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Architettura e oltre. Un’introduzione ai lavori di

Sarah E. Black

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un po’ di parole su di me

progetti svolti durante la laurea all’Università di Detroit Mercy

tesi concentrata sulla conservazione della storia nel tempo

progetti svolti tramite le mie esperienze di lavoro

il primo semestre all’Università degli Studi di Firenze

Un po’ di divertimento personale

0.0 Sarah Elizabeth Black

Introduzione un pezzo di me a te

Continually gaining newer perspectives, I can say that I have changed my mind about architecture in my brief contact with both my education and the work I have been able to participate in. There is still much more to learn in this process, and I look forward to the journey, experiences, and people I encounter along the way. In brief, I would consider myself one that is perpetually looking for ways to improve both internally and externally. I am fascinated by the opportunity to consider global issues and contribute to the discourse utilizing architecture as the language. I went into architecture hoping to follow my desires to impact the lives of people in all different scales. From a young age I recognized the importance of well designed spaces, and how it connected to my everyday life and collective memory. After graduating from the University of Detroit Mercy, I began to see the poorly designed spaces not only for what they were, but the reasons behind why they were not successful. When I came

to Italy I became captivated with the intimacy of urban landscapes and the unique relationships that buildings have between time periods. Personally, I am looking to gain perspective and learn from Italy. I know that I already have, and cannot anticipate what more there is to come. I can, however, keep an open mind and keep moving forward.

Sarah Elizabeth Black


For my Bachelor of Science in Architecture, there were a series of studios which took place. First year has its main focus on conceptual design and second year was the development of technical skills. Third and fourth year were the studio topics of choice. I then had decided the following studios: community development, study abroad in Volterra, Italy, Integrated studio - which integrates all technical and design aspects into one project, and a theory studio.


1.1 Detroit, MI


Civic Engagement solutions for abandoned lots to achieve civic engagement and the promotion of culture


Italy Studio mixed-use projects that incorporate the context and culture


Integrated Studio student housing project with netzero energy and prefabricated construction.

What was called the ‘landscape folly’ was a design challenge that many of us students had not yet considered. Thinking about interventions in a community that weren’t the traditional sense of our then current understanding of architecture was an interesting experience. Looking at the issue of abandoned lots, and lack of access to fresh foods as well as unity within the neighborhood led me to celebrate the porch of the abandoned houses as a stage for cultural performances, but would also act as a trellis for vegetables and fruits in the warmer months. Seating was also designed that would protect vegetables from pests.

1.1 Detroit, MI

Civic Engagement solutions for abandoned lots to achieve civic engagement and the promotion of culture

Proposed renewable energy houses and bike paths

Gardens to fill lots, and solar panel street lights to be installed.

Repurposed building with mixed-use programming.

1.1 Detroit, MI

Civic Engagement solutions for abandoned lots to achieve civic engagement and the promotion of culture

The market was designed to come out onto the side street on the weekends and perhaps even spill into the church’s lot across the street. Swivel glass walls on the east side make the transition from inside to outside possible. The stage also features a garage door that allows for the smell of the food cooking and the music to spread into the surrounding neighborhoods, advertising itself. Something that I learned from this project is the lack of security as a design problem that needed to be tackled in the project.

1.2 Volterra, Italy


Civic Engagement solutions for abandoned lots to achieve civic engagement and the promotion of culture


Italy Studio mixed-use projects that incorporate the context and culture


Integrated Studio student housing project with netzero energy and prefabricated construction.

1.2 Volterra, Italy

Italy Studio mixed-use projects that incorporate the context and culture

This project occurred on the piazza of XX di Settembre in Volterra, Italy. Tuscany, well known for its beautiful views, was the source of inspiration for this project. Bringing food from the farms in the near-distance, I thought to also bring the beauty of the rolling hills to this architecture as well. The food to table idea is wonderful and really pushed the way I wanted to approach this design. Also being able to see the�view� from different vantage points was important.

Roof Circulation

undulates like the hills in Tuscany’s landscape, and creates a better vantage point to take a look at Tuscany

Cafe and Restaurant the cafe is at piazza level, but the restaurant portion is sunken and once you reach the balcony, you can wrap around to reach the bathrooms

Public Steps

this staircase is access to a public viewpoint other than the roof, one that is lower, and it also serves as a walk-through of the architecture as if it were an aquarium


the passage leads to a private garden managed by the restaurant and besides the garden there is also a little garden shed, used for mostly storage

1.2 Volterra, Italy

Italy Studio mixed-use projects that incorporate the context and culture

1.2 Volterra, Italy

Italy Studio mixed-use projects that incorporate the context and culture

There are three positions that the fabric can be in. There is open fabric, that would shade the entire fonti area, half open, and closed or folded fabric. These are counter-balanced from a weight with light within the glass structure.

This project takes place at Fonti di Docciola. Outside the walls are a structure with the same fabric extended, but not movable This functions as the proper bus stop for the school buses that come in the afternoon. Another important focus of this project was bringing landscape in the form of local flowers to this area would bring seasonal colors.

1.3 Detroit, MI University District


Civic Engagement solutions for abandoned lots to achieve civic engagement and the promotion of culture


Italy Studio mixed-use projects that incorporate the context and culture


Integrated Studio student housing project with netzero energy and prefabricated construction.

1.3 Detroit, MI University District

Tpo Roofing 8” of Rigid Board Insulation Metal Decking 10” of Insulation 5/8” of Plywood

Corrugated Metal

5/8” of Drywall Air Barrier

Integrated Studio student housing project with netzero energy and prefabricated construction.

Vapor Barrier

Concrete on slab

wall detail


1.3 Detroit, MI University District

Integrated Studio student housing project with netzero energy and prefabricated construction.


La mia Tesi

For my thesis I was interested in the layers that dedicate time and the understanding of history applied, not as a monumental moment in any given time, but as a faction of moments on a spectrum, which then impact and tell stories of all different points in history. This chapter is a short view of my findings and experiments.

2.1 Detroit, MI


Material Dialogue experiments in material correspondence and telling of stories through intervention.


Fountain Intervention interpretation of current conditions of abandoned historic Detroit monument and give it new life.


Redefined Church A hardly identifiable church lies in ruins in the city of Volterra used as a place for recreational events. Where is its future?

Existing has worn with time.

Filler reacts to mold.

2.2 Experimentation


Material Dialogue experiments in material correspondence and telling of stories through intervention.


Fountain Intervention interpretation of current conditions of abandoned historic Detroit monument and give it new life.


Redefined Church A hardly identifiable church lies in ruins in the city of Volterra used as a place for recreational events. Where is its future?

When it comes to investigating how to reinvest the importance of history to the people, it needs to not only to be taken care of, but also it needs to become a part of the lives and culture of the people that come to bring their lives and memories to it. Without the memories of people, little to no sentiment is held within its existence. The socialization that was occurring on this site is a driving point in making it more inviting to sit. There are stairs added so that the stepping of the fountain does not become too tall. The still water was also an issue and was tackled by metal and glass structures that would deflect water, but wouldn’t cover the fountain’s basin. The flowers were an approach to carefully designing what nature was already doing in the fountain’s cracks.





Material Dialogue experiments in material correspondence and telling of stories through intervention.


Fountain Intervention interpretation of current conditions of abandoned historic Detroit monument and give it new life.


Redefined Church A hardly identifiable church lies in ruins in the city of Volterra used as a place for recreational events. Where is its future? Hypothesized Floor Plan


Hypothesized Form and Faรงade

2.3 Experimentation

Redefined Church A hardly identifiable church lies in ruins in the city of Volterra used as a place for recreational events. Where is its future?

Figure 1

Figure 2

2.3 Experimentation

Redefined Church A hardly identifiable church lies in ruins in the city of Volterra used as a place for recreational events. Where is its future?




Four experiences that both taught me different work techniques and responsibilities were extremely informative for my maturity in the field. Each gave me a unique perspective that helped me contribute to the way I work and think today.


3.1 Odle McGuire Shook


Indianapolis Firm after graduate school, I worked on school additions as well as new construction for retirement facilities.


University Projects I created the drawings for small scale interventions within the existing Detroit Mercy campus. Mid-size Firm I had the opportunity to contribute to University projects as well as libraries and a church.



Detroit Start-up first experience with a small firm that gave me a wide range of experiences.

The renderings below are a result of the works of myself for material of the architectural components and the interior design of my colleague Abigail Johnson. The renderings on the right and above, however, I completed as a single project.

The works on the right are assistant living and town homes for retirees. The modeling and rendering was completed by myself and the design layout was completed by my boss, Matthew Dunahee. I also completed a series of tasks updating floor plans, creating the landscape, and details of both projects in Revit. These projects were also rendered using Revit and later edited with Photoshop.

3.2 Facility Operations


Indianapolis Firm after graduate school, I worked on school additions as well as new construction for retirement facilities.


University Projects I created the drawings for small scale interventions within the existing Detroit Mercy campus. Mid-size Firm I had the opportunity to contribute to University projects as well as libraries and a church.



Detroit Start-up first experience with a small firm that gave me a wide range of experiences.

Working for Facility Operations was very fulfilling in that I had the opportunity to see projects be built first hand. I was present with different representatives of the University to hear what they wanted, and I was responsible in making the representations of what their ideas might look like. An addition to the Engineering building is represented on the left. Acoustics in the new Life and Science building on the left in center, as well as the technical drawings for a chute opening in the dormitory bathrooms. On the right were several options that the basketball team could have with a new look for their locker rooms, taking into consideration a tight budget. I also had the opportunity to make material and tile decisions as well as other documentations of parking changes on campus.

3.3 Integrated Design Solutions


Indianapolis Firm after graduate school, I worked on school additions as well as new construction for retirement facilities.


University Projects I created the drawings for small scale interventions within the existing Detroit Mercy campus. Mid-size Firm I had the opportunity to contribute to University projects as well as libraries and a church.



Detroit Start-up first experience with a small firm that gave me a wide range of experiences.

At Integrated Design Solutions, I worked on many asbuilts. In the renderings on the left, I contributed to the landscape and materials on the existing building as well as the railings on the ramp. The church has highlighted in blue what I spend time modeling.

3.3 Integrated Design Solutions

Mid-size Firm I had the opportunity to contribute to University projects as well as libraries and a church.

This Ann Arbor mansion was donated to the University of Michigan and their intension was to convert it into meeting space. The existing building and details was modeled by me in Revit. The slanted roof above the new entry was my suggestion. On this project I also worked with the lead interior designer to present possible layouts for the ground and basement levels.

3.3 Integrated Design Solutions

Mid-size Firm I had the opportunity to contribute to University projects as well as libraries and a church.

This school library renovation is the experience when I learned to use design options in Revit as well as make official corporate design documents. The majority of my task was to model the designs that my boss, Mark Reaves, wanted for our client. I also had the opportunity to design the circulation desk.

3.4 Studio Detroit


Indianapolis Firm after graduate school, I worked on school additions as well as new construction for retirement facilities.


University Projects I created the drawings for small scale interventions within the existing Detroit Mercy campus. Mid-size Firm I had the opportunity to contribute to University projects as well as libraries and a church.



Detroit Start-up first experience with a small firm that gave me a wide range of experiences.

This project was entirely completed by me. First built in Revit, I then got my first experience in Sketch-up in order to render different views. The pictures to the right and above are of the model in Revit. To the left and in following pages are renderings done in Sketchup with Podium. This abandoned historic church in the city of Detroit at one time hosted people as widely known as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Many people including activist Rev. Williams are looking to repurpose this historic site to breathe life again.

3.4 Studio Detroit

Detroit Start-up first experience with a small firm that gave me a wide range of experiences.

This porch addition was my very first project at Studio Detroit, and was built for a contractor that the studio works with often on the car dealerships they are assigned. I got many technical skills during this time, and learned the importance of how to key note, but also how to make construction documents look clean and legible.

3.4 Studio Detroit














18'-5"x10'-3" D/W



Detroit Start-up first experience with a small firm that gave me a wide range of experiences.












The redesigning of the inside of this Bloomfield home was my first as-built, and I was responsible for many deadlines for the schematic design in the process. The head architect of this project, Kevin Crosby, and I went through several iterations of the open floor plan that the client wanted. The rendering below is the final design that we ended up with, and though it was not as open as it could have been, I think it was the best possible scenario for the requirements that our client had listed for us.


Italy is known for it’s past gems in architecture. Their advancements of societies and architecture was beyond their time. Italy is famous for its past, and is cherished by its citizens, but architects today also have a very sensitive attitude of what it means to build next to the Greats. Italian architecture is built with high care and sensitivity to its relationships to the context and to the people that inhabit it. This is the key principle that I have learned during my studies at the University of Florence, and I intend to continually improve my skills in honor of their legacy.

UniversitĂ di Firenze

4.1 Weissenhof, GR



Le Corbu Museum within the context of a colony of international style architecture, this architecture intends to exhibit the neighborhood.

Exposition Hall within the fortress nearest the station Santa Maria Novella, a large, open concept space is needed with the most pavilion space available.

For this exercise I was interested in how to make this exhibition about what is surrounding it, by creating hubs that look out to the various buildings in its context, connected by circulation that could be described also as like bridges from hub to hub.

4.2 Fortezza da Basso



Le Corbu Museum within the context of a colony of international style architecture, this architecture intends to exhibit the neighborhood.

Exposition Hall within the fortress nearest the station Santa Maria Novella, a large, open concept space is needed with the most pavilion space available.

Having the structure be as external as possible was the concept of this project as well as following geometry that held ratio relationships between its volumes and spacings.

4.2 Fortezza da Basso

Exposition Hall within the fortress nearest the station Santa Maria Novella, a large, open concept space is needed with the most pavilion space available.

This project was a group effort that I contributed mostly to the elevations, sections, and structural calculations. I also helped edit and peer review the project as a whole and spent many late nights organizing boards and printing for presentations.


Art has always been an important part of my life, and it has taught me a lot about myself and my desire to try new things. Art comes in many forms and mediums, and I want to try them all. While I haven’t tried everything at this point, there is always room for more experience. I learn from the art that I do, and it allows for me to grow. Art is in all things, not just in this chapter. I see architecture as an art as well, but in a formal manner. These pieces do not have a human function other than my own relaxation and form of sifting through my ideas and emotions. Something I would love to do one day would be to create installations. While I see art as a beautiful thing, I also think that it can become functional as well and improve the livelihoods of all of us. We can live in a more creative and beautiful world. The things we interact with everyday should also be designed as though they are functional art. In my mind, I really just want to be a female ‘Di Vinci.’ I want to do everything and discover ideas for myself and hope others appreciate it.


5.1 Fotografia


Photography photographs I have taken of Terรงeira without any Photoshop


Lyric Analysis photoshopped images that are digging into the poetry of a song from Mineral


Computer Rendering different programs are being used to create atmosphere for practice


Sculpture made during my study abroad in Volterra made from Alabaster

5.2 Grafici


Photography photographs I have taken of Terรงeira without any Photoshop


Lyric Analysis photoshopped images that are digging into the poetry of a song from Mineral


Computer Rendering different programs are being used to create atmosphere for practice


Sculpture made during my study abroad in Volterra made from Alabaster

5.3 Programmi


Photography photographs I have taken of Terรงeira without any Photoshop


Lyric Analysis photoshopped images that are digging into the poetry of a song from Mineral


Computer Rendering different programs are being used to create atmosphere for practice


Sculpture made during my study abroad in Volterra made from Alabaster

5.3 Programmi

Computer Rendering different programs are being used to create atmosphere for practice

5.4 Scultura


Photography photographs I have taken of Terรงeira without any Photoshop


Lyric Analysis photoshopped images that are digging into the poetry of a song from Mineral


Computer Rendering different programs are being used to create atmosphere for practice


Sculpture made during my study abroad in Volterra made from Alabaster

Alabaster sculpture of a bird in palm of a hand with the help of artisan Velio

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