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The Gifts & Messages in Your Emotions by Morella Devost, EdM, MA
Photo by Geert Pieters
magine yourself as a musical instrument. Pretend for a moment that you’re a piano, or a guitar, or a drum.
Imagine the edges of your body being the walls of the instrument, and imagine feeling the hollowness inside — your body is the resonance chamber for the sound your particular instrument will emit. Now imagine the music being played — the waves of sound moving through the piano, the guitar, or the drum. You know that these vibrations, though invisible, are absolutely real. You can hear them. The walls of the instrument are moving to the rhythm and frequency of the waves of sound being produced by each piano key, each guitar string, or each wrap or beat of the drum-hide. That’s exactly what happens with your emotions and your body. In fact, sound is the perfect metaphor for emotions. They are
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both very real vibrations that we can’t normally see, but we do perceive them with other sensory organs — our ears, in the case of sound, and our kinesthetic and chemical receptors in our bodies in the case of emotions. Each emotion carries a specific frequency that is measurable in Hertz (just like sound); the highest-frequency emotions being peace, joy, and love, and the lowest frequency emotions being shame, guilt, and apathy. Just as you hear the waves of sound moving through space, the vibrations of your emotions are not only clearly felt within your body, but they too are projected into the space around you. That’s why if someone is in a really bad mood or “vibe” when they walk into a room, you can often notice the change in the room. The person doesn’t need to say anything in order for you to know that they’re not feeling joyful or at peace. Same thing