmer. We don’t really have much connection or integration with them. An opportunity for me to practice my German!
Produce no Waste
Use renewable resources
Beneficial connections
29 January 2015 Unit 3: L01 Renewal Energy Resources: Earth Ship - SWOT Analysis Photovoltaic panels & wind turbine for electricity Solar thermal panels & wood pellet stove for water heating.
Pioneering design, showcasing demonstration of renewable energy resources. First in England.
Original design based on Earthship in Mexico, different climate needs in E.Sussex, UK.
Seeing is believing. Living reality of alternative energy resources, inspire others and act as an Educational centre.
Location is off the beaten track at Stanmer Park, not something you would easily find. Needs promotion.
Due to construction and design of the Earth Ship (rammed earth tyres, built into earth bank) energy requirements are aleady smarter and lower than average house.
Wind turbine is poorly position and not so effictive as orginially hoped.
Zero carbon emmissions and no utility bills. No impact on enviroment or pocket. Intial investment is recouped long term.
Technology constantly changing, developing, therefore solar panels from 10 years ago may be less effective today.
Earthship doesn’t require much heating. When in use and full of people, heat naturally generated anyway.
Not always in use, therefore can feel cold in winter if left unused for a while.
Non invasive design: solar heating panels on roof provide hot water.
Solar panels require large surface area. What if large demand and insufficient space.
South facing large glass frontage, increase passive solar benefits.
How to control temparature on sunny days, ventilation?
Wood pellet stove, heat on demand. No waste. Turn off once temparture reached. Low maintenance.
Require intial large investment. Buy and keep stock of wood pellets.
Earthship is vulnerable and isolated at times. (Solar panels have been stolen).
To learn from experiences, problems and solutions that have arisen. Design evolution.
Weather dependent, cloudy days? Unpredictable weather.
Plans for solar battery back-ups. Design included pond by window to reflect sun rays back into window, increase passive solar.
Existing solar panel battery house: minor fire risk, careful of housing temparture.
Plans for new battery house, incoropate straw bale build project, provide necesary insulation, educational project.
How would average person be able to invest in intial outlay for panel, wood pellet burner etc?
Government incentives to support renewable 5 energy resources for domestic houses.
29 January 2015 Unit 3: L03 Sustainable Design /Management: LAMMAS -The Community Hub
Seasonal Shop & Cafe
Tour / Visitor / Centre
Social Meeting Place
The Community HUB
Educational / Volunteer Centre
Process land based produce / goods exchange
Assist local livelihoods
The Community Hub Mandate: The Community Hubs main raison d’etre will be a centre for the research, education and promotion of low-impact living. This will be achieved through the provision of hands-on courses, tours, presentations, visitor and volunteer opportunities along with a range of outreach work. Looking at the Community Hall at Lammas, they have designed multiple uses for it. Only only to serve the residents but also the local community. By integrating the community and allowing them to sell their products on their shop days, they are supporting local economy and promoting ‘buy local ‘ principle. The hub has mutltiple uses: educational / volunteer / visitor / centre. They will earn some incomes streams with their skill sharing workshop. Also through their shop and cafe intiaitve. Also allowing a communal space to be shared.