Re-Cycle 'Making Denver Better' Pitch Booklet

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greetings from

denver, Colorado The Mile High City About The city of Denver has many great things to offer. A bustling city life, delectable restaurants, performing arts, outdoor shopping areas, sports, dog parks, boastful street art, microbreweries, nightlife, music... Ah, yes, and one can’t forget those breathtaking Rocky Mountains.

For a city who seems to have it all, we start to wonder, “Where can we go up from here?”. Well, it’s one thing that Denver knows about is climbing higher. As one of the most progressive cities in the United States, it’s always pushing to be greater.


culture growing a healthy community always on the move Denver loves catering to an active, healthy lifestyle. In many different parts of the city, there are bikes ready to rent for a day if you get the sudden spark to travel on wheels. There are also several different scenic bike paths around to get away from the traffic.

Parks are also great recreational areas that Denver has to offer. There are jogging paths right outside the city that wrap around a trickling waterfall. Denver also is host to a skate park and many other recreational areas.


Communitygrowing a The city of Denver has a continuously growing community of health conscious individuals. A growing market along side the active lifestyle is health food. There are already great selections of health food, but there can always be more and better.

What we put in our bodies is becoming the main topic in obtaining optimal health.

But not everything is


There are crucial areas of Denver that need improvement.


unused buildings


Some of the trash receptacles you’ll see in Denver are like the trash bins above. These particular ones are out in the open next to the Denver Skate Park and Commons Park. This is not only unattractive, but I also is regressive in the recycling initiative.

It’s surprising walking down a very popular street filled with new businesses and seeing an old abandoned building. These buildings are an eyesore, but they have great potential for renovation and new business.

With cities comes traffic and smog. Although Denver does have a great metro transportation system, there are also measures we can take to make the air cleaner for people to breathe.

Th is b ui ld in g si ts em pt y on M a r k et St r ee t, r ig h t a cr os s fr om po pu la r r es ta ur a n ts a n d b a r s. th e st r ee t in fr on t of it is co v er ed w it h sc at te r ed gl a ss sh a r d s fr om b r ok en b ee r b ot tl es .

An ned o d n a b a g on buildin eet Str Market g for a itin s i t s w a r m at i o n . transfo


ugly before This old brick building on Market Street is in need of an up cycle to help make downtown beautiful. Located right next to the popular Larimere Street

that runs deep with eye catching eateries and shops, this building can be a drag for passerby heading downtown. Although drab, this building is in a great location and has fantastic potential to bring people together in an extraordinary way and add culture to the inner city of Downtown Denver.

This building has fantastic potential to bring people together in an extraordinary way and add culture to the inner city of Downtown Denver.


solution the green room Imagine a space that grows it’s own fresh produce in-house and welcomes people of all walks of life. This is what we have created for The Green Room. This newly renovated, energy efficient building has something for everyone. The Green Room features open doors to gardening, where you can watch through glass walls how indoor organic growing is done. They also host workshops to teach people of all ages what they need to know about gardening. These hands-on teaching techniques will help create a consciousness about growing your own food for sustainability. Along with giving back to the community with free workshops, The Green Room will also feature a welcoming eatery, juice bar, and lounge as a great energetic meeting and dining space. Featuring free wifi and industrial seating, The Green Room will serve as a host for students and businessmen alike to share in the vivacious environment of fresh growing plants.

Along with giving back to the community with free workshops, The Green Room will also feature a welcoming eatery, juice bar, and lounge as a great energetic meeting and dining space.


inside scoop the learning room The process of sustainable growing organic produce indoors does take a lot of ingenuity. In order to create an energy-efficient indoor growing company, The Green Room will need a lot of natural sunlight. We will need to make the back wall and ceilings mostly glass windows, which will make for a very open-aired environment for everyone. The plants will be stacked vertically in order to make the best use of space for the building. We will also need solar panels to power the lamps needed for darker days. The back doors to the building will open up to a back patio, where there will be many plants growing in the natural sunlight when the weather permits. This will create a natural relaxing lounge area for customers.

The process of sustainable growing organic produce indoors does take a lot of ingenuity.

in conclusion The Green Room will be a step further in resolving some of the issues facing Denver.

recycling & composting The Green Room will only serve items that are able to be composted, and will compost all food scraps left from the cafe and juice bar. The business will also host community clean up projects for downtown to help keep the city clean.

renovation & upcycle Creating The Green Room will mean reusing the abandoned buildings that are already there. This will cut construction costs and will also bring new business to the area.

Plants Clean Air The plants growing in and around The Green Room will aid in eliminating toxins from the air. Hosting community workshops to help raise awareness of gardening will also help spread the clean air.

by Sarah Foley

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