STL Living Magazine

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Come Come to to St. St. Louis Louis this this holiday holiday season. season. Enjoy Enjoy the the magical magical feel feel of of Christmas Christmas here here in in St. St. Louis. Louis. No No matter matter where where you’re you’re from, from, you’ll you’ll always always be be home home for for the the holidays. holidays.

CONTENTS Huck 4 Tom A visual artist best known for his large scale woodcuts.

Rite Schlafly 8 Eat 12 A downtown St. This St. Louis Louis landmark closes it doors after five decades.

16 PGAV They design unbelievable experiences that tell amazing stories.

Breweryis proud to be Missouri’s largest locally owned independent brewery.

20 Graphic Design Program

A new program at SIBA that’s taken the school by storm.

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Mauris vitae elementum metus. Proin pretium nibh et lacinia malesuada. Nam consectetur velit sed mauris porttitor, vel ultricies massa fermentum. Morbi non dictum lorem, in tincidunt diam. Integer varius tristique sem eget molestie. Sed vitae magna dignissim, mollis justo eget, vestibulum justo. Sed tristique tempus ante a hendrerit. Nunc venenatis blandit velit nec elementum. Ut scelerisque, nisi nec sollicitudin sodales, diam turpis tincidunt ipsum, eu congue velit metus nec erat. Donec nisl elit, sollicitudin sed tincidunt sed, euismod sed nisl. Etiam id mattis leo, nec dictum risus. Donec aliquam leo et imperdiet tincidunt. Nulla vitae rhoncus lectus, sed pellentesque velit. Phasellus sed gravida lorem. Maecenas ipsum nunc, gravida et aliquet et, sodales et mi. Donec vitae bibendum mi, at malesuada eros. Curabitur porta erat in lacinia pretium. Ut sagittis auctor ex, eget tempor ante mattis non. Sed sed sodales

nisi. Praesent purus ipsum, dignissim in cursus quis, placerat sit amet lectus. Pellentesque tempor arcu ex, et pellentesque massa porta a. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque a consequat augue. Nulla sit amet varius odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum tempus commodo sapien, ut imperdiet diam pellentesque quis. Sed ut lorem interdum, luctus quam sit amet, posuere neque. Ut sit amet varius risus. Curabitur libero purus, varius vel bibendum a, lobortis a diam. Aliquam sagittis dui nec augue auctor, et fringilla tellus volutpat. Duis non ante id metus rhoncus mattis at sed tellus. Proin lobortis in libero tempus posuere. Praesent efficitur egestas risus. Nunc sodales justo nec lectus eleifend, et tincidunt tellus euismod. Cras posuere sollicitudin mauris, ut viverra metus vestibulum eget.

CONTENTS Huck 4 Tom A visual artist best known for his large scale woodcuts.

Rite Schlafly 8 Eat 12 A downtown St. This St. Louis Louis landmark closes it doors after five decades.

16 PGAV They design unbelievable experiences that tell amazing stories.

Breweryis proud to be Missouri’s largest locally owned independent brewery.

20 Graphic Design Program

A new program at SIBA that’s taken the school by storm.

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Mauris vitae elementum metus. Proin pretium nibh et lacinia malesuada. Nam consectetur velit sed mauris porttitor, vel ultricies massa fermentum. Morbi non dictum lorem, in tincidunt diam. Integer varius tristique sem eget molestie. Sed vitae magna dignissim, mollis justo eget, vestibulum justo. Sed tristique tempus ante a hendrerit. Nunc venenatis blandit velit nec elementum. Ut scelerisque, nisi nec sollicitudin sodales, diam turpis tincidunt ipsum, eu congue velit metus nec erat. Donec nisl elit, sollicitudin sed tincidunt sed, euismod sed nisl. Etiam id mattis leo, nec dictum risus. Donec aliquam leo et imperdiet tincidunt. Nulla vitae rhoncus lectus, sed pellentesque velit. Phasellus sed gravida lorem. Maecenas ipsum nunc, gravida et aliquet et, sodales et mi. Donec vitae bibendum mi, at malesuada eros. Curabitur porta erat in lacinia pretium. Ut sagittis auctor ex, eget tempor ante mattis non. Sed sed sodales

nisi. Praesent purus ipsum, dignissim in cursus quis, placerat sit amet lectus. Pellentesque tempor arcu ex, et pellentesque massa porta a. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque a consequat augue. Nulla sit amet varius odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum tempus commodo sapien, ut imperdiet diam pellentesque quis. Sed ut lorem interdum, luctus quam sit amet, posuere neque. Ut sit amet varius risus. Curabitur libero purus, varius vel bibendum a, lobortis a diam. Aliquam sagittis dui nec augue auctor, et fringilla tellus volutpat. Duis non ante id metus rhoncus mattis at sed tellus. Proin lobortis in libero tempus posuere. Praesent efficitur egestas risus. Nunc sodales justo nec lectus eleifend, et tincidunt tellus euismod. Cras posuere sollicitudin mauris, ut viverra metus vestibulum eget.

received a BFA in drawing from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1993 and an MFA in printmaking from Washington University in 1995. From 2000 to 2010 he was an instructor in printmaking at Washington University.

Tom Huck was born on December 9, 1971 in Farmington, Missouri and grew up in nearby Potosi. He received a BFA in drawing from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1993. He currently lives in St. Louis, Missouri where he runs his own press, Evil Prints.

Tom Huck is a visual artist best known for his large scale woodcuts. His imagery draws heavily upon the influence of Albrecht Durer, Jose Guadalupe Posada, R. Crumb and Honore Daumier. He is a regular contributor to BLAB! and was the illustrator of The Roots’ Phrenology album art in 2003. Huck’s woodcut prints are included in numerous public and


private collections, including: Whitney Museum of American Art, Spencer Museum of Art, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, St. Louis Art Museum. Milwaukee Art Museum, Minneapolis Institute of Art, Fogg Art Museum and New York Public Library. Tom Huck was born on December 9, 1971 in Farmington, Missouri and grew up in nearby Potosi. He

Huck is best known for creating large-scale woodcuts acting as both satirical narratives and social criticism.He says in his artist statement: “My work deals with personal observations about the experiences of living in a small town in southeast Missouri. The often Strange and Humorous occurrences, places, and people in these towns offer a neverending source of inspiration for my prints. I call this work ‘rural satire’”. From 1995 to 2005, Huck created two woodcut folios: 2 Weeks in August: 14 Rural Absurdities and The Bloody Bucket. 2 Weeks in August: 14 Rural Absurdities, a thematically unified suite of 14 large woodcut prints, depicted 14 bizarre folk tales that allegedly occurred in Huck’s hometown of Potosi, Missouri. The suite was produced in three years from 1995 to 1998. His second body of work, The Bloody Bucket, was based on violent legends surrounding a bar of that

name in or around his hometown of Potosi. It comprises 10 large-scale woodcuts, executed between 1999 and 2005. Huck is currently working on a 14-triptych cycle of woodcut prints entitled Booger Stew. The first installment of the series, a triptych entitled “The Transformation of Brandy Baghead Pts. 1, 2, & 3”, was completed in March 2009. An exhibition entitled Tom Huck and the Rebellious Tradition of Printmaking opened on August 28, 2009 at the Saint Louis Art Museum. Prints by Albrecht Dürer, William Hogarth, Jose Guadalupe Posada, and Max Beckmann were featured alongside Huck’s “The Transformation of Brandy Baghead Pts. 1, 2, & 3”. Huck’s woodcut prints are included in numerous public and private collections, including the Whitney Museum of American Art, Spencer Museum of Art, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, Milwaukee Art Museum, Minneapolis Institute of Art, Fogg Art Museum, Michael C. Carlos Museum, and New York Public Library. Huck is represented by David Krut Art Projects in New York, Sherry Leedy


received a BFA in drawing from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1993 and an MFA in printmaking from Washington University in 1995. From 2000 to 2010 he was an instructor in printmaking at Washington University.

Tom Huck was born on December 9, 1971 in Farmington, Missouri and grew up in nearby Potosi. He received a BFA in drawing from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1993. He currently lives in St. Louis, Missouri where he runs his own press, Evil Prints.

Tom Huck is a visual artist best known for his large scale woodcuts. His imagery draws heavily upon the influence of Albrecht Durer, Jose Guadalupe Posada, R. Crumb and Honore Daumier. He is a regular contributor to BLAB! and was the illustrator of The Roots’ Phrenology album art in 2003. Huck’s woodcut prints are included in numerous public and


private collections, including: Whitney Museum of American Art, Spencer Museum of Art, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, St. Louis Art Museum. Milwaukee Art Museum, Minneapolis Institute of Art, Fogg Art Museum and New York Public Library. Tom Huck was born on December 9, 1971 in Farmington, Missouri and grew up in nearby Potosi. He

Huck is best known for creating large-scale woodcuts acting as both satirical narratives and social criticism.He says in his artist statement: “My work deals with personal observations about the experiences of living in a small town in southeast Missouri. The often Strange and Humorous occurrences, places, and people in these towns offer a neverending source of inspiration for my prints. I call this work ‘rural satire’”. From 1995 to 2005, Huck created two woodcut folios: 2 Weeks in August: 14 Rural Absurdities and The Bloody Bucket. 2 Weeks in August: 14 Rural Absurdities, a thematically unified suite of 14 large woodcut prints, depicted 14 bizarre folk tales that allegedly occurred in Huck’s hometown of Potosi, Missouri. The suite was produced in three years from 1995 to 1998. His second body of work, The Bloody Bucket, was based on violent legends surrounding a bar of that

name in or around his hometown of Potosi. It comprises 10 large-scale woodcuts, executed between 1999 and 2005. Huck is currently working on a 14-triptych cycle of woodcut prints entitled Booger Stew. The first installment of the series, a triptych entitled “The Transformation of Brandy Baghead Pts. 1, 2, & 3”, was completed in March 2009. An exhibition entitled Tom Huck and the Rebellious Tradition of Printmaking opened on August 28, 2009 at the Saint Louis Art Museum. Prints by Albrecht Dürer, William Hogarth, Jose Guadalupe Posada, and Max Beckmann were featured alongside Huck’s “The Transformation of Brandy Baghead Pts. 1, 2, & 3”. Huck’s woodcut prints are included in numerous public and private collections, including the Whitney Museum of American Art, Spencer Museum of Art, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, Milwaukee Art Museum, Minneapolis Institute of Art, Fogg Art Museum, Michael C. Carlos Museum, and New York Public Library. Huck is represented by David Krut Art Projects in New York, Sherry Leedy


Contemporary Art in Kansas City, Missouri, and Eli Ridgway Gallery in San Francisco. In September 2011 Huck was awarded a Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant.

Times and four other Voice Media Group publications: the Houston Press, Dallas Observer, Broward-Palm Beach New Times, and Minneapolis City Pages.

On December 19, 2011, Huck’s website announced the April 1, 2012, release of The Hillbilly Kama Sutra. This new suite of 15 linoleum cut prints is Huck’s first portfolio of prints since 1998’s 2 Weeks in August: 14 Rural Absurdities.

All five had a cover caricature of Michele Bachmann’s head on a snake, referencing the “Don’t Tread On Me” motif. The story featured 9 politicians in caricature. In early spring of 2014 Huck completed work on his second major woodcut triptych from “Booger Stew” entitled “The Tommy Peeperz”.

On April 12, 2012, a selection of prints from the new series were released in the St. Louis weekly publication The Riverfront Times. On May 4, 2012, Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art in Kansas City, Missouri, hosted the debut exhibition of The Hillbilly Kama Sutra. “The Transformation of Brandy Baghead” 2009. In February 2013, Huck illustrated a cover story entitled “The 10 Weirdest Members of Congress” written by Caleb Hannan. The feature article appeared in The Riverfront


“The Tommy Peeperz” debuted in a show of The Outlaw Printmakers entitled “The Dirty Dozen” at the Rochester Contemporary Art Center on April 3, 2014. In April 2015 Laumeier Sculpture Park in suburban St. Louis permanently installed 3 playground “spring toys” designed by Huck and fabricated based on his series of “Death Bug” prints. It is the first interactive public art project Huck had undertaken. An exhibition entitled “Tom Huck: Hopeless Americana” opened on October 17, 2015 at Gallery 210 at UMSL St. Louis.

Accompanying this 20 year retrospective was a catalogue that included essays by Richard Field, emeritus curator at the Yale University Gallery of Art. The exhibition included most of Huck’s major works in print from 1995 to 2015, as well as sketchbooks and a small selection of studio ephemera. Aside from creating woodcuts, Tom Huck has also designed logos, posters, and apparel for musicians and organizations. Huck has created the artwork on posters, t-shirts, and ephemera for bands such as Motorhead, The Roots, and A Perfect Circle among others. In 2002 he designed the cover of The Roots’ album Phrenology, and in 2009 he designed the poster for the band Motörhead and their show at The Pageant in St. Louis. Other clients of Huck’s have included Pabst Blue Ribbon and Art the Vote, for which he designed a billboard ad during the 2008 presidential election. Huck’s work pushes the boundaries of technique and taste in his chosen medium, the woodcut. Huck draws his influences mainly from Northern Renaissance masters, such as Albrecht Dürer whom he cites as a

“print hero”. Other influences include José Guadalupe Posada, Honoré Daumier, and Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes. Huck’s work is also known for his delicate and intricate method of carving and use of cross-hatching in the print medium. It has been described as having “a real delicacy of touch” and “an extraordinary landscape of marks”. Huck is associated with a movement within contemporary American printmaking known as the “Outlaw Printmakers”, a group that also includes Bill Fick, Richard Mock, Dennis Mcnett, Sue Coe, Sean Starwars, Michael Barnes, and Cannonball Press. “My works deal with personal observations about the experiences of living in a small town in southeast Missouri. The often strange and humorous occurrences, places, and people in these towns offer a never ending source of inspiration for my prints. I call this work “rural satire”. My work has been influenced by an array of artists, among them the woodcuts of Albrecht Durer, the etchings of Warrington Colesott,


Contemporary Art in Kansas City, Missouri, and Eli Ridgway Gallery in San Francisco. In September 2011 Huck was awarded a Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant.

Times and four other Voice Media Group publications: the Houston Press, Dallas Observer, Broward-Palm Beach New Times, and Minneapolis City Pages.

On December 19, 2011, Huck’s website announced the April 1, 2012, release of The Hillbilly Kama Sutra. This new suite of 15 linoleum cut prints is Huck’s first portfolio of prints since 1998’s 2 Weeks in August: 14 Rural Absurdities.

All five had a cover caricature of Michele Bachmann’s head on a snake, referencing the “Don’t Tread On Me” motif. The story featured 9 politicians in caricature. In early spring of 2014 Huck completed work on his second major woodcut triptych from “Booger Stew” entitled “The Tommy Peeperz”.

On April 12, 2012, a selection of prints from the new series were released in the St. Louis weekly publication The Riverfront Times. On May 4, 2012, Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art in Kansas City, Missouri, hosted the debut exhibition of The Hillbilly Kama Sutra. “The Transformation of Brandy Baghead” 2009. In February 2013, Huck illustrated a cover story entitled “The 10 Weirdest Members of Congress” written by Caleb Hannan. The feature article appeared in The Riverfront


“The Tommy Peeperz” debuted in a show of The Outlaw Printmakers entitled “The Dirty Dozen” at the Rochester Contemporary Art Center on April 3, 2014. In April 2015 Laumeier Sculpture Park in suburban St. Louis permanently installed 3 playground “spring toys” designed by Huck and fabricated based on his series of “Death Bug” prints. It is the first interactive public art project Huck had undertaken. An exhibition entitled “Tom Huck: Hopeless Americana” opened on October 17, 2015 at Gallery 210 at UMSL St. Louis.

Accompanying this 20 year retrospective was a catalogue that included essays by Richard Field, emeritus curator at the Yale University Gallery of Art. The exhibition included most of Huck’s major works in print from 1995 to 2015, as well as sketchbooks and a small selection of studio ephemera. Aside from creating woodcuts, Tom Huck has also designed logos, posters, and apparel for musicians and organizations. Huck has created the artwork on posters, t-shirts, and ephemera for bands such as Motorhead, The Roots, and A Perfect Circle among others. In 2002 he designed the cover of The Roots’ album Phrenology, and in 2009 he designed the poster for the band Motörhead and their show at The Pageant in St. Louis. Other clients of Huck’s have included Pabst Blue Ribbon and Art the Vote, for which he designed a billboard ad during the 2008 presidential election. Huck’s work pushes the boundaries of technique and taste in his chosen medium, the woodcut. Huck draws his influences mainly from Northern Renaissance masters, such as Albrecht Dürer whom he cites as a

“print hero”. Other influences include José Guadalupe Posada, Honoré Daumier, and Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes. Huck’s work is also known for his delicate and intricate method of carving and use of cross-hatching in the print medium. It has been described as having “a real delicacy of touch” and “an extraordinary landscape of marks”. Huck is associated with a movement within contemporary American printmaking known as the “Outlaw Printmakers”, a group that also includes Bill Fick, Richard Mock, Dennis Mcnett, Sue Coe, Sean Starwars, Michael Barnes, and Cannonball Press. “My works deal with personal observations about the experiences of living in a small town in southeast Missouri. The often strange and humorous occurrences, places, and people in these towns offer a never ending source of inspiration for my prints. I call this work “rural satire”. My work has been influenced by an array of artists, among them the woodcuts of Albrecht Durer, the etchings of Warrington Colesott,


The owners, L.B. and Dorcas Powers have been known for years as Mr. and Mrs. Eat-Rite. L.B. said, “I’m going to miss it like my right arm.” After working in a diner for 65 years, 80-yearold L.B. Powers is hanging up his apron. His wife has been by his side for most of that time. Dorcas Powers said, “We’ve come to love the people we worked with and the people we met its just it’s kind of like home a part of our being.” At one point, they owned seven Eat-Rite Diners. Their last one is just south of Busch Stadium. They’ve been considering calling it quits, L.B.’s health is not as good as it used to be. They said a broken exhaust fan at the diner was the last straw, plus the problem of finding dependable workers. Dorcas said, “You hire somebody they may be there they may not, they may show up they may not.” L.B. has had to adapt to a changing industry over the decades, including reacting to the major chain restaurants. He said, “At one time we were the hamburger people and here come McDonald’s so we add a little more than hamburgers.” It’s impossible to say how many lives they touched over the years serving a meal with a friendly smile. The powers have also reaped rewards that are priceless. L.B. said, “It’s hard to explain what I’m going to miss it’s been a way of


life for us.” Dorcas added, “There’s not a lot of years left we should be doing something else we should be relaxing enjoying our great grandchildren.” They worked up to the end. She’s been doing the books and he’s been down at the diner helping by washing dishes and making pancake batter. The Powers family, owners of Eat-Rite Diner near Busch Stadium, claim slingers began in their diners. They’re just not exactly sure when. “We started serving slingers around 1985,” Tina Powers says. “Customers started ordering it – ‘Hey, put a scoop of chili on that.’” “It was at the Fenton store in the ‘70s,” counters her brother, David Powers. “A truck driver from Texas came in and ordered chili on his eggs, and it evolved from there. Two waitresses started saying ‘sling it’ to the cooks instead of explaining that the whole order included chili, cheese and onions. Slingers started at Eat-Rite. O.T. Hodges tried to copy it, but they were second to Eat-Rite.” Eat-Rite is a fiercely loved family business: Tina and David work at their father’s diner. Lewis Powers opened his first restaurant in St. Louis in 1957 on Manchester Road called Rock Hill Diner. There were once several Eat-Rite diners across the city and


county. Now, the single Downtown location is the only sit-down restaurant open 24/7 in the neighborhood. The diner serves the same slinger recipe it always has. “It’s a breakfast,” says patriarch Lewis Powers. “It’s meat, eggs and potatoes covered with chili, American cheese and raw yellow onions. You can have hamburger, bacon, sausage or ham, but 99 percent are made with sausage. Most of the waitresses don’t even ask customers what meat. They just ask ‘em how they want their eggs. “It’s two patties of whole-hog sausage that we use. Most of the time, people order over-easy eggs. The potatoes are hash browns – we make our own. We boil potatoes, peel ‘em, cool ‘em off and then grate ‘em. We do all that by hand.” “Old school,” Tina adds. “A lady was asking me that yesterday. She said, ‘I thought you got that out of a bag.’ I said, ‘No, this is the real thing.’” The slinger “is our best seller,” Lewis says, “especially at night. That’s about the only breakfast we serve at night.” David adds, “Them slingers almost got a cult following. It’s a tradition, a rite of passage. Every college kid has to come in and have a slinger the first time they go drinking.” The Eat-Rite Diner - a tiny institution at the corner of Chouteau Avenue and South Seventh Street - closed in October 2017.


It was at least temporary but possibly for good. Owner L.B. Powers reminded us: “I’m 80 yeas old. I’m not in good health.” The immeidate reason for closing was mechanical issues with the exhaust fan. Back in 2014, the Eat-Rite was felled temporarily - by an out-of-control SUV that forced it to close for repairs but it got back up and running. Powers was the force behind the Eat-Rite and its greasy spoon menu of burgers since 1970 - but the building is believed to date back to the 1930s. The 24-hour diner was known to attract some diners looking for a bite after even the late-night bars closed at 3 a.m. In the right rear corner of the Eat-Rite Diner, up by the security camera, there’s a cluster of holes in the porcelain tile. A robber blasted those into the wall with a shotgun in the 1980s. He came in one night trying to hold up the place, but the cooks were too busy to notice — at first. So he fired off a round. That got everyone’s attention. What happened next — how much he stole, whether he truly pistol-whipped someone, whether he got caught — depends on which staffer you ask. Eat-Rite lore is like that. Details get added or elided over time. But it’s a decent yarn, and a decent yarn can pull you through the night shift. Last week, Riverfront Times sat through three consecutive night shifts at the Eat-

Rite Diner at Chouteau Avenue and Seventh Street. It’s fair to wonder why. The menu hasn’t changed much in 45 years. The building is just a 516-squarefoot dive a few blocks south of Busch Stadium. Only thirteen customers can eat at the counter at a time. It grosses maybe a few hundred bucks on an average night. Yet Eat-Rite is unique in our city’s nocturnal ecosystem. It’s the sole kitchen within a three-mile radius of the Arch that stays open all night and lets you dine in — making it a sort of bottleneck, a place through which the peckish must pass to get their after-hours pancakes or omelets. It attracts St. Louisans of all moods: the drunks and demons, clowns and curmudgeons, philosophers and philanthropists. At Eat-Rite, you chow down next to folks who didn’t attend your high school and don’t care about your career. Black, white, 99 percent or 1 percent — sometimes the only trait you share is a craving for the slinger, that hot wreckage of breakfast foods that the owners, the Powers family, claim they developed three decades ago. In that sense, Eat-Rite is nothing like Nighthawks, Hopper’s romantic rendering of a late-night diner. It’s not a spare, glassed-in cavern in which you brood at arms length from your neighbor. It’s a bunker, your neighbor’s arm is draped around your neck, and he’s eating your fries. The daytime crowds are tamer. Cops and postal workers order carryout. Local celebrities Chuck Berry, Jack Buck, Jim White, Francis G. Slay, Claire McCaskill, Mike Shannon and David Freese have all hunkered down at the Formica counter.


The owners, L.B. and Dorcas Powers have been known for years as Mr. and Mrs. Eat-Rite. L.B. said, “I’m going to miss it like my right arm.” After working in a diner for 65 years, 80-yearold L.B. Powers is hanging up his apron. His wife has been by his side for most of that time. Dorcas Powers said, “We’ve come to love the people we worked with and the people we met its just it’s kind of like home a part of our being.” At one point, they owned seven Eat-Rite Diners. Their last one is just south of Busch Stadium. They’ve been considering calling it quits, L.B.’s health is not as good as it used to be. They said a broken exhaust fan at the diner was the last straw, plus the problem of finding dependable workers. Dorcas said, “You hire somebody they may be there they may not, they may show up they may not.” L.B. has had to adapt to a changing industry over the decades, including reacting to the major chain restaurants. He said, “At one time we were the hamburger people and here come McDonald’s so we add a little more than hamburgers.” It’s impossible to say how many lives they touched over the years serving a meal with a friendly smile. The powers have also reaped rewards that are priceless. L.B. said, “It’s hard to explain what I’m going to miss it’s been a way of


life for us.” Dorcas added, “There’s not a lot of years left we should be doing something else we should be relaxing enjoying our great grandchildren.” They worked up to the end. She’s been doing the books and he’s been down at the diner helping by washing dishes and making pancake batter. The Powers family, owners of Eat-Rite Diner near Busch Stadium, claim slingers began in their diners. They’re just not exactly sure when. “We started serving slingers around 1985,” Tina Powers says. “Customers started ordering it – ‘Hey, put a scoop of chili on that.’” “It was at the Fenton store in the ‘70s,” counters her brother, David Powers. “A truck driver from Texas came in and ordered chili on his eggs, and it evolved from there. Two waitresses started saying ‘sling it’ to the cooks instead of explaining that the whole order included chili, cheese and onions. Slingers started at Eat-Rite. O.T. Hodges tried to copy it, but they were second to Eat-Rite.” Eat-Rite is a fiercely loved family business: Tina and David work at their father’s diner. Lewis Powers opened his first restaurant in St. Louis in 1957 on Manchester Road called Rock Hill Diner. There were once several Eat-Rite diners across the city and


county. Now, the single Downtown location is the only sit-down restaurant open 24/7 in the neighborhood. The diner serves the same slinger recipe it always has. “It’s a breakfast,” says patriarch Lewis Powers. “It’s meat, eggs and potatoes covered with chili, American cheese and raw yellow onions. You can have hamburger, bacon, sausage or ham, but 99 percent are made with sausage. Most of the waitresses don’t even ask customers what meat. They just ask ‘em how they want their eggs. “It’s two patties of whole-hog sausage that we use. Most of the time, people order over-easy eggs. The potatoes are hash browns – we make our own. We boil potatoes, peel ‘em, cool ‘em off and then grate ‘em. We do all that by hand.” “Old school,” Tina adds. “A lady was asking me that yesterday. She said, ‘I thought you got that out of a bag.’ I said, ‘No, this is the real thing.’” The slinger “is our best seller,” Lewis says, “especially at night. That’s about the only breakfast we serve at night.” David adds, “Them slingers almost got a cult following. It’s a tradition, a rite of passage. Every college kid has to come in and have a slinger the first time they go drinking.” The Eat-Rite Diner - a tiny institution at the corner of Chouteau Avenue and South Seventh Street - closed in October 2017.


It was at least temporary but possibly for good. Owner L.B. Powers reminded us: “I’m 80 yeas old. I’m not in good health.” The immeidate reason for closing was mechanical issues with the exhaust fan. Back in 2014, the Eat-Rite was felled temporarily - by an out-of-control SUV that forced it to close for repairs but it got back up and running. Powers was the force behind the Eat-Rite and its greasy spoon menu of burgers since 1970 - but the building is believed to date back to the 1930s. The 24-hour diner was known to attract some diners looking for a bite after even the late-night bars closed at 3 a.m. In the right rear corner of the Eat-Rite Diner, up by the security camera, there’s a cluster of holes in the porcelain tile. A robber blasted those into the wall with a shotgun in the 1980s. He came in one night trying to hold up the place, but the cooks were too busy to notice — at first. So he fired off a round. That got everyone’s attention. What happened next — how much he stole, whether he truly pistol-whipped someone, whether he got caught — depends on which staffer you ask. Eat-Rite lore is like that. Details get added or elided over time. But it’s a decent yarn, and a decent yarn can pull you through the night shift. Last week, Riverfront Times sat through three consecutive night shifts at the Eat-

Rite Diner at Chouteau Avenue and Seventh Street. It’s fair to wonder why. The menu hasn’t changed much in 45 years. The building is just a 516-squarefoot dive a few blocks south of Busch Stadium. Only thirteen customers can eat at the counter at a time. It grosses maybe a few hundred bucks on an average night. Yet Eat-Rite is unique in our city’s nocturnal ecosystem. It’s the sole kitchen within a three-mile radius of the Arch that stays open all night and lets you dine in — making it a sort of bottleneck, a place through which the peckish must pass to get their after-hours pancakes or omelets. It attracts St. Louisans of all moods: the drunks and demons, clowns and curmudgeons, philosophers and philanthropists. At Eat-Rite, you chow down next to folks who didn’t attend your high school and don’t care about your career. Black, white, 99 percent or 1 percent — sometimes the only trait you share is a craving for the slinger, that hot wreckage of breakfast foods that the owners, the Powers family, claim they developed three decades ago. In that sense, Eat-Rite is nothing like Nighthawks, Hopper’s romantic rendering of a late-night diner. It’s not a spare, glassed-in cavern in which you brood at arms length from your neighbor. It’s a bunker, your neighbor’s arm is draped around your neck, and he’s eating your fries. The daytime crowds are tamer. Cops and postal workers order carryout. Local celebrities Chuck Berry, Jack Buck, Jim White, Francis G. Slay, Claire McCaskill, Mike Shannon and David Freese have all hunkered down at the Formica counter.


St. Louis’ Favorite Microbrewery The Saint Louis Brewery, Inc. was incorporated in 1989. It was founded by Dan Kopman and Tom Schlafly, a lawyer and nephew of the late political activist Phyllis Schlafly, although she was not involved with the brewery in any way. Their goal was to create quality local microbrew beer. In 2010, production of some canned beer was shifted to Wisconsin. Late in 2011 Saint Louis Brewery, Inc. owners Tom Schlafly and Dan Kopman signed a purchase agreement to transfer a 60 percent ownership interest to Sage Capital, a St. Louis, Missouri equity company led by Wes Jones and John Lemkemeier.[3] Saint Louis Brewery is Missouri’s largest locally owned independent brewery.



St. Louis’ Favorite Microbrewery The Saint Louis Brewery, Inc. was incorporated in 1989. It was founded by Dan Kopman and Tom Schlafly, a lawyer and nephew of the late political activist Phyllis Schlafly, although she was not involved with the brewery in any way. Their goal was to create quality local microbrew beer. In 2010, production of some canned beer was shifted to Wisconsin. Late in 2011 Saint Louis Brewery, Inc. owners Tom Schlafly and Dan Kopman signed a purchase agreement to transfer a 60 percent ownership interest to Sage Capital, a St. Louis, Missouri equity company led by Wes Jones and John Lemkemeier.[3] Saint Louis Brewery is Missouri’s largest locally owned independent brewery.



The brewery was built in the former Swift Printing Company building in downtown St. Louis. The Swift Company moved out in 1969, and the building remained vacant until renovated for the St. Louis Brewery in 1991. According to IMDb, scenes from the 1981 motion picture Escape From New York, starring Kurt Russell, were filmed in this building before its renovation. The brewery produced its first beers in 1991, with the official public opening on December 26, 1991.[4] The first batches of pale ale and wheat beer were available only in draft form for purchase at a pub on the premises. In 1993, Schlafly expanded to bottled beer, and began selling to local grocery chains, restaurants, and bars. The bottled beer was contract-brewed by the August Schell Brewing Company in New Ulm, Minnesota, as the St. Louis Brewery had limited brewing capacity and no bottling operation of its own. In 2003, the brewery opened “The Schlafly Bottleworks” in a former Shop ‘n Save supermarket building in the St. Louis suburb of Maplewood. This facility includes a brewery and bottling plant in addition to a restaurant, beer garden and produce garden. With the addition of this facility, the St. Louis Brewery now brews and bottles all the beer sold under the Schlafly brand. This facility was cited by the Saint Louis Business Journal in its naming the Saint Louis Brewery its 2008 Sustainable Operations Winner. The Schlafly brand has since expanded to seven styles available year-round, as well as over 25 seasonal


brews. In 2014, the brewery filed for an exclusive trademark on the use of the name ‘Schlafly’ to sell microbrewery beer; however, this was opposed by conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly, on the grounds that “alcohol has a connotation that is the opposite of conservative values.” [6] On August 14th, 2016, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office sided with the brewery over Phyllis Schlafly, who had planned to appeal the ruling. When we opened in 1991, we had no business plan beyond wanting to make great beer and food in a fun atmosphere and enjoy it with our community. To this day, our goals remain unchanged. The Saint Louis Brewery™, maker of Schlafly Beer is proud to be Missouri’s largest locally owned independent brewery. Each year, we brew over fifty unique styles of fresh beer, roughly half of which we bottle and half of which are exclusively available on draft at our two breweryrestaurants. We have a unique beer style for every beer lover, and hope you’ll enjoy our selections at your favorite local stores, restaurants, and bars. The Schlafly Tap Room in Downtown St. Louis first opened its doors in 1991 and holds the distinction of being the first new brewpub to open in Missouri since Prohibition. Housed in a beautifully restored wood and brick building on the National Historic Register, The Schlafly Tap Room enjoys a reputation as a casual, earthy place to drink, dine, listen to great live music, or host a special

event. Schlafly Bottleworks in Maplewood has been described as the “local home of beer” and one of the best places in St. Louis to arrive hungry and thirsty. It’s fun, friendly, warm, and inviting and has become a gathering place for the local community and their families. As St. Louis’ first new production brewery to open since the end of Prohibition, the free weekend tours are not to be missed: every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: Noon - 5pm on the hour (every 30 mins on Longtime conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly has lost her fight to block the maker of Schlafly beer from trademarking the brand’s name. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, in a decision last week, sided with the St. Louis Brewery, which applied for the Schlafly trademark in 2012 as its sales began to take off outside of Missouri. In her opposition to the trademark application, filed four years ago, Phyllis Schlafly argued that the brewery — which was co-founded in 1991 by Tom Schlafly — shouldn’t be able to trademark a name that she made famous after decades in the public eye. Phyllis Schlafly, who turns 92 on Monday, is known for founding the conservative Eagle Forum and helping lead the successful opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment

in the 1970s. Tom Schlafly, a St. Louis attorney and the brewery’s largest shareholder, is Phyllis Schlafly’s nephew by marriage — she married his uncle, the late John Fred Schlafly. “In connection with its usage as a surname, it has the connotation of conservative values, which to millions of Americans (such as Baptists and Mormons) means abstinence from alcohol,” Phyllis Schlafly’s filing with the trademark office stated, adding that “an average consumer in Saint Louis and elsewhere would think ‘Schlafly’ is a surname associated with me.” In addition to Phyllis Schlafly’s opposition, her son Dr. Bruce Schlafly also filed an opposition to the brewery’s trademark registration, alleging that trademarking the Schlafly name could negatively impact the orthopedic surgeon’s reputation by associating his name with alcohol. But in its decision, dated Aug. 2, a trademark office board dismissed Phyllis Schlafly’s and Dr. Bruce Schlafly’s opposition filings, which were consolidated. The board, noting that the law allows a trademark to be registered if it has acquired distinctiveness, rejected the argument that a trademark shouldn’t be allowed because it’s primarily a surname.


The brewery was built in the former Swift Printing Company building in downtown St. Louis. The Swift Company moved out in 1969, and the building remained vacant until renovated for the St. Louis Brewery in 1991. According to IMDb, scenes from the 1981 motion picture Escape From New York, starring Kurt Russell, were filmed in this building before its renovation. The brewery produced its first beers in 1991, with the official public opening on December 26, 1991.[4] The first batches of pale ale and wheat beer were available only in draft form for purchase at a pub on the premises. In 1993, Schlafly expanded to bottled beer, and began selling to local grocery chains, restaurants, and bars. The bottled beer was contract-brewed by the August Schell Brewing Company in New Ulm, Minnesota, as the St. Louis Brewery had limited brewing capacity and no bottling operation of its own. In 2003, the brewery opened “The Schlafly Bottleworks” in a former Shop ‘n Save supermarket building in the St. Louis suburb of Maplewood. This facility includes a brewery and bottling plant in addition to a restaurant, beer garden and produce garden. With the addition of this facility, the St. Louis Brewery now brews and bottles all the beer sold under the Schlafly brand. This facility was cited by the Saint Louis Business Journal in its naming the Saint Louis Brewery its 2008 Sustainable Operations Winner. The Schlafly brand has since expanded to seven styles available year-round, as well as over 25 seasonal


brews. In 2014, the brewery filed for an exclusive trademark on the use of the name ‘Schlafly’ to sell microbrewery beer; however, this was opposed by conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly, on the grounds that “alcohol has a connotation that is the opposite of conservative values.” [6] On August 14th, 2016, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office sided with the brewery over Phyllis Schlafly, who had planned to appeal the ruling. When we opened in 1991, we had no business plan beyond wanting to make great beer and food in a fun atmosphere and enjoy it with our community. To this day, our goals remain unchanged. The Saint Louis Brewery™, maker of Schlafly Beer is proud to be Missouri’s largest locally owned independent brewery. Each year, we brew over fifty unique styles of fresh beer, roughly half of which we bottle and half of which are exclusively available on draft at our two breweryrestaurants. We have a unique beer style for every beer lover, and hope you’ll enjoy our selections at your favorite local stores, restaurants, and bars. The Schlafly Tap Room in Downtown St. Louis first opened its doors in 1991 and holds the distinction of being the first new brewpub to open in Missouri since Prohibition. Housed in a beautifully restored wood and brick building on the National Historic Register, The Schlafly Tap Room enjoys a reputation as a casual, earthy place to drink, dine, listen to great live music, or host a special

event. Schlafly Bottleworks in Maplewood has been described as the “local home of beer” and one of the best places in St. Louis to arrive hungry and thirsty. It’s fun, friendly, warm, and inviting and has become a gathering place for the local community and their families. As St. Louis’ first new production brewery to open since the end of Prohibition, the free weekend tours are not to be missed: every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: Noon - 5pm on the hour (every 30 mins on Longtime conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly has lost her fight to block the maker of Schlafly beer from trademarking the brand’s name. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, in a decision last week, sided with the St. Louis Brewery, which applied for the Schlafly trademark in 2012 as its sales began to take off outside of Missouri. In her opposition to the trademark application, filed four years ago, Phyllis Schlafly argued that the brewery — which was co-founded in 1991 by Tom Schlafly — shouldn’t be able to trademark a name that she made famous after decades in the public eye. Phyllis Schlafly, who turns 92 on Monday, is known for founding the conservative Eagle Forum and helping lead the successful opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment

in the 1970s. Tom Schlafly, a St. Louis attorney and the brewery’s largest shareholder, is Phyllis Schlafly’s nephew by marriage — she married his uncle, the late John Fred Schlafly. “In connection with its usage as a surname, it has the connotation of conservative values, which to millions of Americans (such as Baptists and Mormons) means abstinence from alcohol,” Phyllis Schlafly’s filing with the trademark office stated, adding that “an average consumer in Saint Louis and elsewhere would think ‘Schlafly’ is a surname associated with me.” In addition to Phyllis Schlafly’s opposition, her son Dr. Bruce Schlafly also filed an opposition to the brewery’s trademark registration, alleging that trademarking the Schlafly name could negatively impact the orthopedic surgeon’s reputation by associating his name with alcohol. But in its decision, dated Aug. 2, a trademark office board dismissed Phyllis Schlafly’s and Dr. Bruce Schlafly’s opposition filings, which were consolidated. The board, noting that the law allows a trademark to be registered if it has acquired distinctiveness, rejected the argument that a trademark shouldn’t be allowed because it’s primarily a surname.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque scelerisque euismod odio, quis feugiat velit placerat sed. Aliquam neque nibh, lacinia nec est rutrum, pharetra semper libero. Sed id cursus nisl. Aenean ut elit eu quam feugiat pellentesque sed id nunc. Vivamus volutpat sem ut tortor aliquam, et fermentum diam malesuada. Sed tortor tortor, molestie ut dui eget, pellentesque ultricies dui. Sed placerat arcu ac massa dictum egestas. Etiam et magna mi. Etiam tortor urna, tempus at justo non, sagittis blandit urna. Donec egestas orci orci, a tempus ligula faucibus nec. Nulla semper hendrerit erat, id tristique enim fermentum at. Maecenas ut vestibulum lorem, eu pellentesque leo. Nullam finibus, lectus nec convallis lacinia, nunc tellus sodales lectus, a mollis purus diam a purus. Pellentesque rhoncus tempor lacus pellentesque blandit. Phasellus ultricies diam a maximus auctor. Maecenas


pharetra varius sem a fringilla. In volutpat urna et pulvinar vehicula. Donec pellentesque interdum dignissim. Donec interdum massa ut iaculis ultricies. Mauris maximus tristique luctus. Phasellus eget dignissim metus, ac gravida nisl. Ut aliquam est eros, quis commodo ex fermentum ut. Curabitur tristique convallis ullamcorper. Proin leo enim, lacinia nec ex ac, convallis iaculis nibh. Suspendisse id sem vel massa dapibus lacinia eget vel sapien. Proin mollis turpis vitae rhoncus faucibus. Donec in est vitae lorem pharetra luctus tincidunt quis nunc. Fusce aliquam rutrum lectus, sit amet placerat elit malesuada dignissim. Cras pretium nulla et libero malesuada elementum. Sed elementum maximus justo, in fringilla dolor consequat non. Nunc libero dui, posuere eget nisi vitae, faucibus lobortis lectus. Fusce condimentum nibh ac sem

iaculis posuere.Nullam nec mattis nisl. Vivamus sed nisl vel magna elementum aliquet sit amet eget est. Phasellus suscipit tempus velit ac vehicula. Maecenas finibus lorem justo, eu vehicula dui gravida sed. Nunc maximus faucibus velit eget accumsan.

fringilla dolor. Mauris ut tincidunt orci, at maximus sem. Nunc cursus est ac mi bibendum aliquet. Donec venenatis ligula sagittis turpis viverra, tincidunt feugiat turpis facilisis. Nullam fringilla sapien ut velit accumsan laoreet. Vivamus ornare sem augue, ac fermentum ligula aliquam non.

Maecenas molestie lacus quis diam semper accumsan. Praesent semper rhoncus eros, faucibus elementum quam ultrices nec. Curabitur sit amet eleifend nisl. Vestibulum aliquet tellus dolor, et imperdiet mi dignissim vitae. Nulla at lectus nec justo vehicula viverra ac eu risus. Nunc at metus nunc.

Donec porta est in nisi luctus iaculis. Fusce sit amet justo nec est facilisis iaculis eget eu enim. Cras venenatis facilisis lorem. Nunc vulputate sem lacinia, mollis enim ac, tincidunt arcu. Vivamus vitae dolor commodo dolor sagittis efficitur.

Curabitur ornare tellus a tempor sollicitudin. Maecenas at lectus accumsan, scelerisque nunc sit amet, iaculis leo. Phasellus sollicitudin ut risus quis lacinia. Cras vehicula lacus eu tellus ultricies, sit amet vestibulum sapien mattis. Donec sapien enim, porttitor eu neque ut, viverra

Cras et felis quis erat pharetra tempor. Sed lacinia erat vel bibendum sollicitudin. Sed molestie volutpat ante ut aliquam. In quis erat et nibh tincidunt convallis. Sed maximus nunc ac lectus dapibus sagittis. Vestibulum ultrices, nunc in sollicitudin scelerisque, velit neque sollicitudin nisi, consequat mattis ante ex et odio. Cras


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque scelerisque euismod odio, quis feugiat velit placerat sed. Aliquam neque nibh, lacinia nec est rutrum, pharetra semper libero. Sed id cursus nisl. Aenean ut elit eu quam feugiat pellentesque sed id nunc. Vivamus volutpat sem ut tortor aliquam, et fermentum diam malesuada. Sed tortor tortor, molestie ut dui eget, pellentesque ultricies dui. Sed placerat arcu ac massa dictum egestas. Etiam et magna mi. Etiam tortor urna, tempus at justo non, sagittis blandit urna. Donec egestas orci orci, a tempus ligula faucibus nec. Nulla semper hendrerit erat, id tristique enim fermentum at. Maecenas ut vestibulum lorem, eu pellentesque leo. Nullam finibus, lectus nec convallis lacinia, nunc tellus sodales lectus, a mollis purus diam a purus. Pellentesque rhoncus tempor lacus pellentesque blandit. Phasellus ultricies diam a maximus auctor. Maecenas


pharetra varius sem a fringilla. In volutpat urna et pulvinar vehicula. Donec pellentesque interdum dignissim. Donec interdum massa ut iaculis ultricies. Mauris maximus tristique luctus. Phasellus eget dignissim metus, ac gravida nisl. Ut aliquam est eros, quis commodo ex fermentum ut. Curabitur tristique convallis ullamcorper. Proin leo enim, lacinia nec ex ac, convallis iaculis nibh. Suspendisse id sem vel massa dapibus lacinia eget vel sapien. Proin mollis turpis vitae rhoncus faucibus. Donec in est vitae lorem pharetra luctus tincidunt quis nunc. Fusce aliquam rutrum lectus, sit amet placerat elit malesuada dignissim. Cras pretium nulla et libero malesuada elementum. Sed elementum maximus justo, in fringilla dolor consequat non. Nunc libero dui, posuere eget nisi vitae, faucibus lobortis lectus. Fusce condimentum nibh ac sem

iaculis posuere.Nullam nec mattis nisl. Vivamus sed nisl vel magna elementum aliquet sit amet eget est. Phasellus suscipit tempus velit ac vehicula. Maecenas finibus lorem justo, eu vehicula dui gravida sed. Nunc maximus faucibus velit eget accumsan.

fringilla dolor. Mauris ut tincidunt orci, at maximus sem. Nunc cursus est ac mi bibendum aliquet. Donec venenatis ligula sagittis turpis viverra, tincidunt feugiat turpis facilisis. Nullam fringilla sapien ut velit accumsan laoreet. Vivamus ornare sem augue, ac fermentum ligula aliquam non.

Maecenas molestie lacus quis diam semper accumsan. Praesent semper rhoncus eros, faucibus elementum quam ultrices nec. Curabitur sit amet eleifend nisl. Vestibulum aliquet tellus dolor, et imperdiet mi dignissim vitae. Nulla at lectus nec justo vehicula viverra ac eu risus. Nunc at metus nunc.

Donec porta est in nisi luctus iaculis. Fusce sit amet justo nec est facilisis iaculis eget eu enim. Cras venenatis facilisis lorem. Nunc vulputate sem lacinia, mollis enim ac, tincidunt arcu. Vivamus vitae dolor commodo dolor sagittis efficitur.

Curabitur ornare tellus a tempor sollicitudin. Maecenas at lectus accumsan, scelerisque nunc sit amet, iaculis leo. Phasellus sollicitudin ut risus quis lacinia. Cras vehicula lacus eu tellus ultricies, sit amet vestibulum sapien mattis. Donec sapien enim, porttitor eu neque ut, viverra

Cras et felis quis erat pharetra tempor. Sed lacinia erat vel bibendum sollicitudin. Sed molestie volutpat ante ut aliquam. In quis erat et nibh tincidunt convallis. Sed maximus nunc ac lectus dapibus sagittis. Vestibulum ultrices, nunc in sollicitudin scelerisque, velit neque sollicitudin nisi, consequat mattis ante ex et odio. Cras


vestibulum lorem purus, et ullamcorper lectus pharetra quis. Suspendisse maximus magna eu ligula faucibus, vulputate placerat eros sollicitudin. Ut ultricies sit amet lacus nec ornare. Donec enim libero, fermentum faucibus placerat et, fringilla id felis. Mauris quam felis, porta non ultrices eget, ultrices nec libero. Donec volutpat, risus non iaculis dictum, arcu purus maximus justo, eget tincidunt metus nisl ut ex. Cras auctor varius tellus. Quisque varius a diam at condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean enim mauris, fringilla rhoncus consectetur sed, faucibus quis dui. Mauris condimentum nibh dui, eget feugiat dui consectetur finibus. Duis ultricies ligula est, ac fermentum tortor ultricies a. Phasellus semper rhoncus lorem, at gravida enim elementum non. Maecenas feugiat tellus sed molestie tempor. Quisque magna tellus, aliquet sit amet semper eget, commodo et dolor. Sed vitae felis eu odio volutpat laoreet in ut erat. Praesent sed mollis erat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut in diam in nisl imperdiet iaculis. Pellentesque in tempus enim. In est libero, tincidunt ut lobortis sit amet, rutrum sit


amet diam. Vivamus a finibus elit, eget elementum ipsum. Duis ornare vel massa ut ornare. In vehicula purus eget neque tincidunt, finibus sollicitudin sem euismod. Vivamus sit amet erat in nisi consequat efficitur. Duis nec turpis sed libero lacinia aliquam id quis augue. Pellentesque malesuada, mi vel fringilla sagittis, leo nibh viverra augue, luctus suscipit dui erat ut orci. Quisque porta purus ac augue suscipit viverra. Mauris id magna interdum dolor consequat rhoncus non in sapien. Morbi sem justo, condimentum quis porta id, fermentum ut dolor. Duis nisl lorem, venenatis id nibh non, faucibus tempus tortor. Proin vel felis arcu. Integer commodo, odio a vestibulum semper, ex lorem fringilla nunc, eget convallis lacus orci non neque. Morbi molestie eros id imperdiet cursus. Proin commodo metus in ipsum auctor, vitae aliquet justo finibus. Sed vel sollicitudin lectus. Ut venenatis, arcu ac dictum efficitur, justo metus gravida lectus, vel consequat tortor sapien eget eros. Donec sed orci at sem cursus finibus. In vel justo et enim elementum suscipit. Praesent suscipit mauris quis lorem posuere, quis fringilla tortor venenatis. Curabitur tellus

sapien, aliquam quis tellus a, condimentum pellentesque lectus.Praesent quis imperdiet augue. Mauris ut dictum mauris. Curabitur orci libero, feugiat sit amet dignissim a, sollicitudin eu eros. Proin suscipit mollis ultricies. Nunc mattis dui venenatis magna dapibus feugiat. Donec bibendum nisi enim, auctor maximus lectus vehicula id. Maecenas sollicitudin, mi in elementum gravida, nibh lacus ultricies nibh, sit amet fringilla erat nunc in dui. Phasellus sit amet arcu eu felis scelerisque tempus id in nibh. Nullam sit amet elit nec purus rhoncus accumsan vel eu nisl. Aenean non ligula nec augue lobortis lacinia. Integer tincidunt, est sit amet fringilla hendrerit, magna nunc placerat enim, quis pretium nulla augue id elit. Duis quis arcu tincidunt, mattis eros vel, vulputate mauris. Etiam malesuada est libero, at efficitur ante pellentesque vitae. Nam aliquam eget nibh ut luctus. Praesent nec gravida elit, sed rhoncus lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent non nisi tristique, aliquam urna eget, lobortis purus. Morbi sed leo at velit sollicitudin consequat id a quam. Vestibulum fringilla, lectus id pretium fermentum, odio nisl facilisis elit,

in rutrum purus neque non quam. Quisque sollicitudin eget sem non commodo. Aenean in ullamcorper nisl. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc nisl erat, placerat a sapien sit amet, eleifend dignissim neque. Proin euismod nibh nec justo sodales, ut accumsan quam scelerisque. Vestibulum fermentum lacus elit, sed pulvinar risus aliquet sed. Sed laoreet diam vitae ante suscipit venenatis. Nulla at feugiat ipsum. Aenean finibus augue eu metus auctor, ac fermentum ex tincidunt. Nunc sed quam augue. Nam sit amet erat mauris. Cras et magna rutrum lorem gravida lacinia. Vivamus sed volutpat nisi. Suspendisse nec lorem quis lectus lacinia ornare. Nulla euismod nulla orci, vitae faucibus lacus hendrerit vel. Quisque sapien diam, feugiat eu rutrum at, venenatis quis risus. Donec fringilla purus id libero rutrum ultrices. Aenean accumsan faucibus tincidunt. Aliquam dapibus, ligula ac rutrum iaculis, nulla ex congue tortor, id convallis risus nulla sed nunc. Vivamus vestibulum nec arcu vitae fringilla. Ut pharetra, enim at feugiat euismod, lectus diam aliquet nisi, vel sagittis enim dui eu dui.


vestibulum lorem purus, et ullamcorper lectus pharetra quis. Suspendisse maximus magna eu ligula faucibus, vulputate placerat eros sollicitudin. Ut ultricies sit amet lacus nec ornare. Donec enim libero, fermentum faucibus placerat et, fringilla id felis. Mauris quam felis, porta non ultrices eget, ultrices nec libero. Donec volutpat, risus non iaculis dictum, arcu purus maximus justo, eget tincidunt metus nisl ut ex. Cras auctor varius tellus. Quisque varius a diam at condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean enim mauris, fringilla rhoncus consectetur sed, faucibus quis dui. Mauris condimentum nibh dui, eget feugiat dui consectetur finibus. Duis ultricies ligula est, ac fermentum tortor ultricies a. Phasellus semper rhoncus lorem, at gravida enim elementum non. Maecenas feugiat tellus sed molestie tempor. Quisque magna tellus, aliquet sit amet semper eget, commodo et dolor. Sed vitae felis eu odio volutpat laoreet in ut erat. Praesent sed mollis erat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut in diam in nisl imperdiet iaculis. Pellentesque in tempus enim. In est libero, tincidunt ut lobortis sit amet, rutrum sit


amet diam. Vivamus a finibus elit, eget elementum ipsum. Duis ornare vel massa ut ornare. In vehicula purus eget neque tincidunt, finibus sollicitudin sem euismod. Vivamus sit amet erat in nisi consequat efficitur. Duis nec turpis sed libero lacinia aliquam id quis augue. Pellentesque malesuada, mi vel fringilla sagittis, leo nibh viverra augue, luctus suscipit dui erat ut orci. Quisque porta purus ac augue suscipit viverra. Mauris id magna interdum dolor consequat rhoncus non in sapien. Morbi sem justo, condimentum quis porta id, fermentum ut dolor. Duis nisl lorem, venenatis id nibh non, faucibus tempus tortor. Proin vel felis arcu. Integer commodo, odio a vestibulum semper, ex lorem fringilla nunc, eget convallis lacus orci non neque. Morbi molestie eros id imperdiet cursus. Proin commodo metus in ipsum auctor, vitae aliquet justo finibus. Sed vel sollicitudin lectus. Ut venenatis, arcu ac dictum efficitur, justo metus gravida lectus, vel consequat tortor sapien eget eros. Donec sed orci at sem cursus finibus. In vel justo et enim elementum suscipit. Praesent suscipit mauris quis lorem posuere, quis fringilla tortor venenatis. Curabitur tellus

sapien, aliquam quis tellus a, condimentum pellentesque lectus.Praesent quis imperdiet augue. Mauris ut dictum mauris. Curabitur orci libero, feugiat sit amet dignissim a, sollicitudin eu eros. Proin suscipit mollis ultricies. Nunc mattis dui venenatis magna dapibus feugiat. Donec bibendum nisi enim, auctor maximus lectus vehicula id. Maecenas sollicitudin, mi in elementum gravida, nibh lacus ultricies nibh, sit amet fringilla erat nunc in dui. Phasellus sit amet arcu eu felis scelerisque tempus id in nibh. Nullam sit amet elit nec purus rhoncus accumsan vel eu nisl. Aenean non ligula nec augue lobortis lacinia. Integer tincidunt, est sit amet fringilla hendrerit, magna nunc placerat enim, quis pretium nulla augue id elit. Duis quis arcu tincidunt, mattis eros vel, vulputate mauris. Etiam malesuada est libero, at efficitur ante pellentesque vitae. Nam aliquam eget nibh ut luctus. Praesent nec gravida elit, sed rhoncus lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent non nisi tristique, aliquam urna eget, lobortis purus. Morbi sed leo at velit sollicitudin consequat id a quam. Vestibulum fringilla, lectus id pretium fermentum, odio nisl facilisis elit,

in rutrum purus neque non quam. Quisque sollicitudin eget sem non commodo. Aenean in ullamcorper nisl. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc nisl erat, placerat a sapien sit amet, eleifend dignissim neque. Proin euismod nibh nec justo sodales, ut accumsan quam scelerisque. Vestibulum fermentum lacus elit, sed pulvinar risus aliquet sed. Sed laoreet diam vitae ante suscipit venenatis. Nulla at feugiat ipsum. Aenean finibus augue eu metus auctor, ac fermentum ex tincidunt. Nunc sed quam augue. Nam sit amet erat mauris. Cras et magna rutrum lorem gravida lacinia. Vivamus sed volutpat nisi. Suspendisse nec lorem quis lectus lacinia ornare. Nulla euismod nulla orci, vitae faucibus lacus hendrerit vel. Quisque sapien diam, feugiat eu rutrum at, venenatis quis risus. Donec fringilla purus id libero rutrum ultrices. Aenean accumsan faucibus tincidunt. Aliquam dapibus, ligula ac rutrum iaculis, nulla ex congue tortor, id convallis risus nulla sed nunc. Vivamus vestibulum nec arcu vitae fringilla. Ut pharetra, enim at feugiat euismod, lectus diam aliquet nisi, vel sagittis enim dui eu dui.


Students in Siba’s graphic design program use hand illustration, digital illustration, photo-editing software, and layout software to create visual elements such as logos and original images, as well as develop layout for web pages, advertisements, promotional displays, packaging, signage, interactive media, brochures, magazines, and other publications.

Donec consequat mauris eu orci consectetur consectetur. Integer quis commodo mi, ac commodo tellus. Morbi a nisl justo. Praesent dapibus auctor nisl eget vulputate. Maecenas vel mauris et lectus vestibulum vestibulum a eget libero. Fusce faucibus aliquam porta. Nullam auctor metus in interdum varius. Pellentesque tristique quam et quam molestie, a accumsan purus mattis. Etiam sed cursus nulla, id tincidunt augue. Sed est elit, tincidunt iaculis condimentum a, rhoncus eu sem. Maecenas volutpat enim nec quam consectetur, ac luctus elit finibus. Sed sollicitudin egestas consequat. In tortor tortor, faucibus sed lacus et, semper tempus lacus. Sed dapibus erat at lorem hendrerit blandit. Aliquam et suscipit ante, eleifend consequat ex. Sed sit amet tincidunt est, non pretium lectus. Morbi tristique, erat vitae elementum consectetur, dolor dolor sollicitudin augue, sed posuere purus odio ut massa. Phasellus vel augue malesuada, dignissim orci vel, interdum leo. Donec auctor, nibh dapibus ullamcorper mollis, turpis metus mollis nibh, vel eleifend nulla risus ullamcorper ex. Praesent tortor eros, commodo sit amet


faucibus sit amet, eleifend in nisi. Fusce facilisis velit nec condimentum molestie. Phasellus tempor elit in metus laoreet blandit. Aliquam viverra congue nulla blandit mattis. Nulla tempor sapien non urna elementum, quis dictum mi blandit. Proin at metus porttitor nunc mollis porta. Morbi et eros risus. Pellentesque commodo, quam et fermentum venenatis, nunc ante consequat sem, mattis lacinia ipsum lacus vel nisi. Aenean id dolor eu est eleifend ultrices vel non dui. Integer ullamcorper maximus nibh nec tincidunt. Sed sed congue arcu, ut varius libero. Mauris elementum nunc in eros dapibus, ac pulvinar risus sagittis. Morbi eget elementum est, eu gravida velit. Vestibulum nec consequat ante. In in lectus euismod, sagittis sem vitae, consectetur risus. Quisque luctus neque nulla, ac finibus nisi pulvinar egestas. Nulla ornare varius erat, a malesuada risus elementum quis. Proin eget pretium neque. Curabitur sed enim vel sapien euismod commodo. Praesent sollicitudin lorem


Students in Siba’s graphic design program use hand illustration, digital illustration, photo-editing software, and layout software to create visual elements such as logos and original images, as well as develop layout for web pages, advertisements, promotional displays, packaging, signage, interactive media, brochures, magazines, and other publications.

Donec consequat mauris eu orci consectetur consectetur. Integer quis commodo mi, ac commodo tellus. Morbi a nisl justo. Praesent dapibus auctor nisl eget vulputate. Maecenas vel mauris et lectus vestibulum vestibulum a eget libero. Fusce faucibus aliquam porta. Nullam auctor metus in interdum varius. Pellentesque tristique quam et quam molestie, a accumsan purus mattis. Etiam sed cursus nulla, id tincidunt augue. Sed est elit, tincidunt iaculis condimentum a, rhoncus eu sem. Maecenas volutpat enim nec quam consectetur, ac luctus elit finibus. Sed sollicitudin egestas consequat. In tortor tortor, faucibus sed lacus et, semper tempus lacus. Sed dapibus erat at lorem hendrerit blandit. Aliquam et suscipit ante, eleifend consequat ex. Sed sit amet tincidunt est, non pretium lectus. Morbi tristique, erat vitae elementum consectetur, dolor dolor sollicitudin augue, sed posuere purus odio ut massa. Phasellus vel augue malesuada, dignissim orci vel, interdum leo. Donec auctor, nibh dapibus ullamcorper mollis, turpis metus mollis nibh, vel eleifend nulla risus ullamcorper ex. Praesent tortor eros, commodo sit amet


faucibus sit amet, eleifend in nisi. Fusce facilisis velit nec condimentum molestie. Phasellus tempor elit in metus laoreet blandit. Aliquam viverra congue nulla blandit mattis. Nulla tempor sapien non urna elementum, quis dictum mi blandit. Proin at metus porttitor nunc mollis porta. Morbi et eros risus. Pellentesque commodo, quam et fermentum venenatis, nunc ante consequat sem, mattis lacinia ipsum lacus vel nisi. Aenean id dolor eu est eleifend ultrices vel non dui. Integer ullamcorper maximus nibh nec tincidunt. Sed sed congue arcu, ut varius libero. Mauris elementum nunc in eros dapibus, ac pulvinar risus sagittis. Morbi eget elementum est, eu gravida velit. Vestibulum nec consequat ante. In in lectus euismod, sagittis sem vitae, consectetur risus. Quisque luctus neque nulla, ac finibus nisi pulvinar egestas. Nulla ornare varius erat, a malesuada risus elementum quis. Proin eget pretium neque. Curabitur sed enim vel sapien euismod commodo. Praesent sollicitudin lorem


nec dignissim tempor. Donec molestie urna pharetra dolor pulvinar convallis. Vestibulum lacus diam, dapibus Nat rhoncus aliquam, pellentesque at est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In interdum magna sit amet purus cursus dignissim eu quis lorem. Nam id mauris orci. In eleifend accumsan dapibus. Integer bibendum, quam a fringilla volutpat, libero lorem faucibus dolor, in varius tortor ipsum quis odio. Nullam varius libero felis, in porta purus viverra sed. Donec scelerisque, diam sit amet accumsan molestie, nunc ex commodo justo, eget finibus urna neque nec lacus. Ut vitae venenatis enim. Quisque auctor pellentesque sapien, vel accumsan velit imperdiet sed. Sed id risus turpis. Praesent tristique tellus ac ex imperdiet, quis ornare nulla tincidunt. Nulla quis imperdiet felis. Maecenas laoreet nulla quis sodales porttitor. Fusce porta id magna at fermentum. Mauris eu imperdiet dolor. Vestibulum tempus dui consequat


dui porttitor molestie eget sed arcu. Pellentesque placerat quam non mauris vulputate consequat. Proin scelerisque mauris mauris, at sagittis tortor sagittis at.

Nulla rhoncus fermentum tellus, ac elementum magna molestie nec. Ut elementum vulputate ornare. Cras sodales fermentum auctor.

Nam mattis sodales lorem eget lobortis. Praesent blandit, ligula a lobortis porta, orci metus lacinia ligula, nec condimentum justo metus ac quam.

Sed vitae nisl egestas, sodales velit quis, ullamcorper justo. Curabitur justo massa, venenatis at ipsum at, aliquam volutpat tellus. Aliquam ac ultricies lacus. Sed faucibus nisl ligula, vel ullamcorper urna rhoncus at. Donec ligula nisl, malesuada sed mi sed, laoreet cursus ex. Curabitur et fringilla mauris, non faucibus lectus. Nam varius tristique aliquam.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec felis urna, blandit in pulvinar et, pulvinar at sem. Donec ornare elementum mi nec sodales. Etiam ut lorem eu turpis sodales aliquam eu ac ante. Suspendisse dictum ultrices ligula, quis sollicitudin nunc volutpat nec. Donec leo tellus, malesuada ac tortor id, dictum viverra sapien. Nam nisl justo, semper maximus diam et, facilisis blandit nisi. Etiam luctus augue non sem auctor, ac ornare purus posuere. Curabitur in sem erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer mollis feugiat varius.

Vivamus varius, nunc eget cursus pellentesque, nisi ex dictum ligula, non aliquet leo libero nec nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus pharetra dolor vulputate arcu convallis feugiat. Nulla accumsan, nisl nec tempor dictum, libero nibh congue lectus, efficitur venenatis lorem ipsum at ligula. Nulla at mauris commodo, lobortis nisl consectetur, hendrerit velit. Vivamus eu justo at libero mollis fermentum. Etiam mi libero, fringilla nec massa in, varius mattis

dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec a aliquet odio. Quisque enim felis, commodo eget leo vel, tincidunt ultrices lorem. Integer efficitur neque a maximus egestas. Ut malesuada ipsum urna, et luctus enim lacinia at. Donec vitae aliquet lectus, vitae molestie neque. Vivamus in tortor nunc. Ut turpis nulla, tristique quis lorem in, laoreet lacinia dolor. Nulla porttitor lectus nec venenatis fringilla. Aenean rhoncus finibus commodo. Nullam malesuada lobortis urna eget aliquet. Nunc convallis metus eu porttitor congue. Nulla quis congue mauris. Nulla blandit eu sapien nec convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam nec nisl non diam consectetur mollis vel scelerisque nulla. Sed ultricies molestie lorem at tincidunt. Curabitur sed tincidunt augue. Sed posuere velit ac facilisis feugiat. Morbi in est magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce erat lorem, rhoncus


nec dignissim tempor. Donec molestie urna pharetra dolor pulvinar convallis. Vestibulum lacus diam, dapibus Nat rhoncus aliquam, pellentesque at est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In interdum magna sit amet purus cursus dignissim eu quis lorem. Nam id mauris orci. In eleifend accumsan dapibus. Integer bibendum, quam a fringilla volutpat, libero lorem faucibus dolor, in varius tortor ipsum quis odio. Nullam varius libero felis, in porta purus viverra sed. Donec scelerisque, diam sit amet accumsan molestie, nunc ex commodo justo, eget finibus urna neque nec lacus. Ut vitae venenatis enim. Quisque auctor pellentesque sapien, vel accumsan velit imperdiet sed. Sed id risus turpis. Praesent tristique tellus ac ex imperdiet, quis ornare nulla tincidunt. Nulla quis imperdiet felis. Maecenas laoreet nulla quis sodales porttitor. Fusce porta id magna at fermentum. Mauris eu imperdiet dolor. Vestibulum tempus dui consequat


dui porttitor molestie eget sed arcu. Pellentesque placerat quam non mauris vulputate consequat. Proin scelerisque mauris mauris, at sagittis tortor sagittis at.

Nulla rhoncus fermentum tellus, ac elementum magna molestie nec. Ut elementum vulputate ornare. Cras sodales fermentum auctor.

Nam mattis sodales lorem eget lobortis. Praesent blandit, ligula a lobortis porta, orci metus lacinia ligula, nec condimentum justo metus ac quam.

Sed vitae nisl egestas, sodales velit quis, ullamcorper justo. Curabitur justo massa, venenatis at ipsum at, aliquam volutpat tellus. Aliquam ac ultricies lacus. Sed faucibus nisl ligula, vel ullamcorper urna rhoncus at. Donec ligula nisl, malesuada sed mi sed, laoreet cursus ex. Curabitur et fringilla mauris, non faucibus lectus. Nam varius tristique aliquam.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec felis urna, blandit in pulvinar et, pulvinar at sem. Donec ornare elementum mi nec sodales. Etiam ut lorem eu turpis sodales aliquam eu ac ante. Suspendisse dictum ultrices ligula, quis sollicitudin nunc volutpat nec. Donec leo tellus, malesuada ac tortor id, dictum viverra sapien. Nam nisl justo, semper maximus diam et, facilisis blandit nisi. Etiam luctus augue non sem auctor, ac ornare purus posuere. Curabitur in sem erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer mollis feugiat varius.

Vivamus varius, nunc eget cursus pellentesque, nisi ex dictum ligula, non aliquet leo libero nec nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus pharetra dolor vulputate arcu convallis feugiat. Nulla accumsan, nisl nec tempor dictum, libero nibh congue lectus, efficitur venenatis lorem ipsum at ligula. Nulla at mauris commodo, lobortis nisl consectetur, hendrerit velit. Vivamus eu justo at libero mollis fermentum. Etiam mi libero, fringilla nec massa in, varius mattis

dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec a aliquet odio. Quisque enim felis, commodo eget leo vel, tincidunt ultrices lorem. Integer efficitur neque a maximus egestas. Ut malesuada ipsum urna, et luctus enim lacinia at. Donec vitae aliquet lectus, vitae molestie neque. Vivamus in tortor nunc. Ut turpis nulla, tristique quis lorem in, laoreet lacinia dolor. Nulla porttitor lectus nec venenatis fringilla. Aenean rhoncus finibus commodo. Nullam malesuada lobortis urna eget aliquet. Nunc convallis metus eu porttitor congue. Nulla quis congue mauris. Nulla blandit eu sapien nec convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam nec nisl non diam consectetur mollis vel scelerisque nulla. Sed ultricies molestie lorem at tincidunt. Curabitur sed tincidunt augue. Sed posuere velit ac facilisis feugiat. Morbi in est magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce erat lorem, rhoncus


Come Come to to St. St. Louis Louis this this holiday holiday season. season. Enjoy Enjoy the the magical magical feel feel of of Christmas Christmas here here in in St. St. Louis. Louis. No No matter matter where where you’re you’re from, from, you’ll you’ll always always be be home home for for the the holidays. holidays.

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