JUNE 7, 2019
CAN WE REDUCE INFLAMMATION WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF OUR LIFESTYLES? By Sarah Citrin Inflammation - we've all heard of it, but what do we actually do about it? As usual when it comes to staying healthy, what we eat has a lot to do with it. But can we be conscious anti-inflammatory eaters without upending our entire lifestyles? My answer is yes. Like most people, I'm too busy for complicated diets. I'm also too busy for backaches and digestive issues. My compromise has been to be conscious of what affects the inflammation in my body and give it the old 80/20 rule. 80 percent of the time I am conscious (but not obsessive) about keeping inflammatory foods out of my system and intentionally adding antiinflammatory foods into my diet. I am a dirty cheater 20 percent of the time. Even as someone with a diagnosed problem with inflammation, this works.
I have found that fighting inflammation is about the sum of what you eat over a long period, and not about the one time you cheated. If you never make room for cheating, you may be more likely to binge the bad stuff when you do let yourself loose, which most nutritionists agree is more harmful. I like to consider what I eat in a week as opposed to what I eat in one meal. Basically, I keep two questions in the back of my mind at all times: what causes inflammation and what helps relieve it? Let's break that down.
What Causes Inflammation? Many things. Inflammation is one of your body's natural defense mechanisms, and it goes way beyond food. Doctors are starting to find that some foods common to the American lifestyle cause this defense mechanism to trigger way more than is healthy. Where does this inflammation happen? Typically in our joints and digestive systems. Which foods are the culprits? They probably won't surprise you.