7 minute read

Hope is Contagious

by Maria Sylvester, MSW, CPC

Hope is contagious—extremely so. Beware, it seems to be spreading at alarming rates.


It presents us with daily unexpected surprises and challenges, especially in its capacity to ignite a fierce fire in our bodies, minds, and hearts. It’s a fire infused with determination and perseverance. And for some, the final stages of this condition may morph into something called the Indomitable Spirit Syndrome.

Hope symptoms, for many, come on quite slowly and are often barely detectable—a flicker of possibility, a hint of inspiration, a whisper of a hopeful thought. Along with these subtle increases in positive cellular energies, those experiencing Hope often evidence a mild-to-severe decrease in apprehension and disheartenment, as well as a rather abrupt lifting of despair and pessimism. Many carriers of Hope have also noted a sudden onset of heightened personal energy and overall sense of wellbeing. As a life coach on a mission to help individuals live juicy, rich, dynamic lives, I’m intent on studying the key dynamics of the spread of Hope. I became curious due to rumors about how, if a person was infected, they supposedly experienced a greater sense of self-fulfillment and contentment. Interesting, huh?

After extensive gathering of data, here’s what I’ve determined. Facts point strongly to a condition that can appear mere seconds after exposure to someone carrying hopeful thoughts, feelings, or attitudes. These energies don’t even need to be outwardly expressed. Contagion occurs regardless!

Hope’s possible symptom spectrum is vast. However, do note that not all of the symptoms I mention need be present to confirm a diagnosis. One might, for instance, appear otherwise asymptomatic but for a slight show of goosebumps. These goosebumps are indicative of excitement—a key emotion in the vast transmission of Hope. Typically, after the show of goosebumps, or even a slight upturn of the lips that could be the registering of a smile, the condition moves quickly inward. There is an expanding of the heart muscle and an opening of the throat chakra. These two heightened body states are symptoms— indicators, really—of love and good will. Temperament shifts have also been observed in numerous individuals—including, but not limited to, states of massive calmness, peace, and tranquility. Sleep rhythms are said to also improve.

Test results on the extreme contagiousness of Hope have evidenced an exceptional hardiness in the cell structures of individuals harboring the state, fueling speculation that resilience and resourcefulness are born out of the condition. Another awe-inspiring finding is that when the infected individual can attend to each and every hope-whisper or positive thought that surfaces (and truly align with those forces), they are greatly empowered and gently transformed. Next comes a compulsion to reach out. Compassion and empathetic states accompany the impulse. This, then, is where the extreme community contagion factor comes into play.

Hope travels quickly from one individual to another. It’s highly transmittable, especially from those individuals who’ve been manifesting the spirit of it for extended periods. Under these conditions, Hope is a state almost impossible to contain. Entire families, neighborhoods, and communities are seriously impacted.

Examples of the powerful spread can be seen, for instance, in the ways some extended families, previously detached and disconnected from each other, have gathered over video calls stay in touch. Such behavior, unheard of prior to contracting Hope, has additionally resulted in something that also helps boost immunity and strengthens overall wellbeing—it’s something referred to as Meaningful Engagement. For example, family puzzle and game nights, as well as creative cooking extravaganzas and long, leisurely walks in nature, have surfaced as secondary symptoms. Indeed, lives are greatly altered when under the spell of Hope. Some have even referred to it as a “portal of grace” and a “possibility opening.” Unusual, to say the least.

The effects of extreme isolation, hardship, illness, and trauma have also been greatly mitigated when Hope, combined with heartfelt human connection, are present. Miraculously, this seems to be a statistic world-wide, with photo documentation to support this finding. Neighbors reaching out to neighbors—offering waves, kind words, grocery runs, or drive-by birthday greetings—

have resulted in the rapid spread of similarly infectious love and care. Regardless of country or continent, people seem much more awake and aware of each other.

Then there are times when entire communities have rallied toward the good of all, creating beautiful music together from their balconies, posting hope-infused messages of appreciation, offering emotional encouragement, and even financial support to its members. The optimism that such good deeds generate contributes to the explosion of the Hope condition we have witnessed. And when healthcare professionals, as well as all those courageous individuals on the front lines, are recognized and applauded for their life-risking service, Hope grows exponentially stronger.

Indeed, the contagiousness of Hope multiplies, spreading in the air like little droplets of magic with each and every outstretched hand, caring thought, act of kindness, or unconditional love. It’s clearly a human condition that is here to stay, best not silenced or suppressed in any form. Carriers should give the symptoms immediate attention, honor, and respect, and not try to ride the condition out privately or in isolation.

Most miraculously, we understand that for those infected, what also develops as symptoms intensify is a massive urge to directly communicate and live out a message of Hope. This occurs as the infected individual discovers that what felt previously insurmountable when struggling through tough times, tragedy, or personal adversity now seems manageable. This time around, it’s not temperatures that rise, but rather Hope.

So, dear reader, I invite you to begin preparing for how you’ll take action should you catch this contagion. Perhaps you already have it. Stay alert; the condition may strike unexpectedly, forcing you to take immediate steps toward creating a brilliant, new masterpiece of your life. It will empower you to trust and believe in yourself, your relationships, and your ability to make amazing things happen, even in the midst of hard times.

Maria Sylvester, MSW, CPC is a certified Life Coach in Ann Arbor, MI who loves empowering adolescents, adults, and couples to live from the HEART of what really matters to them so that they can bring their fully expressed, vibrant selves into the world. She has a special gift for helping women reclaim their feminine power, and embrace their radiant, sensual, sexy spirits. Their lives transform. They soar into their mid-life magnificence! www.lifeempowermentcoaching.com Instagram: @life_coach_maria Facebook: www.facebook.com/LifeEmpowermentCoaching

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