GCSE Geography revision

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9 December 2011 Dear Parent / Guardian RE


Your child has been entered for a re-sit exam(s) in January. A few weeks ago I wrote to you concerning after school revision sessions that we have invited your child to in December and January to help them in the preparation leading up to these important exams. Unfortunately the revision session planned for Wednesday 7 December was cancelled because of the failure of the heating system in school. As a consequence we are planning a double revision session after school next Wednesday 14 December. This will last to approximately 4:30pm and will be on; coastal features, map work, earthquakes and volcanoes. Please would you encourage your child to attend this very important event which will really help them to improve their overall grade in Geography. After Christmas we have organised four other after school revision sessions until 4:00pm as follows:

Wednesday 4 January

Development in coastal areas / fragile environments

Wednesday 12 January

Tropical storms

Wednesday 18 January

Coastal management

Monday 23 January


Thank you for your continued support. Yours faithfully

Mr T Barnes Curriculum Leader – Geography Department

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